Industrial product

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珊瑚小姐 Ms.Coral

本作品取自澎湖廣大的淺灣腦紋珊瑚,大量攀附於岩石的崎 嶇紋路,造就壯觀且特有的自然景象。此燈飾以裝飾與渲染氣 氛為主要目標,適用於咖啡廳、餐廳等交流空間。以紗質布料 柔軟的特性塑出似珊瑚的彎曲紋路,表現溫柔的流動感。 MS.CORAL is inspired by the spectacular and unique natural scene of large shallow bay coral-Scleractinia (Brain coral) pattern from Penghu. Theproduct brings soft and relaxing atmosphere for the social space, like Café, restaurant etc. By using the smooth folds of cotton yarn, to present the tender curve of the ocean.

寧靜音 Silence

此燈飾為點綴環境為目的,讓使用者享受身如其境的自然之 美,針對中、青年者設計的燈飾,可置於客廳或臥房當擺飾的 飾品燈。 MS.CORAL is inspired by the spectacular and unique natural scene of large shallow bay coral-Scleractinia (Brain coral) pattern from Penghu. Theproduct brings soft and relaxing atmosphere for the social space, like Café, restaurant etc. By using the smooth folds of cotton yarn, to present the tender curve of the ocean.

近海清潔艇 Ocean Cleaner

你看過【中途島】紀錄片嗎 ? 海洋塑膠垃圾近年來被世界所 重視,為了讓海洋恢復原貌,Ocean Cleaner 運用發展蓬勃的遊 艇技術,為大量垃圾的港口做捕撈清理。 另外,Ocean Cleaner 能自動環繞固定範圍捕撈垃圾,以綠色 設計為出發,針對漂浮性塑膠垃圾做清理,降低海洋垃圾對生 態環境的影響為目標。 Have you ever seen the documentary “Midway Islands”? Over the years, water pollution has come to the world's attention. To restore the ocean back to the way it was, Ocean Cleaner has been developing the flourishing submarine technique to clean up the trash in the ocean. In addition, Ocean Cleaner can automatic trash picking in the set range, the goal is for a green design, specific at the floating plastic trash, the goal is to decrease the affect ocean pollution has on organisms .

禾憩 稻草休閒椅 He-Chi

「稻草文化」是由前人的生活經驗、智慧、技術的「累積」 而形成,屬於庶民文化,多由地方所留下的傳統技術與長者以 口述經驗的方式所流傳,因取用稻草文化中的「累積」元素設 計一稻草休閒椅。 運用稻草中空具有緩衝的特質,以及良好的透氣性,讓休閒 椅的舒適度提升,同時稻草氛香能為環境空間營造出舒壓與休 憩的自然氛圍。 In early times, unhulled and freshly harvested rice was bundled up along rice fields. The grains turned yellow after long hours of exposition in the hot sun. The idea of our light texture derives from traditional rice bundles. The light seeps through the center and gaps from the bundles and forms cylindrical light ring. With the design, the originally unwanted straws are given new life and definition. People once again start to value and the slowly forgotten straws and embrace the simplicity and nature from which. It’s also a step closer to environmental protection.

餘韻 稻草系列燈具 Lingering charm

早期稻子收割後,會將遺留下的稻稈綑綁成一束束草堆佇立 於田野間,經過烈日曝曬,由綠轉黃,彷彿訴說著豐收後的餘 韻。取用傳統草堆造型特色,設計一系列燈具。光源由草心中 央與稻草簾子縫隙透出,呈現環狀光影。 藉由設計使稻草擁有新的作用並使其價值得以提升,讓逐漸 式微的稻草文化受到肯定與重視,使人再次接觸稻草的自然與 樸質,並為環境保護出一份心力。 In early times, unhulled and freshly harvested rice was bundled up along rice fields. The grains turned yellow after long hours of exposition in the hot sun. The idea of our light texture derives from traditional rice bundles. The light seeps through the center and gaps from the bundles and forms cylindrical light ring. With the design, the originally unwanted straws are given new life and definition. People once again start to value and the slowly forgotten straws and embrace the simplicity and nature from which. It’s also a step closer to environmental protection.


Travel Program With Trvist

隨著科技的蓬勃發展,使用者體驗也更加受到重視。Travist 計畫將旅行的所見所聞變得更容易分享,透過 Eye-dropper 情境 擷取器上傳資料至系統平台,搭配 Virtual glasses 體驗器來重 現空間,新型態的探索方式也更加拉近了使用者相隔兩端的距 離。也更加拉近了使用者相隔兩端的距離。 With the rapid development of technology, using experience is more important than before. Travist will make what you saw and you heard in your trip share more easily. Uploading data to the system platform through the Eye-dropper situation grabber, and then arranging in groups with Virtual glasses will reappear the scenes. This newly explored way will shorten users distance between each other.

電動輕型載具 Light Electric Vehicle

本設計針對 25-40 歲男性族群,經濟收入穩定,且尚未結婚, 因此假日有較多的閒暇時間,喜愛戶外運動,會和朋友一起騎 車出遊旅行,樂於接納新科技和新事物,愛好環保,並有獨樹 一格的品味。 The target audience of this bike was male whose age was between 25 to 40 years old. Their income was steady and they were unmarried. They enjoy outdoor activities. For example, they like to go motorcycle touring with their friends during weekends. Advanced technologies ans new stuffs were easy acceptable for them. The most importance thing is that they care about globle environment, so they would like to ride on a distinctive eletric bike.

互動保健系列產品 Health Technology

本產品導入服務設計的概念,讓使用者們透過互動科技一起 鼓勵與進步,讓保健與復健不再一成不變,同時也協助醫護人 員得以追蹤使用者的健康情形,並作必要的醫療調整。 此外,本產品搭配模組化設計,來因應分級訓練的需求,讓 使用者能在玩樂中輕鬆達到保健及復健的效果。 This product adopts the concept of service design, in which the users are allowed to share experiences and encourage each other through interaction with the device. Hence healthcare or rehabilitation is no more a boring activity. In addition, health-care givers can also track the user’s health situation and give necessary consultations or adjustment of treatment. In addition, the product’s modular design allows different levels of training, so that users can easily achieve the effect of health care in an enjoyable way.

即煮即食行動餐組 Mobile Cooker

現今社會中小家庭型態增加、居住空間縮小,外食族逐漸成 為趨勢,吃的健康也變成一個重要的課題。即煮即食行動餐桌 組,概念兼顧了簡便的烹調與清潔,結合餐桌讓烹煮與用餐同 時進行,餐點煮好可以直接食用,也能夠增加家庭用餐氣氛, 而它的高移動性也增加了居家收納的彈性空間。 Nowadays, the nuclear family formation is rising and the residential space is becoming narrow.The Eat-outers are becoming a trend.This growing number of people are returning to eating healthy. Mobile Cooker can be used and cleaned up easily. The additional tables let you cook and eat at the same time that can also increase family atmosphere of dining. And the high mobility increase the flexibility spaces of storage.


G.O Guide Your Own Way

實際訪問盲者與研究後得知,白手杖如同身體的一部份,觸 碰是最直覺與令人安心的方式。因此設計 ”G.O 指引杖”,縮 短杖長減輕重量並結合偵測技術擴大活動範圍,可隨個人需求 調整拆卸杖長,逐漸信任科技。並結合上半身配件,達到偵測 環境、多方提醒、語音引導與操控等功能。讓盲者能於城市中 自由穿梭。 According to visit the blind and the research, blind cane just like the part of their body, and there’s one thing they trust most, that is “touch”,Because of this, we design the “G.O guide cane”.It’s shorter and lightweight, for easy taking out,but due to the tech inside, make its detection range more bigger, and user can take away the cube of the down part of the can one day, just when the user feel ready to adapt the technology guide cane.The up of glasses and the down of cane,combine with the detection, multi reminder, voice guidance and manipulation technology, make the blind more easily to walk in the city.

盲者食具 Ease Bowl

EASE BOWL 解決盲者飲食問題,透過垂直與阻擋面使食物不 易滑出,方便進食更減少清理問題。整體美觀外,更注重使用 者直覺性,讓餐具藉由形狀與材質區隔分辨握持方向,讓生活 更加美好 ! EASE BOWL solve the blind eating problems,meke food through the vertical and blocking surface not so easily slide out, eating more convenient and reduce clean-up problems. Overall appearance, but also pay attention to the user intuitive, make tableware distinguished by the shape and texture segmentation gripping direction, to make life much more lovely!


Indoor Agriculture

由於台灣夏季時期多天災影響,設計以居家耕種為主,水耕 簡易的種植方式,讓使用者能輕易的在自家中種植卻又不需要 花費大量的時間照顧。結構上以能簡易拆解為主,主要族群以 一般都市小家庭,重視家人身體健康與擁有種植愛好的人們, 除了能在天災時支援民生,更能在平時種出自己的作物,達到 居家觀賞與環境美化的效用。 Due to the multiple natural disasters in Taiwan during the summer, our product design is cultivate home-based and simple hydroponic cultivation, which allows users to plant easily at home and there’s no need to spend lots of time to take care of it. Our target user is the urban nuclear family who cares about the family health and love to plant, thus, the structure of the product is designed to take apart easily. The product not only supports people’s livelihood while the natural disasters coming but also plants your own crops in daily life, and reach the effectiveness on home-viewing and landscape-beautifying.


Happy Elephant

家中的水,難免會不經意的從我們生活之中浪費掉,尤其是 廚房洗手台最為普遍。藉由收集日常生活中的廢水,重新再利 用,讓廢水不再只是排進水溝,更多了一種生活上的用途。收 集來的廢水能當作日常生活澆花使用,也能成為沖洗馬桶的用 具。 平常不使用時也能作為植物盆器,用收集來的水種植香草植 物,美化家中的同時也淨化家中空氣,增添家中生活情趣。 The water around us at home, we would sometimes waste it incidentally, especially the kitchen sink is the most common one. By collecting the wastewater in daily life, then re-use it, makes it just run into the ditch no more, but a new use for life. The collected wastewater can be used for watering flower in daily life and a tool for flushing toilet. The product can be a plant pot when it’s not used, you can not only beautify the house but also purify the air at home to make a little life delight with the collecting herbs.

洗手水 洗米水

其他 用水




概念式行動如廁載具 Mobile Toilte Wheelchair

電動輪椅再進化,由使用者日常體驗中發掘現況使用的不便, 針對如廁方面進行改造,解決使用者如廁所延伸的問題,像是 移位至馬桶上,甚至是衛生上、或是無障礙環境的搜尋,將輪 椅結合免治馬桶設備及拋棄式集便袋,帶給使用者方便又具衛 生及美觀的如廁載具。 Further evolution of the electric wheelchair, to explore the everyday user experience Status inconvenient to use for toilet aspects of transformation, User problem as toilet extending shifted to such On the toilet, and even on the health or environmental barrier Search, combine minced wheelchair equipment and disposable toilet set Pouch, convenient and gives users such as health and beauty Toilet carrier.



Convenient Pants

在行動不便者或是老人之中,對於如廁方面都有相關的問題, 方便褲為解決這些族群在如廁時的穿脫問題,許多人需要第二 人的協助,也常發生如廁的意外,希望藉由方便褲能夠帶給使 用者方便又能夠獨立的進行如廁,不僅限在家裡穿著,外出也 能有時尚美觀的外型。 In the outdoors going to the toilet is not easy, in addition to worries shelter,Excrement disposal and so on, in situ excretion to the environmentNot easy to break down and cause damage to theenvironment, so need we jointly safeguard the environment, leaving the others the beautiful scenery.



Summer Air

大目椅是截取澎湖大目船,船的含義文化背景和造型特色。 大目椅除了能讓使用者在沙灘上休息使使用以外其最大的特點 就是能夠漂游在岸邊享受浪潮和泡海水的感覺。 大目椅的材質特點為內中空使其產品可達到較輕可漂游和容 易搬動的效能。另外椅子也可拆解成兩張椅子並且能夠達到兩 人使用的形式。而其結合的方式是以鏈接鎖扣著兩端以固定成 一體為休閒沙灘椅。大目椅的造型特色也採用了反射性的設計, 讓椅子在拆解後排列時為一系列的造型。 Summer Air is designed based on Peng Hu traditional boat (Da Mu-Chuan) background and characteristics. It is a comfortable lounge chair with floating concept like a boat that can be put on sand beach where people can enjoy the natural waves while comfortably lying on the lounge chair. Summer Air is consists of two parts, they can be combined by locking together. Both parts are used reflection concept design, so if they are combined, it will become one series of shape.


Flotty Whale

鯨魚玩的文化背景緣由澎湖的鯨魚洞。此產品是針對孩童四 至七歲之間所設計的漂浮板。其主要功能是給予孩童在海上玩 樂和安全性考量,使孩童在海裡可避免踩到有害的水生物和尖 銳的石頭。鯨魚玩也供兩人前後使用,讓父母與孩童更有親子 互動或孩童之間的娛樂。另外也有達到學習觀察海洋生物的效 能。 The Flotty Whale is also designed for kids between age 4 to 7. The floating board can provide interactive action between parent-child meanwhile kids can also have fun together when playing in the water safely.

單親媽媽早餐攤車 Good Morning Mama

在單親族群未減反增的趨勢下,早餐攤車創業計畫「單飛展 翅」的構想就此誕生。以輔導單親弱勢提升生活品質為目標, 在早餐攤車的設計整合小孩照顧需求,突顯此社會議題,更希 望減輕媽媽在工作時的照護負擔。攤車車體的拉伸結構,在定 點販售時,可創造專屬小孩的休憩玩樂空間。除此之外,加強 整體形象之設計,解決因攤車設備的成本考量,導致販售狀態 不佳。簡化與提升攤車體的變化性與直覺性,改善行動早餐攤 車的形象,為媽媽們創造一個可以自由飛翔的天地。 Breakfast stall cart features integrated selling stall and child care. In the trend of single parent family increases, we expected the single parent and minority community to improve the quality of life by themselves. With breakfast stall cart, single parent could take care of their children and doing business at the same time.

戶外拖曳式儲水桶 Outdoor Water Butt

水,戶外清潔不可或缺的東西。然而賣吃的攤販卻得常因為 找水帶水而傷腦筋,搬動費力 洗東西也常濺得地上濕一大片。 拖曳式水桶能讓你在戶外活動時,增加用水的方便性,並且讓 你安心不濺濕鞋子、褲子和水桶周遭。在用水時,下方抽屜能 盛接用過的水,防止廢水流到地上;儲水桶下方的輪子幫助你 移動水桶;兩側固定軸能讓水桶旋轉,讓搬運時重心在下方, 移動時更穩更省力。態不佳。簡化與提升攤車體的變化性與直 覺性,改善行動早餐攤車的形象,為媽媽們創造一個可以自由 飛翔的天地。 Water is indispensable for the roadside stalls which they use to wash hands, rags and even dishes. Nowadays, most of the vendors use barreled water. Barreled water is not only difficult to carry but also easily spilled out. That’s why vendors often feel bothersome to find water or bring water. Towed bottled water is designed for roadside stalls. Towed bottled water is with wheels, so it’s convenient to transfer. The drawer under the container is for waste water and prevent water spilling to ground. The fixed axis at the both sides of the container are for rotating. It would be much easier and steadier when moving the bottled water.

壁面家居模組 DinoGrid

近年來,台灣面臨老屋存量即將過半、生活環境狹小且都市 更新緩慢等衝擊。因早期建築缺乏生活品質的重視,故建材較 無功能性,容易衍生噪音、西曬等問題,而現今仍有許多人還 住在老屋中。 依據以上問題,針對兒童這類成長快速、對於空間需求變換 迅速的族群,設計了一套融合建材及兒童家具的牆面模組,能 機動性調整。不但滿足學齡前兒童的遊戲需求,也能至兒童學 齡後,轉換形式,滿足其學習與閱讀的需求,使用週期長且能 達到小空間大利用的趨勢。 In recent years, Taiwan has been facing the problems of too many old houses, small living space and slow urban renewal. As in the old days, people did not pay much attention to the quality of life that the funcions of the building materials were limited. For example,Noise and exposure in the intensive heat of the afternoon sun can't be avoided. However, there are still many people living the those old houses today. Based on the above issues, we combine the functions of building material and furniture and design one set of adjustable wall module for children who are fast-growing and demand rapid change in space. Our design satisfies not only the preschool children for their game demand but also children of school age for their demand in learning and studying . It bears long life cycle and helps making great use of small room.

模組植生系統 Garden System

植生系統,是將植生牆的支撐層、設備層與植物層,三種主 要的系統整合成一個單元。再利用單元與單元的組合型式,構 成一面牆。這面牆有兩種面向,一種是種植植物的植物面,另 一種是結合太陽能發電的功能面。不需要破壞牆面的組裝,只 需要像組合積木一樣將你要的高度組合起搭配組件的功能,就 能提供循環系統,搭配植物生長。 Garden system wall is constituted by three different function layers. It includes the plant cultivation side, and the solar panels structure side. The Unit combination structure doesn’t just provide system for plants to live. It also builds out a coherent water cycle passage without wall damaging. The Garden system wall can block off the sunlight and heat of the open space area. With the solar panels system, it turns solar energy to lights, and creates a continued growing environment for plants to live at night.

機車拋錨救援 Ms.Coral

在人口密集的都市裡,店面 ( 修車店 ) 不只跟著縮小,連停車 位都一位難求。對於使用貨車運送拋錨機車的修車店來講更是 極大的不便與困擾,店面無法停下貨車,就算找到停車位但是 又離店面太遠。貨車運送拋錨車整體流程太過繁雜並帶有耗油 和排放廢氣等問題。 In a crowded city, not only do all the car workshops get smaller, but parking spaces are also getting harder to find. For trucks transporting broken motorcycles to repair shops, even in terms of great inconvenience and distress, the trucks can not stop. Even if you find a parking space, it is too far away from the store. The whole process of trucks transporting broken down vehicles is too complicated with fuel consumption,emissions and other issues.


Breakfast Cookware Set

早餐是一天裡面最重要的一餐,對於新婚有子的年輕族群來 講,常常因為過於忙碌而隨意買外面的早餐甚至忽略這一餐。 外面賣的早餐除了熱量高以外,連食材的新鮮與否都是個問題。 Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Because married people with kids are always busy, they always buy breakfast from breakfast restaurants or even ignore the meal. Breakfast from outside are not only high on calorie but we're also not sure whether the ingredients they use are fresh or not.

公共蹲式廁所設計 Public Squat Toilets Design

調查發現多數人喜歡蹲式廁所更勝坐式。因此對蹲式公共廁 所進行整體化設計,藉由馬桶認知化設計、減緩腳麻 ... 等整合 設計,讓蹲式廁所擺脫骯髒、不舒適等臭名令使用者留下美好 記憶。 Study shows that most people prefer squat toilet than pedestal toilet. As a result, we make a design on public squat toilet, aims to turn the dirty and discomfort impression on toilet into a greater user experience by integrated design, like the alleviation on numbness in feet and the cognitive design on chamber pot, etc.

攜帶式戶外簡便廁所 Simple Outdoor Toilet

在戶外要上廁所並不容易,除了要顧慮遮蔽、排泄物處理等 等問題,就地解放對環境會造成不易分解且破壞環境美觀,因 此需要你我共同維護環境,留給他人美好的風景。 In the outdoors going to the toilet is not easy, in addition to worries shelter,Excrement disposal and so on, in situ excretion to the environmentNot easy to break down and cause damage to theenvironment, so need we jointly safeguard the environment, leaving the others the beautiful scenery.


親子共讀椅 Eat Read Chair

親子共讀,對於 0-3 歲腦部發展黃金階段的兒童是很重要的, 能助於他們未來態度的養成外也能培養他們閱讀的習慣,透過 父母的肢體互動及聲音,幼小的嬰兒即便不認得一字,卻也可 以擁有美麗的圖畫和閱讀的享受。 Parenting reading is important for 0-3 years old babies whose brains are in their golden stage.Besides babies'future attitude,it also developes their reading habits.Through parents' body interactions and sounds,even babies can't understand any words,they still can enjoy beautiful graphics and the whole reading.

The Twins Chelsea & Jesper


收納式寵物澡盆 Easy Bath For Your Pet

幫愛犬洗澡常是令主人頭痛的問題,從洗澡到吹整以及種類 繁多的用具該如何收納,頑皮的狗狗洗澡時更讓主人手忙腳亂。 整合吹風與清洗的寵物澡盆不僅解決耗時的吹整問題,軟式的 澡盆收折後減少體積,使用後能更方便、快速的收納。 It’s really a big headache bathing for pets. Nauthy boy always makes them crazy. Not only bath and drying them,but also have to storage lot of tools. Taking a easy bath it’s not difficult now. This product combine two main purpose “Bath” and “Dry”. In addition, revolve it can easily storage this product.

未來大學課桌椅 Future Desk

現今大學上課多為團體討論、PPT 教學,但課桌椅仍然是較 為傳統的型式,因此想配合未來趨勢設計一款適合大學作業方 式的課桌椅。以大學多為團體討論做為方向思考,設計一課桌 椅移動方便、組合方式多樣利於討論,並結合觸控顯示面板, 可即時顯現投影螢幕與白板上的內容,來符合未來環境對學習 的要求。 Today the University of Class is discussing for groups and PPT, but desks are still more traditional. So I want to design a suitable desk for university students in teaching. Designing a desk that easy to move and kinds of combinations. It benefits to discuss with the university community the direction of thinking. Combining with touch panel that can appear content on the projection screen and whiteboard instantly, to suit environment for learning requirement in future.

溺水救難設計 Drowning Rescue

現有的救生產品很多,但戲水時極少數人會自己額外攜帶救 生產品,導致溺水意外仍非常頻傳。 因此設計一款「泳衣即是救生衣」的產品,平時戲水時是泳 衣,當遇難時手動觸發 CO2 爆破裝置使泳衣膨脹幫助遇難者浮 於水面,立即轉換為救生衣使用,希望之後的泳衣都可以結合 這樣的設計概念,集泳衣與救生衣於一身,來減少意外的發生。 There are many lifesaving products on the market; however, there are extremely few people bring the additional lifesaving products by themselves and it leads to drowning accidents frequently. Therefore, we design a product swimming suits, namely life jackets. Normally, when you play in the water, this could be your swimming suit. While you are encountering the accident, the swimming suit can be transformed by activating the CO2 cylinder to inflate the jacket. This will help drowning victims float on water. We hope swimming suits can be designed under this concept from now on in order to reduce the frequency of accidents.


City Shopping Folding Bike

設計一台以未來都市型態作考量,結合購物行為的折疊腳踏 車。針對目前現況:都市車輛擁擠、汽機車排放造成環境問題, 及未來趨勢:全球人口密度逐年增高、排放煙對環境破壞日益 嚴重,而未來的都市型態會漸漸轉變為以腳踏車作為主要代步 工具。因此,我們設計一台可折疊成小體積購物車,並且方便 於都市購物的小折,讓都市人民可以享受更健康的生活環境, 以及快樂便利購物。 Considering the lifestyle of future city, we design a folding bike aims to shop. Due to car jam, vehicle emissions and the increasing global population density, bikes will become main transport in future lifestyle. So we design a shopping bike which can be folded smaller, letting city residents enjoy a healthier life and shop happily and conveniently.


City Shopping Trolley

設計給市場購物者,針對市場購物食物種類,生冷食、易碎 食材,及魚肉血水問題,因此將置物空間設計成上下,讓使用 者可以將食物分層置放,而下方置物袋設計一個血水分離底盒, 保持食物原有的味道及衛生乾淨。 除了大輪子方便拖行外,握 把部分使用軟性材質,讓上下樓梯時也可使用肩背式,方便市 場購物及樓梯行走。 This product is designed for people who shop in markets. Because there is a variety of market’s food, like raw food, fragile food and meat with blood, we divide this bag into two storage layers: up and down, letting users to apart different kind of food. In the down part, we design a filter to separate the food and the blood, keeping the food its original flavor and fresh. We choose bigger tires for easily-dragging. As for the handle, we choose soft material, so users can also carry this bag by the shoulder while walking through stairs.


兒童用餐椅 Kid High Chair

養成孩童良好的用餐習慣是十分重要的事,在兒童用品普遍 使用年限短的狀況下,價格低廉且節省空間的用餐椅成了首選 條件,利用夾於桌面減少使用材料降低成本,並可折疊收於桌 下,符合市場兒童餐椅所需條件。 Developing good eating habit is important to kids. Most of children’s products have short product lifecycle. Cheap and space-saving high chairs become a better choice for buyers. Using the chair adjustable arms on the desktop can reduce materials and costs. The chair can be folded under the table for saving space. It fits the needs of high chair market.

兒童外出攜帶椅 Carry

隨著休閒活動越來越被重視,幼童也一樣需要一張專屬的外出 椅, CARRY 運用 X 型結構收納成片狀,方便攜帶,鋼管材質兼具 穩固性與輕便性,讓幼童在戶外也有良好的休憩品質。 As leisure activities get more important,kids also need their own chairs for going outside. CARRY is a chair which can be folded flat and easy to carry outside. The steel pipe makes this product both stable and light.This design gives kids a better outdoor living.

概念電動腳踏車 & 周邊設計 Electrical Bicycle & Backpack 近年來因環境因素,各地均積極提倡綠色交通,針對學生之 輕型交通文化發展,利用車架線條的設計解決主要置物問題, 以及結合現有動能輔助裝置技術將電池與馬達整合於後輪並達 到輔助的效果,極簡外觀、輕巧結構、生活便利是為我們的校 園嚮往。 Due to environmental factors, the countries promote green transportation actively. Considering the cultural development of light transport for students, we use frame to solve the main stands problem. The bike combines kinetic energy devices which integrate the battery and motor in the rear wheel and achieve auxiliary effect.We are looking forward to simple appearance, easy structure and convenient life on campus.

DIY 木製兒童車 Arbor Wheels

針對 3~6 歲之兒童,受現代電子化影響,嚴重缺乏戶外休閒 活動。為重視孩童全方位身心發展,父母會希望購買一些有助 於孩童手腳協調性發展的玩具。 Recent years, kids were Indulged by electronic stuffs. They would like to stay indoor all days rather than playing outdoor. Parents may want to buy some toys that could help their kids love outdoor activities.

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