Winter/Spring 2012

Page 1

wag] OM/ ant AHM wall] _woo ol MOH amp pug' o] allatun

wooici ***

tuoa•BuTATI-tuoom 0080'899'Z L8 uolbuiwoom •IS swept' 'S LgO

U.100 . BUTATFUldal 0020•8gg uolbupool8 Aem eEpu bunlotd OCg

S11 , 131418Vdtf

VIIIINN311114 ••11;

•• • • •

• • •••

Tama& ioj lno TT Noetto

msemedo.rd omi pepeau am SfldIAIV3


SallMettiV • • AXIDUI OS


aprnplalg No ifq cols lupuup aiunbs jo ppom ow! op-Is-op pre auTiouTio inoif quip

oisnui 04 dais gg

3layjaH ipoz rfqWolicr /. dogsvoin allyillsoN sig ul slow pupil sdiazzuoa,0 nvpiam- uanoD

.31.10.At "pip se aATT3Ups!p SE are OTIM SUESDIE feuompeal a/1u paw

snowej }soul spoonk u!3I1-em V mop aa.up. S00.14utntala SC

JaoupioN zmo rfq solozici Jaipuig analuna tfq spoilt

30.4aH 'LODZ tfq so1011cI "[plus Jogni Ifq ifdais

spoA Alinnyg pup a Box uosigiv 4 /claw .sTspo Al!luam teuoplai ino upiosiD

utruIpuI uiatilnos

i,puadquioo JO WOO 0.1011I OM aly 8-1 8Z

pipiaaH rfllui ifq bojs

'atueJ PoomiCIPH usnici s‘affinsuena Nom v

umo stu Jo altuaT V SI Jauuoy agniD rCq IfJojs

•mooaqsnul - snopllap pus - amsnia sup. pug cu. Atoll pus uagm. 'alarm

anbi4siCul Iamui 011,14 OI


icoaai s,TtOuN (log Et ,LSII Z18 HILL

uosuas a)tp4 TImums vad s NA101. 30 ,Lf10 .139

sapotm uou uuuuauluamL — IIHNIIVRI RAJ IVIIM

Ts.m.rn alp jo Tsaq 04,1, 9 VNVIUNI isillaHiflOS 30 HIM,



aBurvis Rio rfq swirl pup urninipip nut' ifq cols •unkol aan4.4 agDapa sp44 aApai 04 plug s‘44 /cum

tc-CA@A u! awoll


30.nalpianz ifq sopirl pun tf.Jols •aJnpu s4.4 4444aa40.4d

.4rOullunll nkog

LIAN01. IfELLIS I ut am


is11/00 ,Cas/aX ,C4 ,C/04S •uosIppy4,4 04 „tquuni atugo„ unipw upaa pup u44puls )114p4,1 Atm

ionbaad Nord Tull unuipaLig umilDuor rfq'Dols •pumnocu u spuu '04.4apinou

do 1.1ploori adowasoo7 Xallng rfq ifJols .auuu apripul s‘pue4pui 04m dui

dniics JaisooH

uppapd zqpito Aq X.tols

•quawala ago Buppaquie pun ap!slno van Jauaq 2up_pou s,aJap 'PODOJ TOL] Jo dnp e pun la)lueici Plnom sn 40 lsoLu @ULM 'sJeluytn Isompm ieluaweJadwal ano 04 JaSuans ou aJ,noA `J@WOJMOU e JO Ja!S001-1 anpeu e aJ,noA as pqM 2 glint do Bann pun ski iS@WJPM Jno uo Ind 04

-sartiq Ja4tum au4 ;Pau 04 0 04 °Jaw

aonaj umuo amp (cams amp,'tfq tCdols 'ainpu aq4


man y rfaidays ayit)/ ifq rf.x/S 'snag 4jp4o 44ruulnn

-piunku syupTpui untonos aidmoS


mop 4saci atu, azuad niquuuno!D fq km/s -140 Magus upa no/S s4upid ppm

inoic lea luoyouIzruulz-18 aTIsqamJno uo afoul pui sapoTs asam pug u‘noA

INHINIOD ]N111\10 ]Aisnipx]


111,103'3,1!ep4aaMVMMM '1s

60e • 0009-a-e-zIe

•pimmit atn. punom umil sapped pue peaAq ieuompe.a4 ui azuepads am

•Tuoa•sisnauspT®spu puluo0 amid `ssauTsnq jo amid inoA alnqpisTp oJ saTdoo 0)111 p‘noic jT no tI8 uT5u!spJanpu TIT palsalaJuT anpoAJI •Illo0.auTzaumu8 ausgant Rio Ju sapols auguo aigsnpxa pug osTE 1.1T0 noA •Tootps 0Tg3o luasuo0 uanTim ag;lnoglinn paanpoJdaJ aq Jou Amu sluaJuoD •Tusgutunor jo Tootps ATTsJaigun uuuTpui mg is aurTzeulAluuuTpui us T.g150.13 coar ui quaprgs Aq pauilIsap pus palm@ `pagdui -oJogd `ualJTJAk VapodaJ `paigamoo SUM. ZI8 i JaquinN `z aTurgoA ZIOz

uuuipui twinnos Jo au!zOuN atu,


•zigjo luaugie;str! i.rfacis/Jain!Ak zigz in° Ao fua noA adog am 'Oman T.TIssud Jsnc.10 luapTsaJ T.ToT -ajg u aJ,noA Jaglagm quuTd ammo pun& Hsu} u uana Jo TazmnpsJauaTnnjo NuTd s taJ sugusses jo dn0 u Joj sn uiof os •aavid JsJu ag; ui sisIxa gig Aqm sjugl `as.moo jo .Apui jo ignos luaJapp s syuuTpui `paagou kuaseg J0 !p3 noA 3I zNuTill noA .1811UOti 8.11CD op TULIM — uJa -lsompTik Tie in Tin -ignos aJoul a.Lam ji paNsu sialTam mo •slung pioul jo sap; pun& atuos nag pus sauoJs -am!! s,JTMTux goE! Jnoqe Pualmn0A

•poonnAgom jo aags paz!s-gegasug s pus suoguan aT0g1pue suusTpu Tuuompuil `5upds puu JaJupwioj upp ;sni savg mmuns aiu anssT sup uT papnpui •noic Joj euuTpui tuagJnos jo sauug pue sapols aq; angdua looj uo spuoi papoou papio3t10/10 pus salmi jo spalpung paJanoo am •upuup aJunbs jo won& oluT poputTaTuoid pus 5uTspcLins sJaminnuan paluiqapo gunk spoom alp jo sJoal Ap;mun ui pamum `)laud 0g; panal am •stiTiaaj °soul ;pug Jg2nolq sans g18 amp samuuJa pus sNoou alp ianoosTp jjuls Jno uTTI0Juim •sapoulaw poogpugo Am gu umolatuog Jog punom saauTd lnoqu speaq spuj and •RTATJJ "els auol Jno Buiff wog mow dos Lump imp lnq aigua Am auSum ui pang amm •adeaspuuT s‘utTuTpui unginos ;op Ism SaLIO Din ()Ingalls amtb UNI04 may tnnos gums s uT do nna.T.W Tuotu X

aolipa alp mosij aloN

•s2u!AJas ZT lnoqe spia!A •umo4 uapio2 s!2U0d01 kW JO 'salnuiw 0v Tnoqu saaaap 0SE le uano paleagaJd u! aleo •aJni.xiw aidde JaAo Aluana peaJds pue Je2ns pue S8a `WP@J) _nos Jayla2o4 Is!LIAA `Bu!ddol Joj •ysip Supleq ui lsnn o dol uo aDeld pue su!sieJ puu Jnoli 'uoweuup tie2ns umwq 'Je2ns 'satdde ayl Jawraol x!iu '2u!ii!j ain JOJ 'siaSuq Lii!AA qsip 2upleq ow! ssaJd 'Lisp 2meq e/T exHx6 to wogoq JanoD Teaw asJnoD saiqwasai ampqw !nun sJawl pue qwnul uaamlaq 2wzaanbs 'pueti Aq inuoxn pue Jallnq `x!w a)!eD awqwoD imoq wn!paw e u! JOd

Jens 22a aioqm wean _nos sdnj e/T e :2u!ddoi sup!eJ dnD Jnol4 drp uoweuup punoA •ds1 en pa)ped 'ieSns umwq drp Je2ns drp e/T PaDils pue paRp 'papad 'sap:1de snopilao pad •Ip2 :Su!IIIJ pappaigs 'InuoDoD do e/T Jallnq •zo (saDuno se•si) x!w aleD moliaA xoq :Ism) •woniueqiaziimps le aufluo JO 'clogs T4! s‘weJnelsaJ ayl u! ales uo alcielleAu Si >iooq oqi •>!ooqlooD sAueqiazI!uips „il!som Lia, wag s! adpad

nanais 31ddV S,MIVE113Z1INH3S

Junoic aJam Aaqi. uatim magi xu pasn swapd Jpq4 pooj jo adAi. st *sifus unuipsuull atn gum pindod Alan smAtim s,4m.p. pun `Aitunmtuoo unullaD n s‘u„ •pooj untuaap otssrp ami own spool axe sJailloisno sjurinmsat amp Isom sAgs unutpsuull Ina •sispnoi. sputur `moll Adana sioustit sapnuadas ptu.Noop pots= n `p!dsumpop opuatunr try •stauni tquao alp do 1.1!quitio samn pun t.r!r4ptiy44 pun titiaurd poom3laup gum `AurtuiaD jo uo0aa isaJog Ionia atn smiona ataqdsomp sAunqpzip.mos lapruls aid& 4.1m. pun iaams `4Jassap tillIas-4saq sjuninmsai atu gum patu inoA pug •saoplod papj-iains tiwm panlas pun AAnaut pmpq smoomIsnm pun suomo rsJaddad my& pools du jaaq :alpoivej Jamour st uapulloi agZ •ansnus pun qsnina `uapiqtanns 'Tax -;tutiosiaumm 1.qpniout `spool unutiaD DIssup 3S00113 ITUD snug" •Jauvid taidures aqi spumumoaat untupsum `autstno unutiaD mau asom and

spool aiatim s‘u lautawi au} uo pug noA sadpai amas Luop am asnuoaqTuaiapp am!! a st;unann;saa inc,, sins untu lasunH „`AttrunaD tuou papauu lull anti punop satiminj pooi mou alum nuatu ino uo aseq am sadpa.i atij,„ 1961 °outs lumnulsal uaaq aim! sadpai °Imagine owns alp sins unit -psuull •dutstaumo Auurej jo uotimaua pun ut mou Si iumrtelsaJ atu, Aug/Coi s4a s! pood„ •sAns until -psunll trew .10IVAO-OD „`Asra Si Jaag„ •inindod amitu aupoaq pooj sl! sn 4unintisai iinj n cum maa pun uJanni n sn palpis Nunqiazitutps 'aDyuas Aumatu su pup pooj unumaD ouuatunn tutm a4up spool pun sistanoi. smut!) tuntput ut slumnuisag umotautoH uaj, doj, amyl auo paNum `iumnulsal sp.!" •Auptilitq tnapju paptqapo isnc`pooj Tiojuloo untunD uouniusut Jadsur n lunaneisau iturcuaziTutios .4neniJanns atp. ssud

Anomog ameticlan A TUD.11311I udazunos 11.1 poof unuidaD palatqapa jsow aq pdA.1dS SD1131111,qp.Z7.111110S `S.Indif og 1SD1 all] .103


au~ 3o i.sag

MC:1Z ManzAk

'amp amp aims uo.ukt aq 012up32 aJ,noA `Jamgam am 10 ITUqwoj Jamatuvi :3pup sum 1! uaqm 01 lq2q sum TT uaqm uroij pamous puu `MOUS TOTT u aq 012-uTo SEM ;! plus nox .40p azam noif 'uou, `u!Aus u! piu3 -4sod u was Am auo •Aup Ixau auretupw aql la I os .satiou! 'Aup pcau zI aiam anql 31.10M ow!)puq alIMO pur `awjaq upTu sawnij Joj pomp amp ano 213H.L13 'MONS 380N9I LNoa ina .33uunpu sAup amp /Cep mous u aawuJun Luop `os •Nooqaoud uo u2Is awq jo pum aims SEM aiatll /Sam Jaqulawai I •saq3u! 'us JO anu `swum ui •upsnp u }sill am :mous jo gnu' u la am ptre ul sdod Aupuow sn Aq iti2Ta ssud :Tsamtniou uTo2 sumq puu `4q2Tu Sup.mws pallooT I *puns uo u! 2upuo3 -amp 2!q s‘aaam fpumaam Aup-aanu u a/km' 01 'ILITa a.knox, Spm

maj E pp; I os •Aupuns uo tITtui33 sum pauoj uuols mous poo2 Auaad puu 'Amid u SEM TI 'Srin auop Janau @Au molls 'awn auo sum alatu DRIVA0V NI sAva 3321H.L Ava MONS V 33.1.NVUVII9 13m.i auo isnclou Smuoui moj.Toj `iatutuns am aNuI atll wo pupil 01 Onoua LUIEM SET! pUV ..10100 Huj injpnuaq alp s‘aiatp `Awnop umoig punoiu dn. •suosuas inoj Alp!Tos Ta2 nox •anqsuosuas inoj TIE 4a5 SNOSV3S 9NI9NVH) 3)11-131d03d pupil Luop I qui •ilq u momlAaql a)!!! :umuntlivam 2uoi 'alum moiC mom' /cam j! amp ssoq Api •llu au! mom' Luop 1,

S11101131 umudazipara

4sau I uaqm Lump Aaq; `aiaq Jaquiamaa •qolu paau puu '2uplowin uatp. `alu upisu aisfatil j! asnuo -aq 'mu s‘wiLL ..laqwain am wog poNsu uaaq am Apumu Aupoi salmi aanu, 3IAIVN anoA /ON `583.1.J.VIAIJ.VH.L 80f 3HJ. Sal .uoos aum /Wu dms 01 woqu Lus! aq puu `awi ssaoans waond 98 uu gum isepaiojAirep syare awls-T.1y sapoqg Sauaif 91 To!paid padiaq Jod •sw2n0144 suj aius 01 pu0 aq isui p‘aq Spnulps alsTu pan° u! ssn3 -sTp wum noiC Tun& selatipam j! •s3Tdol iatipam Tsnf Imp aioui smarni -oalatu jam affinsuuna 'Anson' 'pup AU10110.11.St `Sl..10CIS antuasooi Aailua A8

di] sdrnirn waignamnunmui s `nudois aaf al saopnuial Luau

isOoioaoalaut jaw mium ‘sapotill uoll

•snoinjuanpu unj aJotu 41 saNutu tpujAn `siavetu °au am uopualje asop Aud anutj noA .JAOT -Toj Japiuq TT[Ttuooaq puu aaojaq auTAui Onoim swim. Buil Vnann AunnjTuLT jnoqy SRI •AlaTJuA jo joT u sm—AnoT -TaA `uaaa jtOTT Vud—sJoioa Hu jo asnuoaq snoaia Apjniosqu `LiTids u! 'ow 0.1E sail:ea' am uatjAn sauo

•oupcis pun

Jajjaq ilaA3 `a3Turj poomAnollaA jo snnaTA puva noA sa4 1..TT)1 01U, TeDITIOA XIF3n3Eid asnuaaq uT)1 OTH unnop amoo puu jud,o aaJuas dn a o; aidoad Hal uauo :a3m. soinuaum ulsTA

pue aulAca :sa.ntimaj Fpads :Annallpp jo taitari

zll g'f WW1 BUD/

+1.01,0 daIDDS


`Isauoa aLtvIs goommormaA.

u! 4saq


quail; quup oj Imo ;as puu 'quad Tuuosuas asap. papuaunuoaai Ilaunop sia3ull JaTsooll amp Jmaa.up angrmaxa IumuanuAT auuuzns •sluids ifTnitojT puu &la/mu -punn suT.Tq upds puu—snnaTA Jaupuj puu saw; aJuq suraul Jajum •T.TT.Tds .To null/A am UT au' }Imams noA uatinn aas IMO noic sjTOTs aqj auOuuT

ZIOZ 01\111:MS g18

spon Aueupa

fluifiumptia dS,91.1,L

uosuas 31tuad

•(4a! uo) Maud 04 samu z• 4noqu s5uLids pauuoarj !Twos mono.; `s2ulids p.teuoarj mnos oluo ija! 45.1u aNe4 `s2u!ids p.reuoaq 4sam uo 4ja! um; `a3uci uoliamid lsaM puu LE uopaasJa4u! 04 op :suopaaJpi


•anua u puu supds amp auo main 04 oil amp pu4s je 41441 noA aiown aN!q uo sams 0144 av4 puaitlle.u, auq4 anuq 4,uop noic


•ssp.0 Asua sm—ump aas 4010 a `uolloasJain! uaqm •u_rep u puu „j,„ E 01. samoo !'u.14 pumann a `supds onn4 `sanua oAL4 suq 4nq 2uol autu u Awo s!!!ual silty :aNe4 Am' paads Auluozpoq Allunlau s,;! puu atunion Timm os suti do; 'eau auo aqy •s5upds puu siannoljpwyt In; -Rnuaq4soul am 4a sx •suosuas anoJllu 5minp 4uaL5 s,41 inq `aum5upds Joj ava sm,„ :a3m4 sauxnua44IN 0 l4 sav4 puunann puu s2mids `siamoupion :samtivaj impads

(asea.nu4s daals auo suq 4110notniu) Asua :Amnaupp jo 'marl ?in IT

'lln.ilthupds pinuoa7

NOIONIIVOOMI `311117il anfLINN S91S112141S auvNoari

image 4q2lu145 sl pualfflu.14 iallatis Nam; 0144 puu u2is dep Amy! am Aq vud •puou Isamu Luoij aicuslA 4ou aqj, •Ta!s s!LL,IIs peatmuii aallaqs puatup.m, „dup morj„ aqI Jo.; Noor! .(40!L uo) !matt -llu.14 am 04 salmi z/Ez lnoqu puou lsaaod "110J `(4saiod awls aomoysi-uaiow ioj slap uo; qalunn) puoll 4saJod uo uai uin4 puoll @MS PIO uo TOL! um4 We/kap-Log aum pm LE puou ams jo umpasJaw! am 04 op :suowaila puLiou am 04 larq puu Onoim .SEM am lie mud iatuouu aNul IMO noA 4nq `Jallaqs am 04 do a Lusaop u puu sawn; lunpu aqj, uallatis -ED.13 JO 540i tillm)laa.13 a s‘aJam Mallon

)13PlaH LIDE2 Aq oloqd / wojaq Aaiien a ill u! ale] poommoilaA 10 asdw!IS pia ii,noA


OqI 0411! Lump a noA uatim :a4B1 Am' A.Tan °pap „•saiala! inj!lnuaq 04 sazaag JOPAI 0144 `aaLuInn am Li! inq uj `uAkop 2u!ddlip aas noA 5upds ..laTiatis Now 0144 anoqu Hos am 5u1noul Ja4vm s,a1alu •sapp! mjpnuaq ;soul am an alam Iscaj Atm uaaq suq aJam au"; Auv„ :a4e4 samilualm -tretpano puu sapp! :saan4ga3 wpads apJapoul :Amnalyjcp Jo pnaq dallais 3poy 1w g

arl'IlASNI.LUVW `1,sauod HIVIS 8OHNO141-N1/91101A1 •pgatmuJ4 juo aanas am 04 iamiuj spirA ma; u 4sni pU0.1 Tanu.15 am. mop.; `puatillui4 Om 011440m0 noA uatim:dp pgampau, .(4jal uo) puaquu14 04 salt'' g 4noqu puou valp uospuf mop.; `puou NaaJD uosNauf puu 9t Jo uomasia4u! am 04 op :suonaaam




AsalJnoD solou

zumanisnut punipoom anis spg pimp) lfZDJa OS ain air) AV/11




TT woD•uoilepaiddV -WOORISFIn Wail sped

•anssp, Jo slunqD pue sJecui Aumlop LIWA Pall!4 pue s! ap!su! wars ayl Jo dol ayl paiDelle AlaJeq s! deD 'es!Anaual aD!is noA it •wals iio AlaaJj s2uey 'paisenbs sJeadde 'spJenAlno a2inq m quo' deD aqi SINOW aSieJ •moilog s! apisu! aq1 'as!mt.nSuai WOOMISMil aD!is noA iI •wals ay} of papepe ApeJip 'padeys Aguoi!un 'sap puu sl!d pal@ACD 'spJenAu! papd s! deD au' spaow anal

5iNVi -11.1 I

spuadap ont .toj Not)! o; Tutim •saiddu put saqst 'sworn -gods Aq.mams stalling awl. lam° sifts s; °ay:R.10p awl sp.; autim aq `tula upfl-mo; •nula .toj wan utinoos nsanns `uostas mollaif vad t.itanp slalom Joj qa.leaS Timm jjo sift') same; oqm uoVulutoom ut airoldutoJd uttatsifqd u tuuDaTAT saputp %la IT toykk vus oT aim! Tsnf noA .auou &tam alaqT put naif Txau 3inq Tuam I •saaiT uqa peap paiquj amp auo pug oT nuaA ET am vo,T,„ *sifts aq „`siatout of, punoj •Ittuiout Atik Amu. t uo TsaJod FuoneN JaIsooll am tit slalom uazop itiaikas .1.qpuu SEM TsaMcl gulp) auo sifts Jamax •siatout aptiq aanpald saan qsu put slalom mouaAjo saqopq a.mi asnuoaq lulluassa aanpoid soda s,TT •puapj paaua!ndxa .to appi2 saw'. Ajtmapt ol uttiato; jo aauniodun sassans lama); •vuoa•sumoiqsnumue -!pui ausqam am sum oqm uoVututooig wag TsOopaaiful inaltum ug 'lama); uou sifts „`spoom om!Tno ol Tsnl„ an,noif Auriaua2 'pug Tuau sc.toq0;au Jnoif u; dn dod LIED siaaout Num meT sap's; ET SEM !atom sand-puooas atu, •uloalqsnut jo spunod u! patpam s,4tm—saouno !atom }sate! `IuoiC }surf '003 tau -ulm sp.mme put ;wow! aq; .mj TsaTuoa Itnuur LIE smog Jadedsmau pyom t.quana daouads aqy •JaTTaq Si lanyl Vnom `nalunti Alum .tod 1T4 satPu! S E Autiaua2 numoiqsnut aq; put `an-qmooicauoq JO auods Tiooi slalom alatiq put mouaA moq jo sduo aqy .uado palls uaqm Akolloq put qslifta ampu s!TurTs Jupunll IatoTAT„ alooq itam ul iapqAtik un:Lioaou 'Timm usaIatu, put uqof u! slat put Ata `mouaif `uot2aa ETE -ow amp° jo sad64 aann a i anti" .(saTrud iftpuld aas) lultdsoq oT dp; u put Tpuus ATstT is uaamlaq aoua

s,ll •aauaaajaid JOAEIJ E Item -.Tapp tittistaupspa atom st punj snoptii -euttpuT u!SUI00.111STEUI pump sanapuil UOUJIII00 II sis!! saainosall ItinTeN jo Tnq `atsuq sutaas TuautIludaa *Jo; 3uppoi aa‘noA pqm mom'

•spoom Tno !mall put astammud u qua ol Apra' Jamoonisnut aaykou .toj sdn pampa surialanmajv •LIVA.0.1,5 plow _ea; ameTtns Isom aq Num& Ttm Tuaumo4A Ajpuapt o; aiqt t.rtaq st llamas -ua o; Am aq j •satioled !atom itam oT sautoo Tt uatok paddll-TOTT Aisnopolou axe &Jamul.' umanisnw ..1a/VISUU Toadxa Luop Tnq 110;u4s E `);oo; pinoqs noA oiaqm 3ISU LIED no

•Tunq mooaqsnut Traa aq; to; amp utpualto aq; tioltm put Hos dump uo aifa uE &al! to; Tpaqo `spoon op os •Auw-puu oT mdy-puu tuoij Amout -moo do; u a.0 sdua aaffl-auods snoJod sulooiqsntu Aplutim asaw, itam •aA0a utoonisntu uappul Fano.' uum um); flp UMO Jpip. plowutiq Jauoos ppeom °gm sutialan pauoseas o; tplud !atom paiquj u uo a-mums o; Jata SOp100.1 JE0A-TSJU tuoaj tutIpuT -mnos ut punoqu sloping mooJqsnTAT „.a noif atup Ixau anti; SIB° _to omT aq ;Lamm lods inoif Apoqamos Ha; nod j! asneaaq `ool Tp!.11 jo pup; sx„ -maps luau Jalunq moon's= pauostas u `aitnpalk pa sAns „,c4 oI nods Lunn° la am„ •uotmaduma ifipuaRT put Salo; tit} oTu! Aiwa sapois tut ent pug-Tnu put put! maim qoua uo ssudsai; noqtgtau Vomjjo sift') aain uaut umoID upaau st Timm. utpuu mopulm Tnq 'Aiwa smooaqsnut .mj Tods owed u uo!a.t mut llos dump put saJmendtual .tatuxem

.4sampHAT ssoIon sdaams ssauputu IaJoul `Ufl aouo `pub •sanuai atp tOnonn dn T.uddod suOaci Anamb Ounj Hums E—pitc luau sc.mqtpau E tuicoucgsu000 put—spoom atll uI daaa •Japum jo anuotu pi pj Auutu atp. tuo.0 dn savmAimois pponn `punam siioa ipauw aou Jauuou a.qu) Aa

loj awiauaai uud Aatp puueq inoA tOnoitp aw.pauad sawds ally„ -advosa sawds slal jupaimu alp asnupaq aseo -mould u ur siaiotu ilatp papa 01 a3p! sIatuocknismu Auutu safes ailnoNk pg - uppriu! -sAus iapo „`iaq eq. ; aJojaq 0100.145, aw! auo jo ;soul adu aqs 4noq,d„ •ijolud umowsnui awi u punoj upag `.reaA ;sud - uosuas all; jo atm isig am 'DI puapj -Aoq Jag upuaq ajcpoil 504 iapp asngp -aq slalom ;nopus o; upag Jopuiguri ppd-JuaA-g lag pawl; Japp AIIOH Bo ;Op p Apunsn ;pm ls!m; puu liptpd ajdups Tnq 'Si sn4urtj aq; !q moo uo uIpuadap mus tputio a Jo mu)! a asn 11E0 noA -quip woonisnik wow waaD o; punoa ;Op ;wow alp tiou!d pwoqs noA tuoandsnui 313!d of `aidwuxa .10d *a130.11. alp jo svp; all; uwa! IhnoA t'uojv noA la! o; ucia;an pauosuas u gall1A1100 uea 110A

1upp aa,Aaq)leqm smoul oqm noA qlpn auoatuos aqui ,;sal Aum aq; um!" - ja3pium appaja tw paturn puu alum! ;a I ill, uuum Lusum puu 'dais Liana Tim .u.!1!sojs aaam saotis /chi ,-punow tiTtlan; 400 altam `.10; spp TO a/A, `p-I05 puu upq 4e pa31oo1 i„ -a am ;e4; pa4s4 ins puu apuj 514 uo )pool paunouoo put! uospuua Aj -Jawm puod 3iniq 1.114ilds dn sinus;„ - unpnu; `sAus Jam° ‘‘`u!p!is palms; uappns amp ipir„ - allu; Hums a punow la/luau= 04 '1.1900jApEa4S Jo3 aoujd ou 104 tlIztea! `11MO1AI0AO AppId11103 sera mud 044 pazpuai aqs ;sag atp ti!punoi sum amp() -anupuoo 04 pappap aqs lug Aum pavommou saap uaited swaA pawanbau aqs puJI nap ti!mopoj SUM Janpo `upds ;surd - uospuua.laq gum 1.114aagas apqm Apadaid Bo pavp! uaaq }nq aq 04 pa;iluuad sags alaqm slods sm.; aqs -spunoa upunq alponej lamp saimilplooD am spawid JaATIO `Iatuoowsnul pool Auu avd

- pualsui spoomop all; saqopm ags os •tualp aas o; spoon& all; ow1 daap a 01 anuq Amu noA Tnq `tipds Aiwa u! swaddu 11 -tpuatuapun Jamou ailqm qilm ;uujd a)!!!--upaiquin uu 'aid& Autu s1 wwolpu!lsaq am sAus ianpo Juplado puls saga; pooh op aq; uaqmAguaa 0.1u sjamul MOIDI I •sivaA 0; lnoqu Rump ulop uaaq„ •uojun jo Ianpo auuuzns sAus „`puu am Auuul moq puu o am aiatim jo wpuajea u claw! I waA A.lang„ - upds 1.11moijo3 alp dn molls Alpussa3au o; slalom alp padxa 1,uop `00.14 u!Auaap ;um uo aiqumjs op noA uaqm pub •sanip juluaumoilnua Oslonq uopuappuap! !wow Apo ;ou .104sum o; paau noA -uopuojpap puu atup sar4 slalom ti!puI •uleSe An 14

WEL-1017 (ZT8) EuLt 'al psuenj


- any uo42uRisem 911 do-op pooj A41) Jams L17L8-886 (eI8) 81717Lb ',311!Al-lseN peod umw8 pue 917 euepul L17617



pew Annus 5LL0-9LE (Z18) tout 'sriquinioj •iS uolOuNsem OzTI u.uei leo aignoa 917517-886 (EI8) 81717Lt7 anus awoulmeH OE

V91 /Wino) umoiS

pue luaned as

„-sail; 'no JO Ono 401 uaaq peg .pu all; pazpua.; am ;um ;no !Ind 01 pap; am jp, Lusum puu a/A„ -sanupuo3 puu sapprnp upupplAI ,,,moil uloaj smoonisnw asom 0)10; Tsui 01 ilOno I, `pros Apvuu aq ililod auo •4130 auou pawum aq ;nq `az0 -op& 01 pap; aj •uo puu uo tiluf.uuD `NA!! ;sill sum aH„ -sAus upuDow „rillam am amp Anna AlJadoid spj Jam) 1.1I8soID uaaq pug am pin `pavoipuul sum lsaJoj jo uopaas 4E114 ;no pawn; 41„ „unos jo pup!„ uploo! 'lump piumo; i.puliols uml u!Juaq-pd}sId mus fled ago `rods „Injaapuom„ all; 04 d114 qpnoj ilaq; 00 .51010 130 spaIpunti punoj puu ;saloj all; ow! wam Imo.' alp uoju 1E0 .paq; palled Amu, isaiod awls wuulng-uamo all; sum TOnom Aatp wqm u1 ode sJuaA ardnoa u slalom ioj 'IJI1jawas aiam puapj e puu upujaiAl -suopunils ANops subs ow ! la pinoo noA 10 Apadoid awApd uo upunti awjaq iaumopuul u tuo.p uo!sspuiad 31su sAumw -suopoplsai ;moms ilioqu sllun luaulauumn aa.mosai aip 4ltM vatio 01 ajdoad u!puItual `s.poniasat uo puu svud awls ur Muni updanisnut smopu uNc! alp—Noo; noA alaqm uo

•ua.le ainpua ails sialuon pio3 dn 2upium jo sap 2u!pug puu spoons auk Ononn 2uNienn of saJudtuo3 2ugnou si aJaqi

„-saiDads ale2edwd ;sof 5,41 *sapled 'wow all 04 spell ipplm 'saiods jo uoppripoJd B!ci slew Aat.p uaym sJetp pue asia alaliMalIJOS a 04 @A2L1 ABUT 'ap slJels 00_14 2 uaqm —Jaw) 11300 paau 00J4 pue !Bund -4! 0)10W pue wain puels ;sof ;imp Aay; pool Jpqj Ono seas 04 aneq Aatp Tap u! slueid uetj; aidoad alOW 012 Ound - sisainuAsoloyd op 4,ueD Aeip apuis 'saa.p. ay4 WOJj slua!nnu sla wowysnw `auet.pxa ui pue sluapInu cposqe saail ay4 sdial —saa4 jo 5400J 04 sanieswap tpeile Aoq -Japew D!uualo Buiwn5u03 3upea, map Bu!op ale SWOOJLISIIW 01(4 aiaim punaaapun saunj ay14o leal 'saau pm dNsuopelai DpopwAs @AEI.] SialOn„ WOJj :ALLI@)1 U0d



„'auo a0u!s pug Luop noiC nuana—mpremai AJOA si llamas alp pus kiss; aimb a.1e Aapj,„ arnoA •sices ail}no !Iowa JO paying J0/1011 uaneii nok ji„ •ApdosoiNd pip saotpa agnoaik pa sots spp ul ainpua am stag am tulip dn upluntk aril -mm pioo jo sO!s ii!puu pus spoon& alp oj samdmoo lug} aiatu,„ •Japp skus „`Jaddns Joj dn 4003 pug 04 'smog 01 slalom jo parect

Joj sampaums lung At SE upds ipso spoom amyl ssamtpaaead am anal i„ •spiom jo sdual; jutp sjsamj jo svou uapp!ii aq4 pug oj `papsul ssal saasid ail} amidxa pus no 04 jusmAapj •amjgu Joj aim 5 s! Vnoip `sialunq moan's= }soul pus JaATIO Ioj uopomps 11.!ppiano ails „pooh Apaid dn amp atom Aam `'lam `sassam am pm,„ `SAS 1an110 „Inpapuom sem TI„ •siamiu monakjo ;mud s sem Um p `amp pus ampui alp dn paiqumjs sp0 •paminuns Apsaip pup ppm ilaip illq dais s paqmpa Amp se ‘,1.1pci3 pus J31JV uTiriaa„ paps's kips IIEJ `sassaip kspuns %pips.; ilapj appl u! `si.4 alp oslupunti imams= u!0 sum Jatipj ;pm 1p.nup 04 a 0; Anus ials!s Jaii pus .1a14 pamem mom

Jap9 AlloH Jo Asa root soloqd / •Luals ayl of ApJa4 papepe s! leyl dep pallid AlpJeAnu! sli Aq eiquqs!n2upsip si l@JOW V :11-12id 'luny Supds Apea in4ssaDDris e woo' siaJow AnomaA pue >pep io Ae_uu ud :dol

Apuns auo susaa; tail uatim ails •unoiC sum ails Intim }no papms `sJanoi-piom Ausui mill `ianllo auuszns •splung papa!pap jo sprat" apj ui pimp s mipls sapoupul pooppipp `lung alp jo win 341 0} uompps uI „•smoonisnuLpaip pap pus A11. 01 pus' .i!atp mu° Manus pus 001E3 ui dn passam opm 'Asp IIe sisq aip 45 Ono $un14 ogm Jalaspip Airmis s jo pup' `email m /frig s gem amiu,„ •skes ail „tap papoom Allard m !loud jo tpnos umea 5 ui atip pusgsng •junti amsrap Jag pus mui-m-JapIs e pomp sm skus apropyil pa •13410 tiasa op-}no 01 pods s 41 wpm Amu •masoi a44 .1o3 samtp papps Asp tilljo umamsniu isJu spuu otim auo alp aoj Jaump tat; smnipatim `spoom alp ui }no a Aam amp liana jaq s aasid spuapj nil pus poomrapun jo Japp AlIoH •131oml.S011E1. JO papvsail 'pig am pug usa mok ui3as jo uoppadwoo am. JOJ s‘alatp `saniasmaip sJajunti •ampgupds am. u1 dump pus UlJEA1 `mooitisnm am Kg apuzIp ail} sup `spaIojAusiu pus advaspusi pa -Nder.goa papen STi tpim tare zig 314 L auo las alp m jiOnso !nag aAsti issai 4e pus—Aa4 pum pus nap Onmp alms uoaao Aq Amps 5 04 $uip.1oa as qualp lea illm °pm sauo Amo 315 susiunH •sapaurii ppoN saran sapads

coma' LLI a•M wain &Sus Alma aatiaps pajmn 344 u! AkOa slalom aaeid Aluo 3144 jou sdl Lsiaiotu 45045 PH/Am-154P -ui unipnos smisiu pip 4.! 5! ppm Tsui o

3A01 3Ni AliNt „1544 will asep stamp-pio 4544 5313!•44 °14141 JO 5401 are aniu,„ .skes arInDapil „`uossas pau

PI@IIWO 018 'Ll1!WS PS@Jall 40 AsalJnop adpad iqpluq J@I4IOUP dn Won pup umop wan 1JeDs isni JO @Ise; aq; BLI!JOAES 'AjMOIS wall le] '5 'Adsin pue umwq @JP saps He pun uoods uapoom e pm Jam! way; OH •Jaunq pm ued plat] aq; cuu! siaJow paJanop-Jno14 aq; doJa •47 'paleop Al@l@ldWOD @JP Aaq; Pun 4! LI! saDalcl !wow aq; HoJ pue qs!p e uo Jno11 ay; apeld *E *mg 1,usaop Jaunq all aJns a>tuini •Jallnq ;law pue 1@l1!>ls JO ued &Wu; e dn 400ld .A.D led pup Jalem u! wall aswd

roll dnJ E/T 204 Jo; Ho apelaan JO Jallnq q2nou3 siaJow

siaJouu papj 3issie13 uo12wwoo1800:1VJ J04 pip 'Ix) !pupa 10 Asalrop adpad APMP 11.181J ollos!J log o; seal appum puu aard ead ppv '17

.paleatial aq 04 8wo2 s! 1! 4! ssai am!! P ap!J >loop :040N '@1.SP1 0I UOSPOS pue quaipaJBui Buw!ewaJ ppe 'arap IP s! app uaqm 'sdweJ 011110 uouJod uaaJ2 aq; ppe 'pa>pop siauenb-aaJw s! app uaqm .E •suouippe uaamlaq sarup 8-5 'parposqe s! uowppe Lima pun 'ap; P le dnD P '>pols 2uppe upa8 •sainww E 'parposqe pun 2TJJus 51003 pue awm ppv •sainuiw E-Z 'Ham ap!J 2uneoD Wls pue aD!J ppv 'z

woDlpu!dvlsni 01 Jolnqp4uoD 'Ja!JD AHoH 40 Asalrop adpad


ipoo8 salse; RIILIDD0Z Jo tisenbs paP!p !Jana '(sal!JoAel Aw aJe Hsuq pue curelp) SOJ@L] uapJeB qsaJ4 'sJaddad moHaA JO uaaJ2 qsaJ4 film\ su slalawo Aw o; salcielaan leuoseas ppe 0; am I (ieuondo) '5 'aps au; uo 1014 qsaJi awns pue wpf puu slinps!q OAJOS pue @Se@LID JeppaqD pappaJqs doi * (4011Pis JnoA jo wolloq 0111 01 >pus 04 asaap pup 5880 014; pem 4,uop noA) Jus 04 anwpoD pup wwpaw o; umop way ay; un; 'apqnq 01 slJels qs!p all ar0 *(11@m Pallaw set; @S@@1.13 all pun) sarww /-5 J04 ‘AlluelsuoD Bupps 51003 0111 o; x!Lu laiawo ppv 118111 wwpaw Llo iell!Ns P u! 110 @AN 10011'5

pLI 'llem J!1sue SOJO puu DS@@1.13 wean `wean Jnos •(Jallnq 14os 2u!sn 4! sdollop Hews JO saDa!d Haws mu! Jamq >pus a l l ap!p) Jaunq `Doug 'uo!uo `swooJqsnw `asaatip elaaniaA PDT PPV 7 •papualq Ham pun >ispm `>!!!w ppP pue Imoq P u! s22a *T

@S@@LID WPOJJ ZO 110 @AN 1112.1!A PJ1X@ 1 I WPOJJ Jnos dnJ asaap Juppain pappaJqs dnJ E/T papp ‘uopo Hews (alse; o; UOSPaS `scpaq alpone4 JnoA JO) Hseq ‘autJuip TIPS p!pe2 •Jaddad TIPS 'ds; >tip do 47/I Jamq .1 pap!is 'SwOORisnw laJow dna s2Ba 9 9-17 :samas

laiawo asaao pue woonism !wow pima

*Tod ollos!J (dnJ et( Alarwpaidde) sdweJ r ;Jed al!qm rams pile HO IPOH 'dOLID Al@SJPOD pue Ham sdweJ qsem •I 04504 oT Jaddad pue TIPS 1saz uowal 'ds; E @LuALII 1? uesawsed dnJ z/I Jaunq aloof\ e/I 'paard topual >1007 'sead dnJ E pauoseas pue 'pares 'paueap `siaJow •q! pawJem 5pois apelaSaA dno E awn a;!qm dnJ e mosp DHJeB paddmp 'suopo pue siolleqs dnJ E/T Ho aiwo e sdweJ JO apeld pasn aq Aew s>pai Jeln2aJ JO suoweDs !(s)iaal 2upds pHm) sdweJ qii

8-9 :samas

sead pue siaJoyu ‘sdtuell Jo oliosm iod 2p3 leuompen. .spnq alsm alp azilulumum `allqns Onoto @Tsui kunu Tsoulp pue Xtplua UP 504 'wow 041 •satism asmoa -uTtui &mu' sluatuaidtuoa al:mu kionus 'asp tiarnu plotmm umo 811 uo pavaoa snopilap St moon's= 041 amm •sadpa.1 muosuas iptp. ut Wain. apnpul 01 AiTunpoddo ag11P dumi sluEinulsai EWE puu `aulOuRds alp u! slalom Has (luau Ana ol aJaqm aas) 80000.151 paoi—A.laom Luop ji •siaJoul JO isaAseti gnus P ixt unsai up& Llamas aqi Allnjado




•swatupeduma puatpano alp tuatj painds a5unni puu pauams snq ato. se pout-gams sia -uassed alutuaj aqj 'spurn" snugly& sazfa matpp pato/too puE JaApp snq atn putqaq do alma at" su aauj patuatus-a}uloaotp stq SSOJOU puants amus qs!dtut uv •tqlnoqs 'aistu snq otn umop pannids 'ins laps u ut passalp AN aITTH V 'astou ato patudtuoa Ittqlou sum aintuJadtua; aqi pig •puoJ iSilunoa ittputAt atll uotu padtunq su siauassud s;t autooJano paua atp. uo Teaq 1. 4.1aqams puu 'Sup Jaununs 4oti E sum 41 1114 snq

Au!paaH Alma Aa

NMO SIH SO 31191/31 V JamaLIDS upsnrlo AsaJnop °laid / „•umo maul jo anBeai V„ to 2u!will t.i!Jrip any e Jamaps tulsnr 2unoA seN2 PuuopEw

•atunflo aisni D (Coq plo-inaif-s1 duo aAng pun &qv 110 amitsuneta end utig'imasnq pappais-inls b `OBD &wad ifitiarnj

Aqs os 4sni sum I asnE3aq 4! jo To! u Injia papru4s /Cum' I •aidoad jo 4o4 E jo wau ui aq p,I saum jo 4o4 u `ti!uqu 343m am uatim„ •sicEs upsnr „Inogr iiu sum 4! iutim Eapt ou pug I puu `5 Amo sum j„ '1044ods agi ut awn sul Jo.; Apuai aunb 4,usum aauaqas `inoulE0 poom -Auoll aq4 1441m pa4uutasu3 sum asp ApogLiana Onompi uuuopuj aas 04 4snliciaua do is pinom aidoad •snq iocrps aqi Joj tinjank aiam /cam a)!!i sAmatuip atag4Jo pua aqi 4u -141.E palms Aq4 `uo 40ne3 s4ocuptau siq uaqm sAs N4nj,


jo amp uaans autos 4 puu sam4qap3 agi Jo sasdutTO 1434E3 04 5upzioti antsuung 04 paN3ou SUatE 5uTpunauns 1110.13 aidoag *bag s‘jiom pull uuquE4aD pig atu, su mans sltreinE4sai !EDOi pull saawas own tau3 1.1144Eci tams Alaa -Oa trim mulls luppom ApTioll papnpu! suopsang •Eaiu agI u! 04 samid pull op 04 st.uti4 jo 4alloud u Jamao4 Ind uana mama sJolis!A pull uopuanuoD ally •Hauuoc!,0 a!sog pull EttuopEjAI `smut[ Euaap tNuell tug', autoNam 04 suds lno 4nd sassautsng quatua4taxa tpyik 5utzznq sum Alp am `affinsuuna 11t panpit sms s,urrg agi amp ago



Aes UE3 Woad Auew MOH Tuuopeum pm, ipuuomo alsou ‘smuleH woi qmm lno Sung I /his UE3 I t, „tuTuJoul am ut asnoq ino Aq5upolTuam aqs asnuoaq `anal 1,uaJam Magi stall)! am `asino3 jo„ •sAs 314 „`1.0 Hof ivam EuuopEA! sa3E4d 4noqu sacrum u!Juaq 4daN am„ •alug agI 4noqg sNuitll 014 uaqm sq5nEi `txtuliu u!.irtp aoJatutuop jo JaqutuqD arunsuEng ur4TiodoIlaiAt amp TuaptsaJd am "if uolium „Ninj,„ •sasnoq pasua!Aam aiatim puu 8utilla aiam sms ami alatim 4noqe mall sJoutng •umo JIatll AsaunoD oioyd / •an2e_id u! 2u!AN o4 allinsuen] Li! awn Jag pandwo3 @LIS 1_1@qAA jo an2pa1 v„ Jo Supiq Supip upaw aql Jo; sqleAoinv 'euuopeN

•sot, agi uloaj sNauus mndod Jatpo puu sdoic! uoluai tunIpt4s 044 Onalm PaIlcals su4pcg •sa4E5 t441ou puu minor 3144 Bq „satIaa autaug am 4Iod -dirt& pa4utud `paugu aiam S@U33S Ituciasect am4 Jo 4sotu alai/A `ppm assog •sucgrao! u!looqs ul Os myit asom paouida4 sms 817 1441m slug umpaury su amp u!Novq dt44 E Nom jias4! allInsuEng •0.1044 do4s 4,up!p Hupp of uogualle ami 4ng tluud pa4gaid Imm s4ms slaods Jo ssaip 4Eam puu uanyqs-uE343 aq 04 peg uaix •Eia am 4u 4E114 samo13 Jamo puu spud iapinoqs Intm sassaJp `mg `asolikiuud Juam 04 papadxa aiam uatuom tauaas pAkaID 344 Ioj apo3 ssa4p 401.145 u paqsuqnd ssaig puu Japnop afflAsuung atu, •suipca aq 134 soloqd papumns s.101440 jo spuEsnom `ajoa rim Joj 4no 111.A.14 sum upsnr amiyi •saull autos As puu punolu dpis 04 1113144 paNsE sio43a4Tp u!ls-E3 alatim `amp -Ipnu jo punoi pug am 403 o5g314D 131 mall qlog •aaq4o auo puu upsnf :spIN om4 04 umop sa3Tog3 rtaq4 p3A10.1.1E11 purr siopaup 1.1!4suo am Te144 paumai wow s‘upsnr '4am salaam one „TE3 E sn 014 p,Aam plus Am puu ta4nupu anu Tnoqu Joj a5Els uo Atuo sum rino Il Nan4s am 4nq `1.uttua! 4noqu 4115nom am„ •uompnE slit! jo aim am 4E pio &ma& 5 sum. ottm `upsnf sAus „tirtoq 400 Joj pa4!Em am„ taqouag ploppou a4I ioj 4aAid uugasEq u `uAiang 3o uos agi Aid col Aoq unoic E ao3 pagE3 auo •saial Jagaus agi jo gums puu sEJ4xa Joj umuuliojut 1.1I4sE3 paqswind Jadedsmau 1E3o! agz •aulEj jo sap-1111m si Jtalll pa4uEm sutap!sai UOJU `afflAsuung u! 4oqs aq pp-tom aanpId uollow .10fUM u 4utp !maids piOM uati •poomAgoll tualsampm alp 'awn japq -E Joj `atuu3aq affinsuung puu 1.1143E 4E puuq spll pap4 all uatim saaquiatual ups upsnr 'patuiu sum „umo alagy jo alt ari y„ aouTs passed mug sJEaA oz Onompi •aitI4Eu A4unop Sasog u sum `snq ago UO 00AUIT paNualm oqm Aoq 044414 agi `Iauaq05 upsnr uang •sauaos auto amp 1.1!400qs 044 Joj plaid assog papoou 11I1140ia sOi761 ut woo! jo spuusnota •affinsuung punoir puu ul paugu aiam satiam .10Imn 044 jo Amin puu all pilom ui anp an.5Eag guqasug puoIssajoig 5111D uuDIJatuv-ify agi ioj Aid oqm sIalsIs om4 Jo £Io4s aqi smouoj UlJB ags „•uneto I!atu, JO araearj ti„ `3Issup z66I agi tr!paldIns sum auaas aitula aqI •JauEp 1110. AIM 11l sum snq agi uo Apoqou `asanoo Jo




'salon() won slJods lsas sdapead Nd53 agl uo pumas p3Jeld „illecl -aseq Ul 5wAn ou s,aiaw -An ou S,DJaLII„ 'alonb @La *SSOJI.DV UP

Aq 33UPWJ04.10d Tsa8 pue aJnow uoilow—Suos leuiSiJO 1s38 Jo' suoneu

-iwou aqoi9 nom° oral 'JOPV SuilJod00S

lsawund Jo; penny Apawo3 UE*181LIV UV

•SS!N 4sa8 104 0.104SHPJ8

auped pup queid wol pup DDUPWJOIJDd

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OUR HILLS AND VALLEYS SHAPED OUR DESTINY When you're driving south from Indianapolis on State Road 37, the land is flat and the trees are few. Then you get to Martinsville, and everything changes. Rolling hills covered in hardwood forests stretch all the way to the Ohio River, giving the region the scenic beauty that shows up on calendars and postcards. These hills are here because the last glacier to come through Indiana, about 20,000 years ago, stopped at Martinsville. A sheet of ice more than 1,000 feet thick scraped across the northern part of the state, flattening the land in its path. But the glacier didn't touch Southern Indiana, leaving us with the same forests, hills, caves, swamps, springs and waterfalls found in Kentucky. That last glacier not only shaped the geography of our state, but also our cultural history, says Walter Hasenmueller with the Indiana Geological Survey. "Rugged country changes land use," he says. Somewhere between the northern and southern parts of the state, "the topography changes and the human use of the land changes." The glacier that flattened the land in the north left behind sand, gravel and clay, creating a dense soil that proved to be great for farming. The hills in the south, however, weren't as suitable for large-scale farming. Cities like Fort Wayne, South Bend and Gary flourished in the north where the terrain was more welcoming and transportation was easier and faster. Here in the south, towns stayed small, with the exception of Evansville on the banks of the Ohio. That rugged topography that wasn't conducive to big farms or big cities is

why we now have so much public land in the lower third of the state. Southern Indiana has 13 of our 14 state forests, plus the 202,000-acre Hoosier National Forest. In the northern two-thirds of the state, only 3 percent of the land is public. But in Indiana's south-central counties, that figure climbs to nearly 20 percent. Jim Eagleman, a naturalist at Brown County State Park, has a photograph in his office taken from a satellite 440 miles above Indiana. "Do you see that dark green blob in the center?" he asks. "That's us." That swath of green sweeping up from Kentucky brings us migrating birds and animals that wouldn't be here otherwise. Mike Homoya, a botanist for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, says he's always thought of Southern Indiana as "the northern edge of the South" when it comes to plants and animals. You'll find mistletoe and yellowwood trees here. Cottonmouth snakes and Mississippi myotis bats. Carolina chickadees and chuck-will'swidows. And all that public land also means we have more places for hiking, biking, camping and—a classic Southern pastime—hunting. Even the rocks and minerals beneath the soil connect us with the South, says Walter Gray with the Indiana Geological Survey. We have coal and limestone— with its serpentine underground caves. "In terms of geology, Southern Indiana is not much different than Northern Kentucky," he says, "until you hit Martinsville, the glacial boundary." You have to wonder: If it weren't for the half-mile-wide Ohio River, Southern Indiana today might well be part of Kentucky.

DO YOU TALK LIKE A MIDWESTERNER OR A SOUTHERNER? Answer these 10 questions and see. 1. How do you pronounce aunt? a.Rhymes with can't b.Rhymes with want 2. How do you say caramel? a.Two syllables: car-mel b.Three syllables: car-a-mel 3. How do you say creek? a.Rhymes with meek b.Rhymes with kick 4. How do you pronounce the second syllable in pajamas? a.Rhymes with ham b.Rhymes with tom 5. How do you pronounce route? a.Rhymes with pout b.Rhymes with hoot 6. Do you pronounce cot and caught the same way? a. Yes b.No 7. How do you say pen? a.Rhymes with hen b.Rhymes with sin 8. How do you say coupon? a.Coo-pon as in coop b.Cu-pon as in cute 9. How do you say mayonnaise? a.Two syllables: man-aze b.Three syllables: may-o-naze 10. What phrase do you use to address a group of two or more people? a. You guys b. You-all If you chose mostly A's, you talk like someone from the Midwest. If you chose mostly B's, you talk like someone from the Upper South.

19 812

WINTER/ SPRING 2012 Southern Indiana's hills weren't good for farming, which is why we have so much public land, like Yellowwood State Forest. / Photo by Zach Hetrick


The South Midland dialect loops up from Kentucky into Indiana in what linguists call "the Hoosier apex."

WE FIX MIDWESTERN FOOD WITH SOUTHERN STYLE If you go due south into Louisville, you'll find derby pie and barbeque. If you head southeast, you'll find Cincinnati chili. Here in Southern Indiana, we grow sweet corn, heirloom tomatoes, persimmons and a wealth of other produce. We're perfectly positioned to take

man-made watermelon that drops real melons, ringing in the new year with a colorful splat. We also have local farms that provide us with beef, pork, chicken, duck and even bison. And how do we fix all these fresh, homegrown foods and farm-raised animals? Well, we tend to fry a lot of them, just as they do in the South. You'll find everything from hot fried biscuits


20 812


Christine Barbour, author of "Home Grown Indiana: A Food Lover's Guide to Good Eating in the Hoosier State," describes Southern Indiana food as "Midwestern cuisine with Southern preparation." What does she mean? In Southern Indiana, we rely on fresh foods and ingredients during growing season. We have an abundance of small farms and farmers markets that supply families and local restaurants with produce. The stretch of highway from Terre Haute to Vincennes on U.S. Route 41 is known as "melon road" because of the melon farms and stands. Jackson County is known for its cantaloupe, and in Vincennes, they celebrate New Year's Eve with an 18-foot, 500-pound

in Nashville to fried brain sandwiches in Evansville. Yes, brain sandwiches. Found only in the southern part of the state, the "delicacy" was passed down by German immigrants who settled in the Ohio River Valley. Fried baloney sandwiches are another favorite. The classic way to eat one is on Wonder Bread with mayonnaise and a slice of processed American cheese. It's called the "hillbilly hamburger." But, brains and boloney aside, Barbour says the pork tenderloin is probably the quintessential Southern Indiana sandwich. Joanne Raetz Stuttgen is the co-author of the "Cafe Indiana Cookbook" and has eaten in more than 500 small-town

restaurants across the state. She says we're still all about comfort food down here. People fry chicken, bake pies and enjoy each other's company around the dinner table. We may use more shortcuts nowadays—like mixes and frozen pie crusts—but we still appreciate a homecooked meal. Some of the more Southern-inspired dishes she's seen are dried beans, cornbread, corn mush, cobblers, meatloaf and tomato gravy. "Noodles are found in the northern part of the state," she says, "while you are more likely to find dumplings in the southern part." So, when it comes to food, we're solidly in the Midwest. But with a dash of Dixie. "I definitely see, feel and taste a Southern tradition here," Stuttgen says.

WE SPEAK WITH THAT "HOOSIER TWANG" We talk a little differently down here. We hang on to some words a little longer but cut others off. We make "and" a two-syllable word (an-duh) but say we're goin' fishin' or huntin'. We say we want a "coke" when we mean a Sprite. We need to "git" where we're goin'. The thing we write with and the code we punch into our ATM are both "pins." Here in Southern Indiana, we speak the South Midland dialect, along with the folks in Kentucky, Tennessee and

Northern Alabama. When linguists asked Americans how they pronounced the words "pen" and "pin," they found that Southern Indiana was the northernmost point where they pronounced the two words the same. The South Midland dialect literally loops up from Kentucky into Southern Indiana and back. That's what linguists call the Hoosier apex. Indiana University English professor Scott Herring described that Hoosier twang in the Southern Communication Journal: "It is a typical sweltering summer afternoon in Bloomington ... I find myself, once again, stuck in the Dairy Queen drive-thru ... The attendant ... kindly cautions that the bacon cheeseburger is "really greasy," only her sibilant [s] sounds a lot more like a [z]. Her grea[z]y gives me a pause, since the Indiana-based delivery seems more like Alabamatalk to my well-trained ears. I drive off, reminded that I reside in the dead-center of the Hoosier apex." A dialect is more than an accent. It's a combination of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. A dialect develops when people who are set off from others by geographical or social boundaries use the same language in different ways. When you walk into a room, people can tell where you're from just by the way you speak. And people take pride in where they're from. For a while, experts predicted that American dialects would disappear with time. They thought mass media would reduce regional speech patterns, and we'd all begin to sound like television newscasters. But five years ago, the "Atlas of North American English," the first text to plot all the major U.S. speech patterns, found the reverse: Regional dialects are

actually becoming more distinct. The author says people want to sound like their friends—it's part of their identity. Dialects are a way of letting everyone know what region you're from, which plays a big part in who you are. IU linguistics professor Brian Jose says people in Southern Indiana talk as they do because the region is more rural. "I think people tend to sound more Southern in rural areas," he says. His colleague Kenneth de Jong suggests the reason people in Southern Indiana speak like people in the Upper South has a lot to do with history. "During the Civil War, abolitionists wanted to get to the first piece of land they could find that wasn't in the South, and guess where that is? Southern Indiana," he says. "That's where I think the Hoosier apex came from. So here you get people who think like Northerners but talk like Southerners."

SO WHO ARE WE, REALLY? What it all comes down to is that Southern Indiana is a lively fusion of Midwest and South. We're proud to be Hoosiers, but the natural world around us is more like Kentucky. Our food is made from Midwestern ingredients but prepared in a Southern style. We have a Midwestern attitude, but sound like our neighbors to the south. Folks here mix Midwestern practicality with Southern grace, and we can identify with that. Don't you-all agree?





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21 812 AN/INTER/ SPRING 2012

No one's a stranger when square dancers


quare dancers cluster around the stage, ready for their next number. Black and tan cowboy hats and fluffy patterned skirts coexist with blue jeans and matching plaid shirts. Sixteen-year-old Sam Mestel from New Albany climbs the steps and takes the mic. He's part of a family of 10 that dances, the first to learn the art of square-dance calling. He fumbles with the mic, adjusting his glasses. "This song was requested by my mom," he jokes with a hint of Southern twang, "and she's my ride home, so I figure I better do it." He presses Play, and Bobby Darin's "Dream Lover" echoes through the ballroom. Sam begins the song energetically, as if he's been calling his whole life. "Every night I hope and pray, a dream lover will come my way ... Left allemande, you'll do-sido, left allemande, c'mon and weave it you know...." The dancers fall seamlessly into the steps, rotating gracefully across the floor. "Because I want... a girl... do-si-do and promenade along... I want a dream lover so I won't have to dream alone." For one weekend, 500 square dancers converged on the Indianapolis Marriott East for the 22nd annual Indiana Square Dance Convention. Enthusiasts of all ages, from teens to retirees, spent two days dancing and celebrating an American folk tradition. For many, dancing is a lifestyle. It goes beyond putting on a crinoline and driving to the dance hall one night a week—it's a place to make friends, to stay healthy and to celebrate love.



*** John Cook is waiting as you enter the hotel ballroom. He's in the teal shirt with the black scarf tie, wearing small glasses and beaming excitedly. He throws his arm around you as if you're old friends and says, "In square dancing, the men always hug the ladies. That's just how it is." He introduces you to his wife, Carolyn, who's wearing a black blouse and a poufy skirt decorated in teal and orange jungle flowers. Cook, 64, dances with the Merry Mixers in Greenwood. He's from Dunkirk, but he spends most of his time traveling with his job for Sears. Whether he's at home or on the road, dancing is always part of Cook's life. "Square dancing is responsible for my marriage," Cook says. He learned how to square dance in the Navy, and when he was home, he went to a square dance in Indianapolis with his friends. "She was the first girl I met when I walked in the door, and I'm still married to her," he says. "Forty years." Cook and his wife joined the Merry Mixers about a year and a half ago, but they've been active in the Indiana Dance

Julia Branham and her husband dance at the Indiana Square Dancing Convention. Branham was one of the organizers of the convention.

BEGINNER'S LUCK Try your hand at square dancing. Clubs meet once per week and usually offer beginner's dance lesson nights. SEYMOUR: Star Promenaders, Trinity UMC, 812-346-6164 NASHVILLE: Bucks & Does, Historical Society, 317-796-8249 TERRE HAUTE: Swinging Mates, Devaney School, 812-299-9343 GREENSBURG: Tree City Squares, Parks & Rec Building, 812-663-4666 CHANDLER: Warrick Promenaders, Chandler Community Center, 812-925-6840 BEDFORD: Stone City Squares, Parkview School, 812-925-6840 NEW ALBANY: Sunnyside Solos, Grant Line Methodist Church, 502-931-8538 OWENSVILLE: Mt. Carmel Promenaders, Owensville Community Center, 812-724-4812

Leaders Association for years. Cook served for five years as the state treasurer, and two years as the state president. Cook also credits square dancing for his healthy body and spirit. Two years ago he had two heart attacks and was back to work in five weeks. His doctors attributed his quick recovery to his healthy lifestyle—all those evenings spent square dancing. "It's like a five-mile hike," he jokes, "only a lot more fun." If you want to square dance, you need about four months of weekly lessons to learn the more than 60 basic calls. There are five standard levels of square dancing: basic, mainstream (the level most clubs use), plus, advanced and challenge. Each level builds on the previous one, with a few more steps to learn. "The lessons teach you the language, so you know when the caller says something what to do," Cook says. "It's like driving a stick shift, after you've been doing it awhile you don't have to think about it." Each song in square dancing is called a tip, which is made up of two separate parts. The patter is like the practice round. The caller introduces some of the trickier steps, so dancers know what to expect for the real dance, and gives the dancers a chance to get used to his or her rhythm and calling style. Then, it's time for the song. The pattern of steps the caller sings is repeated four times, with the women rotating around the men in a square and back to their partners by the end. There are usually different people in your square each time you dance. "You can have a guy who drives a garbage truck and a brain surgeon in the same square," Cook says. "It's a leveler, and everyone has a good time." And don't worry about getting tired of country tunes by the end of the night. "The only music we don't dance to is hip hop," Cook says. This includes gospel, songs from musicals, rock, and even rap. Cook has danced to "YMCA' and "Macho Man," but he loves dancing to Neil Diamond's "Beautiful Noise" with his wife.

*** Square dancing's roots are found in the French and English line dances Early American settlers brought with them to the New World. Square dancing developed first in New England and Appalachia, and took on its now-famous Western flair as settlers migrated across the country. Interest waxed and waned, but Henry Ford revitalized square dancing in the 1920s as a pastime for his automobile factory workers. Today the United Square Dancers of America has 310,000 members across the country. But square dancing is at its purest in small towns, where people dance for recre-

Chuck Roberts dances with his wife. Roberts says he loves dancing to Michael Jackson and AC/DC songs.


John and Carolyn Cook have been active in the Indiana Dance Leaders Association for years, serving as treasurer and president. The Cooks met at a square dance and have been dancing together for 40 years.

ation and pleasure. The Indiana Dance Association has 2,000 members, and Cook estimates there are at least 1,500 other dancers in the state. In Southern Indiana there are clubs in Nashville, Seymour, Bedford, Evansville, Terre Haute, Greensburg, Chandler, Owensville, Daylight and New Albany, each with its own local flavor. Bill Monroe, the founder of bluegrass music, was discovered at a community square dance. Dancers are encouraged to visit other clubs, creating a network throughout Southern Indiana. Dennis Grasch and Gail Branscom of Scottsburg are members of the Southern Indiana squaredancing family. The couple has been dancing with the New Albany Sunny Side Solos twice a week for the last 31 years, but they dance in other cities, too. "They enjoy having visitors," Branscom says. "They like showing their club to new people, and we like visiting." Cook's favorite part of square dancing is all the

25 812 WINTER/ SPRING 2012

Sam Mestel, 16 calls out the steps to "Dream Lover." Mestel is from New Albany, and he was one of the youngest callers at th convention

easy, but the music gets faster and the pace increases. Yellow and red cards fly. The competition decreases from five to four to three to two squares. The dancers spin across the floor. In minutes, one square remains. The Star Wrongers have won again, and the Bergers are beaming. "Now ladies, half of a half turn," Miller calls. The female dancers do a double take, their feet fumbling. The champions are defeated, and the crowd claps and cheers. "Half of a half turn," Cook remarks. "I've never heard of that in my forty years dancing." "You sure?" his friend says. "I think he called that to break them down." "No, I think he knew what to call next if the dancers figured that out." The debate continues on, all in good fun.


friends he has made throughout the area. "You might not know them when you get there, but by the end you're friends," he says. "It's unreal."


26 812 WINTER/ SPRING 2012

At 1 p.m., it's time for the dance competition. National caller Tom Miller, visiting from Pennsylvania, is calling the competition this year. Six different squares are competing this year, a solid number for this annual competition. "It's not how fast you dance, it's how well," Miller says as he explains the rules. The contest is at mainstream dance level, and there are no points awarded for style—it's all about technique. Judges with yellow and red cards stand by to call dancers out of the contest. Teresa and Andrew Berger, wearing matching lime green and orange ensembles, patiently wait for the beginning of the tip. The high school students and siblings are the reigning champions, and they're ready to take the title for a third year in a row. They're dancing with the Star Wrongers, a combination of two groups from Michigan City and New Albany. "As we all square dance, this is just for fun," Miller jokes. "No blood." The dancers and the crowd laugh. The music starts, and all eyes are on the floor. The calls start

If square dancing is an art, calling is a discipline. Many square dancers get into calling because they want to try something different. They often work with callers in their area to learn the basics, and then attend caller schools around the country to refine their skills. Though it requires a sense of rhythm and creativity to put calls together into a tip, calling is mostly based on math. Think of it as one giant logic problem: You have eight people in a square who have to get around the square and back to their original partners in the end. Teressa and Andrew Berger, the winners of the dance contest, started calling to spice up their square dancing. The Bergers, upperclassmen in their high school in New Carlisle, got dragged into square dancing by their parents. Teresa and Andrew were bored by the basics, so they began calling. The Bergers spent the summer in calling school. Teresa's favorite music to call to is old gospel songs. "It's a lot of work, but in the end it's worth it," Andrew says.

*** In the back of the hotel ballroom, crinoline skirts and blouses of every color line the walls. Paula Cleary sets up square-dance clothing shops at state conventions around the country For couples not handy enough to sew their own, shops like this are a godsend. It costs about $150 for a woman to put together her first square dancing outfit: a skirt and blouse, pettipants and a crinoline skirt. More relaxed clubs allow women to wear jeans and a Western-style top. Men must wear long sleeves, usually a Western-style shirt, and some wear scarf ties and a belt. Cleary's popup store sells it all, even embroidered towels the men can throw in their pockets to wipe the sweat from their brows. Julie Branham, one of the Indiana Square Dance Convention CONTINUED ON PAGE 40


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Let us introduce you to five artisans who are as distinctive as the art they create. They, and their work, are

By Danielle Rindler I Photos by Chaz Mottinger

Randall O'Donnell, wood it 01 A

In a world where the word artisan has become a descriptor for anything from breakfast sandwiches to stainless steel sinks, it's easy to forget artisans once formed the backbone of civilization. Farmers depended on tools from the local blacksmith. Housewives stocked their kitchens with stoneware from the local potter and covered their floors with rugs from the local weaver. Furniture was handmade. Today, dotted through Southern Indiana are innumerable artists. But only a few can be called artisans in the traditional sense. Artisan crafts, once made out of necessity, have morphed into contemporary art forms. Today, intricate door hinges, hand-painted pots and customized rag rugs stand as decorative rather than necessary.

Ray Sease, metalwork

Barb Gallagher, textiles

But even today, you can still see those practical roots, says Jon Kay, director of Traditional Arts Indiana. Most utilitarian things have elements of aesthetics, Kay says. "Whatever they're making, it has to look right, feel right, fit right. Artisans make an aesthetic choice, but what they're making must still do its job. The things artisans produce go beyond necessity."

Anthony Nava, Native American art

With the help of Kay, 812 discovered some of the region's most authentic artisans, the kind you can't find with a simple Google search. So dive in, explore and discover their stories— and their art—for yourself. John & Beth Mills, pottery

EXCLUSIVELY AT 812MAGAZINE.COM From wineries to workshops, we look at four artisan trails that wander through Southern Indiana.

Randall O'Donnell, woodwork

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30 812 WINTER/ SPRING 2012

Woodcarver Randall O'Donnell explains how he creates the carvings on his colonial furniture pieces. The hardest part, he says, is hand drawing the pattern and replicating it.

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my family. That's hard to move away from."

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Why Southern Indiana: "There's good wood here. And

Price: $$$

you're looking for Randall O'Donnell, u'll have to know where you're going. 's gravel driveway gives no indication at there's a house at the end of it. No ailbox, no address, nothing. likes it out here, says it helps him focus on his work. And when, like O'Donnell, your work involves pre-industrial age tools and colonial furniture, living in an Indiana forest might be just what you need. O'Donnell says his traditional woodworking tactics add character and personality to his pieces. "With modern tools, everyone who picks it up get the same shape," he says. "You see personality when you use a hand plane. If it's someone with a strong hand and a good eye, you see that, whereas it's dead and lifeless with a machine." O'Donnell can make you a set of kitchen cabinets or a hardwood floor. But his favorite pieces are more intricate. A restored, cherry table from the 1700s. A brown bureau with a shining, almost golden, swirled pattern. Chairs with carved talon-like feet. In today's world of concrete and plastic and drywall, O'Donnell says real, handcrafted wood is a novelty, but that's what attracts him to it. "Can you imagine a time when everything—a spoon, a button, a table— had little edges? Details that someone had to look at and go, 'No, that's not quite right'? Imagine the life that comes to everything in a world like that." As someone who loves the soul of wood, O'Donnell lives in the right place. Here he's among some of the country's best walnut and white oak trees. His favorite, though, is the black walnut. "When it comes to prime hardwood, there's nowhere like Indiana," he says. Walking around his workshop, O'Donnell can barely take two steps without finding something to talk about. First it's a photo of a piece of colonial furniture in the Met. Next it's a particularly beautiful plank of Amazonian mahogany. And as he talks, it's hard to imagine him anywhere else. "If I could sing I'd rather be a rock star," he says. "If I was taller I'd be in the NBA. But this is what I was meant to be."

Learn foryourself: O'Donnell offers a rigorous, I-to-2-year apprenticeship. Want something less intensive? The Marc Adams School of Woodworking offers weekend workshops. Visit or call 317-535-4013 for more information.


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„•auoLiana puu °Inas Noy& su Tnq -tpou aioqm aaualls ui pools sutputp. luaaigpautu os 1..qtgatuos .toj aouaaaAaJ pa. ; inq dIaq LIMO noA„ •Nauq Ono.' u!tianoi. u!Ns pasnollua silt `ams sT! lstr!Ou puuq silt slsai Anita @I-1 mum! auoAuu auop ianau salt aa14 sAus mot!" `s.tuaA oot III 'Api!nburi} puu aarad jo aauni u turq sa.4 aa.q. aqZ •snll smolt)! aa.14 alt; sAus tuotu •uompamidu inoA /Amp oi icum u sIoaouqol5upuqs `uompu.14 urapaury an-nuN y •aan jo asuq alt; punatu oaauqoi. alt; saplupds aq `siauu splt uaamlaq sanuai pup alt; uiiio2I •oaarq top& palm qanod iaqivappuiq Hutus u Tno saNul aq lallood Nouq siq maid •aatiapadxa rertuyds u sdi alp ys!A Isamu alt; olui umop aq uaqm •ap!slno UV° aq su auqi tianut su spuads puu ups wow . , I3L MON . asop tun! Nati qauuiq 'pulp .lag samun 014M JOglow u aNyr •sanuoo o5od puai tionuiq lsanni uo a!l puu dn quIrp pasn alt •Nuo untunbunp plo amp slaw alt; unpin& paqaia alu sAup pootipllqa ol Nauq tua4s ainlvia;!i puu aaniuu tprm suompossu mum!" pre! sno. paTpluquIlsiu otim snaucNd puu surapauly anquisi aL1140 sapols atn. Hai sianou silt •sanloa uompu o w min aIout mos mug Tull sianou uanas pa.qdstri spoom u! anjat snu, •spuuq tzmo silt tp!Ak Tunqai aq univa pio-JuaicsLiu u! sax!! alt Si !His puu 'pulp u su ODuld alponuj TT sum 4! •spoom alt; ui dn maa Vodsop ui gg6T u! tuoq 'wog" •au sivaif 001-amp aaoux iios Ia!sooH olu! slow yam Nuns own Anutuj sni jo sip-Ids No alt; qirm palm 'aail passam u sy quou JapuExapi satuur .10,4

./C)is sp.mrnol pa-emdn sclaarns tpumq 'saw' sll •IcTunop uorno ui isaloj au-sLT Xnualls skis Leo uiclunbulmo pp-ma/coot y



„-Arp Anna pin uosras Ansa TiTtpaulos pUllUE0 T •Jauiskr sr uTucts -uT AmpanuT spun} uTtuatuos s‘u„ .sirs ags „ATTep samasutam juasaid sapeum car sjuatuoul jo spupi asagj,„ •gsng ifTliJng s‘ampu—JoToo 3Trad uns itTuas uagj sasuaT atp. pazgrai uagj `purg am sum „aiu„ stJaugnup Jam paggra ags •atu uo anm Aam j! sr pavoi `stoiTaA pur `101.1.100 jo sasraT "Tam gum `saail papunat /Cam uagm -vgaury `Jau0nup Jag gum turd Jag uctir paw/A ags uagm uTilatta ur siagulatuai JatuoamaN •Isotu a l ol piesuoj 53p:flags Tem aail aidrui am sx jug •urg paquvu sop u jo sum atu awing Ono.' su gum 1fn3TaIg 4ircputis at u •ANs nuum anig-aced jstuar Auso4 3Tool }um sagoural pur qunal augst if!sodxa `)Treg spags s‘aJag,T •uqui Tem aJoturoAs s,JaWnep Jag jo nano; uos am smolt)! alp °TT spoom1011 smotni aqs t tff° gsrum poost am nag IMO noA angst `mom illst spooiaop put sariclod dqn; uagm smotni ags •Aup Agana Aprau sTum ags gird e s! asnog Jag Jual\T „•paTina s! uos puoAag r slow juaTour sJT ITT •ppost pail r sir ang,T„ :samuna Aurtu os sap -atund Tem pail u jo artuT Tunuuds atu sagpasap „awl u si aJagi„ duos JaH •uJnjai sArmir Tum ags gonim oj aung amp Jag pututai SOW} Jag `Jnoj uo s,ags MUM tang •suos Jag _Ku uouritcisui spuu ags angst sT `saTjunoa umoJET pur u! pansau `asnog aamoTAT uT jsaJoj JaH •aaurTeg aag sas0 pilost Trinjuu gum cligsuourna Jag &Ars JatuoamaN •ainjuu uT spuu aqs Japuom pin Sap} agpasap suos JaH -Jajuadno -sXuj uTclutiD AnTAT pur }}Tug aTuuoa `ssnrix uosTpi gum pautiojlad pur stungir oTos ET pasuaTaJ sug JatuoamaN pio-naA-Es `Jajui savaA og UE111. OJOUT 'ANON '}Sour asoT am jugm jo no alum 1um3pom unjod Isom Jib :r.ourtu sTqj oj jiasng pauTutuma ags uagm autra ssaaons Teal Jag pia

-a wotj sioqinAs aJgritueipui waq/nos lo 5aid2w pue

`JadolvoN awej

'LUNT mojjepinoo (Rim assail suossaT oisnuffup0 pug lepJaunuop as sem ats •uo0;ultuoo ut m u!s urpTsmu uFgdse ue pugmom e sum JamoomaN a!neD `0661 uI -



•ooj AJois s‘asia auoamos jo }led attIOD -aq Hon Aupaums aqAujni •aju Am m Auld sAuinp Tum aap sdoup AN •anbuid Janus peal `sduqJad `pun saqoualq s4T aas pue Aq ssud Tunn olm aidoad jo spuusnotp alp ol ssaumu Juaq Tum aap sul `tpinoa jo goal Anna Tpul ni °Jag amp umo Sttt pun 'pod atp sdui 1.1Turoulms wads sAquaoul pue sAup kutualuJj matpuj Am ;o sapotuatu atp—AJojs Am op papauuoo Aidaap sp Tem aap u •punpuaI Jaw Tiool wag moat anupuoo Tunn aap s‘pup AN •sOnoq sp.' turnaJ jeTp sanuaT uaaa apjq °quo asduTO u Tpluo vemapTs al; kung `auTp5upds auzoo pun `saTiouuiq slog uo papa }nip mous jo smoTud alp aas 931II I `JaurTm alt} uI •am Jano T.TITTojenk sI pup Am jut} au' spuTuTal icouujuT up ups sT aap alp OnoTp uang •Aum anslum u up turq pauuoo aollUtp B atu

;a spuiwai a°-11

sang aas} atu, pupil Am uo s‘reqm pup Am Hal puu saAa Am asop apTsaq pant puu dos Ild saute; }soul `squill Auq sil aas Aq3uum jsnfud sampamos „•apamoi luaJ `iatutulms ITTpuulswo `pua 2uT -norj twills isy„ `spuaa asuq slT anbuid Janus Hums aly •pawuid sum 4! 1.11011A1 .10.1 ITEM ueop maple; salmi! 9 isouqu—Tiej paj uanas woqu spums 1I 'a WI. SIT4 USIA a I `pampqmJano Jo Apuoi `passaps uki Janauaqm •atuuu suj snag 4utp Nuo pautu -nqs aqj anuq op j `ap:ussoduTT aq Amu umaJp Atiz auTjAk uTuJuaT ukj suTtp mau al} ;o llu mu" molts pie ;sup auo mut and oj 'pup Aux tionol puu tpuaJ

pimp j qspn I uatyn sawn aJu aaatu, •uuljdao ue sum I `snd -urea pa;samj s‘fll aumo j uatTiyi •auaA uutuqsaJj Auz papuls I aJojaq sTpuom mg; pue JaallUD TIEREA0 IL10.1j pall) mom Atu Jaiju Snaic uanas-800Z AulAT uo Name jxuaq u map AWAU passed ag • upds jo /cup }sag alp uo AJauaaa jo slung aqj aas 01 Maud uuSIET upTsTn `pasn aq Aunoupud aums atp 2uolu upiluion aUI aas pnold uaaq anuq pinom pup AN •atuOupds jo qsna atuus al} aouap -adxa pinom I aJaqm aouid Jamo ou sum alai} am 5uTual `tpumq 1.1T.5uuq-mop u uo sanuaT uaaJ2 tisaij gonol pue do qoual pwom alt 'amp oj amp 1110.13

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@AO Swiplem s! pup Aw aw end alcguel e u! wall mauuop o s,Jayiej jay sAes ql!ws JoiAei

3321J. AIN

„•ump aptly jo an.5eaq F„ ;o tr!tiaaJos mpads u peg Sam antim tqam uns ui uopmai s Nati &laic-cid `Jvaic Tsul 17S6I ui pamossIp ar.anai ail} pug pagnanap aounpuane `aranai alp Nos AaAum •paAmpotis SEM amp .qatp `Jana -AkoFT •sa!sma atanAk }Jog am pun xos anig puag limos alit tunIpuT mau mpg stunai. omj, •art2gai alit tri pa/CEO sutra} ,s-p0 Tuanipp ST `s.reaA TT jo unds n JaAp „p0 unapatuy-uv Ain u u spadsaa aq pun • • • 311-n1 snoonw pun Ono.' Is!ou None `spumoo Aimp anoic ui a4vJap!suoa pun a4Tiod aq `aouninaddr tri }et} sapp•41 uaA0 aram atuosaioqm pun unap ail„ Aatij, •Apui pasIod pue °ppm J' u aq papadxa 'gni' sum JaAvid liana `siapentio apom ail} 1I IBM PI I °AI ui paijuip amm uatu unoic Amu uaqm Et6I ui tlaaq atu, SaMJAA dupla Jampumunul tunsulmatio Aq pauuoj aspiounij s `an.ftari iinqasug inuoIs -sapid SIJID 11E3PaurV-I1V PP0m-Teal mil Jo Tun000n inuopau B sum „ump J!atij, jo atanari

„Limn ABS 11ED aidoad Auum moH„ •sAns aq „tuuopuhi unti T ices ono moj, timA pun Hauuoci,p apou •upsur uo pudmn maa5 n pug al/vow atp snaA oz pasnapa sem „ump JIata jo an,luari v,, Onompi 1100S tuaAnti sppi atiijo ;sow •Luou Tetim)ige „•a!Aotu Iiim sppi pus `upoonsup asp ui maps atp uo dn amp:polio u!Tua amp ampld n 4nd II Aagy •atu uo somuld Auld 'pm S.10 jo autos pun„ `sAns !rustic „Iooqos aipppu gong} -gong} •ssai pun ssai suaddeti nip aouaun000 un `4! moquumi Nsu upsnf 'MON aidoad j! Aiuo apiout alp m ar3.1 siq Tnoqu 'sup 01 pano!pap ancl looqaong a uaAa s‘antp pun aumu spi snq alisqam skicim •sasuadxa aalloo spi jo }sow Jo; And umi padpq Aoq aipu Aqqnqo atp. `IPANIPS SABS upsnf •apnipn su aloJ Sig JojAauom Tunotuu Tuaoap s aputu ow all •aidoad molts 04 nuuopnix pus unti jo amp-0 u punon ti!ifirno udaq uana upsur •sTuumulsal sassappm olAJois STET flat tupi aAnq 04 pasn spuapj 'mows tpIq m SEM all uatim •Ja3inami-ao! Ina s sAumin sIT! mq qoualg auuapi.,usaop tuff atp tri paSuid aq Nat alp SABS ui AaimA 1.1pds Jationa; potios alppitu n moo `upsnf PIN •un-qpnis m sue; Taaa ups „sauag among atp poddns„ sp.rom puy •nam Aam tunjmn padsal



LI HDlid JAIOHA aanNumoo WAIO SIH .10 8f19Va'I V

„•aounp annbs am `spods !mum °mos talAom }snis,Ti„ 04 o aidoad autos •maummpama Imo Si spu, •iCoaai ssinio atp uo A.1.1E0 04 snquiam unoA alom lInJoad 04 irpeuTApApon aJ,Aatp Tnq `tqourp pio-naA-8 un pun INO-ICaA-ZI 2 a/mg op Aatu, .88 04 ss san luau uOuni `snquiam sE suq quip Jaq SASS aqs •saplApon ninopinoauxa punon spiel J!alp tiqunqs Asnq Jae aidoad asnuoaq s,1i saninoads tunqunig •snaA ST 04 01 u!ounp annbs Jam) if4puindod ui IJItuioap uaaq }Sul •sautu LZ untp atom paounp pug aqs `sAup aanp jo pug alit Ag •Japtuopad u amm pun Tie; Tsui uopuanuoo a 04 mann punqsnq Jaq pun in-amnia •puavam n aouo Tnoqu aounp Aam AKIN Tan snaA 0T man uputp papuls `streaqAos pun WOO °sm.! oqm `aidnoo atwaralp punqsnti Jati pm pun tunJoid tpnox ming amp }Jed su pomp urnqunIg `ma} s sy •ani smuqunIg ti!ounp annbs `NooD a)pri maalui uu paAnid ui •uop -uaAutoo srmaA rig} azuran padiarT alp 'slap-ammo...1d -Iu4S a IT jo Jaquiam s pun momAas luau nounp annbs y •ssaoons Jaq Klooi pun lionq sTis tuntiuulg auur `1.1!uunidjo stpuom Jaw

44* „•unj unap `pooh flu sm„ `sAgs Auoj, se os 'swam Hu 4-0 paw:Raid 21101103W 'uplrep jo tquazia Ire pun maul unj E snounp `uosiad Jad s$ punois Jog •Jmjje Alltunj a DJE saounp annbs aidoad lunIp • uppnvi `sumicixa 04 „`apm noA uo mpA auaos 11100i nq annq },sop noA„ •anqdsolun anputuas sItrptrup annbs jo }Jed aTIJoAnj s,Auoj, -1103 icipuapj •sAns aqs „`tuoid alp 04 sn 04 Tnq `dn 1..qssaip alun,uop aidoad uno,k„ •spred!pad :maulaqnbar uppoio mr4Jodul! 1.1!a

Isom s‘ugutom s Tnoqe stag} plot peg auo ou pazunai Aatp almi. 04 umop Tilaq puapj nq uatim •puapj Jaq rp!Ak ummnoj Jamm atp m sum ails `aounp annbs TsigJpip •ampino ti!otrup -annbs 04 mau ri! sapinomm suroat Iffis atIS •Ja!sua 4! )lout 0111E3 Aatp Intim op pus ifqounTsJapun pun Aipuauj sAumin aJs aidoad sAns auum }nil u!inp smIod lln m spling •an Aatp antim SM01131 aq os aottup siq lion} 04 spuind sui spaau Auoj, `JooLT aounp am up `siCus amyl „"ti! •aalni s‘punqsmi Jaq nib uo sdawimtp ijO `10 AiesnAmun }Sag am gem 41,, •sp3pp AEME 04 pun uopuanuoo JIalp alotuoad oppinqswg mau sqodeuemui 04 papAap Aatu, •uopuanuoD .t.qounci annbs glunAiAsuuag amp simtp an svog am `Jam snaA xis •pms aqs }no 1! antu •pa}salard Auoj, „ipullq tuj mg„ •aourp annbs 04 unai 04 pamum ails msz glad} Jog punqsrni Jaq pio4 aun!ci iCiusaaAluun 'MOW atp ui naTtOuq atp aq pinom s4umo moipA aums uoin }sass per; -uns Iptp `1.1!pas Jatpo Atm uT •pum Nonq pus moll aounp atp tuau 3inani s a3m4 310011 auem pun Auoj,

4-** •sapnq anssod OOt 04 OSE 044 tp!Al °Jun JI0114 ammoap pun patio° Apara snounp Augur 'sumps pIp •una ono snounp sapuqkilepads osm am aram mq trip Jpq4 jo atunu am pun atueu .rlatp !Twit sapnq nam snounp lly „•uuojmn atp Anq noA Inds u Auld 04 1.1!cq ar,noSji„ •sAns aqs „`samop nam pinoqs noA os `aourp Illoj syopauty sx„ •aupe muopmnai. nam snounp uaqm &rapid `siazplan 9Z HOW IA1011,3 GRIINIIINOD `DISMAI HILL In daIS


•eue!pui uJaqinos ;nog saume if!suclans punoj on/A s;sueuinocuno/f poware; asatp mum pavom Iusneuinof JO maaJnioa! e la;rspeop AotteN!



•anss! an; In; saums 2u! -tideloiotid any& sArtit -ON AIlunompeq owaos jo salmi 000'I kpeau a/tam 3pp4aH qauz ` toj Joupa owqd-oa aqy

•amumo uo podnidea aqs tuesuie uuaaui o; ti!u!!-diz mold •Buelpui untpnos saoeul uap .LifIOAOOS!!) pano! Jauplow =la `anueu ette!pui nomtplum v

•sauamalq snouts; nom s‘euelpui utammoS pain; !we swamom aiquioulatu s‘ttpux qog palunoaa; Aaidatis apiN `uoOmurooig pasfei pus wog

..uuqunia Now—um-mu' ulpanuca /men! Lump al /4413u Ire un.lateasai paicocua mut:pans usineuor `Joisooll uoiaji!

•ualloup wel5B pue voa torgels ewes `510;11om maul `sIatuiej dmics gum Jaslaulas alp wads attexis ;au `Z18 .mj wupa owqd-op

.4B14 jo doip alp gum ape4.5 ssIn.Lcs B DWELT LIED aqs •swoeu dnzis aid= u!kilepads tusueumol if! u!.To rum lowas B aioteasool /fallen

•ainzeetu 9uut5Isop autim IIB 'atom spuauj ;Boa apum Rue AvAaA amoq Mai pa;anoasip tretumea new wizanp pe-op

•dui aaq uo puod B ow! gej Luom aqs sadoq pue 5uuunq moan's= cq co; SIDBO anu set mou aqs •utotu ;noqu !pun slalom jo Neat! Lupe!! Jammu aama ioua

•iftauaas lilifofua pue sueswe puompe.u. 5uuaatu 'sap" oot uutp atom anoip aqs -aau/S!sap B sAemie pus ionoda; saumaums s! Jaipura allaptua icnoanp ne-op

'SNIILLgEINS aD1110 SUOBEILLIN mu° azIttooa; mou uea aqs •tonaj up:leo amo souptuae punoj uppalad umpa Joupa saimeaj `ueumou!D mau Jowas

Imouep oaenbs jo ppoie uo panodaa ags uotpe watuoia Jag jo ammo /fia;aulumo ma.; wq `sigaA Jo; aapuep zzelpue del B rem monooa aureudals

•euelpuI untpnoS Jo poomiami am 01 aatrenodumnalp pue sIainauj5unoif ;noqu uJBaI o; (i/fgeioup /inn) rum UNLOp SalCUS BMW" Joupo aunuo-op

•sa)w; utuums puostas ;sag s‘uo!a; aq; puu wo ;as aqs uaqm aqs se sanau — a.rojaq gueipui ulatpfloS paundxa pen spoA Joupa auguo-op

,:um0 jo an9ea7 V,, =It3ltegaseq alp JO A.IESIDAIIIIIE LI}OZ 0111. uo amleaj aat! Jo; aield cq do paddan aqs •Siunop /fasod man sc 3fiqpiaall Stiou

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•spaau leualeui ;sin' uem aim!" sn a/4 soon ;en; punoj aqs `sialsooll snouts; oleos qum upuel Jaw uonnt! oat; opU euoq e sI tinuts Joyful `urewo5a.10 mum! y

•uousanb 5uucoichad sup 1.niamsue aum Jag wads ags oiaisampuk imp uiatpnos aimu eurgmI unipnos sI :uousanb pasod aux uosAgy angel' Buelpui uialpnos

•EueIptlI unglues mpunoj sweul alglpa PTA Teoge mreal pagutp sem aZI10,1 'SUMMAND 'Sp:SI pos!EJ OnolOW

ddV1S 3NIZV9VVI 21-8

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