3 minute read
The Cheesy Goodness and Crispy Birds
By Demoya Bryan
Fried chicken and mac ’n’ cheese are the perfect match. I remember the first time I had mac ’n’ cheese. It is a memory that stays with me. I can already see the extra cheese with the seasoning. I can already taste the soft cheese hitting my tongue all at once. I can just feel the crust of the mac ’n’ cheese, feeling the cheese melt in my mouth. I can feel the aroma scent drifting in my nose—just feeling it is appetizing. The way it bubbles in the oven looks wonderfully exquisite. Just looking at it was out of this world. I was just waiting for it to be accomplished. But I didn’t even look at the stove. Then I saw fried chicken on the stove. It was the most unique experience I ever had. Mac ’n’ cheese with fried chicken is the most attractive dish ever. One reason why fried chicken is so delectable is because it has so many different types of seasoning, and the texture is crispy on the outside and firm and juicy on the inside. Let me explain. The way it looks is so magnificent. The way it sounds when I hear it sizzle on the stove is so delightful. I can just imagine the seasoned bubbles popping because of the hotness. The steam smells so brilliant. The scent fills the entire house. I can just feel the crispy skin in my fingers and being so smooth and soft on the inside. I just know it will be unbelievable, just looking at it turning into a crispy chicken is remarkable. The pleasing sound is so enticing, the dazzling crispy chicken is so delicate. That is why fried chicken is the finest dish. Another reason why this food mac ’n’ cheese was so honorable is because the mac ’n’ cheese bubbles were dried onto the cheese, making them small. The scent was captivating. I just wanted to feel the cheese
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melt when I dive my fork into the mac ’n’ cheese just to see the cheese melt, just seeing it is pleasing. Let me talk about mac ’n’ cheese. It is cheesy luscious so pleasant, I can feel it hitting my tongue. The aroma smell was just mouth-watering, the touch was satisfying, and seeing all that cheese becoming one. The extraordinary amount of cheese was well done, just seeing it so incredible . . . I can already hear the soft crunching. The sound was so considerable, I can just keel over. I can just imagine the sound being so exceptional. All of the squishyness, the whole way it would look when it got out of the oven would be striking. That is why mac ’n’ cheese is outstanding. But it was ready. I picked up my fork and started to dig in. I saw the cheese melting when my fork went into it. It was so good, like the tears from an angel. I put it in my mouth and it felt so flavorful. The chicken looked so! I went in to try the first piece. All of the precious seasonings hit my tongue all at once. I felt so blessed to see that chicken being torn apart. The skin being so seasoned was so breathtaking. I could dive into it. The way it tasted, them both at the same time, was outstanding. It’s like Gordon Ramsey’s cooking. When I think about mac ’n’ cheese and fried chicken, my taste buds fly off. It’s not just my stomach that celebrates this glorious dish, but also my heart. This food will make you beg for mercy. So the next time you feel like treating your tastebuds pleasingly, you should try mac ’n’ cheese with fried chicken. It will make you feel immortal, you won’t regret it. The next time you are looking to eat, try mac ’n’ cheese with fried chicken!