Psychic News Mag 66 - October 2015

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£3.80 | OCTOBER 2015












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READER OFFER: £800 of tickets to give away!

Mind Body Soul Experience comes to Ally Pally! Prime Impact, the organisers of this October’s Mind Body Soul Experience, are offering 20 pairs of three-day passes, worth £44 a pair, to Psychic News readers. More and more people are choosing a pro-active way to better health – changing their eating habits, space clearing and gaining peace of mind through meditation, energy work, and other spiritual paths. This is why people go year after year to the Mind Body Soul Experience; the show explores a wide spectrum of subjects to intrigue and captivate its audience. This fun-packed weekend is a great way to experience new and exciting things, and is the perfect pick-me-up. Exhibitors, stage performances, hands-on therapy – there really is something for everyone, and Psychic News readers have the chance to go along for free! A new venue means the chance to introduce some new ideas, and the 2015 show will see the introduction of the Therapy Zone. This designated area of the exhibition will be full of experts offering one-toone hands-on therapy only; reiki, massage, acupuncture, reflexology and more – these therapists are dedicated to ensuring that you leave completely refreshed and relaxed. The Angel Zone will be offering readings, angelic reiki, angelic healing, angel gifts and art, and the Experience Zone will provide workshops that will get you up and moving. All this, together with a showcase of stands selling crystals, soaps, aromatherapy oils, jewellery, food, and so much more, makes this a weekend you can’t afford to miss. What’s more, visitors to the Mind Body Soul Experience can visit the OM Yoga Show, taking place in an adjoining hall, at no extra cost. Two shows for the price of one! For your chance to win one of the 20 pairs of three-day passes, simply send your name, address and email address to: or post your details to: Mind Body Soul Tickets, Psychic News, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM22 7WE, UK. The closing date for entries is 12 noon on Thursday 8th October 2015. The winners will be drawn at random from all the entries received. Tickets are for entry only and cannot be redeemed for cash or gifts. Please ensure you are able to attend the event before entering in the draw. The Mind Body Soul Experience takes place on the 23rd, 24th and 25th October 2015 at Alexandra Palace, London, N22 7AY. Opening Times: Friday 11am - 6pm | Saturday 10am – 6pm | Sunday 10am – 5pm Online admission costs: Adults £10 | Concessions £8 Admission on the door costs: Adults: £12 | Concessions £10 For further details visit:



Contents 5



24 Theosophy The movement that split Spiritualism - part 1

44 Helping lost souls

Roy Stemman’s paranormal reflections

46 Keeping the spirit of

27 All worlds are one

Wendy Stokes advises on rescue circles and possession

Nina Simone alive

29 A new world order? David Hopkins’ Spiritualist viewpoint

05 News 14 Itching for cure that eluded doctors

... until trance healer came to the rescue

32 Spiritual art

A plethora of diversity in PN’s monthly gallery

38 Breaking the code

Sir Oliver Lodge’s attempt to prove his survival

18 Letters from a dead son 42 A good read Scientific study confirms spirit communications

Our selection of spiritual titles to read at your leisure


The medium, entertainer and media mogul Interview with Lisa Williams on her remarkable career

Fascinating psychic connections with the ‘High Priestess of Soul’

50 Have your say 52 How to use the Nadi Readers’ letters


developed by Billy Roberts

55 The psychic legacy of Jack the Ripper

John West discusses associated ghosts and hauntings

58 Golden celebration for Unitarians

Religious movement embraces the paranormal

46 55




EDITOR Roy Stemman ASSISTANT EDITOR, ADVERTISING, CIRCULATION & MARKETING Paul Brett CHIEF REPORTER Kay Hunter EDITORIAL SECRETARY & CIRCULATION Amber Wallbank TECHNICAL ASSISTANT Magnus Smith DESIGN AND LAYOUT Louise Lynch ACCOUNTS Bryan Golland CONTACT DETAILS: Psychic Press Ltd, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM22 7WE, UK Tel: 01279 874339 EDITORIAL EMAIL WEBSITE & ONLINE SUBSCRIPTIONS ISSN 0033-2801 Opinions expressed in PN’s Personal Experience columns are those of their individual authors and should not necessarily be taken as an endorsement by the editor. The Psychic News logos are UK and Community registered trade marks of JV TR Limited (Company Number 07793490) and are used under licence

Psychic News. Published by Psychic Press Limited. Pre-press and printing by Warners (Midland), Lincolnshire. We regret that we are unable to recommend particular mediums and healers. Whilst we endeavour to ensure those given editorial coverage on our pages and those who advertise their services are bona fide exponents, the abilities of exponents are often subjective. Advertisements appearing in Psychic News do not necessarily reflect editorial policy and no responsibility can be accepted for dissatisfaction with any service or product. Readers are asked to exercise due care when responding to advertisements. Whilst we welcome them, PN cannot take responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, articles, photographs etc. © Psychic Press Ltd

FROM THE EDITOR WE are seldom prepared for the physical loss of a loved one, regardless of whether or not we believe in an afterlife or – better still – have received irrefutable evidence of our continued existence beyond the grave. The heartache suffered is inevitably increased when that loss is sudden and unexpected and happens to someone in the prime of life. Purely by coincidence, this issue of Psychic News carries two strikingly similar stories of tragedies in countries thousands of miles apart. One was a 21-year-old Englishman, Roger Whitby, who died in 1963. The other is Brazilian Jair Presente, aged 24. Both had studied at university and were fit and healthy. Both were relaxing with family or friends. And both died by diving into a large body of water and failing to come to the surface. We can only imagine the impact that their deaths had on those who knew and loved them. It would take most families many years to come to terms with that loss, if at all. Fortunately, in both cases,

mediumship provided the comfort they needed and the reassurance that they were still very much alive in another sphere of existence. What’s more, their tragic deaths have indirectly helped others gain a better understanding of the continuity of life: that death is not an end but a beginning. Roger Whitby’s death encouraged his parents, both Unitarian ministers, to establish a psychic research society and to publish a book about the messages they received from him about his new life in the Beyond. Jair Presente was able to write 13 letters to his parents and sister through the hand of medium Chico Xavier. Those letters contained 99 items of information that have now been investigated by a team of researchers at a Brazilian University who report 98 per cent accuracy: formidable evidence of spirit communication. Indirectly, the deaths of Roger and Jair and their subsequent communications have already helped comfort countless families who have been hit by similar tragedies, and will continue to do so. And in sharing their stories, Psychic News hopes also to help lessen the sting of death for readers experiencing similar losses. ROY STEMMAN

Psychic News: the voice of Spiritualism Two of Spiritualism’s leading exponents helped create and launch Psychic News in 1932. Hannen Swaffer, one of the UK’s most famous journalists, and Maurice Barbanell, a businessman who was also a trance medium, recognised the need for a publication that would satisfy the public’s desire for up-to-date and independent information about Spiritualism and mediumship. They regularly addressed audiences of thousands in theatres around the country as families came to terms with the loss of loved ones who had died in World War I and the devastating Spanish flu pandemic of 1918. Barbanell was its first editor and Swaffer became a regular contributor. Today, eight decades later, Psychic News continues to be the independent voice of Spiritualism in a very different world. What has not changed is the desire to have an answer to The Big Question: What happens after death? Psychic News makes a unique contribution to that debate every month with news, features and opinion pieces that explore the evidence for an afterlife and spirit communication. Above all, Spiritualism and Psychic News are life-affirming, so our features also explore ways in which readers can enrich their lives spiritually and make the right choices. Why not let us be your travelling companion, offering words of wisdom and support, as you continue on your soul’s journey through this lifetime?




Colin Fry passes to spirit world Tributes pour in from his fellow mediums AFTER a very successful, high profile career which brought comfort to so many, the Reverend Colin Fry, one of Britain’s best-known mediums who was an ordained United Spiritualists minister, lost his battle with lung cancer in the early hours of 25 August at the age of 53. His funeral took place in West Sussex on 11 September. Colin revealed to Psychic News in April that although he had been diagnosed with terminal cancer he intended to continue with his public demonstrations and other commitments for as long as possible. We broke the news and paid tribute to his astonishing career in PN May 2015 issue. As well as being a Psychic News columnist, the internationally-famous medium was also one of our staunchest supporters, notably in giving his services free for a fund-raising event at London’s Shaw Theatre in February last year. As we said in our tribute earlier this year, his television career included 160 episodes of 6ixth Sense with Colin Fry as well as other TV series. In addition, he produced four best-selling books, including an autobiography, The Happy Medium. He also toured internationally, appearing at between 130 and 160

theatres and other large venues every year. In his early career, which began with public demonstrations at the age of 17 under the name of “Lincoln”, he also developed physical mediumship, producing impressive phenomena in this country and under test conditions in Japan. But his reputation was dented in 1992 by an incident in which a light came on during a séance and instead of being secured to his chair he was found to be holding a trumpet that was supposed to be levitating. His supporters argue that he was possessed by a mischievous spirit but sceptics claim it was fraud. Despite that, Colin continued with physical mediumship for some time afterwards but later concentrated on mental mediumship with which he could reach far more people. A physical phenomenon that occurred at some of his séances – the removal of a shirt from under a sweater whilst he was




Mike Rogers these never before published tied totook a chair – was captured with an images of Colin Fry at a physical seance held in infrared light by Mike Rogers, technical total darkness on 20 May, 1997 using infrared film officer of the Ark Society, an filter with the camera flashNoah’s covered with a special organisation promoted physical that excluded visiblethat light. It shows the paranormalmediumship, removal of a during shirt from under a buttoned a controlled séance cardigan whilstEast secured by cable ties to the in Hove, Sussex, at the home ofarms John of the chair. The ties were intact at the end of the Austin. seance and the shirt ended up at the feet of a sitWith permission, we are ter. Rogers wasMike’s instructed by the voice of the methese imagestofor the first time. dium’spublishing spirit control, Magnus, take the pictures at the time intervals shown.

After 40 seconds

25 seconds later

Colin was admired not only as a highly evidential medium but also as a generous human being, as can be seen from the following tributes, mostly from fellowmediums: Robert Brown: It is many years since we worked together as young mediums. Colin was generosity itself; even when he became very well known, he was always willing to step forward, often without having to be asked, to support a friend or colleague in endorsing books or others’ work. His many admirers and supporters will no doubt cherish his great gift of mediumship that he was able to share with so many. I recall the first rate physical phenomena I witnessed with him, once with both Leslie Flint and Gordon Higginson present, when Leslie proclaimed: “I am so happy we have such mediums still developing”. I wish more people could have witnessed this special ability Colin had. I am in no doubt that there is rejoicing in the spirit realms, as they welcome home a true Spiritualist medium.

15 seconds later

Tony Stockwell (above) was a friend for 25 years. He toured with Colin in the UK and overseas, as did TJ Higgs (below).

Mike Rogers took these never before published images of Colin Fry at a physical séance held in total darkness on 20 May, 1997 using infrared film with the camera flash covered with a special filter that excluded visible light. It shows the paranormal removal of a shirt from under a buttoned cardigan whilst secured by cable ties to the arms of the chair. The ties were intact at the end of the séance and the shirt ended up at the feet of a sitter. Rogers was instructed by the voice of the medium’s spirit control, Magnus, to take the pictures at the time intervals shown.



Tony Stockwell: I’d known Colin since I was 21. We met on a Noah’s Ark Society seminar and we’d been friends ever since – so I’ve known and worked with him for 25 years. It’s desperately sad that he has passed at such a young age. Colin was such a sharing medium, and that’s what I’ll remember about him. He was very open to offer other people opportunities. He had just started filming for the 6ixth Sense and he rang me up and said the TV production company he was with were looking for somebody else, and he wanted to put me forward. He didn’t need to offer me that opportunity but he did. That’s what Colin was about. He was a sharer. So I’m immensely grateful to him for introducing me to television work. I was very lucky. It was from that introduction that I got my first TV show, which was Street Psychic. Later, I worked with Colin on his show, followed by Tony Stockwell: Private Detective and then we all went together to do Psychic Private Eyes. We toured the UK for seven years and then did a tour of New Zealand together. I was also a constant guest on 6ixth Sense with Colin Fry. So we were always together, and we were good mates for such a long time. Colin and I were among the early members of the Noah’s Ark Society and I have to say Colin’s physical mediumship could be phenomenal. He was such a caring, good man who was a joy to be with. Probably my fondest memory of him was when we demonstrated at the London Palladium – very few mediums have done that – which we televised. I recall being backstage and when Colin suddenly realised he was in the Judy Garland dressing room he looked at me and said, “It doesn’t get any better than this!” TJ Higgs: We worked together on Psychic Private Eyes and then I was on tour with him for about four years. We went all over the UK and Ireland, as well as New Zealand and Norway, so we spent a lot of time together. We also did The Best of British Mediumship Tour with Tony Stockwell. Basically, we were put together to film one evening for one of the shows and we just literally clicked, we just linked. He’d say the first part of a sentence and I’d finish it, and vice versa. And he just looked at me and said, “You’re coming on tour with me.” On every photo shoot he would be naughty and make me laugh, and we’d get the giggles – it would be a nightmare to reel us both back in. He was a great ambassador for


mediumship. He had an amazing way of communicating with people. He took mediumship out there to the public, and we all know what happens when you go public – people like to attack. He didn’t let any of that phase him. He really opened up the world of mediumship and brought comfort to so many people. He also had an amazing quality to share and encourage other mediums. Even in his dying months, he was bringing on other mediums. He allowed me to share my gift with the world and that was very special about him. I’m so lucky that he believed in me.

Billy Cook tells of outpouring of love

YOUR CHANCE TO SAY THANKS Colin’s civil partner Mikey is continuing with a dog sanctuary project they embarked on in Spain in his memory. The land has been purchased but funds are required to build and equip it. If you wish to express your appreciation of Colin’s work you can make a donation at Jacky Newcomb: Colin taught a whole generation of people that death is not the end, and we are grateful for that. I saw him for the final time just a few weeks ago. He came to a venue in Cornwall, close to my home. My friend Barrie John was working on stage with Colin and we arranged my visit as a surprise. I’ll never forget the look on Colin’s face as I walked through the door. It was wonderful, and we were able to have a final hug and chat for a few moments. Colin texted me just a few days ago. It was his goodbye message to friends. I felt privileged to have been in that small group. Even then, I was amazed that he was thinking of others in his final few days on Earth. It gave me a wonderful opportunity to tell him how much he meant to me. I will miss him very much. He has left a big hole in the heart of the world, having touched the hearts of millions.

George Cranley: Colin was a fine physical medium, as far as I was concerned. We travelled overseas together to Japan and Australia, where he demonstrated his mediumship impressively. Those are my finest memories of him. I was sorry when he gave up physical mediumship under pressure from various people. But people sometimes do stupid things which made it difficult for him. For example, on one occasion someone put the light on and blood came out of his mouth. It was too horrible to describe. I warned him, “You’re playing with fire, really, by giving in to these people and holding these séances.” I advised him to concentrate on direct voice, like Leslie Flint, and he did. But others wanted more. We thought he’d eventually move onto materialisation but that never happened, unfortunately. Colin was a very nice young man and he was there for a lot of people. It didn’t matter who they were; if they were in trouble he was the first to run to their help. [George Cranley was president of the Noah’s Ark Society during Colin’s association with the organisation.] Colin is survived by his civil partner, Mikey. They lived at Zarzadilla De Totana in Spain where they recently set up the Rainbow Lodge Dog Sanctuary in Murcia. Mikey is continuing to run the sanctuary, as a memorial to his partner (see “Your chance to say thanks”, above).

Billy Cook: It was while we were both working at the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain that we became friends and I got to know him better when he came there to do demonstrations and conduct workshops. It was there we discovered our mutual love of a glass of red wine, dogs, naughty jokes, the absurd, Barbra Streisand and laughing at pompous people. Colin was one of the most generous men I have ever met, especially in his mediumship, and he was never afraid to give new mediums a helping hand. When I worked with him last year at Tencreek, Cornwall, he told the audience that I was one of the few mediums who never criticised him when he was a young and up-and-coming medium and he had a lot of respect for my work. That was Colin as usual: so generous of spirit. This year at Tencreek, when the public knew of his illness, there was such an outpouring of love for this special man who had done so much to promote mediumship. Reverend Colin Fry, you were truly the people’s medium. PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015



Husband testifies to actress’ spirit return IT is almost a year since the much-loved British actress Lynda Bellingham died of colon cancer in the London Clinic. In her final months, she inspired many with her brave and cheerful public acceptance of her terminal illness which she displayed through TV appearances and a memoir, There’s Something I’ve Been Dying To Tell You. Now her husband, Michael Pattemore, has told the story of her life and death from his perspective, revealing in the process that she is still very much alive. In extracts from Pattemore’s book, My Lynda (Simon & Schuster), published in Mail on Sunday’s Femail section on 13 September, we learn: “Lynda was a great believer in the afterlife and I always knew that if she had any way of communicating with me, she would do so. I like to believe she has.” Evidence of her continuing existence has come through medium Yvonne Williams of Crewkerne, Somerset, which is Pattemore’s hometown and also the place where Lynda’s funeral was held. He shares with readers the difficulty he had in finding a particular pair of Lynda’s handmade shoes that he wanted to give to the undertaker so that she would be suitably dressed for her departure from this world. During a phone call from Yvonne Williams, telling him that she was in contact with his wife, Pattemore was told: “Lynda’s saying she’s glad you finally found the shoes. It’s a pity they didn’t fit.” The grieving husband observes: “That was scary. It was true. How did Yvonne know?” Lynda also referred to having her dog with her. It was, the medium added, the black-and-white one in the photo on top of the television in their bedroom. The dog in question was Star, a sheepdog Lynda had bought for her son Michael, and the actress referred to the dog in her memoir. “But how the hell did she [the medium] know about the photo and where it was?” Later, Pattemore had his first face-toface meeting with the medium and these proved so comforting that he soon began having monthly sittings. “Some of the things she comes out with – very personal things – are amazing and very comforting.”



Joe Morton as Dr. Charles Richmond: hospital administrator at Bay Vista Photo: Turner Broadcasting System Inc

Afterlife no longer an unanswered question for this leading actor

Now her husband, Michael Pattemore, has told the story of her life and death from his perspective, revealing in the process that she is still very much alive

BUSY actor Joe Morton has spent the summer contemplating the afterlife. In his latest TV drama series, Proof, he plays the role of hospital administrator Dr Charles Richmond who has to keep his staff in check. During an interview for the online magazine Root, Morton reflects upon his visit to an unnamed London medium “many, many years ago”. “I’m not into psychics, but my friend was,” he explained. “The more she kept describing a particular medium, the more I was curious, so I went to see her. “She kept saying, ‘You have a question you want to ask me’, but I said ‘No’, I was just there out of curiosity. “Before I knew it, she began to describe a conversation between a fellow actor who had died, and me. No one could have known anything about it – certainly not in the kind of detail that she was relating to me. Then she gave me his answer to our conversation, which again, just seemed impossible. “Then my grandmother appeared. Didn’t say anything. She had died several years earlier. Then my father appeared. The psychic was correct. The question I wanted to ask was, ‘How did you die?’ “My father died under very suspicious circumstances. His response to me was, ‘You will never find out what was done to me, but you have a greater responsibility to take care of your mother,’ at which point he disappeared. “So it was an incredibly powerful afternoon. I went back once after that, and nothing ever happened.”


Uri Geller moves back to Israel SUPER psychic spoon-bender Uri Geller is returning to his homeland, after living in England for 45 years. Speaking to Psychic News from his home in Sonning, Berkshire, early in September, Uri explained: “From the first day I left Israel, in June 1972, I always had this aching desire, this yearning, to go back to my homeland. I never knew I would be out of Israel for so long.” In the early part of his career, Uri lived in America, Japan and Germany before choosing Sonning to be his permanent home. It was there that celebrities and family celebrated the renewal of Uri’s and Hannah’s wedding vows in March 2001. Michael Jackson was best man. But the pull of his homeland has proved stronger, so he and his wife Hannah have bought a home in Jaffa. He confesses: “I will miss everything about England. Instead of sitting in a very luxurious house overlooking the River Thames and seeing boats pass by, we will be in a tiny apartment in Old Jaffa, which is 5,000 years old, and we’ll overlook the Mediterranean, with views of palm trees, archaeological sites and a Greek church.” One factor in his decision is the way in which the world has changed since he first

made headlines around the world. “The world is now a tiny village – it’s a global village – because the internet rules the world. We all have computers and mobile phones, as well as Google, Facebook, Twitter, Facetime and so much more. It’s amazing. “My daughter Natalie lives in Los Angeles, yet I see her every day on my iPad. So, it doesn’t matter where I am as long as I have the set up of my communications globally, and I’ve decided I’d rather be in my homeland, which I love so dearly. “My son Daniel is a very successful barrister, a prosecutor, in London, so I’ll be visiting him a lot. I will also return regularly to visit my mother’s grave in Sonning. I haven’t decided yet whether I’ll sell my house or keep it.” Uri soon dispels any suggestion that he may be retiring. It was in Israel that Uri launched a very successful TV show 10 years ago to find The Next Uri Geller. That concept went worldwide and involved Uri appearing in various adaptations, such as The Successor, Phenomena and The New Uri Geller in 20 other countries.

“Now I’ve come up with a new format in the same genre, Mind Masters Live, which was immediately snapped up by Dutch TV’s SBS6,” Uri explains. “It’s a live family entertainment show, in which I and the phenomenal mentalist Walter Rolfo will battle each other with a team of eight mentalists. It launches in November and will feature apparent demonstrations of telekinesis, mind reading and other strange phenomena.” Uri hopes that the show’s ratings will result in it being taken up by other TV companies around the world. “It just means that instead of flying out from London every weekend to Amsterdam for the 12 episodes of the live show, I will be flying from Tel Aviv.”




Famous materialisation medium returns to London college Helen Duncan joins the ranks of those recognised for their services to Spiritualism It is 84 years since Helen Duncan was last seen at 16 Queensbury Place, in London’s South Kensington district. In those days, the imposing building was home to the London Spiritualist Alliance (LSA) and she was famous as a materialisation medium. A series of test séances in an upper room in 1931 proved unsatisfactory and resulted in a report suggesting that the “ectoplasm” produced was a normal substance, possibly cheesecloth, which Duncan had swallowed and then regurgitated to give the appearance of a paranormal substance. She left, never to return. The former LSA is now the College of Psychic Studies (CPS) and Duncan is remembered by Spiritualists as the only medium to be prosecuted and imprisoned, in 1944, under Section 4 of the Witchcraft Act 1735. So it may come as a surprise to many that the controversial medium is now very much back in evidence at Queensberry Place. A framed portrait of Duncan was ceremonially hung on the wall of an upper room – maybe even the one in which the infamous test séance took place – by CPS president Stephen Chapman on 11 September 2015. “Helen Duncan was one of the wellknown mediums who sat at the College – in 1930-1,” he told those present at the ceremony. “We know that her time here ended in disharmony, as it would seem that she decided to leave the College and sit with psychic researcher Harry Price at his new laboratory premises in Roland Gardens, just down the road. “Even though her relationship with the College was understandably weakened, senior College members later sat with her elsewhere and put on record the remarkable phenomena they witnessed. “They included Brigadier Firebrace – one of our presidents – and Harold Vigurs, a vice-president. “In the College, we display pictures of many notable mediums, and today we are very happy that Helen is joining them.



Maggie Hahn, Helen Duncan’s granddaughter, and Stephen Chapman, CPS president, view the famous medium’s portrait.

Senior College members later sat with her elsewhere and put on record the remarkable phenomena they witnessed

There is increasing recognition that her wide-ranging psychic gifts are worthy of study and we particularly welcome Helen’s granddaughter Maggie here today.” Helen’s picture is in good company: it sits alongside portraits of two famous trance mediums – Eileen Garrett and Mrs Leonore Piper. Maggie Hahn, who was in London on a visit from her home in Tennessee, USA, was understandably delighted and emotional about this recognition from the CPS of the contribution her grandmother made to our knowledge of mediumship and the reality of an afterlife.

“Spiritualism was her life’s work,” Maggie Hahn told Psychic News after the ceremony. “At her best, she was the finest materialisation medium Britain has produced.” She was just a baby when her grandmother died, a short time after police had raided one of her séances. Her research into Helen Duncan’s mediumship and the testimonies she has collected from family members and witnesses at those séances leave her in no doubt about the reality of what could be produced when the conditions were right. Maggie Hahn has now set up the Helen Duncan Foundation, a charity that will keep the memory of her grandmother alive and continue a long-running campaign to have her pardoned for the wartime conviction and imprisonment. The Foundation is a division of the American Society for Standards in Mediumship & Psychical Investigation ( of which Maggie Hahn is secretary. She hopes that much of the information collected will eventually be displayed in a Helen Duncan Museum and be published in a book that tells the Helen Duncan story from the family’s perspective. NEXT ISSUE: Psychic News will examine the very best evidence for Helen Duncan’s materialisation mediumship in the November 2015 issue.


Nothing new in police advice on psychic detection Patricia Arquette as real-life psychic detective Allison Dubois in TV drama Medium

TWO leading UK newspapers have announced that “new official guidelines” have been issued for police dealing with cases in which psychics become involved. In reality, much of the consultation well-intentioned people, but the motive document, dealing with how the police of the individual should always be should interact with the public, has been ascertained, especially where financial in place for years. The psychic element is gain is included. brief and, we learn, is likely to be amended “The person’s methods should be asked before the guidelines are adopted. It for, including the circumstances in which occurs in a Missing Persons Guidance they received their information, and any section. accredited successes.” Many of the recommendations from These guidelines are not set in stone the College of Policing, which governs the and have already raised issues which Dave training of officers throughout England Tucker, head of crime and criminal justice and Wales, relate to the use of social at the College of Policing, has responded to media. with a statement on YouTube (see “Missing But both the Persons Guidance”). Telegraph and Referring to the use Independent focused of the term “accredited on the psychic successes” in the new references, telling guidance he comments: readers that the “I want to be The words new advice was that absolutely clear that “psychics, witches there is no evidence ‘accredited and clairvoyants of successful psychic successes’ are likely who try to help involvement in any in searches for police investigations to be removed missing persons and therefore ... police should be listened officers should treat it to, but not become a with extreme caution. distraction.” When we’ve completed The consultation our consultation on paper states: “Highthe Missing Persons profile missing person investigations Guidance it is highly likely that that phrase, nearly always attract the interest of ‘accredited successes’, will be removed.” psychics and others, such as witches and A spokesman for the charity Missing clairvoyants, stating that they possess People, said, “We respect the fact that extra-sensory perception. some families of missing people will want “Any information received from to try every avenue in order to find a loved psychics should be evaluated in the one. context of the case, and should never “Research based on interviews with the become a distraction to the overall families of missing people, conducted by investigation and search strategy unless it the charity, shows that no interviewees can be verified. reported significant findings or comfort “These contacts usually come from from consulting psychics or mediums.”

Who you gonna call? Not 999! As well as having to give guidance on well-meaning offers of psychic assistance in missing persons cases, the police are increasingly having to respond to emergency calls relating to other paranormal issues. Incredibly, in the absence of a real-life Ghostbusters agency, some callers are using the 999 emergency-only phone service to report their encounters. For example, during the last two years West Midlands police received 57 “emergency” calls relating to sightings of everything supernatural, from ghosts to zombies. What, exactly, did they expect the police to do? Among 999 calls from Wolverhampton residents were reported ghost sightings, a glimpse of a witch and a report of witchcraft. Dudley callers reported two ghosts, a UFO, a zombie and an alien. The most common cause of 999 calls in Sandwell was witchcraft. Police spokesman Billy Corrigan told the Midland Express & Star: “Our officers routinely see the consequences of spirits when things go bump, but that tends to be at night when the pubs have closed and we’re making sure people get home safely. “While the figures can seem amusing, behind these ‘supernatural’ calls there may be a deeply troubled individual, or a person wasting valuable police time which would be better spent preventing real crimes. “West Midlands Police always take action against those found to be knowingly making false and malicious phone calls to the emergency services.” PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015



Benefits cheats featured on national TV ‘Miss Cleo’ starts a fight IN ONE of the most unusual legal battles, a psychic phone-in business has launched a lawsuit against cereal company General Mills, alleging breach of copyright. The story goes back to the 1990s, when millionaire Steven Feder created the highcost psychic phone-line called Psychic Readers Network (PRN). This telephone scam was fronted by “Miss Cleo”, who was said to be an acclaimed Jamaican Shango shaman but was actually a Los Angeles actress. Her face appeared in TV commercials that led callers to believe they could call her with their problems for free. Her real identity was eventually exposed by the Federal Trade Commission as Youree Dell Harris. It also revealed that unsuspecting members of the public were actually paying by the minute for most of their calls. One PRN caller, complaining about the lack of clarity, said, “They told me I had been given 10 free minutes, but they didn’t specify whether that started at the beginning or the end of the reading. I ended up with a $215 (£140) bill from them.” Callers also had to give their name, address and other details before a phone reading commenced and that data went straight into a computer, enabling the business to sell it to others and resulted in callers receiving a deluge of junk mail. The lawsuit revealed what a goldmine lies beneath the psycho-babble surface that conned its deeply trusting customers. The business ran into trouble in 2002, when the Federal Trade Commission, which protects customers’ rights, ordered PRN and its affiliates to waive $500 million (£328m) in callers’ outstanding charges.



What has all this to do with breakfast cereal? Incredibly, “Miss Cleo” is once again in the public spotlight. Not as a fake medium but as the promotional face of General Mills’ re-developed French Toast Crunch packs. In its related commercials, spiced with witty slogans, she predicts viewers will soon be eating a bowl of the cereal. But, according to Florida-based PRN, which is under new ownership, it has owned the copyright to Miss Cleo since she started working as a company spokesperson in the late 1990s. An Associated Press report says PRN claims it spent $100 million (£65m) over the years to promote the so-called amazing Jamaican psychic. A tangled web emerges. The company fined for its fake psychic phone-in, now seeks justice involving the fake medium it once employed. Meanwhile, coincidentally, PRN’s original founder Steven Feder is also back in the headlines, following a revelation at the end of August that underlines just how lucrative his phone-in scam proved to be. Feder owns a massive penthouse on the 75th floor of the Time Warner Centre in New York. It is reported that he has been trying to sell it since 2010 for £60 million (£40m). Having not yet achieved the asking price, he is renting it out at $100,000 (£65,000) a month, the second-highest rental income in NYC. Even Miss Cleo would have had trouble predicting that.

ANY hope that the case of benefits cheats Tim and Janette Abbott and their association with Spiritualism – both are practising mediums – would soon be forgotten was dashed by the BBC on 7 September. The Abbotts, who must repay £184,450 by November or face prison sentences (see PN September), were featured in the first episode of a new BBC1 TV series, Saints and Scroungers, titled Psychic Scroungers and the Boy Who Learns to Walk. A large part of the 45-minute programme was devoted to the two separate investigations, using undercover surveillance teams with video cameras, which clearly demonstrated that both husband and wife were able to function perfectly normally and showed no sign of the physical disabilities for which they claimed benefits. Several references to the Abbotts’ connection with the Spiritualists’ National Union (SNU) were made during the documentary but no mention was made of the fact that their membership has been removed and they cannot reapply for five years. This loss of membership does not, however, prevent them from serving SNU churches. Psychic News understands that the Union is determined to change its rules so that none of its churches can allow a convicted criminal to be in a position of trust.



Psychic scam prosecutions FORTY years after the end of the Vietnam war, a Quang Tri prosecutors’ office has announced charges against a ring of seven people, led by a psychic, for faking remains of dead Vietnamese soldiers. In Vietnamese culture it is believed that the dead never find peace without a proper burial. The state-owned Vietnam Bank for Social Policies pays for each set of newlydiscovered soldiers’ remains. The bank paid psychic Nguyen Thanh Thuy VND73 million (£2,200) for each set of remains his group discovered, amounting to VND7 billion. Thuy, who was arrested in July 2013, claimed to have excavated nine sets of remains of Vietnamese soldiers. Subsequent investigations led to the arrest of the other six members of the ring, who allegedly unearthed nearly 100 sets of remains. The Military Forensic Institute has concluded that the majority of these were stolen from cemeteries. Others were pig and cat bones. It is estimated that the remains of around 500,000 Vietnamese soldiers are still missing or unidentified.


Celebrity singer sued over ghost claim THE owner of a hotel in north-eastern Thailand is suing celebrity singer Kandy Rakkaen for allegedly posting on Facebook that she saw ghosts during her stay. Jindala Taimuangphol, owner of the Emerald Hotel in Amnat Charoen, filed a lawsuit against the 35-year-old singer in August, demanding substantial compensation for causing booking cancellations as a result of an alleged ghost sighting report on Facebook on June 7. The hotel’s lawyer, Chatchai Chansai, said the singer claimed that the hotel “doesn’t have standards and is haunted by Kandy Rakkaen Photo: Facebook ghosts”. Although no such statement is now on the singer’s Facebook page, Chansai said the posting had caused the hotel to lose business, including the cancellation of a company seminar. He did not wish the singer to go to jail, but only wished to protect the hotel’s reputation and receive compensation. Kandy said she had sent her lawyer to negotiate. She added, “I only condemned the hotel’s service. Water ran out from my air-conditioner and the hotel only put a bucket under it. “About the ghosts, the subject is each individual’s belief. This should not have turned into a controversy at all.” The hotel has invited the press to stay for free to prove there are no ghosts.


Villagers arrested for witchcraft killings AROUND 50 villagers have been arrested in eastern India in connection with the killing of five women suspected of witchcraft. The killings took place in a rural community in the state of Jharkhand, where frequent similar attacks on women have occurred. They are blamed for poor crops, illness or misfortune brought about by curses. The latest report cites an attack on five women in Kanjia. Police confirm the women were dragged from their homes while asleep and beaten or stoned to death. Police spokesman SN Pradhan said, “The

entire village was involved.” According to witnesses, the attackers packed the victims’ bodies in sacks before discarding them outside the village boundary. A victim’s relative said, “We prayed for mercy, but they hardly listened to our appeal.” Police said the arrested villagers showed no remorse. “What can you expect from society when even educated youths join the angry

mob?” asked lawmaker Gangotri Kujur. In July, police in the state of Assam arrested 16 people after the killing of an alleged witch. Authorities state at least 90 people were stabbed, burned or killed in other ways during the past six years. According to Indian government statistics, between the years 2000 and 2012, around 2,000 people, mostly women, were killed after being branded as witches. Many attacks go unreported. PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015




THAT ELUDED DOCTORS ... then trance healer and spirit guide came to my rescue BY NIKKI WHEETMAN




TWO YEARS ago I noticed that the index and middle fingers on my left hand were a bit tingly. Assuming I’d irritated something, I didn’t worry about it and hoped it would go away. It didn’t. It gradually got worse, until the fingers, palm, and top of my hand were numb, with pins and needles and the most horrible sensation of being ready-to-burst. Eventually the muscles weakened in my lower arm, too. This affected my work as, amongst other things, I work with horses. I have owned horses since I was a young child and competed all my life in show jumping, crosscountry and dressage events. Now I found it difficult to cope with not being able to feel the reins, and the mucking out tools were not easy to handle. It made ordinary daily tasks quite difficult, too – holding a fork to eat, for example. At about the same time, I had what I thought could be a sweat rash at the base of my neck and between my shoulder blades. This was very itchy. Then it spread and found its way down the upper surface of my arms. The itch became intense and nothing would suppress it. I can’t even begin to describe the intensity. Scratching it didn’t help either. Imagine the worst itch you’ve ever had, and multiply it 100 per cent: a deep, incredibly intense itch, which didn’t respond to anything I put on it. Getting an appointment at the doctor’s surgery was a feat in itself. However, I managed to get one after about three weeks and by this time I was in quite a mess. The numb hand was weak and useless and the itch ... well, that was unreal. I wasn’t sleeping, nothing was helping, and although I’m usually a fairly robust person and I just get on with things, this had got the better of me. I was struggling to cope without sleep. And due to the constant scratching there wasn’t much normal skin left on my arms. By the time I got to see a doctor, I think my condition could be described as somewhat distressed. My GP said he thought it was either hives or scabies and prescribed antihistamine and some creams. Nothing changed, and so I called the surgery a week later. They increased the dose of the antihistamine – and they kept increasing it weekly until it was at a ridiculously high level, as well as giving me different creams. By this time I had spent ages on the internet trying to find answers. My arms were just shredded skin, as was the area between my shoulders. The itching was unreal, and because of the constant scratching it looked awful and was bleeding a lot. On the internet I came across articles

Ray Brown

When I have a problem, Ray Brown always sorts it out

on brachioradial pruritis (commonly known as “neuropathic itch”) and a lot of people said that the only relief they got was from ice packs. I dived into the freezer and slapped a bag of peas on my arm. I can’t describe the relief when after a few minutes I couldn’t feel the itch. So I invested in lots of gel ice packs which I had strapped to me 24 hours a day, and carried a cool-box around with me so that as they melted I could change them. Every hour through the night I was changing them, but at least I got some sleep and was more able to cope. I had by now read an awful lot about neuropathic itch and I learnt that it seems to be caused by things like arthritis or other bone problems in the neck vertebrae. These can be things like degeneration or bony growths, which put even very slight pressure on the nerve where it passes between the vertebrae. And because the nerve is being irritated, it fires neurons and these make the skin believe it is itchy all the way along the nerve pathway (which happens to be between the shoulder blades and down the arms.) But because it’s not really itchy, there is no relief when scratching it, and thus the vicious circle is formed. This made sense to me, as I could feel something wasn’t right in my neck – it was as though it was partially collapsed. I learnt that antihistamine didn’t

do any good at all, and threw them in the bin. I went back to the surgery, and this time I was insisting on a referral for this problem as well as the numb hand, because nothing the GP suggested was helping. I was prescribed steroids, because of the state of my skin. These were at a high dose as he felt that the skin was so bad it was important to do something about it despite the dangers of steroids. Eventually I got the referral date, which was five months later. In the meantime, I had tried to book an appointment to see Paul, the spirit control of trance healer Ray Brown, during this time, but it wasn’t possible. I first came across them quite by accident – probably 20 years ago – when I chanced upon a Secrets of the Paranormal programme on TV. During the episode we saw a girl describing her lower back problems and telling Ray how this was affecting her in her daily life. It was as though she was describing me. I could identify with everything she said, and like her I’d had the problem for a number of years. I continued to watch as Ray worked on her, and knew with absolute certainty that finally I’d found someone who may be able to help me. I contacted the TV station asking for information and they kindly passed my letter on to Ray and and his wife, Gillian. They contacted me and offered an appointment, which I accepted straight away. He saw me monthly for some time, as there was a fair amount to get right. Now, I always go back when I need him, and he always sorts it out. Unfortunately, this time he was unavailable so I had to rely on conventional medical opinion. When the dermatologist saw me he was horrified at the state of my skin, and asked why I hadn’t had an emergency referral. I said that the GP had requested “urgent” but the dermatologist said he should have sent me as an emergency – I could have been seen within a week rather than five months. Needless to say, I was not impressed, Anyway, they said it was psoriasis. I should explain that I’ve had psoriasis since I was a child, on my elbows and knees, and I know what the itch is like when the psoriasis is bad. Believe me, there is no comparison. The dermatologist didn’t seem interested in my theory that it could be neuropathic itch. I was given yet more creams, but repeat appointments weekly confirmed the creams did absolutely nothing. Eventually, I was given some strong drugs, which made me so ill that I was throwing up every 20 minutes and couldn’t lift my head off the pillow. I ended up with the doctor sat with PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015



Nikki Wheetman, fit and healthy again, with her very successful Spanish “dream horse”, Alfie

me debating whether I should be sent to hospital! I had also seen the orthopaedic department about the numb hand. They had tried to do nerve conduction tests but because of an electrical accident when I was a child I couldn’t tolerate it. They agreed to do an MRI scan. But then, in February 2014, I managed to get an appointment with Ray Brown and his spirit guide, Paul of Tarsus, at their Bury St Edmunds clinic. He told me that the problem was caused by a neuval compression between vertebrae C6 and C7 and carried out a spiritual operation on my neck. After this first session in the morning I got off the table and found that I had at least 50 per cent of the feeling back in my hand and fingers. I had another operation with Paul in the afternoon – again more improvement in my hand. I was amazed; it was hard to believe that after all this time it was actually feeling so very different. Paul explained that it would take a while to settle down and for the itch



to diminish and that I may need to have a repeat operation depending on how I was, as the nerve was extremely swollen and irritated. I had the MRI scan and the consultant said that the problems would have been caused by the restrictions in my neck, which is exactly what Paul had diagnosed, and no further treatment was needed. I should add that I hadn’t mentioned seeing Paul or the improvement I had experienced thanks to his operation, as I didn’t feel that the consultant would be open to it. By the early spring I was off the ice packs, no itch, and the numbness and bursting feeling in my hand had gone. My skin had repaired and I was once again normal. This was just incredible. I am eternally grateful to Paul for his knowledge and skill. I don’t have the words to express my gratitude. I know that I am incredibly lucky to have found Paul, Ray and Gillian Brown, and the healers who work with them: an amazing group of people who give so much to others.

I was amazed; it was hard to believe that after all this time it was actually feeling so very different


Letters from a dead son Scientific study confirms the astonishing story of Jair Presente’s spirit communications to his family

WHAT began as an outing for six young friends ended in tragedy when Jair Presente, aged 24, dived into a reservoir and failed to come to the surface. Fire fighters based nearby were called and retrieved his body after a brief search but were unable to revive him. His parents and sister were devastated. Jair had so much potential. He was in his fourth year of mechanical engineering at one of Brazil’s top universities, in Campinas, a municipality of São Paulo where the Presentes lived, and also worked as a schoolteacher and private tutor. Now he was gone. But where? The family asked the inevitable questions: had his spirit survived death, and if so what was he experiencing? But finding answers that satisfied them seemed impossible. Then, 30 days after Jair’s tragic death on 3 February, 1974, a customer gave his father – a tradesman – a book by Chico Xavier that he hoped would offer some comfort. Xavier was a famous medium with the gift of automatic writing – referred to as psychography in Brazil – which enabled spirits of the dead to communicate from their world (see “Further Reading” opposite). The book so impressed him that he, his wife and 26-year-old daughter, Sueli, decided – just 40 days after Jair’s death – to go to the Spiritist centre in Uberaba, in the state of Minas Gerais, 250 miles away, to seek a consultation with Chico.



They arrived without appointment and joined the few hundred other people who sought his help, free of charge, every week. Every Friday afternoon, starting at 2pm, people queued for the opportunity to speak with him for just a few minutes. Four hours were set aside to do so. From 6pm, for a six-hour period, Chico would move to a back room with two assistants and write homeopathic prescriptions from dead physicians as well as dispensing spiritual advice to the hundreds seeking help. Around midnight he would return to the main hall where many visitors sat patiently in the hope of hearing from their loved ones. They watched quietly as the medium sat at a large table and allowed his hand to scribble across page after page, uninterrupted, for up to three hours. Only then were the communications revealed, as Chico read them aloud to the audience. On average, six spirits wrote letters to their loved ones in this way. On the night the Presentes attended, seven letters were produced, and they were astonished to hear the medium ask, “Who are the relatives of Jair Presente?” They had met Chico briefly earlier in

the day but the only information Sueli had given was that she had lost her brother – without giving her name or his – and her parents were devastated. They walked to the front and stood next to the medium as he read to them the words that had been written, beginning, “My father, my mother, my dear Sueli”. The letter went on to mention two other names – Elvira and Grandpa Basso – and the day on which he died: Sunday. In addition, he gave a detailed description of the circumstances that led to his death, as well as referring to incidents in his life and one postmortem family event, all of which they recognised. When he finished reading the letter, which consisted of 569 words written on 32 sheets of paper, Chico handed it to Jair’s mother. It brought enormous comfort to the Presentes and was to be the first of 13 letters from Jair, written for them on their visits to see Chico at Uberaba between 15 March, 1974, and 13 January, 1979. This other-worldly correspondence has also comforted others because the family has shared some of it by allowing the letters to be quoted in books. We should remember that other

SURVIVAL EVIDENCE families were receiving similar evidence from their loved ones at these remarkable weekly sessions. It has been estimated that during his long life, Chico produced 10,000 of these personal letters. But how evidential were they? Five Brazilian researchers decided it was time to make a detailed study of several letters allegedly written by the same discarnate entity whilst the recipients were still alive and able to cooperate and corroborate the contents. After a systematic search of published and unpublished letters written through Chico’s hand they identified the Jair Presente correspondence as suitable for a Case Study. Their extremely positive findings were published last year in Explore: the Journal of Science and Healing (Sept/Oct 2014, Vol 10, No 5). The principal participant in the Case Study was Jair’s sister Sueli (his father had died in 2006 and his mother declined the invitation because of ill-health and age). The researchers also interviewed three of Jair’s close friends and a friend of his parents, collected and analysed personal documents and writings of the dead man, and inspected two newspaper articles and a biography oh her brother written by

Elizabeth Freire

Sueli. Not only did they want to assess the accuracy of the information conveyed through Chico’s hand but also the likelihood that any of that data could have been acquired normally by the medium. Investigating the Fit and Accuracy of Alleged Mediumistic Writing: a Case Study of Chico Xavier’s Letters provides a level of proof that goes far beyond what most scientific investigators can hope for. The authors conclude: “We identified 99 items of verifiable information conveyed on these 13 letters. 98% of these items were rated as ‘Clear and Precise Fit,’ and no item was rated as ‘No Fit.’ We concluded that normal explanations for accuracy of the information (i.e., fraud, chance, information leakage and cold reading) were only remotely plausible. These results seem to provide empirical support for nonreductionist theories of consciousness.” In the course of writing 13 letters to his family, Jair Presente also referred to three discarnates who wanted him to send messages of comfort and solace to their parents and relatives. The researchers refer to these individuals as “drop-in communicators” and comment that what they said varied in degree of verifiability. One case, however, concerning a man named Irineu Leite da Silva, was verified by Sueli’s research. The story of her quest to confirm the identity of the man – who Jair described as a friend – is told in Guy Lyon Playfair’s Chico Xavier, Medium of the Century. As well as giving his friend’s full name, Jair provided his date of death – 7 June, 1973 – and mentioned that he was buried at Flamboyant Park, one of three cemeteries in Campinas. But when she visited it the cemetery manager could find no record for him. Since her brother’s spirit

FURTHER READING “Investigating the Fit and Accuracy of Alleged Mediumistic Writing: a Case Study of Chico Xavier’s Letters” – Explore, Sept-Oct 2014, Vol 10, No 5 (available at “Evidence From Dead Man Accepted in Court” – Psychic News, September 2015 “Spotlight on Brazilian Mediums” – Psychic News, October 2015 Chico Xavier: Medium of the Century by Guy Lyon Playfair (£7.99 from

USEFUL LINKS “Research on Chico Xavier’s mediumistic writing” is a nine-minute YouTube video in English, presented by Alexander Moreira-Almeida and Elizabeth Schmitt Freire, which discusses the research considerations involved in studying “letters from the dead” produced by the famous medium.

communications had proved so accurate, she decided to continue with her attempt to confirm Irineu’s identity. This led her to the offices of a local newspaper which, she soon discovered, reported the death of a man named Irineu Leite da Silva who died on the date her dead brother had given the family. Sueli Presente returned to the cemetery and persuaded the manager to search the records again for admissions on or near that date. And there he was – except his first name had been incorrectly entered in the records as “Pirineu”. Case solved, it added one more piece of corroborated evidence to the Presente family’s impressive collection of after-life communications from a much-loved son and brother who had demonstrated that he was still very much alive.

Alexander Moreira-Almeida

THE RESEARCH TEAM Alexander Moreira-Almeida, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) School of Medicine, Founder and Director of the Research Centre in Spirituality and Health - NUPES-UFJF, Brazil. Elizabeth Schmitt Freire, PhD, School of Education, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Alexandre Caroli Rocha, PhD, NUPES— Research Centre in Spirituality and Health, School of Medicine, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Brazil, and PROSER, Institute of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil. Denise Paraná, PhD, Research Centre in Spirituality and Health, School of Medicine, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Brazil, and PROSER, Institute of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil. Francisco Lotufo Neto, MD, PhD, Institute of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil. PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015



The medium, The entertainer & The media mogul LISA WILLIAMS TALKS TO ROY STEMMAN ABOUT HER REMARKABLE CAREER THREE special people are given credit by Lisa Williams for their important roles in her remarkable journey from a blossoming psychic in the UK to becoming one of US television’s most popular mediums. The first was her maternal grandmother, Frances Glazebrook, a natural psychic and medium who encouraged Lisa to follow in her footsteps. She even predicted that one day her granddaughter would be demonstrating her abilities to very large audiences. Lisa, it must be said, didn’t believe a word of it, even though she knew her grandmother’s talent kept her busy, at home in the Midlands region of England, and also abroad. Frances’ constant overseas travel led to her being called “Airplane Nanny” by the young Lisa. By the time she was three years old, in 1976, Lisa’s psychic powers were beginning to manifest. Her family were living in a flat in Birmingham, West Midlands, when Lisa began seeing ghostly images in her room. They appeared to come out of the walls and, understandably, the experience frightened her. Her parents decided she had a vivid imagination and eventually she got used to the strange manifestations. The first walking, talking spirit she encountered was at the age of four. A distinguished looking man wearing a brown suit appeared in the hallway and followed her into the dining room where the family was about to have dinner. He spoke to Lisa, telling her, “Don’t eat your peas or you’ll die”. When she told her parents they dismissed him as one of Lisa’s imaginary friends. It was only later that Lisa discovered her father’s great uncle had



choked on a pea and died, before she was born. Lisa was eight when her maternal grandfather passed away, and only then did Frances start going to the local Spiritualist church. Her husband had been a staunch nonbeliever but now she was free to put her gift to good use in comforting those grieving for their loved ones without upsetting him. The Harborne Healing Centre became her favourite place to demonstrate. It never occurred to Lisa that her own psychic powers would develop to the point where she could follow in her grandmother’s footsteps. Instead, she took a variety of jobs, including holiday camp entertainer, barmaid, physical education instructor and singer. She married and had a son. And life, despite various personal and health challenges, was mostly fun.

Famous caller

At the same time, her psychic powers were growing stronger and, as well as providing colleagues with spontaneous messages, she began giving readings to people who had heard on the grapevine about her unusual talent. And that’s when the second influential person entered her life unexpectedly. “In June 2003, two weeks before my 30th birthday, I received a phone call from someone claiming to be a famous entertainer and, to tell the truth, I thought at first it was a hoax call.” The caller – who turned out to be who he said he was – told Lisa he had heard about her from two different people in the same week, so – as he didn’t believe in


The first walking, talking spirit she encountered was her great uncle at the age of four




Griffin had a gift for spotting new talent and devising new television shows

coincidences – he wanted her to give him a reading. She agreed. The London-born entertainer had a home in London’s Chelsea, and when she stepped off the train from the Midlands a car was waiting to whisk her off to his apartment. The sitting lasted two hours and, as well as discussing various projects she saw him working on in the future and answering specific questions about them, Lisa also spoke to him about the spirits who had joined them and what they had to say. Clearly impressed with what he had heard, the entertainer, who spends much of his time in Los Angeles, asked Lisa to stay in touch, adding: “I have a feeling you and I are going to be friends for a long time.” They remain good friends to this day and Lisa refuses to identify him. But an Australian website has suggested that he is Seal, the London-born singer-songwriter (see panel, “Who is mystery entertainer?”). A few weeks later, he phoned Lisa from LA for a phone reading and their conversation ended with his suggestion that she should come to the southern Californian city, famous for its movie and television industries. “I’m telling you, you will absolutely love it here, and LA is going to love you,” he said. “You’ve got to make it happen.” He told her she should plan on staying at least three months. After talking it over with her then husband, Kevin, she decided to take his advice and, together with fouryear-old son Charlie, the three arrived in Los Angeles in March 2004. Her reputation had gone before her and Lisa was soon giving readings in between sightseeing and doing all the other things tourists do when they arrive in California for the first time. Her entertainer friend was delighted she had taken his advice and a few weeks into her visit invited her and Kev to see him perform at the famous House of Blues on Sunset Boulevard. Afterwards, they



were invited to the Green Room where he introduced her to some of his friends, telling them Lisa was the clairvoyant he had spoken about. As a result, she gave eight sittings the following week, including one for the daughter of a famous, long-dead actress who communicated, though Lisa had no idea of the daughter’s identity at that time. More recommendations followed and Lisa was soon giving two readings a day, but that was her limit as she still regarded this as a vacation. Among those who called for an appointment was a woman named Lauren. Impressed with what she was told, she said to Lisa, “I know someone who will be interested in meeting you. Have you ever done any TV work?”

Perfect project

Despite Lisa’s negative response, Lauren added: “Well, this gentleman is in the television business, and I work for him. He is developing a project that would be perfect for you.” Lisa expressed interest and within 20 minutes of leaving Lisa’s apartment Lauren was on the phone to arrange a meeting with him the next day. And that’s when the third influential person stepped into her life. His name was Merv Griffin. It meant nothing to Lisa but almost every American knew him. He was a celebrated American singer, TV show host and media mogul and he immediately saw that Lisa’s psychic powers combined with her bubbly, no-nonsense personality would be both entertaining and thoughtprovoking on television. Griffin had a gift for spotting new talent and devising new shows. He was the brains and the face of Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. And he was about to make Lisa Williams an offer that was too good to refuse: her own TV show. “I had no idea who he was, when I was

introduced to him,” Lisa explains. “He was just this lovely older gentleman who believed in my gift and wanted to create a television show around me. It wasn’t something I went searching for in any way. “He was very influential in my life,” she adds. “He was very spiritual, he had a spiritual way of life. But I never gave him a reading as such. He never wanted a reading and whether or not he believed in psychics and mediums, he totally believed in me and my work. “He brought me back to America and with Lifetime TV created the hit TV shows Life Among the Dead and Voices From the Other Side, in which I did live one-to-one readings for people in the studio. Those shows, and Lisa Williams Live which were recordings of my live audience events, are still being shown all over the world.” They led, in turn, to guest appearances on all the big name chat shows, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Ricki Lake Show, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Larry King Live and Jimmy Kimmel Live. Lisa was putting the finishing touches to her autobiography, Life Among the Dead, in 2007 when Merv Griffin passed away. In a preface that pays tribute to his important role in her life – she describes him as “my own personal angel” – she writes: “Merv once said that even after he was gone he would continue to executive produce my show, and he has kept his word.” She has since written two more books: The Survival of the Soul (2012) and I Speak to Dead People. Can You? (2014) and has launched the Lisa Williams International School of Spiritual Development to help teach others how to develop their psychic and mediumistic abilities. “I push them hard,” she confesses. “I can be quite mean in my training. But it’s essential if they want to develop and enhance their gifts.” Having now lived and worked in the USA for nine years, does she intend staying for good?

PROFILE “I love being in the States,” she responds. “That’s not to say I wouldn’t come home. But at the moment, because of my son and the way my life is, I have had to make America my home. “I remember my psychic grandmother saying, ‘Lisa, you’re going to live in America, you’re going to be famous. You’re going to do all this stuff.’ And I thought, ‘No, I’m never leaving England. Never.’ I was such a home girl. But here I am. I do miss my friends, though.” Are American sitters’ expectations different to the British, I wonder? “I’ve noticed that in the UK when I am giving messages it’s much more about evidence. In America they want evidence from their loved ones too, of course, but they also want to know about relationships and career – more materialistic things – which are referred to as ‘the healing message’.”

Fond memories

Before she embarked on her American adventure, Lisa regularly attended services on Wednesday evenings and also demonstrated at Studley Spiritualist Church, just outside Redditch, Worcestershire. She has fond memories of that experience. She also offered her services at another Spiritualist church but was rejected. She excuses them on the grounds that they were “a bit stuffy”. “They wanted to know who had trained me, had I received platform accreditation from the Spiritualists’ National Union, had I studied at the Arthur Findlay College. When I said ‘No’ to all of those questions they said I couldn’t serve. I was really mortified. “But in the future I’d really love to serve Spiritualist churches in the UK, if they’ll have me.” She may not have the accreditation that some churches require, but she has demonstrated her mediumship at large public events in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and in Europe. In Sydney, Australia, she attracted a 4,000-strong audience.

Fortunately, Lisa enjoys travelling. America has been very accepting of the self-taught English medium. Not only does Lisa serve various churches but she is also active within the famous Lily Dale Assembly in upstate New York where she and her son now live. She makes regular appearances at the Spiritualist camp’s Church of the Living Spirit. How does her 14-year-old son view life in a Spiritualist community, I ask. “He is so used to having a mum who speaks to dead people,” Lisa laughs. “It has always been his life. I have done it ever since he was a baby and before he was born. So, it’s normal to him. “He does think it is a bit weird but I think he likes having a famous mum. Living in Lily Dale has been an adjustment after our time in Los Angeles, but it is so much like England. “Lily Dale has a lot of culture, it is very easy. It’s surrounded by countryside and it has an English vibe about it. So I think he likes it for that reason.” Though Lisa Williams has described her success as being “in the right place at the right time” she also believes in predestiny. “I do believe that we meet people for a reason, that those encounters are predestined. But we also have free will – we have choices to make.” One choice the former singer has made in the past year is to end her demonstration with a song. “I call myself the singing psychic,” she confides. Though guiding others in making the right decisions for happy and successful lives is very much part of her daily routine, Lisa Williams does not appear to have the same need. She has no unfulfilled ambitions and, having recently revealed publicly that she is a lesbian, is also relieved to have come to terms with her sexuality. “I am extremely grateful for what I have got and for what I continue to have. And so I live each day in the present and in the moment and see what life gives me.”

FIND OUT MORE... Want to know more about Lisa Williams? See her website: Her books, Life Among the Dead, The Survival of the Soul and I Speak to Dead People. Can You? are all available on Amazon. YouTube offers a number of her one-to-one TV readings; just type “Lisa Williams” in the search box.

WHO IS MYSTERY ENTERTAINER? Although Lisa Williams will not confirm the identity of the entertainer who suggested she should visit Los Angeles – a move that changed her life – it seems highly likely that it was London-born Henry Olusegun Adeola Samuel, better known by his stage name, Seal. That’s the claim made by Heidi Maier in a 2013 online profile of Lisa on an Australian gay and lesbian website ( There seems no reason to doubt it, however, since Seal – who has sold over 30 million albums worldwide and been recognised by three Brit Awards, four Grammy awards and an MTV video music award – just happened to be starring at the House of Blues on Sunset Boulevard (see main story) in the month that Lisa’s anonymous entertainer friend invited her to see him in concert.

Did award-winning singer songwriter Seal encourage Lisa to visit Los Angeles? Photo: Eva Rinaldi PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015




SPIRITUALISM in Britain attained a peak of cultural influence suddenly. In January 1874, famous physicist William Crookes published in the Quarterly Journal of Science his discovery of “psychic force”. Four months later, Alfred Russel Wallace, the co-discoverer of evolution, wrote A Defence of Modern Spiritualism in another journal. James Burns, the Spiritualist editor, swiftly republished various papers by Crookes, under the title Researches into the Phenomena of Spiritualism, and by Wallace as On Miracles of Modern Spiritualism. Both became classics.

Unity shattered

In April 1874, the newly-formed British National Association of Spiritualists (BNAS) held its first public meeting, and exactly one year later the first meeting took place of the Psychological Society, a research group with which a newly developed, gifted medium called Stainton Moses was associated. It was not to last. Within a decade, Spiritualist unity would shatter and one of the gravest batterings came, gradually, from across the Atlantic. In 1874, Katie King, the materialised entity who had spoken to William Crookes at séances with Florence Cook, was reported to have appeared in Philadelphia to Robert Dale Owen, the American WIlliam Crookes




William Crookes and Katie King

Spiritualist, through the mediumship of Mr and Mrs Nelson Holmes. But then a woman claimed she had impersonated Katie. Veteran American Spiritualist Henry Olcott investigated the exposure and was not satisfied, but Owen himself had a nervous breakdown. By summer 1875, American Spiritualism was held in low esteem. That September some American Spiritualists gathered in a New York apartment to hear a lecture by George Felt on “The canon of proportions”. He claimed to be able to evoke elementals (non-human spirits). It was agreed that a society should investigate this, and the Theosophical Society (TS) was chosen. The TS president was Olcott, who had met the society’s co-founder, Russian-born Madame Blavatsky, while investigating the mediumistic phenomena of the Eddy family in America. Another founder member, Emma Hardinge Britten, was a leading British Spiritualist medium. There was soon a clash between the views of Blavatsky, who became publicly opposed to popular Spiritualism, and the views of Mrs Britten, and the latter left the TS around 1877. Moreover, the teachers of Madame Blavatsky, variously known as the Brothers, the Mahatmas or the Masters, also expressed fierce criticism of Spiritualism and denied the validity of ordinary spirit communication. Later, Stainton Moses, an English member of the New York TS, also resigned.

Emma Hardinge Britten, a leading British Spiritualist

Helena Blavatsky, Theosophy’s founder

Madame Blavatsky’s teachers expressed fierce criticism of Spiritualism and denied the validity of ordinary spirit communication

Despite Theosophy’s founders’ interest in evoking elementals and Felt’s being paid to do so, he was unsuccessful. Yet other founding members, such as William Q. Judge, a New York lawyer, did attempt to develop other powers, such as astral projection or an out-of-the-body experience. In 1877, Blavatsky published her first book, Isis Unveiled, which excoriated mediumship. In theory, the first TS members were PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015



Lifelong Theosophist Prof Arthur Ellison concluded that actual communication between persons could take place through mediumship

Henry Olcott, founder-president of the Theosophical Society

seekers, not committed to any one belief. But Blavatsky had strong views, which she gradually revealed were those of a brotherhood with which she was linked. The brothers, she maintained, were sufficiently advanced to know the truth about the Universe, or at least the Solar System, and had knowledge superior to any found in the Scriptures, among church leaders or Spiritualists. In other words, although Theosophists belonged to a variety of religions, or none, there was a general feeling that the inner or higher meaning of all religions was known by Theosophists or other occultists, rather than by the orthodox adherents of those religions, or by Spiritualists. Moreover, Madame Blavatsky, in her lucid book The Key to Theosophy, and her teachers, in the posthumously published Mahatma Letters, were revealed as NonTheists: they rejected personal Gods and “The Fatherhood of God” in which Spiritualists generally believed. In practice, Spiritualists now had an alternative to their Movement. Emily Kislingbury, for example, resigned as BNAS secretary and became a Theosophist. Wallace subscribed to the TS briefly, but soon lapsed. Crookes joined the TS in 1883 and remained a fellow till his death in 1919. I know you will often read of how



Crookes was a great Spiritualist but, in fact, he withdrew from the Movement about 1877, unlike Wallace, who contributed to Spiritualist conferences and papers into old age. The situation repeated itself locally. All over the world, people joined Spiritualist groups or Theosophical lodges, sometimes both, though this was not encouraged. Harsh words were spoken by each party about the other.

Difficult situation

In 1907 Henry Olcott died and Annie Besant (1847-1933) was elected president of the main Theosophical Society, based in Adyar, India. Although she was a woman of wide sympathies, as I found when I interviewed Kurt Leland, a leading American student of Theosophical material,* the situation of mediums in the TS remained a difficult one. For instance, clairvoyant Phoebe Payne (1889-1968) was a leading figure in the English TS who, with her psychiatrist husband Dr Laurence Bendit, made important studies of the powers latent in man (the third object of the TS). Yet, she distanced herself from Spiritualism. A moving example of the cost of Theosophical ideas was revealed by leading psychical researcher and lifelong

Theosophist Professor Arthur Ellison in his Blavatsky Lecture Science, Consciousness and the Paranormal. In theory, he knew when young that all mediums were thought by orthodox Theosophists to merely contact “shells” and not the conscious surviving person. But then his first wife died suddenly. He decided to investigate personally and concluded that actual communication between persons could take place through mediumship. But the issue remains a disputed one. In 2015, a new account of Masters of Wisdom, the Mahatmas, Their Letters and the Path by Edward Abdill, a leading New York Theosophist, appeared. He notes: “The Masters wanted to make it clear that in almost all cases it was impossible to contact the dead directly and that the attempt to do so was harmful to those making the attempt”. Helpfully, Abdill does, however, give a rare example of how communication could take place. What cannot be denied, however, is that the emergence of organised Theosophy split the Spiritualist Movement. The unity of 1875 was gone. NEXT ISSUE: Part 2 features an interview with Kurt Leland.




P.J. Kavanagh, writer and poet Photo: Eyerhymer

Phone message from dead daughter

NEWS of writer and poet P.J. Kavanagh’s passing at the end of August reminded me of a fascinating afternoon I spent, many years ago, with his mother-in-law, novelist Rosamond Lehmann. Her daughter Sally had married Patrick Kavanagh but they were together for just two years before she died suddenly whilst in Jakarta, Indonesia, where he had a job with the British Council. The grief they felt at their sudden loss is expressed in the writings of both her husband and her mother. Whilst Patrick’s poetry only hints at Sally’s continuing presence, Rosamond’s left no one in any doubt that she not only believed her daughter had survived death but knew for certain because she had spoken with her. I was writing a book, Medium Rare, about Ena Twigg’s mediumship at that time and Rosamond was eager to share her experiences with me. It’s too long a story to tell here, and much of it was told by Rosamond herself in Letters from our Daughters – part 1: Sally written with Cynthia, Lady Sandys, and The Swan in the Evening: fragments of an inner life, one of her few works of non-fiction. Subsequent reviews of her life and writings suggest that grief had led to an irrational belief in Sally’s survival, but I know that was not the case. The following anecdote, which she shared with me, demonstrates how close she felt to Sally.

Awoken by a phone call at an unusually early hour, she heard a friend’s voice on the phone say, “Rosamond, don’t be upset. J— has had a coronary.” J, a dear friend, had been seriously injured in a car smash a fortnight before. Rosamond was appalled at the news of this sudden crisis in his condition. What was there she could do; what was there anyone could do to help and bring comfort? She could do no more than offer a prayer for his recovery, but there was not even time for that. The hopes and fears that whirled together in her mind were interrupted by the telephone once more. “Hello dear! How are you?” Rosamond recognised the voice of Ena Twigg instantly. “I’m sorry to ring so early,” the medium said, “but Sally said I must. She came while I was making the beds. She said: ‘You’ve got to ring Mummy. She’s had a terrible shock. But tell her not to worry. He’s going to be all right’.” The suddenness of this psychic consolation was breathtaking. The novelist’s agitation vanished and, as soon as she had thanked the medium for her unsolicited help, Rosamond sent this message to the sick man’s wife through a relative of his: “Don’t worry. I know he’s going to be all right.” And he was. After being critically ill for some days he made a slow recovery.

Bert Lahr as the Cowardly Lion in MGM’s 1939 adaptation of The Wizard of Oz.

Ena Twigg : medium with celebrity followers

Whimper from cowardly lion

BY coincidence, Ena Twigg’s name appeared in The Times, at around the time Patrick Kavanagh’s death was being reported, in a very different connection. Regular columnist David Aaronovitch made this disparaging reference to the London medium on 20 August: “My friend the writer John Lahr told me a story about his mother Mildred, the widow of the late Bert Lahr [the original cowardly lion in the movie Wizard of Oz]. “After Bert’s death the sorrowing Mildred visited the famous English medium Ena Twigg. She later recounted to her son how Twigg had proved beyond doubt to be psychic and had channelled the shade of Bert to ‘come through’ and to fondly recall her beautiful red dress. “‘But Mom,’ said John, ‘you don’t have a red dress.’ ‘I know, dear,’ said his mother, ‘he meant my blue’.” Amusing, perhaps, but to my mind it’s more of a whimper than a roar from the cowardly lion. And how shallow of Aaronovitch to repeat it and, in the process, dismiss the contents of an entire séance – about which he has no knowledge – on the reportedly mistaken colour of a dress. PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015



Moving on

Writer Rosamond Lehmann

Rosamond Lehmann, as already mentioned, was one of many high profile individuals, including Mervyn Stockwood, Bishop of Southwark, who vouched for the impressive accuracy of Ena Twigg’s mediumship.

THE desire of some individuals to be close to their deceased loved ones can lead to bizarre situations. There is, for example, a growing trend for people who move home to apply for their dear departed to be exhumed and relocated close to their new abode. Those applying to take their deceased loved ones with them are clearly unaware that they no longer inhabit their physical remains and are much closer to them than they realise. It has led the Church of England to warn against treating the dead as “portable remains”. Apparently the Ministry of Justice receives 25 exhumation requests each week and the Church, which frowns on this “fashion”, is calling for permission to be granted only in exceptional circumstances. A spokesman told the Sunday Express: “The permanent burial of the physical body, or the burial of cremated remains, should be seen as a symbol of our entrusting the

Helped by ghost

COUNTRY music fans will be familiar with The Ride, a 1983 hit song written about a hitchhiker’s encounter with the ghost of Hank Williams, who is regarded by many as one of the most influential singersongwriters of the 20th century. Williams recorded 35 singles that reached the Top 10 of Billboard’s country and western best-sellers chart before his untimely death at the age of 29. According to Gary Gentry, co-writer of The Ride, the spirit of Hank Williams helped him write the best-seller. Gentry tells the story in a filmed interview with Bart Herbison, executive director of Nashville Songwriters Association International (see He’d been drinking, he admits, but was clearly sober enough to write a hit song. Before doing so, he says he lit candles and said, “Hank, show yourself! Help me write this song.” Gentry continues: “I looked down that long hallway, and Hank was sitting there without a shirt on, on my couch, in the living room. And I said, ‘Hank, we’re gonna take a ride’.” The rest, as they say, is musical history. The Ride spent 19 weeks in Billboard’s country singles chart.



Country singer Hank Williams

person to God for resurrection. “This commending, entrusting, resting in peace does not sit easily with ‘portable remains’, which suggests the opposite, a holding onto the ‘symbol’ of a human life rather than a giving back to God.” Astronomer Clyde Tombaugh doesn’t have to worry about his loved ones moving his remains from one location to another – they are now out of reach. The ashes of the discoverer of the planet Pluto (now designated a minor-planet) were launched into space in 2006 on board the New Horizons probe. In recent weeks it has passed Pluto and its moons and is sending back fascinating images of these distant objects. Tombaugh is now continuing on his journey, becoming the first human being to leave our solar system ... and well beyond the grasp of anyone who may wish to relocate his remains to more mundane, earthly surroundings.

Women and children among Syrian refugees waiting at the platform of Budapest Keleti railway station, 4 September 2015 Photo: Mstyslav Chernov


A new world Order? BY DAVID HOPKINS

AS I WRITE this article, in the early days of September, the media is filled with stories and pictures about events that seem unprecedented in recent history; their like not seen since World War Two and the period that followed. Huge numbers of ordinary people are on the move, as families and individuals leave behind all that is precious to them to seek a new life that offers freedom from the fear of death and devastation. Each one is prepared to face untold hardship, or cause their children to face those hardships, as they board boats, trains and buses or even walk to get, hopefully, to a “light at the end of the tunnel”. The images we see are of dead children washed up on beaches, of bodies in the backs of lorries, of faces simultaneously showing fear and despair, determination

and hope. We learn of endless attempts to board trains and climb fences, of misery, squalor and pain – these have become commonplace in 2015. Police, and authority in general, seem incapable of dealing with this tide of humanity that is moving across the face of Africa, the Middle East and Europe. Barriers are torn down and borders crossed, as huge numbers seek to find what most of us take for granted: a roof over our heads, sufficient food and water to meet our needs, the opportunity to earn a living, the chance to share happiness with

family and friends, the ability to express our views without suppression or fear of arrest, torture or worse. Years of fighting across these regions have brought problems into focus, suddenly it would appear, that have existed for centuries but have been exacerbated by what we have seen in the last few years. Fanaticism has yet again thrust us into the cauldron of uncertainty, not knowing what to do, which way to turn or how to act and react. The world is being held to ransom by small yet extremely powerful and PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015



Where do the solutions for Syria, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel and many other countries lie?

charismatic forces that aim to bring under their heel anyone or any place on which they set their sights. Tyrants and dictators hold sway and the rest of the world holds its breath. How much worse can it get? Does it have to get worse before it gets better? Or will it just continue to deteriorate? Where do the solutions for Syria, Libya, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel and many other countries lie? In the barrel of a gun, the casing of a bomb or at a negotiating table? It seems an intractable set of problems. Does the fault lie in religion, in politics, in economic issues... the list goes on? I suggest that there is no one cause and therefore no one solution. All these issues need to be taken into account because, in the modern world, these issues transcend borders. They affect and influence every one of us – and perhaps it will take every one of us to be part of the solutions. One root cause I see is the lack of happiness and fulfilment in the lives of individuals and, indeed, of nations. I believe this can be traced, at least in part, to the loss of control that we all experience in our lives as commercial interests divest us of more and more power, and influence how we live. There has never been a time when multinational companies have had such ability to shackle the individual spirit. Every day and in every walk of life and every part of daily living we see the hand of powerful business interests throttling the



individual’s ability to take his or her own decisions. Control of our food and our water is slipping away and we are being instructed how our health is to be “maintained” even when we know that what is suggested is based on fallacious argument, unproven theories and simple greed. Does anyone seriously think that there is a desire amongst companies to produce treatments that actually cure conditions? If you make someone better, you remove your own market and there is no economic sense in that! If millions are taking regular treatments over many years at a cost of billions of pounds, who in their right mind is going to seek for or try to produce a “cure” that will remove the problem? That would be killing the goose that lays the golden egg. Neither the bosses nor the shareholders would approve of that! The aim is to increase not reduce markets. Similarly, with companies involved with agrochemicals, plants, etc., we find legislation or regulation introduced that prevents farmers using their own seeds or people from growing food in their own gardens. Major chemical companies which produce and patent plants that have to be bought from one source, and then constantly replaced from that source, are on to a winning formula! Enforced vaccination programmes, high-profile

Refugees cross into Hungary underneath the Hungary–Serbia border fence, 25 August 2015 Photo: Gémes Sándor/SzomSzed Syrian refugees strike in front of the Budapest Keleti railway station, 3 September 2015 Photo: Mstyslav Chernov


campaigns to “encourage” greater use of drug treatments (we now know how ineffective last year’s ’flu jab was), the long-term harmful effects of many heavilypromoted and unnecessary drugs such as statins are just a few examples. Generally pumping people full of artificial chemicals, “chipping” humans just as we do with our pets (it’s already happening!) – all these enhance the power of “corporations” and limit personal freedom of choice. It may seem that these issues and my starting point have little in common but they are all part of the on-going assault on the majority by powerful vested-interest minorities. What is one of the most profitable and largest industries in the world? The armaments trade! We give huge sums in “aid” across the globe and then encourage recipients to buy guns from the donor countries! So much for promoting world peace! In the face of all the despair of recent weeks is the hope engendered by “ordinary people”. Images of cheering, flag-waving welcoming crowds at railway stations, stories of people using their own vehicles

to help those in desperate need, the collections of goods and money to assist them, the offers of accommodation, and so much more, all these show the humanity of the majority. Of course, there are and will continue to be discussions about “how much”, “how many” and “how best” the current human problems can be dealt with. Let us hope that individual compassion will overcome political expediency and corporate greed.

Truth and justice I was recently involved in a discussion about the future of organised Spiritualism, what direction it should take and how it should represent and promote itself to the world. Rather than offer comfort and safety, my plea was for it to follow in the footsteps of the pioneers and stand out against the “prevailing wisdom”. Where would we be if those pioneers had not been afraid to rock the boat, stand up for what they felt represented truth and justice, stand out against the crowd and put their heads above the parapet? (Lots of mixed metaphors but you get the idea!) Spiritualism is, or could be again, a

“movement” of reform and change, by leading not following, by challenging and questioning, not simply by accepting what we are told is “good for us”, by seeking to bring empowerment to every person who shares this globe. We offer the hand of friendship rather than seek to “pull up the ladder”. Not for us artificial barriers, boundaries and borders. We condemn those who seek to divide, conquer and rule, using their power and wealth to produce even more power and wealth for the few. Instead, we seek to promote co-operation, justice, freedom and unfettered opportunity for every man, woman and child. Our aim is the establishment of a world order based on our second Principle, The Brotherhood of Man, perhaps with a modern development to the Unity of Humankind. In the darkness, let us offer light; in the face of war, let us offer peace; in place of fear, let us offer hope; in place of ignorance, let us offer wisdom; in place of hatred, let us offer love. I wish that to be the legacy of Modern Spiritualism.

In the face of all the despair of recent weeks is the hope engendered by ‘ordinary people’

David Hopkins is a Spiritualists’ National Union minister, author and broadcaster.



Your Spiritual Art This month we take a look at the stunning paintings by American artist James Ayers (pictured right). His work is the result of years of research combined with personal exploration and observation. James studies historic artifacts, researches customs and rituals, and marries these with an understanding of the struggles of modern Native American cultures.

Two Souls, One Spirit (above) Two Lakota lovers take a private moment for themselves in Two Souls, One Spirit. As the warrior wraps his beloved in a warm buffalo robe, he reveals his deep devotion and unending fidelity with this seemingly small gesture. I chose to depict their affection to one another with the robe because such garments represented warmth, security and comfort to the Lakota people (who relied heavily on the buffalo for sustenance). This gentle act adds another layer of meaning to the intimate exchange.

Mahpiya Lutu – Red Cloud – Lakota (above) Mahpiya Lutu, Red Cloud (1819-1909), was one of the seminal figures in the final, tragic battles between the Lakota people and the encroaching United States. He fearlessly waged war on behalf of his people until he was finally forced to relocate to the Pine Ridge reservation. Mahpiya Lutu, Red Cloud, was featured in my 2010 one-man show, Portraits of Honor. You may read more about my original research on this noble historic figure on my website.

Whispers of the Anasazi (left) The Ute men in Whispers of the Anasazi have brought items of religious significance with them to the cave. While one points his pipe into the sky towards the Great Spirit, the other two prepare their sacred medicine bundles. Medicine bundles were packages of spiritual items only to be opened during special occasions, such as during a ceremony such as this one. Many items could be found in these bundles, such as rattles, whole birds, feathers, animal skins, sweetgrass, sage, stones and other important objects. They wear a variety of traditional garments, including buckskin shirts and leggings. The man on the left has a blue blanket over his shoulders and holds a ceremonial pipe in his hand. The standing man conducts the ceremony, pointing his pipe towards the sky. The man on the right prepares sage for burning to purify the air and carry prayers to the Great Spirit.



spi ritu FR e ver al b EE Please do keep your artwork coming so we can display y a ook it in the magazine and with our followers on Facebook and rtis or Twitter. If we print your work in the magazine you will receive a t w gif e s t fo surprise spiritual book or gift. ho r w Send your art to: Psychic News, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM22 7WE, United Kingdom or email to:

Among The Forest Spirits (above) Nobility Of Mind (below)

Oglala Offerings (above) Deep in the Black Hills of South Dakota – known as Paha Sapa in Lakota – three holy men prepare offerings for the Great Spirit (Wakhan Thanka). They have come to this hallowed ground specifically for its powerful and holy qualities. They bring important messages with them along with the offerings. Each man is adorned differently and performs a different task as they pray. The man in the lower right places dried sage and pine in a bowl to burn as incense. He is a “shirt wearer”, meaning he holds a special place of honour in his tribe as a protector. Next to him lies a medicine bundle, which contains many sacred objects: hawk feathers with locks of hair and red catlinite stones. The man in the upper right raises an eagle-wing fan to the Great Spirit. Holding an eagle wing fan during prayer was typically reserved for a select few who had high status and had earned this privilege. Additionally, it served to fan the incense smoke towards the sky and the user. The man on the left holds a Chanunpa or ceremonial pipe. His pipe features a red catlinite pipestone bowl, traditional for pipes of this area and vintage. They would smoke a locally grown tobacco, the smoke of which would carry their prayers to the Great Spirit.

• To see more of James Ayers’ work, visit his website at: or find him on Facebook at: PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015



8 7 1 5 4 3 9 3 8 5 3 2 5 1 9 3

9 5 4 2 1 6 8 6 9 7 1 4 5 9 7 8

How to solve sudoku: Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell so that each row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers from 1-9.



We have five copies of Heidi Sawyer’s book The Intelligent Guide to the 6TH Sense to give away as prizes in this month’s sudoku competition.

Sud Com oku peti tion

The publisher writes: “The sixth sense is the incredible hidden power of intuition that we all have within us. Heidi Sawyer has helped hundreds of people awaken to their sixth sense – and now reveals her own journey to realising her psychic potential. Through the lessons Heidi taught herself, she reveals incredible extrasensory skills that you too can learn. With concise and clear advice, Heidi demonstrates that you can cultivate your sixth sense by : • Recognising the signs that your abilities are opening • Learning how to live your life with your psychic frequency turned on • Coping with opposition, and finding like-minded people • Using her top ten tips to develop powerful psychic awareness Heidi Sawyer is the course director for the Institute of Psychic Development. She travels the world teaching psychic awareness and self-healing, and has written numerous articles on self-improvements and psychic development.” For your chance to win one of the five copies, complete the sudoku puzzle and send the numbers which appear in the shaded centre row, from left to right, along with your name and address to: 6TH Sense, Psychic News, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM22 7WE, UK. You can also enter by email to: The closing date for entries is 30th November 2015.


The winners of the July sudoku competition to win a copy of Angel Astrology 101 by Doreen Virtue and Yasmin Boland are: Dorothy Roper (Dorset), Melinda Santa Cruz (California, USA), Patricia Taylor (Stockport), Rita Davison (Tyne & Wear) and Jane Perham (Walsall). The solution to the puzzle is: centre line numbers 521 968 437. The winner of the James Van Praagh Online Certification Course is Trina Widener (Abington, Virginia, USA). Answer: Brian Hurst.




WORKING WITH TRANCE STATES THE MEDIUM stood solemnly on the Spiritualist church rostrum and, with closed eyes, said in a silly Chinese accent, “Greetings from the spirit world.” This was one of my favourite mediums because her antics were an absolute howl. My wife Jane and I had to suppress the smirks as, part-way through her trance address, she provided us with an advertisement break. One eye opened as the guide said, “This sister is currently unable to get to church because of transport problems. If any drivers are available then please speak to her afterward. You can also speak to her about private sitting and personal auragraphs.” She then slipped back into the trance address. Now don’t get me wrong. Although words such as “fruitcake” spring to mind, the medium in question was a lovely, sincere lady but definitely not the Spiritualist medium norm.





Spirit guides can and do perform kindly offices for those on Earth, but benefit can only be received on the condition that we allow them to become our teachers, not our masters, that we accept them as companions and not Gods to be worshipped.


However, mediums like this do give trance a bad name. Similarly, trance mediumship – sometimes called channelling – also has many surreal practitioners who bring shallow philosophy from grandiose spirits. Some grunt like animals, whistle like dolphins or give messages from aliens. Perhaps they really are in touch with these beings, for there is no way to prove they are not. But there is no way to prove they are real, either. Trance mediumship, or channelling, can sometimes be a form of self-hypnosis, self-deception and foolishness. From what I and other sensible witnesses have observed, the real spirit beings that come to speak are humble and disclaim all fame and honour. They have no need for colourful names and lineages. They use their form as a way to identify themselves rather than for glory. They usually speak in the medium’s own voice and have no need for mannerisms, gestures or speaking in an unrecognisable language. The latter exhibitions are almost always the medium’s own projections of his or her expectations and desires. My own trance work developed only after 10 years of working as an accurate platform medium, and I insist that the guides who take control give verifiable evidence of the spirit that is in touch. If this were not the case, there would be no way of knowing that it really is the spirit. It could be my own subconscious speaking or even memories carried forward from past lives.



Whether intelligent philosophy or crazy psycho-babble is given, it is not proven to be from the spirit unless some form of verification is provided. How else can we test the spirit and know it is true? So, before explaining the function of trance work in a circle I need to prove my point. I have only vague memories about what is said while I am in trance, and for some of my sessions I have no idea who has attended. At an open trance session we had a guest visitor who was unknown to us. “I can remember the evening we had an extraordinary proof from your guide Tara,” said Sue from my circle. “The lady you linked to had never been to a trance session before, and the guide told her that she had lost someone very close to her and it was a very sad and painful time for her. This was confirmed.” I found out later that the woman was Vanessa Gates from Fareham, Hampshire. She was shocked when her brother’s spirit spoke to her at the session: “I heard about Craig and visited his psychic development group. I was keen to get in touch with my brother, Brian Price, who had died 13 years earlier. “Sitting in a near pitch-dark room waiting to hear the voice of spirit people was a bit like the séances you see in the movies. Soon Craig started speaking to people. His knowledge, he explained, was passed to him by his spirit guide. Eventually I had the courage to ask: ‘If someone is murdered, can they tell you who killed them?’ “Craig paused, allowed his guide to

overshadow him, then said, ‘You are asking because of your brother, Brian, who is with me now. He was murdered in London. They cut his head off.’ “The whole room was stunned. Craig did not know my name and, apart from greeting me when I arrived, had not spoken to me before. What he was saying was shocking – and true. My brother, Brian, had been murdered. “Brian, who was 38, and his girlfriend had been stabbed repeatedly and then had their heads chopped off. He’d been mixing with the wrong types, and the police considered it to be a gangland murder, with drugs involved. The murder has remained unsolved for 13 years. “Through the spirit guide, Brian made contact. He told how the murderer had continued to stab his body after he was dead. He mentioned names that I knew had been connected with the inquiry. Brian described how he had died in a dirty flat in a near-derelict block. There was rubbish and broken glass around the room. “He said that there was not one murderer but three people present. They came from Bristol, which makes sense, as Brian had lived there. I thought about passing the names he had given to the police, but Brian didn’t think his murderers would be punished for what they did to him. “They will be convicted for other crimes, though, he said. But he made a point of saying he’d died with the first stab to his chest and hadn’t suffered. He had watched the events unfold from out of his body. “For a long time, I’d been haunted by the


thought of him suffering. This put my mind at rest – as did realising that everyone gets a second chance in the afterlife.” Phil, also from the circle, had a little more to add about the incident: “Tara mentioned that the man who was murdered was dealing drugs out of Bristol and that the people who murdered him were doing business with him when something went wrong. All three of them played a part in his death but the police did not know who had actually killed him. “But then Tara gave the three names of the people who were involved in the murder. They were three people who were known to the sitter and also knew her brother. To me this made it an exceptional night and that is why I remember it so long afterwards.” If there is a real communication from a spirit guide then they should be able to provide verifiable evidence of the continuation of life. It is my belief that trance mediumship should not be developed until the medium is fully developed as a mental medium. There are a few exceptions in the history of Spiritualism, in which evidential trance mediumship has developed first, but I seriously question any form of trance that cannot provide verifiable proof of spirit communication. Students are often eager to try trance work far too soon and before their mental mediumship has flowered. The assumption is that it is easy to channel inspired talk. But the development of trance is dependent on spirit requirements, not personal desires.

When you sit with a true trance medium it is unmistakable that spirit have communicated

Much later in your development, the overshadowing by the spirit communicator may increase until it becomes trance. This will happen only if you want it to and if it is the route you choose. Not all mediums are trance mediums. During light trance the medium will be partially conscious and afterwards will be able to recall the discourse made by the guide. In deep trance the medium is completely oblivious to what is happening. In most instances the medium’s consciousness will shift between light and deep trance, depending upon the need and the available prana energy in the room. During deep trance, a powerful atmosphere pervades the room as the guide speaks directly through the medium. The guide may tell the sitters things about

themselves that can only be known by clairvoyance and may give astonishing spirit proof. When you sit with a true trance medium it is unmistakable that spirit have communicated. As my circle is primarily a teaching circle, the trance work I do is normally for the purpose of developing fledgling mediums. Trance teachings are given once the students have advanced enough to understand what is happening and can ask questions of the spirit about their own development and the progress of the group in general. If you are running a circle without a medium then this is something that may not be possible for your group. I must emphasise that trance mediumship should not be developed until the medium has a number of years of provable mental mediumship behind him or her. As my circle evolves and the sitters develop their mediumistic skills, the spirit guides work through me in trance to prepare the novice mediums to give their first public demonstration. Once the sitters become mediums in their own right then the circle may either disband or continue toward a more advanced stage, perhaps with the development of physical mediumship and accompanying phenomena. I believe that every developed medium should maintain a circle as a permanent part of his or her spiritual work. An extract from Craig Hamilton-Parker’s book Psychic School. For purchase details see advertisement on page 43. PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015



Breaking the code

How Sir Oliver Lodge attempted to prove his survival of death

The message is detailed and could not be guessed at any of the stages

HAVING satisfied himself, through personal experience as well as research, that we all survive death, Sir Oliver Lodge – one of the greatest scientists of the 19th century – applied his considerable intellect to devising a code that would prove posthumous survival once and for all. The idea was simple but in reality, as a search through our archives shows, it turned out to be far more complex than psychic researchers had expected. The famous physicist, who was involved in early experiments with radio and also explored aspects of electromagnetic radiation, decided that the best way of proving he had survived death was to communicate a code from beyond the grave. Others, it has to be said, had done this before but with only limited success. This was because non-believers usually offered



alternative explanations for the messages that related to those codes. For example, telepathy with a living person who knew the code, or clairvoyance which involved perceiving the coded information by extra-sensory perception rather than by being in contact with the surviving spirit of the person who devised the code. Sir Oliver devised and then refined the code over a long period in a way that, hopefully, would not permit any other explanation than spirit communication to be accepted.

As a past president of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) between 1901 and 1903, it was understandable that he involved the Society in the planning and administering of the Survival test. Having finalised his plan, Sir Oliver deposited an envelope with the SPR on 20 June, 1930, that contained the code he hoped to transmit from the next world. In reality, there were seven envelopes, one inside the other, with the secret code in the last one. The use of multiple envelopes wasn’t just to ensure no one could read the hidden message. Instead, each envelope contained a clue. Being aware of the subtleties of mediumistic communication, Sir Oliver wanted to assist the mediums involved in making contact with him, without the clues giving any indication of the final message’s content. Also, understanding the forgetfulness


This is Sir Oliver Lodge’s target message in the innermost envelope...

Five-Finger Exercise An elementary exercise which has more or less been an obsession. I have never written it out before, but I have strummed it on tables and chairs thousands and possibly a million times. Never so as to be noticed, and often so as to get finger touches to coincide with the frequency of contacts here. Thus the thumb strikes three times, the third finger only once, and the fourth or little finger twice. Consequently, by striking the whole of the fingers on the table, then raising the third and striking again, then the fourth and strike again, all would have struck and been satisfied except the second or middle finger which would have to strike three times more.

that often creeps into the human mind as old age advances, and not knowing how long his earthly life would last, Sir Oliver’s clues were designed to prod his own memory in the beyond, should he forget the code. As if that wasn’t complicated enough, in 1931 and 1933 he also sent two supplementary envelopes each enclosing another envelope, bringing the total number of envelopes involved to 11. In addition, he deposited an envelope enclosing five others at the London Spiritualist Association (now the College of Psychic Studies) in November 1931. The final envelope contained the same message as the one given to the SPR. The “code”, we now know, was the description of a habit with a musical theme about which he had told no one. It was based on a piano exercise he learned as a child (see “Five Finger Exercise”). It involved hitting notes with the fingers of one hand, with the following repetitions: 3 3 6 1 2 making a total of 15. Sir Oliver died in August 1940 during World War Two and a decade after he devised the code. The packets and related documents were sent out of London by the SPR for safekeeping. They were returned in 1945 and the first attempt to break the code took place in 1947. It was an experiment that spanned seven years as each envelope yielded a new clue and participating mediums were given

time to establish contact with the dead scientist. Committee members held some 130 sittings with various mediums and over 100 automatic scripts and letters were received from other people purporting to give the message. Eventually, the final envelopes in both packets were opened on 19 May, 1954, in the presence of SPR and LSA representatives and members of Lodge’s family.

The results were published in Light, the LSA’s journal, 60 years ago and a detailed summary based on that report appeared in Psychic News, 24 September 1955. Although the envelopes were said to contain “clues” they did not hint at the final message. Lodge had explained: “The message is detailed and could not be guessed at any of the stages”.




F. Jordan Gill

Geraldine Cummins

Geraldine Cummins stated definitely and correctly that the ‘trivial obsession’ ... was that of playing a tune silently with his fingers when alone

However, it turned out that the main clues – seen only by the committee members, not by mediums – were in fact part of the final message, and this made judging of mediumistic statements more difficult. Telepathy between sitter and medium could have been a factor. In other words, it was not as watertight as even he



hoped to make it. Even so, medium F. Jordan Gill produced impressive results before the clues were known to sitters, referring to the fivefinger exercise and saying he had a clear impression of music. At a second sitting he referred to Roman numerals and a series of letters in

the alphabet which formed a kind of code. This hints at the way Sir Oliver’s five-finger exercise was presented. Another well-known medium, automatist Geraldine Cummins, who knew the clues, stated definitely and correctly that the “trivial obsession” to which Lodge referred was that of playing a tune silently with his fingers when alone, and that it had dated from his childhood and persisted all his life. A third medium, Thirza Smith, produced a partial reference to the final message after she and the sitter knew all the important clues. She was also controlled by Sir Oliver during the sittings, displaying some of his characteristics and mannerisms which were recognised “without any uncertainty” by Miss Norah Lodge and one of the committee members. The final verdict was delivered by Mercy Phillimore, one of the report’s signatories, after commenting that the test “was extremely difficult to fulfil”: “I am convinced that Sir Oliver Lodge repeatedly tried to carry through his difficult task; that he did at the majority of sittings manage to convey the reality of his efforts, whether or not the medium had knowledge of the purpose of the sitting; that often his effort was frustrated, but that on a few occasions he succeeded in transmitting correct facts both by direct and indirect methods; that he generously gave himself to this prolonged effort in order to keep his promise and with the object of helping and encouraging people. Such action is in accordance with his known character.”

Don’t miss the November issue of Psychic News News, opinions and fascinating features, including: HELEN DUNCAN: dismissed by some as a fraud, we look at striking evidence that suggests she was, in fact, among the best materialisation mediums Britain has produced. JULIE BEISCHEL: interview with a scientist whose studies under strict test conditions are throwing a new light on how mediumship works. DEAD WOMAN NAMES HER KILLER before police are even aware she was murdered. DOWSING WITH A PENDULM: Dean Fraser shows you how. MEMORIES OF HEAVEN: children’s astounding recollections of the time before they came to Earth. ARE WE ALL PSYCHIC? Ewan Irvine examines the evidence. LOOKING BACK: delving into the Psychic News’ archives spanning over 80 years.


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HELPING LOST SOULS A few spirits encounter difficulties in their transition to the next world. Wendy Stokes discusses how they can be helped and what special precautions need to be taken WHILST the vast majority of souls are met and greeted by their loved ones or helpers on arrival in the next world, some take time to adjust to the fact that they have died and remain close to the Earth plane. Fortunately, help is usually at hand, from both sides of the veil, to enable earthbound spirits to move into the light. Soul rescue is conducted in most Spiritualist and mediumship groups, often on a regular basis, and there are some circles that specialise in this work. There is a threshold area between this world and the next which is sometimes described as a tunnel, a bridge, a doorway, a stairway or some other transitional area. When a spirit is unaware that they are in the spirit realms; is unable to detach from the physical world; has unfinished business here; is confused or disorientated, soul rescue might be indicated. Many of these lost spirits are confused. They have often had a shock and returned to the next world very quickly, without any preparation. Victims of traumatic violence, such as murder, accidents or war victims, commonly need assistance, as do children,

elderly people who are distressed, mentally ill people, or those who did not want to leave the physical world due to unfulfilled plans. Belief in possession by evil spirits is a very ancient one. Most countries of the world have tales of helpful deities, angels or spirit guides who provide safe passage for the deceased person’s spirit, leading it safely into the spirit realms. Funerary art from many thousands of years ago depicts the “psychopomp” who escorts the dead to the netherworlds. The Greek God Hermes was one; the Egyptian Anubis another. In addition, animals such as dogs, deer, birds and horses expressly performed the task of escorting lost souls to the heavenly realms. The art of the Egyptians, Greeks and Tibetans show their knowledge in this field. The earliest documents were found in a palace belonging to an Assyrian ruler, Assurbanipal, in Nineveh. Written on a clay tablet dating from 650BC is an inscription of a desperate appeal by a man who is possessed by a tyrannical ghost. The ancient Hindu scriptures, Atharva Greek god Hermes acts as psychopomp to conduct Myrrhine to Hades. Relief from carved funerary lekythos at Athens, 430-420 BC (National Archaeological Museum of Athens). Photo: Marsyas



RESCUE CIRCLES Veda, detail demonic possession and some ancient Buddhist sects describe deliverance of evil spirits. The Cathars were also very knowledgeable about this, as were the Shakers (an offshoot of the Quaker faith). Perhaps the most famous proponent of soul rescue is the spirit release work of Air Chief Marshal Lord Hugh Dowding (see “The Spiritualist Who Saved Britain”, PN August 2015). Dowding was a very spiritual man. When his first wife, Clarice, passed from earthly life, he attended a Spiritualist circle and received messages from her. He was obviously a naturally gifted medium which was realised, one ordinary day, when he returned home to find a young airman sleeping in his armchair. When the lad awoke, he explained to Dowding that he had been shot down and had no idea where he was. During the course of their conversation, Dowding realised this young fighter pilot had died and was “earthbound” and needed help to find his way to the spirit realms where there would be great celebration at his homecoming. Over the course of many years, Dowding helped numerous airmen over the threshold and Clarice led them by the hand into the spirit realms. Even when Dowding remarried, Clarice still performed the ancient duty of psychopomp. I have known a spirit who was afraid to enter the spirit realms because she did not wish to meet the parents who were unkind to her. I asked my guide (and Clarice, as she has a great deal of experience and this is her chosen work) to show the way until the spirit found someone who she knew would care kindly for her. Spirit rescue should be conducted only if your group is harmonious, experienced and stable. It should begin, as always, with prayer for specific assistance. A time of relaxation and preparation should follow. A scan for lost, confused or trapped spirits who are not at rest or able to move on should then be conducted. If a member of the group discovers someone they think is “earthbound” they should speak to them psychically and find as much information as possible. Sometimes it is possible to see the spirit, hear the spirit, or receive knowledge about the spirit. When the reason for being “earthbound” is revealed, a member can provide emotional support, understanding, reasoning, and other comforts to aid the spirit to accept that they are no longer in the physical world and need to move towards the light, towards healing and then to perform various duties in the spirit realms. Some spirits are very reluctant to go over the threshold but we in the physical world must always devote our patience

and consideration to understanding their problems and their confusion. We need to coax the spirit towards the light, towards beauty and peace and the support of loving spirits. Other circle members should join in meditation by visualising this spirit becoming released from their earthbound entrapment. At the end of the session, give thanks to the spirits who have assisted and to this spirit for accepting help from the group.

Damaged spirits

Lost or damaged spirits are known to roam the spirit realms until directed home to the light, to healing and to sanctuary. It is the role of each rescue circle to help them achieve realisation of their position and how they can be at rest. Some of these spirits, having wandered the spirit realms, decide to attach themselves to a living person and vicariously live through a physical body. The need for release is one of the most serious and troublesome spiritual problems that can occur. The late American psychiatrist Dr Carl Wickland and his wife were both dedicated exponents. They experimented with many hundreds of cases early in the 20th century. However, the days of confronting, challenging and removing attached spirits are over. We now know these spirit attachments can be organisms, splinters of spirit entities, toxic or dark matter from the spirit realms. In 1972, when furniture was thrown around by unseen hands and fires broke out in a house in Daly City, San Francisco, a Catholic family was put in touch with a local priest, Rev Karl Patzelt of Our Lady of Fatima Church. He assessed the seriousness of the attack, which involved all the family members, and defined it as a “disturbance caused by the Evil One”, a diagnosis of the situation just a little less serious than full

Anneliese Michel died of starvation after numerous exorcisms were conducted by priests

possession, which describes actual control of a human being by the Devil. The Roman Catholic Church gives the bishop in every diocese the authority to appoint a priest to act as diocesan exorcist. It is common in many countries to recognise this phenomenon but few know how to deal with it properly. Between 19 August and 8 September, 1973, Father Patzelt performed 14 rites of exorcism using a ritual that dated back to 1614 when Pope Paul V decreed the method with which evil spirits were to be banished. The Roman Catholic Church modified its rite in 1999. Modern exorcism is not without casualties. On the rare occasions that modern day cases are reported, they are usually controversial. In 1949, a boy referred to as Robbie Doe was exorcised by Father William S. Bowden and became the subject of the later sensationalised film, The Exorcist. The case of a West German student highlights the seriousness of spirit-based attack. On 1 July, 1975, Anneliese Michel, only 23 years of age, died of starvation after numerous exorcisms were conducted by priests over a period of ten months. The girl’s parents and two priests were found guilty of homicide due to their negligence in caring for her prior to her death. They received only suspended sentences. It is said that Salvador Dali was exorcised of an evil spirit by an Italian priest and it is also said that Mother Teresa was delivered of an offending spirit. Mental illness must be excluded as a cause prior to deliverance and a team of specialists, including psychiatrists, is consulted by the Bishop before any priest can become involved in a case. The Church regards particular symptoms to be evidence of demonic possession. However, many symptoms could be psychic in origin, such as speaking in other languages not known by the sufferer, superhuman strength, knowledge of future events or ability to find lost objects, blasphemy and sacrilege, and even spitting, swearing and offensive insults. Though such claims are often treated with scepticism, it’s worth remembering that author and Vietnam veteran psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, author of the best-selling The Road Less Travelled (1978), made an in-depth study of possessive states – Glimpses of the Devil (2005) – and is a believer in the usefulness of properly conducted exorcisms. His work is perhaps the best that is available. PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015



Keeping the spirit of Nina Simone alive ReAnna Kelly, granddaughter of Nina Simone, in a still from the “Night Terrors” episode of the A&E TV series Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal

Fascinating psychic connections with the ‘High Priestess of Soul’

Sometimes I see my grandma sitting right where the piano is, because she loves to play it



IT IS 12 years since the extraordinary singer, songwriter, pianist and civil rights activist Nina Simone passed on, but her talent and spirit continue to inspire many, including family members. Nina, regarded as the “High Priestess of Soul”, was the focus of two shows at the recent Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland this year that were reviewed on a UK radio programme. And in the coming months fans around the world will also be enjoying Nina, a movie based on her life, and a revelatory warts-and-all Netflix documentary, What Happened, Miss Simone? At the Edinburgh Fringe, Apphia Campbell’s show, Black Is The Colour of My Voice, was set in a hotel room in Paris where Nina Simone secluded herself away for three days after the death of her father. Kirsty Lang, presenter of BBC Radio 4’s Front Row, asked the performer why she had written about that particular period of Simone’s life and her relationship with her father. “Nina Simone and her father were really,

Apphia Campbell before her Edinburgh show


Simone Kelly and daughter ReAnna

ReAnna Kelly with psychologist Lisa Miller. Both images from A&E’s Psychic Kids episode Civil rights activist Nina Simone in 1969, a year after the assassination of Martin Luther King. Photo: Jack Robinson

really close from a young age and they had a really special relationship,” Campbell explained. “And then they had an argument and she didn’t reconcile with her father after 14 months and he died. “She felt really hurt about that, so she met this witchdoctor who told her to go to this room and seclude herself, and she did. And she said after three days she felt vindicated because she saw her father.” Campbell realised that this intense period of reflection in the singer’s life was a good way to tell Nina’s story and it also enabled her to focus on “the fragile part of who she was as a woman”. As well as writing Black Is The Colour of My Voice, Apphia Campbell also plays Nina Simone in the show. “Myself, I like to channel Nina Simone’s energy,” she told Lang. “I believe in ghosts and spirits, so basically every time I perform a show I say, ‘Look Nina, anything you want to say, anything you want to show people, here is a body – let us share it. Don’t let me let you down.’ And to me she’s a great inspiration.” Nina is also a great inspiration to her own granddaughter, ReAnna Kelly, who is

psychic and an intuitive healer. At the age of eight, together with her mother, singer Simone Kelly – Nina’s daughter – ReAnna appeared on a 2008 episode of the A&E series, Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal, with two other American children who were also troubled by the experience of seeing spirits. Her mother first became aware of ReAnna’s psychic abilities when she talked about seeing a girl named Beth who had been killed by a car on the road outside their home. Seeing spirits terrified her and caused her to have sleepless nights. Only after talking to neighbours was Simone able to confirm that a young girl had been killed on that stretch of road. The three psychic kids were brought together and introduced to medium Chip Coffey and researcher and clinical psychologist Lisa Miller. They helped validate the children’s experiences and enabled them to accept and adjust to their unusual abilities. What emerged from that episode, called Night Terrors, was that ReAnna could diagnose health conditions and had healing powers. She detected that one of the other

children had a blood condition. Simone and her daughter appeared on Larry King Live with famous psychic John Edward to discuss the episode in which they appeared. After remarking that ReAnna would have been three years old when her grandmother, Nina Simone, died, Larry King asked her, “Do you see your grandma?” “Yes, I do.” “Where is she?” King asked. “What is she doing?” “Well, she’s usually in ... we have this room in our home and we call it the round room and sometimes I see her there. Or, if not, I see her where my piano is. And sometimes she’s sitting right where the piano is, because she loves to play it.” “Doesn’t that scare you a little?” “Sometimes,” the eight-year-old responded. “And the most thing that scares me is because when I see her, her eyes are like really big, but she’s smiling and it’s kind of creepy.” Taken aback at the thought of a ghostly Nina Simone playing a piano, Larry King observed, “Creepy is a good word”. PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015


WIN A PSYCHIC CRUISE WITH GORDON SMITH Cruise Focus is offering Psychic News readers the chance to enter their prize draw to win a twin or double inside cabin for two on board their May 2016 Psychic Cruise with Gordon Smith on P&O’s fabulous Ventura (18th - 22nd May 2016). There will be a monthly draw with a £20 Cruise Focus voucher as the prize. The monthly winners will then go into the final draw for the cruise. The final draw will take place on 5th February 2016. The closing date for entries is 31st January 2016. The draw is open to Psychic News readers, Cruise Focus clients and visitors to Cruise Focus’s website. To enter and read the full terms and conditions, visit: REV. JOSEPH SHIEL


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This £10 issue’s le winn tter er

In each issue we will give £10 to the author of the letter we find the most interesting.

SPIRITUAL AND INSPIRING ART I FIND the art that appears in PN fascinating, but I’ve been especially inspired by the encaustic paintings that have been featured recently. The piece on the history of encaustic art, or “hot wax painting” (PN August issue) was very interesting: I had no idea how far back it went – all the way to ancient Egypt! I love the different textures and tones that

The paintings have inspired me so much

appear in encaustic paintings. I find just

that I’ve decided to buy an encaustic art

looking at them is meditative and spiritual;

kit and try it out for myself. Who knows,

it’s one of those art forms that I feel really

maybe if I’m any good PN will kindly

evokes different emotions in people. It’s is

feature some of my work!

the kind of art I enjoy and that I attempt to

Daisy Wilkes

create myself when taking photographs.


The paintings have inspired me so much that I’ve decided to buy an encaustic art kit and try it out for myself. Who knows, maybe if I’m any good PN will kindly feature some of my work!

SIR OLIVER BELIEVED BEFORE LOSING HIS SON Thank you for the excellent and timely article on Sir Oliver Lodge and the spirit return of his son Raymond (PN September). The centenary of Second Lieutenant Raymond Lodge’s death in action during the Great War (14 September, 2015) is also my birth date (although I’m still 36 years short of a full century!). The article revealed that far from having been driven into a belief in Spiritualism by grief over his son’s untimely death, Sir Oliver had been a firm believer in the existence of life after bodily death for decades before the War began. A similar assertion was made by sceptics in connection with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and it was equally false in his case.



I note that this article began and concluded with references to Psychic News’ archives, which date back to 1932. Have you ever considered publishing a “Best of Psychic News Collection”, in hardcover and CD format?

Jim McArthur

New Orleans (via email).

[Thanks for the suggestion, Jim. It’s an interesting idea, but we may be able to go one better. We are hoping to digitise the entire archive so that one day it will be easily accessible online. Watch this space! In the meantime, you’ll find more about Sir Oliver from our archives on pages 27/28 of this issue – Editor]


MY QUESTION FOR SIDNEY AND WILLIAM These gentlemen (Sidney J. Clark and William Eyre, Letters August 2015) have left me with a question. Why do they insist on presenting the Scriptures as literally true, when probably there is no basis for this claim. Consider: incontestable proof exists that alterations to the Bible continued with little respite until as late as the 17th century. The new Revised Version produced in 1881, according to the authorities responsible, removed 36,000 “mistakes” discovered in the old version. The idea that faith and baptism are necessary for salvation is found in a set of 12 verses now acknowledged to be forged additions. Examples: “He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned” (Mark 16:16). Again, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). These words are acknowledged, even by conservative Christian scholars, to be late insertions, acting as they do to reinforce the legend of Jesus as a God-man. Louis Bischoff’s The Interpreter’s Bible and Dr Leslie

Weatherhead’s The Christian Agnostic discuss reasons why the Church authorities benefitted from these alterations. Astonishing contradictions in the behaviour of Jesus can be seen, as when He curses those who do not believe in Him. The Church feared the power of psychics, who they saw as rivals to their priests, and put into the mouth of God commandments such as, “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live” (Exodus 22:18). Priests and their followers killed millions of people throughout Europe during the Christian era (and often confiscated their property), on charges such as “seeing the dead”, “conversing with spirits” or “curing people by touch”.

Desmond Long, New Zealand

(via email)

SPIRITUALIST INTERPRETATIONS OF BIBLE Although there are numerous factors involved in the evolution of the concept of God, Spiritualism has to be one of them. Long before recorded history natural mediums could well have mistaken spirit voices and spirit forms as gods, goddesses or devils. If this is so, it would explain both the behaviour of ancient Israel’s god and his methods of communication. After all, he told Solomon that he would “dwell in the darkness” (I Kings 8:12). Only a Spiritualist would understand that. Interestingly, not everyone could hear Yahweh’s voice. It required a gift (I Sam. 3:4-9) And when Yahweh appears at the tabernacle door as a pillar of cloud, we could

interpret it as follows: tabernacle = booth or screened off area for the medium (Num. 12:5); pillar of cloud = ectoplasm. One thing seems certain: Yahweh was not the Almighty. Would the Ultimate Being concern Himself with whether men trimmed their beards or not? Would he demand the sexual mutilation of baby boys? I think not. No, Yahweh was not God. In all probability, he was a long dead tribal chief.

When Yahweh appears at the tabernacle door as a pillar of cloud, we could interpret it as ectoplasm

Sidney J. Clark Norfolk.





THE NADI TECHNIQUE BY BILLY ROBERTS IN 1983, I founded the Thought Workshop. It was one of the UK’s first centres for psychic and spiritual studies and alternative therapies.




The centre, in the northwest of England, was visited by mediums, healers and other practitioners from all over the UK, and caught the interest of the BBC and ITV television channels. Both filmed there during the 1980s. It was there that I began creating the Nadi Technique, a unique self-healing system that energises the body and encourages optimum health. The Nadi Technique is a simple and yet extremely effective way of precipitating the flow of prana (life force) through the numerous subtle channels that permeate the more refined aspects of the physical body. The word nadi means “nerve” or river, only at a more subtle level, and it is along the nadis that prana flows, from the chakras to the organs of the physical body. When a blockage occurs in any of the nadis, its corresponding physical component is affected. This can manifest either as a physical or a psychological problem: a clear indication that an individual’s energy reserves have in some way been impaired or perhaps broken down. Those who have an interest in complementary treatments will probably attempt to resolve the problem with a few visits to an acupuncture practitioner or reflexologist. However, the Nadi Technique is quick and effective and may be practised by anyone in the comfort of their own home or even workplace. It consists of an eclectic mix of eastern and western methods that I modified into one healing system. Although I intended the Nadi Technique to be solely a self-healing process, it can be applied to another person. Each treatment streamlines the flow of energy through the subtle channels, and in many cases serves as a sort of “rescue remedy”, especially when you are feeling run down or out of sorts. The effects of some of these “pickme-up” treatments are instantaneous, invigorating and long-lasting. They can also be used daily to maintain balance and equilibrium of body, mind and spirit. First of all, when a person is depressed or, for whatever reason, just feeling under the weather, it becomes apparent in his or her gait and overall posture. The shoulders slump, the head hangs low and the spine appears not to be straight. These are the outward signs of how that person is feeling within. Any inflammatory or painful condition also affects the way that person looks and breathes. The breathing of someone who is not feeling too well becomes quite shallow and often rapid. This greatly affects the inflowing prana and the way in which it flows through the network of nadis.

Let us take a look at the first energising exercise: Stand up with the spine erect and the shoulders thrown back. Raise your right arm above your head and inhale a complete breath. Hold the breath for the count of four and, as you exhale, stretch your arm as far as possible, extending your fingers and pushing up as far as you can, before forcefully exhaling. Relax the arm but still hold it above your head. Repeat the process with the same arm held above your head: Inhale a complete breath, hold it for the count of four and, as you forcefully exhale, stretching your arm, pushing it up as high as you can, standing on your toes if able, then relax. Now, repeat the same process with the left arm. Hold it above your head whilst inhaling a complete breath; hold it for the count of four. As you forcefully exhale, push the arm up as high as you can, extending the fingers as you stretch. Now relax your arm, but still holding it above your head. Repeat the process with the same arm. Conclude the exercise by drinking a glass of water.

It is important to sit and relax for a few moments until the exercise fully takes effect. This breathing process opens the muscles around the heart and lungs, allowing the maximum effects of in-flowing prana to be experienced. It’s an ideal exercise to use when you are feeling extremely tired, perhaps after a hard day at work. One cautionary note: although the exercise is beneficial to anyone suffering with a chronic respiratory condition, if in doubt always check with your doctor before using it. In any case, never strain the exercise or make it a labour, as this will merely defeat the whole object of the exercise. As with all holistic treatments, before the part can be treated, you must first consider the whole. Treatments in the nadi system of healing do not have to be applied to the affected parts of the body. This system of healing perceives the human form as an electromagnetic unit of incredible power, the health and balance of which is maintained by an intricate network of nadis, minute channels performing the relentless process of transporting the inflowing prana throughout the subtle anatomy. In yogic parlance the three primary nadis are known as Ida, Pingala and the central spinal channel, Sushumna. In fact, Sushumna is the most important channel as it supports all activity in the spine, and is intertwined by Ida and Pingala, the female and male nadis.

Each treatment streamlines the flow of energy through the subtle channels, and in many cases serves as a sort of ‘rescue remedy’, especially when you are feeling run down or out of sorts.




It is essential that the movement of prana in the spine is constant, as this unifies the female and male energies, promoting psychological and physical wellbeing and overall balance. Spending too much time at the computer, or worrying about everyday problems can have quite a profound effect upon your health. Concentration and worry can cause headaches and other stressful conditions, with a wide range of physiological and psychological implications. The following Nadi treatment produces a calming effect upon the mind, and also encourages the release of endorphins, the body’s natural morphine-like hormones, that ease the pain and discomfort brought on by stress, worry and anxiety. It also acts as a general tonic when you are not feeling too well. Try not to dismiss it because of its simplicity. Here’s what to do: Sit on a straight-back chair, with your shoulders thrown slightly back and your eyes closed. Take the thumb and first two fingers of your right hand and place them on your neck at the base of the skull, slightly left of the spinal cord. Having secured them at this location, apply a little pressure, making sure that you are not causing any discomfort, and inhale slowly a complete breath. Retain the breath for a few moments, before exhaling, maintaining the pressure on your neck until the breath has been fully expelled. Then relax. Allow a few seconds to elapse before repeating the whole process of the exercise. It is always a good idea to read through the exercises a few times until you fully



understand how to apply them. The final Nadi Technique exercise is extremely effective for anyone who smokes or is suffering from a chest infection. It stimulates the alveoli and the parts of the lungs that may have atrophied through years of smoking or even chronic illness. It must not be overused as it may cause you to over breathe or hyperventilate. Here’s what to do: Stand up straight with your legs apart, with your body slightly leaning forward. Expel all the air from your lungs then, slowly inhaling a complete breath, simultaneously tapping all over your chest with your fingers, just as though you were playing the piano. When the breath is complete, hold it whilst hitting your chest once with the palms of both hands. Now relax. Only do this exercise once to begin with, just to see how it affects you. Initially you may feel a little light-headed. This is quite normal, and shows that you have performed the exercise in the correct way. Once you have fully mastered it, do it twice in the morning and twice before retiring at night. Always have a short break in between each one. If you would like to know more about the Nadi Technique, you may like to read my book Self-Healing with the Nadi Technique – the Holistic Way, from Amazon or all good bookshops. Billy Roberts is available for lectures, workshops or demonstrations of clairvoyance. Please email:

Spending too much time at the computer or worrying about everyday problems can have quite a profound effect upon your health. This treatment encourages the release of endorphins that ease the pain and discomfort brought on by stress, worry and anxiety



BY JOHN WEST THE MOST famous serial killer in history, Jack the Ripper, murdered at least five women in east London’s Whitechapel district, between August and November 1888, before disappearing as mysteriously as he had arrived. To this day, debate still rages as to his motives and identity. Suspects include a member of the British Royal Family, an American quack doctor, a Liverpool cotton merchant and even the author of Alice in Wonderland! It is little wonder that some believe his horrific crimes have psychically tainted the streets and buildings of the East End. Indeed, I have spoken to many East Enders who still believe that the ghosts of his victims – and even the Ripper himself – still linger in the alleyways of Whitechapel.

Mary Ann ‘Polly’ Nichols...

was found on Buck’s Row – later renamed Durward Street – in the early hours of 31 August, 1888, and is generally regarded as the Ripper’s first victim. Her throat had been cut and she displayed abdominal mutilations. For many years afterwards, locals claimed that a huddled-up figure in shabby Victorian clothes, emitting a ghostly light, was seen lying in the gutter. Horses would often panic upon reaching the spot where ‘Polly’ had died. Dogs also reacted badly when passing there and would strain at the leash to avoid walking over the site of her murder.

PC Neil discovers Nichols’ body in Buck’s Row, from Famous Crimes Past and Present, 1903.

Annie Chapman...

was murdered a week later in the yard of 29 Hanbury Street on 8 September. Her head had almost been severed from her body and the mutilations were even more horrific than the previous victim’s. The Ripper had even removed her uterus. The area soon gained a reputation for being haunted and screams, moans and running footsteps were heard at night. Some even claimed to have seen a headless figure sitting on a wall in the yard. Four decades later, a man named Thomas lived in the street and was passing the scene of the murder one night when he heard the sounds of a struggle, muffled voices and PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015



panting coming from the doorway that led to the yard. Thinking that someone was being attacked, he walked through the passageway and found himself standing before the very spot where Annie Chapman had been murdered 40 years earlier. The yard was deserted but he could still hear the sounds and they appeared to come from just below the step before him. The noise of heavy breathing and gasping suddenly stopped and was replaced by a dragging or swishing sound which also appeared to emanate from the same area. The sounds then ceased. Thomas waited a few moments but nothing else occurred. He then left the yard. Only later did he learn that others had also heard the sounds of a struggle coming from the murder site. Mysterious figures were also seen in the area. In the 1920s, a Mr Chapman – no relation to the victim – lived directly opposite Number 29 and had often seen two people enter the doorway that led to the yard. They were usually seen early in the morning and most often in the autumn. The witness, an early riser, opened his bedroom curtains and saw a couple vanish into the doorway opposite. He noticed that the woman was wearing a long skirt and appeared elderly. The man was immediately behind her and was wearing a greatcoat and a tall hat with a wide brim. His next sighting of the couple was in the street itself. Leaving early for work, he saw a man and woman walking towards him on the other side of the street. Upon reaching 29 Hanbury Street they again disappeared into the doorway which led to the backyard. The couple appeared to be dressed as before. It was raining and he thought it odd that he hadn’t heard any sounds from them, not even footsteps. A couple of months passed before Mr Chapman saw them again from his bedroom window. Once more, they were approaching Number 29 and he called on his wife to look. She jumped out of bed but was too late to see them enter the doorway. She did notice, however, that both doors leading into the yard and house were closed, and was puzzled as to why she hadn’t seen the door closing behind them. It was then that Mr Chapman realised that he hadn’t seen the door open – the couple had appeared to melt into the door itself. Several years later, by which time his brother had moved in with him and his wife after becoming a widower and had joined the same company, the brothers set off for work on an early morning shift. Walking towards Wilkes Street, Mr Chapman was amazed to see the same couple walking on the other side of the



Elizabeth Stride...

was found in the yard of a working men’s club in Berner Street – now Henriques Street – on 30 September. Her throat had been cut but there were no other injuries. It is theorised that the Ripper had been disturbed by an approaching horse and cart and had fled the scene. Elliot O’Donnell records that about a month after the murder, a tradesman was walking through Berner Street, heading for Commercial Road, when he heard a series of moans and groans. A small crowd soon gathered but no one could pinpoint where the sounds were coming from. The tradesman was about to knock on one of the doors when a local woman in the crowd called out, “It’s no good knocking there, guv’nor. Them sounds don’t come from that ‘ouse. They’re in the street ‘ere. We’ve often ‘eard them since poor Lizzie Stride was done to death.” The discovery of Elizabeth Stride’s body in Dutfield’s Yard, from The Pictorial News, 6th October 1888

street. Both were talking, the man being just in front of the woman who was being forced to walk close to the wall. Mr Chapman nudged his brother, jerking his head towards the couple as they walked towards Number 29. He then stopped his brother and they both turned round – the couple had vanished. Chapman said, “There, you saw them, who on earth are they?” His brother replied, “Saw who? I didn’t see anyone …. I thought I heard the sound of footsteps on the other side of the road and I thought that’s what you were trying to tell me.” That was the last occasion when Chapman saw the mysterious couple and he became convinced that he had seen the ghost of Annie Chapman and her killer. Elliot O’Donnell, the noted ghost hunter and author, investigated this haunting and found that sightings of the couple had started to circulate just after the murder. Their last reported appearance was around 1930. He believed that violent events often left a psychic residue which gradually faded away after a period of 50 years. O’Donnell was convinced that the ghosts of Annie Chapman and Jack the Ripper had been created by the strong negative emotions generated on that fateful September morning in 1888. Number 29 was demolished in 1970 and a brewery built on the site. It was noted that a chill was often felt in the boardroom at 6am on the anniversary of the murder. A female figure – presumed to be Annie Chapman – was also seen by a storeroom wall.

Elizabeth Stride

Catherine Eddowes...

died on the very same night as Elizabeth Stride. Her body was found in Mitre Square, her throat cut and her body mutilated. The uterus and left kidney had been removed. The spot where Catherine died acquired the name “Ripper’s Corner” and it was said her ghost could be seen there in late September or on the very anniversary of her murder. Elliot O’Donnell records that witnesses of her ghostly form included a policeman, a doctor and even a member of O’Donnell’s own family. The late Peter Underwood, author and former president of the Ghost Club, was told by a medical student about the time he had crossed the square late one September night. He saw what he assumed was a


bundle of clothes but then it appeared to move. Rushing over to help, he noticed that it was a woman lying on her back, her arms spread out from her body and her feet lying towards the gutter. She appeared to be in her 40s and was wearing a light dress under a coat. He was about 15 feet from her when she suddenly vanished. He had not taken his eyes off her and so ruled out the possibility that she had got up and fled. A young couple decided to visit Mitre Square one Saturday evening after hearing about one of the Ripper’s victims being found there. They entered the square and noticed a man hurrying away in the opposite direction. They then saw a bundle of clothing in one corner and assumed it was rubbish. Walking towards it they then realised that it was actually the body of a woman. She appeared quite still and the square suddenly became strangely quiet. They were about to approach the body when they heard voices and a group of five or six youths ran into the square. They decided to leave but upon looking back noticed that the figure of the woman had vanished – the youths were playing around at the very spot where the couple had seen the woman’s figure!

Mary Jane Kelly...

was murdered on 9 November. She was the Ripper’s last victim and the only one to be killed indoors. She had been horribly mutilated and her heart had been taken away by the killer. The room at 13 Miller’s Court, Dorset Street, was reputed to be haunted in the years following her death. A figure in black was seen to enter the room and then gaze out through the window. Locals believed it to be the ghost of Mary. The room also possessed a bloody

handprint on the wall. No matter how many times it was painted over it always showed through. A picture of the Crucifixion was finally used to hide it. 13 Miller’s Court was eventually demolished in the late 1920s but the ghostly figure of a woman continued to be seen in the building which later occupied the site. Two people claimed to have seen Mary Kelly immediately after her death. One, Caroline Maxwell, a witness at the inquest and an acquaintance of Kelly’s, said she had spoken to her at around 8:30am, several hours after the time given by the coroner as the time of Kelly’s death. Kelly said she had “the horrors of drink” upon her and was urged by Mrs Maxwell to take another drink to steady herself. Kelly replied that she had and vomited it up. About an hour later, she saw Kelly again, this time talking to a stout man in dark clothes outside the Britannia pub. She described her appearance in some detail and was sure that she was not mistaken about the date. Another witness, Maurice Lewis, a tailor who lived in Dorset Street, said he saw Kelly drinking in the Britannia pub at around 10:00am. He had also seen her two hours earlier in the street. Like Maxwell, these sightings were actually made several hours after her death. He was certain that it was her, as he had known Kelly for five years. Some paranormal researchers have suggested that both unwittingly saw Mary Kelly’s ghost. Mary was buried in St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Langthorne Road, Leytonstone E11. Some visitors to her grave have claimed to feel her presence there. Earlier this year, Dr Wynne WestonDavies asked to have Kelly’s remains exhumed to test for DNA samples in an effort to prove that he is related to her. He believes that she is his great-aunt and

that Jack the Ripper was Mary Jane Kelly’s husband, a court reporter named Francis Spurzheim Craig, who killed her as an act of marital revenge. On 31 December a figure is said to appear on the east side of Westminster Bridge, which links north and south London. As Big Ben chimes midnight the apparition leaps into the cold waters of the Thames. Legend states that this is the ghost of Jack the Ripper. He supposedly threw himself from the bridge in 1888 in order to escape the hangman’s noose after Mary Kelly’s murder. He is now doomed to re-enact his last moments for eternity.

Presence still felt

So is Whitechapel still haunted by the Ripper and his victims? The area has undergone major redevelopment since the Second World War and the murder sites have changed almost beyond recognition. In light of this, you would think that all psychic traces of the Ripper and his victims would have long since been erased by the demolition gangs and new building developments. And yet, some visitors to Whitechapel still claim to sense the presence of both the Ripper and his victims in some of the streets and alleys – especially Mitre Square, parts of which still retain the original cobblestone floor from 1888. Some East Enders continue to make a conscious effort to avoid the crime scenes after dark, claiming that gasps, muffled cries and running footsteps can still occasionally be heard there. One thing is for certain: Jack the Ripper, the terrible fate of his victims and the mystery of his identity will continue to fascinate and horrify people for centuries to come.

John West is an author and radio presenter. He hosts a monthly paranormal chat show for Radio Castle in Suffolk and has presented a number of programmes on ghosts for internet TV. He has recently completed a TV pilot on ghosts for East Media Productions. John can be contacted via his blog: Mitre Square, where some visitors still claim to sense the presence of both the Ripper and his victims PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015



Golden celebration for Unitarians Rationalist religious movement embraces the paranormal

IT IS no surprise that Unitarians should take an active interest in psychical research. After all, although it has its roots in Jewish and Christian traditions, it is open to insights from all faiths, science, the arts, the natural world and everyday living. It also encourages its followers to base beliefs on rational enquiry rather than external authority. And rational enquiry is at the heart of the Unitarian Society for Psychical Studies (USPS) in the UK which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Yet it was a young man’s death that led to the creation of USPS. Roger Whitby was 21, had achieved a first-class honours degree in civil engineering at Sheffield University and had beaten 340 other applicants to secure a job in London with a major building company. It was the summer of 1963 and with six or more weeks before he was due to start his first job, Roger went on holiday to the Mediterranean island of Corsica with his sister Vivien and their parents, Unitarian ministers Rev George S. Whitby and Rev Florence Whitby. George Whitby enjoyed a long and distinguished career as both a lecturer in philosophy for adult education and an examiner in moral philosophy at the University of Glasgow. For 30 years he was a minister of the Unitarian Central City Churches in both Glasgow and Sheffield. Florence Whitby had a degree in history and was a highly-regarded teacher before she trained to become a Unitarian minister. What began for the Whitbys as an idyllic



holiday in the sun turned to tragedy on 12 August when Roger went “free diving” (without breathing equipment) to collect dead coral for his sister. He never came back to the surface and his body was found floating at 50 feet. It appears something happened that interfered with the blood supply to his brain. “Roger’s death nearly broke our father – but it did not,” his sister, Vivien Elliott, reveals. “He already knew there was some type of continuing consciousness and had written of it, but now he decided to explore it to even deeper levels. So the Unitarian Society for Psychical Studies was formed, for the benefit of humanity as a whole and the Unitarian movement.” Last month, the USPS celebrated with a 50th Anniversary Conference at Buxton, Derbyshire (18-20 September), with various presentations and an address from guest speaker Dr Serena Roney-Dougal who led a one-day seminar. The USPS founders, George and Florence Whitby, have now joined their son in the next world, but their daughter Vivien continues to support their work: she is one of USPS’s vice-presidents. Her description of the impact her

Above: Roger Whitby with his parents George and Florence at his Sheffield University graduation in the summer of 1963. Opposite: the last photo of Roger, sitting on rocks in Corsica shortly before his tragic accident.


The book’s title, Gateway, was suggested by Roger Whitby because, he explained, ‘death is the gateway to a larger life’

brother’s death had on the family is taken from a remarkable book, Gateway: conversations on the afterlife, which was first published in 1979 when her father was USPS president and her mother was its chairman. It has been republished by Psychic Book Club to commemorate USPS’s golden anniversary. Gateway consists of several brief, introductory contributions but the main author is Roger Whitby who tells of his passing into the spirit world and the lessons he has learned in his new spiritual environment. The book’s title was suggested by Roger because, he explained, “death is the gateway to a larger life”. It is a fascinating collaboration between Florence Whitby, who was the medium, Roger Whitby, whose communications were received telepathically by his mother, and Paul Beard, the president of the College

of Psychic Studies from 1966-1982, who posed many of the questions that were put to Roger. Gateway is not a deep, philosophical book. It is written in an easy to comprehend, chatty style – like a letter one might send describing life in another country – but it also deals with issues that challenge our conception of an afterlife existence and its wider implications. Roger Whitby – who tells us he and his fellow discarnates are unaffected by the pressures of time – also discusses reincarnation and group souls. The book ends with a brief history of USPS in which David Taylor, who edits the USPS Journal, discusses the strengths of a Unitarian approach to psychical research: “A lack of dogma means that any psychic experiences are approached in a truly sceptical way and followed, with an open mind, to where the evidence leads.”

GATEWAY TO A LARGER LIFE Gateway: conversations on the afterlife by Roger Whitby is available on Amazon at £8.99 For more information about the Unitarian Society for Psychical Studies email: about.htm



Diary Dates A selection of spiritual events taking place in the UK this month FRI - SUN 2ND - 4TH OCTOBER Psychic Festival Entry: varies per event (see below) or £99 for three nights, dinner, bed and breakfast (entry to all events - excludes some workshops) At: Rainbow International Hotel, Belgrave Road, Torquay, DEVON TQ2 5HJ Three nights of psychic and paranormal stage shows and a two-day psychic fayre. Evening Events: • Friday 2nd at 7:45pm, £12 ~ Psychic Variety Show with Chris Forster, Clemens Brennan and Michael Wysockji • Saturday 3rd at 7:45pm, £12 ~ Past Life Regression with Phil Allen plus Mostly Haunted with Torbay Investigators of the Paranormal • Sunday 4th at 7:45pm, £12 ~ An Evening of Mediumship with Marie Hines and guest medium • Plus a psychic fayre on Saturday and Sunday, 10:30am - 6pm, £3.

FRIDAY 2ND OCTOBER Evening of Mediumship with Tony Stockwell and John Holland 7pm - 9pm ~ Entry: £40 At: The Royal Geographical Society, Ondaatje Theatre, 1 Kensington Gore, LONDON SW7 2AR www.collegeofpsychicstudies. For the very first time in the UK, Tony Stockwell and John Holland come together on stage to combine their unique gifts and connect with the spirit world.

THURSDAY 8TH OCTOBER David R Hamilton PhD ~ Mind Medicine: How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body 7:30pm - 10pm Entry: £35 on the door At: Miskin Manor, Pendoylan Road, Groesfaen, Pontyclun, MID GLAMORGAN CF72 8ND At this event you will discover how visualisation can cause actual physical changes in your brain, such that your brain can’t distinguish what is real from what you imagine, as David shares some exciting new discoveries in science around using the mind to physically impact the health and strength of the body. You will learn all about how your thinking affects your health, from the effects of belief to how meditation impacts your genes, even to how imagination shapes your brain. David will also be sharing simple strategies for harnessing the mind-body connection


that have been successfully used by people around the world to facilitate their recovery from illness, injury and disease.

SATURDAY 10TH OCTOBER Mind Body Spirit Fayre 10am - 4pm ~ Entry: Free At: The Assembly Rooms, Market Place, Swaffham, NORFOLK PE37 7QH A lovely venue for the Mind Body Spirit Fayre, hosting many stalls of clairvoyant mediums, card readers, holistic and massage therapies, spiritual healers and beautiful spiritual gifts.

SAT & SUN 10TH & 11TH OCTOBER Mind, Body, Spirit and Psychic Weekend Sat 10am - 6pm, Sun 10am - 5pm Entry: One Day Adult £4.75 (concessions £3.75) Two Day Adult £8.50 (concessions £6.50) Under 16s free At: Derbyshire County Cricket Club, The Gateway Centre, Grandstand Road, DERBY DE21 6AF This event will have two workshop rooms packed with informative, interesting talks, workshops and mediumship demonstrations. Expect readers, therapists and retail stands in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Plenty of free parking spaces.

SUNDAY 11TH OCTOBER The Big Purple Psychic And Holistic Fair 10am - 4pm ~ Entry: £2 At : Chessington Community College, Garrison Lane, Chessington, SURREY KT9 2JS The last Big Purple Psychic and Holistic Fair of 2015. Now in its third year this fair is growing in popularity with a regular team of psychics, healers, therapists and stalls for spiritual shopaholics. Free talks and workshop included.

SATURDAY 17TH OCTOBER Hullbridge Psychic Fair From 12noon At: Hullbridge Community Church, off car park, Pooles Lane, Hullbridge, ESSEX SS5 6PA 01702 231069 Psychic fair with ten mediums and a variety of tables and stalls. The organiser is looking for stallholders and alternative therapists to book a table.


SAT & SUN 17TH & 18TH OCTOBER Mind, Body, Soul Healing Exhibition The City Academy Norwich, 299 Bluebell Road, Norwich, NORFOLK NR4 7LP 10am - 5pm Entry: £2 (concessions £1.50) 2-day ticket £3.50 With over 50 stands offering a varied range of complementary therapies, products and workshops. Come and sample hand, face and/or foot reflexology, crystal healing, reiki, back massage, shiatsu...there are so many treatments to choose from. Buy some handmade crystal jewellery, essential oils to burn and/or use on your body.

SAT & SUN 24TH & 25TH OCTOBER Mind Body Soul Event 10am - 5pm (workshops finish at 6pm) See website for entrance prices Accompanied children 15 years and under are free of charge. At: Nantwich Civic Hall, Beam Street, Nantwich, CHESHIRE CW5 5DG There will be at least 40 stands and stalls. You can choose from a plethora of holistic delights including palmistry, international clairvoyants, tarot, psychometry, crystal ball, astro numerology and angel readings. You can speak to spirit and psychic artist Barbara Hudson and talk about soul realignment, chakra balancing and past life regression. There will also be workshops, talks and demonstrations to inspire you.

SUNDAY 25TH OCTOBER Holistic And Mystic Mind, Body, Soul Event 10am - 5pm Entry: Adults – £4.50 (concessions £3.50), Children under 16 Free Denbies Wine Estate, Dorking, SURREY RH5 6AA Come along and experience a day filled with holistic and spiritual products including crystals, gemstone jewellery, singing bowls, incense, Buddhas, fairtrade clothing, angels, shamanic and wiccan products, and much more. Psychic readers will be offering advice and life guidance through tarot, angel cards, clairvoyance, mediumship, palmistry, astrology, aura photography, psychic art and more. There will also be complementary therapists of all kinds including reflexology, reiki, homeopathy, food intolerance testing, iridology, crystal healing, healing and more.

SUNDAY 25TH OCTOBER MIND BODY SPIRIT FAYRE 10:30am - 4:30pm ~ Entry: Free At: Matthews Hall, Fore Street, Topsham, Exeter, DEVON EX3 0HF www.guidinglightdawlish.webs. com Many stalls, readers, therapists and demonstrations with refreshments.

SATURDAY 31ST OCTOBER Wytches Fayre & Samhain Witches & Wizards Hallowe’en Ball Wytches Fayre: 10am - 4.30pm Entry: Free, children welcome Hallowe’en Ball: 7.30pm - 11.45pm Entry: General - standing £25 balcony - seated £20 14 & under balcony only - £10.00 AT: Buxton Pavilion Arts Centre, St. John’s Road, Buxton, DERBYSHIRE SK17 6BE For the first time this year White Light Events are working in conjunction with their sister company Spirit Earth to bring you ‘The Ultimate Hallowe’en’. Starting with the Wytches Fayre which will take place throughout the day of Halloween. We will have around 30 stands of crafters and retailers of Pagan and magical goods to welcome you and there will be a room for talks and workshops too. Entry to the Wytches Fayre and the talks and workshops is free. In the evening we will be hosting the Witches and Wizards Hallowe’en Ball. We are pleased to welcome Daughters of Gaia, Spriggan Mist and The Dolmen for an evening of music not to be missed.

SAT 31ST OCTOBER & SUN 1ST NOVEMBER 5th British Congress on Medicine & Spirituality ‘Spirituality In Clinical Practice’ See website for times and prices At : Rudolf Steiner House and Theatre, 35 Park Road, LONDON NW1 6XT A two days event with 11 Speakers. If you are in the area of health care and want to know more about medicine and spirituality, or if you enjoy dialogue and the free exchange of ideas, this is a great event for you.

Diary Dates Forthcoming spiritual events taking place in the USA

SATURDAY 7TH NOVEMBER Tampa Bay Veg Fest 10am - 5pm ~ Entry: Free At: Cotanchobee Fort Brooke Park, 601 Old Water Street, Tampa, FLORIDA 33602 The 6th Annual Tampa Bay Veg Fest will feature local restaurants with vegetarian and vegan food; films, live music and entertainment; fun and games for kids; healthy-living and eco-friendly exhibitors; info on local non-profits; animal adoptions; cooking demonstrations; and well-known national and local guest speakers. Companion animals on a lead are welcome.

SATURDAY 7TH NOVEMBER Holistic Fair 10am - 6pm At: 20401 Hillaird Avenue, Rocky River, OHIO 44116 Shore Speakers, readers, vendors, and practitioners will be on hand at this holistic fair, as well as alternative healing products, psychics, mediums, reiki energy healers, artists and much more.

SAT & SUN 7TH - 8TH NOVEMBER Body Mind Spirit Expo Saturday 10am - 7pm, Sunday 11am - 6pm Weekend Admission: $12 Oregon Convention Center (Hall E), 777 NE Martin Luther King Blvd, Portland, OREGON 97232 Body Mind Spirit brings refreshed energy to the holistic movement in 2015. Join them for the latest in new thought presentations, the best advances in alternative health and the nation’s finest selections of psychics and mediums. This year they have themed their events “Feel, Believe, Become” and they invite you to consider this theme throughout the weekend. They want you to step to the next level of your own glorious being. With wonderful exhibits and free presentations, the expo truly will have you smiling throughout the weekend. Try out their new website, which works as a gateway to enhancing the expo experience even before you arrive at the event.

SATURDAY 14TH NOVEMBER The First Spiritual Church of Erie Annual Fall Expo 10am - 4pm Admission $3 or $2 with a nonperishable food item donation for the Second Harvest Food Bank At: Zem Zem Shrine Club, 2525 W 38th Street, Erie, PENNSYLVANIA 16506 events/875381775886061/ There will be readers, vendors, healers, lectures, and Chinese auction.

SAT & SUN 14TH & 15TH NOVEMBER Holistic Health & Wellness Fair 10am - 6:30pm (Sat) 11am - 6pm (Sun) Entry: $7 each day At: The Marchesa Hall, 6406 N. IH35, Suite 3100, Austin, TEXAS 78752 There will be an assortment of books, products and services available for the duration. Free lectures run all weekend. Spiritual Life Productions is dedicated to creating wholesome and educational events in a welcoming environment. Their Holistic Life and Wellness Fairs are dedicated to providing increased awareness of a variety of healing and natural health related modalities. You will be able to find local chiropractors, acupuncturists, nutritionists, yoga teachers, herbalists, energy healers, crystal healers, massage therapists and much more.

SUNDAY 29TH NOVEMBER Mind-Body-Spirit Experience 11am - 5pm At: Crown Plaza, 801 Greenwich Ave, Warwick, RHODE ISLAND 02886 This event brings together 125 select exhibitors, professional seminars and live demonstrations, with over 1,000 guests expected to attend during a key shopping weekend. The Mind-BodySpirit Experience offers the opportunity

SAT & SUN 5TH & 6TH DECEMBER Angels, Aliens, Psychic Science & UFO Conference 10am - 7pm (Sat) 10am - 6pm (Sun) Admission $12 (12s and under go free) At: Ohio Expo Center & State Fair, 717 E 17th Avenue, Columbus, OHIO 43211

to learn about: life balance and organization; environment and healthy eating; travel and retreats; energy work, healing and yoga; spiritual readers and mediumship; health and wellness; green living and home improvement; career enhancement and personal development; and all other aspects of mind, body and spirit.

SUNDAY 6TH DECEMBER Cell and Organ Regeneration Training Workshop 9am - 5pm Entry: $150 At: 6155 Castletown Way, Alexandria, VA 22310

Discover a range of free lectures on the paranormal, supernatural, UFOs, light beings, metaphysics, angels, aliens and other dimensions. Also on hand will be demonstrations, samplers, channellers and seers.

Kathy South is a spiritual medium, master healer and teacher who uses her gifts of mediumship and healing to help transform your life. She works with ‘Spirits of Light’ who channel their healing energies through her to work on you directly. She channels high vibrational healing energies through her body for your healing. Kathy is strongly connected to the mission of John of God in Brazil. She is an official guide and Casa medium, traveling three or four times a year to the Casa with groups to see him. In this workshop you will receive a series of ‘Processes’ and unique ‘Healing Number Codes’ which will enable you to correct functioning of the physical body. You will begin works of regeneration and restoration of the organs, teeth, bones, eyes, spine, and more within your own body. This is the regeneration of the body cells and organs.

SUNDAY 13TH DECEMBER Rising Star Psychic Fair & Expo 11am - 6pm Admission $7 At: Wyndham Garden Dallas North Hotel at 2645 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, TEXAS 75234 html Over 50 readers, healers and vendors offering a range of readings and healing services. Vendor services include aura photography, crystals, gems, soap, handmade jewellery, handmade accessories, metaphysical supplies, essential oils, flameless candles, scents, sterling silver jewellery and more.

SUNDAY 13TH DECEMBER Holistic Holiday Market 10am - 6pm Admission $10 At: Crowne Plaza, 5321 Date Avenue, Madison, Sacramento, CALIFORNIA 95841 There will be a variety of speakers and exhibitors at this Holistic Holiday Market organised by New Earth Expo. Free parking at hotel.

SUNDAY 27TH DECEMBER Blue Moon Expo Psychic & Holistic Fair 11am - 6pm Admission $7 At: DoubleTree Hotel, 4099 Valley View Lane, Dallas, TEXAS 75244 Readers, healers and stalls offering spiritual services and goods. Expect mediumship, handwriting analysis, tarot, EFT, angel cards, astrology, numerology, reflexology, chair massage, energy balancing, alternative health modalities, back remedies, reiki, channelling, palm readings, medicine cards, angel cards, spiritual guide drawing, akashic records, past life readings, shamanism and more. Vendor services include aura photography, crystals, gems, essential oils, handmade jewellery, handmade purses and scarves, metaphysical supplies, fairies, sterling silver jewellery, incense, smudges, headdresses, drums and more.

Advertise your event here for just £15 ($20) for up to 80 words To advertise email: pnadverts@gmail com or call: +44 (0) 1279 874339




Angel and Healing Workshops, Courses and Consultations in Harrow, London and RETREATS IN MENORCA

with Jayn Lee Miller

Teacher, Author and Spiritual Medium since 1972

Email: for event listings

Tel: 020 8422 9308 62


FREE Development Listings Are you looking for sitters to join your development circle – or starting a new one? Are you looking for a circle? Psychic News wants to put readers in touch with development groups and circles in their area.

We will advertise your details free of charge for three issues, as long as it costs no more than £3 (US$5) to join or attend the group or circle. Email your wording (up to 45 words) to: or post details to: Psychic News Circle, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Herts. CM22 7WE Please ensure your name and contact details are included on all correspondence. Psychic News reserves the right to refuse or remove these notices at any time.

CIRCLE WANTED Dedicated and sincere female extremely interested in joining her first circle in the Teesside/Northern region. Please phone Becky on: 0785 212 8708 qqqq NEW TRANCE GROUP IN GLOUCESTER Suitable for all levels of experience Beginners welcome Contact Tel: 01452 550493 email:



Lake House, Maidstone Road, Ashford, Kent TN26 1AR

Tel: 01233 714155 E: Monthly demonstration of Mediumship Physical Mediumship Mental Mediumship Development Workshops Trance and Physical Mediumship Development Workshops Spiritual Healing and Reiki Courses ~ Retreat Days SoulQuest Service on 1st Sunday each month at 3pm PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015


FREE YOUR SPIRIT to unfold your Spiritual Pathway in

THE INTERNATIONAL SPIRITUALIST FEDERATION Be intrigued by the depths of spirit knowledge and understanding shared by all members from countries around the world. Enrich your life with the spirit of friendship and the friendship of Spirit. Stay connected to the websites below for the next nurturing event where international tutors, guided by Spirit, encourage the development of all spiritual gifts.

International Spiritualist Federation Membership: to apply email: or use the application form in “Yours Fraternally” magazine

Rev. Janet Nohavec Spiritualist Minister & Teacher Approved overseas tutor for Arthur Findlay College Pastor: The Journey Within Spiritualist Church Online: Evidential mediumship training for groups or individuals Consultant: Creating or growing Spiritualist churches/centers Online or in-person: Training of Spiritualist church mediums towards evidential mediumship Online classes: Evidential mediumship – all levels – by internationally known evidential mediums

The Journey Within 25 Carr Street Pompton Lakes New Jersey NJ 07442 973-616-9685 64


THE JOURNEY WITHIN Spiritualists’ National Union Church 25 Carr Street, Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442, USA

The Rev. Janet Nohavec, Pastor Tel: 973-616-9685

Sunday Services 9:00am and 11:30am Mediumship Classes Mondays 7:30pm (none in July and August) Spiritual Healing and Message Service Wednesdays of the month 7:30pm (none in July and August) Spiritualist Home Circles Tuesdays 7:30pm (none in July and August) • Private Sessions available with our international mediums • A beautiful meeting room for rent • Dining hall available for parties • Weddings performed by our ministers in our chapel • The Journey Within School for Mediumship featuring international mediums from Arthur Findlay College • Gala Demonstrations of Mediumship featuring John Holland, James Van Praagh, spirit artist Joseph Shiel, Rev. Janet Nohavec and British mediums

A Spiritual Community dedicated to letting you search for the truth within your own heart!


The Spiritual Truth Foundation helps Spiritualists in need, or with unexpected expenditure, by financial grants. Last year we made grants totalling £15,000 Apply with spiritual background and reasons for request to: Grants Secretary, STF, c/o Box No 010, Psychic Press Ltd, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire CM22 7WE VIOLET ROSE MOON

Don’t miss

‘Two Worlds’! Founded in 1887 by famous Victorian medium Emma Hardinge Britten, “Two Worlds” is Spiritualism’s 76-page independent monthly magazine Now you can read it online for just £18.00 a year! To take out a digital or postal subscription, please visit our new website (where there are two FREE copies) at If you would like a FREE copy sent by post, please write to “Two Worlds,” PO Box 55307, London SE16 6WW Alternatively, e-mail your name and address or give us a call. Tel: 020-7064 8000 E-mail:

SPIRITUAL CENTRE & TAROT CAVERN Waterside Centre, 26 Avenue Road, South Norwood, London SE25 4DX

Tel: 020 8251 7165

Mobile: 07930 809 172

email: website: Shop online at: Readings available daily by appointment only Special Events held monthly Holistic Products, Incense and Crystals, Events, Workshops, Development Circles, Spiritual Healing, Therapy, Party Bookings Welcome

ANN BROWN International Medium Trading on Llandudno Pier, Llandudno Seafront, NORTH WALES, from March to October

Reiki Master & Hypnotherapist ~ Also selling spiritual books Telephone: 07900 454523 to pre-book a reading or just call in



SCOTTISH SPIRITUAL COLLEGE Seminar at Stirling University, Scotland 18th – 25th June 2016 £250.00 includes all workshops and self-catering accommodation Workshops include: Mediumship, Tarot, Divination, Runes, Psychic Art, Angels, Crystals, Colour, Dowsing, Inspirational Writing, EFT etc.


For further information contact Kate on: 01355 276410 e-mail: website:

AMONG MEDIUMS: A Scientist’s Quest for Answers Dr. Beischel discusses her research investigating the accuracy and specificity of information reported by mediums; unique aspects of mediums’ experiences, psychology, and physiology; and the potentially useful social applications of mediumship readings in fields including bereavement, end-of-life care, and forensics. All sales support independent research.

Available from Amazon now 66


Join us for a residential psychic & mediumistic development seminar at the luxurious, three star, Windsor Hotel in Worthing.

With Tutors Darren Brittain, Marlene Woolgar & Jackie Wright DSNU who have many years of international experience in bringing out the best in their students at all levels. So if you are an absolute beginner or someone already working as a psychic or medium, this weekend has something to offer YOU.

The price of the seminar package is £235 based on two sharing a room. Please telephone 01273 - 422892 for further information. Or email for a booking form and terms & conditions. Visit The Healing Light Spiritual Centre web site for full information. At Silent Voices Ltd we are happy to present excellent customer services in all areas of the paranormal. We run Ghost Hunts all around the country in amazing locations for the public, and are always available for private call outs for house clearances and new home blessings. We have a beautiful little shop based in Teignmouth, Devon, stocked with all you need to live a spiritual life and stunning gifts to illuminate and inspire. 28 Fore Street, Teignmouth, Devon TQ148DZ Phone number: 01626 437010

ETERNAL FLAME by Rochelle Jones

12 Woburn Walk, London WC1H 0HJ Tel: 020 7387 0358 Mob: 07948 922414

or find us on Facebook Email: Open Monday to Friday 10am-5.30pm and Saturday 10am-4pm

Have you ever... Experienced déjà vu? Fallen in love at first sight?

Met someone you feel you have always known? Eternal Flame is just such a story, inspired by a true case known to the author.

Developing Your Psychic Gift Thursday 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th October 1.30pm - 3pm ~ £50 for all sessions or £12 for a single session. Enhance your connection to receive with clarity and give with confidence. Self and Earth Healing Wednesday 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th October, £5 12.30pm - 1.30pm ~ A two-fold journey to give and receive healing to/from Mother Earth. The Art of Automatic Writing with Sarah Tyler Walters Saturday 3rd October, 11am - 4pm ~ £35 Strengthen the link to your guides and give them more freedom to work. Introduction to Sound Healing with Larry Davids Sunday 4th October, 10am - 2pm ~ £20 Explore how you can alter your physical and spiritual frequency with sound and voice activity. Channelling and Trance Development in October Monday 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th ~ 1pm - 2.30pm and 7pm - 8.30pm £40 for all sessions or £12 for a single session. Wednesday 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th ~ 7pm - 8.30pm £40 for all sessions or £12 for a single session. Mindfulness Practices with Dr Hagen Rampes Wednesday 7th October 7pm - 8pm ~ £10 ~ Learn mindful techniques for self support and focus. Love Yourself - Heal Your Life – based on the philosophies of Louise Hay Saturday 10th October ~ 11.45am - 4pm ~ £15 ~ A powerful, practical, fun and lifechanging workshop to give you the confidence to make positive changes in your life. Healing and Protection with the Elementals with Ann Marie Friday 16th October 7pm - 9pm ~ Meet with the elemental energies that will work with and through you to heal and protect yourself, others and nature. Working with Archangels with Ann Marie Friday 23rd October 7pm - 9pm ~ Call on and blend energies with archangels to receive clarity of purpose and personal healing. Evening of Clairvoyance Friday 30th October ~ 7pm - 8.15pm ~ £5 An open platform opportunity for fledglings, intermediate and advanced mediums.

Available in hardback or E-book from Amazon at £8.98 or £5.99. Also from eBay at £8.99 or direct from author on 07784 947248. For more information visit the website

Modular Course for Light Workers – see website for dates and cost. Each module offers two learning opportunities to enhance awareness. Starting with meeting your higher self through to working with Archangels and Ascended Masters.



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PSYCHIC LYNNE Gifted Medium, Clairvoyant and Natural Healer Also works with Tarot and Crystals All Cards Welcome Call: 0113 278 4222 Mobile: 0797 071 2749

JENNY Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Telephone Readings £25.00 Call/Text: 07792 946 444

ABSENT HEALING FOR PEOPLE AND ANIMALS NO FEES Telephone Tony on: 020 7476 3766 E-mail:

SAMANTHA HATCH Instant Telephone Readings 30 Years’ Experience Credit Cards Accepted 01752 551919


VANESSA Psychic Tarot Readings Telephone Readings £10.00 Call: 07931 388537 JAMES - Medium Telephone Readings £15 by appointment Tel: 0780 4871 958 MELANIE HALLETT Medium and Teacher Telephone Readings: 1hr for £40 or email: DAVID SPENCER Experienced Spiritual Medium/Clairvoyant offering Spiritually-guided Postal Readings Send brief letter and £25 to: Mr D. Spencer, 22 Skylark Rise, Tavistock, Devon PL19 9FT POSTAL TAROT READINGS by Experienced Clairvoyant Send brief letter and £20 to: Susan Collins, 145 Waverley Avenue, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV11 4RZ PAM HODDY Psychic Medium Teacher Telephone Readings Available £25 per hour Paypal accepted TEL: 0797 1256 163 CLAIRVOYANT, PAUL offers spiritually guided consultations in Brighton and Eastbourne and also by telephone. My work helps those ready for change. Please telephone Brighton 01273 602929 for further details

MARION’S TELEPHONE READINGS Healing through Prayer Reiki Mediumship Pet/Animal Psychic Service Over 18s only This is a free service (donations accepted) Call Marion on 07720 240970 PSYCHIC POSTAL READING £10 KELLY CUMMING 24 Baglan Heights Port Talbot SA12 8UF PETER DOSWELL Psychic Readings ~ Mediumship Readings Pay by card 020 7111 6353 Live Chat Readings

Alison’s Straight Talk Psychic ServicesTM Honest, Direct, No-nonsense Readings 30 Years’ Experience Complete Confidentiality

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RETIRED GP Advice on complementary and alternative medicine for various issues.

CONTACTS COMPANIONSHIP AND OUTINGS Lady healer – young 60 years – would like to meet male/female friends for companionship/ outings in Essex or East London. Call: 07969 956283 (Phone evenings please) LOOKING FOR SPIRITUAL FRIENDS I am 66 and think it would be nice to have a group of friends with whom I could chat about reincarnation and other topics. I have some fascinating stories to tell and would love to hear yours. I live in east London, but wherever you are it would be nice to hear from you. My email address is:



ASCENDED MASTER TEACHINGS YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED Reincarnation ~ Karma The Soul ~ Healing Relationships and more Online bookstore/CDs/DVDs/ Conferences/Courses/Radio

SUE ACHIENG Fully Qualified and Experienced Counsellor Diploma Counselling. Reg MBACP. I have been in practice for 20 years, and work in the NHS as a Counsellor. I specialise in bereavement. Please call: 0794 126 2804 Or email:

ACADEMY OF ANGELIC HEALING Angel and Healing Workshops, Courses and Consultations in Harrow, London and RETREATS IN MENORCA with Jayn Lee Miller, Teacher, Author and Spiritual Medium since 1972 Email: for Events Listing Tel: 020 8422 9308

HEALING THE SURREY HEALING SANCTUARY Penduckshaw, Rabies Heath Road, Bletchingley, Surrey, RH1 4NB (near Junction 6, M25) Email: Contact: Alec & Marilyn Nicolas Healing and spiritual surgery (herbal medicine and reflexology also available) By appointment only (including evenings and weekends) Tel: 01883 741800

CLASSIFIED RATES 60p per word inc VAT 77 cents (US) Churches/Centres: 40p per word 62 cents (US)

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or write to: Psychic Press Ltd, Suite 6, Thremhall Park, Start Hill, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire, CM22 7WE, UK Cheques payable to ‘Psychic Press Ltd’ PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015


Spiritualist Churches and Centres in the UK BEDFORDSHIRE




LUTON NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 1A Grove Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 1QJ Tel: 01582 732657 www.lutonnationalspiritualist Find us on Facebook Sunday Service 6.30pm Open Circle Tuesdays - see website All Welcome

NORTHWICH SPIRITUALIST CHURCH SNU Hadfield Street, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 5LU Sunday Service 6.30pm Wednesday Service 7.30pm open Circles and Awareness Classes Tuesdays 7.30pm Contact Details: 01606 301123 Find us on Facebook All Welcome

BUDE FREE SPIRITS SPIRITUALIST CHURCH The Parkhouse Centre, Ergue-Gaberic Way, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8LG Every Thursday 7.30pm - 9.00pm BUDE HEALING CLINIC: Every Wednesday 7pm - 9pm Visiting mediums who would like to serve Bude Free Spirits please contact Carol on 01840 770057

EXETER SPIRITUALIST CENTRE AND HEALING GROUP York Road, Exeter, Devon EX4 6PF Tel: 01884 861012 Website: Sunday 6.30pm Service Wednesday 3.00pm Mediumship Healing: Tuesdays 10.30am - 12noon & Wednesdays 6.00pm - 7.30pm See website for healing times on Sundays and details of Special Events and Development Groups

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE AMERSHAM SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Amersham Common Village Hall, White Lion Road (A404), Amersham, Bucks. HP7 9JD President: Jean Sabatini Tel: 01494 866159 Website: www.amersham Friday 2nd October 7.30pm PATRICK CARBURY Friday 9th October 7.30pm DAVID COLE Friday 16th October 7.30pm LORRAINE GILBERT Friday 23rd October 7.30pm RAY PRINCE Friday 30th October 7.30pm LES & DENISE PILGRIM There are healing sessions held before the meeting 6.45pm - 7.15pm

CAMBRIDGESHIRE FRIENDS SPIRITUAL GROUP Quaker Meeting Place, 21 Thorpe Road, (beside Crescent Bridge), Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE3 6AB Evenings of Clairvoyance every Friday 7.30pm - 9.00pm Free car parking, wheelchair access and a hearing loop system For further details please contact Judy Steels: 01733 347027 or 0780 149 1950 or Joan Storey: 01733 269670 All Are Welcome


RUNCORN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 61 Ashridge Street, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 1HU 01928 563462 Visit us on Facebook Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Monday 7pm - 8pm Healing Wednesday 7.30pm Service of Mediumship Thursday 7.30pm Awareness Class Friday 7.30pm Open Circle Alternate Wednesdays 10.30am - 12pm Vintage Coffee Morning Development classes and workshops all year round All welcome STOCKPORT SPIRITUALIST CENTRE, ROMILEY The Light of the World Christian Spiritualist Church, Underhill Centre, Chichester Road, Romiley SK6 4BL President: Vera Lennie Tel: 07833 565412 www.stockportspiritualist A warm welcome to our Sanctuary of Light WEDNESDAYS Healing 6pm – 7.10pm Meditation 7.20pm – 7.30pm Service 7.30pm followed by Open Circle MONDAYS Music, Meditation & Development Details on website


 Roskear, Camborne, Cornwall
 TR14 8DN Tel: 01209 612116 Divine Service Every Sunday at 6.30pm Healing prior to & after the service Development Circle 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month 7.30pm - cost £5.00 Healing courses available For special events view: www.cambornechristian PENZANCE CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Bread Street, Penzance, Cornwall Tel: 07800 813533 Sunday 6.00pm Service Followed by Healing Thursday 7.00pm Service Followed by Healing Saturday 10am - 12.30pm Private Readings All are welcome

GUIDING LIGHT DAWLISH Spiritual Centre, Manor Gardens, Dawlish, Devon EX7 9AJ 7.30pm Mediumship (alternate Tuesdays) We are affiliated to United Spiritualists Find us: lower main car park near the rear of the hospital at The Hedley Way Centre We welcome visiting Mediums Contact us: 01626 866192 Website: http://

DORSET KINSON SPIRITUALIST GROUP Kinson Community Centre, Pelhams Park, Kinson, Bournemouth BH10 7LH Tel: 01202 715754 KinsonSpiritualistGroup Every Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service 2nd Monday in month at 8.00pm Clairvoyance Demonstration

BOURNEMOUTH SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 16 Bath Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH1 2PE Tel: 01202 551751 OCTOBER Thursday 1st 3pm DAN CLARKE Saturday 3rd 10.30am - 4pm Workshop with CHERYL BRENNAN Sunday 4th 10.45am and 6.30pm CHERYL BRENNAN Monday 5th 7.30pm CHERYL BRENNAN Wednesday 7th 7.30pm Meditation with NICHOLAS CRESSWELL Thursday 8th 3pm SUSIE MATHEWS Saturday 10th 7.30pm Evening of Mediumship with SANDRA DERBYSHIRE Sunday 11th 10.45am and 6.30pm SANDRA DERBYSHIRE Monday 12th 7.30pm SANDRA DERBYSHIRE Wednesday 14th 7.30pm Philosophy Thursday 15th 3pm TERRY MASON Sunday 18th 10.45am & 6.30pm ROSEMARY SPENCER Monday 19th 7.30pm ROSEMARY SPENCER Wednesday 21st 7.30pm Spirit Art Thursday 22nd 3pm IRENE & DAVID JACKSON Saturday 24th 7.30pm Evening of Mediumship with STEPHEN HOLBROOK Sunday 25th 10.45am & 6.30pm TERRI STROMEYER Monday 26th 7.30pm TERRI STROMEYER Wednesday 28th 7.30pm Open Platform Thursday 29th 3pm JILL GOATER Open Circle every Tuesday at 7pm Spiritual Healing: Monday 2pm - 4pm Tuesday 10.30am - 12.30pm Wednesday 10.30am - 12.30pm Thursday 7pm - 8pm Friday 10.30am - 12.30pm & 2pm - 4pm CHARMINSTER SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 207 Charminster Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH8 9QQ Tel: 01202 516108 www.charminsterspiritualist Services: Tuesday 3pm Saturday 7pm Sunday (monthly) See website for specials/workshops and healing times All welcome



BRIGHT ANGEL LODGE CANVEY SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 57 Point Road, Canvey, Essex SS8 7TD We meet EVERY MONDAY at 7.45pm (doors open at 7pm) for an Evening of Clairvoyance with all profits going to local charities Admission £3 on the door Healing at 9pm (donation) For more info telephone Philip on 0792 200 1433 / 01268 691922 We are also on facebook: Bright Angel Lodge

VENTNOR SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 8 Victoria Street, Ventnor, Isle of Wight PO38 1ET Email: Website: www.ventnor Contact: 07800 986288 Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Thursday 12 noon - 2pm Healing Tuesday/Thursday 7pm Various Groups and Circles (Ring for details) Special Events: See website and local press

THE SANCTUARY OF HEALING CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Mills Terrace, Chatham, Kent ME4 5NZ Tel: 01634-880039 Email: Website: Sunday Service: 6.30pm Wednesday 10am - 1pm Healing Friday 4pm - 6pm Healing Friday 8pm Clairvoyance We also offer various workshops and special evenings of clairvoyance See website for further information




TRULY SPIRITUAL SCHOOL OF PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT Promotion of holistic and spiritual events and businesses Portsmouth, Hants. Development Courses, Workshops, Demonstrations of Mediumship and Trance Monthly Meditation Classes and Talks ~ Psychic Fayres All welcome Contact Kate on: 07800 734911 www.trulyspiritual

KENT SPIRITUAL TEACHING GROUP Five Wents Hall, Swanley Lane, Swanley, Kent BR8 7LD Tel 07982 653158 Email: Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month 6th October 8pm £15 in advance Psychic Supper with Various Mediums 20th October 8pm £5 ‘New Astrology’ Workshop with EAMONN CULLEN

WHITE FEATHER SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Claremont Community Centre, Claremont Road, Blackpool, Lancashire FY1 2QJ Tel: 01253 355595 Every Friday 6.30pm Healing 7.30pm Clairvoyant Evening followed by Open Circle

MAIDSTONE SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE (M.S.D.C.) meets at Madginford Hall, Egremont Rd, Maidstone, Kent ME15 8LH & Lower Hall, Tovil Workings Mens Club, Tovil Hill, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6QS Tel: 01622 746249 or 07711 811066 Email: We run Psychic & Spiritual Development Mornings, Open Circles, Healing and Meditation Mornings with free student readings, monthly evenings of Mediumship, Workshops, Psychic Suppers, Psychic Fairs, Courses, Coach Trips etc. Download the programme from our website or ring us!

Does your local church, centre or spiritual shop stock Psychic News?

The advertising deadline for the November issue is 8th October 2015

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HERTFORDSHIRE CARPENDERS PARK CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALISTS Bushford Scout Hall, St Georges Drive, Carpenders Park, Watford, Hertfordshire WD19 5HD (Hall cannot be seen from road – go up drive between numbers 37 and 39 St Georges Drive) Contact Chris Palmer: 01923 221918 Sundays 10.30am Divine Service Healing available All are welcome ~ An activity table is provided for children HITCHIN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Whinbush Road, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG5 1PZ Tel: 07581 492507 www.hitchinspiritualist Sunday Service 6.30pm Healing Tuesdays 2pm & 7.30pm Demonstrations and workshops as advertised on website All welcome


If not, please let them know the benefits of becoming a supplier. They will receive a FREE ADVERT on our website and three months’ FREE ADVERTISING in the magazine when they start. We’ll also post their special events on our Facebook and Twitter pages for free! Plus they only pay for the copies they sell – so will only ever make a profit.

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LEICESTERSHIRE LEICESTER PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUALIST CENTRE 4 St. James Street, Lee Circle, Leicester LE1 3RE President: Marian Sawczuk Services with Mediumship Sundays 6pm Divine Service Mondays 7.30pm Wednesdays 2.30pm Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays: Special Demonstrations as advertised Development Groups and Circles held every day of the week Healing Saturdays 10.30am - 12.30pm Mondays 6pm - 7pm Wednesdays 1pm - 2pm For details of workshops and special events, visit our website: www.progressivespiritualist Email: info.leicesterprogressive Tel: 0116 2536098

LINCOLNSHIRE STARLIGHT AWARENESS GROUP The Pavilion, Wainfleet Road, Skegness, Lincs. PE25 2EL Contact Pat and Elsie: 01754 810680 Sunday Services 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month at 6.30pm - 8pm Also: Developing self-empowerment through meditation for elimination of past hurts creating a balance within self. Working with spirit and universal energies. Spirit healing training and qualification (Lincolnshire Association of Healers). Spiritual mediumship within its many forms. Spiritual philosophy. Trance communication.

LONDON LEWISHAM SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 65 Boone Street, Lewisham, London SE13 5SA Website: Tel: 020 8852 7823 Mediums’ Secretary: 078 2672 3575 Sunday 6.30pm - 8pm Service Tuesday 12.30pm - 2.30pm Private Readings (Bookable with Mediums’ Secretary) Tuesday 1pm - 2.30pm Healing Thursday: 7.15pm - 8.30pm Healing 7.15pm - 9pm Group Readings All welcome


HENDON INDEPENDENT SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Cheshir Hall, Foster Street (off Brent Street), Hendon, London NW4 2AA Enquiries: Lorraine on 020 8346 0289 www.hendonspiritualist Every Monday at 7.30pm (except Bank Holidays) Address and Clairvoyance Entrance: £3 inc refreshments & raffle 5th October JONATHAN WHITTAKER 12th October MICHAEL REDWIN 19th October KIM WIGLEY-SMITH 26th October ANDY MULLIGAN Spirit Art WOODFORD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 9 Grove Crescent, South Woodford, London E18 2JR Enquiries: 020 8989 6149 Saturday 3rd 7.30pm ~ £3 Evening of Clairvoyance with DAVID CLARKE & JASON GOLDSWORTHY Sunday 4th 11am - 4pm ~ £15 Workshop: ‘Magical Connections’ with HEATHER, KATE & ZOE Call Heather on 020 8529 8097 or 07773 127178 Sunday 4th 6.30pm Divine Service MATSYA DE COL Monday 5th 2pm JEANIE JACKSON Thursday 8th 7.30 - 9pm Open Circle for Platform Mediums led by Alan Albiston No booking required Saturday 10th 12noon - 3pm £6 (Members £5) Workshop with PAT MURRAY Saturday 10th 7.30pm Psychic Supper ~ a reading and fish and chip supper for £12 Sunday 11th 11.30am - 4pm £12 (Membs £10) Workshop: ‘Exploring Past Lives’ with PAT MACNALLY and DANIEL NAUGHNANE Sunday 11th 4pm - 5.30pm ~ £3 Open Group Meditation – ‘Sitting in the Stillness’ with ESTHER EMANUEL Sunday 11th 6.30pm Divine Service with RICHARD NEVILLE Monday 12th 2pm PAULINE FIRKS Saturday 17th 12noon - 3pm £6 (£5 members) Workshop: ‘Dream Connections Part 1’ with STEPHANIE BARROWS Continued top of next column


WOODFORD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Continued Sunday 18th 11am - 4pm ~ £10 Shamanic Workshop Sunday 18th 6.30pm Divine Service with VAL BICKERSTAFF Monday 19th 2pm STEPHANIE BARROWS Saturday 24th 12noon - 3pm £6 (Members £5) Workshop: ‘Dreams’ with ALEX CAMIES Sunday 25th Events in aid of the Helen Duncan Campaign See website for details Sunday 25th 6.30pm Divine Service with JEANIE JACKSON AND CIRCLE Monday 26th 2pm JEFF PHILLIPS Weekly: Tues 7.30 - 9pm £3 Open Circle Wed 2 - 4pm & 7.30 - 9pm Healing Friday 7.30 - 9pm £3 Open Circle First Friday of the month at 7.30pm Open Circle for Platform Mediums All welcome WOOD GREEN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH (Cnr of Maryland Road) High Road, Wood Green, London N22 5AR Minister in Spirit: Mrs Ida Stenning Enquiries: 020 8888 1992 Website: www.woodgreen Sunday 6.30pm Service Wednesday 7.30pm Service Tuesday 7.30pm - 9.00pm Healing Thursday No Healing

MIDDLESEX HAMPTON HILL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Angel Close, Windmill Road, Hampton Hill TW12 1RG Enquiries: 020 8941 5177 www.hamptonhillspiritualists. Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Wednesday 7.30pm Healing Thursday 7.30pm Midweek Service Monthly classes at 7.30pm: 1st Monday Open Platform 2nd and last Monday Open Awareness Circle 3rd Monday Mediumship Practice Circle 3rd Tuesday Open Healing Circle 4th Tuesday Speakers and Philosophy Class All welcome

KENTON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH AND HEALING CENTRE 35 Churchill Avenue, Kenton, Nr. Harrow, Middlesex HA3 0AX Enquiries: 020 8621 3103 Sunday 6.30pm Service Wednesday 7.30pm - 9pm Healing Thursday 7.45pm Service THE LIGHT ON THE HILL HARROW SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 1 Vaughan Road, Harrow, Middlesex, London HA1 1DP Website: www. Email: Tel: 07528 348 432 Service Times: Sunday 7.30pm - 9pm Wednesday 7.45pm - 9pm Healing Services: Monday 10am - 12pm Wednesday 9.15pm - 9.45pm Sunday 7.30pm at start of Service All welcome THE SANCTUARY OF THE SILVER CROSS Friends’ Meeting House, York Road (opp. Sainsbury’s), Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 1QW Founder: FRANK MECHELLE President: LINDA CHANT Telephone: 07792 900194 www. Sunday at 6.30pm Divine Service

OXFORDSHIRE THE KARENZA SPIRITUAL NETWORK Cholsey Pavilion, Station Road, Cholsey, Wallingford OX10 9PT Tel: 01491 523822 Email: Saturday 17th October 7.30pm ~ £8 An Evening of Mediumship with DONNA STEWART Sunday 18th October 10am - 4pm £40 booking essential Workshop : ‘Next Steps to Mediumship’ with DONNA STEWART Suitable for all levels Monday 9th November 7.30pm An Evening of Mediumship with DARREN TURNER and his FLEDGLING MEDIUMS A warm welcome extended to everyone Please find more information at:

SOMERSET ALCOMBE AND MINEHEAD CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Grove Place, Manor Road, Alcombe, Minehead, Somerset TA24 6EH Tel: 0783 110 4896 Summer Sunday Service 6.30pm (March to end of October) Winter Sunday Service 3.00pm (November to end of February) Healing groups, a monthly healing day, healing evenings, open circles, evenings of clairvoyance all available on various days during each month. See our website for the full day-by-day itinerary of what our church can offer you. www.mineheadspiritualist

STAFFORDSHIRE BURSLEM SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 87 Haywood Road, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire ST6 7AH www. President: Yvonne Sargeant Tel: 01782 825717 Sunday 3.00pm Divine Service Monday 7.30pm Evening Of Mediumship Thursday 7.30pm Awareness Classes Healing Available Special Events as advertised in the church Naming Services, Weddings, Wedding Blessings, Funerals All welcome

SURREY CROYDON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Chatsworth Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1HE President: Mrs Mollie McManus OSNU, LSSNU Contact telephone numbers: 020 8688 1827 & 07990 535942 E: alanpseymour@ For special events see our website: www. Sunday 11am Service Sunday 6.30pm Service Wednesday 7.45pm Service Thursday Healing 1.30pm - 3.30pm & 6.00pm - 8.00pm Open Platform third Monday of each month at 7.30pm

KINGSTON NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Villiers Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 3AR Website: General Secretary: Mrs Gerrie Chaney Tel: 020 8401 6967 Sunday Services: 11am and 6.30pm Monday Evening of Mediumship: 7.30pm £3 (£2 Members) Monday Healing 8.45pm - 9.45pm (Donation). Wednesday Healing 2pm - 4pm Enter through side gate (Donation) Please visit our website to see all our events!

SUSSEX - EAST BEXHILL CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 6 Victoria Road, Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex TN39 3PD Website: www.bexhillchristian Services: Sundays during April - October inclusive at 6.00pm Sundays during November - March inclusive at 3.00pm Clairvoyance:Every Wednesday at 3.00pm Clairvoyance on Saturdays as advertised Healing: Every Tuesday 9.30am - 11.00am followed by Healing and Meditation Circle from 11.30am - 12.30pm Workshops: Full details on the website SEAFORDSPIRIT Seaford Independent Spiritualist Church, 3 Warwick Road, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 1RS Tel 01323 737407 Email: Website: Thursday 7.30pm Divine Service Friday 10.30pm - 12 noon Healing Clairvoyant Evenings Alternate Saturdays 7.30pm Demonstrations and workshops as advertised on website All welcome

To advertise in Psychic News call: 01279 874339 or email:

WARWICKSHIRE FRIENDS OF THE SPIRITUAL LIGHT RUGBY SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Suite 2, The Robin Building, 25 Albert Street, Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2SD www.friendsofthe Tel: 01788 536899 or 01858 881394 E: Sunday 6.30pm Divine Service Wednesday 7.30pm Clairvoyant Evening Thursday 4.00pm Healing Friday 7.30pm Open Circle Saturday 7.00pm Special Events (see website for details) RUGBY INDEPENDENT SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Pennington Mews (Off Lawford Road), Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2RG Tel: 07854 833119 Email: rugbyspiritualistchurch Websites: and Spiritualist.Church Sunday Services 6.30pm Clairvoyant Evenings twice monthly £4 Open Circle (Mondays 8pm) twice monthly £2 Private Readings (Saturday mornings)

WEST MIDLANDS DUDLEY SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Buffery Paradise Centre, Buffery Park, Dudley, West Midlands DY2 8SH Associated to the Spiritualists’ National Union Charity Registration 261898 Sunday Divine Service: Last Sunday in month Doors open 2.45pm Healing, Philosophy, Demonstration Tuesday Healing 6.30pm - 7.15pm Members’ Circles & Development Group 7.30pm - 9.00pm Thursday 1st, 3rd & 5th weeks in the month Demonstration starting at 7.30pm Thursday Divine Service: 2nd & 4th week in month Starting at 7.30pm (Doors 7pm) Home Visits Private Sittings arranged by request Special events/services as advertised Visit us on Facebook A warm welcome to all

STOURBRIDGE NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Union Street, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 1PJ Website: www.stourbridge Tel: 01384 825060 or 01384 352082 Sunday 6.30pm Service Monday 2.30pm Service Occasional Saturdays 7.30pm Monday 1 - 2pm Healing Thursday 7.30 - 9pm Healing All welcome SUTTON COLDFIELD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Kenelm Road, Off Manor Hill, Sutton Coldfield B73 6HD Website: Tel: 0121 354 3266 Sunday 6.30pm Service Monday 1.30pm Service Occasional Wednesdays 7.30pm Thursday 8.00pm Healing Saturday 11.00am Healing

STH YORKS WOMBWELL NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Kelvin Grove, Wombwell, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S73 0DL Enquires 01226 792831 Email: wombwell-spiritualistchurch Website: wombwellsnuchurch. Follow us on Facebook Sunday Divine Service 6.30pm Wednesday Healing 6.00pm Open Circle 7.15pm Special Events as advertised

WALES SACRED HANDS SPIRITUAL CENTRE Lincoln Street, Llandysul, Ceredigion, Wales SA44 4BS Tel: Sonia – 01559 362128 or Carol – 01559 384989 Monday 7.30 - 9.00pm Healing: Spiritual Healing & Reiki (Free of charge – donations welcome) Thursday 7.30pm Divine Service Saturday 7.30pm £2 Open Meditation Circle For special events and workshops see our website



WALES HAFAN Y COED SPIRITUAL CENTRE / RETREAT Heol Tawe, Abercrave, Swansea Tel: 01639 730985 See our main advert in this issue WREXHAM SPIRITUAL CHURCH Quakers Meeting House, Holt Road, Wrexham Phone: 01978 354 568 Divine Service Mondays 7.30pm - 9.00pm Development Circle Thursdays 7.30pm All welcome

SCOTLAND EDINBURGH COLLEGE OF PARAPSYCHOLOGY 2 Melville Street, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH3 7NS Tel: 0131 220 1433 email: secretary@ CLAIRVOYANCE Wednesdays 2.30-3.30pm Fridays 7.30-8.30pm SPIRITUAL HEALING Mondays 7.30-8.30pm Wednesdays 4-5pm PRIVATE READINGS by appointment Forthcoming Special Events DARREN BRITTAIN, Loughborough ( Wednesday 30th September Saturday 3rd October Private Readings and Clairvoyance and Workshop Saturday 31st October 10.30am-5pm Shamanic Healing Workshop BRIAN LYNCH, Belfast ( Wednesday 25th November Saturday 28th November Private Readings, Clairvoyance and Workshop For further information please see our website www.edinburgh A warm welcome to all

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THE LITTLE ROSE CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Barmulloch Community Centre, 46 Wallacewell Quadrant, Barmulloch, Glasgow G21 3PX President: Gary B. Gray Tel: 0141 347 0455 Mob: 07812 40 40 43 Email: thelittlerosechurch Service every Thursday at 7pm All welcome

GUERNSEY THE GREETING PLACE FOUNDATION SPIRITUALIST CENTRE Douzaine Room, St Peters, Guernsey, Channel Islands Enquiries to: Margaret Phillips Tel: 01481 256629 E-mail: Website: www.healingand Our regular services are: Sunday 11.00am Address and Communication Monday 7.30pm Healing Group Saturday 10.30am Healing Clinic Other services as announced Everyone welcome

WEBSITES elthamspiritualistchurch Spiritualism



SPIRITUALIST SOCIETY OF ATHENS “The Divine Light” Channelled Teachings from the highest authority of the Heavenly Kingdom. Various spiritual leaders, from Socrates and St. John the Baptist to Goethe and Newton teach invaluable lessons to humanity. E-mail: Address: 12 Niovis Str., Athens, Greece, 11252

For details of our advertising offers for churches and centres

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Spiritualist Churches and Centers in the USA UCM = Universal Church of the Master NSAC = National Spiritualist Association of Churches

ARIZONA ARIZONA ALTERNATIVE HEALING CONNECTION, UCM 1715 W. Northern Avenue, Ste 100, Phoenix, AZ 85021 (623) 297-0307 BLUE ROSE MINISTRY, UCM 755 Sheepshead Crossing Road, Cornville, AZ 86325 928-634-6269 CHAPEL OF SPIRITUAL HARMONY 1522 W. Encanto Blvd., Phoenix, AZ 85007 (602) 253-1939 info@chapelofspiritual CHURCH OF ESSENTIAL SCIENCE PO Box 62284, Sun Lakes, AZ 85082 (480) 921-4111

CHURCH OF SPIRITUAL UNITY 1628 West Carter Road, Phoenix, AZ 85041 (602) 237-7915 & (602) 405-8919 LIGHT OF LOVE, UCM 2675 S. Rio Verde Drive, Cottonwood, AZ 86326 (928) 639-2170 METAMORPHOSIS SPIRITUAL CENTER 4041 South Turner Lane, Sierra Vista, AZ 85650 (520) 803-0493 MYSTICAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH
 7162 E. Barefoot Lane,
 Prescott Valley, AZ, 86314
 Rev-John@MysticalSpiritualist Church.Org UNITED FELLOWSHIP CHAPEL 4718 E Hawthorne Street, PO Box 29097, Tucson, AZ 85732 (520) 327-0142

CELEBRATION OF LIGHT CHURCH 1185 Vicente at 23rd Avenue in the San Francisco Humanities Building San Francisco, CA 94116 (650) 692-2377

 1206 Coolidge Ave,
 National City, CA 91950
 (619) 312-1269

CENTER FOR COMPASSIONATE LIVING, UCM 415 Cambridge Ave. #8, Palo Alto, CA 94301 (650) 322-2242

 We meet at a residence Hillel House,
33 Bandury Drive, (near SF State University),
 San Francisco, CA 94132
 Service 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month
 (650) 731-4990

CENTER FOR CREATIVE LIVING, UCM 1460 Koll Circle, Ste. C, San Jose, CA 95112 (408) 392-9090 CENTER FOR INFINITE GROWTH, UCM 2473 Rebecca Lynn Way, Santa Clara, CA 95050 (408) 241-7555 or (919) 639-2393 CENTRAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH, NSAC
 2500 Marconi Avenue, #209,
 Sacramento, CA 95650
 (916) 652-4568

 874 Woodward Road, #33
Manteca, CA 95337
 (209) 825-3940

CHURCH OF THE LIVING SPIRIT, NSAC 3736 W. Wahalla Lane, Glendale, AZ 85308 (623) 972-3916

UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF MANKIND 1231 South Van Buren Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85711 (520)790-7374

 2145 West Virginia Avenue,
 Phoenix, AZ 85009
 (602) 257-9338

 PO Box 290,
 Anaheim, AR 72176
 (501) 882-6040

COMMUNITY INTERFAITH CHURCH 1202 W. Miracle Mile, Ste. 36, Tucson, AZ 85705 (520) 861-8734 www.communityinterfaith


CHURCH OF SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP 7 Cottage Lane,Twin Pines Park, Belmont, CA 94002 (650) 368-4914

CELEBRATE LIFE ~ SPIRITUALIST COMMUNITY 4530 18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94114 (415) 568-7571

884 Lincoln Way, #30
Auburn, CA 95603
 (916) 783-3546


FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 3777 42nd Street, San Diego, CA 92105, USA Pastor: Rev Doris Horvath (619) 284-4646 Sunday 10.00am Meditation and Healing Service Sunday 11.00am Lecture Service Plus full itinerary

CHAPEL OF AWARENESS SPIRITUAL CHURCH 560 Third Street, Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 436-4104

FIRST UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 813 W. 165th. Pl. Gardena, CA 90247 (310) 323-4852 FRATERNAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 4720 Kensington Drive, San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 281-4557 GODDESS TEMPLE, UCM PO Box 347, Boulder Creek, CA 95006 831-338-9584



 1901 Franklin Street, 
San Francisco, CA 94109-3414
 (650) 757-6653 THE GOLDEN LIGHT OF CHRIST CHURCH, UCM Alpine, CA (619) 218-2883 HARMONY GROVE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 2975 Washington Circle, Escondido, CA 92029 (760) 745-9176 ISC’S INSPIRATIONAL CENTER 2301 28th Street, Suite 301, Signal Hill, CA 90755 (562) 997-3800 MYSTICAL UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 1212 E. Lincoln, Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 533-6004 REDWOOD SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 724 Sands Way, Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 357-0148 REIKI CENTER FOR HEALING ARTS, UCM 1764 Hamlet Street, San Mateo, CA 94403 650-345-7666 ST. MICHAEL’S REDEEMING SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 10109 S. Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90044 (323) 779-1051 SPIRITUALIST CENTER 6417 Lexington Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90038 (323) 856-8646

 200 West Colorado, Boulevard
Monrovia, CA 91016
 (626) 256-3403
 Pastor@revelation.nsac-churches. org SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF THE COMFORTER 
 1028 Garden St,
 Santa Barbara, CA 93101
 1550 San Leandro Boulevard,
 (Deaf Community Center),
 San Leandro, CA 94577-4442
 (925) 930-6663 THE SPIRITUAL SCIENCE OF LIFE CHURCH, NSAC 729 Morse Street, (Corner of Morse St. & Naglee), San Jose, CA 95126 (408) 6l5-0214 SUMMERLAND SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF THE COMFORTER
 1028 Garden Street,
 Santa Barbara, CA 93101-1417
 Sunday Healing Service: 10.30am
 Sunday Worship Service: 11.00am
 Wednesday All Message Service: 6.30pm Sunday Unfoldment Class: 1pm - 3pm (805) 965-4474 TEMPLE OF LIGHT, UCM 38 Miller Avenue, #185, Mill Valley, CA 94941 415-608-2887 THE OPEN DOOR SPIRITUALIST FELLOWSHIP 
 2091 East Valley, Parkway,
Escondido, CA 92027
 (760) 746-0545 UNITED FRIENDSHIP CHURCH 812 N. Alvarado, Los Angeles, CA 90026 (213) 389-9197

 400 E Holt Blvd,
Ontario, CA 91761
 (909) 986-2050 SPIRITUALIST CHAPEL OF THE PINES 457 Grass Valley Highway, #7, Auburn, CA 95603 (530) 823-1816 http://spiritualistchapelof




 6457 S. Xenon Street,
Littleton, CO 80127-4822
 (303) 973-9993
 CHAPEL OF SPIRITUAL FELLOWSHIP UCM 8530 Rainbow Avenue, Thornton, CO 80229 (303) 288-0143 FIRST SPIRITUAL SCIENCE CHURCH 3375 South Dahlia Street, Denver, CO 80222 303-756-3226 info@firstspiritualsciencechurch. org

 3038 Q Street, NW Georgetown,
 Washington, DC 20007-3080
 (202) 333-5114

FLORIDA FLORIDA THE CHAPEL OF SPIRITUAL LIGHT, Inc “Ormazd Grotto Building”, 1700 Edgewater Drive, College Park, FL 32804 (863) 207-1164


CHURCH OF LIGHT, UCM 10115 Cortez Rd., Bradenton, P.O. Box 606 Tallevast, FL 34270 (941) 795-5683

ALBERTSON MEMORIAL CHURCH 293 Sound Beach Avenue, Box 143, Old Greenwich, CT 06870-0143 (203) 637-4615

 Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp,
 1250 Marion Street,
 Cassadaga, FL
 (386) 228-3171
 Sunday Services 10.30am

THE CHURCH OF THE INFINITE SPIRIT Masonic Temple, 80 Walsh Avenue, Newington, CT 06111-2847 (860) 667-9496 www.newingtonspiritualist

 709 Edgewater Drive,
 Orlando, FL 32804

 268 High Street,
Willimantic, CT 06226-1340
 (860) 423-5774 NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF NORWICH 29 Park Street (Off Main Street), Norwich, CT 06360 (860) 886-8522 NEW LONDON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH Sleep Inn,
5 King Arthur Drive,
 Niantic, CT 06357 newlondonspiritualistchurch/ SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF PEACE & LIGHT
 Hyatt Place,
 224 Greenmanville Avenue,
 Mystic, CT 06357

SPIRITUAL AWAKENING CHURCH & SPIRITUAL CENTER 3044 Michigan Avenue, Kissimmee, FL 34744 (407) 973-1177 www.churchofspiritual SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF AWARENESS, NSAC 3210 North Chickasaw Trail, Orlando, FL 32817 
 (407) 678-3688
 www.spiritualistchurchof SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF MELBOURNE SPIRITUALIST LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH 1049 Crestwood Street, Jacksonville, FL 32208 (904) 764-7639

TEMPLE OF LOVE AND HEALING UCM 3700 40th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33714 (727) 522-7133

 8002 Service Road,
Cherry Valley, IL 61016
 (815) 332-5359
 Belvidere Park in Baltic Mill 
 (E Lincoln St. and Appleton Rd.),
 (815) 780-9715 THE CHURCH OF THE SPIRIT
 2651 North Central Park, Avenue
Chicago, IL 60647-1101
 (312) 489-5422 EVANGELICAL SPIRITUAL CHURCH 5130 W. 25th Street, Cicero, IL 60804 (708) 863-7190 1ST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF HARMONY, UNITY & TRUTH 
 6146 South Ashland Avenue, 
 13906 Greenbay Avenue,
 Burnham, IL 60633-1614
 914 W 151st St,
 6343 West Cuyler (1/2 block north of Irving Park),
 Chicago, IL 60634
 6146 South Ashland Avenue,
Chicago, IL 60636
 102 South Pearl Street,
 LeRoy, IL 61752
 (309) 962-9076


INDIANA CHAPEL IN THE WOODS – HISTORIC CAMP CHESTERFIELD 50 Lincoln Drive, Chesterfield, IN 46017 (765) 378-0235 CLARK MEMORIAL CHURCH 316 Division Street, Elkhart, IN 46516 (574) 293-4036 FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF GARY
 2430 West 11th Avenue,
 Gary, IN 46404
 3511 Vine Street,
South Bend, IN 46615 FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF TERRE HAUTE 1120 6th Avenue, Terre Haute, IN 47807 (812) 232-5758 NEW DAWN SPIRIT OF LIGHT CHURCH, NSAC
 3637 West 10th Street,
 Indianapolis, IN 46222
 (317) 291-0799 NEW SUNFLOWER CHURCH 5562 Madison Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46227 (317) 426-9253 PROGRESSIVE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH
 2201 East 54th Street, 
Indianapolis, IN 46060
 1415 Central Avenue,
 Indianapolis, IN 46202
 6391 Cherry Street,
 Williamsburg, IN 47393
 3020 S. Meridian St., Suites E & F,
Indianapolis, IN 46217-3221 (317) 850-3142

 914 W. 151st Street,
East Chicago, IN 46312
 314 W. Cool Spring Ave,
 Michigan City, IN 46360 Devotional, Healing and Message Service: Sunday 10.30am 
 (574) 298-5080
 Mailing Info:
Joy Marsh,
 4322 N 500 E
Rolling Prairie, IN 46371


 114-118 Harlow Street, 
Bangor, ME 04401
 (207) 848-2273

 5416 6th Avenue South,
 Clinton, IA
 (319) 243-3233

 Governor William King Masonic Hall,
 649 US Route 1,
 Scarborough, ME 04074

Mount Pleasant Park, Clinton, IA 52732-0075
 (563) 570-2768

 #25 Camp Road,
Hartford, ME 04220-5207
 (207) 597-2600

 1429 West Seventh Street,
 Davenport, IA 52802-1212
 (815) 494-5200

 719 Main Street, (Unitarian - Universalist Church) 
Westbrook, ME
 (207)-655-6673 http://portlandspiritualistchurch. org

KANSAS KANSAS SUNSET SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 103 Hanes St, Wells, KS 67467 (785) 488-3929

 352 Crowley Road,
 Sabattus, ME 04280
 (207) 376-5318 www.spiritualistchurchof


 Shore Road,
 Northport, ME
 (207) 338-3029 (June-Sept)
 (207)-338-1355 (Oct-May)

BATON ROUGE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 9111 Interline Ave, Ste 4A, Baton Rouge, LA 70816 (225) 921-6690 Rev Steve Adams SAINT JUDES SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 
 632 11th St
Franklin, LA 70538
 (337) 828-4902

 Corner of Court and Perham Streets,
Augusta, ME 04330
 (207) 622-8980

 4505 Mountain Road,
 Pasadena, MD 21122
 (410) 590-9167




PLYMOUTH MASSACHUSETTS SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 131 Standish Avenue, Plymouth, MA 02360 (508) 746-7609 www.plymouthspiritualist

(978) 632-7559 CHURCH OF THE GUARDIAN ANGELS OF LOVE AND ENLIGHTENMENT 69 West Street, Leominster, MA 01453 (978) 534-5982 FIRST SPIRITUAL TEMPLE 16 Monmouth Street, Brookline, MA 02446 (617) 566-7639 FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF BROCKTON Anawan Grange Hall, Junction of 44 & 118 (243 Winthrop Street, Route 44), Rehobeth, MA 02769 (508) 226-6580 FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF SALEM 34 Warren Street, Salem, MA 01970 (978) 745-2098 FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF SPRINGFIELD, Inc. 33-37 Bliss Street, Springfield, MA 01105 (413) 732-1234 (413) 238-5506 Fax FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF QUINCY 40 West Street, Quincy, MA 02169 (617) 770-2246 THE GREATER BOSTON CHURCH OF SPIRITUALISM Masonic Center, 32 Church Street, Watertown, MA 02472 (617) 923-4334 www.greaterbostonchurchof HEALING HANDS OF LIGHT SPIRITUALIST CHURCH
 465 Granby Road,
 Chicopee, MA
 (413) 592-0300

 61 Burrill Avenue,
 Lynn, MA 01902
 126 Merrimack Street,
 Methuen, MA 01844
 (603) 783-4456

 18O5 E. Ganson
Jackson, MI 492O2
 1316 Wildwood
 906 N Chilson St.,
Bay City, MI 48706
 3224 Greenfield Road
 (1/2 Blocks South of 13 Mile)
 Royal Oak, MI 48073-6534
 (248) 288-4026 www.firstspiritualtempleof

 2 Montague Avenue,
 P.O. Box 88,
 Lake Pleasant, MA 01347 www.thenationalspiritual



 430 West Bellevue Street,
 Leslie, MI 49251
 209 N. John
Highland, MI 48357
 07444 Old US, 31N
Charlevoix, MI 49720-9422 (Bayshore)
 208 Euclid Avenue,
Battle Creek, MI 49017
 504 Worthington Drive,
 Oxford, MI 48371
 (810) 814-9172 SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF DIVINE LIGHT Grand Rapids, MI 49503 (616) 363-9678 SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN 5401 Oak Park, off Maybee Road, Box 62, Clarkston, MI (248) 673 - 5445 SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF TRUTH & LIGHT
 1O4 - 66th
South Haven, MI 49O9O
 127 Meerse SE,
Grand Rapids, MI 49057
 (616) 241-3387 THE FLINT SPIRITUAL CHURCH PO Box 530, Flint, MI 48501

 611 Samantha Ave,
 Lansing, MI 48910
 (517) 882-5188

 5281 Addison St, 
Detroit, MI 48210
 (313) 945-5967

 2724 Goodrich,
 Ferndale, MI 48220 (248) 545-5680

 1414 East Ninth Street,
 Duluth, MN
 (218) 724-6554

 1500 First Avenue NE, Suite 112,
 Rochester, MN 55901
 411 Main Street,
 St. Paul, MN 55102
 (651) 225-4609

 6026 South Kingshighway Boulevard,
St. Louis, MO 63109-3558
 5161 Delmar Blvd,
 Saint Louis, MO 63108
 (314) 367-3022

321 Hascall Street,
 Omaha, NE 68108-2121
 (402) 345-0101

 West Spring Mountain Road,
 Suite 51,
Las Vegas, NV. 89102
 Service times: Sunday, 11am & 6.30pm
 Children’s Lyceum as announced
 Thursday 6.30pm Healing & Meditation Service with Development Circle following.
 (702) 876-8783
 spiritualistdesertchurch@yahoo. com SPIRITUALIST HIGH DESERT CHURCH OF RENO Larry D. Johnson Community Center, 1200 12th Street, Sparks, NV 89431
 Every Sunday 11am - 12.30pm (775) 323-1114
 Mailing Info:
PO Box 13111, Reno, NV 89507

 PO Box 22,
 Gilsum, NH 03448
 (603) 355-8078

 Masonic Hall,
 109 Main Street,
 Salem, NH 03079
 (978) 454-4163

 243 West Olive St,
 Westville, NJ
 (856) 456-2196 http://thechurchofeternal GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT CHURCH 
 25 Grand Ave,
Hackensack, NJ 07601
 (843) 571-2334 THE JOURNEY WITHIN Spiritualists’ National Union Church 25 Carr Street, Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442 (973) 616-9685 SPIRITUAL LIFE FELLOWSHIP, Inc. 595 Broad Ave., Rooms 12 & 14 Ridgefield, NJ 07657 (201) 943-6103

NEW YORK NEW YORK ANGEL HEART CHAPEL 513 W Union Street, Newark, NY 14513 (315) 331-2009 CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL AWARENESS 3848 State Route 13, Pulaski, NY 13142 CHURCH OF THE LIVING SPIRIT PO Box 224, Lily Dale, NY 14752-0224 www.churchoftheliving CITY OF LIGHT SPIRITUALIST CHURCH
 15 Buffalo Street, PO Box 215,
 Lily Dale, NY 14752
 (716) 595-3008
 29 Temple Place,
East Aurora, NY 14052-2523
 (716) 652-5018

 (716) 595-8721
 Mailing Info:
 Lily Dale Assembly,
 PO Box 248,
Lily Dale, NY 14752
 LILY DALE SPIRITUALIST CHURCH East Street, P.O. Box 1128 Lily Dale, NY 14752 GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF SPIRITUALISTS 27 Appleton St, Rochester, NY 14611 (585) 464-9419 MEMORIAL CHAPEL, UCM 178 Chapin Street, Binghamton, NY 13905 (607) 722-5569 NEW HORIZONS SPIRITUALIST CHURCH, NSAC
 Hilton Homewood Suites Hotel, 1585 Round Swamp Rd, Plainview, NY (631) 669-3226 PLYMOUTH SPIRITUALIST CHURCH
 29 Vic Park A,
Rochester, NY 14607
 (585) 271-1470
or (585) 234-2362 www.plymouthspiritualist A SANCTUARY OF INFINITE SPIRIT, Inc. NSAC
 10 Ackerly Lane,
 Lake Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
 Sunday Healing 6.05 - 6.20pm Sunday
Service 6.30 - 7.30pm Monday Unfoldment/Mediumship Development 6.30 - 8.30pm Thursday Natural Law 11am - 1pm (631) 588-5869 www.asanctuaryofinfinite
 SPARK OF DIVINITY CONGREGATION 236 East Main Street, Palmyra, NY 14522 SUMMERLAND CHURCH OF LIGHT, NSAC 120 Plant Ave (corner of Oser Ave), Hauppauge, NY 11788 Sunday Service Silent Meditation 10.00am Service begins 10.15am Message Circles conducted on the second Sunday of the month, after service (631) 406-4161 info@summerlandchurchoflight. com www.summerlandchurchof

 114 East 35th Street (between Park & Lexington)
 New York, NY 10016
 (212) 675.2140 THE CHURCH OF DIVINE INSPIRATION 27 Appleton Street, Rochester, NY 14611 (585) 328.8908 codiinfo@churchofdivine http://churchofdivine


OHIO OHIO THE CHURCH OF THE ANGELS 12550 Chillicothe Rd, Chesterland, OH 44026 (440) 384-8968 CHURCH OF UNIVERSAL SPIRIT Mentor, OH 44069 (440) 255-1169 CIRCLE OF LOVE AND LIGHT 4016 Cedar Hills Avenue, Springfield, OH (937) 323-2923 FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH
 4230 Main Ave,
Ashtabula, OH 44004-6851
 (440) 293-7056

 77 S 5th St,
Columbus, OH 43215
 3195 Morse Rd,
Columbus, OH 43231
 (614) 476-4281

 15 Oak Street,
Patchogue, NY 11772 (Long Island)

UNIVERSAL SANCTUARY, UCM 302 Loafer Drive, Burnsville, NC 28714 (828) 678-3438

 1751 Aberdeen Ave,
Columbus, OH 43211
 (614) 263-1631

 5403 S Ridge Rd W,
 Ashtabula, OH 44004
 82 N. High St.
Gahanna, OH 43230
 (614) 832-5358
 revclevenger@raysoflightchurch. com SPIRIT OF LOVE CHURCH 2620 Old Clifton Rd, Springfield, OH 45505 (937) 325-7381 SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF REVELATION 
 1081 E Weber Rd,
 Columbus, OH 43211
 PO Box 253,
 Ashley, OH 43003-0253
 (740) 747-2688

 6 Wooley Park,
 Ashley, OH 43003
 (740) 747-2212

 Watervliet Avenue,
 Dayton, OH 45420-2544
 (937) 878-1165

 636 Western Ave,
 Toledo, OH 43609
 (419) 246-5389

 3187 Morse Rd,
Columbus, OH 43231
 (614) 890-5326 PSYCHIC NEWS | OCTOBER 2015


 1612 W Sylvania Ave,
Toledo, OH 43612
 (419) 478-1250 TRUTH TABERNACLE
 1493 Indianola Ave,
Columbus, OH 43201
 (614) 291-8466 UNITED SPIRITUALISTS OF THE CHRIST LIGHT 11006 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45241 (513) 891-5424

FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ERIE 11193 Sharp Rd, Waterford, PA 16441 (814) 796-4964 or (814) 796-4715 FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF MCKEESPORT
 809 Locust Street,
 McKeesport, PA 15133
 (412) 672-1272
 receivingspirit@1stspiritualist GETTER MEMORIAL CHURCH, NSAC 1123 Oak Street, Allentown, PA 18102 (610) 770-7560

 2348 NW 36th Street,
 Oklahoma City, OK 73112
 (405) 732-7975

 3740 Colony Drive, Suite LL100, San Antonio, TX 78230
 Sundays 8am - 9.30am
 Currently meeting at The Austin History Center,
810 Guadalupe Street,
Austin, TX 78701
 (512) 689-9556 SPIRITUAL TEMPLE C.O.G.I.C.
 Flowing Wls,
 Goodrich, TX 77335
 (936) 365-2357

 Philadelphia, PA 19104
 (215) 232-9219

 El Paso, TX 79902
 (915) 544-0200

THE SPIRITUAL PATH CHURCH 2041 Moravia St, Ext New Castle, PA 16101 (724) 698-7564

 PO Box 133,
Windsor, VT 05089
 We meet at 1 Legion Dr., Hartland, VT



SPIRIT GUIDED FRIENDS CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST 5729 SE Boise St, Portland, OR 97206 (503) 771-8986

 877 Broadway
East, Providence, RI 02914



 5618 Wilson Blvd,
Arlington, VA 22205-1300
 (703) 276-8738

 421 N Preston Street,
 Philadelphia, PA 19104
 Sunday Service 2.00pm
 Healing, Lecture, Messages
 Wednesday Service 7.30pm All Message

 (215) 222-0322

 2115 Turner Street,
 Houston, TX 77064
 (713) 695-2550

 222 North Washington Street,
 Falls Church, VA 22046
 (703) 645-8060

 4200 Avenue ‘D’,
 Austin, TX 78751-3719
 (512) 458-3987 www.firstspiritualistchurchof

 307 West 37th Street,
Norfolk, VA 23508-3207
 (757) 622-5070 www.memorialspiritualist

OREGON OREGON ALICE STREET SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 3446 SW Alice Street, Portland, OR 97219 (503) 246 7300 NEW ERA CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALISTS CHURCH 10244 S New Era Rd, Canby, OR 97013 (503) 263-7252

THE CHAPEL OF ONENESS 345 Regis Avenue, West Mifflin, PA (412) 770-4961 CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST CHURCH 461 E 6th St, Erie, PA 16507 (814) 459-3795 CHURCH OF HARMONIAL FELLOWSHIP 222 Chestnut St, Meadville, PA


GATEWAY TO THE HEART, UCM 113 Summit Street, Dripping Springs, TX 78620 (512) 894-0401



 Mailing Info:
Pres. Bernie Allers, 11113 SE 323rd St,
Auburn, WA 98092
 (253) 833-4850

 1228 26th Avenue Court,
 Milton, WA 98354
 1228 26th Avenue Court,
 2116 West Dravus St,
 Seattle, WA 98199
 (206) 282-7220

 128 Burnlea Rd,
Charles Town, WV 25414
 (304) 725-3763 office
 (240) 447-8912 DC area cell THE FIRST SPIRITUALIST SOCIETY
OF WHEELING WV Way Memorial Temple, 104 N. Broadway,
Wheeling Island, WV 26003
 (304) 232-5795

 6228 West Washington Street, West Allis, WI 53214
 2932 Waubesa Avenue,
 Madison, WI 53711
 (608) 354-2694

USA If your local Spiritualist church or center is not listed here, or you’d like to add service times to your listing, please send details by email to: ------------------

UK A full list of Spiritualist churches and centres and spiritual shops that stock Psychic News can be found on our website:

2015 and 2016 Spiritual Courses at Hafan Y Coed 2nd - 4th October 2015: Nina Thiedeman & D Rielly: Which Way Now?

Helping you on your spiritual path. Find where you want to go and how to get there. This will help develop your mediumship, confidence and self-awareness.

22nd - 25th October 2015: Cheryl Brennan: Enhancing Your Mediumship Abilities

Explore the ways you can use/enhance our mediumship during this varied and interesting course.

1st - 7th November 2015: Tim & Janette Abbott: Interacting With The Spirit World A course for those who have already established a link with Spirit. 20th - 22nd November 2015: Wendy Hale: The Healer Trust Healer Training Course, Part 3 8th - 10th April 2016: Cheryl Brennan: Enhancing Your Mediumship Abilities 2nd - 6th May 2016: Jan Higgins: Pathway To The Platform 16th - 20th May 2016: Melanie Hallett: Trance For Self And Others 27th - 29th May 2016: Denise McNulty & Scott Lornie: An Exploration Of Your Mediumship 18th - 23rd July 2016: Billy Cook: Spiritual Toolbox 13th - 20th August 2016: Moira Hawkins & Tim Abbott:Â Putting The Evidence Into Mediumship 5th - 9th September 2016: Jan Higgins: Transfiguration & Physical Mediumship 19th - 23rd September 2016: Melanie Hallett: A Greater Connection To Your Spirit Guides

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