Psychic News Mag 51 - July 2014

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£3.80 | JULY 2014






The physical and spiritual subjugation of women

Will you dare to change the way you think? New Series






Mediumistic doctor keeps an open mind



Contents 5 News in brief 30 Hypnosis and your mediumship 9 ‘Disabled’ couple’s false claims 10 New Suffolk healing 33 Jargon buster clinic 11 Passing of the world’s oldest man 12 World Cup predictions 34 – from the experts! 13 Ghostbusters at thirty 14 Theosophical Society shock 17 Mediumistic doctor

Your step-by-step guide to selfhypnosis

40 The mystery of Jimmy Garlick

famous hauntings

We demystify some weird and wonderful words

keeps an open mind

Our exclusive interview with Dr Ian Rubenstein

20 Understanding your dreams

Craig Hamilton-Parker interprets your night-time revelations

23 Behind the scenes with Christine Morgan

One of Australia’s leading mediums in conversation with Sue Farrow

28 Spiritualist art collection seeks new home

Alan Murdie on the imminent closure of London’s De Morgan Centre

42 42 Summer Musings

David Hopkins on the physical and spiritual subjugation of women

34 Nic Whitham’s guide to 47 Your letters crystal healing 50 Will you dare to change the way you think? 36 A good read 51 Does this case prove 39 Sudoku reincarnation? You tell us what you think

Everything you need to know to get started with crystals

Our suggestions for some great summer reading

Your chance to win a Psychic Weekend break for two

Spiritual teacher Leon Brown on why he believes you should

This month’s feature from the PN archives

54 Church and centre news round-up 58 51




EDITOR Susan Farrow

Guest editorial

ASSISTANT EDITOR, ADVERTISING, CIRCULATION & MARKETING Paul Brett CHIEF REPORTER Kay Hunter TECHNICAL ASSISTANT Magnus Smith DESIGN AND LAYOUT Louise Lynch CONTACT DETAILS: Psychic Press Ltd, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM22 7WE Tel: 01279 874339 EDITORIAL EMAIL WEBSITE & ONLINE SUBSCRIPTIONS ISSN 0033-2801 Opinions expressed in PN’s Personal Experience columns are those of their individual authors and should not necessarily be taken as an endorsement by the editor. The Psychic News logos are UK and Community registered trade marks of JV TR Limited (Company Number 07793490) and are used under licence

Psychic News. Published by Psychic Press Limited. Pre-press and printing by Warners (Midland), Lincolnshire. We regret that we are unable to recommend particular mediums and healers. Whilst we endeavour to ensure those given editorial coverage on our pages and those who advertise their services are of exponents are often subjective. Advertisements appearing in Psychic News editorial policy and no responsibility can be accepted for dissatisfaction with any service or product. Readers are asked to exercise due care when responding to advertisements. Whilst we welcome them, PN cannot take responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, articles, photographs etc. © Psychic Press Ltd

By Eric Hatton

For much of June millions around the world watched television coverage of the D-Day Landings. Seventy years on from the momentous day that saw acts of unimaginable courage armed forces still young enough to be in school, the BBC screened reconstructions and interviews with some of those, now in their 80s and 90s, who had taken part and survived. Their tales of fear and devastation were moving, to say the least, remembered vividly even after the passage of so many decades. Those of us alive at the time of those events cherished the hope of a peaceful world. Yet in the years that have followed there war, resulting in the physical death of many thousands of civilians and service personnel, young and old.

prophets. But, as we all know, there are groups who follow an increasingly doctrinal way which is restrictive and effectively blinds their adherents to the wider truths. For truth, whatever we may conceive it to be, cannot be contained solely in any one mode of spiritual expression.

“Can there be any

doubt, though, that the vast majority of the world’s population longs to live in peace?”

Can there be any doubt, though, that the vast majority of the world’s population longs to live in peace? Many where religious and spiritual impetuses have inspired seers, visionaries and

Today, after more than 70 years of involvement in one avenue of searching, I realise more than ever that we must never remain static or allow our minds that the vastness of eternal experience is wasted. Those wise intelligences who occasionally break through to us from dimensions beyond our comprehension advise us of our spiritual heritage, which is not

by earthly concepts that can destroy the beauty of truth. An open-minded spirit of adventure should be our travelling companion through life. Eric Hatton is a Spiritualist minister, author and broadcaster

Psychic News: the voice of Spiritualism Two of Spiritualism’s leading exponents helped create and launch Psychic News in 1932. Hannen Swaffer, one of the UK’s most famous journalists, and Maurice Barbanell, a businessman who was also a trance medium, recognised the need for a publication that would satisfy the public’s desire for up-todate and independent information about Spiritualism and mediumship. They regularly addressed audiences of thousands in theatres around the country as families came

Today, eight decades later, Psychic News continues to be the independent voice of Spiritualism in a very different world. What has not changed is the desire to have an answer to The Big Question: What happens after death? Psychic News makes a unique contribution to that debate every month with news, features and opinion pieces that explore the evidence for an afterlife and spirit communication. Above all, Spiritualism and Psychic News readers can enrich their lives spiritually and make the right choices. Why not let us be your travelling companion, offering words of wisdom and support, as you continue on your soul’s journey through this lifetime?




NEWS IN BRIEF AEROBICS FOR THE BRAIN ATHLETES and gym addicts are discovering how mindfulness meditation can enliven a workout routine and invigorate sports performance. “Mindfulness meditation is a hot topic, actively studied in sports medicine,” said Gregory Chertok, a sports psychology consultant with the American College of Sports Medicine (pictured right). “The art of living in the present moment is a critical skill in sports because all performance occurs in the present, and lamenting past failures can lead to muscle tension, anxiety and mental chatter that impairs concentration,” Chertok explained. “Among the factors that prevent people from exercising is fear of boredom. I know a lot of athletes do.” Los Angeles Yoga teacher Ashley Turner (pictured left) believes the meditation she has practised for 18 years is a workout for her mind and emotions. If I don’t do it I notice the change,” she said. Turner is creator of the DVD Element: Yoga for Strength and Flexibility. Jessica Matthews, of the American Council on Exercise, said that


out can cause it. But she added, “Meditation is not just for the Yogi on the mountain top.”

INDIAN ‘HEALER’ FACES CHARGES AN Indian man, posing as a spiritual healer, has been charged with blackmail and fraud amounting to thousands of pounds. at Leicester Magistrates Court charged with one count of blackmail and one count of fraud relating to “facilitating a 60 million pounds lottery win”.

ordered him to be remanded in custody, later to appear at Leicester Crown Court. Police had already warned against the spiritual healer poor health, or failure in business and relationship problems.

through a healing and astrology service advertised in

Detective Sergeant Mark Sinski said: “The suspect has advertised in Leicestershire by radio, newspaper adverts and by word of mouth, with some victims living out of the county.”




NEWS IN BRIEF DUBLIN HOUSE’S PSYCHIC HISTORY AN EXPENSIVE Dublin house is on the market, with a vague paranormal history. Built in the 1830s, Number 3 De Vesci Terrace, Monkstown, was once owned by Guy Brabazon Pilkington until his death in 1931 at the age of 64.

was a neighbour of Guy’s and lived at Number 6. He was an experimental physicist and a keen student of the paranormal.

A solicitor, family man and keen tennis player, he was

Guy probably joined the Society of Psychical Research as a result of Barrett’s neighbourly persuasion, and not because he thought the house was haunted.

1894 British Covered Court Championships by Harold Segerson Mahoney, who went on to win Wimbledon. Guy was also a member of the Society for Psychical Research. One of the society’s founders, the celebrated Professor William Fletcher Barrett,

Last sold in 2004 when it fetched over €2m after being withdrawn from auction, Number 3 is now on the market

“Guy probably joined the Society

of Psychical Research as a result of Barrett’s neighbourly persuasion, and not because he thought the house was haunted.”

THE SOUL OF ADOLF HITLER CANADIAN TV psychic Carmel Joy Baird (pictured right) did not make herself popular by saying that the Nazi dictator Hitler was not a bad soul. “He’s with great-granny on the other side,” she told a radio interviewer. In her interview with The Edge host Dominic Diamond, Baird insisted there are no bad souls in the next world, only good ones, Adolf Hitler included. Baird was on a promotional tour for her upcoming CMT reality series, Mom’s a Medium, in which she balances family life with psychic readings. Len Rudner, director of community relations and



outreach at the Toronto Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, was furious.

during Hitler’s genocide and the souls of those who grieve them.”

“Ms Baird is entitled to her opinion about what happened to Hitler in the next world,” he stated in The Hollywood Reporter. “We are much more concerned with what he did in this world. He attempted to annihilate the Jewish people.

Carmel Baird has not backed down, and was supported by Corus Entertainment, which owns and operates the CMT channel.

“This is far more important to remember. The souls that deserve our attention are the souls of the people murdered

“Carmel Baird is a psychic medium,” they said. “She believes that when people die their spirits go to the same place, and this is where she connects with them.

“While she believes our spirits all move on to the next place, she does not see this as a pardon for people who have acts to answer for here on earth.”


NEWS IN BRIEF TEN YEARS’ JAIL FOR FAKE HEALER Eleven victims “ handed over cash

fraud. Juliette D’Souza boasted of having treated Princess Diana, and said she could introduce clients to Simon Cowell. Eleven victims handed over cash to cure terminal diseases, ease pain and treat infertility. D’Souza told them the money would be hung from a magic tree in the Amazon rain forest by fellow shamans Pa and Oma. Instead, the money was spent on renting expensive London properties and purchasing jewellery and other luxuries. One victim was 83-year-old opera singer Sylvia

became pregnant after three years. More cash changed hands when D’Souza told her to have an

abortion as the baby would be deformed. Osteopath Keith Bender formed a friendship with D’Souza after discovering a mutual interest in shamanism. Through Bender she was introduced to several clients. In 1996 he accompanied her to Suriname and met shaman Pa in the jungle. After becoming suspicious, he entered her four

appalling condition, with rotting meat in freezers and an Evil Eye symbol on a wall. Judge Ian Karsten, QC, passing sentence at Blackfriars Crown Court, said it was the worst

to cure terminal diseases, ease pain and treat infertility. D’Souza told them the money would be hung from a magic tree in the Amazon rain forest by fellow shamans Pa and Oma.”

HIGH ACHIEVERS AND SPIRITUAL BANKRUPTCY WHY are so many celebrities unhappy? Giles Hattersley of the Sunday Times asked Los Angeles therapist Donna Lancaster for an answer. Her response was: “When they have everything and think they should be grateful for this perfect life, if it turns out to be imperfect, then it’s tough. They feel miserable with each other and guilty for feeling miserable. “Sometimes the problem is the wife who marries a rich man. She have people to cook, but never see my partner?’ “Then there is the case of two high achievers who marry, but have no time for one another – a recipe for ‘spiritual bankruptcy’.”

“Donna Lancaster believes that all

the day-to-day things which ordinary people may argue about can be the ‘keystone of happiness’.”

Donna Lancaster believes that all the day-to-day things which ordinary people may argue about can be “the keystone of happiness”. Once the everyday tasks of life are removed by having wealth – such as shopping, cooking, using public transport – then people can slip into a state of disconnection and shut down. Adam Furness, Professor of Psychology at University College London, says there are two problems associated with fame. ”One is to do with people watching you the whole time, so you become paranoid. The other is impostor syndrome. “Having achieved great wealth, people somehow feel they don’t deserve it. Then they self-harm in some way, perhaps through drugs.” PSYCHIC NEWS | JULY 2014



NEWS IN BRIEF HEALING WITH HERBS THE Arthurian Lady of the Lake had a namesake in Wales. She married a young farmer whom she later left, but their sons were ancestors of generations of doctors of herbal medicine, known as The Physicians of Myddfai. and interesting truths are coming to light. The the lady of Llyn y Fan Fach in Carmarthenshire is part of a well-known legend throughout Wales and beyond. We can read of the treatments written by later members of the family. One recommendation is that bluebells should be used to cure leprosy.

Many unsuspected qualities “have been revealed and are being worked on for their medicinal value.”

to recommend the bluebell. To everyone’s astonishment it was found to contain previously unknown alkaloids which may attack one of leprosy’s relatives – Tuberculosis. The incidence of TB has risen alarmingly in recent years and has shown resistance to the drugs used as treatment. Could the bluebell be the answer? Professor Nash has made a great study of the Cardigan Cancer Cure, developed and marketed by the Evans brothers a century ago, and used all over Britain to great acclaim. The Evans brothers were summoned to appear before the British Medical Association and

Professor Robert Nash has for several years been working with a small team, Molecular Nature Ltd. This comes within the Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research near added to the ancient study of the medicinal properties of some of our native plants. and are being worked on for their medicinal value. Physicians of Myddfai to see if they had reason



with them, but Professor Nash’s research suggests that red clover might have been the key ingredient. Laboratory tests showed that the clover contained a previously undiscovered alkaloid which may stimulate the body’s immune system to combat cancer. Many of today’s cancer treatments weaken or destroy the immune system. Red clover could theoretically be the answer researchers have been looking for. Professor Nash and his colleagues have evidence that we may in the future be able to defeat viruses against which we now have few weapons at all.

PSYCHIC STUFF AN’ THAT… THE scene is the Big Brother house. Jale Karaturp has just announced she is psychic. “Are you more psychic than me, yeah?” asks Mark Byron. “I’ve just always felt, like, the presences an’ all that and, like, feelings and tingles. “I would never want to be, like, a medium. I don’t think you should try and speak to the dead. They’re dead for a reason.” Jale responds: “I can’t help it, love. I don’t really have a choice in this.” That’s life, innit? Big Brother is currently in the UK.


‘Disabled’ couple’s false claims A CLAIRVOYANT and his wife, also a medium, fraudulently received £80,000 in Mail investigators proved they were both adequately mobile. His wife Janette, who also claimed she could hardly walk, was her walking sticks. She was able to bend down, pick up and carry a substantial shopping bag. The court heard she falsely claimed in tax and national insurance. He was undercover fraud investigators for the Department of Work and Pensions.

Abbott’s strenuous workout at a gym on 8th January 2012, when he was lifting heavy dumbbells, using an exercise bike, a rowing machine and running on a treadmill.

a small minority “of Only benefit claimants are

dishonest, but cases like this cost the taxpayer money that should be used to help those in need.

Tim Abbott, a diploma holder of the Spiritualists’ National Union, runs spiritual residential courses and advertises himself as an international spiritual clairvoyant, medium and tutor. He pleaded guilty at Staffordshire Crown Court (pictured) to two counts of failing to notify the DWP of a change in circumstances and two counts of fraudulent non-payment of income tax.

Mr and Mrs Abbott were granted unconditional bail and ordered to return to court on 1st August for sentencing. They were warned that if they did not appear on that date they could be committing an offence. A spokesman for the Department of a crime, and we are dedicated to catching those who commit it.

claimants are dishonest, but cases like this cost the taxpayer money that should be used to help those in system by following up on tip-offs, undertaking surveillance and working with local councils.” PSYCHIC NEWS | JULY 2014




New Suffolk Healing Clinic THE ERASMUS SOCIETY launched its latest project on 17th May in the UK

Dr Dan Poulter, Department of Health Under Secretary and

spiritual healing and complementary treatments, all free of charge. Dr Poulter said: “As an NHS doctor I am very well aware of the importance of holistic health and wellbeing. A lot can be done alongside what the Health Service has to offer. The new facilities and the dedicated

Erasmus, which became the Erasmus Foundation. They moved to Suffolk in 1971, to Ravens Hall, Lindsey. Paddina used her knowledge as a clinical psychologist, together with her spiritual gifts, to help many people. This was their great mission in life, and nobody was ever turned away. From Lindsey they moved to Offton,

centre offers facilities “The for spiritual healing and

member of the Erasmus Foundation charity, said: “We see ourselves as complementary. We are not trying to compete with the NHS, and we are not ‘alternative’.

complementary treatments, all free of charge.

“There is so much written about doctors being overloaded, that if there is anything we can do to help, we have the facilities to listen to people’s problems and perform our healing processes. We have had a lot of good response so far.” Two people who would be delighted at this new development are Gordon and Lady Paddina Cole, founder of the Fellowship of



where they continued their spiritual and healing work. They also created at still exists near the new building. They organised special events, retreats and spiritual healing sessions. Gordon was a very powerful healer, and never lacked patients.

Paddina passed to spirit in 2003 aged 88, and Gordon passed two years later, aged 92. The spirit of Erasmus



oldest man HAVING reported on the 111th birthday of the world’s oldest man in our June issue, sadly we now have to report his passing. Chemist and parapsychologist, Dr Alexander Imich, born on 4th February 1903, passed away in his apartment on Upper West Side, New York, on 8th June, aged 111 years, 124 days. He was formally named the world’s oldest man after the death of Arturo Licata, of Italy. He claimed that not having children contributed to his longevity, and apart from having good genes, believed that having been athletic in his youth, being teetotal and eating carefully were all contributing factors. Imich was born in Czestochowa, Poland, when it was part of the Russian Empire. His parents were Jewish. He and his teenage classmates joined the Polish forces to

He claimed that “ not having children

contributed to his longevity, and apart from having good genes, believed that having been athletic in his youth, being teetotal and eating carefully were all contributing factors.

1918. He learned to drive army trucks, and when the Bolshevik troops were pushed back, Imich returned to school. He gained a PhD in zoology at Krakow an academic position in that subject, he transferred his abilities to chemistry. He developed an interest in parapsychology, and studied the medium ‘Matylda’ for the Polish Society for Psychical Research. His report was published in a German journal in 1932. The Second World War was a dangerous time for Imich and his wife Wela. They he was employed as a chemist, but they were interned for the duration of the war,

decided to emigrate to the United States. Most of their Polish relatives and friends had died during the war.

York. Imich took up chemistry and Wela made a career for herself as a psychologist and Imich renewed his interest in parapsychology research. He wrote many papers for journals and edited a book, Incredible Tales of the Paranormal, published by Bramble 1999 he launched the Anomalous Phenomena Research Centre, trying to demonstrate the reality of paranormal phenomena to mainstream scientists and the general public. In 2012, at the age of 109, he began to transfer his research records to the University of Manitoba Department of Archives and Special Collections. When NBC New York interviewed him on his recently celebrated 111th birthday they naturally asked him his secret of longevity. “I don’t know,” he replied. “I simply didn’t die earlier. I have no idea how this happened.” According to Gerontology Research the world’s oldest man is now Sakari Momoi of Japan, born the day after Imich in 1903. Yet his years are exceeded by those of a Japanese woman, Misao Okawa, who at the age of 116 is recognised as the world’s oldest living person. PSYCHIC NEWS | JULY 2014




World Cup predictions –

from the experts! STRAIGHT from the horse’s mouth? Well, no, there doesn’t appear to be a psychic horse working on the World Cup results, but there is no shortage of other species.

Greece in Euro 2012. The result was a

Paul, the German psychic octopus foundfame four years ago with his accurate prediction of the tournament’s outcome. He communicated by selecting a mussel from a jar marked ’Spain’. Sadly, the publicity and excitement may have proved too much for him, as he passed away about two months after the tournament.

Other notable animal forecasters are Funtik the hog in Ukraine, Fred the ferret, chosen by the organisers of Euro 2012, and Citta the elephant from Krakow Zoo, who in Euro 2012 picked out a melon marked Poland.

Among his successors is Big Head, the Brazilian turtle who correctly placed his faith on his home team for the opening

Flopsy, a kangaroo from Queensland, has been renamed Predictaroo. She was presented with two bowls of food labelled with teams’ names, and immediately made for ‘Australia’ as being the scorer of the

Huat, from Singapore, correctly predicted the draw in this match, but it took Big Huat 20 minutes.

In The Netherlands, Sikko the psychic We must not forget our home grown guinea pig features on a Gloucester pig, Star, local radio station making whose successes Big Head, the daily predictions. He has were reported in PN. Brazilian turtle who 121 followers on Twitter. But Star’s speciality

Tick, a sea lion from Bangkok Zoo predicted Poland would beat

correctly placed his faith on his home team for the opening match. He chose to eat a piece



is local Rugby. Maybe one day she’ll go global.



30 years of Ghostbusters THE 1984 movie Ghostbusters must be one of the greatest ever producers of follow-ups and franchises. a hit single, a cartoon series, and countless opportunities for fancy dress parties. It must also hold the record for the number of temperamental walk-outs and lastminute enforced changes. It is a miracle that the movie ever reached the screen. 1980s, when Dan Aykroyd read an article in The Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research. Together with his family’s interest in the paranormal, it was enough to visualise a movie.

part after Columbia Pictures guaranteed to remake the war drama The Razor’s Edge and give him the leading role. Chevy Chase is said to have rejected the role of Peter Venkman, as did Michael Keaton, who also rejected the Egon Spengler role. Among the changes forced upon the production team was one created by John Candy, cast as Dana’s neighbour Louis Tully. Candy wanted Tully to be a German who kept a lot of dogs in his apartment. The creators thought

“Ghostbusters was originally intended as a

enough dogs and turned down Candy’s idea, whereupon he promptly left the cast, replaced by Rick Moranis.

Ghostbusters was originally intended vehicle for John Belushi as a vehicle for John as Peter Venkman, but his Belushi as Peter tragic death meant the role Venkman, but his went to Bill Murray. tragic death meant the role went to Bill Eddy Murphy was Murray. The character originally offered the of the green ghost Slimer was a tribute to part of Winston Zeddemore, but turned Belushi. Beverley Original castings suffered many changes, Hills Cop. The role was then scaled down as actors stipulated their conditions for and given to Ernie Hudson. accepting the roles. Some of them, if these Fleetwood Mac’s Lindsey Buckingham and Huey Lewis & The News were away. approached to write the theme music, but Even Bill Murray only agreed to take the both declined. Ray Parker Jr accepted,

and scored a US Number One hit. Huey Lewis promptly sued for plagiarism due to similarities with his song I Want a New Drug. The case was settled out of court. for two trophies at the Academy Awards. It lost out on Best Original Song to Stevie Wonder’s I Just Called to say I Love You, and on Best Visual Effects it lost to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. But it was the all-time highest grossing comedy movie until the release of Home Alone. Ghostbusters 2 came out in 1989, and Ghostbusters 3 was due to start production February this year, Sony Pictures had to re-evaluate the script. Also, Reitman pulled new director. On 30th May this year, The Wrap reported that Ruben Fleischer was being considered. ® We may yet see the next Ghostbusters





The international Theosophical Society (TS), based in Adyar, India, has elected a new president, writes Leslie Price. Tim Boyd (pictured top right) was previously head of the Theosophical Society in America. The last American president was Henry 1907. The recent election could lead to dramatic changes in the TS. Its previous president, Mrs Radha Burnier, of India, had been president since 1980 and her father Sri Ram has also served as president.

early Spiritualists such as William Stainton Moses and Alfred Russel Wallace, should be digitised. Against this is the fact that some early letters by oriental teachers (Mahatmas) to Madame Blavatsky (pictured), and the diaries of C.W. Leadbeater, are sensitive, and perhaps should be kept secret for another century.

Although the 29,000 members of the TS are primarily concerned with establishing a nucleus of human brotherhood, and encouraging the The new president comparative study of has said he will use religion, philosophy and science, they also probe digital methods unexplained laws of to help spread nature and the powers Theosophy. He faces latent in humanity.

great challenges.”

Leading psychical researchers with Theosophical links have included Professor Arthur Ellison, twice president of the Society for Psychical Research, and Dr Russell Targ, one of the

Lately the TS has lost this impetus to new

esoteric school within the society, which has its own leader (usually the TS president, but not currently), training and archives. This could be separated. Against this is that many dedicated TS fellows are also esoteric school students.

Theosophical Society, I hereby

An American president

work with a mainly Indian HQ administration, with wellestablished ways of doing things. Against this is that since the Indian Section of 12,000 is the largest group, it is evident from his victory that the new president already has Indian support.

Exploration. The new president has said he will use digital methods to help spread Theosophy. He faces great challenges.

the Election Committee appointed by the Executive Committee voting communicated to the International Secretary by the Societies and Sections, Regional and Organizing Secretaries, Presidential Representatives Fellows-at-Large attached to

FOUR BIG DILEMMAS Although the TS has been based in India since 1879, it was actually founded in New York. Medium Emma Hardinge Britten and her husband were founder members. There is a rising tide of nationalism in India, and the climate is hot and at times wet. The no agreement on where to go. The TS archives, containing letters from



Leslie Price is a psychical researcher and historian of Spiritualism. He is archivist and librarian at London’s College of Psychic Studies, and a member of the Psypioneer editorial team.

(Dr Chittaranjan Satapathy – International Secretary)

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Mediumistic doctor

keeps an open mind Dr Ian Rubenstein is a north London GP with a difference – he’s a medium and makes no secret of it with his colleagues and patients. He studied medicine at Nottingham University, qualifying in 1978, and is also a medical acupuncturist and bereavement counsellor. Since 1984 he’s practised medicine at him that it must be an unusually open-minded surgery...

“Well, yes,” says Ian, “because I‘m there! The philosophy is that we each have our own particular interests and we encourage each other to pursue them. I’m into musculo–skeletal medicine and I do some acupuncture in the surgery, but we don’t charge for it. My partner does dermatology and another colleague does diabetes, so we do all sorts of stuff, we try to cover all our bases.

said, ‘Let me try hypnosis,’ and it worked. The consultant started sending me all sorts of cases once I was in general practice.

“I’m also interested in psychological things. I did a lot of hypnosis when I was younger, long before I went to medical school. The power of the mind always interested me. Funnily enough, when I went to medical school they didn’t actually teach us hypnosis but I started using it when I was doing my GP training scheme. I was doing gynaecology at the time and we had a woman with a problem after an operation.

Ian’s open-minded approach made me wonder if he had been brought up in an environment where nothing was taboo and everything was up for discussion.

“The consultant had tried everything, so I

long time and as work got busier I had to

work. I’m very open-minded – I don’t think we know everything. The more I seem to know, the less I seem to know.”

“I’m Jewish and I come from a very leftwing politically active family where no one had any spiritual interest at all,” he says. “Everybody married out of the Jewish religion in my family but I was Bar Mitzvahed just in case I married a Jewish girl. Naturally, I married a Hindu girl!

“The more I seem to know, the less I seem to know.”




“My uncle was very left-wing and stood as a communist party candidate for the Hackney constituency. My parents were also in the communist party, so I was brought up in an atmosphere of left-wing discussion. My uncle, who died recently, ran a discussion group called The Anjou

no sense at the time. Of course I know now that what I saw chimes absolutely with what was seen in Victorian and Edwardian days.” So was it a shock? Certainly not for Ian, who says: “I thought it was wonderful frightening.” For his sister, who was just

odd one out.” became aware of his mediumship in 2003, when he was 48. I wondered, though, if that was really his mediumistic ability.

My sister and I “ witnessed what I now

know to have been the friend’s face, though I hadn’t got a clue what it was at the time. And it wasn’t like you see in some demonstrations, a little bit of Chinese here, a little bit of something else there. This was ‘in your face’ – gobsmackingly so.

was when I was 19. My sister and I witnessed what I now know to have been the friend’s face, though I hadn’t got a clue what it was at the time. And it wasn’t like you see in some demonstrations, a little bit of Chinese here, a little bit of something else there. This was ‘in your face’ – gobsmackingly so. It was absolutely stunning.

“What makes it so interesting is that I’ve since read some of the old classic spiritual books, with their descriptions of these perfect ectoplasmic masks being built up, and often being slightly distorted at the top or the bottom. When I saw this face change, what puzzled me was the fact that the lips looked very distorted, which made



matter. “It was terribly frightening for her,” he explains, ”because she saw it at the same time as I did and she started screaming hysterically. Although she accepts that it happened, she still doesn’t when I mentioned it to her daughter. Even now she dismisses it. She says it was just electricity and circles. I ask what she means by that and she says, ‘I don’t know – I’m not a scientist. But it’s not a spirit’.” Does Ian himself think it was a spirit? “I don’t consider myself to be a Spiritualist and I keep an open-minded attitude,” he says. “There are other possible interpretations, but I think the simplest explanation is that it was a spirit who manifested.” Given that so many who develop mediumship later in life report unexplained experiences in childhood, I pressed Ian further about anything unusual that might have occurred while he was growing up. “Well, I’ve been thinking, and I’ve never told this to anybody else apart from you,” he says, “but I do remember waking up in the night when I was small and had a fever. My mum took me into her bedroom, and at some point I woke and saw this perfectly formed snake curled on my pillow, shimmering. I remember saying – ‘Mummy, there’s a snake!’ So she went over, blew on it, and said, ‘There you are darling, it’s gone,’ and it had gone. I don’t know what you would call that, but I did have a high fever at the time. “Later, when I was sixteen, some friends


and I were using a ouija board and we got a message which said: ‘Water in the light. Danger.’ We didn’t know what it was about. It was raining at the time and when

just had this prompting to say – ‘I can help you with hypnosis’. We gave it a go and it worked. Her mother lived in Hastings and had Parkinson’s disease so she was then

kitchen, turned on the light and found that

for that.

“She knew one of my patients, Barbara, who is psychic, and we would often train together, because I would try and go to the gym every weekday between surgeries. But one Saturday in 2001 I was feeling very edgy and strange and I said “So there were those incidents, but not to my wife that I really anything else. I was really ought to go very much into science to the gym. She told me I’d better particularly as men were go, then, because landing on the moon when I was getting on I was thirteen, so I was her nerves! To my caught up in the white great surprise, heat of technology. Up when I got there I until 2003, when I started met Cathy and she sitting in a development told me about her circle, I’d spent the granddaughter.” previous seven years She wasn’t my patient involved in a very heavy Cathy explained but I just had this computer programming that the child prompting to say – project for rostering had swallowed a medical staff on call. ‘I can help you with plastic pen top the Basically I was up to my previous day but hypnosis’ . We gave it a neck in logic and science. go and it worked. Nothing could have been “As she was further from my mind telling me, I just than mediumship.” knew there was Mediumship may have a problem,” says been far from Ian’s Ian. “There was thoughts but in 2001 it no doubt in my mind. I had to say role in helping a child with something and a potentially dangerous I’d never had that health problem. The feeling before. I didn’t even see granddaughter of a woman named Cathy, the child and I got Cathy’s daughter to examine her roughly, but even that wasn’t particularly good. When I telephoned “I overheard her telling a friend that she the paediatric doctor on call and said had a phobia about driving and could only I thought there might be a problem, I drive when her husband was in the car,” didn’t say I hadn’t examined the child and he explains. “She wasn’t my patient but I was half full of water which had blown in through the window. No one had left the room and it had happened during the time we’d been doing the ouija board session.

when Cathy left she got really upset, not surprisingly. I thought to myself, ‘What on earth have I done?’” But Ian had felt so strongly that something was amiss with Cathy’s granddaughter that it amounted to the complete ‘knowing’ described by so many mediums. Had he felt an absolute compulsion to voice the feeling? “Yes, and I hadn’t got a clue what it was all about. I knew that the school this girl to see a doctor at the drop of a hat if there was a problem. Well, you can imagine that if you inhaled something you’re going to be choking, aren’t you, so they would surely have sent her to the doctor.” Cathy’s granddaughter underwent a series of tests, which revealed nothing amiss. Nevertheless she was admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital for further investigation. Under general anaesthetic small barbs from the chewed pen were found embedded in her respiratory tract and were surgically removed. “I got a very nice letter from the primary care trust and Cathy wrote to the General Medical Council thanking me,” says Ian. “I even got a nice letter from the GMC, which you don’t often get as a doctor.” So was it spirit intervention that compelled Ian to make that impromptu weekend visit to the gym? He remains he has to stay on planet earth. “But I don’t know what else it could have been,” he concedes. “It could have been a lucky guess – that’s what my colleagues were saying. But I just don’t go to the gym on a Saturday. There was this feeling of impending doom and then there was this ‘knowledge’. I know what a sceptic would say, but I veer towards the idea that maybe someone was trying to contact me.”





dreams Understanding your

Craig Hamilton-Parker

Craig Hamilton-Parker, Spiritualist medium, TV host and author of seven books on dreams, is an expert on the rich world of dreaming. Each month he’s here to interpret your dreams. Details of where to send them are given at the end of this article.

EERIE WEDDING GUESTS DREAM: I do hope that you will be able to help me. I have the strangest dreams nearly every night. I am either at a wedding or a special gathering but the people who are there are people that have passed on. Some of them have been gone for years and others only a short time. Mostly I see my mother and father. Do you think that they are trying to tell me something? I to a wheelchair.

Cathy T. CRAIGS INTERPRETATION: A wedding is a time when people that love one another



are united in a bond of love. It must be very lonely for you being stuck in your wheelchair particularly as so many people that you love are now on the other side of life. In your dreams your departed loved ones have come close to comfort you. The wedding symbolises that the link of love is never broken and just as a wedding is a happy occasion so too is the time when the people we love from the spirit communicate with us. Dreams about our departed loved ones are very widespread. Some people worry that they may be an omen of their own death. This is not the case. When we sleep, our minds are relaxed and it is the time when our spirit loved ones can draw close to us.


YUCKY NIGHTMARE DREAM: I really hope that you can interpret a very disturbing, recurring dream that I have been having. It begins with me coughing. I cough and cough but nothing comes up so I put my hand right down my throat and pull out a stream of yards and yards of phlegm. Three weeks ago the dream got even worse: I actually pulled my insides out!! I know that it sounds disgusting but it was VERY disturbing. In the dream, I tried frantically to push them back where they had come from. Please could you give me an explanation for this, I have been trying to relate it to something that has happened in my life but I can’t think of anything remotely disgusted by this dream.

Jane R. CRAIG’S INTERPRETATION: Your dream is caused by deep rooted fears in your subconscious. You are literally tearing yourself apart and blaming yourself. The phlegm that you pull out represents a desire for self-cleansing. Be positive and let the worries of the past go. You may be unconsciously blaming yourself about something that happened, and the dream draws your attention to these deep-set concerns.

ONE-WAY TICKET TO HEAVEN DREAM: I am on a life-support machine after being knocked down by a car. My mother and the doctor sit by my bed anxiously waiting for any change. Suddenly the machine breaks down and I’m dead. The doctor puts a sheet over my head. I’m standing in front of huge gates and I look around me. I realise that I am on a train station. Passengers get into the carriages but nobody gets off. A soft voice

me photographs of various people and animals that I can reincarnate as. Suddenly I’m back on the life support machine and my mother and the doctor are full of excitement shouting – “It’s a miracle!” I become a celebrity because I have met God and lived to tell the tale. All the press want to interview me. The thing that most puzzles me, though, is don’t believe in God.

Karen C. CRAIG’S INTERPRETATION: Despite the fact that you’re an atheist, your subconscious still wrestles with the eternal concept of God your subconscious mind

Send Craig your dreams

of humour.

Email your dreams to: putting ‘Dream’ in the subject line. Alternatively, mark your envelope ‘Dream’ and post to: Psychic News, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7WE

The dream starts on an emotionally charged note with you on your death bed and your mother beside you. I expect she holds traditional religious beliefs. The worrying over your plight. Then the dream turns to a humorous note. A white-bearded God gives out tickets for a one-way trip to heaven. “We were expecting you” has all the pathos of a bad movie.

To obtain Craig’s books or read more about his work with dreams, mediumship and the paranormal, visit:

expecting you.” I look to see an elderly man with deep brown eyes and snow white hair. IT’S GOD! He explains that the train goes to paradise and says “You must choose. You must choose. . .” over and over again. God shows

don’t believe in God, or fear death, your dreams would suggest that deep down inside you haven’t fully made up your mind. and intellectual choices to be made about the meaning of life and death.


Craig is also available for mediumistic readings by phone. See page 46 for details.






Behind the scenes with...

Christine Morgan The respected Australian medium and teacher speaks

How old were you when you had your was it?

“I was a reluctant want to talk to the dead – I thought that was for old people! How little I knew!”

I was never a child who had imaginary friends, but I was always perceptive and sensitive. I was around grandparents and family who spoke about the spirit world easily, always with a ‘knowing’.

The next thing I knew, I was sensing the young boy. I saw a sheet over the body but saw him clearly next to his car. Everything happened exactly the way I’d dreamt it, and I knew then that I had an ability.

parents supportive when your ability began to show?

when I was in my teens. It was astral travelling, and I distinctly remember leaving my body and looking down at myself from above. I also had very strong premonitory and precognitive dreams.

My grandfather on my mum’s side was a medium but never worked professionally. My father, Eddy Grenyer, has been a working medium in the UK for 40 years. I grew up in Australia from my mid-teens,

In one such dream I saw a boy in a car

my dad. He was a great help to me in my understanding of what was happening.

I was sitting in my friend’s car in the dream and the boy smiled at me and knew I could see him. I awoke feeling very perturbed. Two days later, I was actually sitting in that friend’s car and a road accident occurred in front of us exactly as I had dreamt it.

My grandmother and mum read the tea leaves, so psychism in the family line is very strong. However, I was a reluctant medium thought that was for old people! How little I knew! PSYCHIC NEWS | JULY 2014



“I was inspired by Simon James,

Simon James

Mavis Pittilla, Paul Jacobs and Brian Robertson. I was blessed in seeing the best at work, and in having them as teachers to guide me through at different times.”

Luckily I was brought up in a family which understood these things. Even though they were extremely superstitious, they always talked of the spirit. My grandmother taught me the Lord’s Prayer and often spoke about God. I was always told to have respect for God, even though my family were not religious as such.

a particular person who mentored and guided you? It was my dad who encouraged me to follow my inner yearnings. I didn’t want to do this work full-time but needed to know what was going on with me. He sent me Silver Birch books and encouraged me to read about Spiritualism, to learn about the great mediums like Estelle Roberts, Bertha Harris, Ursula Roberts and others. My reluctance came because I didn’t set out to develop. I had many spontaneous experiences and could tell people about their loved ones very easily. I started to read and enjoy the books, and one day, when I was visiting my dad, he said: “You’re going to do a service with me tonight. You’re ready!” I had never sat in a development circle (joined one for 6 months, long after I started working, but it was only for a short time). I had done what my dad told me to do, I sat for the spirit by myself. This was the real core of my development I believe, I had the most amazing experiences and continue to sit today. I believe it is the foundation of our connection with the other world. In the early 1990s my father was inspired one evening to send me to the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted. I didn’t want to go and next morning I was on the train to Essex, having got a cancelled room when there was a waiting list to get on that particular course. Everything fell into place – I was meant to be there. I never had a mentor as such, and was very lucky to go to the College when they had some of the best teachers and mediums around. I was inspired by Simon James, Mavis Pittilla, Paul Jacobs and Brian Robertson. I was blessed in seeing the best




at work, and in having them as teachers to guide me through at different times. It was Simon James and my dad who encouraged me to continue in the work. the Australian and British Spiritualist scenes? Does Australia have the same There are so many differences here in Australia. Spiritualism has been watered down by those who set it up here. There was a good Spiritualists’ National Union church in Perth. I worked for them and eventually became one of their teachers, running classes. However, I was restless and felt I needed more. I opened my own centre for education and Spiritualist understanding which is still running today in Perth. I taught a lot of people and formed a good foundation for people to develop, or at least understand Spiritualism. The centre was based on the same set-up as the Open Door Sanctuary run by Simon James and Brian Robertson in Canada. Though there are people in Australia who do a good job running centres and churches, we are in dire need of a system to regulate true mediumship. We have a lot of psychics who believe they are mediums, but are not. As well as demonstrating your helping students develop and progress? Can mediumship actually be taught? I spend a lot of time travelling in Europe, the UK, Canada and Australia, teaching and demonstrating. I do so because I believe the spirit world needs more good spiritual mediums and Spiritualism needs more expression. As Spiritualists we don’t own or have a monopoly on the spirit world, but Spiritualism has allowed us to express our ability and share an understanding of something far greater than ourselves. Education, I believe, must be informative, interesting and have a solid foundation and understanding. True mediumship is It’s not enough to show someone how to do something if that ‘doing’ can’t be backed up with understanding, explanation and research. If what we do as mediums doesn’t touch our own soul as well as the people we work with, what’s the use of it? It’s just another ability. It’s what we become through our mediumship and soul development that makes the medium. True mediums are born – it’s a lifetime’s journey. We cannot

teach mediumship, only guide and share experiences to enable understanding. For myself, I fell into teaching, and I realise now that it was meant to be. I didn’t learn how to teach – it’s within me, a part of my ability. I’m passionate about education and learning, and feel that if I don’t inspire a student then I’m not doing my job. Anyone can teach exercises and formulas, but that’s not the role of the true Spiritualist teacher. A good teacher should allow their students freedom of soul expression so that they can discover things for themselves through experience. We must remember that we’re all students of each other and we must as we grow. I love what I do. I’m constantly learning and progressing, making my mistakes along the way. But I know in the very core of my being that this is who I am. Not to work for the spirit would leave my soul bereft.

“Spiritualism has


declined because too many people want to be the medium, instead of recognising the true expression of Spiritualist understanding.”

It’s sad that we have seen a decline in Spiritualism, but unless we remain inspiring it will only become more diluted. It’s up to all of us to contribute. If the spirit world have invested all this time into our world to help us realise the bigger picture, we owe it to them to maintain standards. However, this can only happen if we stand up and say no to sloppy standards. Spiritualism has declined because too many people want to be the medium, instead of recognising the true expression of Spiritualist understanding. There are too many developing who pay lip service but don’t walk the talk! We must also say no to those who want to do mediumship to change careers; no to those who have no interest in our great history and philosophy that goes far beyond 1848 and the Fox sisters, the birth of Rational Spiritualism. It will take determination, inspiration and true fellowship to keep Spiritualism alive, but I believe we can do it!

I love to read, dance, drink champagne and spend time with friends. I love to be with those who make me laugh – it’s good for the soul. Wherever my journey takes me, I’m so blessed that I found the spirit world. They sustain me more than anything else. ®



2014 Spiritual Courses at Hafan Y Coed 6th - 11th July: Deb Hawken: Mediumship - The Full Monty This course looks at all aspects of mediumship and psychic work, providing background information for newbies, and plenty of time for exercises and discussion.

18th - 21st July: Claire Wiggins & Gill Snaith: Becoming a Channel – Your Gift to Spirit Topics covered include: Connecting and preparing to channel, Channelled art, The mind-pen link, Channelling philosophy and teachings, Poetry from the Higher Planes, Channelling personal guidance, Channelling for others, Channelling on other timelines, Channelling on the Energy Centres.

30th August - 5th September: Moira Hawkins: Mediumship 5th - 7th September: Cheryl Brennan: Mediumship – Simply the Best Cheryl your potential. A very spiritual uplifting weekend.

15th - 19th September: TJ Higgs: Explore your Mental Mediumship (including Trance Work) 22nd - 26th September: Jan Higgins:


19th - 21st September: Geoff Hutchison: The Shamanic Path This self-healing, sharing and assisting other. Be full of Light and Love. Everything that we set out to do CAN be achieved.

3rd - 6th October: Keith Charles and Ivan Lee: Touching Spirit Keith and Ivan working together in a wonderful, intuitive, warm and amazing residential course where YOU will open a new vista of understanding to reach the world of crime and mystery in developing your abilities of psychic detection – as well as spiritual peace and harmony.

26th - 11st October: Margaret and Kay Jones:

Spiritual Events Mind, Body, Spirit and Psychic Fayres this month THURSDAY 3RD JULY Gong Bath in Hunstanton 7.30pm, Entry £10 Town Hall, The Green, HUNSTANTON, Norfolk PE36 6BQ 07932 012262 Sound bath evening with gong master David Loughlin and Steve Hudson. An evening that takes you on a spiritual journey of sound and vibration. THURSDAY 3RD JULY Mind, Body, Energy, Health & Wellbeing Day 1pm - 10pm, Entry £3 (£2 con) The Moby Dick, Whalebone Lane, Nth Chadwell Heath, ROMFORD, Essex RM6 6QU 020 8262 1173 07958 619 608 www.mindbodyenergyevents. com Palm readings, numerology, tarot, angel cards, psychics, spiritual and clairvoyant connections, psychometry, aromatherapy, shiatsu, energy healing, kinesiology, Thai massage and more.

SAT/SUN 5TH & 6TH JULY Angelic, Psychic & Holistic TwoDay Extravaganza 11am - 5.30pm (Sat) 10.30am - 4.30pm (Sun) Entry £2 per day or £3 for both At: The Cloisters. Barrington Road, LETCHWORTH, Hertfordshire SG6 3TH 07724 115897 tarot readers, healers, holistic therapists. Traders covering New Age, holistic, Wicca and much more. SATURDAY 5TH JULY Cambs Psychic Fair 12 - 8pm, Entry £2 At: Littleport Leisure Centre, Camel Road, LITTLEPORT, Ely Cambs. CB6 1EW cambspsychicfair@outlook. com CambsPsychicFair Didgeridoo workshop, Native

At: Bolton Grosvenor Casino, Ormrod Road, BOLTON, Lancashire BL3 5DJ Mediums, card readers, spiritual healers and all your favourite spiritual goods for Mediums, card readers, spiritual healers and all your favourite spiritual goods for

Fight For Sight, Dogs Trust, Carers Trust and the North West Air Ambulance charities.

SUNDAY 20TH JULY ‘Love Yourself’ Summer Event 12pm, Entry £1 At: St George Community Centre, Church Road, St George, BRISTOL BS5 8AA 0780 7264 810 Reiki, Lion Heart Healing (C),

SUNDAY 20TH JULY Psychic Fair featuring Barrie John and Greg Smith 10am - 4pm, Entry FREE At: The Imperial Hotel, North Shore, BLACKPOOL, Lancashire FY1 2HB BlackpoolReikiEvent@outlook. com

Fight For Sight, Dogs Trust, Carers Trust and the North West Air Ambulance charities.

tarot, crafts, cakes, art, vintage clothing, nail bar and more.

drumming and dancing, dancing dogs, bouncy castle for the children. Stalls with many gifts, pampering products, massage, mediums tarot and healing remedies for your mind, body and spiritual needs. SAT/SUN 12TH & 13TH JULY Mind, Body, Spirit Festival 10am - 5pm, Entry £2.50 At: Open, 20 Bank Plain, NORWICH, Norfolk NR2 4SF 07932 012262 com Massage, mediums, healers, therapies, remedies and gifts. Yoga, body balancing, gong and sound baths, pilates, clairvoyant demonstrations, book signings and much more. SATURDAY 19TH JULY Psychic Fair featuring Barrie John and Greg Smith 10am - 4pm, Entry FREE PSYCHIC NEWS | JULY 2014



William De Morgan (c. 1890), Sands End Pottery: tile panel inspired by Middle East examples. Photo: Michele Ahin

Helen of Troy by Evelyn De Morgan

Cassandra by Evelyn De Morgan

Spiritualist art collec

seeks new home By Alan Murdie

The unique De Morgan Centre at Wandsworth, South London, which commemorates the artistic works produced by two leading Spiritualist artists from the Victorian and Edwardian era, faces Run by the De Morgan Foundation, since 2011 the De Morgan Centre has been based in the Wandsworth museum complex, providing an exhibition and commemoration of the works of Evelyn Raphaelite painter, and her husband William De Morgan (1839-1917), a ceramicist and noted novelist. The Centre houses some 40 examples specimens of her husband’s pottery and tiles. The paintings are highly distinctive and evocative, involving rich use of colours and exploring spiritual, mystical and mythological themes, inspired by the couple’s deep Spiritualist faith. Unfortunately, the decision to relocate the Wandsworth Museum has resulted in a notice to leave being served upon the Centre and it will be closing its doors on 28th June, forcing another hunt for a



“location with good amenities and footfall”. The Centre previously had to close to the public for two years in 2009, following the foreclosure of an earlier lease by Wandsworth Council.

A generous bequest The permanent public display of artworks by the De Morgans was originally the dream of Mrs A.M.W. Stirling, who lived for many years at the Old House, Battersea, one of the borough’s oldest mansions (since then also sold and divided up into of Evelyn De Morgan and sister-in-law to William, preserving many of their works in her own private collection. In her book Ghosts Vivisected included several black-and-white plates showing samples of Evelyn’s paintings, but the full scale of her collection only really became known after her death, at the age

Paintings for peace, Spiritualism and womankind Naturally, the paintings really need to be viewed in colour to appreciate their full skill and beauty. The imagery of many of the paintings encapsulates Evelyn De Morgan’s long-standing commitment to peace and the betterment of humanity. From the 1880s, with the onset of the Boer War, and later in World War I in 1914, she used her painting to illustrate the fears shared by many about the effects and horrors of war. She also used art as a vehicle to express the couple’s Spiritualist faith and their beliefs on the passage and fate of the soul after death. A number of canvasses show striking beliefs in the redemptive power of women, as symbols of hope and optimism for humanity and an expression of the eternal and divine feminine principle.

FEATURE Aurora Triumphans – c. 1886 by Evelyn De Morgan

and Sir William Barrett – early in their careers. In the 1870s William De Morgan had a studio in Cheyne Walk, Chelsea. A fascinating incident took place there when a medium named Husk produced one of the most convincing displays of materialisation recorded, one which deeply impressed Sir William Barrett, although he did not publish his account until 1924.

A striking physical seance Barrett recalled holding a séance in an almost bare room at the studio, furnished

Fantastic ducks on 6-inch tile with lustre highlights, Fulham period


feet, and a few chairs. After dinner Myers brought Husk to the studio by Hansom cab, and the group comprising William De Morgan, his mother and sister, Myers and Barrett sat with the medium around the table. The wrists of all present were loosely joined together by silk thread. Husk went into trance soon after the candle was extinguished by Barrett. Barrett recalled how “lights, very like

the De Morgans and the paranormal In their faith and work, the couple Morgan’s parents. His father, Professor Augustus De Morgan, a mathematician, scientists to take psychic phenomena seriously. He helped his wife Sophia to publish the book From Matter to Spirit (1863), later credited with helping inspire Sir William Crookes to take up psychical investigation. For their part, Evelyn and William (pictured above) engaged in regular sessions of automatic writing for over ten years, eventually producing a book, modestly entitled The Result of An Experiment in 1909, which contained messages from spirits and angelic beings. Earlier, William De Morgan had worked with some of the founders of the Society for Psychical Research – Frederic Myers

heads, the movement of some objects in the room was heard, and a deep guttural voice spoke to us calling himself ‘John King’.“ A violent convulsion of the medium occurred, and Barrett recalled that “right in front of me appeared a clothed human part of the body might have been concealed by the table. The face was illuminated by a bluish light which seemed to issue from an object held in the hand of the

in deep trance, lying back in his chair and groaning. Barrett and Myers found it impossible to reproduce the appearance explain the phenomena by trickery on the part of the medium.”

the De Morgans’

supporting and inspiring the sculptress Katherine Maltwood in her early years. She later explored the mystic side of the Arthurian tradition and conceived the Glastonbury Zodiac. Today the De Morgan Centre also holds an archive of books and manuscripts relating to the couple and to Mrs Stirling.

the future of the collection Speaking of the current situation, the Chairman of the De Morgan Foundation, Paul Jackson stated: “Our priorities at this time are safeguarding and maintaining the collection and its identity for the future, and guaranteeing that public access to the works of William and Evelyn De Morgan continues.” A number of proposed object loans to other museums and cultural institutions will ensure that a selection of the ceramics and oil paintings in the Foundation’s possession will remain on show.

De Morgan work on show elsewhere Work by Evelyn De Morgan can also be seen in Leeds Library Art Gallery and at the Russell Coates Museum in Bournemouth which is hosting De Morgans and the Sea, a sea in the works of William and Evelyn De Morgan, until 28th September 2014. ®

Barrett added that “the face was undoubtedly a living one, for I saw its eyes open and close and its lips move; I asked who it was and the guttural voice said, ‘John King’.” Barrett described the face as “a dark unlike that of the medium.” Barrett asked, light the candle.” was struck, and the medium was found

Alan Murdie is a lawyer and psychical researcher. He is a regular columnist for the magazine Fortean Times and a council member of the Society for Psychical Research. PSYCHIC NEWS | JULY 2014



Hypnosis and your mediumship Your step-by-step guide to self-hypnosis by scientist, hypnotist and medium Chris Connelly For many people, issues of hypnosis and mediumship are shrouded in mystery, intrigue and misunderstanding. My aim is to address and disperse some of these myths, in particular those relating to your mediumistic development.

Connecting with your inner self By developing the skills needed to explore

only do we begin to realise our potential as a spirit in our own right, we also heighten our awareness of the subtle energies of the spirit world. In approaching our development in this way we are also reminded that Through the it is through our internal use of hypnotic world that this connection with the energies of spirit techniques is facilitated.

Typically, hypnosis has been used to allow mediums to enter mediumistic trance on a key word, facilitate it’s possible to automatic writing or We’re led to understand even permit recall from gain a deeper that the spirit world memory of a journey transpersonal encounters problems into the spirit world. awareness of your when trying to But hypnosis can also communicate through the be useful in other less mediumship and of direct ways to explore mind of a medium. These the spirit world . an often-neglected can be best illustrated in aspect of mediumistic the spirit writings of the development, and mental medium Geraldine instead consider the transformative Cummins and a founder member of the Society for Psychical Research, Frederic Myers.

it’s possible to gain a deeper transpersonal awareness of your mediumship and of the spirit world – an understanding that goes beyond just providing descriptions and messages from spirit people and instead allows your mediumship to become a vehicle for your own self-discovery and unfoldment. Traditionally mediumship workshops and circles seek to heighten the student’s awareness of that which is outside the self, so that he or she can become aware of the subtle energies of spirit. Whilst this often to experience spirit communication, it does little to provide an understanding of student.



De-cluttering the mind Myers, from spirit, explained that the a reliable and accurate interpretation of communication to the medium were caused by the content of the medium’s inner mind. This included anything and everything from the medium’s memories, beliefs, knowledge, anxieties and assumptions to passing thoughts on current events in the medium’s life. When we consider the amount of mind clutter we accumulate over our lifetime, and through which communication from spirit is interpreted, we start to appreciate that it’s no small miracle we are able to get communication from the spirit world




HYPNOSIS It’s probably best to sit in a comfortable chair rather than lie down. This is more likely to prevent the temptation to nod off, but it’s entirely up to you.

Getting started When you’re ready to start, take a deep breath in, hold it for the count of three then slowly exhale. During this process, begin to take your awareness inwards and on to your breath. Repeat this three times and, on the last exhalation, close your eyes if you wish. You should already be starting to feel a sense of relaxation, and if you remain at this stage you will eventually develop over a few minutes a greater awareness of the inner self. But we want to go a little deeper, so we are going to use what is referred to as a ‘countdown deepener’.

Going deeper On the exhalation, count yourself down from 1 to 10 and after each count say to yourself “deeper relaxed” or something similar to indicate to yourself that you wish to relax. You don’t need to rush this and should pace it at a rate that is comfortable for you. For example, you might decide to say: at all. And so a suggestion: it is important that students seriously wanting to understand their mediumistic faculties should allow time to understand and perhaps de-clutter their own inner mind’s content.

One, deeper relaxed

Hypnosis is a dissociative state that appears to those observing it as if the hypnotised subject is either asleep or unconscious. In reality the only resemblance to sleep being experienced by the subject is the closing of the eyes, and perhaps a feeling of relaxation. Experiences vary considerably but the most common would include feelings of being in a state of relaxation, a feeling of oblivion, of oneness or even a state of heightened clarity.

Four, going deeper

Removing negativity and blockages But the really interesting thing about hypnosis is that, when in this dissociative state, the analytical self can be temporarily suspended, allowing the freedom to explore past memories, seek advice and answers from your Higher Self, identify and resolve past negative experiences and psychological blockages preventing you going forward, which of course includes blockages to mediumistic development. All this starts from knowing how to enter a hypnotic state. You may be surprised to learn that this is something you do a number of realise you’re doing it. Referred to by hypnotherapists as the everyday hypnotic states, these would include daydreaming, short periods during falling off to sleep (hypnagogic) and waking up from sleep (hypnopompic). There’s also something called Highway Hypnosis – a common phenomenon in which car drivers occasionally experience having absolutely no recollection of their route to their destination.

Five, relaxing more Six, deeper Seven, that’s it Eight, deeper Nine, relaxing Ten, now relaxed and comfortable in hypnosis

Exploring your inner self Remember that this is a new skill and will take some practice. But whatever you are experiencing, you should be in a position to start

This method can be carried out almost anywhere, but until you


Three, feeling comfortable

Experiences vary considerably but the most common would include feelings of being in a state of relaxation, a feeling of oblivion, of oneness or even a state of heightened clarity.

Although these examples are involuntary, there is also a very simple method by which we can enter at our choosing a hypnotic state in which we can learn to explore our inner self and take a step towards self-discovery.


Two, more and more relaxed

you obtain, are entirely down to your motivation and desire to change. But as a starting point in your mediumship to explore past memories of positive experiences relating to your development.

Returning to full consciousness To bring yourself back into normal awareness, you need only take another deep breath in and, as you exhale, slowly open your eyes. Give yourself a little time to become re-accustomed

ready, you can resume your day. As with all new skills, the more you practise going into a hypnotic state, the more you provide yourself with opportunities to discover your inner mind’s contents. Little by little this skill awareness of your own spirit, and the spirit world, begins to unfold.


What does it all mean? The PN jargon-buster

unintelligible to anyone else. Just look at the medical profession – or the game of cricket! Sadly, Spiritualists are no exception, with a plethora of weird and wonderful words relating to mediumship and spiritual matters, most of which would never arise in ‘normal’ conversation.

CHAIR TEST: In the empty hall

before a demonstration of mediumship, a medium is asked to select a chair at random and to describe the person who will later occupy it. A more challenging form of this test can involve more than one medium (and their guides as well!). In the empty hall the mediums concerned are each allotted randomly a chair, picked by another person: then they are asked not merely to describe the coming members of the audience who will occupy the chairs selected, but to give a reading for each one. A record is made of each reading, and then checked during the demonstration with the audience members concerned.


A combination for a lock is chosen and the lock secured by one person, who discloses the number to nobody else. If, after that person’s death, the number is then communicated by paranormal means to a living recipient (and the lock successfully unfastened), that communication could be regarded as good evidence for survival of death.

DROP-IN COMMUNICATOR: At a séance, an entity who makes his/her presence felt, but is unknown to everyone there. An example is the well-known ‘case of Runki’s leg’. At the meetings of a circle In 1940s Iceland, a grumpy entity who was a

stranger to all the sitters and the medium repeatedly ‘invaded’, insisting that he had been buried without one of his legs, and demanding that the missing limb be sought for and buried with the rest of him. This case provided some very interesting evidence for survival, in that a lot of with rather grudging help from the communicator. Documentary evidence was eventually discovered matching the personal name he (reluctantly) gave, and the hiding place was found of a major bone from the missing leg. Once the bone had been given a seemly burial near the rest of the body, ‘Runki’, the grumpy interloper, mellowed a lot in manner, and later joined the group of spirit guides working with the circle.


Since the late nineteenth century there have been claims that some people are able to project images by thought alone on probably the most extensively investigated exponent of this phenomenon was the American Ted Serios, who reckoned that he could cause images in his mind

images produced inside this type of


Chair test


DROP-IN COMMUNICATOR If you’ve got a word you’d or write to us at the address on page 2 and we’ll do our best to include it in next month’s jargon-buster.

to be removed for dark-room processing. In theory, this should have reduced somewhat the risk of fraud.) For three years in the 1960s the psychiatrist Dr Jule Eisenbud tried to verify this strange claimed ability. Serios’ own method of working was to hold a small cardboard tube, which he called his “gismo”, to his forehead, and face the camera. An exposure would then be taken. The distance between camera lens and “gismo” could vary widely. As an experimental subject, Serios proved a ‘handful’. He was emotionally volatile, described by Dr Eisenbud as “psychopathic” and “sociopathic”, and regarded as an alcoholic. He certainly preferred to be well ’lubricated’ before an experiment. Although images of rather unfocussed but recognisable buildings did appear in some of the ‘thoughtographs’, sceptics, including professional photographers, have dismissed these as fakes, maintaining that Serios (if indeed sober enough to do so) must have hidden inside his “gismo” small pictures or photos which the Polaroid camera then photographed. However, there remain some images in which fraud may not have been involved, e.g. an image of an unknown building with the word ‘Cainadian’ [sic] on its fascia: when (its fascia showing the words ‘Royal Canadian Mounted Police’), the spelling of ‘Canadian’ was correct. Fifty years on, the ‘thoughtography’ of Ted Serios is still a very controversial subject. PSYCHIC NEWS | JULY 2014



...crystals for healing



You’ll find that “ most crystals can be used in some way or other to help with most conditions or ailments, and perhaps there is a reason for this.

How crystals are formed Some crystals form in underground caves and cavities which are rich in mineral vapour. Typically this happens in active volcanic areas deep within the earth. A recent discovery at the Naica mine in Mexico took place in 2000, where giant Gypsum crystals up to twelve metres in length and two metres in diameter were discovered at a depth of three hundred metres below the surface (pictured right). The environment is extremely toxic and can only be The real gemstone crystals are formed from extremely hot molten rock, or magma. As the temperature and pressure surrounding the magma changes, solvents evaporate, atoms begin to associate and different substances crystallize out. Crystals form as their component atoms



move closer together; the geometry and chemical activity determine the crystal shape. Quartz is made only from silicon and oxygen, diamond from carbon. When crystals form, the atoms are arranged in


regular geometric patterns. The crystal shape is determined by the minerals’ internal atomic structure. Although there are literally thousands of minerals, their crystal shape is grouped on the basis of their symmetry to one of seven threedimensional patterns. The formation of crystals can also occur when the crust of the earth moves, raising mountains and creating new faults. The stress present at these points can generate enormous pressure and temperatures that can alter the crystal structures in rocks. These rocks and crystals are generally fairly small.

Healing properties of crystals If you read enough books, enough that most crystals can be used in some way or other to help with most conditions or ailments, and perhaps there is a reason for this. My views and opinions follow research which was conducted in the early 1980s, when a London based scientist and researcher rediscovered the chakra

Choice of colour is important One aspect that most people don’t take into consideration when using crystals for healing is their colour. As we know, colour is a vibration and the colour of a crystal affects its more on the colour than on the family to which the crystal belongs. Match the colour of the crystal to the traditional chakra colour of the affected area for treatment and good results should ensue. – Ruby, Garnet, Spinel, Red Jasper or Red Agate – Carnelian, Orange Jasper, Orange Agate or Orange Quartz – Citrine, Golden Topaz, Apatite, Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Agate or Tigers Eye – Emerald, Jade, Aventurine, Green Opal,

Blue Quartz, Blue Jasper or Sodalite – Amethyst, Violet Sapphire, Fluorite or Tourmaline – Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz or White Sapphire Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite and Pink Agate are ‘Pink Rays’ (a dilution of the Red Ray with White) and can be used on all chakras – from base to crown – with

“ frequency of healing energy is the same as the most predominant of Schumann resonance (Planetary heartbeat) at 7.5 Hz. Schumann resonances are generated naturally

continued for some time and by matching

crystals, balance and harmony were restored.

slowest-spinning chakra is the base and the fastest is the crown. The chakras draw which is then distributed via the meridians (channels) of the etheric body to the cells of the physical body. The chakra system comprises a spectrum of colours, and each chakra colour represents a band of

Some additional facts White Diamonds are completely neutral and therefore do not have therapeutic

Things to check Be very careful when purchasing crystals and, if possible, check where and how they were mined. Most reputable organisations will be able (and willing) to tell you. If crystals are mined cheaply they will be blasted from the earth with explosives. be disturbed and the crystal will retain the vibration of the blast rather than its natural vibration. Crystals mined properly will not suffer the shock of a blast.

Schumann Resonance

around the Earth, the Earth’s surface and the conductive ionosphere act as a closed waveguide. Lightning within this cavity generates electromagnetic impulses which can be between 3 Hz and 300 Hz. Research is also taking place to demonstrate that 7.5 Hz is also the frequency of a balanced base (or root) chakra.” Schumann Resonance is the earth’s primary which match those of the remaining chakras. As the crystals form within the

When we looked at spiritual healing in a previous edition I mentioned the matter of ‘Schumann Resonance’ and secondary


order to be in harmony. Nic Whitham has been a spiritual healer for the past 40 years and Indian head massage. He also practices Thai massage, is a reiki

Coloured Diamonds work according to their colour ray. Amber is a resin, not a crystal, but it has electrical properties and can be therapeutic.

therapy and polycontrast interference photography. He teaches Alliance of Healing Associations. He is co-owner and director of Banyan Retreat, a spiritual development sanctuary and natural healing centre in Ashford, Kent. PSYCHIC NEWS | JULY 2014




in every human body as a model, we can create not just honeymoon relationships for two, but also a ‘super organism’ called humanity that can heal our planet.

you? Eldon Taylor has spent the power of the mind and proven methods to use this of your life. I Believe is a book that will not only inspire you, but will highlight the kinds of beliefs you hold that may be causing you to fail. In the process, it will provide you with the opportunity to choose, once again, the beliefs that drive your life.

Mending the Past and Healing the Future with Soul Retrieval By Alberto Villoldo

The Honeymoon The science of creating heaven on Earth By Bruce H. Lipton

Psychologist and medical anthropologist Alberto Villoldo explains the practices for healing outside of ordinary time and space. He shows how you can enter the timeless now to heal events that occurred in the past, and how you can correct the course of destiny. Dr Villoldo discusses ways in which you can heal yourself and your loved ones by employing intention through practices used by shamans of the Americas. The shamans of old called this ‘journeying’. The practices of soul and destiny retrieval are described in rich, practical detail and show you how you can become your own shaman and accomplish, in a few sessions of ‘journeying’, what can take years to do in a psychotherapeutic setting. The book describes how ancient ‘seers’ known as Laikas learned to navigate the timelines, and teaches along your own timelines to your destiny.

In his new book, Bruce H. Lipton asks readers to think back on the most spectacular love affair of their lives. It was a time when they were exuberantly healthy, when energy, when they were loving their lives so much they couldn’t wait to bound out of bed in the morning to experience more. It was the ‘Honeymoon Effect’ that was to last forever. Lipton explains that this ‘Honeymoon Effect’ was not a chance event but a personal creation. Just as important, he explains why honeymoons are so often short lived. This book describes how readers manifested the Honeymoon Effect and the reasons they lost it in their lives. That knowledge empowers them to create the honeymoon again, this time in a way that ensures a happilyever-after relationship. and an easy-to-read style, vibrations), biochemistry (love potions), and psychology (the conscious and subconscious minds) in creating and sustaining loving relationships. He also asserts cells that live harmoniously


astrology in her book The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children and in magazine columns in the U.K. Doreen presents workshops around the world and is the host of a weekly call-in show on


I Believe When what you believe matters!

Angel Prayers Harnessing the help of heaven to create miracles

By Eldon Taylor What is the foundation underpinning success in all areas of life? Is there a blueprint? What if you learned that your beliefs were the very cornerstones that supported success and that having a few of these could give rise to success in some areas while complete failure in others? Would you choose to build a stronger overall foundation? Very few people today doubt the power of positive thinking. We all know that if we expect to fail, then failure is inevitably what we get, and there is also the issue of the mind/body connection – science is repeatedly demonstrating the power of mind and belief to heal. What you believe can and does have a huge impact – from success in business to success in relationships, from your ability to learn and master new subjects to your ability to heal your own body. But have you ever stopped to consider your own beliefs – to truly examine them and decide for yourself if they are serving you or sabotaging

Discover the Angels connected with your birth chart By Doreen Virtue and Yasmin Boland

combine angelology and astrology. Learn about the archangels who work with your birth chart. The 12 beautifully illustrated and easy-to-understand chapters describe the personality characteristics of each of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Rising (Ascendant) signs, as well as which archangels to call upon in association with them. Angel Astrology 101 is perfect for anyone who is new to these subjects – but it also offers plenty of fresh insights and material for those who have long worked with either astrology or the angels. Doreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counselling psychology. She has previously written about

By Kyle Gray Do you ever feel frustrated because your prayers are going unanswered, and you feel that God and the angels are not listening? If you are felling unsupported, Angel Prayers will turn this situation around for good. In this book you will learn about the power demonstrated by true stories from Kyle’s clients and his own personal experience, the spiritual laws at play in the world and how your words and intentions affect your life. You will also learn about invocations and and archangels; and the angelic hierarchy, including and some new ones that can support you on your journey. Get ready to open up to the beautiful world of angel prayers – and to see miraculous results! Kyle Gray is an angel


All books are available on and or from your local bookseller unless otherwise stated.

communicator, medium and motivational speaker based in the west of Scotland where he was born and raised. He travels widely to spread the love and guidance from the angels.

before they can effect spiritual transformation and physical, mental and soul healing. Hinduism, esoteric Buddhism and Eastern philosophy. An accomplished practitioner and teacher of martial arts, primarily traditional Budo, he is the author of nearly 40 books in French on martial arts, esoteric philosophy, theosophy and religion. He lives in France.

Rays The science of the seven facets of the soul

look at criminology and ghost hunting. Paranormal historian Paul Adams has the criminologist and the ghost hunter to compile a from British history. No truecrime bookshelf is complete without Ghosts & Gallows.

conscious mind of actuality and the unconscious mind of possibility. He then teaches readers how to harness this innate ability in order to live more creatively. Amit Goswami, PhD, is a retired professor from the theoretical physics department of the University of Oregon in Eugene, where he had served since 1968. He is a pioneer of the new paradigm known as ‘science within consciousness’.

Quantum Creativity Soul Plan Reconnect with your True Life purpose

creative By Amit Goswami

Taught solely in secret for millennia, the Science of the Seven Rays was introduced outside of the ancient mystery schools of Western and Hindu tradition by some of the great occultists of the late 19th and early 20th century. Based on the soul’s seven-faceted nature, the Seven Ray system underlies metaphysical traditions around the world through its connections with the seven musical notes in the scale, the seven days in the week, the seven chakras, the seven colours of the rainbow and the seven sacred planets. Laying out the key principles behind this spiritual science, seven sacred gemstones of the Seven Rays – diamond, sapphire, emerald, jasper, topaz, ruby and amethyst – and shows that not all precious stones have true mystical powers: they must be charged, either naturally or through ritual, with a living deva or angelic presence

Healer analyses the actual process, with a detailed look at the chakra system and the subtle anatomy. Eastern masters use the term Prana to describe all energy in the universe; this book explains how this energy may be harnessed to be used to heal others at a great distance.

Ghosts and Gallows True stories of crime and the paranormal By Paul Adams Murder and ghosts go hand-in-hand and vengeful spectres seeking justice or haunting the scene of the crime or their killers have adorned the pages of literature since before Shakespeare. This chilling collection of true-crime tales dating from the mideighteenth century to the present day all feature some element of the paranormal. Gathered from across the UK, cases include the discovery of a body by a Spiritualist medium, a murder solved by a dream of the mother of the victim, and evidence at a Scottish murder trial provided by the ghost of the victim herself. Featuring visions, psychometry, ghosts, haunted prisons, possessions, and Spiritualist detectives, this book is a fascinating

In Quantum Creativity, Amit Goswami explores human offering readers a new way to nurture and enhance their own creativity – the ultimate In this exciting work, that probe the wellspring of creation that exists in each of us. What is creativity? Can anyone be creative? What kinds of creativity are mercurial subject with the eye of a scientist. Combining the art of creativity with the objectivity of science, he lays out a guidebook for understanding the power of the mind to access creativity in a whole new way. physics, reality occurs on two levels: possibility and actuality. Goswami uses this same duality to explore thinking’, which focuses on two levels of thinking – the

So you want to be a healer?

By Blue Marsden

By Billy Roberts This book contains easyto-follow exercises and meditations to help cultivate the healing skills. It explores the metaphysical facts, with a detailed analysis of the different types of healing methods, ranging from magnetic and pranic healing, to spiritual and mental healing. Through have administered healing to the sick, from the Biblical accounts of Jesus, to the more radical practices of Rasputin, the so-called “Mad Monk”. Why do some people possess that certain something that they are able to impart to others? What is personal magnetism, and why is that a powerful healing force? Apart from the exercises to help with the development of healing skill, So You Want To Be A

Soul Plan is a new interpretation of an ancient system of life purpose analysis. Available for the this truly empowering method accesses the vibration in your birth name to determine your entire soul plan. Using an easy-to-follow method you will see clearly your greatest challenges and how to overcome them, uncover your greatest strengths and align with your higher soul purpose; and understand the past and reveal your best future potential. You will also receive an energetic activation and practical tools to heal and align your purpose, interpret and understand the vibration of your name, and enjoy working out your own soul plan and the plans of others.





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near-death experience or dealing with paranormal happenings, there is a lesson for everyone.

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book, leading experts from the world of Tarot, including Rachel Pollack, Mary K. Greer, Ciro Marchetti, and Caitlin Matthews, share their insights into the cards of the Major Arcana, and reveal the profound impact that Tarot has had on their lives. Each contributor shares how their Tarot journey began and what inspired them, and gives their interpretation of a


Modern Mediumship Volume 1 By Maxine Meilleur Available directly from author by email (maxine.meilleur@ Today’s mediums belong to a great lineage of wonderful souls and so it is imperative that they know their heritage. This book lists the greatest moments in modern mediumship. It is intended to educate and hopefully inspire. The incidents detailed hereafter really happened. There were multiple witnesses to each one, and in some cases, physical evidence was produced, which still stands today as a testament to what happened. These incidents, these great moments, were not ‘magic’ and all of them can be explained by the phenomena of mediumship. Mediumship, governed by natural law and the philosophy of the religion of Spiritualism, has sometimes under the most controlled circumstances, by Nobel laureates and other prominent scientists since the 19th century. These great moments are not unexplainable miracles. Ordinary people, not holy men or saints, performed these incidents. In many cases, they occurred in the natural settings of people’s homes.


Summerland is a most unusual book. It has been written as a novel for a special purpose, so that this simple story of life, the change (death) and our eternal existence may be told. Its aim is to express the fact that there is more to us that some of us would like to acknowledge, but it is something that more and more of us are beginning to believe in and understand. Man has an inherent knowledge that something else exists – a God, or Creator, whichever name we give it. It is written by Spirit, those whom we may call ‘Guardian Angels’ and has been written been done. Summerland explores what happens and why. It shows, through its simple story, what form life in the next world takes and most importantly, responsibility for not only our actions and inactions but also the thoughts and intentions behind them.

In the 1870’s in rural England, Alice and Bobby are deeply in love, but their happiness is short-lived as a cruel destiny separates them forever. Alice never forgets him and believes that somehow, somewhere In 1960’s London, Charlotte meets Philip and feel irresistible attraction towards him, but Philip is married, and after a struggle in conscience he yields to temptation, admitting he returns her love. Will their attempt to their predecessors, Alice and Bobby? At a crisis in Charlotte’s life, a meeting with a mysterious gypsy might hold the key to their fate. Rochelle Jones is the author of two historical novels. She was born Rochelle Candee in Pasadena, Los Angeles. For the latter part of her childhood she lived something of a nomadic lifestyle after her parents divorced, as her mother and stepfather moved Never settling long in one place while growing up gave her the spirit to travel and in her early twenties she moved to the UK. While working as a nanny for a family in London she became very interested in Victorian London through reading such stories as Sherlock Holmes and other topics relating to this period, a subject that has fascinated her ever since, inspiring her to write her books around this time in British history.

Soul Coaching Oracle Cards What your soul wants you to know By Denise Linn and guidebook The Soul Coaching Oracle Cards, by bestselling author and healer Denise Linn, provide a direct connection to the soul. The card deck and guidebook can be used to give yourself, your loved ones, and your clients remarkably accurate, heartfelt readings – as well as help you touch the sacred place within. You’ll come to understand what your soul wants you to know about your relationships, your career, your creativity, and even your future. Every card glows with beautiful artwork and a positive message that can help you receive profound spiritual guidance from your higher self!

n i W A Psychic Weekend Break for two

Sudok Comp u etition

Please note: Sorry, but travel or travel expenses to and from the venue are NOT included in any of the prizes offered. Winners must make their own arrangements to and from the venue at their own expense.

Psychic Weekend


4 1 6 5 7

9 3 5 8

7 4 8 3 4 1 1 3 8 6 7 4 9 3 8 6

1 3 5 4 2

How to solve sudoku: Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell so that each row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers from 1-9.




The mystery of Jimmy Garlick John West investigates the strange tale of the ‘mummy‘ at St James’ Church, located in the heart of the ancient City of London.

Some people express surprise when I tell them that many churches are reputed to be haunted. But why shouldn’t this be so? These buildings were at the heart of the communities for centuries, bearing silent witness as countless souls attended services such as baptisms, weddings and funerals. It’s only natural to expect that the intense emotions associated with these events will echo down the centuries, later to be picked up by those sensitive enough to see and hear psychic phenomena.

Visitors claimed to have felt a presence in the building and it was theorised that the man was unhappy about being put on display for a paying public.

One of the most intriguing haunted churches in Britain can be found on Garlick Hill in the heart of old London. It’s known as St James Garlickhythe (Garlickhythe refers to the nearby landing place, or hythe, near where garlic was sold in medieval times) and can trace its origins back to the 12th century. The church was completely destroyed in the Great Fire of 1666 and was rebuilt by the legendary Sir Christopher Wren, achitect of St Paul’s Cathedral, between 1676 and 1682. It was later nicknamed ‘Wren’s Lantern’ due to its profusion of windows. found in the chancel and was placed on curious to view – upon payment of a small fee! Theories about who he might be have Lord Mayor of London. Later carbon-dating tests, carried out for a recent TV series



the corpse could be dated between 1641 and 1801. Further tests showed signs of balding, tooth decay and osteoarthritis. The corpse also had pierced ears. Some suggested that he was a sailor who died at sea, was embalmed on board, and brought to the church for burial after the ship reached port. St James’s reputation as a haunted church began only after the discovery of the corpse, who was known as ‘Jimmy Garlick’. Visitors claimed to have felt a presence in the building and it was theorised that unhappy about being put on display for a paying public. It’s also said that choirboys sometimes carried the mummy around the church in jest, something that can hardly have pleased ‘Jimmy’! Researching haunted locations can sometimes be a frustrating business and ‘Jimmy Garlick’ certainly is no exception. The haunting has been featured in several books and internet sites devoted to ghosts. Unfortunately, each account lacks information crucial to the investigator. For example, accounts of ghostly activity within the church are given but witnesses are not named, so we are left to guess as to the years and months when the phantom was seen. With the passing decades it can often be impossible to trace the original source material and we are therefore left All we can say for certain is that the church


Photo: John Salmon

had a reputation for being haunted, that resembling the corpse was alleged to have been seen on several occasions. In May 1941, a German bomb hit the in the crypt. Fortunately, it didn‘t explode. Following this, apparent paranormal activity increased in the church. It’s interesting to note that many ‘ghosts’ seem to become more active after their surroundings are altered or damaged. Is the spirit objecting to the changes or is the activity the result of a ‘recording‘ that has somehow been activated? According to the stone tape theory, stored residual energy in the fabric of a building is released by alterations to the structure, thereby resulting in a display of increased recorded paranormal activity. If true, this could explain many hauntings – but it’s still just a theory. Peter Underwood, ghost investigator and author of Haunted London, records that a his calls to take shelter and vanished when also seen in the nave for a few seconds by a visiting priest on another occasion. In addition, a lady visitor was sitting in one of the pews when she noticed, on the north It was gazing intently towards the tower. was looking at and when she turned back it had gone. She went to the spot where it

Mr Underwood also recounts what occurred when an American tourist visited the church with her two sons. The older boy suddenly startled his mother by insisting that they leave the church. had looked up the staircase to the balcony covered in something resembling a white winding sheet. His face and hands were like those of a dried-up corpse. Neither the boy nor the mother knew of the mummy, or the stories connected with it. The balcony had been deserted prior to the sudden appearance of the apparition.

Photo: Oxyman.

Other activity in the church has included the movement of objects, unexplained noises and the appearance of a phantom cat. It’s not known if these events were connected with the appearance of the ‘mummy’. ‘Jimmy Garlick’ was eventually hidden in the tower, free from prying eyes. The “Stop stranger, stop as you pass by. As you are now, so once was I. As I am now, so shall you be. So pray prepare to follow me.” Can it be just a coincidence that the decrease in ghostly activity within the church coincided with the decision to hide ‘Jimmy’ from view? It’s also interesting to towards the tower on a previous occasion interred!


John West is an author and radio presenter. He hosts a monthly paranormal chat show for Radio Castle in Suffolk and has presented a number of programmes on ghosts for internet TV. He has recently completed a TV pilot on ghosts for East Media Productions. John can be contacted via his blog: http://eastanglianghosthunters.




David Hopkins continues the theme of his June article, in which he asked how horrors in the name of God.




The treatment of women and girls in cultures across the world remains one of, if not the most important issue in modern society. We get headlines about disputes in regions of the world that are of

of subduing populations has been in the public glare very recently and we can only hope that the London conference to discuss how to challenge such actions will bring about a change in attitude sooner rather than later.

Another aspect that concerns me is the attitude towards ‘foreigners’ who come from certain geographical areas or ethnic backgrounds. Some of you may already have heard me express the view that I am proud to be Welsh, proud to be British, proud to be European and proud to be a citizen of the world.

may draw attention to such issues, it is ‘ordinary’ people who will have to start that change.

pleasure in the excellence of participants whatever their land of birth, cheering them to victory because we recognise the endeavour needed to reach their level of achievement. We can watch two people

“draw attention to such

issues, it is ‘ordinary’ people who will have to start that change.

and affect thousands, even hundreds of thousands. But the treatment of the female population directly affects billions population of our planet. The large group of young girls taken weeks ago by religious fundamentalists are, as I write, still not back with their families, though ‘government sources’ indicate knowledge of their whereabouts. Not all that inspiring.

Rape is never deserved Fresh in our memories are the accounts of two young girls raped and hanged, their ‘crime’ seemingly being that they were of a ‘lower caste’. This feeble excuse is used to justify reported comments from a sometimes bad and sometimes good. What kind of faith or system or mentality can think that rape is ever anything other than the most horrendous crime against the individual and the whole of humankind?

Violation taints us all That someone’s position in society can degradation beggars belief in the 21st century. We know that lords of the manor and others in authority have used their centuries, so this is nothing new and certainly not something we can say never happened within UK society. It is time so say ‘stop’ to such actions. It doesn’t matter who’s responsible – these crimes belittle us all. Whether it’s an entertainer, a politician, religious minister, family member or friend, teacher, carer, stranger, someone on a ‘date’, someone who thought the person didn’t really mean ‘no’; to violate an individual can never be

People like us can change things This crime is committed not just in isolation by an individual or small group; suffering on an entire society or national group. The use of rape as a method

The female of the species – criminal or victim? Female genital mutilation (FGM) is carried out in many countries, including the UK. It’s said that twenty thousand young women are at risk in Britain alone. Women are stoned or imprisoned for adultery, having been raped, whilst the perpetrators suffer little or no punishment. A woman can be sentenced to death and forced to give birth while in shackles for loving someone of a different religion. The rights of women are so tightly restricted in many countries that life must seem almost intolerable. Can anyone explain to me the nature of the ‘sin’ involved in a woman driving a car? Yet we know such restrictions exist – in Saudi Arabia, for example. The greatest challenge facing humankind involves the treatment of women and girls, the opportunities given (or not given) to them and the level of respect paid to them. Only when these issues have been addressed and put right can we look to a fairer, happier and more rewarding society.

Insularity diminishes understanding Time to move my soapbox to a different corner. Recently there have been elections in many countries. Unfortunately, the results have shown a marked movement towards a more insular and Luddite society, and it troubles me greatly. This should be a time when nations are moving closer to each other to bring about greater understanding and co-operation, and on maps. A simple trading agreement is not enough for me. I want something that is for people, for all, not just a self-selected few; for the future and the young and not just for the establishment and those who already ‘have’.

My country, right or wrong – or credit where credit’s due? We may cheer for our particular nation in the World Cup or in international

favourite to take and keep the lead, but skill, endeavour, enthusiasm, potential and achievement – these things are not limited by boundaries. We must put aside petty localism and nationalism and take on board internationalism in every sense. Put another way, we must put into practice the second principle of Spiritualism – The Brotherhood of Man – the unity of all living things. The rise of the so-called ‘Far Right’ and ‘Far Left’ is yet a further expression of extremism that has no place in Spiritualist philosophy or a modern, multi-cultural, many-faceted international society. Technology has made the world a place that can be spanned in nano-seconds. If only the minds of people could keep pace.

– the implications And now for another change of direction in this month’s contribution, as I look to the celebrations held in many places to commemorate events of 70 years ago. Certainly we’ve seen, heard and read about the outstanding courage shown by ordinary people as they made incredible countries. It always strikes me as unfortunate that so many talk about ‘coming back safely’ or at least alive, as though it was an admission of failure, or a matter about which they should be ashamed. The survival instinct is an integral part of our make-up, certainly nothing about which we should feel guilt. Whilst bringing out the worst in human nature, war can show the best of that same nature. The pity is that it sometimes takes that worst to bring out the best. How much PSYCHIC NEWS | JULY 2014



Remembrance of past “wars and battles must

surely make us strive to ensure that the Spiritualist philosophy that “all men are my brothers, all women my sisters, all children my children” becomes our mantra, and the mantra of people of goodwill everywhere.

better it would be if we could display our and understanding prevail. As we watched those now-elderly men recounting their stories, sharing their memories and shedding their tears, we realise how much we have been let down by our leaders for centuries when we still have to resort to death and destruction to settle our differences. As a famous singer once asked – When will they ever learn? us the answer, an answer that ‘is blowing in the wind’ – the wind that touches us all, that whispers to our souls. It calls on us to do the best we can and reminds us that “angels can do no more”. Remembrance of past wars and battles must surely make us strive to ensure that the Spiritualist philosophy that “all men are my brothers, all women my sisters, all children my children” becomes our mantra, and the mantra of people of goodwill everywhere. It isn’t, as they say, rocket science, just the simplest of truths, yet so hard to achieve. But that should never stop us trying.

Remembering Arthur Findlay My musings this month are going to end with events in July at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted. I look forward to

his former home Stansted Hall came into the possession of the Spiritualists’ National Union. My own links with the Hall go back a Having heard so much about it, my parents



and I went to visit it in the late summer of 1964. We knocked on the great door, to have it opened by Edith, the Findlay’s maid. We were welcomed, given a tour and then shown into the dining-room (now the lecture room), to sit at a long refectory table and have afternoon tea; and, yes, we did have cucumber sandwiches cut neatly the kitchen gardens and the wonderful

My link with the place continued when my parents moved to live at Clock Cottage, in the grounds of the Hall, to help establish this great new enterprise, joining Tom Harrison and his family. Some readers may know Tom more because of his well-reported experiences with physical mediumship, not knowing that he was the mainly of Spiritualists with a strong Lyceum background. The circumstances of Tom’s departure from the Hall, and then those of my parents, are a far less pleasant memory, not for recounting here. However, I well remember the day of the the lounge windows minutes before the VIPs arrived!

course celebration in the Gallery I well remember us all trying to do a special dance. This involved a ‘bending the knees’ moment, when we had to ‘bob’ as part bob’ remain with Mayne and me, and are instantly recalled whenever we hear someone being called ‘Bob’! I’ve so many memories of the Hall, the vast majority positive, I’m glad to say. There is at least one more – Mayne and I got married in the Sanctuary there in August, 1988, the service conducted by another great supporter of the College, my longtime friend Robin Stevens. It will be very special to be at July’s event; I’m sure I will see lots of ghosts – all friendly, I trust!

A new opening? Network has very recently changed its criteria for membership. Hopefully in September the Spiritualists’ National Union will gain provisional membership and in due course become a full member. This will, I trust, lead to a full and active role being played by Spiritualists on this national stage. Look out, world! Spiritualists are on the move!

I was in the library at a board meeting when Frank Tams collapsed and character and was Gordon Higginson’s business partner, closest friend and support. I recall many occasions working, with my wife, at the Hall with Gordon. Despite the fact that he and I had untold ‘fallings out,’ we had a very close relationship and personal regard for each other. On one Friday evening end-of-

David Hopkins is a Spiritualists’ National Union minister, author and broadcaster.


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Readers’ Letters This winn er In

ANIMAL COMMUNICATION AND ONYX THE EXTRAORDINARY GUIDE DOG I read with great interest the interview with Pea Horsley on animal communication (June 2014). My husband was totally blind and was lucky enough to have a black-and-blonde German shepherd guide dog who was worth her weight in gold. Her name was Onyx.

wouldn’t have time the next day. A few days later Pat rang again, asking my husband if he would do a talk on guide dogs for the Women’s Institute. When the talk was over, Pat said she had something to tell the people present about Onyx that even my husband didn’t know, and relayed the story of how I had spoken to the dog and what I had said. On arrival at the farm where the boarding kennels were housed, Onyx stopped at each piece of machinery, sniffed and examined it then turned to Pat as much as to say “What is it?” Pat said that she’d felt obliged to answer her, feeling rather foolish.

Onyx was a very intelligent dog, both telepathic and psychic, so when we went to Spain with a group of other blind and disabled people, and not being able to take Onyx with us, she was destined for boarding kennels, owned and run by people who would look after her well. When Pat, the owner of the boarding kennels, came to collect Onyx, I introduced them as had become the custom, with Onyx giving Pat a paw to shake hands. I then sat Onyx down and explained to her that she was going on holiday would be back after she had had seven meals. She watched all with interest and, after giving Pat a nudge with her nose, ran to the front door as much as to say “Let’s go”. When we arrived home after seven days, Pat rang to ask if she could bring Onyx home that night, as she

Then Pat explained that after she had given Onyx her seventh meal she could no longer hold her. Onyx cried and cried and was desperate to get out of the pen. When the kennel doors were opened she made straight for the car that had brought her to the farm. Up until that seventh meal Pat had had no trouble at all with Onyx – her behaviour had been impeccable. She added that she had never met a dog like her and would love to have her again when we went away.

Ruby Gould Derbyshire




Readers’ Letters

There is little David Hopkins says (June 2014) that I disagree with, but may I make a small contribution? No, David, you should not “hate” those who abducted the Nigerian schoolgirls, because we all carry a burden of guilt. Western countries continue to sentence to death and preventable

commit murder: “Thou shalt not suffer a witch [a medium/psychic/

disease many thousands of people – mainly children – every month

sorceress/gatherer of herbs/heretic] to live - Exodus 22:18 –

in largely Islamic Third World regions. We do so by consuming and

Authorised Version King James Bible.

and unhealthy. We make excuses: “Perhaps Christianity is superior to the Muslim faith, and this reality is simply playing itself out.”

The foregoing suggests the kidnapping of just over 200 young episode is. Indeed the Christian world – both ancient and its

Is this true? Consider. The savage atrocities in the Middle Ages by the Catholic Church have rarely been matched in terms of numbers and sheer cruelty. This has been conceded historically

But yes, I celebrate David’s concern and his generous outlook.

and theologically. Even the Holy Bible commands the faithful to

Likewise his love of Spiritualism, thankfully devoid of such primitive appetites. I have tried to make my own tiny contribution with a channelled book, The Littlest Crusade (American Book Publishing;

I celebrate David’s concern “and his generous outlook.

Likewise his love of Spiritualism, thankfully devoid of such primitive appetites.”

raises is addressed.

Desmond Long New Zealand




WHAT IS RESCUE REMEDY DESIGNED TO DO? A belated thank you to Nic Whitham for his interesting Remedies (May 2014). Through friends who had used some of them, I had been vaguely aware of these remedies, and was glad to read more about them.

about ‘Rescue Remedy’, which I gather is a compilation of several Flower Remedies. This was not mentioned in Nic’s article, and I wonder why not? Nic warned that one should take “no more than six or seven at the same time”. Six or seven sounds an awful lot! How many are present in Rescue Remedy, which are they, and what is Rescue Remedy designed to do? Would Nic write a supplementary article?

Elizabeth Lord

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Will you dare to

drop your old way of thinking? Spiritual teacher Leon Brown, known to his 620,000 Twitter followers as @TheGodLight, invites you to forget everything you know and begin again. Drop all that you think you know. True wisdom will never come to visit you if you hold opinions and judgements about anything. False knowledge is akin to giving a child a loaded gun to play with. Unless you learn to think clearly, your mind will be led astray by every contrived thought that enters your mind.

It’s a thought born of God, profound and invigorating. It’s a solution to a problem that keeps everyone happy, not just yourself.

far in life. Thoughts and ideas turn into words and actions. If your thoughts are pure, your actions will follow suit. In time the problems of life will lessen, because you are acting with everyone’s interests at heart. Others will notice this, because you will illuminate as a person who is genuine, honest and trustworthy. No one will trust another if their words and actions are not in accord.

We have all gained false knowledge since we were children. Our thoughts and opinions have been tainted by parents, teachers, family and friends. Even newspapers, TV and the media have had a say in how we should think. Society has told us to live this way or that. Who is to say that anything we’ve Everything you need to been taught is the true way to think or be? know is already within you –

I’m not saying that all you have been told or learnt is wrong. I’m asking you to start afresh, begin again as if you were a child on

Your mind and heart must join as one. If your thoughts are infused with love – divine love, not physical love – everything you do will be for a higher purpose. If love is not your objective, then you should take yourself away from the situation. It must be the sole reason you do anything.

there’s no need to look far for answers. You are your own master, the key that opens the doorway to enlightenment.”

Every day from now onwards unlearn as much as you learn. pool of water becomes stagnant if it does not receive fresh water. Your mind will similarly become stagnant if you allow anything but pure thoughts to enter it.

WHAT IS A PURE THOUGHT? Quite simply, a pure thought has passed a test: if it were to be spoken aloud it would not harm or upset another in any way.




If love is not there, little by little you will begin to lose motivation and interest, and feel you are achieving nothing. If there is a lack of love there will probably be resentment and a host of negative thoughts and feelings attached. For this reason, if you want to achieve lasting

happiness you must put love at the forefront of your mind in everything you do.

ALL ANSWERS ARE WITHIN YOU Learn to keep things simple; don’t overcomplicate. True wisdom is simplicity in action. Those who talk in riddles or maintain that everything esoteric is some hidden mystery, only want to impress with their meagre knowledge. We can all sound clever if we talk on our favourite subject through the person who sets himself up as a master or guru. Be humble – Godthought, correct thought, will not get through to you unless you are one hundred per cent humble. Stop taking yourself ® seriously and instead connect your mind to from heaven above. Everything you need to know is already within you – there’s no need to look far for answers. You are your own master, the key that opens the doorway to enlightenment. The wisdom of the universe will come every negative thought that stands in your way. Leon is a reiki master, counsellor, medium, writer and vegetarian. He has run for eight years. It has a popular forum and chat room for spiritual seekers. He has many famous Twitter followers, ranging from Rihanna and Sid Owen to Claire Sweeney, The Barefoot Doctor and Maria Shriver.



from the archives


The Editor has asked me to tell the readers of Psychic News some of the facts of the Rosemary case which I discussed at a Congress at Glasgow; particularly those which in the course of the last ten years have reversed my opinions on the controversial topic of reincarnation.

“I am now quite

friend Rosemary lived over three thousand years ago as the Syrian girl Vola.

The full story is told in my book, Ancient Egypt Speaks, and I must refer my readers to that book for the full details. They show how through the years Nona (Rosemary’s guide) steadily fought not only my scepticism about it, but her medium’s also. The facts of that former life were given to me through Mrs Mason, Naomi Bacon and other mediums who, at the time, did not even know my name; and, in every case, the story was the same. The course of Rosemary’s psychic development has been unusual. Nona, who developed trance-speech in Rosemary in 1928, also developed xenoglossy (speaking in unknown tongues) of ancient that Nona alone transmitted these strange Egyptian phrases, of which over a

Dr F. H. Wood. He now accepts pre-existence.




from the archives

thousand are now recorded in detail in the books of Mr Howard Hulme and myself. But as time went on I discovered that although the normal Rosemary did not (and still does not) know a word of Egyptian, some hidden part of herself did understand it, and could even speak it. At Glasgow I showed on the lanternscreen [old-style projector] the translation of one sentence which could not possibly have been spoken by Nona. This was language-test 460 of the series, and the story is fully told in Ancient Egypt Speaks, page 104. THE MEDIUM’S MEMORY Nona’s comment at the time was that “Vola” spoke it: and Rosemary’s recollections after the event showed that she herself spoke it, though she could not explain why it came through in what afterwards proved to be correct Egyptian. Many able investigators have suggested to me that Vola is just another Egyptian guide, like Nona; and that the “Volamemories” which form a fascinating feature of Ancient Egypt Speaks are merely the memories of an independent spirit.

Rosemary herself, however, is quite convinced that they are personal memories, as clearly her own as are the memories of childhood in her present incarnation.

I do not think that any investigator has any right to set aside such strong conviction merely because it is the medium’s; nor do I base



my convictions upon hers alone. But her opinion weighs, and must weigh along with other opinions and factual evidence which have nothing to do with Rosemary’s personal impressions. Thirdly, the xenoglossy itself contributes, in my opinion, the strongest evidence that Rosemary lived in ancient Egypt.

myself to those printed in Ancient Egypt Speaks. THE GRAMOPHONE TEST Thus, on the International Institute for Psychical Research gramophone record, made under test-conditions (see Chapter VII of the book) Nona begins by saying, in Egyptian, “This is Vola.” She tells the world in the most explicit manner that Rosemary is Vola. Then later, on the record (phrase 741) Nona states, also in Egyptian, that Vola is a living person, who “puts back” (or remembers) in order to testify that age). It may be objected that all this proves nothing beyond Nona’s mere assertion. Yes, but it is asserted in Egyptian. It cannot possibly have emanated from the “subliminal dreaming” of an English girl’s mind. Again, phrase 747 on this gramophone record registers a spontaneous protest, in street below. Who protested: Nona or Vola? Certainly not Rosemary, because she does not understand Egyptian; but when the noises caused a break in the contact with Nona, normal and apologised to Nona in English. No other “living person” except Rosemary third person or guide was concerned with the making of this record. Fourthly, the parallel characteristics between Vola and Rosemary are too numerous for me to doubt their spiritual identity. The “Vola-memories” show that she was musical in Egypt as she is today.



SIMILAR TASTES Vola enjoyed dancing; so does Rosemary. Vola loved animals, drawing, outdoor recreations, just as Rosemary loves them today. Vola was vivacious, psychically sensitive, fond of colour, and keenly alive to the appeal of beauty in all its forms. Those who know Rosemary best – even those who know nothing of her psychic fame – would agree that these attributes are here today. They have nothing in common with the austere personality of the Lady Nona. WHAT HAS HAPPENED So I suggest that what has happened, in her case, as the result of psychic development has been the gradual rise, from the subconscious to the conscious, of memories of her former incarnation in Egypt. The Egyptian language is still “below the order to operate. Some day that, too, like the memories of Egypt, may rise into the conscious, and enable her to speak the language normally.

Asked to express an opinion on the views of Dr Wood, Silver Birch, guide of Hannen Swaffer’s home circle, said:

cease to revolve, the different segments occupy their allotted places and the circle is united and complete.”

“There is a consciousness which is you, of which you in the world of matter are expressing but a tiny portion, and there are portions of that same consciousness which are expressing themselves in other spheres of expression.”

“Is it possible for two parts of the same spirit to communicate with each other?” asked the sitter. “If it is necessary.”

“Independently?” asked a sitter at the circle.

“Are sometimes two parts of the same spirit incarnated on earth at the same time?”

“No, not independently,” was the reply. “You and the other expressions are all

“No, for that would be contrary to the whole purpose. The purpose of the

They are parts of a whole and the fragments are expressing themselves as parts of the whole, but through different vehicles of expression, which sometimes coalesce. They are not ignorant of each other within themselves, but only when

planes of expression and only to return to the same plane when there is something to be achieved by the return.”

to express themselves,

the lessons learned by other

a common meeting-place into the whole once again.” “Would it be possible for two of those parts to meet one another and not know?” “Try to picture the greater consciousness as a circle,” said the guide, “and then realise that there are segments of that circle which are revolving round its centre.

“Would it be true to say that each of the spirit has to work out its own progress, and cannot

of the same spirit?” “Yes, they are all parts of the one soul which express themselves in different forms. You become increasingly conscious of more and more of yourself.” “And there is a point in evolution at which all those different parts are joined?”

Sometimes those segments meet and when they meet there is a recognition of





CHURCH AND CENTRE SNU launches schools campaign SPIRITUALISM is now the eighth-largest religion in the UK. The Spiritualists’ National Union is this month embarking on a drive to give young people a greater awareness of it, and its relevance in today’s world. To this end the SNU is approaching secondary schools, in a bid to encourage RE teachers to explore with their pupils those faiths outside the major religions. An explanatory statement has been issued by the Union: Spiritualist Churches around the UK and an estimated 100,000 people attending services each week. The last Census results showed a 79% increase in the number of people in England declaring themselves as its congregations. the biggest religions are well understood by teachers, others are often forgotten, despite their relevance to many hundreds of thousands of people across the country. A teaching support pack will be distributed to schools across the UK. One of Spiritualism’s key beliefs is in the bringing of peace through thought and deed. The SNU has therefore chosen to launch its project at the time of the 100th anniversary of the First World War.

“A teaching

support pack will be distributed to schools across the UK. One of Spiritualism’s key beliefs is in the bringing of peace through thought and deed.

Julia Almond (pictured), Finance Director of the SNU and retired Director of Children and Young People, comments, “The centenary of World War 1 really brings the values of Spiritualism into the for teaching to focus on a religion outside the major ones, highlighting its values of peace, brotherhood and personal responsibility. “I am a retired secondary school head teacher, and at the SNU we are fully aware of the resource and time pressure put on teachers, especially for subjects such as RE, which is often under-funded and under-staffed.

“With this in mind, an awareness drive is aimed at supporting teaching staff across the UK by providing free resources, information and activities to help them, not to create more work.” ®




NEWS ROUND-UP Fenton Church damaged A CAR was driven into the wall of Fenton Spiritualist Church, Staffordshire, in a recent overnight crime spree.

Many vehicles in a nearby breakers’ yard were also damaged. Lisa Jones, a partner with New King Street Breakers, told the Stoke Sentinel: “There must be at least 40 cars damaged. It’s a total disaster. “When people came in the morning to open up they saw tons of damage. There’s a car rammed into the church wall, and the road looks as though a bomb’s hit it.

Fenton Spiritualist Church has been in existence for 100 years. It moved to its

Guiding Light now holds evenings at the Atmospheric Railway Inn at Starcross on the first Friday of each month, plus a monthly evening at the White Hart Hotel in Exeter.


When people came in the morning to open up they saw tons of damage. There’s a car rammed into the church wall, and the road looks as though a bomb’s hit it.

Dawlish back on track! That includes activities at Guiding Light. This non-denominational group was formed in

welcomed renowned medium Darren Brittain (pictured), who attracted an audience of 101. Other Devonshire dates were also organised for him at Honiton and

Brixham. had a total sell-out at all three venues. Jim Howat told Psychic News Darren hopes not only to return to Honiton and Dawlish, but to extend his itinerary to Cornwall. Guiding Light now holds evenings at the Atmospheric Railway Inn at Starcross on the evening at the White Hart Hotel in Exeter. through these venues people come along to our centre. We have venues planned further to reach a wider audience.” Full details are on the website: www. guidinglightdawlish. or call on 01626 866192. Holiday visitors welcome.






College tutor ordained IN a moving ceremony at the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted Hall, Colin Bates from Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, was ordained as a minister of the Spiritualists’ National Union. This award of the SNU’s highest honour comes after a long period of study, running in tandem with Colin’s long career as a tutor and course organiser at the Arthur Findlay College.

L-R: Judith Seaman, Colin Bates and David Bruton

Colin will balance his ministerial role with his job as a full-time medium. His special focus will be on the SNU’s Newmarket Pioneer Centre, one of several Spiritualist centres opening around the country. In Colin’s own words: “This is a momentous achievement for me, and I am honoured to be acknowledged by the SNU with this prestigious title. I have been a practising Spiritualist for many years, but being ordained as a minister allows me to spread the word of Spiritualism further, raising awareness of this peaceful and thoughtful religion while This is a helping others looking for momentous answers, or closure in their lives.” achievement

for me, and I am honoured to be acknowledged by the SNU with this prestigious title.

To celebrate Colin’s achievement, the SNU hosted at Stansted Hall the largest ever gathering of UK Spiritualist ministers. There was also a special visit from two Canadian ministers.

Rachel Casson, an SNU member and part of the management team at the Newmarket Pioneer Centre, said: “Not only is Colin an old friend, but he is a great inspirational speaker and an outstanding medium, offering our congregation wonderful evidence of life after death. We are all looking forward





NEWS ROUND-UP Willie Stenhouse passes A LONG-SERVING member of Dunfermline Spiritualist Church, 93-year-old Willie Stenhouse passed to spirit on 13th April.

“Willie frequently spoke

of ‘the greats,’ such as Albert Best and Helen Duncan. He was an oldschool traditionalist. He loved the teachings of William Stainton Moses and Silver Birch, and frequently quoted them in readings.

Willie joined the church in 1949 after coming home from army service, and immediately became an active member. He later became vice-president and was In that capacity he represented Dunfermline Church at Scottish and Irish council meetings. He was also a gifted healer, and a mentor to many healers in training. In 2009 the church held a special celebration to mark Willie’s 60 years of dedicated service.

Church treasurer Fiona Macleod told Psychic News of ‘the greats,’ such as Albert Best and Helen Duncan. He was an old-school traditionalist. He loved the teachings of William Stainton Moses and Silver Birch, ®

“We give grateful thanks for Willie’s friendship and dedication to our church.”

RECENT PASSINGS The following Spiritualists have passed to spirit since our June issue went to press. We wish them well in their new home and send thoughts of healing and comfort to their loved ones. Mary Clayton Edith Morgan ‘Sharky’



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AMERSHAM SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Amersham Common Village Hall, White Lion Road (A404), Amersham, Bucks. HP7 9JD * President: Jean Sabatini Tel: 01494 866159 Website: www.amersham Friday 4th July 7.15pm RICHARD & MAGGIE ALLUM Friday 11th July 7.15pm MERCEDES GARCIA Saturday 12th July GARDEN PARTY See website for details Friday 18th July 7.15pm TANYA ELLIS & IAN WEST Friday 25th July 7.15pm MARTIN TWYCROSS There are healing sessions held after the meeting

MACCLESFIELD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH (Established 1889) Cumberland Street (behind Jordan Gate car park),

BEDMINSTER SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 74a Chessel Street, Bedminster Bristol, Avon BS3 3DN Tel: 01275 831 129 Email: nunnpollardreg@ Sunday 6.30pm Service Tuesday 2.15pm Guild Tuesday 7.15pm Awareness Group Friday 7.15 - 8.30pm Healing Saturday events as advertised in local press

BEDFORDSHIRE LUTON NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 1A Grove Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 1QJ Tel: 01582 732657 www.lutonnationalspiritualist Find us on Facebook Sunday Service 6.30pm Open Circle Tuesdays - see website All Welcome

BERKSHIRE BURGHFIELD PIONEER CENTRE James Reading, Berkshire RG30 3RS * Monday Evenings 7.30pm Divine Service Contact: Sharon Spence 0118 9456283 MAIDENHEAD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH – S.N.U. A TEACHING CHURCH York Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 1SF (Behind W.R.V.S. Centre) Own Car Park Sunday 6.30pm Service Wednesday Healing 1.30pm - 3.00pm & 7.00pm - 8.30pm Thursday 7.30pm Mediumship Certain Fridays at 7.30pm Open Platform / Workshop Saturday Specials Monthly Private Readings President Pam Saunders Tel: 01753 530774 Web Page: Solemnised for Weddings, Namings and Funerals

CORNWALL BUDE FREE SPIRITS SPIRITUALIST CHURCH The Parkhouse Centre, Ergue-Gaberic Way, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG * Every Thursday 7.30pm - 9.00pm BUDE HEALING CLINIC: Every Wednesday 7.00pm - 9.00pm Visiting mediums who would like to serve Bude Free Spirits please contact Carol on 01840 770057 CALLINGTON CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL CENTRE Above Social Club, Well Street, Callington, Cornwall PL17 7AU Tel: 01579 382114 Service with Mediumship Every Wednesday at 7.30pm Healing available Local and visiting mediums, please ring if you want to serve the centre PENZANCE CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Bread Street, Penzance, Cornwall Tel: 01736 368431 * Sunday 6.00pm Service Followed by Healing Thursday 7.00pm Service Followed by Healing Saturday 10am - 12.30pm Private Readings All are welcome

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SK10 1DD Tel: 01625 617 724 Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Tuesday 7.30pm Service with Mediumship Thursday 7.00 - 7.30pm Spiritual Healing Thursday (alternate weeks) 7.30 - 8pm Awareness Class Thursday (alternate weeks) 7.30 - 8pm Mediumship Class Other events as advertised in the church and local press STOCKPORT SPIRITUALIST CENTRE, ROMILEY The Light of the World Christian Spiritualist Church Underhill Centre, Chichester Road, Romiley SK6 4BL President: Vera Lennie Tel: 07833 565412 www.stockportspiritualist A warm welcome to our Sanctuary of Light WEDNESDAYS Healing 6pm – 7.10pm Meditation 7.20pm – 7.30pm Service 7.30pm followed by Open Circle MONDAYS Music, Meditation & Development Details on website

CUMBRIA DALKEITH STREET SNU SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Dalkeith Street, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 1SP Tel: 07884 481961 Email: Divine Service each Tuesday at 7pm Contact us for details of our Open Circle and Awareness Group

DEVON EXETER SPIRITUALIST CHURCH York Road, Exeter, Devon EX4 6PF Tel: 01884 861012 * Sunday 6.30pm Service Wednesday 3.00pm Mediumship See website for details of special events and development group

HONITON SPIRITUALIST GROUP Masonic Hall, Northcote Lane, Honiton, Devon EX14 1NP MONDAYS 7pm - 8.30pm Healing 8pm Clairvoyance (£3.50 admission) Tel: 01404 548420 Email: enquiries@

DORSET BOURNEMOUTH SPIRITUALIST CHURCH * 16 Bath Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 2PE Tel: 01202 551751 Wednesday 2nd July 7.30pm Meditation with NICHOLAS CRESSWELL Thursday 3rd 3.00pm ROSEMARY SPENCER Saturday 5th 2pm - 5pm Workshop with SHIRLEY CHUBB Sunday 6th 10.45am & 6.30pm SHIRLEY CHUBB Mon 7th 7.30pm SHIRLEY CHUBB Wednesday 9th 7.30pm Philosophy Thurs 10th 3.00pm JOAN DUNBAR Sunday 13th 10.45am & 6.30pm DOROTHY YOUNG Mon 14th 7.30pm MAGENTA CATZ Wednesday 16th 7.30pm Spirit Art Thurs 17th 3pm ANGIE FREELAND Sun 20th 10.45am TONI GOSWELL 6.30pm LAWRENCE COHEN Monday 21st 7.30pm CARLY CARMICHAEL Wed 23rd 7.30pm TBA Thursday 24th 3.00pm ELAINE ASTIN BRAMHILL Sunday 27th 10.45am & 6.30pm TERRY MASON CSNU Monday 28th 7.30pm DARREN ORLOWSKI Wednesday 30th 7.30pm Open Platform Thursday 31st 3pm BARBARA BREEZE Open Circle every Tuesday at 7pm Spiritual Healing: Monday 2pm - 4pm Tuesday 10.30am - 12.30pm Wednesday 10.30am - 12.30pm Thursday 7pm - 8pm Friday 10.30am - 12.30pm & 2pm - 4pm KINSON SPIRITUALIST GROUP * Kinson Community Centre, Pelhams Park, Kinson, Bournemouth BH10 7LH Tel: 01202 715754 KinsonSpiritualistGroup Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service 2nd Monday in month at 8.00pm Clairvoyance Demonstration

R CHES AND CENTRES ESSEX EPPING SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Thornwood Village Hall, Weald Hall Lane, Thornwood, Epping, Essex CM16 6ND * Enquiries: Ruth 01992 576677 or Teresa 01992 812650 (Registered Charity 284561) Tuesday Healing: 1pm to 2.20pm Tuesday Service: 2.45pm Last Friday of every month at 8pm Evening of Clairvoyance £5 THE SILVER RAY SPIRITUAL AND HEALING GROUP Castle Green Community Centre, Gale Street, Dagenham, Essex RM9 4UN Follow us on Facebook Every Thursday 7.30pm - 8.40pm Clairvoyance Evening followed by Healing ~ Entrance fee: £2.50 Healing can be attended independently without paying entrance fee

HAMPSHIRE WINCHESTER CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Stanmore Community Centre (Bottom of Somers Close) Off Wavell Road, Stanmore, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4EJ Tel: 0771 750 7579 Find us on Facebook Sunday 6.30pm - 8.00pm Divine Service ~ Entrance Donation All Welcome

HITCHIN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Whinbush Road, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG5 1PZ * Tel: 07581 492507 www.hitchinspiritualist Sunday Service 6.30pm Healing Tuesdays 2.00pm & 7.30pm Demonstrations and workshops as advertised on website All welcome LETCHWORTH SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Vasanta Hall, 6 Gernon Walk, Letchworth, Hertfordshire SG6 3HW Tel: 07825 685029 www.letchworthspiritualist A Divine Sunday Service is held throughout the year at 6.30pm, followed by Healing (The Healers of All Souls offer healing at the Hall every Wednesday at 2pm. For details visit their website: )

ISLE OF WIGHT VENTNOR SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 8 Victoria Street, Ventnor, Isle of Wight PO38 1ET * Email: Website: www.ventnor Contact: 07800 986288 Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Thursday 12 noon - 2pm Healing Tuesday/Thursday 7pm Various Groups and Circles (Ring for details) Special Events: See website and local press



CARPENDERS PARK CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALISTS * Bushford Scout Hall, St Georges Drive, Carpenders Park, Watford, Hertfordshire WD19 5HD (Hall cannot be seen from road – go up drive between numbers 37 and 39 St Georges Drive) Contact Chris Palmer: 01923 221918 Sundays 10.30am Divine Service Healing available All are welcome An activity table is provided for children

THE SANCTUARY OF HEALING CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Mills Terrace, Chatham, Kent ME4 5NZ Tel: 01634-880039 E: Website: Sunday Service: 6.30pm Wednesday 10am - 1pm Healing Friday 4pm - 6pm Healing Friday 8pm Clairvoyance We also offer various workshops and special evenings of clairvoyance. Please look on our website for further information.

ALDER HEALING SANCTUARY Rear of 23 Chilton Lane, Ramsgate, Kent CT11 0LQ Tel: 01843 449983 Sunday Service at 3pm (from October) at 6pm (from April) Healing Service every 2nd Sunday of the month TENTERDEN SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Highbury Hall, Highbury Lane, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6LE Email : Tel: 07976 739130 Every Saturday from 6.30pm to 8pm Events (alternating) include Evenings of Clairvoyance (£4, OAP £2) Divine Services (Donation) Meditation and Healing All are welcome at our friendly Centre

LANCASHIRE BOLTON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 21 Bradford Street, Bolton, Lancashire BL2 1HT Phone: 01204 430053 Email: SERVICE TIMES Sunday 2pm Divine Service Monday 12 noon - 1.15pm Healing Monday 2pm Mediumship Service Wednesday 7.30pm Open Circle Thurs 7.30pm Mediumship Service Friday 7.30pm & 8.30pm Healing and Healing Circle 1st Saturday of each month 10am - 1pm Private Sittings Follow us on Facebook and Twitter DEARNLEY SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 14-16 New Road, Dearnley, Littleborough, Lancashire OL15 8LX Tel: 01706 377 122 Sunday 10.20am Lyceum Sunday 6.15pm Divine Service Last Sunday in the month 7.45pm Spiritual Healing Tuesday 1.30pm - 2.45pm Development Group Thursday 7.30pm Mediumship Thursday 8.45pm Spiritual Healing Other events as advertised in the church and in local press

PRESTON ETHICAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 16 Newton Road, Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston, Lancashire PR2 1DY Tel: 01772 430227 Wedding, Naming, Funeral and Memorial Services Sunday 5pm - 6pm Healing Sunday 6.30pm - 7.30pm Divine Service Tuesday 7.30pm - 8.30pm Clairvoyant Service Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.00pm Monthly Special Thursday 1st & 3rd 7.30pm - 8.30pm Awareness Thursday 2nd & 4th 7.30pm - 8.30pm Open Circle Follow us on Facebook

LINCOLNSHIRE STARLIGHT AWARENESS GROUP * The Pavilion, Road, Skegness, Lincolnshire PE25 2EL Contact Pat and Elsie: 01754 810680 Website: Sunday Services 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month at 6.30pm - 8pm Also: Developing self-empowerment through meditation for elimination of past hurts creating a balance within self. Working with spirit and universal energies. Spirit healing (Lincolnshire Association of Healers). Spiritual mediumship within its many forms. Spiritual philosophy. Trance communication.

LONDON LEWISHAM SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 65 Boone Street, Lewisham, London SE13 5SA * Website: Tel: 020 8852 7823 Mediums’ Secretary: 078 2672 3575 Sunday 6.30pm - 8pm Service Tuesday 12.30pm - 2.30pm Private Readings (Bookable with Mediums’ Secretary) Tuesday 1pm - 2.30pm Healing Thursday 7.15pm - 8.30pm Healing 7.15pm - 9pm Group Readings All welcome

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61 61

LONDON (Cont.) HENDON INDEPENDENT SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Cheshir Hall, Foster Street (off Brent Street), Hendon, London NW4 2AA * Enquiries: Lorraine on 020 8346 0289 www.hendonspiritualist Every Monday at 7.30pm (except Bank Holidays) Address and Clairvoyance Entrance: £3 inc refreshments & raffle 7th July EFFIE ROGERS 14th KARIM 21st MARC IMPEY 28th MARGERY GEARY 4th August ESI - Spirit Art WALTHAMSTOW NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Vestry Road E17 9NH * Tel: 020 8503 6942 Sundays 6.30pm Service Mondays 7 - 9pm Healing Service Tuesdays 2.00pm Mediumship Thursdays 7.30pm Awareness Circle WEST CROYDON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 1A York Road West Croydon CR0 3QT TEL: 020 8681 3847 Saturday 7.30pm Service Monday 1pm - 3pm Private Readings and Healing Wednesday 7pm - 9pm Private Readings and Healing Friday: Special Events held monthly. See in church for details. All Welcome WOOD GREEN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH (Cnr of Maryland Road) High Road, Wood Green, London N22 5AR * Minister in Spirit: Mrs Ida Stenning Enquiries: 020 8888 1992 Website: www.woodgreen Sunday 6.30pm Service Wednesday 7.30pm Service Tuesday 7.00pm - 8.30pm Healing Thursday 2.00pm - 4.30pm Healing WOODFORD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 9 Grove Crescent, South Woodford, London E18 2JR * Enquiries: 020 8989 6149 EVENTS FOR JULY Saturday 5th 7.30pm £3 Demonstration of Mediumship with MIKE MATTHEWS Sun 6th 6.30pm JUDITH THORNE Monday 7th 2pm PAUL BATHGATE Tuesday 8th 1pm - 5.30pm £10 Workshop: ‘Intuitive Ways with a



Sketchbook’ with PAT MCNALLY & DANIEL NAUGHNANE Suitable for all levels. No drawing skills required. Sat 12th 12noon - 3pm £6 (£5 membs) Workshop: ‘Your Creative Self’ with BEVERLEY SWIFT Sunday 13th 12 noon - 4pm £6 Workshop: ‘Co-create with Spirit’ with PAT MCNALLY & DANIEL NAUGHNANE Sunday 13th 4pm - 5.30pm £3 Open Group Meditation: ‘Sitting in the Divine Power’ with ESTHER EMANUEL Sunday 13th 6.30pm REG BALDWIN Monday 14th 2pm Service Saturday 19th 12noon - 3pm £6 (£5 membs) Workshop with PAT MCNALLY & DANIEL NAUGHNANE Sunday 20th 11am - 4pm £10 Shamanic Workshop Sunday 20th 6.30pm SHELLEY JOSEPHS Mon 21st 2pm JEFF PHILLIPS Saturday 26th 11am - 4pm £10 Workshop: ‘Looking at Mediumship’ with SANDY WILKINSON (ISM RAM) Sunday 27th 11am - 4pm £20 (or £15 each for two) Workshop: ‘Life Transformational Day’ with HEATHER DOBBS Enq: 020 8529 8097 Sun 27th 6.30pm DANIEL WRIGHT Monday 28th 2pm JOHN REILLY Weekly: Tuesday 7.30 - 9pm £3 Open Circle Wed 2 - 4pm & 7.30 - 9pm Healing Friday 7.30 - 9pm £3 Open Circle First Friday of the month at 7.30pm Open Circle for Platform Mediums

MANCHESTER DENTON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Annan Street, Denton, Manchester M34 3FX Email: Tel: 0161 303 9080 Sunday 3pm Divine Service Monday 7.30pm Healing Tuesday 7.30pm Service with Mediumship Friday 7.30pm Music & Mediumship Saturday 7.30pm Evening of Mediumship

MERSEYSIDE PORTLAND STREET SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Portland Chambers, 55 Portland Street, Southport, Merseyside PR8 1HN Website: Email: Tel: 01704 541001 Sunday 1.30pm Clairvoyant Service Monday 11am - 1.30pm ~ Coffee Morning ~ Private Readings & Healing available Monday 8.15pm & 9.15pm Yoga Class

Call Sue on 07766 383802 for details Tues 7pm - 9pm Awareness Class Wednesday 1.30pm - 2.45pm Clairvoyant Service Wednesday 2.30pm - 3.30pm Healing Thursday from 5pm Happy Crafters Thursday 6.45pm & 8pm Yoga Class Call Sue on 07766 383802 for details Friday 7.30pm Clairvoyant Service Friday 9.15pm Open Circle See website for other events and courses

MIDDLESEX THE LIGHT ON THE HILL HARROW SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 1 Vaughan Road, Harrow, Middlesex, London HA1 1DP * Email: Tel: 07528 348 432 Service Times: Sunday 7.30pm - 9pm Wednesday 7.45pm - 9pm Healing Services: Monday 10am - 12pm Wednesday 9.15pm - 9.45pm Sunday 7.30pm at start of Service HAMPTON HILL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Angel Close, Windmill Road, Hampton Hill TW12 1RG * Enquiries: 020 8941 5177 www.hamptonhillspiritualists. Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Wednesday 7.30pm Healing Thursday 7.30pm Midweek Service Monthly classes at 7.30pm: 1st Monday Open Platform 2nd and last Monday Open Awareness Circle 2nd Tues Mediumship Theory Class 3rd Monday Mediumship Practice Circle 3rd Tuesday Open Healing Circle 4th Tuesday Speakers and Philosophy Class KENTON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH AND HEALING CENTRE 35 Churchill Avenue, Kenton, Nr. Harrow, Middlesex HA3 0AX Enquiries: 020 8621 3103 * Sunday 6.30pm Service Wednesday 7.30pm - 9pm Healing Thursday 7.45pm Service THE SANCTUARY OF THE SILVER CROSS Friends’ Meeting House, York Road (opp. Sainsbury’s), Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 1QW Founder: FRANK MECHELLE President: LINDA CHANT Telephone: 07792 900194 www. Sunday at 6.30pm Divine Service

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NORFOLK NORTH WALSHAM SPIRITUAL CENTRE St Johns Ambulance Hall, Preference Place, Bacton Road, North Walsham, Norfolk NR28 9DR Contact: Rachel Finbow Tel: 01263 588016 Sunday Service at 6.30pm

NOTTS. MANSFIELD SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Dallas Nottinghamshire NG18 5SZ Website: Email: Tel: President - 01623 842 143 Sunday 10.00am Meditation & Awareness Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Monday 7.00pm Development Circle Thursday 7.30pm Healing Service Saturday 10:00am till 12:00pm Healing ‘Drop in’ Wednesday & Saturday (Special Events) 7:30pm Special Events and Workshops as advertised locally

OXFORDSHIRE WITNEY SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Burwell Hall, Thorney Leys, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 5NP Tel: 01993 200558 Mob: 07813 847955 Sunday 6.15pm Service Spiritual Healing and Reiki Healing are available before or after the service

SOMERSET ALCOMBE AND MINEHEAD CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH * Grove Place, Manor Rd, Alcombe, Minehead, Somerset TA24 6EH Tel: 0783 110 4896 Summer Sunday Service 6.30pm (March to end of October) Winter Sunday Service 3.00pm (November to end of February) Healing groups, a monthly healing day, healing evenings, open circles, evenings of clairvoyance all available on various days during each month. See our website for the full day-by-day itinerary of what our church can offer you. www.mineheadspiritualist

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BRIDGWATER CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Queen Street, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 3DA President: Norman Scott Contact Telephone Number: 01278 444450 Email: Website: www.bridgwater For workshops and special events, including clairvoyant evenings, please see website Service Every Sunday 6.30pm with visiting mediums Development Circle Every Tuesday 7.30pm Healing Clinics Every Monday 6.45pm - 8.00pm (except Bank Holidays) The opportunity to receive healing for body, mind and spirit in a peaceful environment Healing Day Every Wednesday 10am - 3pm Drop in for healing and upliftment in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere Also, guided visualisation for meditation at 11am and 1.10pm YEOVIL PSYCHIC SOCIETY Monmouth Hall, Monmouth Road, Yeovil, Somerset BA21 5NP Tel: 0196 322 0306 Meetings on Wednesdays at 7.30pm For Clairvoyant Evenings and Special Evenings please see our website at:

SURREY CROYDON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Chatsworth Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1HE President: Mrs Mollie McManus OSNU, LSSNU Contact telephone numbers: 020 8688 1827 & 07990 535942 E-mail: For special events see our website: www.croydon Sunday 11am Service Sunday 6.30pm Service Wednesday 7.45pm Service Thursday Healing 1.30pm - 3.30pm & 6.00pm - 8.00pm Open Platform third Monday of each month at 7.30pm

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KINGSTON NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Villiers Road, Kingston upon Thames KT1 3AR Website: General Secretary: Mrs Gerrie Chaney Tel: 020 8401 6967 Sunday Services: 11am and 6.30pm Monday Evening of Mediumship: 7.30pm £3 (£2 Members) Monday Healing 8.45pm - 9.45pm (Donation). Wednesday Healing 2pm - 4pm Enter through side gate (Donation) Please visit our website to see all our events!

SUSSEX - EAST BRIGHTON NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Edward Street, Brighton BN2 0JR Website: www.brightonnational Enquiries: 01273 571168 or 01273 683088 Sunday Services 11am and 6.30pm Wednesday 7.30pm Mediumship (Open Circle 7.30pm last Wednesday every month) Healing: Wednesday 11am-12 noon Thursday 7pm - 8pm Friday 7.30pm Awareness Group

EAST GRINSTEAD SPIRITUAL CHURCH Old Court House, College Lane, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 3LS Website: Sunday services are held on the starting from 11.00am and Evening demonstrations of mediumship take place on the fourth Friday of every month. These last from 7.30pm until 9.30pm, and entry is £4.50 per person. THE YAPTON AND BARNHAM SNU SPIRITUALIST PIONEER CENTRE The Yapton and Ford Village Hall, Main Road, Yapton, West Sussex BN18 0ET Tel: 01243 545339 www.yaptonandbarnham Open Every Monday at 7.30pm for Spiritual Events (Divine Service every 1st Monday) (Healing, Meditation and Q & A every last Monday) Follow us on Facebook All Welcome


RYE CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CENTRE The Rye Club, Market Road, Rye, East Sussex TN31 7JA Every Wednesday 7pm - 9pm Group Meeting – development, spiritual awareness, workshops Saturday 5th July 7pm - 9pm Service & Clairvoyance Saturday 19th July 7pm - 9pm Evening of Clairvoyance www.ryechristianspiritualist

RUGBY INDEPENDENT SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Pennington Mews (Off Lawford Road), Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2RG Tel: 07854 833119 Email: rugbyspiritualistchurch Websites: and Spiritualist.Church Sunday Services 6.30pm Clairvoyant Evenings twice monthly £4 Open Circle (Mondays 8pm) twice monthly £2 Private Readings (Saturday mornings)



SPIRITUAL WORKSHOP AND NURTURING SANCTUARY (S.W.A.N.S.) Southwick Community Centre 24 Southwick Street, Southwick West Sussex BN42 4TE S.W.A.N.S. hold Clairvoyant Evenings on the from 7.30pm to 9.00pm £5 entrance at door

BILSTON CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH AND HEALING CENTRE (Greater Broad Street, Bilston, West Midlands WV14 0BP 01902 457173 or 07870 408279 Sunday 6.30pm - 8pm Divine Service Wednesday 7.30pm-9pm Clairvoyance Evening Special events announced in church All welcome Names featured in these columns are sent by the advertiser or taken from their website. If your name appears incorrectly please contact Psychic News and the advertiser.

BROADGATE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 73-83 Eagle Street, Coventry, West Midlands CV1 4GP Tel: 024 7646 2412 Website: Email: Monday 7.00 - 9.00pm Eagle Wayfarers Adult Lyceum Awareness Group Thursday 1.30pm Divine Service with Mediumship Thursday 7.30pm Demonstration of Mediumship Friday 5.30 - 6.30pm Spiritual Healing and Private Sittings For other events please see website DUDLEY SPIRITUALIST CENTRE * Inc. Dudley & Great Bridge Spiritualist Church, Buffery Centre, Paradise, Dudley, West Midlands DY2 8NB Associated to the Spiritualists’ National Union Enquiries: Ms S. Whittle PAS Tel: 01384 75192 Charity Registration 261898 Tuesday Healing 6.30pm - 7.15pm Members’ Circles 7.30pm - 9.00pm Development Group Thursday 1st, 3rd & 5th weeks in the month Demonstration starting at 7.30pm Thursday Divine Service: 2nd & 4th week in month Starting at 7.30pm (Doors open 7pm) Home Visits Private Sittings arranged by request Special events/services as advertised A warm welcome to all SMETHWICK NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 152 Thimblemill Road, Smethwick, West Midlands B67 5RG www.smethwickspiritualist Follow us on Facebook Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Free-will donation Tuesday 7.15pm Healing Free-will donation Wednesday 1.30pm Clairvoyance Free-will donation Thursday 7.30pm £2 (£1.50 membs) Evening of Clairvoyance Special events as advertised on Facebook and in Church STOURBRIDGE NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Union Street, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 1PJ * Website: www.stourbridge Tel: 01384 825060 or 01384 352082 Sunday 6.30pm Service Monday 2.30pm Service Occasional Saturdays 7.30pm Monday 1 - 2pm Healing Thursday 7.30 - 9pm Healing All welcome PSYCHIC NEWS | JULY 2014


SUTTON COLDFIELD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Kenelm Road, Off Manor Hill, Sutton West Midlands B73 6HD Website: Tel: 0121 354 3266 Sunday 6.30pm Service Monday 1.30pm Service Occasional Wednesdays 7.30pm Thursday 8.00pm Healing Saturday 11.00am Healing All Welcome

YORKSHIRE BARNSLEY SPIRITUALIST CHURCH * Pitt Street West, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 1BB Tel: 0114 283 1238 or 07787 407667 Sunday 6.15pm - 7.30pm Divine Service Wednesday 7pm - 8pm Mediumship Thurs 1pm - 2.30pm Healing Clinic Saturday 6.30pm - 7.15pm Healing Service Saturday 7.30pm - 8.30pm Open Circle Other events as advertised in the church or on our website MIDDLESBROUGH SPIRITUALIST (SNU) CHURCH 115 Borough Road, Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire TS1 3AN Tel: 01642 299042 Website: spiritualist-church.html Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Thursday 7.00pm Service Special Events as advertised NORMANTON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Hopetown and Loscoe Centre, Back of Oxford Street, Normanton, West Yorkshire WF6 1QE Email: normantonsnucentre@ Enquiries: 07722 370086 Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Tuesday 6.30 Healing Service Wednesday 7.00pm Service with Demonstration of Mediumship Other events advertised in the church Follow us on Facebook All welcome

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BARRY NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH & CENTRE Buttrills Road, Barry, South Glamorgan CF62 8EF Tel: 01446 420629 Website: Sunday 6.00pm Divine Service Monday 7.00pm Open Circle

GLASGOW CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF SPIRITUALISTS 64 Berkeley Street, Glasgow G3 7DS Tel: 0141 221 6201 Sunday 5pm to 6pm Healing Sunday 6.30pm to 7.30pm Divine Service Monday 7.30pm to 8.30pm Evening of Mediumship Tuesday 2pm to 3pm Afternoon of Mediumship Thursday 7.30pm Meditation Group

THE GREETING PLACE FOUNDATION SPIRITUALIST CENTRE * Douzaine Room, St Peters, Guernsey, Channel Islands Enquiries to: Margaret Phillips Tel: 01481 256629 E-mail: Website: www.healingand Our regular services are: Sunday 11.00am Address and Communication Wednesday 7.30pm Healing Group Saturday 10.30am Healing Clinic Other services as announced Everyone welcome

an Evening of Mediumship Wednesday 1.30 - 2.30pm Spiritual Healing Thursday 6.30 - 7.30pm Spiritual Healing THE HEALING SANCTUARY Holy Island, Anglesey, North Wales Absent Healing for people and pets - no fees. Reiki Courses available, from beginner to master level. Healing Respite Breaks available. Tranquil gardens and meditation areas. Beautiful surrounding scenery. Accommodation available. For information on course costs and breaks please telephone Julie: 01407459402 or e-mail: TheSanctuaryHealing@ TYWYN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH & CENTRE Station Road, Tywyn, Gwynedd LL36 9AH Website: www. Email: Services on Fridays at 7.30pm Find us on Facebook at: tywynspiritualistchurch WREXHAM SPIRITUAL CHURCH Quakers Meeting House, Holt Road, Wrexham Phone: 01978 354 568 Divine Service Mondays 7.30pm - 9.00pm Development Circle Thursdays 7.30pm

THE LITTLE ROSE CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Barmulloch Community Centre, 46 Wallacewell Quadrant, Barmulloch, Glasgow G21 3PX President: Gary B. Gray Tel: 0141 347 0455 Mob: 07812 40 40 43 Email: thelittlerosechurch Service every Thursday at 7pm. All Welcome PERTH SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 40 New Row, Perth, Perthshire, Scotland PH1 5QA Tel: 07724 411 922 Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Followed by Healing (8.15pm) Wednesday 7 .00pm Service Followed by Healing (8.30pm) WHITE EAGLE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Buchan Park Bowling Club, Albyn Place, Greendykes Road, Broxburn, West Lothian EH52 5AF Tel: 0770 8252 469 www.whiteeaglespiritualist Service every Tuesday at 7.30pm Doors open at 6.45pm Follow us on Facebook

U.S.A. FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 3777 42nd Street, San Diego, CA 92105, USA Pastor: Rev Doris Horvath Sunday 10.00am Healing Service Sunday 11.00am Worship Service Plus full itinerary


SPIRITUALIST SOCIETY OF ATHENS * “The Divine Light” Channelled Teachings from the highest authority of the Heavenly Kingdom. Various spiritual leaders, from Socrates and St. John the Baptist to Goethe and Newton teach invaluable lessons to humanity. E-mail: Address: 12 Niovis Str., Athens, Greece, 11252

PSYCHIC & MAGICKAL SUPPLIES Pendulums, Gemstones, Crystals, Essential oils, Tarot, Crystal balls, Jewellery, Incense, Talismans, Magickal oils and much more. For catalogue please send name and address and two 1st class stamps to:

Mere Mortal, PO Box 372, Sheldon, Birmingham B26 1DT

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VANESSA Psychic Tarot Readings Telephone Readings £15.00 Call: 07931 388537

MAGGIE VIGAR-SMITH Experienced Medium Healer - including animals Phone Readings or One-To-One Sittings near Marlborough, Wiltshire Tel: 01672 512236

MYTHIC TAROT COURSES – 3 LEVELS with Greek Mythology & Jungian Symbolism. Beginners’ Mediumship Development. Relationships Tarot Workshop. Introduction to Psychological Astrology/Relationship Workshop. Call Carole Szerman on: 020 7266 3317

JAMES - Medium Telephone Readings £15 by appointment Tel: 075309 16982 MELANIE HALLETT Medium and Teacher Telephone Readings: 1hr for £40 Call: 0778 635 5940 or email: DAVID SPENCER Spiritual Medium ~ Postal Readings Send brief letter and £25 to: Mr D. Spencer, 22 Skylark Rise, Tavistock, Devon PL19 9FT

AILEEN PSYCHIC/ CLAIRVOYANT/ MEDIUM 27 Years in Service Telephone Readings Only Enquire: 020 8830 6118 (Relationships a speciality) Payable by credit or debit card only BRIGHTEYES PSYCHIC Gifted Medium, Clairvoyant and Natural Healer Also works with Tarot and Crystals Telephone Readings Pay by phone Call: 0913 5300 003


Alternatively, pay by card by calling: 0113 278 4222 MARIANNE GREEN Psychic Medium Palmist Featured in Spirit & Destiny 30 years experience Tel: 01932 883413 Mob: 07535 014055 Email: GENUINE, EXPERIENCED CLAIRVOYANT, PSYCHIC & TAROT READER! Accurate, detailed written readings £38. Please write to: KAREN KHOO 66 Doone Way, Ilfracombe, Devon EX34 8HS MONIQUE Clairvoyant / Medium Postal Readings, £35 plus D.O.B. to: 107 Newmarket Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 2HT

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PSYCHIC POSTAL READING £10 KELLY CUMMING 24 Baglan Heights Port Talbot SA12 8UF PETER DOSWELL Psychic Readings ~ Mediumship Readings Pay by card 020 7754 5367 Live Chat Readings PSYCHIC MEDIUM 40 years’ experience offers Crystal/Angel/Tarot Readings Included in price is a taped reading – crystals in silk purse + ppg ~ cost £25.00 Cheque and requirements to: Glynis Allen/psychic medium, 64 West Park Drive, Swallownest, 4UY Mob: 07811 632353 SPIRIT DESTINY Psychic, Clairvoyant Readings, Tarot Courses and Psychic Life Coaching Sessions Accurate, in depth genuine readings from £25 for 45 minutes Tarot Courses Beginners to Advanced Skills £15 per hour lesson Psychic Life Coaching sessions £25 per hour session Very experienced psychic reader, teacher and psychic life coach Contact Wendy Jarman on 01737 842634 or 07814 138354 or EMILY ROSE Psychic ~ Medium ~ Clairvoyant Tel: 07895 899105 ROBIN WINBOW Clairvoyant & Trance Medium Tel: 01903 502401

PERSONAL GROWTH ASCENDED MASTER TEACHINGS YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED Reincarnation Karma The Soul Healing Relationships and more Online bookstore/CDs/DVDs/ Conferences/Courses/Radio WWW.TSL.ORG

HEALING ABSENT HEALING FOR PEOPLE AND ANIMALS NO FEES Telephone Tony on: 020 7476 3766 E-mail: THE SPIRITUAL PATHWAY HEALING ASSOCIATION is established to promote public health by the of the public, and to advance the education of the public in all aspects of Spiritual Life. Our headquarters are at The Awareness Centre in Yeovil, Somerset and we cover the whole of the UK/Europe. For further info: THE HEALING SANCTUARY Holy Island, Anglesey, North Wales Absent Healing for people and pets - no fees. Reiki Courses available, from beginner to master level. Healing Respite Breaks available. Tranquil gardens and meditation areas. Beautiful surrounding scenery. Accommodation available. For information on course costs and breaks please telephone Julie: 01407459402 or e-mail: THE SURREY HEALING SANCTUARY Penduckshaw, Rabies Heath Road, Bletchingley, Surrey, RH1 4NB (near Junction 6, M25) Email: Contact: Alec & Marilyn Nicolas Healing and spiritual surgery (herbal medicine and also available) By appointment only (including evenings and weekends) Tel: 01883 741800

CONTACTS NEW AGE More spiritually occult contacts, companionship, astro links, healing, pen pals, soul mates etc. Stamp please to Baraka, Golden Wheel, Liverpool L15 8HH

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MAIDSTONE SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (M.S.D.C.) 12 Woburn Walk, London WC1H 0HJ Tel: 020 7387 0358 Mob: 07948 922414 Email: DEMONSTRATION OF CLAIRVOYANCE Mon 7th July 1pm and Mon 28th July, 7pm, £5 MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT Monday 7th, 14th, 21st July, 7 - 8.30pm, £5 per session EXPLORE YOUR CHANNELLING AND TRANCE POTENTIAL Thursday 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24nd, 31st July, 7 - 9pm, £50 for full course or £12 for individual attendance

JUDY HALL PRESENTS READING THE AKASHIC RECORD Saturday 12th July, 10am - 5pm, £65 NINE-MONTH RECOGNISED CERTIFICATED HEALING COURSE Every Friday 4 - 5.30pm PSYCHIC ARTIST DRAWING LIKENESSES OF LOVED ONES AND GUIDES Every Wednesday, 3 - 7pm, £40 TIFFANY CROSARA PRESENTS TWO WORKSHOPS BASED ON HER AWARD-WINNING BOOKS The Channelling Journey ~ Sunday 13th July, 10.30am - 4.30pm, £100 The Fool’s Journey Tarot Workshop ~ Sunday 20th July, 10.30am - 4.40pm, £100 REIKI 1ST DEGREE TRAINING Saturday 26th July, 10am - 5pm, £150 One day training, plus support during 21 days cleansing/self-healing Event page link:

Crystals, jewellery, sprays, incense, candles, tarot cards, books and other esoteric goods available. Tarot and Spiritual readings daily. Workshop room and therapy room to rent. See web page for more details

Open Monday to Friday 10am-5.30pm and Saturday 10am-4pm

JOURNEY INTO THE LIGHT (incorporating Rescue Work)

meets at Madginford Hall, Egremont Rd, Maidstone, Kent ME15 8LH & Lower Hall, Tovil Workings Mens Club, Tovil Hill, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6QS

Tel: 01622 746249 07711811066 Email: msdc@msdc We run Psychic & Spiritual Development Mornings, Open Circles, Healing and Meditation Mornings with free student readings, monthly evenings of Mediumship, Workshops, Psychic Suppers, Psychic Fairs, Courses, Coach trips etc. Download the programme from our website or ring us!

Let’s make a powerful impact!

Visualise for the Animals on Friday 25th July at 10am, 2pm, 6pm, 8pm, 11pm – or all times, to suit yourself or your group. Go to: or receive one by email at:

Animal Rights in Spiritualism

they were now ready to do some ‘Rescue Work in

with lost spirits were taped as they were helped then copied down by Iris to be put in book form

Order from: 5 Harbour Hill Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 3PX ISBN 9781898 680529




W e c i e k h c e nd y s

Join us for a spiritually-packed and fun weekend with

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Mediumship Demonstrations Trance Demonstration Workshops Psychic & Holistic Fair Just £199 per person. To book visit: or call: 07707 733248 Day tickets also available EXCLUSIVE OFFER FOR PSYCHIC NEWS READERS Quote “Psychic News” when making your full residential weekend booking to receive a FREE PSYCHIC READING

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