HEALTH & WELLBEING Challenges : Water Pollutants Throughout history, Powells Creek hydrology condition has been highly connected with the development of the Homebush area, ravaged by industrial, polluted by dumpsite and reinforced in concrete. All this just made its water quality polluted. From the report of University of Sydney in 2007, a cohesive and overall examination of Homebush Bay and surrounding catchment had been done. (Birch, O’Hea, 2007) They brought important advances in water chemistry analysis on Powells Creek that we still use today. Many dangerous and harmful chemistry of suspended particulate material in a highly contaminated embayment filled the craters left by the industrial period, such as the Ni (Nickel) Co (Carbon monoxide) Cr (Chromium), leading the degradation of catchment and ecological habitat throughout the Powells Creek. Figure 23: Chemistry of suspended particulate material in Powells Creek (Birch, O’Hea, 2007) Birch, G. and O’Hea, L., 2007. The chemistr y of suspended par ticulate material in a highly contaminated embay ment of Por t Jackson (Australia) under quiescent, high-wind and heavyrainfall conditions. Environmental Geology, 53(3), pp.501-516.
Figure 24: On site observation of creek crossing and access Image by author