Department of Institutional Advancement
Department of Institutional Advancement
Acknowledgements This report describes the activities of the Department of Institutional Advancement for the year 2013. The department expresses its appreciation for the unstinting support and leadership of the Rector and Vice-Chancellor, Prof Brian O'Connell, and his Executive Management, as well as the Deans and managements of all faculties and support services departments. We thank the dedicated IA team for all its efforts to achieve our ambitious 2013 programme. We also acknowledge with gratitude the support received from two of our most important stakeholders - our generous donors and sponsors, and our alumni. Without you, none of our achievements would have been possible. Lastly, we thank our service providers, partners and volunteers for their assistance.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Performance Overview
3. Programme Performance Information
3.1. Donor Relations
3.2. Alumni Relations
3.3. Marketing and Online
3.4. Communications and Media Relations
3.5. Events
4. Challenges
5. Looking ahead
A. Donors
Performance measures
Operating Units of the Department of Institutional Advancement
The concerted effort of the institution to promote access to a quality education has seen phenomenal growth in UWC's student enrolment in the past decade.
1. Introduction
UWC's vision is to be a vibrant intellectual space where people engage with matters of significance at the highest level of competence. Moreover, the institution strives to build on its historical contribution to the struggle for democracy by assisting the larger national project of fostering an equitable, non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous democratic society and contributing to Africa's development. The concerted effort of the institution to promote access to a quality education has seen phenomenal growth in UWC's student enrolment in the past decade. Notwithstanding the significant material support received from the state, loyal donors and industry, the rise in student numbers and the fact that most of the student cohort still originate in economically disadvantaged communities, put considerable pressure on the University to diversify and expand its revenue streams while growing the academic excellence of its offering. The University of the Western Cape's strategic plan, as described in the Institutional Operating Plan 2010-2014 (IOP), commits the Department of Institutional Advancement (IA) - the fundraising, marketing and development arm of the University of the Western Cape - to contribute to its objectives by raising UWC's public profile, developing strategic partnerships, expanding donor support and effectively communicating with all stakeholders. This annual report summarises the achievements and challenges of the department's operations in these spheres for the year 2013.
Patricia Lawrence Pro Vice-Chancellor for Institutional Advancement
2. Performance Overview
2.1. Objectives
sponsorship by merSETA of the Extended
While the work of the Department of Institutional Advancement (IA) supports all the strategic goals of the Institutional Operating Plan 2010-2014, it particularly strives to deliver Goal 5: Sustained Financial Viability, and Goal 6: Enhancing UWC's Standing and Profile.
Curriculum Programme in the Science Faculty and its Winter School; R3 million in corporate pledges towards the new Chemical Sciences building. 2.3.2. The consolidation of the newly established Alumni Association continued this year, with more than 800 new members recruited. Other highlights
2.2. Organisation
of the alumni relations programme included:
The Department of Institutional Advancement is a service department providing strategic, tactical and operational input across the University in the areas of donor relations, alumni relations, media liaison, communications, marketing, branding, online practices and events.
the successful '60s & '70s Alumni Reunion weekend, an institutional first; an alumni awareness campaign targeting current students; another edition of the 'Lead from Where you Are' series of events, in partnership with the
The department falls within the Rector's line and reports to the Pro Vice-Chancellor. IA units work closely with other service departments of UWC. See Appendix C for detailed descriptions of each unit and staffing.
School of Pharmacy; a successful graduation recruitment programme; expanding the range of alumni memorabilia, including the branded clothing range. A special highlight was the publishing of a book, The Early History of UWC: Reflections on the
2.3. Highlights Programme highlights include: 2.3.1. A number of successful fundraising initiatives targeted corporate, institutional and individual donors, among which were: a three-year sponsorship for a mathematics teaching programme in the Faculty of Education secured from Sanlam; $50 000 received via the Kresge Foundation's Special Initiative challenge grant, towards infrastructure projects; R400 000 raised through golf days for the Jakes Gerwel Endowment Fund;
History and Alumni of the early years', written by Prof Harold Herman, a former Dean of Education and Emeritus Professor, to coincide with the '60s & '70s reunion. 2.3.3. The marketing activities of the department were refocused to improve alignment with the IOP, by merging the former Marketing & Branding and Web units into the new Marketing and Online unit. Major priorities were the strengthening of the UWC presence and brand across social media platforms and improving the content and appearance of the corporate website.
Department of Institutional Advancement Annual Report for 2013
2.3.4. The Communications and Media Relations (C&M) unit produced almost 500 articles for the four titles in the corporate print publications stable and more than 300 articles for the UWC website. In addition to the on-campus readership, our electronic publications reached 15 000 alumni. The University was the subject of 20 television features and the campus hosted seven live radio broadcasts during 2013. UWC academics also appeared as experts in numerous radio and television news broadcasts.
departments at our benchmarked peer institutions, yet its portfolio is similar and possibly even more challenged, given the institution's historical disadvantages. The department is also still fairly new and therefore some policies and procedures are in development. Capacity problems in some operational areas also necessitate some outsourcing of services and are limitations on expansion. Section 4 discusses challenges at programme level in some detail.
2.3.5. The Events unit managed to assist 267 events with a staff complement of three persons. Details of achievements at programme level are provided in Section 3 of this report.
2.5. Future Prospects
2.4. Challenges The main challenges to delivery are the budgetary constraints on staffing and funding. The IA Department is considerably smaller than comparable
Notwithstanding challenges and constraints of resources, the capacity and reach of the department has grown steadily year on year, and are bearing results, as attested to in this report. Relationships with all our stakeholders are stronger than ever, and we are excited about the growth prospects of the institution, and our role in the process. Relative to 2014, some of our plans in the short term are summarised in Section 5.
3. Programme Performance Information
This section presents the activities of each operational unit in the department in sufficient detail to reveal the scope of progress achieved and challenges encountered. Detailed analyses and graphic presentations are provided for further illustration in Appendix B.
3.1. Donor Relations The Donor Relations unit aims to build sustainable partnerships for institutional advancement by increasing donor support. This is guided by the newly-approved Fundraising and Proposals Policy and managed through realistic fundraising and stewardship initiatives.
3.1.1. Fundraising and Proposals Committee UWC had its first Fundraising and Proposals Committee meeting on 13 May 2013, hosted by the Donor Relations unit. The objective of the committee is to oversee and minimise risk with respect to the University's special projects in terms of third stream funding initiatives undertaken by Institutional Advancement. Infrastructure projects prioritised were: Chemical Sciences Building Upgrade of Sports Stadium Bellville Medical Centre Old Life Sciences Building New Education Building New Life Sciences Building.
3.1.2. The UWC Foundation The Board of Trustees of the University of the Western Cape Foundation approved the establishment of the Jakes Gerwel Education and Development Fund. The objectives of the fund are to support bursaries, institutional development, investment and continued growth at UWC. Fred Robertson, Chairman of the Foundation (previously chaired by Prof Gerwel), confirmed that institutions that had shown interest in supporting the fund included Old Mutual, Brimstone Investment Corporation, African Monarch 710 Investment Holdings and the Mauerberger Foundation. The fund has already spurred three initiatives. The Board approved the request for funding of R4,5 million for existing posts for 2014, and approved the appointment of Messrs OJJ Tabane, L Maasdorp and J (Jannie) Durand as trustees to the Board. It was noted in the presentation of the Investment Report by RMB Private Bank that the current value of the portfolio had increased to R89 million as a result of improvements in the market.
3.1.3. Infrastructure Campaign Forty-nine companies were visited in 2013 by the Rector and Pro Vice-Chancellor. These visits resulted in R2 950 000 being pledged in support of the Chemical Sciences Building, the prioritised infrastructure project of the Rector's fundraising agenda.
Faculty outreach projects identified included: Excellence in Matric Maths; Science Labs (schools); Centre for Performing Arts; Sponsorship projects (conferences, Moot Court, etc.).
Department of Institutional Advancement Annual Report for 2013
Infrastructure Donations Pledged for 2013 towards the Chemical Sciences Building
Faculty of Education, continues the 30-year relationship between Sanlam and UWC.
Haw and Inglis
Old Mutual Investment Group South Africa The Old Mutual Investment Group South Africa Imfundo Trust (OMIGSA Imfundo Trust) agreed to fund six UWC students (an amount of R300 000 over three years) under the Jakes Gerwel Bursary scheme. The OMIGSA Imfundo Trust aims to grow the pool of black professionals in the asset management sector. Preference will be given to black women studying finance, law and agriculture.
R250 000
R1 000 000
Basil Reid
R1 000 000
R200 000
Separation Scientific
R250 000
Swissre Investments
R250 000
Total Pledged
R2 950 000
3.1.4. Funding Partnerships A total of R4 616 934 was received in 2013. For a detailed breakdown of donations, see Appendix A. A graphic presentation of funds raised can be found in Appendix B. Kresge Special Initiative Challenge Grant Having been selected to participate in the Kresge Foundation's Special Initiative challenge grant in 2012, a progress report for evaluation of the five milestones set for 2012 by Institutional Advancement and the Kresge Foundation was well received by the Kresge Foundation, which awarded UWC the challenge grant of $50 000 towards projects that advance the University. Sanlam A UWC-based initiative to develop high-quality mathematics teaching received the first of three tranches of R290 000 per annum over three years from financial group Sanlam. The donation to the Local Evidence-Driven Improvement of Mathematics Teaching and Learning Initiative (LEDIMTALI), based at the University's
MerSETA The donor relations office accepted a cheque on 14 June from alumnus, Dr Raymond Patel, CEO of merSETA, for R482 482. This was the first tranche of a total commitment of R1 556 940 to support the University's Extended Curriculum Programme in the Science Faculty and its Winter School.
3.1.5. Donor Events Golf Days The objective of the UWC Golf Days is to raise funds to enable students from historically disadvantaged communities who have demonstrated academic potential to access bursaries, achievement-based scholarships, post-doctoral fellowships, merit awards and work study programmes. This year, R400 000 was raised towards the Jakes Gerwel Endowment Fund. Johannesburg Golf Day The ninth annual UWC Johannesburg Golf Day saw 76 players taking part. Watering holes at the event were sponsored by ABSA Corporate, Budget Car and Van Rental, Ceragon South Africa, Multichoice DStv, Nampak Recycling, New Generation Management Consulting, PPS Insurance for Professionals, SBV Services and Stanlib. Andre de Wet sponsored wine which was auctioned and bought at R5 000 by alumnus Angelo Petersen, Group General Manager of Corporate Services at Capespan Group. Cape Town Golf Day A full field of 144 players, divided into 36 teams, took part in the event sponsored by Sanlam Investment Management/ Sanlam Multi Manager
International, Santam Limited and Old Mutual Investment Group. Watering hole sponsors were Neotel, Old Mutual Corporate, Nashua Communications, Pro Events, Securitas, KPMG, NBC Holdings, Business Connexion and Community Life Insurance Consultants.
3.1.9. Donor Portal
3.1.6. Financial Management and Donor Administration
At the end of 2012, the Alumni Relations unit
The Donor Relations unit hosted the first Fundraising and Proposals committee meeting. The committee, under the leadership of the Rector, decides which proposals should be driven by the Donor Relations Office.
strategic goals for 2013. These include strengthening
Eighty-seven new organisations were added to the Devman donor database system.
3.2. Alumni Relations identified seven key areas as part of the unit's the UWC Alumni Association's governance, creating Alumni Association awareness among students, continuing with the alumni recruitment drive, developing a UWC legacy programme, expanding the 'Lead from Where you Are' programme,
3.1.7. Proposals Completed Proposals prepared by the unit in collaboration with the relevant academic faculties include: Refurbishment of the Chemical Sciences Building. Refurbishment of the Sports Stadium. Structured master's programme in Petroleum and Mineral Exploration Geology. Centre for Performing Arts. Sanlam/ UWC Maths Education Project. The Donor Relations unit has also advised financial management with regard to streamlining and structuring the financial process with regard to the signing of MOUs.
strengthening and expanding alumni marketing and promotional material, and improving the quality of the UWC alumni database. The unit made considerable progress towards these goals through the following programmes and developments.
3.2.1. Promoting the Alumni Association In accordance with the draft Alumni Association Guidelines (awaiting the approval of executive management), an Alumni Advisory Committee was constituted in July 2013. A 'Design your own T-shirt' competition was launched during Orientation inviting students to design a
3.1.8. Risk Assessment
T-shirt with an alumni branding element. The
It has been noted, following the KPMG risk assessment report on the University of the Western Cape, that the University's revenue streams could be affected by external fluctuations and volatility due to the: Shrinking government subsidy due to the uncertain global economic environment; University's limited ability to substantially increase student fees; Uncertain economic environment's impact on external research funding; Weakening rand impacting on international acquisitions. For these reasons the Donor Relations unit employed the services of an independent body to conduct a review of the initiatives within the unit with the objective of developing a fit-for-purpose strategy and plan for UWC.
objective of the competition was to make students aware of the Alumni Association. The winning design was announced on 26 March at an event in the Student Centre that sparked so much interest that the T-shirts sold out within days. The Alumni Relations unit hosted 'Kings of UWC', an annual soccer tournament organised by a group of passionate alumni. It serves as a platform for alumni to stay connected and to give back by raising money for the Association through the teams' entry fees. The event took place on 1 August with 16 teams participating. The winner, the alumni team 'Love and Peace', walked away with a R2 000 cheque sponsored by ABSA. R3 600 was raised for the Association.
Department of Institutional Advancement Annual Report for 2013
3.2.2. Alumni Recruitment
that included a welcome breakfast with the Rector,
A graduation programme coinciding with the March
himself an alumnus of that era. R50 553 was raised
Graduation included an alumni graduation gift box
in attendance fees and a further R79 910 was
containing a congratulatory card, details of the
pledged to the Association. A number of prominent
Alumni Association, a membership form, the 360째
alumni stepped forward to drive the alumni
Perspectives Magazine, the Three Sixt-e alumni
volunteers programme during 2013. Among the
newsletter, the alumni badge and an alumni-
committee members were Prof Edith Vries, Prof
branded pen. This initiative resulted in 517 new
Harold Herman, Dr Jimmy Ellis, Prof Jan Persens,
graduates signing up with the Association.
Mr Neil Jacobs, Mr Bertie Feris, Ms Phoebe Gerwel
The Association recruited at events, including
and Mr George Gibbs.
Orientation, Varsity Shield Rugby, Graduation, Golf Day, and the '60s & '70s Reunion, as well as through
Prof Harold Herman, a former Dean of Education
the website and staff. 813 new members were
and Emeritus Professor, was appointed by the
recruited (whose membership fees for 2013
Association to document the historical legacy of
amounted to R53 150). Thanks to regular
the University through storytelling and photos. The
communication through the alumni publications
resulting book, 'The Early History of UWC:
and marketing, alumni are increasingly coming into
Reflections on the History and Alumni of the early
the Alumni Relations Office to join the Association
years', was published and a copy handed to each
or paying their membership electronically.
delegate at the '60s and '70s Alumni Reunion Weekend. Subsequent to the reunion, a group
3.2.3. Legacy Programme and Reunion
photograph and video of the weekend were posted
The Legacy Programme was conceptualised to
to attendees. A special commemorative edition of
maintain the relationship between the University
the Three-Sixt-e alumni newsletter was dedicated
and the founding alumni who contributed
to the founding alumni.
significantly to the heritage of the institution.
3.2.4. 'Lead from where you are' programme A milestone in the Legacy Programme was the '60s
In partnership with the School of Pharmacy, a
and '70s Alumni Reunion Weekend that honoured
successful event titled 'Pharmacists adapting to
UWC's founding graduates. More than 100 alumni
change' was held on 9 May and attended by more
from this period attended the weekend programme
than 90 alumni. A key outcome of this event was the establishment of a School of Pharmacy Alumni Network, aimed at assisting the growth and advancement of the School.
3.2.5. Alumni marketing and promotional material The quarterly Three-Sixt-e alumni newsletter and the annual 360째 Perspectives Magazine were distributed to members to keep them updated about developments at UWC and the success stories of fellow alumni. The alumni clothing range was extended to include two designs from the T-Shirt Competition, 'Lead from Where you Are' vests and T-shirts, a tracksuit, a hoodie, scarves, bags, ties, blazers and shirts. Royalties from the range sold through the Campus Lifestyle Store amounted to R5 970.
Alumni products were marketed through e-mails to the alumni on the database, posters on campus, advertising on the alumni website, newsletters and magazines, events, and through flyers on campus.
In 2013, an alumni pledge society was launched.
3.2.6. Improving the quality of the alumni database
Internal partnerships have been strengthened with
An updated database is critical to communicating academic and social events at UWC to alumni via electronic media. Three student assistants were contracted to assist and 5 100 profiles were updated. These include 591 pharmacists from a list purchased from the Pharmacy Council and 1 000 teachers from a list received from the Arts Faculty.
a result, the Association was able to recruit at Spine
A total of R43 910 was pledged to the Association and R32 710 of the pledges have been honoured to date.
the Student Enrolment Management unit and, as
There are 151 283 profiles on the database, of which 21 309 have e-mail addresses, 122 847 have current postal addresses and 92 586 have cell phone numbers. Where possible, the Alumni Relations Office assisted faculties with requests to promote events to alumni on the database but does not divulge personal information of any alumni.
Road High School and at the Open Day at UWC. The Alumni Relations Office also partnered with the Career Service unit during Career Week. A partnership with the Coline Williams Residence was initiated when students requested the Association's help with a pre-mid-year exam student event. Students were addressed by an alumnus and a psychologist spoke about coping with the pressures of exams. The contractual partnership with the Campus Lifestyle Store that includes the production and sale of clothing and memorabilia continues to serve as an avenue for generating financial contributions to the Alumni Association.
3.2.7. Other activities
As part of the launch of the new University website,
Alumni profiles are developed regularly and updated on the alumni website and featured in newsletters and magazines. Profiles of 30 alumni were developed in 2013.
the Alumni Relations Office developed the content and layout for its site, which is also a platform for online membership, personal details updates and for RSVPs.
Department of Institutional Advancement Annual Report for 2013
3.3. Marketing and Online In July 2013 the Marketing & Branding and Web units were merged to maximise communications through digital media platforms. Much of the second semester was used to determine roles, functions and objectives, and to strategically align human resources, objectives and activities to the University's Institutional Operating Plan (IOP). The most significant accomplishments of 2013 include the strategic positioning of the unit within the University as a key conduit for brand communications, the production of guidelines, and recognition of the unit as a design, communication and brand hub.
3.3.1. Positioning the new unit A series of workshops with key role players on campus, engaging the campus community through platforms such as the IA Forum and being invited to present brand workshops helped to produce a clear identity and purpose for the unit. This, as well as producing a simplified web and online manual and branding guidelines, enabled the unit to clarify expectations.
3.3.2. Website development In the first semester, the website management was repositioned within the ICS Department by Senior Management, leaving the IA Online unit with content control over the home page and IA-related pages only - Alumni, Media, Donor Relations, Marketing, and links to all social media platforms. Minor adjustments by the unit improved the functionality of the home page, but the inherited architecture and content management system remain restrictive to all users. To counter this, the unit has increased the use of sub-sites for special events and campaigns and used social media to draw attention to these sites. The unit continues to liaise with ICS to revamp the website's look and feel and functionality to bring it in line with global best practice.
3.3.3. Social media Marketing and Online responded to 367 requests for online communications during 2013. These tasks varied from uploads onto the website, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and YouTube, in addition to banner design and links.
The unit was able to build on the previous year's use and reach of the Twitter and Facebook social media platforms. Pre-planning resulted in scripting for major events to ensure key messages were disseminated promptly and that these were tailored to attract general media and generate broad conversation. Flickr slide shows of major events were introduced as a standard feature to capture the events and to showcase the UWC campus and facilities. The unit relied heavily on outsourced services for this. The biggest growth area came through the development of the UWC YouTube TV channel with regular postings of internally produced videos, animated slide shows and podcasts, which serve as branding and marketing tools for exhibitions, events, as well as to drive the UWC image through online platforms.
3.3.4. 'What If ‌' postgraduate and UWC brand awareness campaign The campaign's objective is to generate internal brand pride and awareness, specific to UWC's postgraduate programmes and research outputs. The campaign's payline is: What If Your What If Works? [Explore postgraduate studies at UWC and] Change Your Mind; Change the World. Despite the late holistic launch of the campaign (banners, flyers, posters, online presence), the unit was able to introduce the campaign as early as the first semester at the Open Day recruitment expo. The corporate stand showcased all faculties under the banner of the campaign slogan. T-shirts were printed with the campaign slogan and branded at a Cape Argus Cycle Tour watering hole, the Cape Epic Cycle Tour and on campus on 'casual' Fridays. A TV commercial was created to advance the campaign nationally. However, budget constraints prevented it from being flighted. The advert was posted on the website and on YouTube and Facebook.
3.3.5. Support to IA and key corporate projects The unit provided creative and conceptual support, design of materials, and creation and management of social media and web platforms. These included videography and stills coverage of the Golf Day, Alumni Reunion, Graduation, Nelson Mandela birthday month and memorial, Varsity Shield Rugby, Orientation, Open Day, the UWC Annual Report, rebranding of several departments, the PLAAS annual report, HR guidelines and general branding materials.
3.3.6. UWC brand awareness and cohesive corporate identity The unit hosted information sessions through the IA Forum and hosted training sessions and workshops in faculties and departments, at staff orientation and for the SRC. Towards achieving coherence in the UWC brand, guidelines, materials and a simplified online training manual were prepared by the unit and disseminated to Deans, Heads of Departments, marketing and recruitment heads and within IA.
3.4. Communications and Media Relations The Communications and Media Relations (C&M) unit produces the On Campus Newsletter, news stories for the University's daily news and updates for the University website, the annual 360째 Perspectives Magazine, the quarterly Three-Sixt-e alumni newsletter and the quarterly Global Education News newsletter. The C&M unit (with Marketing & Online) is also involved in distributing campus notices and informing the campus community of the latest news and events. In 2013 the C&M team produced 264 articles for On Campus, 91 articles for the Three-Sixt-e newsletter, 50 articles for Global Education News and 74 for the 360째 Perspectives Magazine. More than 300 articles were published online on the UWC website.
Department of Institutional Advancement Annual Report for 2013
3.4.1. Publications On Campus Newsletter The publication is sent out to over 20 000 students and staff and 15 000 alumni via e-mail, and 1 000 copies are printed and distributed to the Executive, Deans and key stakeholders such as the Chancellor and the Chairperson of Council. Ten editions were produced in 2013. Due to funding constraints, it is no longer possible to distribute the publication to libraries in the Western Cape as in previous years, although some copies of the publication were sent to libraries in the City of Cape Town. The publication has received positive feedback from various stakeholders on campus, and is increasingly requested for conferences and meetings. 360째 Perspectives Magazine We produced a 92-page publication featuring UWC alumni, research, achievements and developments with a run of 6 000 copies for distribution early in 2014. The edition includes an online e-reader version with a video and slide show feature. Global Education News In 2013 the C&M unit created a new-look publication, Global Education News. Two editions were distributed via e-mail to all academic and support staff on campus, and hosted on the UWC website. The Global Education News is an eightpage publication that highlights research, innovation and possible partnerships around the world. Its main role is to update staff on international developments, invigorate internationalisation and create partnerships across campus. Three-Sixt-e Alumni Newsletter Four editions of the Three-Sixt-e alumni newsletter were produced and e-mailed to more than 15 000 alumni. In addition, 2 000 copies were printed and distributed on campus and also sent to key stakeholders. A further 4 000 copies were printed for distribution at the March and September graduation ceremonies. The alumni newsletter profiles alumni from across the globe, and each edition places a special focus on one of the seven faculties. The newsletter also updates alumni on the latest developments at the institution. C&M produces the newsletter on behalf of Alumni Relations. The final edition of the year was a special
oversized edition dedicated to the '60s and '70s Reunion and the founding alumni of that era. Science@UWC Magazine In partnership with UWC's Faculty of Natural Sciences, the C&M team launched the Science@UWC Magazine. The magazine will be printed in 2014, and will be used as a marketing tool by the Faculty and IA to promote UWC's capital campaign for the Chemical Sciences Building and to update readers on the research and programmes conducted in the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
3.4.2. Media Relations While media planning improved after the introduction of the events master sheet in 2011, the unit still experiences problems in sourcing the information from the campus community that is needed to create press releases and communication plans for the various events, research announcements and developments on campus. The University has, however, become more strategic in the way it responds to and communicates with the media and the public at large. Television and Radio Interviews Television and radio interviews have become a regular part of the C&M strategy, as our relationships with television and radio media houses have grown in leaps and bounds. There have been at least 20 television features - played multiple times on several channels - on UWC events, leads or research over the reported year, including the UWC Speak Out campaign in protest against women and child abuse, the biltong research, Orientation, the Chancellor's Round Table, the Desmond Tutu International Peace Lecture, and the Human Rights Moot Court competition hosted by the Faculty of Law. Live broadcasts The campus hosted seven live radio broadcasts by Goodhope FM and SAFM Radio, from conferences and events on campus during 2013. Goodhope FM had live broadcasts during Orientation and the Goodhope FM Winter Drive collection, where more than 6 000 items were collected and distributed to needy Capetonians by the Community Chest. The Winter Drive collection communication strategy
was in support of the International Relations Office and the Golden Key Society students. The estimated value of the two live (free) broadcasts done by Goodhope FM was valued at approximately R120 000.
whatever is said has the potential to influence people's perceptions about the institution. Aside from social media, the C&M unit also used the websites of radio and community noticeboards to feature forthcoming UWC events.
The SAFM live broadcasts covered the National Council of Provinces event with Masetsaba Mtolo and the Democracy Debate with Xolani Gwala, as well as the Desmond Tutu International Peace Lecture, the Moot Court competition/Interim constitution celebration and the UNASA conference. Each live broadcast was valued at more than R150 000.
Digital Publishing All C&M publications are hosted online in a flip book format, demonstrating the institution's embrace of technology that appeals to many stakeholders. A press release archive has been created on the website for the benefit of the media and to keep a public record of UWC's achievements. The website also now hosts video, audio and print media material to inform visitors to the site about UWC news.
Expert Opinion UWC academics appeared as experts on numerous occasions on radio and television. The biltong research announcement by the DNA laboratory in the Science Faculty and the '60s and '70s Alumni Reunion were the biggest news stories, while the 1913 Land Act was a prominent topic of radio and TV interviews. Live broadcasts for the annual Desmond Tutu International Peace Lecture and the Jakes Gerwel Commemorative Lecture were aired by the SABC. Corporate website and social media Social media provide a powerful platform for communication and are growing at a rapid pace. The platform represents both a threat and an opportunity for institutions of higher learning, because as an open platform, people can communicate falsely or positively about UWC, and
3.4.3. Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting The C&M unit has developed new systems such as communications plans for each newsworthy event, and feedback slips for our clients to provide feedback as an aid to improving our services. We have also developed a story approval system to ensure the factual accuracy and quality of the information that is released into the public domain by our office. The C&M unit has started using a web counter to monitor how many people read the stories posted on the website. On average, the stories posted on the UWC website are read 150 times. We are exploring new ways of attracting people to read stories online, including improving the way stories are presented on the website in 2014.
Department of Institutional Advancement Annual Report for 2013
3.5. Events
3.5.1. Online System
The Operations and Event Unit facilitates the coordination of events. The process includes the confirmation of venue booking, checking availability of senior officials, cross-checking that the event does not clash with other initiatives and acquisition of services (cleaning, catering, security, staffing). Regular meetings are held with officials of various sectors ensuring the objectives are outlined and budgets and limitations are observed. A critical part of the organisation of these events is to ensure the management of any risk and compliance to City and national regulations. Discussions are held with sister units to promote and brand each upcoming event. On the day, a facilitation role assists the seamless execution of tasks.
The system is in its second phase. The University of Johannesburg and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University are currently using an online system. ICS and IA are studying the existing system to improve areas of mutual concern.
While performance in 2013 was impacted in the first half of the year by academics challenging the Events Policy, the unit managed to deliver some positive operational results. The year ended with the unit completing 267 events with a staff complement of a manager and two public relations and events coordinators. The team has garnered respect for its role as the first point of contact for any event on campus, and enjoys a strong rapport with the campus community.
Princess Astrid of Belgium visited UWC
3.5.2. UWC Communication The unit has taken over UWC Communication as an information page to the staff community via internal e-mail. Internal stakeholders have bought into the concept and arranged for information liaison with the unit. The unit will oversee communications of institutional notices and announcements, including policy and process announcements and changes to the staff profile.
3.5.3. Feedback The unit continues to review progress and processes, through telephone surveys and requesting evaluation of services, and continues to engage with faculty, students and organisations involved with hosting events through information sessions and workshops around operational and protocol matters. Feedback has been positive.
The Chancellor's Round Table
4. Challenges
Alumni Relations
Marketing and Online
A fundamental challenge for the Alumni Relations unit has been the shortage of staff and office space. In order to further improve the quality of the database and increase alumni recruitment, a dedicated Alumni Recruitment Officer should be appointed to focus on recruiting alumni through creative programme and marketing strategies, and funds should be allocated to running an SMS campaign and telethon.
Administrative issues beyond the unit's control and influence resulted in a delayed holistic roll-out of the 'What If ‌' marketing campaign to the fourth term of 2013.
Renewal of membership is challenged by staff shortages, with no dedicated person employed to follow up with alumni about membership renewals. As a result, the renewal of memberships has become a serious concern and a strategy will be put in place to address this in 2014.
The internal staff recruitment campaign did not take place due to the shortage of alumni staff. The Alumni Facebook Page is often updated with alumni news, events and pictures. However, due to the lack of a dedicated social media assistant, updates are not done daily as required. The number of 'likes' has increased to 504 but performance could be dramatic improved if social media staff could be employed.
A draft Online Governance policy was drawn up in conjunction with ICS that awaits revision and approval.
Due to a lack of frontline staff and general administrative assistance, events, and the University's reputation, have been put at risk. In 2014, an additional event coordinator will be required to cope with 300 events annually. More office space should be found for staff and storage, and the overtime system should be reviewed.
Department of Institutional Advancement Annual Report for 2013
5. Looking Ahead
Donor Relations Guided by Goals 5 and 6 of the University's Institutional Operating Plan, the Donor Relations unit aims to build sustainable partnerships to increase third stream income that will ensure the institution's financial viability in the future as well as positively enhance the institution's reputation. All fundraising and stewardship initiatives are underscored by the Fundraising and Proposals Policy which aims to streamline and centralise fundraising activities at UWC, while also assisting the process of prioritising projects, stewardship, monitoring and evaluation and reporting obligations to donors.
Alumni Relations A draft Alumni Chapter Toolkit to assist alumni to launch chapters will be uploaded to the alumni website in 2014 once approved by management.
corporate policy on branding and marketing, the unit will continue to struggle against the tide of UWC marketers and communicators who remain free to interpret the brand as they see fit. The unit will present its draft policy again in 2014 to relevant stakeholders for input. Key to driving brand unity in 2014 is the launch of the ICS-driven intranet, that will house all brand materials and guidelines and will be readily accessible to all users. ICS plans to launch the intranet in April 2014. There will be a focus on refining measuring tools through an external agency to ensure that the output matches the returns in terms of rand value and brand value.
Communications & Media Relations
A proposal was developed for the expansion of the 'Lead from Where you Are' programme to Gauteng, Durban and Cape Town. The proposal and budget were submitted to PPS, the programme sponsor. A decision is expected in 2014.
In 2014, we plan to partner with local community radio station Bush Radio to host a weekly hourlong show that will highlight UWC achievements and showcase how its research impacts on its surrounding communities.
An '80s reunion programme will be hosted in October 2014.
On a regional level, we plan to partner with CapeTalk 567 and Radio 702 in a campaign sponsored by PPS that will focus on 20 years of education in democratic South Africa. SAFM will continue to partner with us and broadcast some of our key events nationally. We hope to forge a relationship with SAFM in 2014 through which UWC's research can be showcased in a more planned and structured format.
Marketing and Online The 'What If ‌' postgraduate and UWC brand awareness campaign continues until September 2014. A clear mission, objectives and positioning of the unit will ensure that 2014 will see a significant increase in quality output. However, without a
We are also planning to partner with Cape Town
Department of Institutional Advancement Annual Report for 2013
TV for a weekly hour-long show which will carry the UWC brand and also play UWC commercials during breaks. The show will also focus on research and other developments from UWC. Cape Town TV broadcasts on DSTV, thus affording the campaign a national reach. MOUs will be signed for each of the above-mentioned projects. In partnership with Information and Communication Services, an intranet will be developed in 2014. The intranet will play a fundamental role in connecting the campus community and will allow the C&M unit to advertise events, convey important
communications to staff and foster a culture of information sharing at UWC. In 2014 the C&M unit will produce a bi-weekly emailer that will go out to the campus community and the media. The e-mailer will feature four key stories and also news on UWC and upcoming key events. The e-mailer will be linked to the website. The key purpose is to drive traffic to the UWC website and to increase our readership online. It will also promote positive news about UWC in the media. A sports newsletter is also planned for launch at the end of 2014.
A. Donors Donations received in 2013 Donor
Amount in Rands
African Monarch
Financial Aid - The Jakes Gerwel Educational and Development Fund
100 000
Albert Wessels Trust
Department of Finance - UWC Development Fund
308 250
Albert Wessels Trust
Department of Finance - UWC Development Fund
85 000
Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc
Faculty of Law - African Human Rights Moot Court Competition
25 000
Credit Guarantee Insurance Corporation
Department of Finance - UWC Development Fund
10 700
Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation
University of the Western Cape - Department of Institutional Advancement
50 000
Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation
Department of Finance - Financial Aid
Dr Teise
Institutional Advancement - Alumni Association
2 000
C Dyers
Institutional Advancement - Alumni Association
EJ Lombardi Trust
Department of Finance - Financial Aid
Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs
Faculty of Law - African Human Rights Moot Court Competition
Fozea Fryddie
Institutional Advancement - Alumni Association
Graaffs Trust Ltd / The Overbeek Trust
Department of Finance - Financial Aid
750 000
HB Webb Trust
Department of Finance - Financial Aid
20 000
Prof HD Domelius
Institutional Advancement - Alumni Association
Investec Private Trust Limited
Science Learning Centre for Africa - Women in Mathematics
100 000
110 000 20 000
2 500
5 000 125 000
Department of Institutional Advancement Annual Report for 2013
Investec Private Trust Limited
Science Learning Centre for Africa - Women in Mathematics
CW Jacobs
Institutional Advancement - Alumni Association
Candice M Jones
Alumni Association - Kings of UWC
Dr Elias Links
Institutional Advancement - Alumni Association
5 000
MacCallums Attorneys
Department of Finance - Financial Aid
1 000
merSETA - Manufacturing Engineering and Related Sector Education and Training Authority
Faculty of Science - Extended Curriculum Programme Services
I Miller
Institutional Advancement - Alumni Association
Myra Chapman Educational Trust
Faculty of Arts - Centre for Performing Arts
New Settlers Foundation
Department of Finance - Financial Aid
Prof B O'Connell
Institutional Advancement - Alumni Association
12 000
Prof B O'Connell
Institutional Advancement - Alumni Association
10 000
Old Mutual Investment Group South Africa
Financial Aid - The Jakes Gerwel Educational and Development Fund
289 830
Open Society Foundation for South Africa
Institutional Advancement - South African National University Debating Championship Sponsorship Proposal
150 000
Open Society Foundation for South Africa
Institutional Advancement - South African National University Debating Championship Sponsorship Proposal
150 000
Peninsula Beverage Co (Pty) Ltd
Department of Finance - Financial Aid
Maths and Education project
Eleanor R September
Institutional Advancement - Alumni Association
Keith P Small
Institutional Advancement - Alumni Association
5 000
Tafelberg Publishers ( a Division of Media24)
Faculty of Community and Health Sciences Faculty of Community and Health Sciences
The Abe Bailey Trust
The Abe Bailey Trust - English for Educational Development
The Abe Bailey Trust
The Abe Bailey Trust - Occupational Therapy
20 000
The Abe Bailey Trust
The Abe Bailey Trust - Physiotherapy
20 000
Amount in Rands
100 000
2 400 600
482 480
6 000 80 000
200 000
43 333
290 000
16 000
242 000
Amount in Rands
The Archbishop TC Makgoba Development Trust
Faculty of Dentistry (Tygerberg) - Mobile Dental Clinic
15 000
The Archbishop TC Makgoba Development Trust
Faculty of Arts - Centre for Performing Arts
15 000
The Bradlow Foundation
Department of Finance - Financial Aid
33 760
The Bradlow Foundation
Department of Finance - Financial Aid
33 760
The Brian Dames Foundation
Department of Finance - Financial Aid
175 000
The Carl & Emily Fuchs Foundation
Institutional Advancement - Disabled students project
100 000
The Equal Opportunity Development Education Foundation
Institutional Advancement - Alumni Association
The Erika Theron Trust
Department of Finance - Financial Aid
The Mauerberger Foundation Fund
Faculty of Community and Health Sciences Prof Jakes Gerwel Award
50 000
The Susman Charitable Foundation
Department of Finance - UWC Development Fund
12 500
Trencor Limited
Department of Finance - UWC Development Fund
100 000
Dr Dwight D Martin
Institutional Advancement - Alumni Association
Warren Chem Specialists CC
Faculty of Community and Health Sciences School of Natural Medicine Wellness Day
Wilfred Orr Trust
Department of Finance - Financial Aid
5 000
200 000
850 1 250
35 000
Department of Institutional Advancement Annual Report for 2013
B. Performance Measures Donor Relations The charts below highlight the need to increase fundraising in the sphere of individual giving, i.e. high net worth individuals, as well as to diversify the funding base of the institution.
50 000
Academic Projects
489 103 972 480 516 450
1 12 2 113
Alumni Association
Bursaries Individual
57 070
52 070
Community Engagement
799 250 482 480
Development Fund
Parastatal Trust and Foundation
PVC Discretionary Fund 2 221 684
2 960 271
Rector’s Discretionary Fund
Donations receipted in 2013
Donor Classification
Alumni Relations The unit has concentrated its recruitment efforts on recent graduates as these alumni are more likely to access and join the Association via the website, newsletters and alumni events. Therefore the exercise of gathering data and securing membership of the more recent graduates has been cost effective. However, updating the alumni database remains a priority, particularly in terms of tracing and recruiting older alumni, which generally involves more costly and laborious tracing methods.
March Graduation Recruitment
900 813
517 500
UWC Alumni Association Membership Recruitment
Alumni Office and Online recruitment January - December
50 700 403
600 500 400
22 200
300 200 100
0 Graduation 2012
Graduation 2013
0 Office & Online Recruitment: 2012
Office & Online Recruitment: 2013
Recruitment 2012
Recruitment 2013
C. Operating Units of the Department of Institutional Advancement
Services: Host appropriate alumni events. Publish and distribute appropriate alumni publications. Organise and support regional and international alumni chapters. Maintain a member database.
The Institutional Advancement Office is the fundraising, marketing and development arm of the University of the Western Cape.
Executive Patricia Lawrence Sharon Dankers
Pro Vice-Chancellor Executive Secretary
Donor Relations Unit The Donor Relations unit is responsible for the coordination of all fundraising activities in support of the strategic, priority and community outreach projects of the University. The office works in concert with academic departments, research units and centres to provide professional fundraising services aimed at increasing third stream income for the University. Services: Project Support Proposal writing and editing Donor/Prospect profiling Prospect searches Project fundraising Staff and Portfolios: Ingrid Fourie Melissa Maans Stafford Bomester Essa Sadien Awaatief Daniels Bridget Bretherton Marlene Scholtz
Staff and Portfolios: Samantha Castle Lynn Hendricks Avril Norton
Alumni Officer Alumni Database Coordinator Alumni & Events Assistant
Communications and Media Relations Unit The Communications & Media Relations unit works with faculty, staff and students to promote outstanding research, exceptional involvement in community outreach, innovative teaching programmes, major awards or recognition, expert opinions and major events to University stakeholders and external media. Services:
Donor Relations Manager Operations Administrator Fundraising Coordinator Financial/Operations Officer Prospects Researcher Operations Administrator Donor Relations Officer
Alumni Relations Unit The Alumni Relations unit administers the UWC Alumni Association to promote UWC through public and alumni events, regular communication and special services.
Publish various internal and external publications. Provide media coverage of University events. Write and edit media releases and reports. Staff and Portfolios: Luthando Tyhalibongo Communications/Media Relations Manager Nastasha Crow Communications Production & Editorial Assistant Nicklaus Kruger Education/Health/Science Writer Myolisi Gophe Alumni/Sports/Arts Writer Aidan van den Heever EMS/Arts/Sports Writer
Department of Institutional Advancement Annual Report for 2013
Marketing and Online Unit The Marketing and Online unit manages online content and sustains the UWC portal by applying best online and social media practices. Services: Content Development Content Management Content Management Training Content Monitoring & Evaluation Social Media Management Staff and Portfolios: Trish Bam Nicolas Dorfling Sigqibo Lande Nkululeko Makhubu
Marketing Manager Content Developer Content Editor Intern Content Editor Intern
Events Unit The Events unit manages and supports institutional and executive management functions and events. It also provides support and assistance to faculty and departmental events. Services: Provide support services to faculties and departments. Manage invitation and RSVP lists. Coordinate catering and venue hire. Staff and Portfolios: Amanda Philander-Hietala Hardi Zacharias Melody Williams
Operations Manager Public Relations and Events Coordinator Public Relations and Events Coordinator