Complished SPOSAD

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2015 MOE Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts & Design

104年度 教育部 藝術與設計菁英 海外培訓研習營 產品設計組











教育部 10 4年度藝術與設計菁英海外培訓計畫

2 01 5 MO E S c h o l a r s h i p P r o g r a m f or O vers eas S tudy in A rts & D es ign 教育部「藝術與設計菁英海外培訓計畫」是為配合行政院所推動的國家重點 計畫:「文化創意產業」發展計畫,以及教育部相對應之「大學校院藝術與設計 系所人才培育計畫」,所規劃實施的人力品質提昇專案,希望藉此培育文化創意 產業所亟需的高級人才。 菁培計畫之培訓領域分為「平面設計組」、「數位媒體組」、「產品設計組 」,其中平面組及數媒組由國立雲林科技大學數位媒體系承辦;產品設計組則由 國立成功大學工業設計系承辦。透過公開徵選、書面資料審查、培訓研習營等方 式,審慎遴選國內優秀設計菁英前往海外設計名校進行為期一年之進修培訓,藉 以培養產品設計界頂尖菁英,提升設計專業能力並拓展國際視野。 本計畫期冀以學校現有資源為基礎,整合國際教學資源、延伸產學合作之溝 通網絡。透過本計畫培育之設計人才,除創意思考外,將提昇前瞻設計研究及設 計實務技巧之專業能力,以適應日益多元的科技發展、文化轉變和就業市場。此 外,海外菁英培訓學員在學成歸國後,除了將海外寶貴的課程學習、企業實習經 驗,回饋分享給未來計畫的培訓學員之外,亦可提供校內同儕共同學習、成長、 相互激勵的機會,以活絡、建立並連結國內外設計專才教育的回流網絡,加強多 元文化創意產業人才培育,帶動創意產業整體的發展水準與水平之提昇。

產 品組 培訓研習營活動簡介 本組承辦單位於104年7月27日至8月5日於成功大學舉辦為期10日之「菁培 計畫產品設計組培訓研習營」,由美國Art Center College of Design及 College for Creative Studies、英國Royal College of Art、荷蘭Delft Universuty of Technology、德國School of Art and Design Berlin-Weissensee、日本Chiba University及Musashino Art University等7所海外合作學校派教師代表,以及國 內知名業界設計師前來擔任研習營師資,指導同學完成設計案。研習營結合設計 概念與實務的多方面課程,彼此交流切磋,希冀給予參與學員多角度視野,了解 海外各校設計教育方針及教學風格,增進國際合作的溝通網絡。

I ntrod uc t i o n The MOE Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts and Design (SPOSAD) is sponsored by Ministry of Education in Taiwan. There are 3 categories in this program which includes digital media design,graphic design,and product design. Department of Industrial design in National Cheng Kung University is the executive organization to charge the product design group. Being a leading industrial design profession in Taiwan both nationally and internationally, we are sincerely to invite several world class product design universities to cooperate with NCKU for the MOE Scholarship program. Seven famous worldwide international universities have been joined into this program, which include Art Center College of Design in U.S., College for Creative Studies in U.S., Royal College of Art in U.K., Delft University of Technology in Netherlands, School of Art and Design Berlin-Weissensee in Germany, Chiba University in Japan and Musashino Art University in Japan. Professors from those universities are invited to attend a design workshop held in department of industrial design in National Cheng Kung University every year since 2008. We select 30 students from design universities and colleges all over Taiwan to participate this ten day workshop. The selected students will attend design lecture and tutorial, and also need to complete a design project to demonstrate their design talent. From those design activities, we and partner schools from overseas will finally select seven talented young designer students among hundred pre-screened articipants to study abroad for one year with full scholarship from MOE. The aim of this MOE Scholarship program is helping students not only learning the design knowledge from those worldwide universities but also cultivate their own worldview. For the past nine years,there are 62 students made their dream come true to study aboard in product design group. This program also aims to: 1.Promote knowledge, understanding and friendship between people in Taiwan and in countries around the worid. 2.Provide opportunities to increase academic and educational links with international institutions of higher learning. 3.Develop outstanding professionals and experts to meet the needs of the glo-

培訓 研習營活動日程表 Date Time

8:00 8:30

7/27(Sun) DAY1

7/28(Mon) Breakfast DAY2

7/29(Thu) DAY3


7/30(Wed) Breakfast DAY4


12:00 12:30


17:00 18:00


15:00-16:00 Registration

Environment Introduction

09:00 Opening Ceremony and Theme Announcement


13:00-15:00 SPOSAD students’ Experience Sharing 15:00 Design Preparation


Design Preparation *18:30 Registration for Tutorial 1 and 2

09:30-12:20 Individual Tutorial 1


13:30-16:20 Individual Tutorial 2


Design Preparation *20:30 Preparation 1 Final Submission

09:00-12:00 Presentation 1: Idea Proposal


14:00 Lecture 1 15:00 Lecture 2 16:00 Lecture 3


Design Preparation *18:30 Registration for Tutorial 3 and 4

Dorm and Studio Assignment

7/31(Thu) DAY5


10:00-12:10 Individual Tutorial 3


Design Preparation


Design Preparation *18:30 Registration for Tutorial 5

8/1(Fri) DAY6


09:00 Lecture 4 10:00 Lecture 5 11:00 Lecture 6


13:30-15:20 Individual Tutorial 4


Design Preparation *20:30 Preparation 2 File Submission

8/2(Sat) DAY7


09:00-12:00 Presentation 2: Idea Sketch


15:00-17:10 Individual Tutorial 5


Design Preparation *18:30 Registration for Tutorial 6

8/3(Sun) DAY8


10:00-12:10 Individual Tutorial 6


Design Preparation


Design Preparation *20:30 Preparation 3 File Submission


09:00-12:00 Presentation 3: Final Project


Preparation 3: Final Project and Closing ceremony


Farewell Party

8/4(Mon) DAY9

8/5(Thu) DAY10

Check Out

培訓 研習營師資





Vincenzo Iavicoli

College for Creative Studies


Ian Ferguson

Royal College of Art


Willemine Biemond

Delft University of Technology

Lucas Bahle

School of Art and Design Berlin-Weissensee


Shinichi Inada 稻田真一

Musashino Art University


Kenta Ono 小野健太

Chiba University

Associate Professor












PEGA D&E 和碩設計








計畫 參與人員






國立成功大學工業設計系 副教授兼系主任



國立成功大學工業設計系 副教授



國立成功大學規劃與設計學院 院長



國立成功大學規劃與設計學院 副院長



國立成功大學工業設計系 教授



國立成功大學工業設計系 助理教授



國立成功大學工業設計系 副教授



國立成功大學工業設計系 專任助理


黃昱凱、黎芸姍、陳媛安、 黃文俐、傅 悅、謝欣芮、 魏儀杰、曹馨云、林孟蓉、 朱紹帆、洪慈妤、余佩勳、 鍾國俊、陳信安、吳秉諺、 謝 彤、張道恆、陳冠伶、 湯景雯、徐華錚、蔡靖慈、 吳京翰、郭顯齊




Tell Us Who You Work For! Design Integration & Clients


look at the most complicated aspect of design; the client!

Clients are the source of our business, the source of our briefs and can also the source of many frustrations. Different kinds of clients require such different things from us as designers. Working with a startup is very different from working with a large institution, and both are different from a ‘traditional’ design client. This talk will be an overview of projects from our studio and Platform 17 of the RCA, with aa look at how the client relationship shapes the projects and our roles as designers.

Ian Ferguson Tutor Royal College of Art, United Kingdom


M.A., Design Products, RCA, London, UK, 2007 B.S., Bachelor of Science, Art & Design, MIT, Cambridge, USA, 2000

Academic Experience

Royal College of Art London, UK Tutor 2011 – present London Metropolitan University London, UK First Year Coordinator, School of Architecture & Spatial Design 2010 – 2012 Tutor, School of Architecture & Spatial Design 2010 – 2012 Southern California Institute of Architecture Los Angeles, CA Studio Lecturer 2003 – 2005 co-lecturer with Peter Testa for MA architecture design studios University of California Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA Studio Lecturer 2004 co-lecturer with Kevin Daly for MA architecture design studios

Professional Experience Papafoxtrot Director PostlerFerguson Director Testa + Weiser Architects Designer Hideto Horiike + Urtopia Designer

London, UK 2011 – present London, UK 2007 – present Los Angeles, USA 2002 – 2005 Tokyo, Japan 2001

Design – behavior


here is a concise saying that behaivour is a way in which a natural phenomenon or a machine works or functions, so that the innate core of product behaviour created by the designers(or crafters)is a communication between users and designers with kinds of sense of motions and feelings. Most successful projects can fulfill tasks if every object's form follows function which can provoke users' behaviour change. Despit e the way s, "f ixed and f lexible", with opposite manners of real behaviours, there are some other new digit al levels to simulate the phsical appear ance and life-behaviour or autonomous objects to achieve t asks humans have done before.

Lucas Bahle

Tutor School of Art and Design Berlin-Weissensee, Germany


Diplom at the UdK-Berlin Erasmusexchange to the ENSAD (Paris) Industrial Design at the Universität der Künste in Berlin Civilian service (Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Munich) Abitur (Gabrieli-Gymnasium, Eichstätt)

Academic Experience

Optimization and Profilecreation for TOM 3D printer Knitic board, Fritzing-pcb modification assistance Modification of pcb in Fritzing and complete setup with soldering for KHB -knitic machine

Professional Experience

2011 – 2009 – 2005 – 2003 – 2003

present 2010 2011 2004

2012 – 2014 2014 – present

Research assistant for produc tdesign at the KHB-Weissensee 2011 – present 2011 – 2010 Diplom at UdK in cooperation with AUDI R&D-deparment 2008 – 2009 Internship at Eurocopter (Donauwörth). 2007 Graphics and exhibition stand design for Navispace (Munich). 2005 internship at SEAT in Mar torell, Spain 2004 – 2005 Internship at Flames consultancy in Panaji, Indien 2010 Tutor at the UdK-Berlin. 2008 Tutor at the CDK in Hangzhou, China (Par tneruniversity of the UdK).

Tool and Idea in Design


o day the border of design is becoming unclear and unclear by an expansion of design field. As the expansion of design means that a s t age designer s can play actively is expanded, it might be good situationfor designers, but also it is difficult situation for designers, because designers’ role and capability becomeunclear too. Sometime designers said "we can create anything tangible, because we have a perfect tool which isvisualization.". However not only a designer can create a new idea, other professions always need a creativeidea and actually they also create a new idea.

Kenta Ono Education

Associate Professor Chiba University, Japan

Ph.D., Design Management, Graduate School of Science and Technology, 2001 M.S., Design Management, Graduate School of Science and Technology, 1998 B.Eng., Industrial Design, Faculty of Engineering, 1996

Academic Experience

Chiba University, Chiba, Japan,

Chiba University Associate Professor, Department of Design Science Assistant Professor, Department of Design Science Assistant Professor, Design and Architecture Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Engineering Research Assistant, Graduate School of Science and Technology

Chiba, Japan May 2011 – Present Apr. 2007 – Apr. 2011 Apr. 2003 – Mar. 2007 Apr. 1996 – Mar. 2001 Apr. – Oct. 1999 Jun. – Dec. 1997

Royal College of Art Visiting Researcher, Innovation Design Engineering

UK Mar. 2011 – May 2011

Aalto University Visiting Researcher, School of Art and Design

Finland Sep. 2010 – Nov. 2010

College for Creative Studies Visiting Researcher

USA Jul. 2009 – Sep. 2008

Nanyang Technological University Senior Fellow

Singapore Jul. 2008 – Sep. 2008

Norwegian School of Management Visiting Researcher

Norway Jul. 2007 – Oct. 2007

Zollverein School of Management and Design Visiting Researcher Tsinghua University Visiting Lecturer, Academy of Art and Design

Professional Experience

Telecom Europe S.A. Designer, Design Studio, Mitsubishi Electric

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. Designer, Industrial Design Center

Germany May 2006 – Mar. 2007 China 2004, 2005 France May 2002 – Mar. 2003 Apr. 2001 – Apr. 2002


Japanese Society for the Science Design (JSSD) Board member

Apr. 2012 – present

Mobility Design

Shinichi Inada

Professor Musashino Art University, Japan


M.S., Industrial, Interior, and Craft Design,1980 B.A., Industrial, Interior, and Craft Design, 1978

MAU, Tokyo, Japan,

Academic Experience

Musashino Art University Professor, Department of Industrial, Interior, and Craft Design

Professional Experience

Toyota Motor Corporation, Design Div. General Manager, Design Administration Div. Toyota Motor Marketing & Engineering S.A. Design Studio Art Center(Europe) In-company study abroad program

Tokyo, Japan Apr. 2009 – present 1980 – 2013

Switzerland 1988 – 1989

Lecture part 1 : Mobility design. 1, Review a varietyof design developments through over 100 year’shistory of Mobility technology and Mobility design. 2, Explanation of Mobility design developmentprocess.Study an important point of a package layout based on Ergonomics. A primary packagelayout and a design concept making are an essential process for a good architectureof mobility design. 3, Explanation of the production car design process example. An accurate processmanagement and a consensus building process for idea developments are the key issues. Through the development, back and forth between hand skill and digitizing technology are effective process for 3-D modeling. 4, About the past and the future Mobility design. Review of the current design works which show several directions towards future mobility trends.

Lecture part 2 :

Introduction of Musashino Art University. 1, An overview of the Universityenvironment, and seven design courses of the Department of Industrial, Interior and Craft Design. 2, Introductionof the facility and student’s works at each seven design course.



he new design practice requires wide and well round expertise, new tools and critical thinking; edu cat or s ar e c hallenged to interpret changing and to identify methodologies to prepare the next generation of designers. This presentation introduces examples where students succeed to respond to the market demands blending traditional pedagogy with real world experiences.

Vincenzo Iavicoli

Professor / Designer/ Chair

College for Creative Studies, USA


M.S., Product Design, CCS, CA, USA, 1998 B.A., Industrial Design, ISIA, Florence, Italy, 1984

Academic Experience

College for Creative Studies Chairman and Professor, IDSA Education Award, Product Design Department Vice-Chair Faculty Executive Committee

Detroit, MI, USA Aug. 2007 – present 2010 – 2012

Polimoda Adjunct Faculty, Institute of Fashion, Design and Marketing Consultant

Florence, Italy Jan. 2002 – Jun. 2007 2004

Istituto Europeo di Design Consultant

Milan, Italy May 2001 – Oct. 2003

Fashion Institute of Technology Adjunct Faculty, Fashion Merchandising Department Art Center College of Design ACCD American Campus, Pasadena, CA Interim Chair, Environmental Design Department Corporate Liaison Member of the Corporate Advisory Council Acting Co-Chair, Product Design Department ACE European Campus, Switzerland Faculty, Product Design Department, Liberal Arts and Sciences Tama Art University Visiting Lecturer, Industrial Design Department Tsukuba University Visiting Professor, Industrial Design Department Syracuse University Adjunct Faculty, Studio Arts Program

Professional Experience

Iavicoli & Rossi Founder, Creative Director, Design Consultancy Salotto Dinamico Founder, Creative Director, Design Research Lab


Industrial Design Society of America (IDSA) Section Leader

Florence, Italy Sep. – Dec. 2002

Sep. 1996 – Dec. 2000

Sep. 1991 – Jun. 1996 Tokyo, Japan Nov. – Dec. 1990 Tsukuba, Japan Apr. 1988 – Mar. 1990 Florence, Italy Jan. – Dec. 1987

1985 – present Florence, Italy 1983 – 1985 2011 – present

TU Delft and

Design & Culture

• Domestic Culture of Dutch Turks • Multicultural office • Dutch food culture technological developments changing society economic climate globalisation

• Delft • TU Delft Faculties • Educational Structure (PH.D/M.D/B.D) • Design for our future

Willemine Biemond

Tutor Delft University of Technology, Netherland


MSc (and BSc), Industrial Design Engineering 1999 – 2007 Gymnasium/Tweetalig Onderwijs (Bilingual education - Dutch/English) 1993 - 1999

Academic Experience

Academic Counselor Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering 2011 – Delft University of Technology Coordinator International Affairs Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering 2008 – Delft University of Technology Adjunct Secretary 3TU.Education (board of education 3TU.Federation) 2007 – Delft University of Technology Coordinator MSc Summer School Delft University of Technology 2007 Organisor MSc Summer School Delft University of Technology 2004 –

Professional Experience

Academic Counselor Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering - Delft University of Technology Coordinator International Affairs Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering - Delft University of Technology

present present 2008 2006




本次設計要點: a. 將食用器具與多個文化的習俗及食用方式整合 b. 讓不同文化背景的人容易體驗及了解不同餐飲背後的文化精神 c. 界定所探討的文化限制 d. 分析飲食文化所隱含的精神及社會意義 e. 了解此文化中什麼該做與什麼不該做

設計主題說明 104 年產品組培訓研習營邀請到荷蘭 Delft University of Technology 大學 Willemine Biemond 教授命題,這次的設計主題 為「Design and Culture: Food "kit" project」,命題方向主 要探討,各個國家有其不同的飲食文化,以韓國為例,飲酒時不 能面對著長輩並且要蓋住嘴以示尊敬,故本次主旨在於要求學員 想出一種設計,可以讓不同文化背景的人體驗並了解不同文化餐 飲的製作及食用方式。 人們接觸不同文化時,很難在短時間內理解其他國家的生活 習慣與社交禮節,最初或許只能看到表徵,而不了解生成該文化 的歷史,必須慢慢深入當地後才能體會其信仰與禮節,過程中還 可能因為習慣的不同而造成彼此之間的誤解。 社會人文學家吉爾特 ‧ 霍夫斯塔德的「文化尺度」理論將 社會文化分成幾種面向:有些文化重視長幼有序,而有些則是人 人平等;有些思想讚揚當前享受,有些則著眼長遠發展。在這個 文化交融的時代裡,作為一個設計人,我們該如何將這些相異的 文化結合,找出互斥中的折衝點,同時簡化,使來自不同文化背 景的人們都能迅速上手,這便是學員在此次研習營中必須解決的 課題。 希望能夠藉由這次的題目,透過與老師的指導及同學彼此分 享意見,將食用器具與當地的習俗及食物進行整合,產出有助於 了解文化的設計案。

Wu, Ding, Tzu Wei - Hsien - Yuan

Chou, Ding, Wei Ya --Han Yuan

Ding, Wei - Yuan

Ding, Wei Hung, Wei- -Yuan Hsuan

Ding, Wei Yang, Zhu- -Yuan Ting

Ding, Wei Cheng , Fu- -Yuan Hsin

Chen, Yen -- Yuan Ling Ding, Wei

Ding, Wei Chang, Kuo - Yuan - Ping

Ding, Wei Chang, Wen - Yuan - Wei

Ding, Wei Chen, Huang - Yuan - Yu

Chen, Ding, Wei Huang - Yuan - Yu

Ding, Wei Shen, Yu - -Hao Yuan

Hung, Ding, Wei Chia - Yuan - Hao

Chen, Ding, Wei Yao--Yuan Shen

Chang Ding, Wei , Chia - Yuan - Ling

Ding, Lo , Ron Wei - Yuan

Ding, Lan , Kang Wei - Yuan - Hua

Ding, Lee, YaWei - Han - Yuan

Ding, Li, YunWei - Shan - Yuan

Liu, Ding, Kai Wei - Ping - Yuan

Ding, Wei Chien, Chia - Yuan - Yi

Pan, Ding,Guan Wei - -Yuan Hao

Ding,Yun Chu, Wei -- Hsuan Yuan

Ding, Wei Yang, Ya - -Jhu Yuan

Ding, Wu , Pei Wei - Hsuan - Yuan

Ding, Wei Zhong, Pei- -Cheng Yuan

Tang Ding, ,Wei Cheng - Yuan - Chun

Hsieh, Ding, Wei Yun- Yuan - Fu

Ding, Wei Chen, Chia- Yuan - Yu

Ding, Wei Huang, Shen - Yuan - Kuei





教 育部104年度「藝術與設計菁英海外培訓計畫」 『產品設計組』甄選備章

教育 部104年度「藝術 與設計菁英海外培訓計畫」 『產品設計 組』甄選學校一覽表

2015 MOE Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts & Design 主辦單位 Host Institutions 教育部 Ministry of Education

承辦單位 Organizer 國立成功大學工業設計學系 Department of Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University

發行人 Publisher 馬敏元 Ma, Min-Yuan

活動執行委員 Working Committee 吳豐光 Wu,Fong-Gong 陳建旭 Chen, Chien-Hsu 何俊亨 Ho, Chun-Heng 曾元琦 Tseng, Yuan-Chi

專案執行 Project Executive 鮑彥君 Pao, Yen-Chun

編輯小組 Editors 黃昱凱 Huang, Yui-Kai 黃文俐 Huang, Wen-Li 陳媛安 Chen, Yuan-An 黎芸姍 Li, Yun-Shan

聯絡資訊 Contact 國立成功大學工業設計學系 Department of Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University 701 台南市東區大學路1號 No.1, University Road, Tainan 701, Taiwan Tel: +886 6 275 7575 #54343 Fax: +886 6 274 6088

104年度 教育部 藝術與設計菁英 海外培訓研習營 產品設計組



教育部104年度 2015 MOE Scholarship Program for Overseas Study in Arts & Design

Ministry of Education, Taiwan

承辦單位 國立成功大學工業設計學系 Department of Industrial Design National Cheng Kung University


主辦單位 教育部

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