1 minute read
the CheAt And the Child
from Our Odysseys
by 826nyc
Cindy Peralta
just married, a pretty pair of two coming to america to try and start something new who could’ve guessed one would have it all thrown but would he ever come to reap what he sowed?
turn to the future and you see two kids one’s a teen while the other wears a bib who could’ve guessed she’d see your lying lips all the way back in 2006?
left the phone on one night while dozed off drunk while the curious girl thought to test her luck so she put dad through the ultimate test only to unveil messages of women undressed used to see you as a good and true man even though the family was tied on loose ends turned out her world was as real as truman’s and yours was all just liquor and new “friends” soon came the truth, one of which knew nevertheless left the three women colored in blue to hear their cries so silent yet wild all from a case of the cheat and the child