1 minute read
untitled Valerie Navarro
from Our Odysseys
by 826nyc
I still remember my first crush. I mean, of course I do, it’s kinda hard to forget someone so perfect. His hazel brown eyes that sparkled in the sun, his light brown hair softer than the finest silk. The sweetest voice ever heard. I remember it all too well. Most importantly, I remember the way he always made me laugh, always brought me a piece of candy on Valentine’s Day, always listened obediently whenever I played the guitar in music class. The way his hugs always brought me to my happy place. I remember being so infatuated, so overwhelmed with emotion to the point that I couldn’t even think straight. Maybe I waited too long or maybe there was nothing there in the first place or maybe I misunderstood the signs. Maybe we were just two kids with confusing feelings. All I know is that my biggest regret was not telling you how I felt and crying after I saw you with another girl, sharing a pack of Lunchables and a bag of Takis. It probably wouldn’t have hurt so much if the girl you were dating wasn’t my best friend.