Pure 2011-2013

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The pure in the rough.


黃昱凱 Kim Huang

be a weird designer with endless ambition and desire for world of beauty.


未來目標 對過去的知識學以致用,並整合 公司專業領域技能,提升知識並 激發更多產品創意。



2012年八月―生活的五種風光 學員 「以聽學、嗅覺、視覺、味覺、觸覺感受 生活的美好風光」為目標,進行一連串有 趣的課程;參與的內容為植物染布和甜點 擺盤製作。

平面設計 圖象設計 書籍編排

影片剪輯 網頁設計 造型建模

學歷 成功大學


2012年十一月―小樹生活節 擺攤 集結了成大和台南地區的學生品牌、南部 地區創意商品品牌以及成大技轉育成中心 培育的設計品牌廠商,設立30個攤位以及 數百件藝術工作者的創意發想作品。

2012年四月―Double D 設計營 學員 與樹德科技大學學生進行工藝技術和設計 交流。並以台南意象為設計發想,於營期 結束後發表。 2011年十月―東南亞設計營 活動組員 2011年七月―第十一屆成大工設營


地址:嘉義市吳鳳北路115號 信箱:ilovemark2@gmail.com http://goo.gl/lNvhs 電話:+09 85627238

Add. 115 WuFeng North Road, Chiayi County Taiwan Email. ilovemark2@gmail.com FB. goo.gl/lNvhs Mobile. +09 85627238

About Kim

Objective Apply learned skills, with professional techniques in the future, to broaden knowledges and inspire much originality.

Skills Adobe Photoshop AdobeDreamweaver Adobe Illustrator Sony Vegas Adobe InDesoign Solidworks

Education National Cheng Kung University Industrial Design

Experience Sep2012~June 2013 the Head of NCKU ID Movie Nov 2012 participatd in 2012 Tainan Idea Life Aug 2012 participated in 5 senses of life April 2012 participated in Talent Cultivation Program for Smart Living Industry Application of Specific Materials Design Workshop October 2011 the Crew of Activities Section in Southeast Asia International Design Workshop July 2011 the Crew of Equipment Section in NCKUID Camp

兩分田 Playty+ 如此這般 Moon

目錄 6


CIS 識別設計 NCKUID DM CIS T-shirt 海報設計 字體設計

10... 22... 18... 28... 34... 38... 40... 42... 44...

48... 浪花 生活的五種風采 52.. 56... 榕園守護神


收錄大一到大三,完整度較高的幾項 8作品;包涵分工、產品細節、發想流程以 及模型製作等。

Featuring highly completed works in this part from a freshman to a junior, inclusive of team status, product details, process and moldup.



兩分田 主題: 自動澆花器 時間: 2012/4~2012/6 9週 Project: Auto-watering machine Processing time: for 9 weeks

合作夥伴: 諶志仁/謝昀澤/陳柏安 Partners: CHEN,JHIH-REN/ SIE,YUN-ZE/ JHEN,BO-AN



利用有限的機構, 解決生活上的問題 設計目標: 利用市面上樂高 mind-storm 系列 的玩具機器人。這款玩具的特色強 調可以編寫程式的軟體元件,具樂 高模組化的優勢分析,根據機構上 的限制並且重新組裝,設計出一個 在生活上可以解決問題的產品。

Solve the problems in life with decided machine. Need: Based on the LEGO robot, mindstorm series, which features fexible program combined with modular parts, we managed to design a product for solving probelms in our daily lives, and was restrained from the robot movements.


1 木製的底腳 2 面板和注水口 選擇植栽的類型,並每個月定 期補充機台的水量,就能夠交 給兩分田來照顧植栽,輕鬆的 收穫

3 植栽種植處 有兩個直徑約 30cm 的圓型植栽 種植物提供使用者種植

1 wood base 2 panel and Choose the type of plant, and refill the sink periodically, then autowatering machine will take care of the plant for you. 3 plant container about 30cm diameter


研究和發想 Concep&Research

提案過程 Brief 5W1H 1.why 健康養生的風氣盛行,渴望有一 片屬於自己的綠地;但繁複的流程和額 外的時間令人望之卻步,即使生活過得 再忙碌,也希望能夠輕輕鬆鬆照顧好花 草

2.where 充滿陽光的陽台 3.who 忙碌的上班族,約 20~40 歲的女 性,一個禮拜偶爾下廚幾次,有品味, 對自己所吃的東西是否天然健康很在 乎。 4.when 想要灌溉花草的任何時間 1 拆解和歸納 : 拆解 lego 後,分析結構


1 Disassembling Disassemble Lego, then analyze it

5.what 主要種少量葉菜類植物或香草植 物,約一季收成一次。採收後的植物可 料理成配菜或料理裝飾,或製作成香料 和花茶。有面板可以自由設定澆水頻率 (1-2 週澆水一次 ),並顯示液態肥料說 明表,只需要每個月左右定時補充水和 液態肥料即可,操作起來方便簡單

6.how 動作的拆解: 程式的設定→按下開關鈕→時間到 ( 澆 水 / 施肥 )

Why/ The concept of health is thriving. People

want to have a green land. But with the busy life, complicated procedure is a trouble. Where/ Everywhere under sunshine Who/ Busy workers who care about theirselves When/ Anytime What/ Herb Plants How/ set the machine>>turn on>>watering

2 解決生活上的問題: 從可利用的結構中,發想可 運用在設計上的問題

2 Solving problems Try to think of some problems that can be solved by Lego machine

草圖發想 Sketching


造型上的發想 想創造出女性會喜歡的 造型風格,擷取了水滴、 葉子、小發條等等造型, 在 多 處 有 R 角, 做 出 圓 潤感。

I want to create a style attracted to woman. I used water drops, leaves, spring and so on, as elements. And the round shaped can make it more smoothier.

製作 Manufacturing process


2 1. 機構


考量如何能夠自動灑水,再 開關的部分想出許多可能 性:沐浴乳擠壓式的噴嘴、 胡 椒 罐、 擠 壓 水 管、 水 龍 頭、飲水機開關、蓮蓬頭、 噴霧器等等


1.mindstorm 主機 / 搖桿 先以搖桿測試 2.mindstorm 機構 具螺旋,會縮短長短, 達到拉動的效果 3 水龍頭 往上扳即開啟

搭配 mind-storm 程式的修改, 測試如何讓水能夠順利流 1.Mindstorm engine/ rocker 2.Minstorm mechanics 通 3.Water tap

1. Mechanics Thinking about how to automatically watering, we had figured a large amount of possibilities: pepper bottle, pressed tube, tap, water dispenser, hower nozzle, spray

4 5 6 4~5. 樂高 / 點滴管 水的傳輸測試 6. 利用寶特瓶和油土 製作簡易的流動測 試。在成功率的考 量下,最後以樂高 組件中打氣的零件 完成

2. 界面


開關 / 手動加水 面板選擇植物

the switch on /off/ watering by hand choosing which kind of plant

4.~5.Lego/ Drop tube water transferring 6. We usded a lego part which pump the gas into the bottle, and the water would drop out

製作 Manufacturing process 1. 雛形 用 PU 製作出兩分田的造型 外觀,然後用 ABS 真空成形

1.mock-up made of PU foam core, vacuumed with ABS


15 2 2. 細修 使用上和細節上的調整 將外型確定,做最後修改

2.Improving checked the details and improved

3. 機構 將機構置入,調整至一切 能夠正常運作

3.Mechanics put them into the shell, adapted the mechanics to work


製作 Manufacturing process

4 4. 植物樣本採購 選擇適當的植物: 水需求量較低及收成 頻率較高的植栽

4. Plants Choosing appropriate plants. low watercomsumption and high haverest frequency.


5 5. 最後裝配 最後將所有步驟配件 組裝完成

5. Finished Assemble all parts.

收穫和心得 Review & Feedback 機構的協調與造型的整合 能夠從頭到尾思考整個 設計的脈絡,非常難能可貴。 在這個階段,思考機構配置 和造型的協調非常不容易, 考量到面板配置問題和整體 性等等,都讓我們小組內部 有不少爭執,不過最後成果 有所中仍然是好的。目前這 個產品仍有介面科技上的技 術問題沒有辦法解決,但是 很開心有這麼完整的設計企 畫。

It should be treasured that the design processing over all in this product. In this part, I think that the product movement and mechanics were uneasy. Whether the panel or whole function, we debated many times. But the final was fine. There were still some hi-techniques we haven't solved yet, but I was so happy to participated in this project.




主題: 學齡期兒童玩具 時間: 2012/11~2013/1 9週 Project: letter opener made of wood Processing time: for 1 week

合作夥伴: 梁玉萱/徐華錚 Partners: LIANG,YU-HSUAN/ HSU,HUA-CHENG




19 讓孩童學習如何 愛在分享 設計目標: 針對學齡前 1-7 歲幼兒設計一 產品,增加孩童與同儕間的互動交 流,一起培養分享能力及合作觀念, 和同伴在活動中相互學習,愛上分 享的快樂。

To Learn How To Share With Love Need: It’s designed for children between 1 and 7 years old, and aim to increase the interaction between them. Through sharing and cooperation, they can learn from each other with joy.

1 錄音 / 播放鈕 2 變聲器 旋轉時會製造不同動物音效

3 對著家人說 / 跟朋友說 讓孩子可以對著玩具說話,錄 音之後可以讓家人聽到;也可 以透過無線電跟附近的鄰居、 朋友玩遊戲

1 record/play 2 sound effect Switch to make different sound 3 tell to family/ to neighbor Childern can record their voice in this toy, and family can play the toy to listen to it. It can be used to talk to neighbors or friends nearby for joy.

研究和發想 Concep&Research


1. 參觀幼稚園

1.Visit Kindergarten


<New things> They’re curious and love the new things, although the game itself is not that interesting. <Imitation> It’s a performance of participation and identity. <Form> Children are smart. If you use lollipop as weapon, they will look down on you. Because the form of lollipop is lollipop, isn’t weapon. <Problem in sharing> They won’t share things actively unless teacher remind them.

《新鮮》 即使遊戲本身沒有很好玩,但 是新鮮的東西會吸引他們 《模仿》 一種參與感、認同感的詮釋 《創造玩法》 單純簡易的玩具,可以讓孩子 有天馬行空的玩法 《造型》 小孩子都很聰明,造型不對或 是感官印象關聯性不大。例如 拿棒棒糖誘導小朋友當作武 器,造型上毫無關聯,會被鄙 視、討厭 《分享障礙》 這個年齡層小朋友難以自發性 分享,須要有老師或兄長提醒


收穫和心得 Review & Feedback 科技和傳統的反思問題 這個計畫進行了半個學 期,第一次所針對的族群是 兒童,有很多都不了解,也 很難深入 ( 家裡沒有這麼小 的弟妹 ),但藉由僅有的實 地觀察,從小朋友身上學到 的卻是心理學在設計上的重 要性。雖然最後甚至有投稿 奇想設計大賽,可惜並沒有 入圍。從初賽結果中和其他 同類作品中比較,發現太科 技化的產品容易失去溫暖的 感覺並失去安全性,這是設 計初期沒有洞察的事情。

2. 分享的可能性 透過悄悄話的方式,偷偷傳遞感情。 利用傳聲筒傳遞分享,不僅跟朋友 分享,也跟家人分享。將紙杯型傳 統的傳聲筒形象,轉化成電子玩具 上加上類比訊號傳遞的功能,成為 一種對講機、一種玩具,一種傳遞 的方式。

2.Possibility of sharing Through whispering, pass the feelings privately. Telephone is used for sharing with not only friends but also family. Turn the image of paper telephone toy into electronic joy. Electronic toy’s analog signal can be a way to deliver and share.on’t share things actively unless teacher

The Tech and Tradition The project lasted for half semester. This was my first time to design for kids, and I didn’t know much about them. It was difficult for me, but I learned much from them and from the project that how Psychology is important in design.I competed my design in 2012 Great Design, but I hadn’t gotten any award. Comparing with others, I found my design was too technical, which sacrificed the feelings of warmness and safety.



主題: 木製拆信刀 合作夥伴: 獨力完成 時間: 2011/4 1週

Project: letter opener made of wood Partners: none Processing time: for 1 week




23 做出一支 「能吸引人目光」的拆信刀 設計目標: 松木或檜木,利用有限的木頭 塊材,製作一個小木造拆信刀必須 同時兼具造型和功能面。

Make a Fascinating Letter Opener Need: Making a wood letter opener which is inclusive of fascinating shape and function. The wood is decided from pine or juniper.

1-2 毛的質感 木頭製的毛紋理

3 拆信刀口 platy+ 的鴨口處是尖銳的,可 以割開信封口

1-2 Furry made of wood, furry texture 3 sharp opener The duck-billed section of Platy+ is sharp, used to open the letter.

研究和發想 Concep&Research 其實一開始交付尺寸時,就想 好要做甚麼。因為想做出一支「能 吸引人目光」的拆信刀,所以希望 能在拆信刀質感上多加著墨,便直 覺聯想到「有毛的動物」,主體比 較具象實際,剛好也跟拆信刀這樣 明確的主體相吻合。 在想造型三視圖的過程中,查 閱許多相關圖片和影片,藉此想更 了解造型結構上的細節。


The Idea flashed on me as I had to check the measurement. Because the purpose is to be fascinating. I hope the texture of the letter opener is unusual. And the furry animals' images were associating in thinking. The images were so concrete that they would be match this subject. As thinking about the shape, I looked up for many information and videos to catch on the outlined details.

老台南走訪 在製作拆信刀前,收集了 10 種 的木材製作一個簡易的雕塑品,過 程中走訪台南赤崁樓、安平和孔廟 附近。印象最深刻的是到規劃完整 的神農街。古色古香的神農街幾乎 到處都是老屋,經過社區的用心經 營和藝術家的進駐都未整個社區增 添不少藝術風情。 在這裡我拜訪了一間做滿意香 氣的老屋─永川神轎─古色古香, 裡頭的老師傅正用線鋸機在木頭上 鑿花,灰暗的屋子,窗櫺雕花透光 微微的在的上印出複雜的圖案,顯 得十分莊嚴。經過師傅的介紹,香 氣的來源其實是來雕刻廟宇神轎專 用的樟木和檜木木屑。看著師傅聚 精會神、熟練快速地雕刻著立體花 紋,不禁對老師傅的工藝技巧驚嘆 折服。

發想 Inspiration

Go to Tainan Old Street Before making the letter opener, I had collected 10kinds of wood to design a small sculpture. I had went through The Chamber of Red Hill, Anping Fort and Tainan Confucius Temple. To more impressive,In Shennong Street, there were so many old traditional houses. I went to a studio whoose old men there were making the holy palanquin by wood. It seemed so old and serious. And I found that the old house smelled good. A old man told me the reason is from the wood. Looking at they working, I was so admire and enjoyed in it.

鴨嘴獸 有毛的動物中,鴨嘴獸毛茸茸的, 四肢較短,體態偏低而四平八穩, 柔軟游移的曲線,能夠在桌面上平 放卻容易拿取的情況下都十分符合, 唯一的問題是鴨嘴獸的嘴型其實不 是尖的。

Platypus In the furry animals, platypus has short limbs, low body making stable. The smooth curve can be use to be hold up easily. But there is a probelm: the bill is not so sharp.


製作 Manufacturing process


1. 上視圖切削 先畫出鴨嘴獸的三視圖,將上視 圖黏貼到檜木上,利用線鋸機切 割出雛型

2. 細修雛型 將原本的初坯做更精確的加工

1. From Top First, draw out the 3-dimentional diagrams. Stick the top diagram on the wood. Then, cut the wood byjigsaw.

2.Check the Shape Make the mock-up accurate.

收穫和心得 Review & Feedback 跨出第一步學到更多 畫完三視圖後,試著用線鋸 機和帶鋸機切割出原型初坯,老 實說,還沒有辦法確定是否形狀 能如我所願,一開始心裡有點怕 怕的;但跨出第一步後,很幸運 地沒有遇到太大的問題,一切都 很順利,除了斷了一兩次鋸條和 幾回沒抓穩讓整根木條上下震盪 外。 欣賞其他同學的作品讓我學 習到不同人對木頭的感覺和表現 手法。

TAKE THE FIRST STEP IN FAITH. 3. 表面處理 用雕刻刀小心地切割出鴨 嘴獸的獸毛,再將「毛」 推高做出立體感,完成 3.Make furry Cut some segments carefully, and make "the fur" up. Finished.

After the drawing, I tried to saw the wood in original shape. In fact, I was not sure whether the outline had been correct or not. Fortunately, it was no problem except the jigsaws were broken once or twice making the wood shake up and down. Viewing and admireing other classmates's works, I can catch on different techniques for wood and the mood of wood.




主題: 水泥燈具 合作夥伴: 獨力完成 時間: 2012/8 3週

Project: lighting lamp made of cement Partners: none Processing time: for 3 weeks





29 保留水泥敦厚的材質 製作一盞溫暖的燈 設計目標: 想以第一次嘗試的材質─水泥 製作一款家用燈具,保留水泥灌製 的粗糙外觀,自然地形成極簡而侘 寂的美感。

Retain the Honest Texture Make a Warm Lighting Need: I aimed to make a household lamp made of different texture, cement, and maintain the rough surface. It would be nature like wabi+-sabi unaffectedly.

1 燈具整體外觀 2 木頭和水泥接合集線處 可以簡單的江線纏繞收納於此

3 木製旋鈕 可調光

4 上視圖 結合愛迪生燈泡搭配水泥 表面,製造簡單的美感 1 the lighting 2 the connection the section is for wapped wires. 3 wood knob switch the light on/off 4.top With Edison bulb, the cement surface is the nature of beauty

研究和發想 Concep&Research

製作 Manufacturing process

3. 隨手可得的素材 調配筒、漏斗是使用過的豆漿瓶 材切而成,廢棄木桌抽屜的手把 拿來成為燈座的旋鈕

1. 草圖 簡單畫出燈座的雛形 緊接著實際操作確認可行性


3. Readily available Mixing boxes and funnel were made of the reclycled bottle . And the knob was from the wasted drawer.

1. Sketching Simple shape of lighting base. And started to make the sketching come true.

2. 電路規劃 畫製線路圖後,實際測試以確保 之後能夠正常運作

4. 分層灌製完成 為了達到水泥燈座側面質感的 展現,分成灌製不同比例的水泥

2. Arranging the circuit diagram Draw out the circuits and make sure it work.

4. Fill the cement respectively In order to make the texture of cement, I filled the different-mixed cement powder respectively.

收穫和心得 Review & Feedback 嘗試失敗和收穫成功 在配置電路的過程中,曾經 一度因為兩條電線不小心接錯而 短路,造成燈泡爆炸、電線斷裂 的意外,讓我學習到每一個步驟 都需要小心謹慎。也因此讓我在 之後每次在裝配關於電路的作品 時,都會有耐心的再重複檢查一 次線路是否安全無虞。也許一次 的 失 敗, 就 是 邁 向 成 功 的 一 小 步。

Failure is the mother of success 5. 上漆 為木製手把開關上深漆 5. lacquering Lacquering the knob

6. 完成 6. Finished.

As I arranged the circuit, there was some thing wrong between the two wires. The bulb was exploding and wires were broken. This experience let me learn a lesson to ensure that every step is correct. It also let me be more patient to check the security. It must be that failure is the mother of success.


包括CIS企業識別設計、DM設計、海 32 報設計、動態網頁設計。 Including CIS design, DM layout, poster design, Web design and so forth.



主題 虛構品牌之 CIS 設計 時間 2013/2~2013/3 4 週 從 Logo 商業識別系統一路延伸, 設計包含個人名片、商業信封、A4DM 摺 頁和 CD 標籤等。

The CIS design was traced back to the original logo, and developed including business cards, Business envelopes, A4 DM and CD label.


1. 資料收集和名稱 收集了不同藥妝店的 Logo 和企業形 象及精神,最後決定用愛沙尼亞文

─ Liik 作為品牌名稱 1.Info Research and the Name We reseached for different kinds of logo and coperation images, and finally decied the name in Estonian, "Liik", to be our brand name.

2. 草圖發想 從一開始決定的名稱,在文字和造型 上創造連結性。最後決定昨初圓潤而 有指向性的 Logo,色彩也選擇溫和的 藍綠色漸層,製造立體感。

2.Sketching After checking the brand name, I tried to connect the brand name with graphics. In the end, I choose this smoothe and full gradient green to be brand color.

Business cards

黃 昱凱


黃 昱凱

//Add. 33 Sloane Square,London,SW1 W 8AQ




//OpenTime. //Add. Mon - Fri: 33 10:00 Sloane18:30 Square,London,SW1 Sat - Sun:W 11:00 8AQ17:00 //OpenTime. Mon - Fri: 10:00 //Tele. 18:30 7730 1777Sat020 - Sun: 11:00 //Fax. 17:00 020 7730 9651



//Tele. 020 7730 1777 //Fax. 020 7730 9651




E-mail. ilovemark2@gmail.com

King’s Rd.

Tel. +020 7730 1777 Fax. +020 7730 9651

Associated Creative Director,ACD

Sloane square

Opening Hours.

Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 18:30 Sat-Sun: 11:00 - 17:00


E-mail. ilovemark2@gmail.com Tel. +020 7730 1777 Fax. +020 7730 9651

Office Hours. Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 18:30 Sat - Sun: 11:00 - 17:00

黃 昱凱


Associated Creative Director,ACD

E-mail. ilovemark2@gmail.com

7730 1777 黃+020 昱凱 +020 7730 9651 Tel.


Associated Creative Director,ACD

Sloane square


Opening Hours. E-mail. Mon - Fri:ilovemark2@gmail.com 10:00 - 18:30 Tel. +020 7730 1777 Sat-Sun: 11:00 - 17:00

Fax. +020 7730 9651 Opening Hours.


Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 18:30 Sat-Sun: 11:00 - 17:00


33 Sloane Square London SW1W 8AQ




www.liik-cosmed.com corp.ltd

33 Sloane SloaneSquare square London SW1W 8AQ

Sloane square www.liik-cosmed.com

E-mail. ilovemark2@gmail.com

King’s Rd.

Tel. +020 7730 1777 Fax. +020 7730 9651

Associated Creative Director,ACD

Opening Hours.

Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 18:30 Sat-Sun: 11:00 - 17:00

Sloane square


E-mail. ilovemark2@gmail.com Tel. +020 7730 1777 Fax. +020 7730 9651

Office Hours. Mon - Fri: 10:00 - 18:30 Sat - Sun: 11:00 - 17:00

黃 昱凱 Associated Creative Director

Sloane square

Envelope & CD label


- cosmetic & pharmaceutical -

33 Sloane Square, London, SW1W 8AQ

Tel.+020 7730 1777 Fax.+020 7730 9651



商業信封 business envelope


- cosmetic & pharmaceutical -

33 Sloane Square, London, SW1W 8AQ

Tel.+020 7730 1777 Fax.+020 7730 9651

CD 標籤


CD label


new series of products for you




Spring seri es Liik provides a world wide well-known service in this spring with made of nature materials.


kiss your beauty

-Spring series- which is in great demand of this season, try to cherish your bodies carefully via exclusive aloe essence, soy bean and sea weed, etc.

Dr. A nd for O rew Wei rigins l ™

A Pe rf Worl ect d™ Age-defense Treatment Lotion Age-defense skin guardian with White Tea with White Tea 5 fl. oz./150 ml US$22.00

net wt. 1.7 oz./50 ml US$18.00

Antioxidant cleanser with White Tea

Age-defense moisturizer with White Tea

5 fl. oz./150 ml US$22.00

net wt. 0.14 oz./4 g US$16.00

Make Diffe a rence ™

Conditioning Lip Balm with Turmeric

Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Soothing Face Cream

Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Soothing Face Lotion

Mega-Mushroom Skin Relief Soothing Treatment Lotion

net wt. 0.14 oz./4 g US$16.00

1.7 fl. oz./50 ml US$61.00

1.7 fl. oz./50 ml US$61.00

6.7 fl. oz./200 ml US$30.00

Zero Oil™ Age-defense Treatment Lotion with White Tea

Age-defense skin guardian with White Tea

5 fl. oz./150 ml US$22.00

net wt. 1.7 oz./50 ml US$18.00

Age-defense moisturizer with White Tea net wt. 0.14 oz./4 g US$16.00

Age-defense moisturizer with White Tea

Anti-aging cleanser net wt. 0.14 oz./4 g US$55.00

net wt. 0.14 oz./4 g US$16.00

Anti-aging serum with Anogeissus net wt. 0.14 oz./4 g US$16.00



Ultra-rich firming cream net wt. 0.18 oz./4 g US$22.00

|© Liik Natural Resources, Inc.


主題 成大工設簡章 ( 英文版 ) 時間 2011/9 2 週 設計一款為成大工設系對外的精 美簡章。內容需涵系上聯絡方式、招 生方式、課程安排和活動簡介、學校 歷年得獎作品等等。

Design for the department of Industrial design, NCKU. The DM have to contained the contact info, lecture, activities, the awarded good design, etc.

38 「設計源」是我一開始的核心發想。 從「源」的理念,想到能量的轉換 模式均是藉由大自然的風力、水力、 火力等,因此做了一些風車和水中 浮游生物孕育而生的圖稿作為底 圖。至於整個簡章的底為黑底、圖 案上光暈的原因則是想塑造出神秘 感。有別於以往系上一向專業但保 守的風格,想做到吸引讀者成效的 大膽設計。

The inspiration core for design is energy for thinking. From this core, I figured out the oceanics and windmill because most of the energy comes from Nature. In different, I do a bold try against the traditional images for it.


The History

Idustrial Design No.1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan(R.O.C) T.+886-6-2757575.54300 F.+886-6-2746088 http://web.ncku.edu.tw/bin/home.php

1973 2008 The Alumni Association of the ID, NCKU was established. It has integrated the strength of all alumni for fostering the ID, NCKU.

The Department of Industrial Design (ID) was established at the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). It is the earliest faculty of industrial design in Taiwan.



The Doctorate Program was established. It has fostered the very first doctors in design in Taiwan.

The College of Planning and Design was established at the NCKU. It includes the Department of Industrial Design, Architecture, and Urban Planning. The Design Center of Life and Trendy Goods was established within the ID. It has integrated domestic industries, academics, and international renowned institutes and organized International Design Camp every year. The purpose is to nurturing graduates with excellent design talents and global competitiveness.



his department encourages students to design products that are comfortable, safe and environment-friendly. The goal is to foster design students who address ethics and kindness. All students acquire professional knowledge in design and planning through courses related to humanities, business, technology, engineering, emotion, and aesthetics. The graduate school (Master’s and Doctorate Programs) engages in the following four study areas: (1) the management of information and design, (2) human factors and interaction design, (3) automatic and collaborative design, and (4) Kansei (emotional) design. As a result, students can think about and complete design work independently, creatively, and thoroughly. In addition to the theoretical courses, practices and internships within corporations are required. On the other hand, internationalization has always been our goal for nurturing design talents. For this purpose, we have hosted The International Design Workshop in recent years. Thus, our students are capable of adapting to different cultures and increasing their confidence in order to be competitive throughout the world.

International Cooperation Chiba University (Japan), Korea Advanced Institute of

Science and Technology (Korea), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), Monash University (Australia), Illinois Institute of Technology (USA) Carnegie Mellon University (USA), University of Art and Design Helsinki (Finland), Umeå University (Sweden), Berlin University of the Arts (Germany), College of Creative Studies(CCS)

The Master’s Program was established. It has been in accordance with the need of improving the quality of products made in Taiwan.


2006 Corresponding to the policy of NCKU’s Advancement and The Policy of National Development, The Institute of Creative Industry Design (ICID) was established. At the ICID, the very first institute of similar kind in Taiwan, all courses are taught and learned in English.

College Curriculum


Scholarship T

First year / The education mainly focuses on

he National Cheng Kung University provides a variety of scholarship for undergraduate students. The ID also offers stipend for students in need. A master student may obtain scholarship as much as $12,000 NTD/month; stipend as much as $5,000 NTD/month. A doctoral student may obtain scholarship as much as $15,000 NTD/month. An impoverished or disabled student may obtain stipend as much as $5,000 NTD/month.

aesthetic senses, styling, and creativity. Courses related to form, function, evaluation, and semantics.

Second year / Focusing on analytical and

communication skills, courses related to design methods, human factors, design materials, and manufacture.

Third year / Focusing on research and planning,

courses related to mechanical design, the system of human and environment, and design practice. / Focusing on systematic thinking and independent research capability, design philosophy related to culture and technology are also addressed.

Fourth year

Graduate Program This research group focuses on the development of user needs and objectives of design through

Design Activities

applying systematic methods and integrating multiple sources of information. The research areas include cultural creativity, technological and service design, and sustainable design. Related courses include “Integration Design”, “Strategic Design Planning”, “Procedural Design”, “Universal Design”, and “Social and Cultural Human Factors”, etc.

Industrial Design Camp is hosted every summer vacation.

It lets high school students better understand this department.

International Design Workshop is hosted every May.

Several well-known design schools participate in this workshop every year, including domestic and international ones. Activities involve seminar, speech, cultural tour, etc.

This research group focuses on physical and mental human factors, including the information, features, and capabilities of senses, actions, and behaviors. The purpose is to create new ways of living and interaction between people and to design innovative products satisfying people’s needs. The application includes devices, media, system and services in order to improve people’s life and convenience.

This research group focuses on creative works and activities supported by computer aided design and concurrent engineering. Collaborative design is used to make the planning process quantified


so that it is easy to control and evaluate. The purpose is to increase the quality of products. Related


Based on the theory of Kansei Engineering, this research group focuses on designing emotional

verseas Internship is offered every year. Faculty leads students to visit design schools and work in design companies for around three months in total. any opportunities to take part in international design competitions such as iF awards, Red Dot, IDEA awards, Nagoya award, Nissan award, etc.

National Chen Kung University


The Master’s Program for working professionals was established. It has provided a great opportunity for design practitioners to pursue higher degrees in design.

Education Purpose

Idustrial Design

research areas include “Automatic Design”, “Expert System”, “Concurrent Design”, etc.

products and developing the philosophy of human-centered design. Related courses include “Graduate Introduction to Kansei”, “The Analysis of Kansei”, “Kansei in numerical styling”, “Attractive Engineering”, “Cognitive Behavior”, “Structure of Form”, “Design Evaluation”, “communication and information design”, etc.




CIS T-shirt

主題 自己的 CIS T-shirt 時間 2012/10 2 週


Kimark Kimark



以自己的形象為目標,設計出一 系列的平面圖象,利用熱燙印的簡單 技術,製作屬於自己的 CIS T-shirt。

The design goal is to make a CIS which symbolizes self- image Make our own T-shirts by simple tech, "heat transferring" skill.

40 在這之前,我先對自己「性格」發 想幾個形容詞:「悶騷的」、「外 表 溫 和 內 心 封 閉 」、「 有 點 帶 刺 的」。所以想到了玫瑰,而玫瑰梗 上的刺,則變成了我的脊髓。名字 「Kimark」也有脊髓和鳥巢的意象, 最後完成了右邊的作品。

There were some adjecive words like closed, not good at social and sharp. The images of rose flowers comes to my mind. Barbed stem was trasformed into my spine, and the name, "Kimark" , turn into bird nest, just look the right side.

CIS Stickers


Dec 9


Dec 9

主題 海報設計 時間 2013/4 1 週 想以衝擊、美感兼具的圖面。並妥 當表達演唱會資訊的方式製作搖滾樂為 主體的海報設計。


Poster Design for A virtual rock band. The poster have to convey the informatiom about the concert.

Process 1. 主唱為海報主視覺 請同學擔任模特兒,拍攝多 張連續照片作為整個海報的 視覺焦點 1. Spotlight on The Vocal My friend played the band vocal (he is a drumer actually). I snapped many slow motion to be the focus on my poster.


2. 材切照片 想製作撕紙效果。一開始嘗試用電 腦修圖製作,但效果不彰;因此印 了多張照片後,重新規畫裁切大小 和位置

3. 自製燈箱攝影棚 拍攝成品,然後後製成海報

2.Cutting the pics I would like to make a "torn-paper" effect on the poster. I made a prototype by Photoshop, but it's no good. Instead, I renewed the section of pieces and cutting in pieces by hand

3.Handmade film boxes Snapping the work is for aftereffect by photoshop.

Font Design

主題 救世手─字體設計 時間 2011/1 2 週 從生活中發現字體素材,並將能 發展的字體樣貌,形變成統一的字體 樣式,完成數字 0~9。

Finding the inspiration for fonts' design in our daily lives at first, I tried to design a series of fonts from 0 to 9.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

完成數字 0~9

The Font Design, 0 to 9

Process 1. 從生活中找靈感 先挑選「6」這個數字,開始 在生活中找出本身非實際的 數字 6,並用相機記錄下來 1. Inspired from life I had to find the number, 6, which was not a real number in our lives. And I collected them by snapping.


2. 分享 / 決定元素 課堂上和同學互相分享自己 收集的成果,並最後決定未 來發展字形的元素

3. 佛手意象 最後挑選了一張有趣的元素照片,是 有如大佛沉思的姿勢。觀察多個視角 和平面細節,發展出一系列的字形

2. Sharing/Deciding the element We shared the collection results, and choosing one element to develope the font design.

3. Buddhistic Images I decided to choose the interesting snap about the pose of Buddha. Observing angles of views and details, I finished my fonts' design.

包括CIS企業識別設計、DM設計、海 報設計、動態網頁設計。 Including CIS design, DM layout, poster design, Web design and so forth.



合作夥伴 : 張庭瑄 / 張皓鈞 Partners: CHANG,TING-HSUAN/CHANG,HAO-CHUN


關於浪花 成大工設系以往在大三的時候會有 一門「藝術行銷」的課程,讓學生可以 利用行銷方式販賣自己的作品。今年這 門課停開,一群學生還是抱持憧憬自創 品牌、自掏腰包找擺攤的機會。我和我 的兩個同學創立一個手作品牌─浪花。

About Spray Being Traditional, there is a course to take in the third year of college, in which is about design for market so that the students can sale their own works. However, this course was suspended in this semester. A group of us still built our brands and saled our works by ourselves passionately.


浪花品項 1 浮標小鐘 2 碎玻璃項鍊 3 杯墊 ( 壓 ) 4 小物盒 5 浪花杯墊 6. 各式器皿







1. Buoy Clock 2. Pieces of Glasses 3.Coaster(Pressed) 4.Box 5.Spray Coaster 6.Kinds of Containers

垃圾是浪花的碎片 第一次與環保團體接觸,和 一群熱心的人一起撿拾安平的人 為垃圾和海漂垃圾,沿著海岸線, 我們越過四草大橋,到青鯤鯓, 最後到了布袋港。挖到好多平常 看不到東西,浮標、塑膠玩具、 被石頭侵蝕的打火機,一路上相 遇南部風情,和當地居民的冷暖。 In a first time to contact with environmental groups, we picked up the rubbishes from the beaches from Anping county to Pudai Harbor. There were so many things I have never seen before, like Buoys, plastic toys, lighters and so on.

把收集回來的垃圾簡單清洗 後一致排開,討論之後較有發展 性的材料,以他為目標進行設計。 最後決定一些能和生活經驗有連 結的海漂垃圾:寶特瓶瓶底、塑 膠碗、拉環等。 We took the washed harvests in rows discussing whether them were developable or not. At last, we aim to design by usual rubbishes in our life such as bottles, plastic bowls, the rings from aluminum cans.




最後決定以水泥灌製這些海漂廢棄 物。初步檢討成果,並且修改小細節; 討論一些可以簡化流程的技術和方法, 更清楚我們所要的方向。最後忙碌地灌 了一個禮拜,準備上架。

Choose to set the rubbishes by Cement into products, and we thought it will be more enternal. To figure out what was our goal, we talked about more product details and reviewed our finals, then preparing to sale.

We were so glad that a large number of 很開心很多人都很喜歡我們的產 品,甚至有下訂單的意願。其中最讓我 people love our products, even to place a order 們開心的是跟大家分享撿拾垃圾的過程 on them. Most of all, we were happier to share the wastes-picking experiece with everyone and look 還有對這片土地得省思。 backward to our planet.


關於生活的五種風光 由台南生活美學館協助,開辦一 系列有趣的課程。透過學堂的教學內 容,享受社區風土民情,社區也因學 堂建置,發展出自己的特色。 Held by Tainan Living Art Center, these interesting classes can help the participants be easy to realize the culture. And the buildings for classes go a step future.

54 植物染 The teacher taught us how to make the dye 老師教導我們運用一些特殊的植物 製作植物染布的材料,緊接著我們開始 for dyeing the cloth via some specific herbs. And 動手製作屬於自己的染布:將植物煮滾、 then, we start to make our own dyeing works: Boiling the herbs in water, tied the cloth, dipped the 綁布、浸泡、定色、沖洗。 cloth, washed the cloth.

55 同學是恩師 學習的過程中,覺得大家一起學習 最大的收穫就是欣賞同學的作品,從各 方不同歷練的人獲得新的知識,也許這 正是我喜愛參加這些工作坊的目的。我 最後將這個美美的布料做成餐具帶。

Those students were teachers as well. To pleasure, we can learn new knowlege and broaden our horizon from our classmates, which is the reason for my loving to join in the workshops. I made a utensils' bag of this cloth.




Guardian Angel

工設系館前,是一片蓊鬱的綠地, 正是聞名遐邇的成大榕園。我們以榕園 為題,並以竹筷回收,分成小組製作一 個體型龐大的守護神,捍衛這片綠地。

There was the fresh and green lawn in front of the building of Industrial Design, NCKU.It was well-known as NCKU Banyan Garden. This project was to set up a giant guardian angel made of bamboo chopsticks, finished in a group.

合作夥伴 : 賴宥軒 / 陳信安 / 郭顯齊 / 謝東峻 / 謝昀澤




一開始由成員間發想,最後決定以 大蛇作為我們榕園守護神的意象。除了 在造型上非常有魄力和氣勢外,竹筷的 結構也比較容易呈現。

We had been brainstorming some ideas and choiced the image of snake to be our design. In addition to the symbols of fierce and vigor, there was a structure suitable for chopsticks.


與人溝通 從蒐集原料開始就已經困難 重重。我們向一些使用竹筷的店 家溝通,但由於衛生的考量,往 往不是非常順利。到手的筷子在 曝曬的過程中,也常常因為一陣 雷雨毀於一旦,其中也造成同學 之間不少衝突。 Collecting the recycling bamboo chopsticks was very difficult. We hadn't gone smoothly as we tried to connect with restuarants which provided with bamboo chopsticks, concerned about the sanitation. And thunderstorms could turn the chopsticks into ruins. The dispute between partners would occur as well.

58 新材質結構 利用撿來的竹筷,洗淨後曬 乾後拿來做基本的材料。再來是 黏貼結構的過程,為了讓結構穩 固但效率高,我們捨棄鐵絲或線, 使用快乾和衛生紙起的化學作用 黏貼。為求完美簡化流程之下, 手被快乾燙傷、被嗆傷感到頭昏 想吐、以及那些日以繼夜不斷的 趕工都成了代價。 we made use of the washed and sundried chopsticks to be the basic ingredients. In order to make a stable construction and effectiveness, we directly used super glue with tissues without steel wires and threads. However, The prices are scalding the fingers, choking from glue and burning the midnight oil.




4 將成品移至榕園組裝 完成 Settled the parts of snake in Banyan Garden and Finished it.

代價的挑戰 這項作業其實很有挑戰性, 規模很大,製作期間遇到了瓶頸, 能和同學一起討論並解決問題, 這個經驗真的很難忘,不像平常 一個人不斷的思考,自己想解決 辦法。這次的作業,老實說,我 沒辦法體會到「真正環保」,一 切東西都有代價。沒辦法做出完 完全全完美的設計,只能把代價 縮小,利益放大。

This project was a challenge indeed. The experience was unforgettable because we could discuss with so many friends if confronting with obstacles, which was different from thinking by oneself. In fact, There was no real environmental protection . Everything has its price. We hoped that the design had greatest effects with low price if there was no perfection.


表現技法即是用畫筆直接傳達想法的 60 一種普遍方式。這裡收錄了我在課堂上和 私下的產品速寫和上色一些作品。

Sketching is a common way to directly convey the inspiration in mind. This part features some sketching papers in class or in private.














黃 昱凱 ilovemark2@gmail.com http://goo.gl/lNvhs +09 85627238

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