Native Love 2015 at Betti Ono

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Thank you

for joining us in a celebration of community fashion and art.

We are honored to have you with us. Today your support and participation directly funds programming of the Native American Health Center media department.

The event is a multi-media annual fundraiser that highlights urban Indigenous artists, designers, performers, and innovators. This year is a fashion show featuring American Indian/Alaska Native and Indigenous artisans.

NAHC Media is a community based program that was developed to support the telling of community stories through the teaching of multi-media skills, community collaborations, youth internships and projects, and public campaigns. NAHC Media is a unique program that uses technology to support traditional ways of connection and healing across generations building positive identity through the power of self-definition for future generations.

Enjoy the event!

Parke Ballantine, Media Program Manager Lina Blanco, Graphic Designer Christina “Chris� Yglesias, Media Assistant


LOVE Schedule of Events 4:00 pm

Doors Open

4:15 pm

Opening Words

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Selfie Wall, Small Bites, Silent Auction, NAHC Upcycled Boutique

5:45 pm

Gathering Tribes Raffle Winner Announced

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Native Love Fashion Show

7:15 pm

Silent Auction Ends

7:30 pm

Auction Winners Announced

8:00 pm


With MCs Sonj and Barbara Sonj Basha and Barbara JoVon CarmeL Jefferson are a duo based out of Oakland, CA. Committed and working towards creating BraveSpaces. The effort and embodiment of community leadership, transformative education, and collective healing is at the center of their work to facilitate raising up marginalized voices. You can find them hosting open mic's and holding deep healing circles with everything in between as they work to serve Our people and Our planet in a strong and beautiful way.

OxDx is a Native owned clothing line based out of Chandler, AZ, with creations depicting American Indian struggles, issues, and art. OxDx is strongly influenced by Native culture, street art, and music.



MODELS Alex Torres Tepehuan, Tarahumara Alex Torres was born in the lovely city of Guadalajara, Mexico in 1974 and arrived in the bay area in early 1976. His father from the state of Durango, Mexico with Tepehuan and Tarahumara heritage while his mother slightly more multi-cultural carried French, Irish, Spanish and native Chimal heritage. Alex’s life is equally multi-faceted and diverse with an interesting and unique blend of Art, community activism, hip hop and rock and roll as the music of his life. Alex has had stints in a band, as a poet and all around agent of change. Some of Alex's interests include mindfulness of body and mind, video games and mixed martial arts. Alex currently works for the Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley as Program Coordinator/Manager for FIRST 5 programs.

Alicia Peterson Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley, Navajo “I am an inspired motivated young native woman still figuring out my place in life but knowing I'm going to be a great role model and help out our Indian Country someday. Whenever there is a exciting opportunity where I can help i always try my best to be there I'm a very fast learner and have helped with many fundraiser and multi-media project in my native community. I've always loved being in front of the camera from acting to Modeling but not only that I have gained a strong passion for being behind the camera learning many skills in filming, production and working on the project down to the final edit. I have a great attitude and strong love for my family.”

Amanda Gallegos Dry Creek Rancheria, Band of Pomo Indians “I am involved in the world of fashion, having earned a Bachelors Degree in Fashion Merchandising. I have written for two non-profit magazines, News for Native California and SNAG Magazine. Currently, I am in retail expanding my knowledge in the social media realm of fashion.”

Andrew Montalbo “My name is Andrew I love to play soccer, football, and basketball. I love the San Antonio Spurs and the Dallas Cowboys and Oakland A's and the San Jose Sharks. I also love Marvel, DC and Jordan's. I go to Balry Elementary school. I'm into 3rd grade and I like to watch TV shows and movies with my friends and family. ”



MODELS cont. Anthony Taula-Lieras Comanche, Diné, Mexican Anthony was raised in San Diego, CA. and is a Mestizo from Comanche, Diné and Mexican racial background. He received his B.A. in Community Studies and Education from UC Santa Cruz and also studied Non-Profit Management and Enrollment Management in graduate school. Since graduation, Anthony has lived back and forth from San Diego and the SF/Bay Area. Early on he worked at the American Indian Child Resource Center where he met his wife Sophia Taula-Lieras and made connections with the Native Community in the Bay Area. He co-founded the All Nations Institute for Community Achievement at the University of San Diego, has worked with the Native community in Oakland at AICRC, Washoe Native TANF and as a Fatherhood is Sacred Facilitator with the Intertribal Friendship House. He drums with the All Nations Singers and takes pride in being a member the vibrant Native Community. He lives in Oakland with his wife, 2 daughters, and dog.

Chelsey Russel Diné Chelsey Russell, originally from AZ, came to the Bay Air-rea-YAAH 9 years ago to pursue a Bachelors degree at Stanford University. As a student, she was the Community Outreach Chair for Stanford American Indian Organization and President of Diné Club. She was able to create cultural awareness on campus and grow their volunteer tutoring program which assisted South Bay Area Native Youth in their pursuit of collegiate education. Chelsey works at the Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley on their most recent mental health and wellness project which will create a system of care to meet the needs of Native Youth in Santa Clara County. Outside her professional aspirations, Chelsey loves to travel, primarily to learn about other indigenous cultures and see spectacular beaches. She also enjoys good conversations over a strong cup of coffee and exploring her creative side through creative writing.

Christina Domingues Christina is the cousin of Robin Calzado, jewelry designer, and Tisina Parker, fashion designer. She is also a newly licensed esthetician in San Francisco and continuing her education to work internationally as healer of the skin. Her future is bright and ambitious, with an end goal of returning back to school to become a dermatologist.

Indira Allegra Cherokee, Black, Irish Indira Allegra is the winner of the Jackson Literary Award, a former Lambda Literary Fellow and recipient of the Oakland Individual Artist grant. She has been interviewed by BBC Radio 4, make/shift magazine and Allegra has forthcoming work in Red Indian Road West and Writing the Walls Down: A Convergence of LGBT Voices. She has contributed works to HYSTERIA Magazine, Writing Home: Award-Winning Literature from the New West, Cherokee Writers from the Flint Hills of Oklahoma, Yellow Medicine Review: A Journal of Indigenous Literature, Art and Thought and Sovereign Erotics: A Collection of Two Spirit Literature among others. Her short films have screened at festivals such as MIX NYC, Perlen Hannover LGBT Festival, Outfest Fusion and Bologna Lesbian Film Festival. She has been actively involved in guest residencies and lectures at the University of Oregon, East Carolina University, and The Banff Centre in Canada.



MODELS cont.

Laxman Drivas Blackfoot, Mixed He is a 500 mile Native American Spirit Runner, Musician, Father, Fighter, Vegan and all around champion. He loves working with the Youth. Laxman strongly believes that they are an investment as they are our future. He has been teaching Physical Education for 4 years, serves a Fight Instructor and also does Personal Training for the Community.

Lilleana Torio Lilleana Torio is 15 years old and currently attends Abraham Lincoln High School as a sophmore. At her school, Lilleana participates in the advanced vocal jazz choir, Estetica, and in Leadership. In addition to theadvanced academic courses she is enrolled in, she plays many sports such as softball, volleball, basketball and swimming. Outside of school, Lilleana embraces her Native American culture by attending powwows, dancing, and presenting with Sewam American Indian Dance and Native Boogie and Beats.

Michael Andrews Ojibwe, Kickapoo, Paiute, Sac and Fox In 1990, Michael Andrews was born in Reno, Nevada. When he was two days old, he moved to Oakland, CA to start his life. Currently, Michael works with Youth at Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley. When he’s not at the IHC, he travels and sings with the World Championship Northern Drum Group - Young Spirit. Michael is also a father of two, one boy and one girl. Other passions include pomade products and accessories, instagramming pictures of exotic food and a voracious hunger for self-improvement.

Michelle Shawnego Shawnee, Kickapoo, Sac-n-Fox, Muskogee Creek, Chevere Nation Michelle Shawnego grew up in the greater communities of Alameda and Oakland, granddaughter of Jim Shawneego and Myrna Wahpepah, with deep connection to the Bay Area & Sacramento Native American Communities. Michelle has a profound passion for economic development for American Indians and Information Technology in the workplace. Michelle works as the Sr. Generalist/HRIS Administrator. Michelle is an active member of the American Indian Chamber of Commerce since 2004 and is a member of the National Congress of American Indians. Michelle is a mother to four boys and loves nothing more than being a parent. As a child Michelle was a victim Child Welfare System which has empowered Michelle to be committed to improving the lives of children and the environments in which they grow up in. For the last four years, Michelle has been a foster parent to a young special needs boy and is at peace knowing the difference she can make in one’s life. In Michelle’s spare time she has an interest in home décor, fashion, dancing and loves baseball.



MODELS cont.

Shonto Viramontes DinĂŠ & Otomi He is 7 years old and attends Capri Elementary school as a 2nd grader. He currently lives in San Jose and enjoys spending time with his Pit Bull, Buddy. A few of his other favorite pastimes include the joys of being a Mountain Man with his Grandpa, chopping wood, and playing soccer with his Dad. Shonto is also a cyclocross competitor.

Victoria B. Robinson Black, German Victoria B. Robinson is a Black German activist, poet, author, academic, empowerment and creativity coach and curator. She moved to Oakland almost 4 years ago. She has 4 book publications in Germany. Victoria is a poet with themes often about her experiences with racism in Germany. Her poetry is published in books, anthologies, magazines, and performed on stages throughout Germany. She worked on the exhibition "Homestory Deutschland - Black Biographies in History and the Present " which has been touring through Europe and the African continent. She has her Master of Arts in Northern American Culture and Public Law - MA thesis on Afrogerman cultural productions (Rap lyrics, Poetry & Biography) and on the referencing of African American icons in the Black German movement. Victoria has been active within the context of ISD (Initiative of Black people in Germany) since 2005. She also co-founded Oakland Ink: A Writers of Color Collective in summer 2011

THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR MODELS (Models not pictured) Louise Torres Wintu Maraym Brooks Naomi Jones Sabine Talaugon Chumash Shunkila Blackcalf DinĂŠ, Lakota Veronica Piedrieta

Suzie Borhan


PH 510.508.1181

Show & Tell 1427 Broadway, B, Oakland, CA 94612




LOVE DESIGNERS ә'mi:liә | Amelia Berumen Chichimeca Amelia Berumen is a Mexican Indigenous Fashion Designer from the San Francisco Bay Area based in Oakland, CA. She graduated from the California College of the Arts; there she began her study of sustainability and conceptual design. Her approach to fashion is preserving techniques and ancient methods of Mexico’s Indigenous communities by transforming garments into contemporary clothing. The work reflects the sophisticated system of indigenous clothing based on the use of the squares and rectangles worked to create garments that give new dimension and silhouette. Under the mentorship of Claudia Bernardi, Amelia has successfully bridged her work by creating fashion and textile printing workshops with at-risk youth and adults with developmental disabilities in East and West Oakland, CA, Salinas, CA and Perquin Lenca Mayan communities in El Salvador, Central America. She has shown her work at SOMARTS, Galeria de la Raza and the De Young in San Francisco, MECCA in Houston, TX, Freshthetic in Brooklyn, NY and Imix Gallery Los Angeles, Ca. Amelia Berumen, currently is working as an Art Director for a film company and a Production Supervisor for a Haute Couture Bridal House in Oakland, Ca.

Imprints by Cita | Anecita Hernandez Diné Anecita Yazhi Hernandez, designer of Imprints by Cita, is a mother, dancer, community organizer and cultural presenter. She is Diné from the Bitterwater clan, born for Nakai Diné. Currently residing in San Jose, Anecita is the Program Coordinator for the Counseling Department's Prevention Services at the Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley. She is a passionate advocate for both cultural preservation and the restoration of traditional values in urban native communities. Through uniquely designed programs, workshops, classes and presentations she engages and empowers youth, parents and community to support each other in discovering the inner beauty of their self identity. She enables her community to thrive, strengthened with a heightened sense of culture and solidarity. Anecita is a member of the Sewam American Indian Dance, a group of performing artists that recently presented at the 2014 Ethnic Festival in San Francisco and Cultures of the World Festival in Gannat, France. Anecita dances in women's Jingle, Fancy Shawl and Traditional styles and is a sought out seamstress, beadwork artist and regalia designer. Life experiences and a rich cultural background are salient characteristics that guide Imprints by Cita to produce a distinctive form of artistry. Anecita currently serves as a board member for the American Indian Alliance and was a field interviewer for Injunuity, an animated short film documentary, currently showing on public television, radio and iTunes. Anecita has been head staff to a number of Pow Wows and helps to organize a number of various community events. In 2012, she was honored as a KQED Local Hero for her outstanding service the community. In 2014, ABC 7 acknowledged Anecita in their Profiles of Excellence series. Her commitment to wellness and her influence is prevalent in the Bay Area Native Community. Her two beautiful children serve as the driving force for her artistry and community work.


LOVE DESIGNERS cont. Berry Native Hoops | Rachel Sedberry Navajo, Sioux Rachel Sedberry was born in San Francisco and raised in the Bay Area and her collection is Berry Native Hoops. She has a variety of colors that bring and urban twist with local sport team colors. This past Annual Stanford Mothers Day Powwow, Rachel worked up the courage to sell her beadwork with the help of her family. With the help of her sweet, yet usually bashful nephews, Rachel was able to reach an outstanding number of sales. This was her very first time selling her work at a powwow even though she’s been going to since she was in diapers. This breakthrough gave her so much hope and helped her boost her ideas for creating a business plan to develop Berry Native Hoops. Rachel wants to contribute to her community and showcase her artwork with these earrings.

Tiśina T. Parker Miwok, Pomo, Paiute Tiśina is Native to the California Sierra Miwok, Kashaya Pomo and Mono Lake Paiute tribes. She is the granddaughter of notable Yosemite basket weaver Julia Parker and direct descendent of prized Paiute basket weaver Lucy Tellas. Tiśina was born and raised in Mariposa/Yosemite where she celebrated traditional ceremonial practices, Native cultural beliefs, traditional food gathering and Native craft of the Yosemite Sierras. Tiśina's love for craft and making things came from watching her grandmother weave baskets and collect materials as well as attending Indian beading classes at the Mariposa Indian Health Center when she was a girl. Starting from a young age Tiśina created Indian beadwork jewelry, learned to sew clothes and make costumes. Tiśina holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fashion Design with an emphasis in textiles from California College of the Arts. She has worked with sustainable design in India and in outerwear design with the Adidas Group Reebok in Boston, Ma. She is currently working for global initiatives in sustainable fashion & circular economy with a San Francisco based nonprofit. Tiśina designs with hand collected/processed natural materials as well as hand-crafted textile applications and modern innovations in textile design. Tiśina was awarded San Francisco's 7x7 Magazine "Emerging Talent" in 2013.

NAHC Media’s Upcycled Boutique NAHC Media’s Upcycled Boutique is a collection of clothing and accessories that were bought thrifty and turned around to be one of a kind handmade fashion gems. Focusing on an urban intertribal aesthetic, NAHC Media teamed up with staff and wider community members to embellish, bead, sew, trim, cut, embroider and stencil a gorgeous collection of items. This year we focus on bright color contrasts, readapted stenciling from NAHC’s Braided Nations mural, and serape paneling and embellishment.

field day is a small indie clothing label born in 2005 out of Oakland, California. Trinity Cross is the creator of field day. She designs a flattering, versatile, long lasting, and completely conscious ready-to-wear line inspired by classic silhouettes that flatter the figure. field day utilizes the most sustainable materials available such as reclaimed vintage bed sheets that have been dyed in small batches to organic cotton grown and milled in California. field day & friends is a hand crafted boutique in Downtown Oakland that opened late spring of 2013. The unique boutique features the complete field day line, local guest artists and designers, and other fine hand made goods. Join us on 1st Fridays for our featured designer and artist openings, beverages and our professional photo booth. field day & friends was built out using all recycled and rescued materials. It features a giant sliding window wall that separates the show room from the studio where our garments are designed and created in house. The window wall was made from old french doors. All field day wearable's are made one at a time in Downtown Oakland.

329 19st | Downtown | Oakland, CA Between Harrison and Webster. We are 3 blocks form 19th Street Bart.


LOVE THANK YOU TO OUR COMMUNITY DONORS Black Bird Underpinnings With a fresh take on classic intimate apparel, Blackbird Underpinnings brings you timeless and comfortable designs that inspire confidence and delight. In luxury silk and velvet, our indie lingerie is made locally and ethically, every stitch infused with a positive message of inclusivity and self-expression. Based in Oakland, CA, Blackbird Underpinnings is co-founded by Marin Camille and Julia Zolinsky.

Black Salt Collective Black Salt Collective is the work of Sarah Sass Biscarra-Dilley, Grace Rosario Perkins, Anna Luisa Petrisko, and Adee Roberson. Black Salt embodies cultural and contemporary narratives. The work is cultural, but not “cultural” in the anthropological sense of the word, as cultural art is often seen through a Western lens. Black Salt is about contemporary non-linear identity in which experience results in atmosphere.

field day field day is a small indie clothing label born in 2005 out of Oakland, California. Trinity Cross is the creator of field day. She designs a flattering, versatile, long lasting, and completely conscious ready-to-wear line inspired by classic silhouettes that flatter the figure. field day utilizes the most sustainable materials available such as reclaimed vintage bed sheets that have been dyed in small batches to organic cotton grown and milled in California.

Gathering Tribes Gathering Tribes has been sharing the beauty of Native America since 1991 Solano Avenue. The resident artist is award-winning artist, jeweler and actor, Michael Horse. Art, jewelry and fine crafts made by Indigenous artisans of the Americas are represented. Visitors will find special events throughout the year that include visiting artisans, poetry and culture. Gathering Tribe is Native American owned and operated. The gallery is open daily at 1412 Solano Ave, Albany CA. Check the website at for upcoming events or call (510) 528-9038, and can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Gregg Deal Gregg Deal is a husband, a father, an artist and a member of the Paiute Tribe of Pyramid Lake. As a provocative contemporary artist/activist and 15 year resident of the DC metro area, much of Gregg’s work deals with indigenous identity and pop-culture, touching on issues of race relations, historical consideration and stereotype.


LOVE THANK YOU TO OUR COMMUNITY DONORS Jackie Webster Jackie is from the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, born and raised in Oakland. Jackie is contributing her blood, sweat, and tears in the form of beading. Jackie loves to bead, sew, crochet, knit, and hang around with her buddies. Jackie is a mother of 10 children, and is known in the community as Hood Momma. Jackie works at the Native American Health Center and volunteers with the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Intertribal Friendship House and also with community fundraisers like Native Love. Jackie regularly donates hats and scarves, that she personally crochetes to cancer patients at Highland’s infusion center. Jackie’s favorite pastimes are cooking. If you are interested in purchasing any of Jackie’s work, please contact her via: (510) 472-0569 or

Jared Yazzie of OXDX OXDX is Native owned company based out of Chandler, Arizona. It began in 2009 in a college dorm room with ideas to create art representing American Indian struggles, issues and culture. Through the eyes of Jared Yazzie, founder, OXDX strives to create art that represents the Native people.

JP Nguyen John is a longtime supporter of the Native American Health Center media program and donates items to many Bay Area Native American organizations including Bay Area American Indian Two Spirits (BAAITS).

Kippi Begay of Indigstyle Kippi Begay (Navajo, Hualapai and San Carlos Apache), owner and designer of IndigiStyle. I am a Bay Area Native, born and raised. I am a bead worker and a crafter. I am not particular about the mediums I use to create pieces; I tend to use whatever I have around me to create pieces that I enjoy and would wear myself. The jewelry I create is inspired by the many worlds that I walk in and especially by the Urban Native world.



The Lady Miss Vagina Jenkins The Lady Ms. Vagina Jenkins is a burlesque performer of 13 years, who is also a budding fashion designer and stylist. Catch more if her work during the first annual Queer Fashion Week April 15-19.

Lina Blanco of Agua de Rosas Designs Lina Blanco, Tepehuan del Norte, Xicana, Scottish is creator of Agua de Rosas. Agua de Rosas comes from "Rose Water" and reflects a means by which to tell stories through bits and pieces of nostalgia. Rose Water is known for its natural healing properties. This is a project that is accessible, experimental, and rooted in design that goes back for generations. Lina has her BA Ethnic Studies from Mills College with a focus in diaspora, intergenerational resistance, and transformative visibility. Her first passions developed from grassroots organizing within Chicano, immigrant and Native communities from the age of 14 throughout the West coast.

Paint Pens Collective Paint Pens Collective is a national low brow, cartoon-inspired, underground art community. The goal of the Paint Pens Collective is simply to create an unpretentious and awesome start community. A way to give recognition to artists we admire and share what we love with others; whether it be through our website, shows we curate and so on. Paint Pens Collective is run by Shayna Yasuhara, a San Francisco/Boston artist and curator. The group was first known as Paint Pens in Purses, a female art collective st. After much thought, the group has deemed itself gender neutral. One less construct between the concept of “human” and “art”.

Show and Tell Show & Tell, the brain child of retail veterans Alyah Baker and Nichole Payton, is a lifestyle brand, concept shop, gallery, and gathering space located in vibrant downtown oakland. The idea for show and tell came out of Payton and Baker’s shared desire to make their community and the broader world a better and more stylish place, while having as much fun as possible.


LOVE THANK YOU TO OUR COMMUNITY DONORS Steven Bitsilly Steven Bitsilly (Navajo) has been a hairdresser for six years and was educated at the Aveda Institute of New Mexico. He works at Hair Candy Salon in San Francisco, where he specializes in hair cutting, color, and creative color. He has goals to be an educator in five years. He has experience in editorial and runway work and is lending his expertise to the Native Love runway this year. Nothing makes Steven feel better than making his clients look good and feel confident about themselves. To see his clients transformed through his hairdressing, he too is transformed.

Suzie Borhan Oakland, CA based artist creating works on denim. Suzie embroiders clothes, accessories and medicinal salves

Beto Fuentes

Xicano, Púrepecha, Anahuac Contributor of “No Tengas Miedo de la Muerte” special edition hand-screened prints. #13 and #15

Texta Queen ‘Texta’ is Australian for felt-tip marker and TextaQueen is Australia’s felt-tip superhero. TextaQueen‘s portraits primarily use the humble marker to explore complex politics of sexuality, gender, race and identity in tangent with ideas of self-image and inter-personal relationships. Their work has been collected by and exhibited at many of Australia's major public art institutions including the Gallery of Modern Art, the National Gallery of Victoria, the Museum of Contemporary Art and the National Portrait Gallery of Australia as well as having practiced and exhibited across North America. They are currently based between Melbourne, Australia and Oakland, California where they host drawing workshops for youth of all ages and make marker mayhem and murals. For Native Love, Texta has donated a portrait of writer Pluma Sumaq.



IN GRATITUDE Anna Kaminski Anne Lowe Amadene Castillo Betti Ono Gallery Brittany Brown Cara Little Crystal Salas Jackie Webster Dr. Jessica Metcalf Beyond Buckskin Kathryn Budd Kippi Begay The Lady Miss Vagina Jenkins Larry Aguilera Martin Waukazoo Mona Evans NAHC Circle of Healing Program NAHC Human Resources NAHC Seven Generations School Based Health Centers Nazbah Tom Panorama Framing in Oakland Paty Gonzalez Phyllis Aguilera Serena Wright Simply Bliss Catering Tina Noren Tahnee Camacho Phyllis Waukazoo Rencho Wahpepah Rene Gonzalez Victoria Ramirez and ALL of our volunteers!

Special thanks to everyone who helped make today possible.

Join our Team. Invest in the Community. Leave your tracks behind at the NATIVE AMERICAN HEALTH CENTER

Native American Health Center’s mission is to provide comprehensive services to improve the health and well-being of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and residents of the surrounding communities, with respect for cultural and linguistic differences.

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