3 minute read
The Chicken Salad That Will Help You Find Out Why the Chicken Cross the Road
By Ariel Paulino Jr.
Now I know everyone has a favorite food, but my favorite food is chicken salad. The answer to why the chicken crossed the road: The last time I ate this was last Sunday. I loved this so much, and it feels so special like I was in a restaurant. Everytime I eat this, I will always take my time so I can keep the moment going forever. One reason why this food is special is because the salad adds magic to the chicken, giving it more flavor. If you put salt in it, you will love it because it’s tastier than the sauce. The chicken salad is sour, spicy and hot. I wouldn’t put in hot sauce because the salt makes it good. The chicken mixed with the salad and eaten together is so incredible!!!!! The incredible food that you never had like this! Another reason why chicken salad is so good is because of the seasoning in the chicken. You will act like you have been blessed with food by Jesus Christ in person Himself. You will act like your favorite food is the chicken salad. You will act like you have been baptized, and you will feel so good, you will act like you just drank/ate energy drinks/ food, and you will have so much energy. If you ever tried chicken salad, and if it’s wonderful, please be my friend! Why does this chicken salad make you feel so amazing? If you ever try it, you will feel lucky like the guy in the Lucky Charms picture. If you ever tried it, you will feel like you just won so much money against ninety-nine other people. YOU WILL FEEL LIKE YOU GOT ALL A+s ON YOUR REPORT CARD. YOU WILL FEEL LIKE
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SUCCESSFUL. What does this crispy, salty chicken salad look like? It looks so wonderful, like when you’re done cooking the chicken salad, you will feel like you’re looking at gold. It looks so glorious, the chicken is so well cooked, it’s cut, the salad is so green, the chicken looks so crispy, so crunchy, that’s how you know it’s very, very flavorful and crispy, and salty. How does the smell of a chicken salad smell so good? It smells so good that you feel like you’re smelling a Chili’s restaurant, and I’m telling you, the chicken tenders they have on the salad are the chicken tenders that will be smelling good at Chili’s! Chicken salad smells like chicken with honey mustard. It smells like the summer. It smells like a hotel with a fresh hot tub inside. It smells like you left a restaurant but you can still smell the food following you, and it makes you want to smell it all night. What I do is I take a fork, put the chicken and the salad on the fork, and I eat half of the chicken on the fork and all the salad, then I put in some salt, shake the bowl, and then I taste it, and it tastes AMAZING! I eat it at home for dinner, and I would have it on Mondays, Sundays, or Thursdays, and I would take so long just so I can eat more and more. I eat it at my house at 8:00 every dinner on Monday, Sundays, and Thursdays, and I sometimes eat it at my dad’s house when they cook chicken tenders with salad. How does the chicken on the chicken salad sound so poppy and greasy and satisfying? You don’t really hear anything but the water in the salad when you mix it a little bit. The only time you hear something is if you microwave the chicken tenders, you hear a bubble sound from it. When you feel it,
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the salad is so watery that it makes your fingers/hands wet. The chicken tenders are very crispy, and so hard that lots of crumbs get left on your fingers, and you can feel the crumbs, and all I feel is crispy chicken tender.