Psychic News Mag 53 - September 2014

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er n b m o e T t i Win a Spiritual ep t S R i h t t 0 A pe date 1 Cruise for two g m n i s o lo c C RRY: HU

There’s still time to take part in the PSYCHIC NEWS ART COMPETITION for a chance to win a four-day Psychic Cruise (three nights) for two people leaving from Southampton on 23rd April 2015 visiting Le Havre and Bruges.

Just enter an original piece of your own artwork with a spiritual theme before the closing date of 10th September. It can be a painting, drawing, photograph, encaustic art or whatever you can think of or be inspired to work on or with. Your artwork can be any size but must fit into an A4-size envelope. Please also send no more than 200 words describing your work or the inspiration behind it.

THE FIRST PRIZE is one cabin for two sharing on the Psychic Cruise from 23rd to 26th April 2015 (worth £798) and includes all meals, shows, workshops, and a meet and greet.

THE SECOND PRIZE is a year’s subscription to Psychic News. There are THREE RUNNER-UP PRIZES of a surprise spiritual book.

Send your entry, along with your name, address and contact email or phone number, to: Psychic Press Limited, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM22 7WE. You can also email your entry to If you would like your artwork returned you MUST include a sufficiently stamped, addressed and sized envelope to enable us to do this. We will print some of the top entries in Psychic News and on our Facebook and Twitter pages, so by entering the competition you are consenting to this. The closing date for entries is 10th September. Winners will be announced in the October issue of Psychic News. (N.B - The named mediums, psychics and healers have been booked for this event. If for any reason such as illness, force majeure or other unforeseen circumstance one cannot appear the organisers will endeavour to find an equivalent replacement. The first prize does NOT include travel or expenses to or from Southampton. The winner must make their own arrangements at their own expense.)

For further details of the cruise visit: For full details of the competition visit:



Contents 05 16


News Beginner’s guide to the Tarot


10 44

Death and life in the not-so-silly season David Hopkins on why God is on everyone’s side

47 50

Leading expert Mark Stone teaches you how to read the cards


Your letters You tell us what you think

The pain’s all gone! Reader Cheryl Buckley shares her amazing experience of spiritual healing

51 20 23 28 30 33

Understanding your dreams Craig Hamilton-Parker interprets your night-time revelations

The Naked Embrace

34 35 36

John West on one of the most impressive hauntings ever

Spiritualism in action Spotlight on the work of the J.V. Trust

I’m sure I’ve been here before. . . David Wells gives you the facts on regression and past-life therapy

40 42

The Rover Returns Healers blamed for UKIP candidate’s resignation Behind the Scenes with Janet Nohavec The former nun, now medium and minister, speaks to Sue Farrow

51 Hanged boy Derek

Bentley returns through medium

Taking Harvard by storm We meet Maxine Meilleur – a Spiritualist making history

A good read The latest spiritual books


54 60

This month’s story from the PN archives

Community news round-up Classifieds


Your chance to win a fantastic spiritual weekend break for two




EDITOR Susan Farrow ASSISTANT EDITOR, ADVERTISING, CIRCULATION & MARKETING Paul Brett CHIEF REPORTER Kay Hunter TECHNICAL ASSISTANT Magnus Smith DESIGN AND LAYOUT Louise Lynch CONTACT DETAILS: Psychic Press Ltd, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM22 7WE Tel: 01279 874339 EDITORIAL EMAIL WEBSITE & ONLINE SUBSCRIPTIONS ISSN 0033-2801 Opinions expressed in PN’s Personal Experience columns are those of their individual authors and should not necessarily be taken as an endorsement by the editor. The Psychic News logos are UK and Community registered trade marks of JV TR Limited (Company Number 07793490) and are used under licence

Psychic News. Published by Psychic Press Limited. Pre-press and printing by Warners (Midland), Lincolnshire. We regret that we are unable to recommend particular mediums and healers. Whilst we endeavour to ensure those given editorial coverage on our pages and those who advertise their services are bona fide exponents, the abilities of exponents are often subjective. Advertisements appearing in Psychic News do not necessarily reflect editorial policy and no responsibility can be accepted for dissatisfaction with any service or product. Readers are asked to exercise due care when responding to advertisements. Whilst we welcome them, PN cannot take responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, articles, photographs etc. © Psychic Press Ltd

From the Editor Unless you’re living on an idyllic island, cut off from all media, you can’t have failed to notice what seems at the moment to be an almost unprecedented level of suffering in our world. Armed conflict in Gaza and Israel, continuing civil war in Syria, the rise of ruthless Islamic terrorism in Iraq, violence and strife in Ukraine, not to mention the worst ever recorded outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa – these are just a few of the current tragedies reported minute-by-minute in the news. Do you wonder, as I do, how any government or organisation can possibly justify the mass murder and maiming of their fellow human beings, including little children, whatever their grievance? The armed conflicts I’ve mentioned may have a variety of alleged ‘causes’ – religious extremism, territorial claims, dictatorship, lust for power – but from where I’m standing they all come down to just one thing. Call me naïve (I’ve been called worse!) but I believe a lack of empathy, the ability to feel and identify with another’s pain, is at the root of all conflict, whether it be international, tribal or in personal relationships. The same can be said of human cruelty to animals. In the words of the great American actress, Meryl Streep – “The great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy, we can all sense a mysterious connection to each other.” Can it be that the person (more often than not, male) who fires a gun, launches a rocket, severs a head, has no mother,

father, wife, son or daughter whose death or injury would break his heart? Does he not pause for just a moment to consider the devastation and misery he’s about to cause? Does he take just a second to imagine how he would feel if the weapon he’s about to use were aimed at him, or those he loves? Now, perhaps more than ever, we need to recognise the inter-connectedness of all humanity – that “mysterious connection” acknowledged by Streep. Empathy is not always easy, particularly when it concerns experiences that may be outside our own limited range. We are all born with the capacity for love, along with another formidable force for good: “Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and, therefore, the foundation of all invention and innovation,” wrote J.K. Rowling. “In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathise with humans whose experiences we have never shared.” How greatly the world would be transformed and healed if all human beings on this beautiful planet harnessed that potent combination of love and imagination on a daily basis. Who would fire the bullet then?


Psychic News: the voice of Spiritualism Two of Spiritualism’s leading exponents helped create and launch Psychic News in 1932. Hannen Swaffer, one of the UK’s most famous journalists, and Maurice Barbanell, a businessman who was also a trance medium, recognised the need for a publication that would satisfy the public’s desire for up-to-date and independent information about Spiritualism and mediumship. They regularly addressed audiences of thousands in theatres around the country as families came to terms with the loss of loved ones who had died in World War 1 and the devastating Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. Barbanell was its first editor and Swaffer became a regular contributor. Today, eight decades later, Psychic News continues to be the independent voice of Spiritualism in a very different world. What has not changed is the desire to have an answer to The Big Question: What happens after death? Psychic News makes a unique contribution to that debate every month with news, features and opinion pieces that explore the evidence for an afterlife and spirit communication. Above all, Spiritualism and Psychic News are life-affirming, so our features also explore ways in which readers can enrich their lives spiritually and make the right choices. Why not let us be your travelling companion, offering words of wisdom and support, as you continue on your soul’s journey through this lifetime?




Gold medallist feels grandfather’s spirit influence CHRIS SHERRINGTON is a 30-year-old, tough, 20-stone Royal Marine who won a Gold Medal for Judo at the recent Commonwealth Games. Not the recipe for a sentimentalist, but Chris was in tears when interviewed after winning his medal. He was recalling his grandfather who had “a chestful of medals and a drinking problem to match”. It was Grandfather Wally Sherrington, a paratrooper in World War II, who persuaded his grandson to pursue a military career. Wally was a hero. “He was even bayoneted, but he drank himself to death before I joined up,” said Chris, who almost fell into a life of alcohol abuse himself. Alexander Mikhaylin (left) with Chris Sherrington (right) at the 2012 London Olympics. Photo: Martin Hesketh

He went on a three-month binge, an attempt at self-medication for what was an undiagnosed case of post-traumatic stress following a tour of Iraq. “After the London Olympics my wife

dragged me along to a fortune teller,” he said. “I don’t believe in any of this stuff, but some things I was told, it was as though my grandfather was in the room. “They mentioned some of my childhood stuff – going round to visit my granddad. That kind of spurred me on to do the Commonwealth Games. “I never planned on doing Judo. This whole thing was just a crazy idea I went along with.” Will he take part in the next Olympics in Rio? “I’ll have to speak to my bosses,” said Chris. “You have to remember I’m a Royal Marine.”

James Franco’s aura LINDA LAUREN (pictured) is a fourth-generation medium and colour energy consultant. By studying auras she claims to relate the aura colours to the happenings of a person’s life. Journalist Vinnie Mancuso asked her for a rundown on (among others) the life of James Franco, actor, director and writer, best known for Spider-Man. The alleged bad news was that his aura was an opposing red and black, depicting great energy (red), and that a lot of his projects miss the mark (black). He needs to fill that void. His next three projects threaten to be “a triple threat of trouble”. Ms Lauren foresaw Franco’s direction of Long Shrift stirring up controversy, and the gay community being unhappy. Apparently Franco’s aura colours “don’t co-ordinate”.


Photo: Jan Press Photo/Media





At 4 o’ clock on a Sunday morning a chair was caught on camera, apparently moving backwards of its own accord.

Romford’s haunted theatre Brookside Theatre in Romford, scene of the alleged moving chair. Photo: YouTube

JUST hours after medium Roy Roberts had given a Saturday night show at the Brookside Theatre in Romford, Essex, strange footage was recorded on its CCTV system. At 4 o’ clock on a Sunday morning a chair was caught on camera, apparently moving backwards of its own accord. Theatre manager Jai Sepple decided to look at the video when he arrived at the theatre on Sunday morning. He noticed that one of the chairs in the third row moved its position. Roy Roberts believed the video could indicate the presence of a resident ghost in the theatre.

Roy Roberts Photo: Facebook

“It’s phenomenal! I’ve never been so excited before about the possibility of a ghost,” he said. “That is the best footage I’ve ever seen of ghosts in action,” he told the Romford Recorder. This is unbelievable.”

Roy Roberts appeared at the theatre the day before the alleged haunting.



The Brookside Theatre was opened in 2012. It was converted and refurbished from the former War Memorial Social Club, built in 1953. Its patron is David Essex, OBE.



Alleged burglary victim

‘psychic conman’ THE alleged victim of a burglary at a Cornish hotel told Truro Crown Court how, while working as a psychic some years ago, he cheated an elderly lady out of half her husband’s estate. Paul Williams owns the Bay Hotel, Port Isaac, used in the TV series Doc Martin. He told the jury he moved to Port Isaac in 2007/2008 for a fresh start, having pleaded guilty to theft, forgery and obtaining property by deception in 2006 at Wolverhampton. He was sentenced to 18 months in prison but served less than half of that. Between 2000 and 2006 he was working as a psychic, using the name Paul De Aaran.

Mr Williams was now in court as a plaintiff, accusing former friend Stuart Bushell, 53, his former business partner Thomas Lane, 24, and Lane’s brother Samuel Lane, 21, of burgling the hotel on 23rd March last year. Paul Williams with his dog Geno. Photo: Cornish Guardian

They are also accused of witness intimidation in the months following the alleged break-in.

The Cornish Guardian reported that Mr Williams said he was deeply ashamed. “What I did was totally wrong,” he said. He had been sent to prison and deprived of his liberty.

He was never asked to repay the money, and has since raised thousands of pounds for charity.

Mr Williams “ said he was deeply

The case for their defence rested on the accusation that there had not been a burglary at all, and that Mr Williams was trying to frame Bushell.

Stuart Bushell, Samuel Lane and Thomas Lane leaving Truro Crown Court. Photo: Cornish Guardian

The men were granted bail on condition they do not contact Paul Williams or enter Bay Hotel. They are due to appear at Truro Crown Court on 6th September.


ashamed. “What I did was totally wrong,” he said. He had been sent to prison and deprived of his liberty.

Bollywood actress is

spiritual healer ACTRESS Smita Jaykar is also a spiritual healer. She takes time out from her theatre and film assignments to cleanse the auras of those who call at her home for personal consultations. Smita has been touring the country holding sessions of chakra meditation. Her husband, lawyer Mohan Jaykar, introduced her to her first guru, Prabhuji, and her spiritual journey started 30 years ago. “It’s a myth that you need a mishap to turn to awareness,” says Smita. “Spirituality isn’t demanding.” Photo:




NEWS Richard Belzer as Detective John Munch

Suicide of actor’s brother

LEONARD BELZER, brother of Law & Order actor Richard Belzer, jumped to his death from the roof of his Manhattan apartment. He is believed to have suffered deteriorating health since the passing of his wife Emily Squires in 2012. She won an Emmy Award for her direction of Sesame Street. She and her husband wrote a book together in 2000 entitled Spiritual Places In and Around New York City. “They were places they found valuable in maintaining their personal sanity amid the frenetic pace of the city”, said the Amazon book promotion. Among day trips, gardens, libraries and museums

they also included learning and healing centres, nature walks, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu and Sufi places of worship.

Spiritual Places In and Around New York

He is believed to have “suffered deteriorating

Leonard Belzer himself was a student of spirituality and consciousness for the past 20 years. His younger brother Richard has played the part of John Munch in the TV series Law & Order for 21 years.

health since the passing of his wife Emily Squires. ®

Indian spiritual exports booming INDIA is fast becoming a global spiritual destination, and Westerners are lapping up its spiritual merchandise. Saif Saiyed, of Gujarat-based Kabeer Agate Exporters, said Westerners have become increasingly fascinated by the energy this miniature product can bring to one’s life. From Anand they are exporting all kinds of metaphysical, New Age, esoteric, dowsing, Reiki,



Feng Shui, Pagan, Wiccan, spiritual and chakra products. India’s growing reputation as a spiritual retreat, symbolism inspired by Indian art, culture and religion have found representation in handicrafts, clothing and even home décor. Believed to promote healing, Buddhismrelated products are favoured in the UK, US and Australia. Export of Indian handicrafts has ® increased by more than 20 per cent between April 2013 and January 2014.


Bear Butte, South Dakota. Photo: Stefan Fussan

State park struggles to retain

spiritual heritage BEAR BUTTE in South Dakota, a religious site for the Plains Indians, has been part of Bear Butte State Park since 1961. Entertainment venues, camping grounds and the Sturgic Motorcycle Rally have expanded around the sacred mountain as motorcycles rumble past the foot. Native Americans have protested, wanting to protect the spiritual nature of the mountain. State Park staff believe they are managing to coexist in an area vulnerable to conflict. Bear Butte summit was where an important message was conveyed to Sweet Medicine, a Cheyenne prophet, from their God. The message delivered the knowledge from which the Cheyenne derive their religion and customs.

ride their motor bikes to the top. The few who do the hike are asked to respect the quiet, stay on the trail and avoid areas reserved for Native Americans at prayer. “This is basically their outdoor church, so you want to tread lightly, respect what they’re doing here and experience the butte on your own,” said Ms Percy. She believes it is important that many of the staff are Native Americans. They understand the needs of worshippers and are best equipped to educate visitors.

“We invite people to come to the park”, said park supervisor Shannon Percy. “If they’d like to hike the mountain, then that’s great.”

She does understand that it is expecting a lot of most rally enthusiasts to take time to understand the significance of Bear Butte and explore it on foot.

So far the hike has not been a hot ticket. Most bikers just drive past when they realise they can’t

“They come here to ride, not to hike,” she says.

“The few who

do the hike are asked to respect the quiet, stay on the trail and avoid areas reserved for Native Americans at prayer.”





Miley Cyrus with puppy Emu and piglet Bubba Sue

“Miley wasn’t there

when Floyd died, so there would have been a huge amount of guilt.”

Bereaved singer

hires dog psychic SINGER Miley Cyrus has hired a dog psychic to help her to recover from the sudden death in April of her dog Floyd, reports Celebrity News in UK daily, The Mirror.

Pet psychic Melissa Bacelar. Photo: Facebook

Hollywood animal medium Melissa Bacelar said: “Miley wasn’t there when Floyd died, so there would have been a huge amount of guilt. “I connect with the dog telepathically. Some give the actual words, but most of the time I get images and feelings, which I pass on to the owner.” Miley has acquired a new tattoo in memory of Floyd. She already had several other tattoos, including a cat on the inside of her bottom lip, a portrait of her grandmother, and a mini-replica of Leonardo da Vinci’s anatomical heart drawing.





Angelina tells Brad to

fire psychic

Angelina is putting her foot down “now that Brad wants to trust Ron with his financial affairs ” .

ANGELINA JOLIE does not believe in the supernatural, even telling partner Brad Pitt to dump his personal psychic, Ron Bard. Ron has advised Pitt on all his affairs, professional

Aniston, whom he left for Angelina in 2005.

and romantic, for ten years.

Pitt and Jolie have six children between them,

Angelina is putting her foot down now that Brad wants to trust Ron with his financial affairs. She favours an accountant or financial adviser. Ron also advised Brad to divorce Jennifer

including two adopted sons and an adopted daughter. According to the National Enquirer, Ron Bard threw Angelina an olive branch by offering


her a private reading. Naturally, she refused. Photo: Georges Biard

Billy Bob Thornton’s

psychic mum

OSCAR WINNER Billy Bob Thornton was brought up in Alpine, Arkansas, a small US town of 110 inhabitants. He has spoken on video about growing up with a psychic mother. “People would come to the house and she would do readings for them,” he said. She was of Italian and Native American descent, while Billy’s father was American Irish. Billy jokes about having a clairvoyant mother, but adds that “it didn’t always work out for a mischievous kid. When your mum’s psychic it’s not easy to sneak in the house drunk at night!”


Photo: Kris Krüg & Flickr PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2014



Jackie Barrett Photo: Elizabeth Graham

New York medium’s new TV show

Chopra’s bid for Guinness record SPIRITUAL teacher and author Deepak Chopra was joined on 9th August by hundreds in Toronto, and thousands online, for a group meditation. The aim was to set a Guinness World Record for the largest ever synchronised online meditation. In order to make the Guinness Book of Records 15,000 people had to be recruited. The previous night about 93,000 had registered.

There is a lot of good information and scientific evidence that when you have a large group of people doing meditation, the effect is magnified.

“There is a lot of good information


and scientific evidence that when you have a large group of people doing meditation, the effect is magnified,” said Chopra before the event.


Three days later, Chopra joined Oprah Winfrey to launch their new 21-Day Meditation Experience called Expanding Your Happiness, a daily guided audio® meditation programme.

BROOKLYN medium Jackie Barrett, who works on police cases with her dog, has been given her own TV programme. “This is an awesome break,” said a delighted Jackie. In the new show she will help sufferers from harrowing experiences work through their psychic trauma. She came second in the 2008 America’s Psychic Challenge and later worked on a show about NYPD cold cases, which she left because working with victims’ families was depressing her. “There is entertainment and there is real life,” she said. “This is real life. These are people’s children.” Helping Jackie is her little white dog, Violet, who has been known to identify a killer by barking at him. Jackie moved from New Orleans to Brooklyn seven years ago, but wonders about her present house. “I’ve experienced a tremendous number of hauntings,” she said. “My fireplace has ® a mind of its own, and lights go on and off.”


Tarot Reader

Faces Animal Cruelty Charges

A CHAT LINE tarot card reader has admitted six charges of animal cruelty. Barbara Naylor, 58, appeared at Northampton Magisrates Court after prosecution by the RSPCA. An RSPCA officer visited her property in April and found six cats in cages in the kitchen and a dog tethered to the wall by a rope. Kevin McCole, prosecuting, said the cats were surrounded by excrement and had no access to food and water. They were all underweight and pawing at the bars of their cages.

Sheba the dog.

When interviewed, Naylor, now living in Swindon, said she had kept the cats in cages for the past six years and usually cleaned them out twice a week. The dog was kept tied up in the kitchen because he was smelly and dribbled on the carpet.

“The dog was

Naylor received a previous RSPCA caution in July 2012 after an underweight dog was found tied up in her garden. The case was adjourned until September.


kept tied up in the kitchen because he was smelly and dribbled on the carpet.”

New app tracks your spiritual growth SOULPULSE ( is open to all people, regardless of religious belief. When registering for the app you will answer survey questions about your health, personality traits and religious experiences. Over the next two weeks you will take spiritual surveys twice a day on your smartphone, where you will report

how joyful you feel, or how strongly your awareness of God is at any given moment. After two weeks the app will compare your daily surveys against the first, and will send you an animated interactive report showing progress over 14 days.




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A beginner’s guide to BY MARK STONE

the Tarot

Medium Mark Stone is passionate about the Tarot. In this unique two-part series he guides you through the basics of the age-old divination cards and explains how to read them for your friends and family, and even for yourself. Tarot-reading is a fascinating subject and a lifetime’s study. But hopefully in this series of articles you’ll find some inspiration and ideas to help introduce you to working with this invaluable tool for understanding and enlightenment. I’ll also dispel some of the myths and misconceptions people have about working with the cards.

THE TAROT – A PICTURE-BOOK OF LIFE The Tarot truly reflects all aspects of life – good, bad and indifferent. Within each of its 78 cards is a ‘page’ in the life of the person being read, what they are facing and how they might work through or move beyond that issue or situation.



When the cards are shuffled, those ‘pages’ are arranged so that as they are laid out into a spread, their story unfolds and shows the reader what is happening, and how that story develops from past to present and the potential of the future.

CHOOSING A TAROT PACK I have always worked with the Rider Waite Tarot cards, as they are filled with lots of images, which leave a lot of scope for intuitive reading and developing a more spirit-led style of interpretation. There are hundreds of Tarot decks out there, so go with what you are drawn to. Generally, choose a deck with good images and colours as these will stimulate your


Myth: you shouldn’t buy your own cards… it’s bad luck. Centuries ago you couldn’t go out and buy a deck of cards; the only person who could get them for you was the person who taught you. Basically you were given them because you couldn’t buy them yourself, and that’s how the myth began.

CAN YOU READ FOR YOURSELF? Many people say you can’t possibly read for yourself, as it’s hard to be objective. Personally, I do use the cards to clarify and understand what’s happening in my life at times when things are not clear to me.


Please remember that “ the Tarot is not to be used I think of the Tarot as a parent giving their advice. We (as the child) will choose either to listen to or ignore that parent. Remember – if you aren’t willing to hear or see the truth, don’t ask the question!

as a tool for spying on or intruding into other people’s lives, but for helping you gain insights into the dynamics and relationships that are around you.

PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE It’s important that we become familiar with the cards, and practising on yourself is one of the best ways to get to grips with them. The reason for this is that you know yourself and what has happened in your life, so as you do self-readings you’ll be able to identify more easily with what the cards are telling you. I often get students to do readings focusing on the past, as they know what the situation was, the people involved in it and the outcome. That way they can start to see what the cards show without having

to guess what will happen, or waiting until it happens in the future.

You’ll also need guinea pigs to do readings for. Many people will be quite happy to have a free reading but you’ll need to make sure you start with loving and supportive people who will give you honest feedback. Starting with ardent sceptics or negative people can pressurise you and inhibit you from going with the flow of the reading. It could even put you off reading altogether.

PRACTISING ON FRIENDS AND FAMILY Please remember that the Tarot is not to be used as a tool for spying on or intruding into other people’s lives, but for helping you gain insights into the dynamics and relationships that are around you. So when working on readings

for others, don’t try to interfere with the cards by adding your own opinions on the situation, just see what is being shown in the cards and what advice and guidance they are offering.

A SNAPSHOT IN TIME Every reading is a snapshot of a person’s life at that moment in time. When the cards are shuffled and laid out, you have the chapters of the person’s life unfolding in front of you. But as you work with the cards, a person may choose to move or interact with life differently and therefore alter their path. A reader will try to give someone the encouragement and confidence to move forward and make changes, but the person themselves must choose what those changes will be, and if that’s what they want, it’s their personal responsibility. If the future does not unfold as expected we must look at what action the person has or has not taken to see why that may be.

THE ETHICS OF READINGS I have heard some shocking stories about what people have been told during readings, so it’s important to bear a few things in mind. Remember – you are holding someone’s life in your hands, so treat it with care and respect. Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. 1. Always work in a positive way. We readers are there to offer support and enlightenment, not doom and gloom. Remember that your own mindset on life will condition the way the reading unfolds. 2. Be sympathetic to your recipient and encourage them to see any points that may be negative as an opportunity to grow and learn from a situation. 3. Never allow anyone to bully or goad you into doing a reading when you don’t feel it’s right to do so. 4. Never let someone force you into making a statement or decision about his or her life when you don’t feel comfortable in commenting on that issue. 5. Never try to manipulate someone’s decisions based on things you think you might already know about them. 6. Always be honest with yourself and your recipient. 7. If you know something of the recipient’s life and it comes up

during the reading, admit that it’s known to you, and continue to work through what you receive, going beyond what you think you know. 8. If a recipient doesn’t want to acknowledge something you’ve said, don’t try to bully them into accepting it. Check to see if you are putting it across in the right way, then if you are sure you are right, just accept that they may not be willing to acknowledge it at this point and move on. 9. If you have to broach difficult feelings or information do so in a tactful, sensitive way. 10. Don’t let any negative feelings that have come up worry you, as these may be feelings from the recipient that need to be dealt with. 11.Everyone should come away from a reading feeling positive and focused about their life and filled with the sense of purpose and direction they are seeking.



THE TAROT Let’s start to look at the structure of the cards and how we can connect with them. These are some of my own associations to the Major Arcana cards. You’ll be able to find some more traditional meanings in Tarot books, on Tarot websites or in the short information booklet that comes with your Tarot cards.

THE MAJOR ARCANA The 22 Major Arcana (arcana = secrets) cards tells the story of the big themes and lessons in life, and what someone faces in the archetypes and situations that we all must meet in life. 0 The fool - New beginnings - High hopes – Optimism I (1) The Magician - Talents & abilities – Confidence – Magic – Transformation – Spiritual Father II (2) The High Priestess - Spirituality – Law of Attraction – Search for inner self – Spiritual Mother III (3) The Empress - Archetypal mother – Fertility – Patience - Relax - Enjoy the fruits of your labours – Let things grow and take their natural course IV (4) The Emperor - Archetypal Father – Issues of control – Stability – Fear – Defensiveness V (5) The Hierophant - Teacher or anything teaching/learning related – Get the right advice – Choice of path/vocation VI (6) The Lovers - Harmonious relationship (in all relationships not just partnership) – Relationship with the Divine VII (7) The Chariot - Controlling opposing forces – Bring your head and heart together – Moving forward – Meeting challenges head on VIII (8) Strength - Use the subtle strength to win others over and achieve your goals without brutish force IX (9) The Hermit - Time for reflection – Look towards your next step – Learn from experience and knowledge X (10) The Wheel of Fortune - The time is now right – Things have fallen into place – Fortune in your favour – “What goes around comes around”



XI (11) Justice - Natural law “What goes around comes around” (like the Wheel of Fortune) – Balance and fairness – Legal issues XII (12) The Hanged Man - Sacrifice for the sake of enlightenment – Limbo – Delay – Seeing things from new perspective XIII (13) Death - Change that cannot be stopped – learn to accept the changes and work with them (rarely is this ever physical death)

MEDITATING WITH THE TAROT CARDS – A SHORT VISUALISATION This is a very quick way of working with the cards, gaining an initial impact and feeling for the energy and meaning of the card: 1) Start by holding the card in front of you. 2) Focus on your breathing and relax. 3) Place the thought in your mind “Sound will not disturb me”.

XIV (14) Temperance - Healing and balance – Concentrate on health – Guardian Angel

4) Look at the card and absorb as much of the image as you can. Take your time doing this.

XV (15) The Devil - Dysfunctional relationships – Chained to materialism, old habits or addictions – you need to break free!

5) Now close your eyes and imagine you are the main character or figure in the card.

XVI (16) The Tower - Sudden change (in some cases huge trauma or shock) – A bolt from the blue – Huge change of perspective XVII (17) The Star - Keep your focus on your goal, there may be other projects and concerns but don’t become distracted by others lights! XVIII (18) The Moon - Issues from the past – Illusions – Fears holding us back XIX (19) The Sun - Childlike fun - Enjoy the moment – Happiness XX (20) Judgment - Spiritual awakening – Salvation – Something buried may come to surface XXI (21) The World - Completion – End of the cycle/chapter of your life “as one-door closes…”

6) What immediate feeling do you get as you imagine yourself in the card? 7) What thoughts, feelings and sensations arise within you? 8) What do you feel is happening in this card? 9) What are the positive and negative aspects? 10) Does the energy of this card remind you of a situation in your own life? 11) Now gently bring yourself back and write down what you have experienced. In next month’s article Mark will guide you through the 48 Minor Arcana cards ® and explain how to do a basic but insightful three-card reading.


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dreams Understanding your

Craig Hamilton-Parker

Craig Hamilton-Parker, Spiritualist medium, TV host and author of seven books on dreams, is an expert on the rich world of dreaming. Each month he’s here to interpret your dreams. Details of where to send them are given at the end of this article.

ADVANCE NOTICE OF A PASSING? Just before my Border Collie passed into spirit, I had a dream of my very first collie lying in his box. I took this as a sign that my present dog would soon pass, which did happen. DREAM: The dog that most recently passed into spirit was/is a gentle, spiritual soul and I had him cremated at a pet crematorium. Shortly after this, I had a dream which showed him on a moving conveyor belt at the crematorium which would eventually reach the furnace. Behind him was a person, a very close relative, who is currently still living but in the dream had passed into spirit. I received the distinct impression that my dog was showing me who would pass next. There was an element of humour in the dream, as the recently-deceased relative (whom I recognised) was still wearing a pair of spectacles that were skew-whiff across his face. Is my interpretation correct? Do the recently passed sometimes show those left behind who will pass next? I might add that two miracles have occurred since this dog’s death, which prove his existence in the afterlife. We’re



not talking about white feathers and butterflies here (not that I knock such ‘signs’ in any way) but about real tangible evidence. The first of these shocked me to the core. It was almost as if he knew I was the kind of person who would write off white feathers and butterflies as coincidental happenings and would need something far more solid and tangible to convince me of his continuing existence. I’m writing a book about this in the hope that it will bring solace to other animal owners whose companions have passed into spirit. So I don’t want to elaborate at this time as it would spoil the surprise!

Gillian H. CRAIG’S INTERPRETATION: As Spiritualists we of course know from the solid evidential proofs we get through

mediumship that our pets survive death. Unlike many Spiritualists, I believe that the time of our death – for those who are ready to know – can be seen, but it is uncertain whether this dream is predicting the next death to happen. I believe that this dream is a symbol of how you are dealing with the emotions surrounding the death of your beloved collie. The movement of the corpse on the conveyor belt into the funeral fires is like our own predicament. It is a symbol of the movement of time and inevitability of death that come to us all. The happy dead relative in the dream may be a real spirit contact, of course, or it may be a symbol of how the certain knowledge of indestructibility of the spirit can bring us a happiness that transcends the grief we feel during bereavement.


DREAMING OF SNAKES DREAM: So many of my dreams feature snakes. Sometimes they are frightening but at other times they shine with light. I have been in hospital recently and I wonder if the snakes in my dreams represent something to do with my illness?

Ruby N. CRAIG’S INTERPRETATION: Dreams are full of symbols that can have multiple meanings, depending on their context within the dream. The snake in Christian imagery emphasises the dark side, casting the serpent, the evil tempter in the Garden of Eden, as a spiritual threat. Conversely, many cultures worshipped the snake and some Indian yogis revere the serpent as a spiritual guide and symbol of Shiva. The Greeks attributed healing powers to the snake – a belief preserved in the caduceus, the snake-entwined staff symbolising the medical profession. In spiritual development the snake shedding its skin can represent rebirth or a return to health. The frightening snakes in your dream represent the onset of your illness but the snakes that shine with light symbolise your return to good health.

THE SECRET OF INNER PEACE Craig HamiltonParker’s book, Psychic Encounters: Amazing Experiences has recently been republished.

DREAM: About five years ago I lay on the couch one afternoon and fell asleep for a couple of hours. When I awoke I had a tremendous feeling of love and peace which I have never had again. I can’t even begin to describe that inner peace I felt. Often my sleep is plagued by nightmares, and on one occasion I awoke screaming because I thought I saw a gorilla hanging from our ceiling. How can I recapture that beautiful, peaceful rest that I experienced five years ago?

For further details, or to purchase a copy, visit: amazon. or

Andy S. CRAIG’S INTERPRETATION: The deep restful state that you experienced can be entered at will through meditation. Doctors can measure brain activity with an electroencephalograph and have found that when we are relaxed the brain generates alpha-waves.

Send Craig your dreams

When meditating subjects are tested, they prove to have very high alpha- and thetawave brain activity. This demonstrates that meditation promotes deep relaxation. Some people have the ability to slip into this state automatically by cat-napping, which is what I believe happened in your case. Well-known people who had this ability have included Napoleon, Mozart and Margaret Thatcher. They could go for long periods without sleep because of this useful skill.

Email your dreams to: putting ‘Dream’ in the subject line. Alternatively, mark your envelope ‘Dream’ and post to: Psychic News, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Herts CM22 7WE To obtain Craig’s books or read more about his work with dreams, mediumship and the paranormal, visit:


Craig is also available for mediumistic readings by phone.




OVER £500 OF ENTRANCE TICKETS TO GIVE AWAY Enjoy a whole new dimension for free at this year’s Mind Body Soul Experience at Olympia Central, London, on 24th, 25th and 26th October.

We have TEN PAIRS of entry tickets to give away for this exciting spiritual event. Each pair of tickets is worth £54*. Engage your mind, indulge your body and nurture your soul with meditation, Bollywood dance, and many different types of reading, healing and complementary therapy. Relax, unwind and experience new ideas from ancient wisdoms. Your ticket allows you free entry to the OM Yoga Show, also at Olympia on the same dates. For your chance of winning one of the ten pairs of tickets just send your name and address to MBS Tickets, Psychic Press Limited, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7WE, or email your details to typing ‘MBS Tickets’ in the subject line. Closing date for entries is 3rd October 2014. For further details of the Mind Body Soul Experience, visit:

* Tickets are not redeemable for any monetary value. Winners must make their own travel arrangements to and from the venue at their own expense. Entries will be put into a draw and will be pulled out at random by an independent drawer.




The naked embrace The phantoms of Langenhoe by John West A large and fascinating list of paranormal events were recorded at Langenhoe over a 22 year period – events that continue to baffle and confound even the most hardened sceptic to this day. Langenhoe village lies a few miles south of Colchester in Essex. It’s a bleak and lonely spot, rarely featuring on a tourist trail. The church of St Mary the Virgin was largely 15th century, although parts dated back to the 11th century. It was badly damaged in the Great English Earthquake of 1884 and was never structurally sound thereafter.

The big bang In 1937 the Rev Ernest A. Merryweather came as rector to Langenhoe. He had absolutely no interest in ghosts and had never experienced anything paranormal. Fortunately, he kept a diary and it was not long before he began to fill it with detailed

accounts of inexplicable phenomena encountered by himself and others in the church and surrounding area. And it all began quite literally with a bang! “I visited the church on 20 September 1937,” he wrote. “It was a quiet autumn day. I was standing alone in the church, and the big west door was wide open. Suddenly it crashed to with such force that the whole building seemed to shake. Doors don’t usually slam to as if an express train had hit them, when there is no palpable reason. This aroused my curiosity as to the cause.” The rector was certain that the wind could not have caused the door to close, nor did he believe it was a prank played on him by a local. He also encountered problems

Rev Ernest A. Merryweather

I was standing alone in “the church, and the big west door was wide open. Suddenly it crashed to with such force that the whole building seemed to shake.




with his valise. This contained his books and vestments and was used by him when going to the church to conduct services. “On 5 November 1937, after the 11 o’clock service, I was about to leave the vestry and placed my robes in my valise. Having forgotten to put something else inside, I tried to open the catches for some time, then gave it up as hopeless; they were fixed tight. When I reached the bottom of the church lane, I tried again. The ‘influence’ had gone and the catches worked normally.” It should be noted that this was witnessed by his friend.

Moving flowers Events then quietened down and it was not until 1945 that there was another strange occurrence. It was Easter Sunday and the rector, his housekeeper – a Mrs Gertrude Barnes – and her 13-year-old daughter, Irene, were in the church to decorate it with flowers. The housekeeper left a vase of flowers in a pew and went off to do something else. When she returned, the flowers had been taken from the vase and laid on the pew. Both rector and daughter denied having moved the vase and no one else was in the church at the time of the incident. Things again returned to normal but this would all change in the autumn of 1947.

The naked lady The rector was being shown around the local 18th century Hall – built on the site of earlier buildings – by a Mrs Cutting, the occupier. She led him to a front bedroom which she described as having ‘something queer about it’. She admitted disliking it to such an extent that she refused to sleep there. In a letter to A.C. Henning, rector of Borley (more of Borley later!), Merryweather described what happened next: “I was surprised at this, and said ‘but what a pleasant view you have out of the window’. Mrs Cutting went out of the room asking me to go and look at the other rooms, and then, as I turned round, I felt distinctly a woman’s body against mine. One embrace, and the dear lady was off.” He later admitted to Henning that the lady was naked!

Noises off and a spinning hat In July 1948 the rector was celebrating Holy Communion. Suddenly, loud thudding



noises were heard coming from the vestry. They were described as being like “several clods of earth being thrown at the door”. These noises were also heard by the congregation, but a search failed to find a likely cause. These sounds were heard on nine further occasions that year, the last occasion being in the month of December. On 11th November, Merryweather left the church to get some coal from the churchyard in order to heat the church. Using an iron rod, he started to rake the coal. Suddenly, he felt a presence and upon impulse thrust the rod into the coal and placed his biretta on it. You can imagine his surprise as he witnessed it begin to revolve! He returned to the church – only to experience something even more shocking. . .

George and upon inspection found piles of stained glass scattered in the chancel. The credence bell was heard to ring on several more occasions, heard also by the housekeeper and her daughter.

The woman in grey Things became even more eventful in 1949. On 21st August the rector was conducting Holy Communion. He suddenly noticed, near the west end of the church, the figure of a woman in a white-grey dress. She appeared to be about 30, roughly five feet six inches tall, and wore a flowing head-dress which reached down to her shoulders.

The woman appeared sad and walked with a The woman appeared slight stoop. She made no sound as sad and walked with a she moved from slight stoop. She made near a window no sound as she moved in the north wall, crossed from near a window in the chancel and the north wall, crossed finally vanished at the corner of the the chancel and finally There had been south-west wall. problems with vanished at the corner of The wall appeared hooliganism in the the south-west wall. to open up as the area and the rector figure passed had taken it upon through, after himself to carry a which it closed dagger for protection. again. It later transpired that a door had He was standing by the altar when the once existed at the point where the figure dagger was pulled from his belt, clattering vanished. to the floor. Simultaneously, he heard a woman say, “You are a cruel man”. The voice had come from behind him, but, turning, he found no one there. On 27th August, James Turner – a writer

A dagger, a gunshot and an old man’s cough

A bad atmosphere

December also proved eventful. The south door of the church dated from the 15th century but had been blocked up after the earthquake of 1884. A statue of St George, a brass credence bell and two altar lights had been placed there. On 2nd December, the rector heard what sounded like an old man’s cough coming from the statue. Moments later the credence bell rang. Once again, a search of the church revealed no other person (living, that is!) in the building. Several days later the rector heard what sounded like a rifle shot coming from the figure of St

and broadcaster – visited the church along with his wife. The couple discovered that the latch of the vestry door had been yanked off and lay in two pieces on the ground. They were unable to open the door and assumed it was locked. Inserting the key, they discovered the door was in fact unlocked and could now be opened. Inside, a large amount of plaster was scattered across the floor. The Turners climbed the tower and found two bricks on the top step. Both had been wrapped in newspaper. The paper was new and without dust, and could only have been


Yet more paranormal activity occurred in 1951. On 28th January the rector arrived at the church at approximately 10am. He removed some dead flowers and left the building for about fifteen minutes. Returning, he noticed a white, chalky hand-print on the vestry door. He was certain it hadn’t been there before. Mrs Barnes and her daughter also saw it and thought it resembled a woman’s hand. The impression lasted for ten days and then faded away.

Murder in the air

Langenhoe church

placed there recently. However, the rector was adamant that no one had been up the tower in the previous few days. It was noted on that day that the atmosphere in the church had been oppressive and frightening. In January of the next year, Merryweather twice heard a female voice which seemed to say “Ow!” This phenomenon occurred while he was measuring the south door of the church. Problems with the vestry door also persisted. On 3rd June a Mr William Ware, former bell-ringer at the church, came to replace some roof tiles. He tried to open the door, turning the key and lifting the latch, but it refused to budge. He went to a nearby cottage for help and, returning with a Mr Cross, found the door open. Mr Ware then climbed a ladder to the roof, only to hear the church bell ring twice. No one else was in the building and the ringing was also heard by Mr Cross.

Scent of violets and other-worldly singing Phenomena persisted throughout the year. On 14th September the rector smelled perfume in the church. The scent filled the whole building and appeared to be of spring violets. On 28th September, music was heard. The rector was in the vestry when he heard the voice of a lady singing what sounded like plainchant. It appeared to come from the west end of the building. The singing ceased abruptly and the sound of slow, heavy footsteps walking up the nave was heard. The rector quickly entered

the church and the sound stopped. Yet again a search of the building confirmed that he was alone. The same music was heard by two workmen a week later. The rector found them looking through the keyhole of the locked west door. He again heard the singing and thought it sounded French. The workmen refused to believe that the church was empty, so he told one of them to wait at the door while he entered the church through the east door. He asked the other man to go with him.

On 17th June it was discovered that one of four candles had vanished from its holder after the morning service. A thorough search failed to locate it. During another service on 15th July, St Swithin’s Day, a candle was seen by the whole congregation to go out as the saint’s name was spoken. A loud spluttering and hissing was heard – sounding as if water had been thrown on the wick. It should be noted that the roof did not leak and there had been no rain for several days prior to the incident. On Saturday 23rd June the rector suddenly felt ill and experienced a malevolent presence in the churchyard. He felt he was being watched and that the presence wished him to leave. “There was murder in the air,” he said later. ®

You can read part two of The naked embrace in next month’s PN.

They made their way through the church and unlocked the west door to let the other man in. A thorough search was then made of the whole building. It was empty. The workmen explained that they had been working at the nearby Hall, had heard singing, and entered the churchyard to investigate.

A tweed suit and a chalky hand-print In December, the cupboard door in the vestry was found open on several occasions. It was always closed after a service, and the church locked. Despite this, the cupboard was repeatedly found open. On one occasion, the rector’s stole had been wrapped around his vestments. Another apparition was seen on Christmas Eve. The rector was alone and it was 10.15am. As he walked up the nave towards the chancel, he saw a form glide in front of him. He had the impression of a man in modern-day clothing, possibly a tweed suit.

John West is an author and radio presenter. He hosts a monthly paranormal chat show for Radio Castle in Suffolk and has presented a number of programmes on ghosts for internet TV. He has recently completed a TV pilot on ghosts for East Media Productions. John can be contacted via his blog http://eastanglianghosthunters. PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2014



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Embracing the Shadow in Spiritual Practice – “To confront a person with his own shadow is to show him his own light.” Carl G. Jung Presented by Kate Coffey. Saturday 20th Sept 10am - 5pm, £65 Email: Demonstration of Clairvoyance Monday 29th Sept, 7pm, £5 Go to for more details on each event.

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2014 Spiritual Courses at Hafan Y Coed

5th - 7th September: Cheryl Brennan: Mediumship – Simply the Best

Cheryl works with her guides to get the best out of you and allow you to grow and move on in your mediumship to fulfil your potential. A very spiritual uplifting weekend.

12th - 14th September: Di Marshall & Cheryl Miller: Spiritual & Psychic Art Course Enhance your connection with Spirit to enable you to develop your artistic abilities.

15th - 19th September: TJ Higgs: Explore your Mental Mediumship (including Trance Work) 19th - 21st September: Geoff Hutchison: The Shamanic Path

This course is to help us walk in harmony with ourselves and the environment. To find our true selves. Through self-healing, sharing and assisting others. Be full of Light and Love. Everything that we set out to do CAN be achieved.

22nd - 26th September: Jan Higgins: Transfiguration – Learn and experience transfiguration. 3rd - 6th October: Keith Charles and Ivan Lee: Touching Spirit

Keith and Ivan working together in a wonderful, intuitive, warm and amazing residential course where YOU will open a new vista of understanding to reach the world of crime and mystery in developing your abilities of psychic detection – as well as spiritual peace and harmony.

26th - 11st October: Margaret and Kay Jones: Reiki II certificate with Crystals 24th - 28th December: Jason Panayotis Wheeler (was J Love): Christmas at Hafan

We will be enjoying all aspects of mediumship, from mental mediumship right through to physical mediumship. On this five-day course we will be experimenting with table tilting, automatic writing, and working in séance conditions in red light as well as darkness. Jason will be giving transfiguration demonstrations, as well as transfiguration sittings so all the students will get an opportunity to experience a personal message as well as much more.


The J.V. Trust Spiritualism in action

Sue Farrow takes a look at the work – and sometimes unsung achievements – of Spiritualism’s wealthiest charity. You may not have heard of the J.V. Trust, but you’ll almost certainly have heard of the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted Hall. You may even have studied there, or know someone who has. To many around the world it’s the foremost centre of learning for Spiritualism and psychic science – a mecca for students of mediumship and the spiritual life. What you may not know is that this former home of the great Spiritualist ambassador James Arthur Findlay, gifted to the Spiritualists’ National Union on his passing in 1964, has faced the prospect of closure at least two or three times since its establishment as the AFC. The fact that it’s still open for business and in pretty good shape is in large part down to the generosity of the J.V. Trust.

awere never inclined to splash out. Their trips to Stansted Hall were part of their holiday routine, so they were familiar with Gordon Higginson and others involved in the courses and seminars there. They also knew Arthur Findlay and had formed a great liking for the place even before he handed it over to the SNU.” The trust started life with a very modest £600 – a far cry from the more than £8million it has today. Its first trustees were Roy, Christine and their son Alan, who sadly passed to spirit a short time later, also from cystic fibrosis. These days, its administration is in the safe hands of trustees Eric Hatton, Hugh Davis, Margaret Davis and, since 2012, author and psychical researcher Roy Stemman. Roy has this to say about his new role with the trust:

The trust’s founders, Roy and Christine “As a trustee of Roy and Christine Wandless Wandless, had other Spiritualist great affection charities over the years, I am well aware for the college and are no doubt delighted of the need for financial assistance that that their personal generosity has enabled individuals, churches and organisations such a unique institution to be rescued in have from time to time. I was delighted hard times. Though wealthy, they certainly when the J.V. Trust came to Psychic News’ knew hard times themselves. rescue, after the SNU closed it down, and I was even more delighted when the J.V. “Roy and Christine had lost two children, Trust invited me to become a trustee. John and Valerie, from cystic fibrosis, and wanted to set up a charity in their memory,” “I have the greatest admiration for its explains the trust’s long-time chairman chairman, Eric Hatton, whom I have known Eric Hatton. “So the name derives from ‘J’ for 50 years or more, and am pleased to for John and ‘V’ for Valerie. be supporting him and the other trustees in their efforts not only to preserve an “Roy was an accountant with a great important Spiritualist publishing venture interest in the stock market. I think he used but also to help many other worthy causes to dabble in stocks and shares, and by virtue whose needs were anticipated by the of that he had made a tidy sum of money. trust’s founders.” “He and Christine had a very nice house The trustees are keen for people to be but otherwise lived quite modestly and



Eric Hatton, chairman of the J.V. Trust and former chairman of the Arthur Findlay College.

aware that the J.V. Trust is a charity for all Spiritualists and not, as is sometimes erroneously assumed, for members and churches of the Spiritualists’ National Union only. Its primary charitable object is the promotion, establishment, spread and advancement of the religion and religious philosophy known as Spiritualism with particular regard for the training of ministers. The promotion and advancement of spiritual healing, and the relief of aged and infirm Spiritualists in need of financial assistance, are further aspects of its mission. “I had no direct involvement with the trust in its early days,” says Eric. “But my great friend Gordon Higginson had become a trustee and he indicated to me that he hoped it might be able to help people who were unable to afford to come to Stansted Hall, or to pursue their interest in Spiritualism in other ways.” Gordon’s hope became a reality in the form of the annual J.V. Trust weeks held at AFC, now organised by trustee Margaret Davis. She told me: “The Spiritualist Lyceum Manual begins with some words entitled Pass it on. . . Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on. Twas not given for you alone. Pass it on. “It ends with the words – Live for truth, you

FEATURE live again. Live for love, with love you reign. “Roy and Christine Wandless had a great love for the Arthur Findlay College and it was my choice, over eighteen years ago, to organise the annual J.V. Trust weeks at the college, with the support of my fellow trustees and our team of tutors. “Each year, the trust sponsors about 75 people so that they can experience some of that love of the spirit, in the place which once made such an impact on Roy and Christine’s lives that they chose to embody within the trust the spirit of Pass it on. This, to me, is what the J.V. Trust is all about.” The trust may have started out with just a few hundred pounds but when Roy and Christine Wandless passed within a few months of each other, it fell to their solicitor, Margaret Neville, to unravel their complex estate. “At that stage we had no idea of the large sums of money that would eventually be transferred to the trust,” Eric recalls. “As time went by, it became clear that the estate was worth a significant amount of money. As a consequence, about £2 million was paid into the J.V. Trust account. On Miss Neville’s advice we appointed stockbrokers Farley and Thompson of Bournemouth, who gave us wise guidance, as a result of which the trust’s capital grew steadily. “To her everlasting credit, Margaret Neville was scrupulously efficient and honest in dealing with the affairs of the J.V. Trust and continued to be so right up until her retirement in 2010. Even today, she retains an interest in its affairs. We are greatly indebted to her for her dedicated work and wise guidance over the years.” Following Miss Neville’s retirement, the legal affairs of the trust were placed in

Margaret and Hugh Davis

the hands of Birmingham-based law firm, Shakespeares, and stockbrokers EFG Harris Allday were appointed to handle the investment portfolio. With funds now in excess of £8million, the trust’s future is secure. There are also sums of money more immediately accessible, so that the trustees can make swift disbursements in cases of urgent need.

we stepped in to secure its future.” The trustees devote many unpaid hours to the trust each week, sifting through applications, legal correspondence and the huge amount of administrative paperwork generated by such a wealthy and active charity. Nevertheless, they are only too pleased to give their time in the cause of continuing the unique legacy of the Wandlesses.

“We get a large number of applications from churches and individuals,” says Eric. “To date they have received The trustees devote approximately many unpaid hours to the £1,140,000. But trust each week, sifting obviously, because of the Wandlesses’ through applications, affection for the legal correspondence place, the greatest and the huge amount of sums of money have administrative paperwork gone to the Arthur Findlay College, generated by such a wealthy which has received and active charity. more than £2million over the years.

Says Hugh Davis: “I have been a trustee of the J. V. Trust for 21 years and it has been a pleasure to work in harmony with my fellow trustees and with Eric Hatton as our chairman. Our aim has always been to offer support to Spiritualists, giving financial assistance not only to churches but also to individuals. Long may it continue.”

“In its early days the college was in a dreadful structural state and so much needed to be done, all of it crying out for money. The roof was in a perilous state, the chimneys were in danger of collapsing. There was also a need for a new water supply, new heating, and a gas supply which had to be brought in from the main road. Then there was the building of new kitchens, a new dining room, new bedrooms and so on.” The trust also came to the rescue of the SNU when it was in dire straits. “We purchased Redwoods, the SNU’s headquarters on the Stansted estate,” Eric explains. “The SNU owned it, but it was put into hock when they badly needed cash, so

And would Roy and Christine Wandless approve? “We have had indications from time to time that Roy and Christine approved of what we were doing,” Eric says. “In fact, I think I have had three such indications from Christine, who was apparently happy with the way we have steered the trust. “What Christine and Roy Wandless have done for Spiritualism, and particularly for the Arthur Findlay College, is unique. Even now, when they are in their spiritual ® home, I feel we should express our indebtedness to them.”




I'm sure I've been here before. . . Well-known to television audiences through programmes such as Most Haunted, Heaven and Earth, and even Big Brother, David Wells is a regression therapist, medium, astrologer, author and teacher. His larger-than-life personality, wicked sense of humour and down-to-earth approach all combine to make the field of the paranormal fascinating and accessible. David’s philosophy is never to be “so heavenly minded that you are of no earthly use!” Here, he answers your questions on the sometimes controversial subject of regression and past-life therapy.




Your Astrological Moon Sign by David Wells, published by Hay House, £10.99.

David, how would you define ‘regression’ for those who have never experienced it? Regression is a process to help you access past-life memories, to help you see them for yourself. It’s not about being told who, what or where you were, but for you to experience that. What drew you to practising regression? Are you aware that you’ve had a past life or lives? I studied the Mystical Qabalah formally for many years, and it was during that time that I became interested in the concept, as some of my past lives were making themselves known. I’m aware of many past lives; it’s important for therapists to experience what they teach or use in their work. Are some clients already aware, before they approach you, of what appear to be scraps of memory not consistent with their current lives? What other reasons do clients give for wanting to be regressed? There are lots of reasons why people come for a past-life regression. It might be as part of their ongoing spiritual adventure and road to discovery. Sometimes people want to know why a recurring dream is making its way through more than others. Often people have a spontaneous past-life

memory – they just ‘know’ they have lived in a place, an era, or with someone else, before. Has it been possible, through historical documents or by visits to supposed former homes, to verify any of the memories that have emerged during clients’ regression sessions? Clients will often say they have researched a life and found information that fits with things in their regression. Whilst I have heard of people revisiting former homes that’s not something any of my clients have reported and is of course not always possible anyway. I encourage them to do some research; it is after all a form of proof of the ongoing journey of the soul. Regression is regarded by some as a therapy. Have any of your clients experienced lasting benefits from it? What kinds of benefits have they reported? Past-life work often exposes cycles, perhaps fears or phobias, which are very obvious in this incarnation. It can be used to help release those things, of course, but as part of a process and not as a onehit wonder. You don’t have a past life regression, discover you were drowned, and find your fear of deep water has gone the next day – it’s part of a process.

“Past-life work often

exposes cycles, perhaps fears or phobias, which are very obvious in this incarnation. It can be used to help release those things, of course, but as part of a process and not as a one-hit wonder.



REGRESSION Too much is made of negative situations from past lives, there are way more positives, and enhancing your current incarnation through recognising gifts you’ve worked hard on is encouraged greatly. The biggest benefit is in knowing you’ve lived before. Once you know that for sure, your perspective on what we call ‘life changes’, things that may have seemed so important before aren’t any more. Similarly, things you took for granted really begin to be appreciated more. Have any clients told you they regretted having regression sessions? Have the memories evoked caused disturbance in their present lives? Nobody has ever said to me that they regretted a regression. The memories may have caused disturbances but they have always been about positive change, moving the person on from circumstances that are no longer required and no longer welcome. Change and disturbance are part of life and part of learning.

Have any of your clients felt that they were part of a group reincarnation? Have any gone on to meet other people who also felt they were involved in a previous life with that person? Most of them have. Soul groups are the way we learn from each other, support and challenge each other. Without that, we’d learn nothing. Some people do have individual past lives where they see very few people, and that is in itself a lesson. Perhaps it’s about self-sustainability or maybe it’s a life that’s about meditation or silent spiritual connection. Past lives are as individual as it gets, but there are always the same threads, and that’s what makes them so interesting. They don’t usually have to go on to meet people involved in a previous life, they’re in their life already, ® but of course some may yet be waiting to be rediscovered.

Have you experienced regression? Has it helped you to understand yourself better and live this life more fully? Why not share your story in our Personal Experience column? You’ll find contact details on page 4.

Can you do anything to permanently block unhappy or otherwise troubling memories your clients have reported? During the regression clients are asked to talk to anyone who presented difficulties in the life they have just experienced. Reasons are then given, explanations shown, and a release is offered through the meditation process. A cutting of the situation and understanding is a better description than blocking a memory – what good can blocking it do? Understanding and clearing, working to move beyond it, are what’s offered. Why do some people seem to have very long gaps between lives, and others come back after only a few years? That’s their choice. There is no set amount of time and it’s important to remember that the soul doesn’t exist purely on earth; time between lives, and lives in other dimensions, are important too. Have any of your clients reported previous lives as animals? No. I am sure such a thing is possible, but the reality is that they are there to talk about and find out what karmic cycles are still playing in their life in the here and now. I doubt very much if an animal life would give them much perspective on that. How far back have some of your clients’ memories gone? That depends on your perspective of time! Some people go to timeless places where putting an earthly date on them is impossible. From this historical 3D-perspective the furthest back has been to cave-man times.



The Qabalistic Tree of Life. Photo: Alan James Garner

A Spiritual Win Break for two The first prize in this month’s sudoku competition is a spiritual weekend break at The Carrington House Hotel, Bournemouth. The prize is being offered by Psychic Rendezvous Events for their Psychic Rendezvous Weekend from the 8th to 10th May 2015. The prize includes accommodation in a twin or double room on a dinner, bed and breakfast basis for Friday and Saturday evenings, tickets to all demonstrations with reserved seating, free entry to the Mind Body Spirit Festival to be held in the same venue on the Saturday and Sunday, and entry to the ghost walk that will take place on the Friday evening. The demonstrators are Ross Bartlett on Friday evening, Ralph Keeton on Saturday afternoon and Steve Holbrook on Saturday evening. The ghost walk will be hosted by Ralph Keeton and is only available to hotel guests. There are two runner-up prizes of a pair of ‘Combi Tickets’ which will give you entrance to all the demonstrations over the weekend.

Steve Holbrook


Ralph Keeton

Ross Bartlett

To enter the competition, complete the sudoku puzzle and send the numbers which appear in the shaded centre row, from left to right, along with your name and address to: Psychic Rendezvous, Psychic News, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM22 7WE. You can also enter via email to:

The closing date for entries is 11th October 2014. For further details of the Psychic Rendezvous Weekend, visit: Please note: Sorry, but travel or travel expenses to and from the venue are NOT included in any of the prizes offered. Winners must make their own arrangements to and from the venue at their own expense.

8 3 6 7 8 4 3 6 2 5 4 7 5 9 4 7 9 8


6 1


8 3 6 8 2 7

How to solve sudoku: Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell so that each row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers from 1-9.




The Rover Returns “There are no

winners in cases like this. I need to get back to work.”

WHEN actor William Roache was on trial for sex offences, jury members were reminded that they were judging William Roache and not his alter ego Ken Barlow. Cleared of all accusations, 82-year-old Mr Roache has made a triumphant return to TV’s most famous street, welcomed not only by the cast and huge audience, but by his fellow members and colleagues in The Circle of Love Spiritualist group. At the end of his trial, when congratulations on winning were flooding in, he said: “There are no winners in cases like this. I need to get back to work.” Bill Roache holds the world record for being the longest-serving soap actor, having been a cast member since the first Corrie episode was aired in 1960. After the dark days of his trial, he said he could not have survived without the support of his family, friends and fellow cast members of Coronation Street, particularly mentioning



Vicky Entwistle, who plays Janice Battersby. Another great friend is former Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons, Nigel Evans, who was put on probation for alleged rape and also subsequently cleared. Mr Evans said: “We had a deal that some time when it was all over, I would have a drink with him at The Rovers, and he would have a drink with me on The Terrace at the House of Commons.” A return to the cobbles after such a long absence meant that Ken’s nonappearances had to be convincingly explained. The scriptwriters came up with the idea that he had been visiting his grandson Adam in Canada, since May. One mystery remains. Ken Barlow has become a vegetarian during his absence. Does that apply in real life to Roache? Whether you favour veg or venison, welcome back!



Healers blamed

for UKIP candidate’s resignation

UKIP parliamentary candidate, teacher Jake Baynes, has resigned amid claims of a vendetta by a UKIP couple who run a healing sanctuary. Mr Baynes, 40, was due to stand in next year’s election, having won 1,711 votes in the 2010 General Election in Wells, Somerset.

“They say they take angelic guidance and always defer to St Michael the Archangel. At the same time we have all this vitriol from them.

Complaining of a continuous campaign to force him out, his allies accuse two fellow UKIP members, Glen and Colleen Tucker, who lead a healing group in Glastonbury.

“I’m nervous about the occult. People I know who have seen what has been said by these two UKIP members, say, ‘Well, I’m not voting UKIP with them in position.’”

“I’ve realised that politics is a very dirty business,” said Mr Baynes. “I don’t want to get involved in politics again.”

The Tuckers, described as “oddballs belonging to the Glastonbury occult crowd,” defend their position.

The Tuckers’ website states that they practise alternative healing, working hand in hand with the “Angelic Realms” and “Galactic Beings”.

Glen Tucker said: “What we do at the healing centre has nothing to do with our involvement in UKIP. Mr Livings is confused if he thinks it’s part of the occult. He doesn’t understand what we do. We are spiritual people. It’s as though he’s trying to demonise us and scare people.”

This worries Graham Livings, who has also resigned as local UKIP branch manager. “They run weekend retreats where they guarantee the angels will be present,” he reported to MailOnline. “The public can be very wary of that sort of thing.

They couple said there was no plot against Jake Baynes, adding that he was simply not up to the job.

I’ve realised that “politics is a very dirty business,” said Mr Baynes. “I don’t want to get involved in politics again.


Jake Baynes (left) with Nigel Farage in 2010. PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2014



Behind the scenes with . . .

Janet Nohavec Formerly a Roman Catholic nun, now a Spiritualist minister, Janet Nohavec enjoys a justified reputation as a top-quality evidential medium. From her home in New Jersey, USA, she speaks to Sue Farrow about her personal journey, her work, and why she believes physical mediumship should be scrutinised more closely.

Janet, you are the pastor of The Journey Within Spiritualist Church (JW) in New Jersey. Judging by its impressive website, it seems a very well-organised and active community. Tell us a little about the church and your work as its pastor. The Journey Within is a thriving Spiritualist church with events happening every day of the week. Its growth has caused us to add an additional Sunday morning service just to handle the greater attendance. We are a diverse group with acceptance of each other and our unique and different spiritual paths. The Journey Within is a dream come true, made possible by the proof of continuity of life through an evidential message given to a couple who had lost their daughter. The couple enabled the purchase of our church. Life as the pastor is very busy, from weddings to namings, talent shows to fundraising. The church was not at first welcomed to the area. Actually, the Division of Civil Rights got involved on our behalf, but now we are part of the community. I know that our church represents an alternative for those seeking a spiritual community, God-based, love-



based, open minded. The power and presence of the Spirit World is felt as soon as you enter the sanctuary – it is a sacred place. JW clearly has well-established links with various charitable organisations. Have you ever experienced local reluctance to accept funds raised by a Spiritualist organisation, as has occasionally been the case in the UK? The Journey Within has not experienced that locally. We did have an absolutely heartbreaking experience when raising a large amount of money for an orphanage in Africa, though. The host group would not accept the money because we were not Christian. It was devastating for all of us. Children were not fed because of religious differences.


The Journey Within Spiritualist Church in New Jersey.

What is the situation concerning inter-faith dialogue in your locality? Does the Spiritualist community have friendly relations with other religious denominations?

Were there tensions in the past between your mediumistic ability and life as a Roman Catholic and especially as a nun? Did you find that paranormal experiences made convent life difficult?

Our community does have relations with other religious communities in town. In fact, our donation of food products goes in part to the Catholic Church, which has a large food pantry. We have been invited to interfaith services as well. The Journey Within does a huge amount of charitable work which brings us into contact with lots of other groups and religions.

I at first saw my abilities in the convent as part of the path of the mystic, which fitted ok hidden. When I left the convent and worked publicly as a medium the uproar was great. It was also a long personal and prayerful challenging path from Catholic to Spiritualist. It‘s amazing to me that it’s acceptable when you are a nun to talk to everyone on the Other Side and ask them to talk back – God, the saints, the angels, etc – but the minute I add Grandma to the list I might as well be Satan’s sister! Those tensions are still present with those who will not be open-minded and need to hold dearly to strict beliefs.

You have a number of visiting mediums from the UK. Is this because of JW’s affiliation to the Spiritualists’ National Union, or for other reasons? My experiences at The Arthur Findlay College exposed me to a high standard of mediumship that was very important to me. Since I know a great many of the tutors, we found we could impact a greater number of students by bringing the teachers here. Their presence at our church is a huge part of the teaching aspect of the centre.

Do you now feel your life as a nun was a waste of time, or was it a beneficial stage in your personal development towards a life of compassion towards the grieving as a medium, and then pastorally as a minister?

It‘s amazing to me “that it’s acceptable when you are a nun to talk to everyone on the Other Side and ask them to talk back – God, the saints, the angels, etc – but the minute I add Grandma to the list I might as well be Satan’s sister!

My life as a nun was hugely beneficial to my mediumistic development. My PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2014



path of giving “upTheeverything to follow God’s call is a personal mountain I was meant to climb and I will never regret.

attunement with the spiritual realms was greatly enhanced by days in prayer as a nun. It was meant to be part of my story, I have no doubt. Many of my personal spiritual convictions remain true; you can never do enough to help others. The path of giving up everything to follow God’s call is a personal mountain I was meant to climb and I will never regret. If there are those interested in that story, my autobiography Through the Darkness is available. I’m impressed by your church’s link with the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS). Have you yourself ever had an NDE or OBE?

Physical mediumship has always been the rarest form of mediumship. Are you aware of any physical mediums practising in New Jersey? This topic is hugely controversial at the minute as there is a huge amount of fraud in the physical mediumship we see being brought into our area. A lot of it coming in from abroad, some from here. The Journey Within is considering making a statement that physical séances which charge for participation, and are primarily done in the dark, should only take place with the participation of scientific researchers, night vision goggles, etc.

I have participated in a lot of what I would call ‘light shows’ I was asked to with famous people speak for the coming through IANDS conference with no presence of group in Chicago spirit. We need to and was so move all aspects of impressed with Interior of The Journey Within our work into an area that group that Spiritualist Church. of examination and I wanted us to intelligence. Most of what is seen at public start a local group. It’s such a good fit for physical séances is not being scrutinised a Spiritualist church. I have had a nearenough. We have to set standards. There death experience – it gives you a different have been camps in the USA that have perspective of the soul’s path and free will. banned public physical mediumship from We have recently had Dr Raymond Moody their programmes due to the amount of speak at our church about the experiences fraud present. This type of fraud takes of doctors and nurses at the bedside away from all of us. of those dying, and the experiences of departed love ones coming for them. It’s Physical mediumship is still occurring in another aspect of our work as mediums, smaller circles that I would call real. I also to be present with families and their loved see the nature of physical mediumship ones as they make that final transition we changing with today’s needs. will all make.




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Taking Harvard by storm A place at America’s renowned Harvard University carries the same international kudos as a place at the UK’s Oxford or Cambridge. All three have a School of Divinity (or its equivalent) where religions, their respective theologies and philosophies, are studied.

Medium Maxine Meilleur has just assured herself a mention in the history books. Believe it or not, she’s the first Spiritualist since 1858 to secure a place at Harvard’s prestigious Divinity School.

I want to see legitimate and “protocolled experimentation return to Spiritualism and I’m willing to be the one to do it.

As will become clear from her conversation with editor Sue Farrow, she’s a Spiritualist with strong opinions and a determined path in life. Sue began by asking her how she came into Spiritualism. “Starting as a teenager in Florida 30-plus years ago, I would attend Spiritualist churches formed by the mediums who spent their winters in Florida and their summers in a place called ‘Camp Chesterfield’. Mind you, these were truly the last of the ‘old time mediums’ in the USA and I thought their services were just so cool with all their impassioned talk about spirit. They even had public billet readings blindfolded! “Later, I wasn’t able to find the same type of church so I independently developed as a psychic before joining the army. About ten years ago, I needed a place to go and hang



out while my kids were in summer camp and I found Lily Dale Assembly, the longest running Spiritualist camp in the USA. There I met Janet Nohavec, a Spiritualist pastor who is known for preaching two things – evidential mediumship and the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted. So I started going to the College, have joined the Spiritualists’ National Union, and am thrilled that I’ve even had a Naming.” Tell us about your studies at Harvard. Have they begun yet? Yes. I started a three-year Master of Divinity degree at the Harvard Divinity School this August. I’d always told my husband that when the kids left for college, I would leave him too. After several summers at Lily Dale, I knew my application to Harvard would be strong but I also knew Harvard hadn’t had a Spiritualist and working medium there since 1858 when they expelled Frederic Willis under false pretences. After admissions were announced, I attended an Open House and was surprised how many religiously learned


people there had little understanding of Spiritualism. And I guess you plan to change that!

turn. What about your interest in bringing science back into Spiritualism? It certainly needs to happen, particularly since the UK’s Society for Psychical Research (and the American SPR too) are not investigating mediumship to anything like the extent they did in years gone by.

Absolutely! The moneyed, the cultured, the intelligentsia, all those groups of people have largely fallen out of Spiritualism. But why? We need to reach out to them in a manner and language they can I’ve always accept. I went viewed mediums to a Harvardwith a critical sponsored eye and even meeting in tested a few Dubai recently unbeknownst to with many highthem. I want to powered MBAs, see legitimate captains of and protocolled industry, policyexperimentation makers and they return to were curious Spiritualism about my beliefs. and I’m willing These are people to be the one to who would do it. I have got pooh- pooh New some designs Medium and academic Andy Byng. Age stuff in a constructed for heartbeat, but some short-term they were genuinely interested in whether studies on mental and trance mediums. there is life after death and, if so, how to There are some evidential constructs I even prove it. have in mind for healing mediums. I also look forward to sharing and learning with fellow Harvard students. Additionally, I want to see so-called ‘Spiritualist churches’ in the USA talk more about God and the soul instead of displaying mediumship like a show. The dominance of the message culture is a hot topic here in the UK. “Yes, it is. In fact, Andy Byng – a UK medium I know you’ve written about extensively – and I are co-authoring an academic paper to be presented at a conference of the British Association for the Study of Religion titled, ‘Public Demonstrations of Mediumship: Acts of Sacred Communion or Mere Performances?’ Elements of entertainment sadly have been with Modern Spiritualism since Day 1 but that doesn’t mean we can’t resist that abhorrent pestilence at every move. Don’t get me started on that or I’ll end up sounding like Emma Hardinge Britten! We really need to fight this menace at every

“What the Great Mediums have taught us about... Spiritual Healing, Spirit Guides, etc.” Spiritualism is blessed to have a publishing house called Saturday Night Press ( run by Ann Harrison, the daughter-in-law of medium Minnie Harrison. She has taken on most of my books so far and I am very fortunate indeed. I am passionate that Spiritualists and mediums know their history, their pioneers and their heritage. I am passionate about keeping the ‘old stories’ of the great mediums alive and relevant. And after your master’s degree? What next? Well, I don’t know. I’d like to research mediums, but more and more people from the Spirit World are calling me ‘Doctor’! I could see the intersection of science and religion being used for an application for admission to a PhD programme at Harvard, but statistically one is more likely to encounter someone who climbed Mount Everest than someone who earned a PhD at Harvard. It’s an unbelievably selective programme and a mind-bendingly arduous process. But who knows? The journey of a thousand miles always begins with a single step. Is there anything you’d like to add?

Yes. In my master’s programme I have to do two internships, but opportunities I think the Science and Religion Program at within Spiritualism are not jumping out Harvard Divinity School would support me. at me. I am offering myself as an unpaid As for physical mediums, I hope to build up intern for archiving, research, writing, trust with them in order for them to allow general support. Hell, I’ll even wash dishes, me to personally tie and catalogue the library, or gag them. Until they carry tutor’s clipboards yield to at least some around all summer at outside control, physical AFC! If the SNU or any mediums will not, and church is interested, let It will sound terribly should not, be taken me know, I will serve cheeky, but so what! I seriously. you. want to see the What about the books SNU overhauled. you’ve written? Finally, it will sound terribly cheeky, but so I have always gathered what! I want to see the and stored facts and SNU overhauled. As an stories. I gathered educated person I find so many absolutely the Educational Scheme a disgraceful and fabulous stories of mediumship I decided it was time to make it into a book titled, chaotic disaster which needs rewriting from “Great Moments in Modern Mediumship: start to finish. With total truth and sincere Volume 1” with Volume 2 on the way. I humility, I could rewrite each course if given ® also collected and collated the teachings the chance. I told you it would sound of the great mediums into a series titled cheeky, now didn’t I?




A GOOD READ Our holiday pick of the best new spiritual books NON-FICTION Walking with White Eagle in Sacred Places: Your Own Spiritual Pilgrimage By White Eagle RRP £9.99 160 pages The ancient tradition of pilgrimage is one that becomes more relevant every day in our busy world. Through making a pilgrimage to a sacred place we can reconnect with ancient wisdom and seek our own personal Holy Grail of inner truth and spirituality, wherever we live or however physically mobile we are. Combining White Eagle’s teaching on the ancient centres of power in the world with advice from Jenny Dent to show how everyone can make their own pilgrimage at an inner level and numerous moving tales of real life experiences, the book serves as a useful all round introduction to the practice of pilgrimage. This is a

book that can appeal to everyone, and one which you will want to keep beside you at home or as you travel. Wherever and whenever it is opened, White Eagle’s wise and gentle words can speak to the heart and answer the need of the moment. White Eagle is a well-known spiritual teacher and there are over 50 books of his teaching in print. Jenny Dent is worldwide leader of The White Eagle Lodge – an organisation, with branches in many countries, which promotes White Eagle’s philosophy and offers help in all aspects of life including meditation, spiritual healing and spiritual unfoldment.

Beyond Past Lives: What parallel realities can teach us about relationships, healing and transformation By Mira Kelly RRP £12.99 248 pages In this book, regressionist Mira Kelly shares the lifechanging lessons she has learned from her clients to help you find support and understanding, and to empower you in your own growth. Mira teaches you how to connect with your higher self in any moment to receive guidance. You’ll come to understand how everything around you is just a reflection of yourself, why it is important to forgive, why you have the right to love yourself and how the universe always supports you lovingly and unconditionally. The stories contained in these pages will help you discover how to heal your body, mind and spirit as you learn about the nature of time, karma, destiny and free will – as well as how each choice creates a new reality for you. As you read Beyond Past Lives, you’ll see how regression has helped others shift

to a reality of health and wellbeing, and you will be guided to achieve the same for yourself. Prepare for a powerful transformation as you experience the profound lessons of your past lives! Mira Kelley grew up in Bulgaria, where at the age of 13 she had a powerful regression experience. With great courage and trust in her heart, Mira followed her intuition and went to the United States to go to university. Following her graduation from law school, Mira practised as a corporate and securities attorney in a large law firm in New York City. A painful physical condition led Mira to rediscover the instantaneous emotional and physical healing available through regression, and now she assists people in transforming their own lives in this way.

In the Shadow of the Cross: The Greatest Conspiracy of All Time By Billy Roberts RRP £9.99 110 pages In the Shadow of the Cross dispels one of the greatest myths of all time, that Jesus did not die on the cross, and in fact lived on to continue his ministry. The author makes a detailed analysis of the secret life of Jesus, that was known to the early Christians and which was suppressed later by the Church of Rome. Did Jesus really travel incognito under the name of Yuz Asaph? Did he really marry Mary Magdalene and father her children? Many religious scholars and historians believe that a 2,000 year old tomb

in Srinagar, Kashmir, known as the Rozabal, was the final resting place of Jesus, ‘The Prophet of the Book’. In the Shadow of the Cross explores the scientific and historic facts, bringing to light a truth that has lain buried beneath 2,000 years of falsehood, and which culminates in the greatest conspiracy of all time. Billy Roberts has been a professional stage medium/psychic for thirty years and is a published author with 18 books to his credit.

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of the hormone oxytoxin, without needles or electrical stimulation. By using essential oils on acupuncture points, C. Norman Shealy shows you how to create the bliss that enables you to fulfill your potential for conscientious living. C. Norman Shealy is a neurosurgeon who trained at Massachusetts General Hospital. He founded the first comprehensive Pain Rehabilitation Clinic in 1971; was the founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association in 1978; and was the founding president of Holos University Graduate Seminary, where he is now Professor Emeritus of energy medicine.


All books are available on and or from your local bookseller unless otherwise stated. The Big Book of Angel Tarot: The Essential Guide to Symbols, Spreads and Accurate Readings By Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine RRP £12.99 777 pages In The Big Book of Angel Tarot, bestselling authors Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine follow up their groundbreaking Angel Tarot Cards with the definitive guide to the mystical art of tarot. By removing the fear, worry and secrecy, Doreen and Radleigh have reintroduced the world to this language of the Divine without diminishing any of the amazing accuracy and detailed information that tarot is known for. In this book, Doreen and Radleigh take you card by card through the journey of The Dreamer in the Major Arcana, describing in detail all the magical symbolism found throughout tarot. You will understand the importance of each suit of the Minor Arcana and its relevance to your daily life, as well as develop a firm grasp of the court cards by getting to know each one as though they are real people. Doreen and Radleigh will give you a full understanding of how various card spreads can provide you with incredible

insight into your life and concerns – while also teaching you how to create your own! Doreen Virtue is a clairvoyant doctor of psychology who works with the angelic, elemental and ascended master realms in her writing and workshops. She has lectured extensively around the world, appearing on numerous television programmes including Oprah. She is the author of many bestselling books including The Healing Miracles of Archangel Michael, Daily Guidance from Your Angels and Archangels and Ascended Masters. Radleigh Valentine is an internationally known speaker, author, spiritual intuitive and radio-show host. He has studied tarot for more than 20 years and teaches workshops around the USA.

Spiritual Light: Universal Teachings from the Highest Spirit Realms by The Universal Spiritual Brother & Sisterhood Deluxe version US$21.50 777 pages Available from: (Paperback version available from Amazon) “A fascinating account of what is possible for humans as multidimensional beings. Since consciousness is a field of all possibilities, new worlds open up to us as we shift into different frequency domains of our own awareness.” – Deepak Chopra These are the teachings of a group of Illumined Souls of the most advanced wisdom and spirituality, yet humble, who seek to spiritualize and unite humanity, to awaken people to the many spiritual realities of life, and to thereby avoid the misery and havoc we create on earth. In Spiritual Light – their complete official teachings – these souls offer us their collective knowledge of truth, of spiritual laws, and of a way of life to bring peace and harmony to us all. They include many of the greatest prophets, enlightened beings, and noble souls this world has known. Through this book they are working to build the brother-and-sisterhood of all people; they teach that each of us is forever connected with all human beings and with our Creator. These beautiful and inspiring teachings are extraordinarily

pure, for these times, and given directly by the most spiritually advanced beings, which is extremely rare. The teachings are not a religion but are presented for all people, regardless of their beliefs, in a down-to-earth, clear, and simple way. They address truth, spiritual laws, love, responsibility, spiritual progress, psychic phenomena, life on earth and in the spirit realms, and many related subjects. The Illumined Souls shared and helped to compose these extensive teachings through 25 years of collaboration, using the most highly spiritual and skilled mediums available. They ask us to accept only what our inner being tells us is true and our reason completely embraces. “The magnificent light of eternal truth must prevail and illumine the way toward the Creator’s love.” – A USB teacher

CARD DECK Getting into the Vortex: The Teachings of Abraham – A Deck of 60 Relationship Cards By Esther & Jerry Hicks RRP £13.99 60 cards A beautiful new set of cards that helps access the deep knowledge only available through the Vortex. As Esther herself explains: “Dear Friends, It is always satisfying for me to be able to tap into the Vibration of Abraham and to translate their empowering message into our current time and space. I really believe that this deck of cards not only contains everything necessary to attract and maintain wonderful relationships, but it also explains everything that we would

ever need to understand about living our lives here in these bodies at this time. Every time I reflect upon the depth of understanding that is reflected in these cards, I am restored to my true nature. This deck of cards is my most precious possession.” Number one New York Times bestselling author Esther Hicks has been producing the Leading Edge Abraham-Hicks teachings since 1986. Esther continues to conduct the Abraham seminars with the help of her physical ® friends and co-workers and, of course, with the nonphysical help of Abraham and Jerry. PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2014



Death and life

By David Hopkins

in the not-so-silly season

Traditionally, August is a ‘slow’ month for news. Because of holidays, particularly amongst politicians but also families, there has tended to be a lack of ‘substance’ and newspapers have resorted to filling space with inconsequential items. For those reasons, this time of year became known as the ‘silly season’.

Of course, in recent times we’ve seen the development of communications technology which has led to a virtually continuous supply of information from even the remotest corners of the world. There isn’t a day, or even a second when ‘the latest’ is not being brought into our homes. In short, 24-hour news has become part of our lives. We can switch off the box in the room, but information continues to bombard us and there is little that happens across the continents that doesn’t surface at some point for us to review, digest – or ignore. So, in what is no longer the silly season, several things have attracted my attention. As I write, it’s just a few days since we heard of the death of Lauren Bacall. For many, the cinema was a great part of growing up. It brought excitement, romance and adventure, taking us from our small towns and villages and transporting us to places, people and circumstances Lauren Bacall far-distant from our mundane lives. Hollywood, its people and lifestyles. were the things dreams were made of. Our imaginations were extended, hopes ignited and horizons broadened. ‘Tinseltown’ was our escape. “You know how to whistle; you put your lips together and blow!” said Bacall to Humphrey Bogart. Thanks for the glamour of a bygone age.



DEATH? DID HE SAY ‘DEATH’? Yes, earlier I did write ‘death’. It’s sometimes treated as a taboo word in Spiritualism, but it seems the easiest way to describe a process we’re all familiar with – the separation of the spirit from its temporary repository, the physical body. People talk of ‘passing’, ‘passing over’, ‘passing away’, ‘passing on’, using these and many other euphemisms to get away from the simple and obvious word. Death is a part of life, so what makes us shy away from the word? Is it some deeprooted fear, concern or doubt? At some time, probably within the next fifty years (I’m going to hang on as long as I can!), I’m going to die. I shall miss what and who I leave here, but I relish the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. I won’t go as far as saying ‘Bring it on!’ but when it does come it will be just another piece in the jigsaw of life, my life in particular. Recently we heard of another death – a man whom almost all of us have encountered on a screen at some time – the very funny performer Robin Williams. I use the words ‘funny performer’ rather than ‘funny man’ because it now seems clear that the humour lay in his performances rather than in his life. We look back and see so many examples of those for whom ‘performance’ was the important aspect, something they were, and wanted to be, judged on. Robin Williams may have had his problems – money, drugs, alcohol and latterly Parkinson’s Disease – but we all have problems.

Most of us are fortunate enough not to be expected to be ‘performing’ all the time (to make people laugh at the drop of a hat) and are allowed our private time, reluctant though we seem to be to give it to those who entertain us. Whilst it could be argued that various of his problems were to some extent self-inflicted, it may also be true that those who placed Robin Williams (and others like him) on a high pedestal have much to answer for in bringing him so low.

MUST MEDIUMS ALSO PRODUCE ‘ON DEMAND’? Bringing that idea a little closer to home, I wonder how many of us stop, or even pause, to think when we criticise someone on our church platforms for a ‘poor performance’, about the state of health or mind of that individual. Aren’t speakers and mediums allowed to have a ‘bad-hair day’, a cold or a headache, worries about money or family? On the other hand, how many mediums would stand on a platform and say “Sorry, I’m not getting anything” and sit down? They know they are expected to produce on demand and so they do, sometimes regardless of the quality of the product. This demeans them and those they seek to represent, both here and ‘beyond’. We may be able to run for the bus one day but not the next, do the crossword on Sunday but not on Monday, because we’re feeling different, have had an argument or gone through a crisis. Mediumship is not like running off endless copies or flicking a

switch; it involves many variables. Thank goodness, every day is a new day and therefore a new challenge. Over the years I’ve known some pretty remarkable mediums who were at their most remarkable when they showed honesty and integrity by accepting and


I use the words ‘funny “performer’ rather than ‘funny man’ because it now seems clear that the humour lay in his performances rather than in his life.

Robin Williams at the Happy Feet Two premiere, 2011. Photo: Eva Rinaldi

admitting their human frailty. They had learned the lesson that they were not perfect, and that we should not expect perfection from them. Lauren and Robin – God’s speed on your journey. And thanks for the happiness you gave us.

PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY – ARE WE OUR BROTHER’S KEEPER? What else has caught my eye in this ‘not-sosilly’ season? Far from silly is the destruction we’re seeing in Gaza and Israel. It seems that a peace of some sort may be on the horizon, but who knows what will have happened by the time you read this? A settlement has to be negotiated; neither side can go on trying to destroy the other. The people of Israel have the right to a secure future, to live their lives without an ever-present threat of rockets and bombs, hunger and annihilation. And so do the people of Gaza. So do the populations of Syria and Iraq and the other countries we see being torn apart by narrow, extremist views. ‘God is on my side’ is the cry and firm belief of these protagonists. What will it take to make them realise that God is not on their side or anyone else’s, but on everyone’s side?

for an end and then go in to pick up the pieces? Do we give humanitarian, military or financial aid to those we support (or who we think will best support us later)? What is our responsibility? To what degree are we our brother’s keeper?

UNANSWERABLE QUESTIONS If I could provide answers to all those questions I could apply to be Secretary General of the United Nations. I won’t be applying any time soon – indicating that I don’t have the solutions to all the world’s problems. I suggest that no one does; no person, political ideology, religion, book, philosophy, for all these are the creation of humankind, and humankind cannot offer perfection for it is not perfect. Spiritualism is special (not necessarily unique, but unusual) in that its philosophy indicates we are on a journey, the length of which is far beyond our comprehension. It indicates, too, that the complexity of that journey, indeed the very nature of it, is something we are currently unable to assess, document or foresee, other than in the broadest terms. Put another way, we think we know some things, but we know (or think we know!) that what we think may not be all there is to know! There, I’m sure that clarifies it for you!

A wounded child receives treatment


Do we, as individuals CHANCES at Shifa Hospital in Gaza. and nations, stand by Every day brings new and watch as people tear each other and information and knowledge, and with them themselves apart? Do we allow them the opportunity for new understanding what we claim for ourselves – personal and wisdom. It’s been said that there is responsibility? Is it our responsibility to nothing new under the sun, but I couldn’t make choices for them? Do we just wait

disagree more! With every sunrise there is something new. Creation has taken place between sunset and sunrise, and as each day dawns we have the chance to grab hold of some of that ‘newness’. Of course, we won’t all take advantage of that chance and learn something new every day. The best we can hope is that some of us will learn something new occasionally. We can try to put ourselves in that group of ‘some’ and endeavour to add just a smidgen of knowledge to our personal memory bank each day, or at least once in a while. In all honesty, I think (or think I think!) that Spiritualism is a bringer of realism, removing old concepts and replacing them with a greater purpose and meaning, a more sensible approach to life and its possibilities. It means that most of the time we accept what for now we cannot change, yet believe that sometimes we can go beyond acceptance and actually become agents of change. The silly season is over. We’re back to reality. And the reality is that life is there to be lived to the best of our ability, for the benefit of ourselves and everything that shares this planet with us. Spiritualism doesn’t prove that life exists after death. It ® proves that life exists. So let’s get out there and live it.

David Hopkins is a Spiritualists’ National Union minister, author and broadcaster.



JOURNEY INTO THE LIGHT (incorporating Rescue Work) by Iris Wright

Bill and Iris Wright have been working mediums for 30 years and during that time have had experience of many home circles. Eventually, in 1996, Spirit Guides advised them that they were now ready to do some ‘Rescue Work in circle’ should they wish to do so. This was agreed upon by all present. Many came through to be helped, and conversations with lost spirits were taped as they were helped over into the Light of the Spirit World. These were then copied down by Iris to be put in book form along with the medium’s own experiences. Many different personalities came through. This makes interesting reading for the layperson or for those who wish to know more as understanding becomes their own.

Priced at £8.99 + £1 p&p. Order from: Iris Wright, Rainbows End, 5 Harbour Hill Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 3PX Published by Con-Psy Publications. P.O. Box 14, Greenford, Middlesex UB6 0UF

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Readers’ Letters


This £10 issue’s le winn tter er In each issue we will give £10 to the author of the letter we find most interesting.

DON’T TRY TO FIGURE IT OUT – IT’S ALREADY FIGURED OUT! Last week I bought an eight-year-old Dell laptop with Windows XP from eBay for $50 including shipping. I needed an older operating system to run applications modern ones couldn’t. The seller, from Texas, wanted to help his son buy an XBOX. The laptop arrived with the wrong adapter. I notified the seller, who said he would ship the correct one. He asked if I would send the wrong adapter to the correct buyer, who was in Massachusetts, and I did. Notifying the seller that I’d shipped the adapter to the correct buyer, he asked how much it had cost me, so that he could reimburse me. I told him not to worry about the money, and added: “Do this instead: give $5 to your son and ask him to donate it to a charity of his choice.”

“P.S. I am a devout animal lover. Should I get to heaven before you, and should you want to look me up, you’ll find me with the animals. A donation to the SPCA is perfect!” Because this event occurred just three weeks after losing JoJo, my only pet, and because I am still carrying grief, I take this story as a coincidence with JoJo’s passing. The father did what I had asked; the son decided upon a charity. There are hundreds upon hundreds of eligible charities but he chose one dearest to my heart: the SPCA. Neither knew of my love for animals, nor the fact I had just lost the one surviving member of my family, JoJo. Furthermore, with my meagre income, I wouldn’t have been able to afford the donation his son made to the SPCA. The son did it for me, and for his father, and for the animals.

A day later, I received this reply from the father: “Dear M.B. “Done. Update on the Xbox One situation. He bought a $10 scratch-off lottery ticket and won $1,000. He is rich now! So he is donating yours and some of his to the local SPCA. Thanks for everything. C.R.” (SPCA stands for The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.) I responded: “Dear C.R. “What an incredible story! I am a writer. I might use this story to make a point to people about how things work. If so, I will let you know. “From positive motives and intentions come positive outcomes. They aren’t always immediate and often not visible, but they do come eventually. (‘Ask and you shall receive...’, ‘sowing and reaping.’) You understand my words and will explain them to your son. As for me, you have given a great boost to my overall faith. M.B.

Michael T. Bucci by Rebecca Bucci

A friend in Arizona said –”It’s a sign!” A friend in Germany said – “An encouraging story! Like an avalanche of doing good.”

Good works and intentions are never lost. Once dropped into the sea, they are forever within that great body, wherever she may take them. Sometimes we see the results and sometimes we don’t. But trust the great sea. Faced with a similar ‘coincidence’ decades ago, my spiritual mentor (in spirit) gave me the best advice: “Don’t try to figure it out,” he said. “It’s already figured out.”

Michael T. Bucci Via email PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2014



Readers’ Letters


IS PN BEING ‘AGE-IST’? Why the journalistic enthusiasm for quoting a person’s age in a news item when there’s no need for it? Of course, PN is not alone in this strange practice, but in your August issue you were inconsistent as well. You gave the ages of the bereaved mothers in two interesting reports (about Scott, the heart transplant recipient who met and thanked the parents of John, whose heart he received, and Sally, mother of Tony, who communicates with her through automatic writing). Because both women are mothers, it’s obvious that they are a generation older than their sons. Their exact ages are irrelevant. So why cite them? Yet in the report about the Karenza Spiritual Network at Cholsey, you give no ages for the founders, Donna and Paul. Of course not; their ages are irrelevant. You don’t give the age of James, the healer who ran the British 10K run in aid of the PDSA. His photo shows a young man – so of course, citing his age would be irrelevant. However, you report on the passing of Wynne, very nearly 97, who had given 40 years’ service to Exeter Spiritualist Church. Now in that case, the lady’s age really was important – it emphasised her many years of devotion to that community in a very long life. But to my mind, that’s the only kind of case in which giving a person’s age is informative and relevant.

Grateful thanks to Alan Murdie for his article in the July issue about William and Evelyn De Morgan, the De Morgan Foundation and Centre, and the couple’s Spiritualist background. Thanks to that article, I had just time enough to hurry across London to visit the Centre before it closed for good at its Wandsworth site, and to see not only many ceramic pieces by William De Morgan, whose lustre wares I love, but paintings by his wife Evelyn, whose work I had not seen before. Several of her mostly allegorical paintings (pictured right) concern the passage from life through death to spirit. Her use of colour is generally rich, bold and heavy – but in some of her depictions of the passage through death, arcs or broken swirls of delicate rainbow colours accompanied, but did not surround, the figures in the paintings. I wondered if Evelyn, although mediumistic, was not herself aura-perceptive but had heard descriptions of auras by people who could see them, and had tried to represent them in this way as best she might? The De Morgan Centre had thoughtfully provided large-print binders for visitors to take round the gallery of captions to the paintings, notes about the couple and their work, and – I was very glad to see – their involvement in Spiritualism. I do hope the De Morgan Foundation finds a new home soon for its Centre and permanent exhibition.

Come on, PN, except in cases like Wynne’s, drop those brackets with the surplus ages!

Meantime, thanks again to Alan Murdie for his article, and to PN for yet more information about exhibitions of psychic and/or Spiritualist interest: in the last 12 months there have also been displays about Madge Gill and Ethel Le Rossignol which you’ve reported. Keep ‘em coming, please!

Serena Mossop

Mary Temple-Guinan

Via email



North London


Send your letters to: Psychic News, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Herts CM22 7WE or email them to: The editor reserves the right to edit or shorten letters Opinions expressed are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial team. Don’t forget to include a photo of yourself when sending us a letter (optional). Helen of Troy by Evelyn De Morgan.

Cassandra by Evelyn De Morgan.

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The pain’s all gone! Reader Cheryl Buckley tells how a dramatic healing from Ray Brown and his spirit helper, Paul, brought her freedom from pain and the renewed joy of an active life.

Cheryl Buckley

When I went to healer Ray Brown’s clinic about eight years ago, I could barely walk. I’d been told by a surgeon that the osteoarthritis in both my knees was so bad that I needed imminent knee-replacement surgery.

owe my quality of life to Paul and his wonderful team of doctors in spirit.

I had tried acupuncture for pain relief and although it was helpful to a degree, the arthritis was too severe for me to benefit fully. It was then that a friend, who’d been lent a book, felt guided to pass it on to me. It was in this way that I learnt of Ray and his wonderful healings through the spirit power of Paul of Tarsus. As I read, I discovered that someone with the same problem as mine was able to lead a quality life. I realised that this was the ‘Ray’ of hope I had so desperately been seeking. I made an appointment and have never looked back. I still visit the clinic periodically for an ‘MOT’ and always experience profound relief after sessions with Paul, but in the back of my mind, there has at times been the dreaded feeling that I was only putting off the inevitable and may eventually end up with knee replacements. This fear is not because I lack faith in Paul. It’s rather that I ‘m so in awe of the help he gives me, that I wonder how I can be so lucky for so long! Those thoughts are only ever fleeting, but are nevertheless a concern, so my husband suggested I get the worst knee x-rayed again as he felt this might reassure me. Part of me wanted to, but the other part was fearful, so I never did anything about it. A few weeks ago, however, I had an



extremely serious fall which involved that knee being badly twisted. I was in the most excruciating pain I had experienced to-date. The hospital x-rayed the knee and the doctor suggested I should see the result. I looked in sheer amazement, and as I did so, it felt like the doctor’s words were growing fainter and fainter. He seemed to be saying: “I hope this will now allay some of your fears, Cheryl. There is no further damage to your knee from the fall and although you do have wear-and-tear there is no bone-on-bone and you certainly don’t have to think about knee replacements!” All of a sudden his words went from faint to extremely loud as I tried to assimilate the profundity of what had just happened. When I had first visited Paul, it was just after my initial x-ray had shown boneon-bone, with no gaps at all between the joints. There had been nothing left to cushion them – the reason for my extreme pain and loss of mobility. The same problem applied to my lower spine. For a long time I couldn’t work and had to use a stick when walking. Stairs were often impossible to negotiate, and things such as running and walking upright were out of the question. Thanks to Paul, not only was I able to do all these things very soon after my first visit, but I now

Weeks later I am still “pain-free and believe I

have the reassurance I was seeking and can look with positivity to a more sustainable and pain-free future. After my fall, I was in so much pain that I contacted Jilly to ask for distant healing. Though she and Ray had literally just returned from a trip abroad, she immediately sent a message to Paul and his spirit doctors, asking them to help me. Within just one day I felt total relief from the pain in my knee, and also in my neck and shoulder where the pain was unbearably intense due to the awkwardness of the fall.


Weeks later I am still pain-free and believe I owe my quality of life to Paul and his wonderful team of doctors in spirit. I’m also extremely grateful to Ray and Jilly, who give of themselves selflessly. They have all afforded me the opportunity to enjoy my life, my precious family and friends, in ways I could previously only have dreamed possible. There will never be enough words to express my feelings of gratitude, but I thank them all from the bottom of my heart for reigniting the light in my soul that had so badly dimmed.



from the archives Hanged boy’s spirit form seen in his home

WHEN THE SON CAME BACK TO HIS FAMILY The camera captures the drama of the séance as the hanged boy returns to his parents through the entranced John Lovette. The mother of a boy who was hanged for what was said to be his part in shooting a policeman, told this week how she and other members of the family still see him in the house. She is Lilian Bentley, who pleaded in “Today” that she be given the body of her son Derek so that she might arrange for its burial.

‘We see Derek’ “People outside my family may say it is our emotional imagination, but we know we see Derek wandering through the house. He always appears to us in a white cloud.” Her article appeared in “Today” alongside another one dealing with the case of Christopher Craig, who, sentenced for shooting the policeman in November, 1952, is being freed, having served his sentence.

Demand for reprieve At the trial, the prosecution stated that on a point of law Craig and Bentley were equally guilty of murder. Bentley knew that Craig was armed. Craig, aged 16, was too young to hang, but Bentley received the death penalty, despite a recommendation of mercy from the jury and a huge public outcry demanding a

Flashback to the séance when Derek Bentley first returned through the entranced John Lovette (right). With him are the boy’s father William, his mother Lillian and sister Iris.

reprieve. The Derek Bentley case recalls two dramatic séances held in their home in

1956 with John Lovette as the medium. At the first one, scrupulous care was taken to avoid his knowing that he was visiting the Bentleys’ London home – pictures




from the archives last throes of death... He just has this tremendous desire to let you know he is still with you.”

of the boy and anything else that might identify him were removed. None of the family was introduced to him.

Finally Lovette managed to obtain the boy’s surname, which he spelt letter by letter. “I hear pistol shots,” he said. “I feel l have been contacting Derek Bentley.”

Haunted house

Lovette was taken to the house because the family had reported it was haunted. Almost from the start, the We know we see medium stated Derek wandering this was a case of through the house. He someone trying always appears to us in to communicate a white cloud. in the best way he knew.

At the second séance, the parents and other members of the family had the remarkable experience of talking to their son direct when he controlled the medium. The communication was highly evidential and included the pet nickname for his young brother.

“It is someone who passed in a very tragic way” he said. “I can’t take my hand away from my neck.” Lovette succeeded in getting first the boy’s age and then his Christian name.

Surname given “My neck is being stretched,” he said slowly. “I am being hung up in some way... I feel my body jerking in the

Father’s testimony

Mrs Bentley complied with his request. The day before Lovette’s second visit, Mrs Bentley and her daughter Iris were taken to Harry Edwards for healing. The result was that this formerly crippled pair became the talk of their neighbourhood.

Spine made straight Mrs Bentley had suffered from spinal curvature following an attack of rickets at the age of four. Her spine was straightened almost immediately by the healer. Her daughter, because of an accident, had cracked a bone in her knee, which was in plaster for eighteen months following an operation.

“That was my boy’s voice,” volunteered the father.

Walking became painful and difficult. After the healing she was able, for the first time in three years, to bend the affected knee and to walk normally.

The climax of the séance was reached when, through Lovette, Derek asked, “Kiss me good night Mum.” Dramatically

This article was first published in 1963.



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Derek Bentley

John Lovette

When Derek first proved his survival It was a dramatic and highly evidential séance when Derek Bentley returned to his astounded family four years after being hanged. The medium, John Lovette, was told only that there had been supernormal disturbances in the home to which he was taken. “It was Lovette’s finest hour as a medium,” said the “Two Worlds” reporter who arranged the séance. Lovette was able to reassure the Bentleys, who were strangers to him, that they were not plagued by an evil entity. It was a case of someone trying to communicate in the best way he knew how. The drama heightened as he said: “It is someone who passed in a very tragic way. I can’t take my hand away from my neck.” With remarkable accuracy he went on to build up a precise picture of Derek, adding: “My neck is being stretched. I am being hung up in some way… I feel my body jerking in the last throes of death.” After a great deal of moving, remarkably

evidential information Lovette got the name Bentley. He said: “I hear pistol shots. “I feel I have been contacting Derek Bentley.” He told the family that if they grieved Derek could not progress in the spirit world. The manifestations were his way of letting them know he was all right. One day they would meet again in a world where crime and capital punishment could not touch them. After Lovette’s superb demonstration, Derek’s father said: “I think it was absolutely marvellous. Up till today I thought Spiritualism was one of the biggest fakes. Now my mind is entirely different. I see it is the truth.” This article was first published in 1974.

“He told the family if they grieved Derek could not progress in the spirit world. The manifestations were his way of letting them know he was all right.”






FRIDAY 18th JULY was a day long awaited by the Spiritualists’ National Union and all who love Stansted Hall, home of the Arthur Findlay College. A stunning memorial was ceremonially unveiled, dedicated to the man who left his beautiful Essex mansion to the Spiritualists’ National Union when he passed to spirit 50 years ago. People travelled from as far afield as Canada around to attend the ceremony in honour of stockbroker and tireless Spiritualist ambassador, James Arthur Findlay.

travelled from “asPeople far afield as Canada

around to attend the ceremony in honour of stockbroker and tireless Spiritualist ambassador, James Arthur Findlay.

“I was thrilled with the attendance,” said college General Manager Tanya Smith. “There were more than 250 people.” For Tanya it was the culmination of a mission she had embarked upon when researching the history of Stansted Hall

Piper McKay took part in the unveiling ceremony.


and the family who lived there. One night she was going through some papers and found cuttings and a letter which Arthur Findlay had started to write in 1949.


“Arthur had wanted a granite memorial. He specified that it should be at the end of the garden, and must mention his books. There must be a small iron railing round the memorial so that it would not be damaged by cattle. “He also wrote to the local church, because he wanted a memorial for his wife

Gertrude.” Tanya was greatly touched by all this. She felt it was so sad that Arthur had not lived to see his wishes fulfilled, and she was determined to do something about it.



All the funds to finance the project were given out of love for the Hall and the legacy of Arthur Findlay.

Not wishing to ask the college committee for money, she gained their approval to raise funds for a memorial. The fund was started 18 months ago, since which time thousands of pounds have been raised. Now, Arthur Findlay’s memorial is finally in place as he wished, unveiled on a hot summer’s day, and witnessed by more than 250 people. President of the SNU, and Principal of the Arthur Findlay College, Minister David Bruton, led the memorial service. He and Tanya Smith each gave an address. Julia Almond, Chairman of the College, and Minister Judith Seaman gave readings from two of Arthur Findlay’s books, On the Edge of the Etheric and The Rock of Truth.

forgotten. As part of the contract, the stonemasons donated a bench in her memory. The memorial is situated at the bottom of the field adjacent to St Mary’s Church, where Arthur and Gertrude are buried side by side. After the service, special floral tributes were laid on both graves by Tanya Smith and David Bruton.


David Bruton explained that “All the funds to finance the project were given out of love for the Hall and the legacy of Arthur Findlay.” These included a donation of £5,000 from the J.V. Trust. Findlay’s beloved wife Gertrude was not

Gertrude’s bench.

Tanya Smith, General Manager of the Arthur Findlay College, placed a number of items of particular significance to Arthur Findlay within the new memorial. Among these were a copy of his most famous book, On the Edge of the Etheric, and a copy of Psychic News, to which he gave generous financial support when it was founded by Maurice Barbanell. PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2014



COMMUNITY NEWS SENTENCING OF MEDIUMS POSTPONED A judge at Stafford Crown Court has postponed sentencing in the case of Timothy and Janette Abbot, pending receipt of psychiatric reports. The husband-and-wife mediums, both of whom have pleaded guilty to multiple counts of falsely obtaining benefits, had been due for sentencing on 1st August. A source at the ® court told PN that no further date has yet been fixed.

Evening of Clairvoyance with



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ROBIN WINBOW THE TRANCE medium and teacher Robin Winbow passed to spirit peacefully in his sleep in August, while on a spiritual retreat in Bavaria. He was 86. He was working with his old friend John Olford, of the Lotus Spiritualist College in Deubach. On the evening of Saturday 2nd August Robin and John gave a trance demonstration to the students.

was extremely sensitive, aware of spirit energies and future events. At night he experienced the sensations of spirits moving walls and ceilings.

His interests extended into the world of John, who had known theatre, dance and I am still dancing with Robin for 14 years, choreography. In 1971 you. I am just dancing on told Psychic News: “He he choreographed was full of energy, a higher stage. dance sequences for the and delighted that his film, Puppet on a Chain, doorkeeper ‘Black Eagle’ and also for the 1974 had spoken through him film, Caravan to Vaccares. in trance for the first time.” He was an Honorary Life Member of the All England Dance Association, and an When Robin did not appear at breakfast adjudicator. the next morning John went to his room, but could not wake him. “He looked very One of the original group at Ivy Northage’s happy, calm and peaceful,” he said. School of Mediumship, Robin served many churches in the UK and was a tutor Robin Winbow was born in Croydon, Surrey, in May 1928. From childhood he in trance mediumship at the Spiritualist

Association of Great Britain and the College of Psychic Studies. He was a life member of the London Spiritual Mission and a member of Worthing Spiritualist Church. His spiritual work took him to many countries around the world. According to John Olford, some hours after passing Robin asked John to pass on a trance message to his students: “I am still ® dancing with you. I am just dancing on a higher stage.”

RECENT PASSINGS Maureen Romano (Brighton) Colin Bevan (Wales)

Brian Lee (Gateshead) Robin Winbow (Sussex)

Spiritual healing, whether contact or absent, can be enormously powerful for those who are ill, distressed, or about to make their journey to the next world. If you know someone who is in need of absent spiritual healing, you can contact the SNU Almoner Minister Marian Bishop by emailing Marian will then send out that person’s name to numerous Spiritualists who will concentrate their healing thoughts upon that person.



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CONGRATULATIONS The five lucky winners of Sonia Choquette’s Meditations for Receiving Divine Guidance, Support and Healing 2-CD set, featured in the June issue (4116), are: Jeannie Harris, Henfield; John Robinson, Coventry; Michael Dunai, Barry; James Bishop, Halesowen; Julia McConoughey, Argyll.

For information on Sonia’s work, visit:

Spiritual Events

Mind, Body, Spirit events, Festivals and Psychic Fayres this month FRI - SUN 5TH-7TH SEPTEMBER 11TH GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS EVENT COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS, 9am – 10pm Various entry/ticket prices (please see website) Camden Holiday Inn, LONDON 020 3287 4887 http://newhumanitymovement. com Three days of lectures, panels, workshops, exhibits, networking, science, technology, ET disclosure, free energy, spirituality, health, healing, leadership, quantum physics, secret space, time travel, selfdevelopment, personal growth, soul, evolution, paranormal, ebola virus, gaza, armagedon, WWIII, future prophecies, awakening, celebration, transformation, meditation, building a new future with new humanity movement. SAT/SUN 6TH & 7TH SEPTEMBER MERSEA MIND BODY SPIRIT FESTIVAL 10am – 5pm Entry £3.50 At: MICA Centre, 38a High Street, West Mersea, ESSEX CO5 8QA With live performances from musicians and dancers on stage and a full schedule of wide-ranging holistic talks, workshops and demonstrations for you to experience, there is something for everyone to enjoy; along with reflexology, kinesiology, Indian head massage, reiki and much more! Discover ways to help de-stress and re-energise your life. SUNDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER HOVE HOLISTIC & MYSTIC 10am – 5pm Entry £3.50 At: Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove, EAST SUSSEX BN3 4AH events/hove-show Visitors will enjoy a range of international psychics,

clairvoyants, mediums, tarot and angel card readers and other spiritual consultants. There will also be a variety of retail stands, taster sessions of complementary therapies, talks and workshops, plus much more! SATURDAY 13TH SEPTEMER KINGS LYNN MIND BODY SPIRIT EXHIBITION 9am – 5pm Entry £2.50 At: The Corn Exchange, Tuesday Market Place, Kings Lynn, NORFOLK PE30 1JW The famous Corn Exchange in Kings Lynn will play host for this year’s Mind Body and Spirit Exhibition with over 60 exhibitors featuring a raft of wonderful holistic treatments, clairvoyants, healers, jewellery, crystals, candles and many more spiritual gifts. There will also be several workshops and lectures during the day including meditation, spirit of sound & vibration, spiritual development, balance procedure, reiki share, the gift of our dreams, yoga and zumba. FRIDAY 19TH SEPTEMBER EVENING OF MEDIUMSHIP & MUSIC 7pm – 10:30pm Entry £25 At: Tithe Barn, Priory Green, Dunster, SOMERSET TA24 6RY home/crystal-clear-events Set in the beautiful surroundings of the Tithe Barn, this evening of mediumship and music combines a beautiful energy and atmosphere that leaves everyone involved with a great feeling of wellbeing. It promises to be an uplifting evening with a down-to-earth and natural approach with heart-warming connections, messages and guidance delivered to the audience.

SAT/SUN 20TH & 21ST SEPTEMBER ANIMAL KINGDOM RETREAT 10:30am – 5pm (Sat/Sun) Entry £160 At: Meare, Glastonbury, SOMERSET (Exact location will be given when tickets are booked) workshops.html International Animal Communicator Oephebia and artist/psychic Laura Daligan present the Animal Kingdom Retreat – two days to connect with animals. You will learn to communicate on a telepathic level with the animals, connect with your animal spirit guide, and walk the path of shamanism and animals and much more. Both days will be in an informal and relaxed atmosphere to allow your inner self to connect to the world of animals and unlock your true potential. SUNDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER STUDLEY MIND BODY SPIRIT 11am – 4pm Entry £2 At: Studley Village Hall, High Street, Studley, WARWICKSHIRE B80 7HJ www.mindbodyspiritshows. com/mbs-events/studley This is an ideal opportunity to join other like-minded people to experience a more holistic approach to health and wellbeing. With various therapies available, stimulate your mind with the free talks as well as converse with the wide range of exhibitors available. There is plenty to explore at this great event with exhibitors offering a range of complementary therapies and healing, retail stands, professional readers and free talks throughout the day.

Saturday 27TH September PAMPER, HEALTH AND WELLBEING EVENT 10am - 5pm Free Entry Wrexham Memorial Hall Bodhyfryd, NORTH WALES LL12 7AG Stalls, therapies, taster treatments, cafe, workshops & tombola. SAT/SUN 27TH & 28TH SEPTEMBER VEGFEST UK 11am – 7pm (Sat) 11am – 6pm (Sun) Entry £12 per day At: Olympia West, Hammersmith Road, Kensington, LONDON W14 8UX Following a highly successful first show, VegfestUK are returning to Olympia for the 2nd year running. You will be treated to 200+ stalls full of top-notch food, bodycare, cosmetics, fashion etc, many celebrities and special guests, including Brendan Brazier, Patrik Baboumian, Sarah Jane Honeywell, Vegan Smythe, John Robb and many others. Plus, loads of special discounts and free samples, cookery demos, workshops, LifeWell Hub, helping health, happiness and wellbeing reach (r) evolution, live music and comedy and much more!

Advertise your event here from just £15 for up to 80 words. Email or phone: 01279 874339 PSYCHIC NEWS | SEPTEMBER 2014





VANESSA Psychic Tarot Readings Telephone Readings £15.00 Call: 07931 388537

MAGGIE VIGAR-SMITH Experienced Medium Healer - including animals Phone Readings or One-To-One Sittings near Marlborough, Wiltshire Tel: 01672 512236

MYTHIC TAROT COURSES – 3 LEVELS with Greek Mythology & Jungian Symbolism. Beginners’ Mediumship Development. Relationships Tarot Workshop. Introduction to Psychological Astrology/Relationship Workshop. Call Carole Szerman on: 020 7266 3317

JAMES - Medium Telephone Readings £15 by appointment Tel: 0780 4871 958 MELANIE HALLETT Medium and Teacher Telephone Readings: 1hr for £40 Call: 0778 635 5940 or email: DAVID SPENCER Spiritual Medium ~ Postal Readings Send brief letter and £25 to: Mr D. Spencer, 22 Skylark Rise, Tavistock, Devon PL19 9FT AILEEN PSYCHIC/ CLAIRVOYANT/ MEDIUM 27 Years in Service Telephone Readings Only Enquire: 020 8830 6118 (Relationships a speciality) Payable by credit or debit card only LYNNE Gifted Medium, Clairvoyant and Natural Healer Also works with Tarot and Crystals All Cards Welcome Call: 0113 278 4222 MARIANNE GREEN Psychic Medium Palmist Featured in Spirit & Destiny 30 years experience Tel: 01932 883413 Mob: 07535 014055 Email: GENUINE, EXPERIENCED CLAIRVOYANT, PSYCHIC & TAROT READER! Accurate, detailed written readings £38. Please write to: KAREN KHOO 66 Doone Way, Ilfracombe, Devon EX34 8HS MONIQUE Clairvoyant / Medium Postal Readings, £35 plus D.O.B. to: 107 Newmarket Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 2HT BRIGHTEYES PSYCHIC Telephone Readings Pay by phone Call: 0913 5300 003

Calls cost £1.02 per minute plus network extras - 18+ Bill payers permission. SP: Digital Select Ltd. 0843 850 9999. For entertainment purposes only. Calls recorded.

ADAM Natural Psychic Clairvoyant / Spirit Guidance Send Letter, Photo, Questions, Date of Birth Postal Reading £20 Send to: Adam Lucas 14 Greenstone Drive Manchester Lancashire M6 6RJ


Page 60 Psychic News

PSYCHIC POSTAL READING £10 KELLY CUMMING 24 Baglan Heights Port Talbot SA12 8UF PETER DOSWELL Psychic Readings ~ Mediumship Readings Pay by card 020 7754 5367 Live Chat Readings PSYCHIC MEDIUM 40 years’ experience offers Crystal/Angel/Tarot Readings Included in price is a taped reading – crystals in silk purse + ppg ~ cost £25.00 Cheque and requirements to: Glynis Allen/psychic medium, 64 West Park Drive, Swallownest, Sheffield S26 4UY Mob: 07811 632353 SPIRIT DESTINY Psychic, Clairvoyant Readings, Tarot Courses and Psychic Life Coaching Sessions Accurate, in depth genuine readings from £25 for 45 minutes Tarot Courses Beginners to Advanced Skills £15 per hour lesson Psychic Life Coaching sessions £25 per hour session Very experienced psychic reader, teacher and psychic life coach Contact Wendy Jarman on 01737 842634 or 07814 138354 or EMILY ROSE Psychic ~ Medium ~ Clairvoyant Tel: 07895 899105

PERSONAL GROWTH ASCENDED MASTER TEACHINGS YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED Reincarnation Karma The Soul Healing Relationships and more Online bookstore/CDs/DVDs/ Conferences/Courses/Radio WWW.TSL.ORG ACADEMY OF ANGELIC HEALING Angel and Healing Workshops, Courses and Consultations in Harrow, London and RETREATS IN MENORCA with Jayn Lee Miller, Teacher, Author and Spiritual Medium since 1972 Email: for Events Listing Tel: 020 8422 9308

HEALING ABSENT HEALING FOR PEOPLE AND ANIMALS NO FEES Telephone Tony on: 020 7476 3766 E-mail: THE SPIRITUAL PATHWAY HEALING ASSOCIATION is established to promote public health by the promotion of Spiritual Healing for the benefit of the public, and to advance the education of the public in all aspects of Spiritual Life. Our headquarters are at The Awareness Centre in Yeovil, Somerset and we cover the whole of the UK/Europe. For further info: THE HEALING SANCTUARY Holy Island, Anglesey, North Wales Absent Healing for people and pets - no fees. Reiki Courses available, from beginner to master level. Healing Respite Breaks available. Tranquil gardens and meditation areas. Beautiful surrounding scenery. Accommodation available. For information on course costs and breaks please telephone Julie: 01407459402 or e-mail: THE SURREY HEALING SANCTUARY Penduckshaw, Rabies Heath Road, Bletchingley, Surrey, RH1 4NB (near Junction 6, M25) Email: Contact: Alec & Marilyn Nicolas Healing and spiritual surgery (herbal medicine and reflexology also available) By appointment only (including evenings and weekends) Tel: 01883 741800

CONTACTS NEW AGE More spiritually occult contacts, companionship, astro links, healing, pen pals, soul mates etc. Stamp please to Baraka, Golden Wheel, Liverpool L15 8HH


Psychic News +


WEBSITES Spiritualism


DEVELOPMENT LISTINGS Are you looking for sitters to join your development circle – or starting a new one? Are you looking for a circle? Psychic News wants to put readers in touch with development groups and circles in their area. We will advertise your details free of charge for three issues, as long as there is no charge to join or attend your group or circle. Email your wording (up to 45 words) to: or post details to: Psychic News Circle, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM22 7WE Please ensure your name and contact details are included on all correspondence. Psychic News reserves the right to refuse or remove these notices at any time.

PSYCHIC/MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT HOME CIRCLE, HAMPSHIRE Free of charge. Every Friday 7.30pm to 9.30pm. We are a small group of up to eight people. Beginners or advanced sitters welcome. Call Tony or Adrian on: 01329 825 046 or email: qqqq WANTED Students at Intermediate Level to join our Meditation Mediumship Development Group. We are based at Finchley Central, Hendon Lane, London N3 1TR The group is held on a Thursday evening 7pm for 7.30pm - 9.30pm. Please contact Carole on: 07903 344 364. qqqq CIRCLE WANTED I am looking for a circle in Luton, Bedfordshire, to develop my trance mediumship from basic/beginner level. Thanks. Please email: PSYCHIC | MAY 2014 PSYCHIC NEWS |NEWS SEPTEMBER 2014

61 61

Psychic News Page 61




AMERSHAM SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Amersham Common Village Hall, White Lion Road (A404), Amersham, Bucks. HP7 9JD * President: Jean Sabatini Tel: 01494 866159 Website: www.amersham Friday 5th September 7.15pm SUE MOCK Friday 12th September 7.15pm SHARON SPENCE Friday 19th September 7.15pm ANDY MULLIGAN - Spirit Artist Friday 26th September 7.15pm GWEN SMITH & PHILIP WATERS ASC Autumn Festival Saturday 27th Sponsored Walk There are healing sessions held after the meeting

BEDMINSTER SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 74a Chessel Street, Bedminster, Bristol, Avon BS3 3DN Tel: 01275 831 129 Email: nunnpollardreg@ Sunday 6.30pm Service Tuesday 2.15pm Guild Tuesday 7.15pm Awareness Group Friday 7.15 - 8.30pm Healing Saturday events as advertised in local press

BEDFORDSHIRE LUTON NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 1A Grove Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 1QJ Tel: 01582 732657 www.lutonnationalspiritualist Find us on Facebook Sunday Service 6.30pm Open Circle Tuesdays - see website All Welcome

BERKSHIRE BURGHFIELD PIONEER CENTRE James Lane, Burghfield, Reading, Berkshire RG30 3RS * Monday Evenings 7.30pm Divine Service Contact: Sharon Spence 0118 9456283 MAIDENHEAD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH – S.N.U. A TEACHING CHURCH York Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 1SF (Behind W.R.V.S. Centre) Own Car Park Sunday 6.30pm Service Wednesday Healing 1.30pm - 3.00pm & 7.00pm - 8.30pm Thursday 7.30pm Mediumship Certain Fridays at 7.30pm Open Platform / Workshop Saturday Specials Monthly Private Readings President Pam Saunders Tel: 01753 530774 Web Page: Solemnised for Weddings, Namings and Funerals

CORNWALL BUDE FREE SPIRITS SPIRITUALIST CHURCH The Parkhouse Centre, Ergue-Gaberic Way, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG * Every Thursday 7.30pm - 9.00pm BUDE HEALING CLINIC: Every Wednesday 7.00pm - 9.00pm Visiting mediums who would like to serve Bude Free Spirits please contact Carol on 01840 770057 CALLINGTON CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL CENTRE Above Social Club, Well Street, Callington, Cornwall PL17 7AU Tel: 01579 382114 Service with Mediumship Every Wednesday at 7.30pm Healing available Local and visiting mediums, please ring if you want to serve the centre CAMBORNE CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH The Ex-Registry Office, Roskear, Camborne, Cornwall TR14 8DN Tel: 01209 612116 www.cambornechristian spiritualist Sunday 6pm & 8pm Healing Sunday 6.30pm Service 1st & 3rd Wednesday 7.15pm for 7.30pm start £5 Spiritual Development Circle Healing course available See website for special events Follow us on Facebook

For a full list of churches, centres and spiritual shops that stock Psychic News, visit



PENZANCE CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Bread Street, Penzance, Cornwall Tel: 01736 368431 * Sunday 6.00pm Service Followed by Healing Thursday 7.00pm Service Followed by Healing Saturday 10am - 12.30pm Private Readings All are welcome

CHESHIRE MACCLESFIELD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH (Established 1889) Cumberland Street (behind Jordan Gate car park), Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 1DD Tel: 01625 617 724 Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Tuesday 7.30pm Service with Mediumship Thursday 7.00 - 7.30pm Spiritual Healing Thursday (alternate weeks) 7.30 - 8pm Awareness Class Thursday (alternate weeks) 7.30 - 8pm Mediumship Class Other events as advertised in the church and local press STOCKPORT SPIRITUALIST CENTRE, ROMILEY The Light of the World Christian Spiritualist Church Underhill Centre, Chichester Road, Romiley SK6 4BL President: Vera Lennie Tel: 07833 565412 www.stockportspiritualist A warm welcome to our Sanctuary of Light WEDNESDAYS Healing 6pm – 7.10pm Meditation 7.20pm – 7.30pm Service 7.30pm followed by Open Circle MONDAYS Music, Meditation & Development Details on website

CUMBRIA DALKEITH STREET SNU SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Dalkeith Street, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 1SP Tel: 07884 481961 Email: Divine Service each Tuesday at 7pm Contact us for details of our Open Circle and Awareness Group

DEVON EXETER SPIRITUALIST CHURCH York Road, Exeter, Devon EX4 6PF Tel: 01884 861012 * Sunday 6.30pm Service Wednesday 3.00pm Mediumship See website for details of special events and development group HONITON SPIRITUALIST GROUP Masonic Hall, Northcote Lane, Honiton, Devon EX14 1NP MONDAYS 7pm - 8.30pm Healing 8pm Clairvoyance (£3.50 admission) Tel: 01404 548420 Email: enquiries@

DORSET BOURNEMOUTH SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 16 Bath Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 2PE Tel: 01202 551751 SEPTEMBER Mon 1st 7.30pm SANDIE HAGGER Wed 3rd 7.30pm Meditation Thurs 4th 3.00pm DAVID POWELL Sunday 7th 10.45am & 6.30pm SUE & RICHARD HAYES Mon 8th 7.30pm JANET EMILYMAE Wednesday 10th 7.30pm Philosophy Thurs 11th 3pm LAWRENCE COHEN Sun 14th 10.45am & 6.30pm GEOFFREY HAYWARD Monday 15th 7.30pm GEOFFREY HAYWARD Wednesday 17th 7.30pm Spirit Art Thur 18th 3pm SUSIE MATHEWS Saturday 20th 7.30pm Evening of Mediumship with AL & BEV BATTEN from Canada Sunday 21st 10.45am & 6.30pm AL & BEV BATTEN from Canada Monday 22nd 7.30pm SYLVIA EDWARDS & CLIVE PEACHEY Wed 24th 7.30pm Open Platform Thursday 25th 3pm JANET HANDLEY Saturday 27th 9.30am - 12.30pm Autumn Fayre & Coffee Morning Sunday 28th 10.45am & 6.30pm BRIAN OXLEY Monday 29th 7.30pm SIMON LEICESTER Open Circle every Tuesday at 7pm Spiritual Healing: Monday 2pm - 4pm Tuesday 10.30am - 12.30pm Wednesday 10.30am - 12.30pm Thursday 7pm - 8pm Friday 10.30am - 12.30pm & 2pm - 4pm

R CHES AND CENTRES KINSON SPIRITUALIST GROUP * Kinson Community Centre, Pelhams Park, Kinson, Bournemouth BH10 7LH Tel: 01202 715754 KinsonSpiritualistGroup Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service 2nd Monday in month at 8.00pm Clairvoyance Demonstration

ESSEX EPPING SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Thornwood Village Hall, Weald Hall Lane, Thornwood, Epping, Essex CM16 6ND * Enquiries: Ruth 01992 576677 or Teresa 01992 812650 (Registered Charity 284561) Tuesday Healing: 1pm to 2.20pm Tuesday Service: 2.45pm Last Friday of every month at 8pm Evening of Clairvoyance £5 THE SILVER RAY SPIRITUAL AND HEALING GROUP Castle Green Community Centre, Gale Street, Dagenham, Essex RM9 4UN Follow us on Facebook Every Thursday 7.30pm - 8.40pm Clairvoyance Evening followed by Healing ~ Entrance fee: £2.50 (inc. tea/coffee and raffle ticket) Healing can be attended independently without paying entrance fee

HAMPSHIRE WINCHESTER CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Stanmore Community Centre (Bottom of Somers Close) Off Wavell Road, Stanmore, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4EJ Tel: 0771 750 7579 Find us on Facebook Sunday 6.30pm - 8.00pm Divine Service ~ Entrance Donation All Welcome

HERTFORDSHIRE CARPENDERS PARK CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALISTS * Bushford Scout Hall, St Georges Drive, Carpenders Park, Watford, Herts. WD19 5HD (Hall cannot be seen from road – go up drive between numbers 37 and 39 St Georges Drive) Contact Chris Palmer: 01923 221918 Sundays 10.30am Divine Service Healing available All are welcome ~ An activity table is provided for children

HITCHIN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Whinbush Road, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG5 1PZ * Tel: 07581 492507 www.hitchinspiritualist Sunday Service 6.30pm Healing Tuesdays 2.00pm & 7.30pm Demonstrations and workshops as advertised on website All welcome LETCHWORTH SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Vasanta Hall, 6 Gernon Walk, Letchworth, Hertfordshire SG6 3HW Tel: 07825 685029 www.letchworthspiritualist A Divine Sunday Service is held throughout the year at 6.30pm, followed by Healing (The Healers of All Souls offer healing at the Hall every Wednesday at 2pm. For details visit their website:

ISLE OF WIGHT VENTNOR SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 8 Victoria Street, Ventnor, Isle of Wight PO38 1ET * Email: Website: www.ventnor Contact: 07800 986288 Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Thursday 12 noon - 2pm Healing Tuesday/Thursday 7pm Various Groups and Circles (Ring for details) Special Events: See website and local press

KENT MAIDSTONE SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (M.S.D.C.) meets at Madginford Hall, Egremont Rd, Maidstone, Kent ME15 8LH & Lower Hall, Tovil Workings Mens Club, Tovil Hill, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6QS Tel: 01622 746249 or 07711811066 Email: msdc@ msdc We run Psychic & Spiritual Development Mornings, Open Circles, Healing and Meditation Mornings with free student readings, monthly evenings of Mediumship, Workshops, Psychic Suppers, Psychic Fairs, Courses, Coach trips etc. Download the programme from our website or ring us!

ALDER HEALING SANCTUARY Rear of 23 Chilton Lane, Ramsgate, Kent CT11 0LQ Tel: 01843 449983 Sunday Service at 3pm (from October) at 6pm (from April) Healing Service every 2nd Sunday of the month TENTERDEN SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Highbury Hall, Highbury Lane, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6LE Email : Tel: 07976 739130 Every Saturday from 6.30pm to 8pm Events (alternating) include Evenings of Clairvoyance (£4, OAP £2) Divine Services (Donation) Meditation and Healing All are welcome at our friendly Centre THE SANCTUARY OF HEALING CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Mills Terrace, Chatham, Kent ME4 5NZ Tel: 01634-880039 E: Website: Sunday Service: 6.30pm Wednesday 10am - 1pm Healing Friday 4pm - 6pm Healing Friday 8pm Clairvoyance We also offer various workshops and special evenings of clairvoyance. Please look on our website for further information.

LANCASHIRE BOLTON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 21 Bradford Street, Bolton, Lancashire BL2 1HT Phone: 01204 430053 Email: SERVICE TIMES Sunday 2pm Divine Service Monday 12 noon - 1.15pm Healing Monday 2pm Mediumship Service Wednesday 7.30pm Open Circle Thurs 7.30pm Mediumship Service Friday 7.30pm & 8.30pm Healing and Healing Circle 1st Saturday of each month 10am - 1pm Private Sittings Follow us on Facebook and Twitter DEARNLEY SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 14-16 New Road, Dearnley, Littleborough, Lancashire OL15 8LX Tel: 01706 377 122 Sunday 10.20am Lyceum

DEARNLEY SPIRITUALIST CHURCH (Continued) Sunday 6.15pm Divine Service Last Sunday in the month 7.45pm Spiritual Healing Tuesday 1.30pm - 2.45pm Development Group Thursday 7.30pm Mediumship Thursday 8.45pm Spiritual Healing Other events as advertised in the church and in local press PRESTON ETHICAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 16 Newton Road, Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston, Lancashire PR2 1DY Tel: 01772 430227 Wedding, Naming, Funeral and Memorial Services Sunday 5pm - 6pm Healing Sunday 6.30pm - 7.30pm Divine Service Tuesday 7.30pm - 8.30pm Clairvoyant Service Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.00pm Monthly Special Thursday 1st & 3rd 7.30pm - 8.30pm Awareness Thursday 2nd & 4th 7.30pm - 8.30pm Open Circle Follow us on Facebook WHITE FEATHER SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Claremont Community Centre, Claremont Road, Blackpool, Lancashire FY1 2QJ Tel: 01253 355595 Every Friday 6.30pm Healing 7.30pm Clairvoyant Evening followed by Open Circle

LEICESTERSHIRE LEICESTER PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUALIST CENTRE 4 St. James Street, Lee Circle, Leicester LE1 3RE President: Marian Sawczuk Services with Mediumship Sundays 6pm Divine Service Mondays 7.30pm Wednesdays 2.30pm Mediumship Demonstrations Thursdays 7.30pm and Saturdays 6.30pm Development Groups and Circles held every day of the week Healing Saturdays 10.30am - 2pm Mondays 6pm - 7pm Wednesdays 1pm - 2pm For details of workshops and special events, visit our website: www.progressivespiritualist Email: info.leicesterprogressive Tel: 0116 2536098



LINCOLNSHIRE STARLIGHT AWARENESS GROUP * The Pavilion, Wainfleet Road, Skegness, Lincolnshire PE25 2EL Contact Pat and Elsie: 01754 810680 Website: Sunday Services 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month at 6.30pm - 8pm Also: Developing self-empowerment through meditation for elimination of past hurts creating a balance within self. Working with spirit and universal energies. Spirit healing training and qualification (Lincolnshire Association of Healers). Spiritual mediumship within its many forms. Spiritual philosophy. Trance communication.

LONDON HENDON INDEPENDENT SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Cheshir Hall, Foster Street (off Brent Street), Hendon, London NW4 2AA * Enquiries: Lorraine on 020 8346 0289 www.hendonspiritualist Every Monday at 7.30pm (except Bank Holidays) Address and Clairvoyance Entrance: £3 inc refreshments & raffle 1st September VALERIE BROWN 8th DAVID CHAPMAN 15th GRAHAM MORRIS 22nd LESLEY JAMES 29th GWEN SMITH & PHILIP LEWISHAM SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 65 Boone Street, Lewisham, London SE13 5SA * Website: Tel: 020 8852 7823 Mediums’ Secretary: 078 2672 3575 Sunday 6.30pm - 8pm Service Tuesday 12.30pm - 2.30pm Private Readings (Bookable with Mediums’ Secretary) Tuesday 1pm - 2.30pm Healing Thursday 7.15pm - 8.30pm Healing 7.15pm - 9pm Group Readings All welcome WALTHAMSTOW NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Vestry Road E17 9NH * Tel: 020 8503 6942 Sundays 6.30pm Service Mondays 7 - 9pm Healing Service Tuesdays 2.00pm Mediumship Thursdays 7.30pm Awareness Circle All Welcome


WEST CROYDON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 1A York Road, West Croydon CR0 3QT TEL: 020 8681 3847 Saturday 7.30pm Service Monday 1pm - 3pm Private Readings and Healing Wednesday 7pm - 9pm Private Readings and Healing Friday: Special Events held monthly. See in church for details. All Welcome WOODFORD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 9 Grove Crescent, South Woodford, London E18 2JR * Enquiries: 020 8989 6149 Monday 1st September 2pm ROBBIE BICKERSTAFF Saturday 6th 7.30pm £3 Mediumship with MARCIO DO AMARAL Sun 7th Workshop with HEATHER DOBBS Sun 7th 6.30pm CAROL WOOD Mon 8th 2pm SANDY WILKINSON (ISM RAM) Sat 13th Noon - 3pm £6 (£5 membs) Workshop with VAL BICKERSTAFF Sun 14th 11am - 4pm £10 Workshop: ‘Co-Create with Spirit’ with PAT MCNALLY & DANIEL NAUGHNANE Sunday 14th 4pm - 5.30pm £3 Open Group Meditation: ‘Sitting in the Divine Power’ with ESTHER EMANUEL Sunday 14th 6.30pm MONICA MANUNZA & JEREMY TURNER-WELCH Mon 15th 2pm MICHAEL REDWIN Tues 16th 1pm - 5.30pm £10 Workshop: ‘Intuitive Ways with a Sketchbook’ with PAT MCNALLY & DANIEL NAUGHNANE No drawing skills required Sat 20th Noon - 3pm £6 (membs £5) Workshop with MIKE MATTHEWS Sunday 21st 11am - 4pm £10 Shamanic Workshop Sun 21st 6.30pm SUSAN GRIFFITHS Monday 22nd 2pm MARCIO DO AMARAL Sat 27th Noon - 3pm £6 (membs £5) Workshop with JEFF PHILLIPS Sun 28th 11am - 4pm £10 Workshop with SUSAN GRIFFITHS ‘Spreading the Word in the 21st Century - 1 Sun 28th 6.30pm MARK MCDONAGH Mon 29th 2pm MARGERY GEARY Weekly: Tuesday 7.30 - 9pm £3 Open Circle Wed 2 - 4pm & 7.30 - 9pm Healing Friday 7.30 - 9pm £3 Open Circle First Friday of the month at 7.30pm Open Circle for Platform Mediums WOOD GREEN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH (Cnr of Maryland Road) High Road, Wood Green, London N22 5AR * Minister in Spirit: Mrs Ida Stenning Enquiries: 020 8888 1992 Website: www.woodgreen Sunday 6.30pm Service Wednesday 7.30pm Service Tuesday 7.00pm - 8.30pm Healing Thursday 2.00pm - 4.30pm Healing


MANCHESTER DENTON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Annan Street, Denton, Manchester M34 3FX Email: Tel: 0161 303 9080 Sunday 3pm Divine Service Monday 7.30pm Healing Tuesday 7.30pm Service with Mediumship Friday 7.30pm Music & Mediumship Saturday 7.30pm Evening of Mediumship

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MIDDLESEX THE LIGHT ON THE HILL HARROW SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 1 Vaughan Road, Harrow, Middlesex, London HA1 1DP * Email: Tel: 07528 348 432 Service Times: Sunday 7.30pm - 9pm Wednesday 7.45pm - 9pm Healing Services: Monday 10am - 12pm Wednesday 9.15pm - 9.45pm Sunday 7.30pm at start of Service

HAMPTON HILL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Angel Close, Windmill Road, Hampton Hill TW12 1RG * Enquiries: 020 8941 5177 www.hamptonhillspiritualists. Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Wednesday 7.30pm Healing Thursday 7.30pm Midweek Service Monthly classes at 7.30pm: 1st Monday Open Platform 2nd and last Monday Open Awareness Circle 2nd Tues Mediumship Theory Class 3rd Monday Mediumship Practice Circle 3rd Tuesday Open Healing Circle 4th Tuesday Speakers and Philosophy Class KENTON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH AND HEALING CENTRE 35 Churchill Avenue, Kenton, Nr. Harrow, Middlesex HA3 0AX Enquiries: 020 8621 3103 * Sunday 6.30pm Service Wednesday 7.30pm - 9pm Healing Thursday 7.45pm Service THE SANCTUARY OF THE SILVER CROSS Friends’ Meeting House, York Road (opp. Sainsbury’s), Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 1QW Founder: FRANK MECHELLE President: LINDA CHANT Telephone: 07792 900194 www. Sunday at 6.30pm Divine Service

NORFOLK NORTH WALSHAM SPIRITUAL CENTRE St Johns Ambulance Hall, Preference Place, Bacton Road, North Walsham, Norfolk NR28 9DR Contact: Rachel Finbow Tel: 01263 588016 Sunday Service at 6.30pm

NOTTS. MANSFIELD SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Dallas Street, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 5SZ Website: Email: enquiries@mansfield. Tel: President - 01623 842 143 Sunday 10.00am Meditation & Awareness Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Monday 7.00pm Development Circle Thursday 7.30pm Healing Service Saturday 10:00am till 12:00pm Healing ‘Drop in’ Wednesday & Saturday (Special Events) 7:30pm Special Events and Workshops as advertised locally

OXFORDSHIRE THE KARENZA SPIRITUAL NETWORK Cholsey Pavilion, Station Road, Cholsey, Wallingford OX10 9PT Tel: 01491 523822 Monday 8th Sept 7.30pm £5 An Evening of Mediumship with IRENE BUCKINGHAM Saturday 11th Oct 7.30pm £8 An Evening of Mediumship with DONNA STEWART Sunday 12th Oct 10am - 4pm £40 One Day Psychic & Mediumship Development Workshop with DONNA STEWART Limited places, booking essential Everyone very welcome Please find more information at: WITNEY SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Burwell Hall, Thorney Leys, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 5NP Tel: 01993 200558 Mob: 07813 847955 Sunday 6.15pm Service Spiritual Healing and Reiki Healing are available before or after the service

SOMERSET ALCOMBE AND MINEHEAD CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH * Grove Place, Manor Rd, Alcombe, Minehead, Somerset TA24 6EH Tel: 0783 110 4896 Summer Sunday Service 6.30pm (March to end of October) Winter Sunday Service 3.00pm (November to end of February) Healing groups, a monthly healing day, healing evenings, open circles, evenings of clairvoyance all available on various days during each month. See our website for the full day-by-day itinerary of what our church can offer you. www.mineheadspiritualist YEOVIL PSYCHIC SOCIETY Monmouth Hall, Monmouth Road, Yeovil, Somerset BA21 5NP Tel: 0196 322 0306 Meetings on Wednesdays at 7.30pm For Clairvoyant Evenings and Special Evenings please see our website at:

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BRIDGWATER CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Queen Street, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 3DA President: Anne Willmetts Contact Telephone Number: 01278 444450 Email: Website: www.bridgwater For workshops and special events, including clairvoyant evenings, please see website Service Every Sunday 6.30pm with visiting mediums Development Circle Every Tuesday 7.30pm Healing Clinics Every Monday 6.45pm - 8.00pm (except Bank Holidays) The opportunity to receive healing for body, mind and spirit in a peaceful environment Healing Day Every Wednesday 10am - 3pm Drop in for healing and upliftment in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere Also, guided visualisation for meditation at 11am and 1.10pm

SURREY CROYDON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Chatsworth Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1HE President: Mrs Mollie McManus OSNU, LSSNU Contact telephone numbers: 020 8688 1827 & 07990 535942 E-mail: For special events see our website: www.croydon Sunday 11am Service Sunday 6.30pm Service Wednesday 7.45pm Service Thursday Healing 1.30pm - 3.30pm & 6.00pm - 8.00pm Open Platform third Monday of each month at 7.30pm KINGSTON NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Villiers Road, Kingston upon Thames KT1 3AR Website: General Secretary: Mrs Gerrie Chaney Tel: 020 8401 6967 Sunday Services: 11am and 6.30pm Monday Evening of Mediumship: 7.30pm £3 (£2 Members) Monday Healing 8.45pm - 9.45pm (Donation). Wednesday Healing 2pm - 4pm Enter through side gate (Donation) Please visit our website to see all our events!



BRIGHTON NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Edward Street, Brighton BN2 0JR Website: www.brightonnational Enquiries: 01273 571168 or 01273 683088 Sunday Services 11am and 6.30pm Wednesday 7.30pm Mediumship (Open Circle 7.30pm last Wednesday every month) Healing: Wednesday 11am-12 noon Thursday 7pm - 8pm Friday 7.30pm Awareness Group

RUGBY INDEPENDENT SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Pennington Mews (Off Lawford Road), Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2RG Tel: 07854 833119 Email: rugbyspiritualistchurch Websites: and Spiritualist.Church Sunday Services 6.30pm Clairvoyant Evenings twice monthly £4 Open Circle (Mondays 8pm) twice monthly £2 Private Readings (Saturday mornings)

RYE CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CENTRE The Rye Club, Market Road, Rye, East Sussex TN31 7JA Every Wednesday 7pm - 9pm Group Meeting – development, spiritual awareness, workshops Saturday 5th July 7pm - 9pm Service & Clairvoyance Saturday 19th July 7pm - 9pm Evening of Clairvoyance www.ryechristianspiritualist

SUSSEX - WEST EAST GRINSTEAD SPIRITUAL CHURCH Old Court House, College Lane, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 3LS Website: Sunday services are held on the first and third Sunday of every month, starting from 11.00am and finishing at 1.00pm. Evening demonstrations of mediumship take place on the fourth Friday of every month. These last from 7.30pm until 9.30pm, and entry is £4.50 per person. THE YAPTON AND BARNHAM SNU SPIRITUALIST PIONEER CENTRE The Yapton and Ford Village Hall, Main Road, Yapton, West Sussex BN18 0ET Tel: 01243 545339 www.yaptonandbarnham Open Every Monday at 7.30pm for Spiritual Events (Divine Service every 1st Monday) (Healing, Meditation and Q & A every last Monday) Follow us on Facebook All Welcome

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WEST MIDLANDS BILSTON CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH AND HEALING CENTRE (Greater World affiliated) Broad Street, Bilston, West Midlands WV14 0BP 01902 457173 or 07870 408279 Sunday 6.30pm - 8pm Divine Service Wednesday 7.30pm-9pm Clairvoyance Evening Special events announced in church All welcome BROADGATE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 73-83 Eagle Street, Coventry, West Midlands CV1 4GP Tel: 024 7646 2412 Website: Email: Monday 7.00 - 9.00pm Eagle Wayfarers Adult Lyceum Awareness Group Thursday 1.30pm Divine Service with Mediumship Thursday 7.30pm Demonstration of Mediumship Friday 5.30 - 6.30pm Spiritual Healing and Private Sittings For other events please see website DUDLEY SPIRITUALIST CENTRE * Inc. Dudley & Great Bridge Spiritualist Church, Buffery Centre, Paradise, Dudley, West Midlands DY2 8NB Associated to the Spiritualists’ National Union Enquiries: Ms S. Whittle PAS Tel: 01384 75192 Charity Registration 261898 Tuesday Healing 6.30pm - 7.15pm Members’ Circles 7.30pm - 9.00pm Development Group Thursday st rd 1 , 3 & 5th weeks in the month Demonstration starting at 7.30pm Thursday Divine Service: 2nd & 4th week in month Starting at 7.30pm (Doors open 7pm) Home Visits Private Sittings arranged by request Special events/services as advertised A warm welcome to all



WEST MIDLANDS SMETHWICK NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 152 Thimblemill Road, Smethwick, West Midlands B67 5RG www.smethwickspiritualist Follow us on Facebook Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Free-will donation Tuesday 7.15pm Healing Free-will donation Wednesday 1.30pm Clairvoyance Free-will donation Thursday 7.30pm £2 (£1.50 membs) Evening of Clairvoyance Special events as advertised on Facebook and in Church STOURBRIDGE NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Union Street, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 1PJ * Website: www.stourbridge Tel: 01384 825060 or 01384 352082 Sunday 6.30pm Service Monday 2.30pm Service Occasional Saturdays 7.30pm Monday 1 - 2pm Healing Thursday 7.30 - 9pm Healing All welcome SUTTON COLDFIELD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Kenelm Road, Off Manor Hill, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B73 6HD Website: Tel: 0121 354 3266 Sunday 6.30pm Service Monday 1.30pm Service Occasional Wednesdays 7.30pm Thursday 8.00pm Healing Saturday 11.00am Healing All Welcome

YORKSHIRE DONCASTER NATIONAL PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Catherine Street, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN1 3PS Tel: 01302 855164 Follow us on Facebook Monday 7.00pm - 8.00pm Mediumship Thursday 7.00pm - 8.00pm Open Circle Sunday 6.30pm - 8.00pm Address and Mediumship All Welcome MIDDLESBROUGH SPIRITUALIST (SNU) CHURCH 115 Borough Road, Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire TS1 3AN Tel: 01642 299042 Website: spiritualist-church.html Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Thursday 7.00pm Service Special Events as advertised


NORMANTON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Hopetown and Loscoe Centre, Back of Oxford Street, Normanton, West Yorkshire WF6 1QE Email: normantonsnucentre@ Enquiries: 07722 370086 Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Tuesday 6.30 Healing Service Wednesday 7.00pm Service with Demonstration of Mediumship Other events advertised in the church Follow us on Facebook All welcome

WALES BARRY NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH & CENTRE Buttrills Road, Barry, South Glamorgan CF62 8EF Tel: 01446 420629 Website: Sunday 6.00pm Divine Service Monday 7.00pm Open Circle or first Monday of each month: an Evening of Mediumship Wednesday 1.30 - 2.30pm Spiritual Healing Thursday 6.30 - 7.30pm Spiritual Healing THE HEALING SANCTUARY Holy Island, Anglesey, North Wales Absent Healing for people and pets - no fees. Reiki Courses available, from beginner to master level. Healing Respite Breaks available. Tranquil gardens and meditation areas. Beautiful surrounding scenery. Accommodation available. For information on course costs and breaks please telephone Julie: 01407459402 or e-mail: TheSanctuaryHealing@ TYWYN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH & CENTRE Station Road, Tywyn, Gwynedd LL36 9AH Website: www. Email: Services on Fridays at 7.30pm Find us on Facebook at: tywynspiritualistchurch

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WREXHAM SPIRITUAL CHURCH Quakers Meeting House, Holt Road, Wrexham Phone: 01978 354 568 Divine Service Mondays 7.30pm - 9.00pm Development Circle Thursdays 7.30pm

SCOTLAND GLASGOW CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF SPIRITUALISTS 64 Berkeley Street, Glasgow G3 7DS Tel: 0141 221 6201 Sunday 5pm to 6pm Healing Sunday 6.30pm to 7.30pm Divine Service Monday 7.30pm to 8.30pm Evening of Mediumship Tuesday 2pm to 3pm Afternoon of Mediumship Thursday 7.30pm Meditation Group THE LITTLE ROSE CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Barmulloch Community Centre, 46 Wallacewell Quadrant, Barmulloch, Glasgow G21 3PX President: Gary B. Gray Tel: 0141 347 0455 Mob: 07812 40 40 43 Email: thelittlerosechurch Service every Thursday at 7pm. All Welcome PERTH SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 40 New Row, Perth, Perthshire, Scotland PH1 5QA Tel: 07724 411 922 Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Followed by Healing (8.15pm) Wednesday 7 .00pm Service Followed by Healing (8.30pm) WHITE EAGLE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Buchan Park Bowling Club, Albyn Place, Greendykes Road, Broxburn, West Lothian EH52 5AF Tel: 0770 8252 469 www.whiteeaglespiritualist Service every Tuesday at 7.30pm Doors open at 6.45pm Follow us on Facebook

AWARENESS GROUP Inverurie, Aberdeenshire Contact Chris on: 07890 185 269 A beginners’ group for those just starting their journey. We meet every fortnight on a Tuesday at 7pm Next meetings: Tuesday 16th & 30th September

GUERNSEY THE GREETING PLACE FOUNDATION SPIRITUALIST CENTRE * Douzaine Room, St Peters, Guernsey, Channel Islands Enquiries to: Margaret Phillips Tel: 01481 256629 E-mail: Website: www.healingand Our regular services are: Sunday 11.00am Address and Communication Wednesday 7.30pm Healing Group Saturday 10.30am Healing Clinic Other services as announced Everyone welcome

U.S.A. FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 3777 42nd Street, San Diego, CA 92105, USA Pastor: Rev Doris Horvath Sunday 10.00am Healing Service Sunday 11.00am Worship Service Plus full itinerary


SPIRITUALIST SOCIETY OF ATHENS * “The Divine Light” Channelled Teachings from the highest authority of the Heavenly Kingdom. Various spiritual leaders, from Socrates and St. John the Baptist to Goethe and Newton teach invaluable lessons to humanity. E-mail: Address: 12 Niovis Str., Athens, Greece, 11252

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