Uwc sport centre upgrade

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A place of quality, a place to grow, from hope to action through knowledge

University of the Western Cape



Message from the Vice-Chancellor and Rector of the University of the Western Cape


Upgrade of Sports Centre




UWC in its Socio-Economic Context


Scope of Sports Centre Renovation


Strategic Drivers




UWC's African and Global Context




The University of the Western Cape, UWC has been blessed with students and staff who make use of every opportunity to achieve something better. UWC sport fraternity has been a role model in using humble circumstances and environments to produce excellent results. The many achievements by our students at all levels from regional, national and international are a testimony that our sports people live for the competition, the pain, the practice, the fun, the friends, the cheers, the memories, the experiences. It's who they are - it's who UWC is. The UWC sports stadium is central to the objectives of the institution to develop the minds and bodies of our students. We are looking for assistance to develop the facility to the levels and standards that will make the whole city proud. We would also like to continue our support and development for the communities around us who regularly make use of our facilities. Prof B O'Connell Rector and Vice-Chancellor University of the Western Cape



UPGRADE OF THE SPORTS CENTRE University of the Western Cape

Executive Summary


port occupies a special place in the South African psyche.

new residential development around the Indoor Sport Centre by

The transformation of the South African sports arena over

means of a subway link between UWC and the Belhar Indoor

the past 20 years has resulted in sport playing a major

Sports Centre.

role in South Africa's nation building initiatives. The initial project aims to rectify current In alignment with the strategic objectives of the National

maintenance challenges, add much

Development Plan (NDP) and in particular, the National Sport

needed additional accommodation for

and Recreation Plan, the University of the Western Cape (UWC)

UWC Sports administrators, establish

recognises that sport plays an important role in promoting

a new gym facility and optimise space

wellness and social cohesion, and treats sport as a cross-cutting

on the existing ground floor through

issue across education, health and nation building.

redesign. The project is being undertaken by architect Jo Noero, one of the few

UWC has, therefore, committed itself towards major development

South African architects with an

in sport and sport-related work over the next 5 to 10 years. As

international reputation. His

part of the 2025 Sports Masterplan for South Africa, UWC has

proposals have been well received

been identified as one of 14 institutions of higher learning by

by both the users and heritage

Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA) to form part of their


National Academy Programme. UWC takes cognisance of its potential to further increase its positive impact on South Africa's

The cost of the entire upgrade and

sports development.

extension project is R53 million of which UWC has secured R18m from

The original Sports Stadium complex, built in 1982, is now over

the Department of Higher Education

30 years old and in need of considerable maintenance. At the

and Training. The balance of the

same time the campus has seen dramatic infrastructure

funding required to complete the upgrade

development since the mid-1980s. The nature of sports activities

and extension of this facility is approximately R35m.

and administration has also changed and now the building,

Extensive partnership development around fundraising for the

initially designed as a big match venue, inadequately supports

balance of the monies required is underway and it is in this

the administration, management and infrastructure required to

respect that we would like to call on our corporate partners to

play the increasingly leading role that UWC has established for

support the University's lead in raising the sporting profile

itself in the local sporting arena.

particularly in South Africa's under privileged communities which the University serves.

It is in this regard that UWC seeks to renew and extend the original Sports Stadium into an integrated Sports Centre by

Many financing opportunities as well as sponsorship options are

designing a new entrance that will integrate the Sports Centre

available to donors, including naming rights, marketing

into the University's developing south campus. It also envisions

opportunities, public/private partnerships, research collaboration,

a future connection to the Belhar Indoor Sports Centre and a

training and development opportunities.



he University of the Western Cape is a national university, alert to its African and international context as it strives to be a place of quality, a place to grow. It is committed to excellence in teaching, learning and research, to nurturing the cultural

diversity of South Africa, and to responding in critical and creative ways to the needs of a society in transition. Drawing on its proud experience in the liberation struggle, the university is aware of a distinctive academic role in helping build an equitable and dynamic society. In particular it aims to: • Assist educationally disadvantaged students gain access to higher education and succeed in their studies • Co-operate fully with other stakeholders to develop an excellent, and therefore transformed, higher education system. • Seek racial and gender equality and contribute to helping the historically marginalised participate fully in the life of the nation

The University of the Western Cape plays a pivotal role in the development and promotion of sport. The current sports stadium has always provided access to students and members of communities who, through no fault of their own, have not had the benefit of being able to play or watch sport in the most rudimentary of sports facilities. It is therefore without hesitation that I support all fundraising efforts aimed at upgrading the UWC Sports Stadium. I am confident that both the students and the broader community will benefit from an upgraded stadium at the University. Dr IH Meyer Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport Western Cape Government


UWC in its Socio-Economic Context L

ying centrally in the greater Bellville precinct between two

cultural amenities, the University and its facilities play a critical

highways, and close to Cape Town International Airport,

role in serving its surrounding communities.

UWC is set to be a focal point in the development of the Bellville sub-region, spearheaded by the greater Tygerberg

In view of its respective locations, there are ongoing discussions

partnership in collaboration with the City of Cape Town. The

between the universities of the Western Cape, Stellenbosch

campus currently has more than 20 000 students and plans to

Medical and Business Schools and the Cape Peninsula University

further increase it to approximately 25 000 students by 2020.

of Technology (CPUT) regarding the development of the sub-

This growth places huge pressure on existing infrastructure and

region. UWC and CPUT have also engaged in discussions around

not only calls for new development but also a critical rethink of

greater collaboration in relation to sport and sports facilities to

existing infrastructure to meet the needs of the expanding campus

better serve our own students and the surrounding communities

within an era of technological advancement and new modes of

through the establishment of a recognised sports hub between

teaching and learning. Future plans include expanding the campus

the two institutions. The fact that many schools in the area are

to a space that is urban in scale and density and is marked by

at risk of losing their sports facilities to the growing housing

facilities for innovation, learning, engaged living and working

need in the area, increase the responsibility on these two

are crucial to this development plan. Located in a sub-region

universities to support communities in relation to sporting facilities

that is poorly serviced in terms of social (including sports) and

and the development of sport among the youth.

Growing up on the Cape Flats during the 1980s, sport was the vehicle through which I learned about politics, teamwork, commitment and discipline. Being part of UWC, I was able to achieve my dream of playing Volleyball at the 2004 Athens Olympics. Leigh-Ann Naidoo

UWC Alumnus and Olympic Volleyball Player


Scope of Sports Centre Renovation The project scope includes structural repairs of the existing stadium and adjoining sports facilities, ground floor, first floor improvement and extension, as well as external works. The structural repair, ground and first floor work was approved on 18th April 2013. The following is a brief outline of what the prioritised planned alterations and extensions to UWC's Sports Centre will entail: • Health and Fitness Centre • Multi-purpose Sports Hall • Team Change Rooms • Medical Room • Sports Management Offices • Restaurant and Kitchen • Special Events Venues • Parking

Nelson Mandela said “Reconstruction and reconciliation, nation-building and development must go hand-in-hand. In this process sport is a great force for unity and reconciliation.” For many decades, UWC has been doing just this in actively promoting sport and developing outstanding young sportsmen and women that have achieved national rankings. Universities play a critical role in supporting South-African athletes by providing facilities, building character, driving behaviour that unifies our nation, encouraging vision, hard work and inspiring excellence. Let's support UWC in their quest to make a difference to the lives of South African athletes. Prof Shirley Zinn

UWC Alumnus




Strategic Drivers Management and Coordination The promotion, development, oversight and administration of sports codes forms an integral part of UWC's Student Development and Support portfolio. Through this portfolio, under the leadership of the Vice-Rector, and executed by UWC's Sports Administration, the University aims not only to support its students in their academic progress while at UWC, but to provide them with a variety of opportunities to explore their talents, enjoy student life and instil the values of the institution. UWC strives to ensure that through its academic, support and development programmes, UWC students respond with passion to the developmental challenges of South Africa and so keep alive the hope and dreams of a better future for all. UWC aims to produce students who are able to live well rounded lives and participation in sport is seen as an important component to achieving this.

Sport Codes The University has accepted the responsibility to provide basic facilities for 22 sports codes. UWC has, however, prioritised five codes as its immediate focus area in terms of specialised coaching, facilities and athlete support and these are: athletics, football, cricket, rugby and swimming. The impact of the strategies can already be seen in cricket, swimming and athletics. The fact that UWC has identified priority codes does not, however, imply that the University is not attending to needs and requirements of other sports codes and their essential requirements. The five initially prioritised codes are continuously being evaluated and it is planned to expand the list as additional resources or alternative opportunities become available.

Sport Facilities and Strategic Initiatives UWC has facilities to accommodate a range of sporting and recreational ambitions. With 22 sports to choose from, a health and fitness club and varying levels of support, students and staff have opportunity to exercise their bodies and their minds–be it purely for recreation or at competitive level. UWC is committed to major development in sport and sport-related work over the next five years. Its initial success indicates its considerable potential to impact on South Africa's sports development. Developments to date has resulted in the University being identified as one of 14 institutions of higher learning by Sport and Recreation South Africa (SRSA) as part of their National Academy Programme. It


has been particularly successful in drawing in players from communities whose history of marginalisation still tends to hold them back. A key objective in this approach is for the University to partner with aspiring players to instil in them the confidence to attain the highest levels of achievement.

Sport Development UWC has also considered itself as an important sports development node for South Africa for many years. Sports development in and through UWC is a key component in giving effect to UWC's mission and is embedded in the University's strategic plan, therefore: Sport is seen as part of the general education of students, and a way of enabling them to engage with the wider community productively. The development of UWC students, most of whom come from significantly disadvantaged backgrounds, is related to development of the communities they come from. Success in open competition alters both the athletes/students' self- image and the perceptions of their communities. Similarly, being able to associate with an institution of some stature has significant impact on the development of young people from outside the University who participate in partnership and outreach programmes based at UWC.” (Sports Administration Strategic Plan) A number of sport development areas have been identified and they include: • Sport Science Support & Services; • Facilities re-development and upgrading; • Outreach programmes to include community engagement and capacity building programmes • Capital equipment to enhance performance training and to support the hosting of events such as schools athletics, training camps; • and development programs, campus league to further enhance and support specific inter-campus and residence leagues.

Sport and the Academic Project Sport is firmly embedded in the intellectual project and has been identified as a niche area for research development particularly in the Faculty for Community and Health Sciences. This means

that synergies are sought between the departments with an intellectual interest in sport to contribute to an ambitious programme. In addition to the Department of Sports, Recreation and Exercise Science (SRES), students and staff from Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Medical Biosciences, Nursing,

• To share their knowledge and expertise; • To increase membership of the club through structured and sustainable programs; and • To provide access to higher education through sporting excellence.

Physiotherapy, and Psychology are involved both in sports development and in sports-related research. Through the Flemish University Council (VLIR) a 10 year partnership commenced in 2002 with the focus on youth and wellness and in 2007 a new niche area of sports for development was decided

The Department has a well-established programme, namely the Young Sports Leaders Workshops that are holiday programmes and camps, aiming to attract at least 300 learners per programme twice per annum. The objective of the programme is to share coaching knowledge and to develop life skills.

on. As a result of this VLIR- UWC “Dynamics of Building a Better Society” initiative, a Research Centre of Excellence for Sport and Development was launched in December 2009. Since its inception this Interdisciplinary Center for Sports Sciences and Development (ICESSD) has been providing research, training and communities outreach programmes in sport and development. The Centre's research activities run in association with local, national and international partners. Besides the undergraduate and postgraduate degrees offered by the Department of Sports, Recreation and Exercise Science (SRES), there are various accredited short courses in terms of sport and development developed by Interdisciplinary Centre for Sports Sciences and Development (ICESSD) for students, coaches, trainers, civil society groups (NGOs, CBOs) , clubs, federations and government representatives. These have been offered to a range of different parties on campus – as well as regionally, nationally and internationally. The University also offers a range of accredited and registered short courses with a focus on life skills and sport and community development.

The Department also started a Coaches’ Forum to create a common platform to focus on areas of education. The UWC coaches (include senior students) are able to meet the objectives as a result of their experience, knowledge and technical qualifications that they possess.

Recreation, Outreach, Capacity Building and Community Engagement Programmes The University is involved in a range of programmes for athletics, aquatics, cricket, dance sport, football, rugby, volleyball, etc. To achieve all of this, the role of sports development is very important to promote, develop and manage opportunities for people in their communities. Sport can, therefore, make a unique contribution in tackling social exclusion in society. Interdisciplinary Centre for Sports Sciences and Development (ICESSD), together with the University's Sport Administration Department, runs weekly Happy Friday programmes involving schools from surrounding communities on campus in recreational activities on Friday afternoons where SRES students volunteer. The presentation of a Campus Recreation Programme has resulted in a total of 940 students being involved in recreation in clubs, including residence students.

Training and Development The Sports Administration Department employs 42 part-time coaches for a total of 13 sport codes. Apart from their weekly commitments with the University sport clubs, a number of the coaches also provide sport development programmes for schools and communities. These programmes are aligned to the individual development plans of the clubs and the objective is threefold:

The University's goal is to ensure that every member on its campus and identified community areas are encouraged and offered the opportunity to play, perhaps even lead or manage sport. This means opening up many new possibilities and improving existing ones at all stages of life, in school, in clubs, and especially in University sport.


Partnerships P

artnerships are critical for the advancement of sport at

UWC sports facilities are utilised by various provincial and

the University and existing partnerships include local,

national stakeholders such as (Swimming South Africa Centre

provincial, national and international associations. Focus

of Excellence and Learn-to-Swim programmes), Western Cape

areas include schools, provincial and national federations, local

Sport School junior teams, etc. The location of SWIMSA's Center

government, University Sport South Africa (USSA), The South

of Excellence (identified as one of six centres in South Africa)

African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC)

at UWC has important implications in enabling our own athletes

and Varsity Sport.

and those associated with UWC to be exposed to some of the top athletes in the country and to think differently about the

Coupled with this are opportunities, through the University's

opportunities created through sport.

International Relations network, such as with the University's partnership with the University of Missouri, to further explore

In addition UWC sport facilities are home to many major events

best practice and extension of the sports and academic project

in the Western Cape supporting University related competitions,

in areas of coaching, recreation and community development.

schools, clubs, federations, local government and corporates.

At a national level the University of the Western Cape has been a major contributor to the developments in university sports. It was a founder member of USSA (previously South African Sport Union or SASSU) and played a significant role in the knowledge contributions and production that led to the unification of sport in South Africa since the early 1980s. Prof Tyrone B Pretorius University Sports South Africa President


UWC's African and Global Context U

WC strives to be a place of quality in its African and

largest intake in the country. There are also a number of institutes

international context. It is committed to excellence in

and centres with a strong research emphasis.

teaching, learning and research, to nurturing the cultural diversity of South Africa, and to responding in critical and creative

Of South Africa's 23 universities, UWC is sixth in the proportion

ways to the needs of a society in transition.

of NRF rated researchers on the permanent academic staff;

In 2000 the University fought closure, despite bankruptcy, and

among the top three in the proportion of academic staff with

campaigned - and gained support - to take its rightful place as

PhDs; and seventh in percentage of income from research

a place of knowledge generation on our continent.

contracts and other forms of third stream income.

Today, UWC, with its 20 000 strong student body, is the largest

Eleven DST/NRF National Research Chairs have been awarded

single producer of black graduates in South Africa. The University

to UWC in Bioinformatics and Human Health, Poverty Land and

provides education of high quality to its students who emanate

Agrarian Studies, Astronomy & Space Science, Nano-

largely from disadvantaged backgrounds, leading South Africa

Electrochemistry and Sensor Technology, Microbial Genomics,

in several fields of research, and making a major contribution to

Earth Observation applications for Water Resources, Multi-level

the nation's human resource needs.

Government, Law and Policy, Nuclear Science, Health Systems and Cosmology and Multi-Wavelength Data. A twelfth Chair is

UWC, with its seven faculties - Arts, Education, Law, Dentistry,

shared between UWC and UCT in relation to the national Square

Community & Health Sciences, Economic and Management

Kilometer Array (SKA) project.

Sciences and Natural Sciences - is a research-rich environment with more than 50% of permanent academic staff holding

With academic, financial and partnership support, UWC has

doctorates and 20% of all students at UWC registered as

been able to keep fees amongst the lowest in the country, will


be in a good position to continue to attract the best staff and appropriately develop its infrastructure to meet the needs of a

Most departments have graduate programmes, some with the

growing, modern university.





Goal 4 Excellent Talent

Knowledge, skills and values profile

Strategic Change for Excellence University of the Western Cape

Holistic student experience

Professional academic and admin support services

Reseach niches

Graduate success and attainment of desired attributes

Reshaped profile

Goal 3 Research & Innovation

Goal 2

Teaching & Learning

Goal 1

Student experience & academic profile Strong and diversified financial base aligned to strateic goals

Sustained financial stability

Goal 5 Internal & external profile & influence

Goal 6

IOP 2010-2014

Goal 7 Strategically influence & develop campus and surrounding areas for academic excellence

Development of campus & surrounding areas

Sense making through leadership development and aligned practice


Goal 8

A place of quality, a place to grow, from hope to action through knowledge

Ms PB Lawrence Department for Institutional Advancement Pro Vice - Chancellor University of the Western Cape Private Bag X17, Bellville 7535

Mrs Ilhaam Groenewald Sport Administration Department Head of Department University of the Western Cape Private Bag X17, Bellville 753

Tel: +27-21-959 3905

Tel: +27-21-959-3589

Fax: +27-21-959 3115

Fax: +27-21-959-3593


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