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Residential complex

Hsinchu / City of Arch






Taiwan, Hsinchu City Taiwan Technology Park

Hsinchu, in northern Taiwan, has a history rooted in its vibrant red soil, ideal for brick-making since the 18th century. The red bricks, a symbol of the region, ourished, turning Hsinchu into a brick production hub. The Japanese colonization era (1895-1945) brought architectural elegance, with red bricks de ning iconic buildings and arch-adorned streets. Arch walkways, a hallmark of this period, added charm and artistic air to the cityscape. Today, the legacy of red brick and arches remains integral to Hsinchu's identity, visible in landmarks that preserve the cultural signi cance of its red earth. This architectural journey showcases Hsinchu's transformation into a city de ned by unique heritage, leaving a lasting impact on its vibrant cultural tapestry.

Local Old Village

Local Old Village





Local Commercial building

Before Development

After Development Passage of soil and water The transition from farmland to the imposition of vertical city outlines led to a loss of rural identity and severed the intimate connection residents once enjoyed with the land. The elimination of the organic farmland passages created a palpable sense of disconnection, casting the area in the light of an emotionless urban expanse. In connection with this redevelopment area, some old villages and commercial streets still remain near the design location.

⼤ 路

A 路

路 農


⾦ 雅

⼀ 雅

Massing requirement of the Site The massing proposed by the local developer would lead to two separate building masses to accommodate the site, causing a disconnect between each street block and hindering connectivity. Additionally, the tall massing of the new building generates ambivalence towards the local neighborhood.

雅 ⻄

Two site as one The idea behind the design is to connect the two building sites, which can mitigate the impact caused by the architectural structures and create an area resembling a village rather than just two tall buildings.

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Most e cient sunlight planning






The planning concept aims to optimize sunlight e ciency, with each building strategically facing south to maximize natural light. This intentional alignment enhances living quality, sustainability, and energy e ciency. A central element is the creation of a spacious plaza at the complex's front, serving as a welcoming communal space, fostering social interaction, and acting as a sunlit haven. The open space positively in uences the microclimate, making the plaza a vibrant hub for respite and connection amidst the architecture.

Sublime Horizon The design philosophy for Sublime Horizon aims to soften the skyline by dispersing building heights, creating an illusion of a village or harmonious landscape. Key elements include varying building heights for a softened skyline, an optical illusion of a quaint village, and careful integration with the existing skyline. The concept focuses on organic development, a timeless aesthetic, and community-focused spaces to foster a sense of community. Landscaped integration enhances the overall visual appeal, connecting the built environment with nature. Sublime Horizon rede nes the skyline, prioritizing harmony and a unique, inviting architectural experience.







Optimizing Sunlight E ciency Sun Shade Concept optimizes sunlight, creating a holistic environment that fosters community, sustainability, and a connection with nature. The welcoming plaza serves as a vibrant hub for residents, o ering respite and connection in the architectural landscape. ff





A Shielded Haven in Wind City


In addressing the prevalent heavy northeast winds in Hsinchu city, the design concept focuses on alleviating physical discomfort. The architecture's massing creates a protective surround, strategically guiding and diverting the wind ow. This considerate planning aims to prevent interference from strong winds in plazas and building openings, establishing shielded spaces for residents to enjoy. The design aims to turn the challenge of strong winds into an opportunity by crafting comfortable, wind-sheltered environments that seamlessly harmonize with the natural elements of Hsinchu city.

House, Street, Village The development concept for Hsinchu evolves organically, resembling a progression from individual houses to interconnected streets and eventually forming a village. Each structure is designed with an arch as its opening, collectively contributing to the creation of a unique "City of Arch." This intentional architectural continuity fosters a seamless transition from the scale of a house to a vibrant street and, ultimately, a cohesive village, harmonizing the urban landscape with distinctive arch elements.

Merging with Farmland Surroundings Situated amidst farmland, the design concept harmoniously integrates the newly constructed structures with the local natural surroundings. Extensive parks and rooftop gardens are utilized, not only as aesthetic elements but as intentional spaces to seamlessly merge the architecture with the adjacent farmland. This approach not only contributes to the visual appeal but also fosters a connection between the built environment and the lush, natural landscape, creating a symbiotic relationship between the urban and rural elements.



Unde ned Space / Porosity





In local villages, unde ned spaces serve diverse functions, showcasing higher porosity. An open area transforms seamlessly into a playground, gathering plaza, or a spot for drying rice. Similarly, an irrigation ditch becomes versatile, doubling as a waterslide or a communal laundry space. This uidity re ects the interconnectedness of people and spaces, fostering a dynamic and adaptive lifestyle that blurs the boundaries between the practical and the recreational in both rural and urban environments.


老派 / 浪漫

Old-School Living in the 70s and 80s




In the 70s and 80s, the charm of daily life was rooted in the absence of corporate giants like 7-11 dominating the grocery scene. Instead, local stores were a re ection of distinctive characteristics, mirroring the essence of the community. Social connections played a pivotal role in these times, with each store embodying a unique identity. Products di ered from one store to another, enhancing the individuality of each community grocery, creating an era where the local and personal touch in daily shopping held signi cant romantic appeal.

Harmonious Gathering Space


The design concept for the village front facade centers around an open plaza crafted to serve as a dynamic gathering and event space for residents. Embracing nature, garden vegetation is thoughtfully integrated, creating a green oasis. Pavilions, designed in harmony with the architectural facade, encircle the plaza, o ering shelter and enhancing the overall aesthetic. The arches of the store fronts seamlessly connect the two sides, creating a cohesive and inviting atmosphere that blurs the lines between nature and architecture, fostering a sense of community and togetherness.

Old Village

Dynamic Mix of Commercial: Enriching Daily Life This concept envisions a vibrant mix of commercial and residential spaces, fostering a dynamic and lively daily life experience. Commercial stores seamlessly integrate with local shops, creating a connected atmosphere. The front plaza, adorned with natural vegetation and expansive open spaces, adds a touch of nature to the urban environment. The residential lobby serves as a multifunctional hub, incorporating elements like a shared kitchen, library, and meeting spaces. This blend of programs aims to create a dynamic synergy, enriching the lives of both commercial and residential occupants in a harmonious and interconnected community setting.

Store Lobby Continue Comercial




Community open space Community open space

Plaza Continue Comercial


Lobby Store

Sun Humidity Event

Pedestrian Arcade : Crafting Microclimate Harmony


The Pedestrian Arcade, a distinctive architectural form in South Asia, is purposefully designed to address the challenges of humidity and direct sunlight. Serving as a microclimate adjustment tool, the arcade is an intentional space that preserves natural wind ow while strategically avoiding direct sunlight. This thoughtful design not only enhances comfort for pedestrians but also creates a harmonious atmosphere, providing shelter from the elements and fostering a pleasant environment for leisurely strolls and community interaction.




The living connection between Hsinchu's vibrant history and its modern identity. Blending innovation with nostalgic elements, the tower symbolizes a commitment to hospitality, community, and shared spaces, transcending the concept of a mere dwelling. It serves as an ode to Hsinchu's legacy, where history, culture, and contemporary living converge, o ering an experience deeply rooted in the city's dynamic soul—a symbol of architectural excellence rekindling lost memories in the heart of Hsinchu.

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