Anchor Green Primary School 31 Anchorvale Drive Singapore 544969 Tel: 68861356 Fax No: 63159825
In Link Bulletin (22 May 2014) Issue No: 04/2014
Dear Parents / Guardians The school term is drawing to a close. We seek your kind attention to matters highlighted in this issue. 1.
Travel Declaration Submission from 23 May - 27 May 2013  P1 Parents All P1 parents are to log into the AsknLearn portal at URL: to submit your online Travel Declaration. A NIL return is required. We are requesting your support in this area as we would like to familiarize you with the online submission procedures.  P2 to P6 Parents Should you have plans to travel overseas during the June holidays, please log into the AsknLearn portal at URL: to submit your online Travel Declaration.
A step by step guide on how to declare your travel online is attached for your reference. Please do keep it for future reference. 2. School Bulletin With effect from Term 2, the School Bulletin has been sent via email and a copy will be uploaded onto the school website and Facebook page at, as has been the school practice. Parents / Guardians who need the school to provide a hard copy for the above documents for Travel Declaration and/or School Bulletin may ask your child to obtain the hard copy from the class teacher. 3. Hand Food Mouth Disease (HFMD) We would like to assure you that our school is committed to providing a clean and safe environment for children. We seek your support in taking preventive measures to stop HFMD transmissions. Please conduct daily temperature check and visual screening of your children before sending them to school. If you suspect your child is infected with HFMD, please take him/her to visit a doctor immediately. He/she should rest at home until fully recovered and certified fit to return to school. 4. Haze Situation during the June School Break It is reported in the news that haze may return from June onwards. The school will be running a number of programmes during the June holidays and if parents are concerned about the haze situation, you may call up the school to confirm the situation before sending your children to school. 5. Update on School calendar Date & Day Remarks 23 May (Fri) Primary 2 Speech & Drama Presentations by classes within curriculum hours 23 May (Fri) Student Leadership Training Camp over 2 days from 23 May from 3.00 pm to 24 May, Sat till 24 May (Sat) 10.30 am at the school. 26 May (Mon) NAPFA Test (static stations for all Pri 6 students from 2.30 to 5.30 pm). Students will be dismissed once they have finished. Hence, do get your child to call you if he or she needs to be picked up from school. 26 May (Mon) A Mother Tongue Cultural Day Camp will be conducted after school for students. Details have been sent out. 27 May (Tue) Learning Journey to Little India for 3 P6 classes after school hours. Details had been sent in an earlier notification. 28 May (Wed) NAPFA Test (1.6 km run for Pri 4 students within curriculum hours)
Date & Day
Remarks All P4 students will leave for the Yio Chu Kang Stadium at 7.30 am and will return by 10.30 am. They will have their recess upon return till 11.15 am. Students will return to class for lessons after their recess. Students will need to have a good night’s rest of at least 8 hours sleep and be encouraged to drink sufficient water before the test. Light breakfast is encouraged. Please send your child to reach school punctually by 7.20 am. Parents must inform the teacher if child is unwell to take the test. 29 May (Thu) Meet The Parents Session (Lessons for students from 7.30 am – 12.15 pm) Meet The Students will be dismissed at 12.15 pm for teachers to take lunch prior to meeting up with Parents parents for the feedback session at 1.15 pm onwards. Session with class teacher A separate circular has been sent out to selected parents for the Meet The Parents Session. from 1.15 pm However, if you do not receive the notification and would like to meet up with your child’s form teacher, please do email the teacher to make the appointment. The Mother Tongue teachers will be stationed in the school hall while Form Teachers will be in their respective classes. Your child may report with you to collect the results. The Form Teachers will contact parents to confirm the given time slot. Please note that the teachers will spend about 15 min with each parent depending on the number of parents lined up for the session. Report Book will only be released to students / parents on 29 May. Please return the Report Book on 30 May. If you are unable to return the Report Book on 30 May, please do make a trip to the school to hand it over to the office staff within the 1st week of the school holiday. 30 May – 1 P5 Camp for the P5 cohort of students at Labrador Adventure Centre. Details had been sent June (Fri – out earlier and the parent briefing will be conducted on 24 May in the school hall at 9 am. Sun) 30 May (Fri) On this day, Singaporeans are called to set aside time to eat with their families. Beyond just food and eating, “Eat With Your Family Day” is about enjoyment with your family. It serves as Eat with your a starting point for families to commit to have a meal together on a regular, if not daily basis. Family Day Guided by the belief that ‘a family that eats together stays together’, the initiative calls on employers and corporate leaders to take the lead in promoting strong family ties by encouraging their employees to leave work by 5pm to have dinner with their families. Hence, our school will close at 5.00 pm on that day to enable staff to go home early. 2 – 4 Jun (Mon P6 Supplementary Lessons (Notification was sent earlier to parents) – Wed) Pupils will wear school uniform on 2 and 3 June. On 4th June, students will come in PE attire for the learning journey to the Science Centre. 4. Start of Term 3 Students will report to school on 30 June, Monday. Please ensure that your child has packed the Oral Digital Thermometer (ODT). It is important that parents regularly check that your child has the ODT with him/her in the school bag. It is a good practice to inculcate in children as habits are picked up from young. In conclusion, I would like to thank parents for the cooperation and support to the school. Best wishes for a good holiday break with your child/children. Yours faithfully, ___________________ Mrs Dhillon A. Singh Principal