February 2013
The Lifeboat South Cornwall Branch Monthly Magazine
at Inside the Lifebo this month Cover picture: This picture is called Woman Blue Eyes, but how about having your picture on the front cover of our magazine? Are you or do you know someone who is photogenic and could look like Marches front cover picture? You don’t have to be good looking, just photogenic! The photos need to be in high resolution and we would be happy to arrange a photo shoot, just let us know who and we will do the rest. MS News Page 3 Chief Executive Simon Gillespie to join British Heart Foundation. PIP and DLA: changes announced by Government
This picture was my second choice for the front cover, it’s the lovely February Snowdrop.
Page 11 Read-A-Thon news Page 12 Events application Page 13 Poem by Sue Creese Page 14 Jaspers new years eve party
Page 4 Young Carers Stories for 60th Birthday of MS Society Page 5 ESA benefits assessment still not working Volunteer survey coming soon Page 6 What we do MS 60th Birthday Page 7 Chiropodist vouchers House money boxes Sponsored Walk Peter Noon Common sense
Page 15 Megan’s page Page 16 Youth group Page 17 Cabaret Page 18 South Cornwall Events Page 19 Information page Back by popular demand
Page 8 How the internet began part two Calendars Page 9 Quiz page Page 10 Quiz page 1
Chairman’s Report As it looks that the general meeting is going to return the same committee for one more year, it is time for some of you started thinking of ways you can help us. At our Christmas lunch I gave out invitations to those who attended for people to help us. Can you help? have you got skills that can improve the branch. If you are good at working with computers why not contact Mike May? Have you had a financial background? why not contact Malcolm Thorne? Have you got the gift of the gab? why not contact me! Secretarial skills are always needed and we need you all to help us. To finish, I have as you know, a Personal Budget to help look after Lin.
Well our PA's have said they are willing to help anyone in our branch in anyway they can. So if you want help in cleaning, being taken out shopping etc. they are going to be able to help you. I can if needed recruit more PA's from their work colleagues as some work for agency's. This is not run from our Branch as employment laws and restrictions would have to be followed but as private individuals. If you want to take advantage of this initiative please contact me. Now sit back and enjoy this fantastic, interesting and the best magazine in the whole country, mm I bet I have left out some of the praises given to me by Jasper. He is such a creep and no wonder Malcolm keeps him in our magazine .
Mike Editors Note
Hello everyone, It’s February already and Christmas/New Year seems a long time ago. I can foresee many changes in 2013 with the awareness project in the balance and the need for a higher branch profile within our communities there is much work to be done. February is the time for decisions, positive action and a strategy that will give the best for our members. I will report on developments in Marches magazine. On a lighter note Jaspers New Years Eve party seems to have gone well, but don’t try this at home!! I am looking forward to receiving your responses to the front cover picture project, remember that it is your magazine so your picture should be on the cover. Send me your photos or get in touch so that we can arrange a photo shoot, your pictures must be clear in high resolution to
be enlarged to fit on the front cover. I must apologise to the youth group, last month I reported that they had raised £158.00 when it was actually £358.00, well done to you all, that’s really good as the group has only been running 6 months. I hope you are all going to the Cabaret in March, this is an exception deal. Free for people with MS and one carer, £5.00 for others, see page 17 for details. By the time you read this Mike Georges table top sale will be upon us, please support this venture, Mike works tirelessly for our branch, lets support his efforts. You will see on page twelve an application for events in 2013, these events will only be held if there is a response from you so it is important that you take the time to indicate which ones you would like to attend. Please fill in the box relating to your requirements it helps us to get it right. I hope you enjoy your February magazine!
PIP and DLA: changes announced by Government
News from the MS National Centre Chief Executive Simon Gillespie to join British Heart Foundation MS Society Chief Executive Simon Gillespie is leaving the MS Society to become Chief Executive of the British Heart Foundation (BHF). Simon has provided strong leadership for the MS Society since becoming Chief Executive in July 2006, and has helped the charity achieve a step change in the quality and breadth of its services. Chairman Hilary Sears said: “I’d like to thank Simon for the significant contribution he has made in improving the lives of people affected by MS and wish him the very best in his new role. “A key characteristic of his leadership has been his determination to ensure people affected by MS are at the heart of everything we do. He has raised the volume of the collective voice of people with MS and has played an integral role in increasing our research spend and our public profile, while also introducing new, robust governance arrangements that have ensured the charity is fully transparent and accountable.” Simon will leave the MS Society in midFebruary, replacing the outgoing chief executive of the British Heart Foundation, Peter Hollins, in April. The MS Society will be considering the arrangements to appoint a new chief executive as a matter of priority.
The Government yesterday announced rates, regulations and criteria for the new disability benefitPersonal Independence Payment (PIP)– which will eventually replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA). PIP rates Like DLA, PIP will also support people with the increased costs of living with a disability. There will still be two parts, but they will now be called ‘daily living’ and ‘mobility’. However, the lower rate for the care component of DLA will be scrapped. There will only be two rates for the daily living and mobility components of PIP, and they will pay the same as the middle and higher rates of DLA. People currently receiving low rate support for their care on DLA who still qualify for PIP will see an increase in the amount of money they get - but PIP is stricter in some areas than DLA, and some people are likely to miss out or see their payments reduced. Benefits shake up Everyone on DLA will need to reapply for PIP, and the Government has estimated that around 600,000 will be removed from the disability benefit in the shake up. The MS Society has been working hard to ensure the Government recognises the needs of people with MS in the new assessments. They’ve included a number of key considerations in their plans – our campaigns blog, to be published next week, will give more detail. Two key areas announced were: • more consideration given to a broader number and type of aids and appliances people with disabilities might need • more consideration given to people with fluctuating conditions who need to reapply for disability benefits following a flare up of symptoms
Importantly, the government also announced that the main reassessment phase for PIP will now be delayed until October 2015. Those with indefinite or lifetime awards of DLA will not be reassessed for PIP until this time. But we’re still not happy with the approach being taken to assess people with fluctuating conditions like MS. We will continue our fight to make the assessment as fair as it can be for people with the condition. Get involved You can play a vital role in helping us make PIP fairer for people with MS. To get involved with join our campaigns community at: www.mssociety.org.uk/campaignscommunity.
Young Carers If you are under 18 and have a family member with MS, you may be giving them extra help and support. If you are you may have heard of the term 'young carer' which is often used to refer to children and teens in your situation. You might be caring for brothers or sisters, doing housework, cooking, shopping, helping them get dressed or move about the house. Lots of people 'help out' at home, but if you're giving lots of care and it's causing you problems, or you just need some information about living with MS, there is help available. There's an MS Society publication, 'MS in your life: a guide for young carers', which might help. You may also want to take a look at a couple of websites for young carers:the Children's Society Young Carers Initiative and the Princess Royal Trust for Carers young carers site. The MS Society Young Carers Fund offers grants to young carers, or young people who have extra responsibilities because someone in the family with MS.
We give grants of up to £300 to young people up to the age of 18, to pay for things like school trips, music lessons or sports equipment. have a look at the financial support for carers page for more information. If you have any worries or questions you can call us on free on 0808 800 8000. Stories for 60th Birthday of MS Society MS Stories People affected by MS are at the heart of the MS Society and the heart of our anniversary. To mark 60 years of the MS Society, we’re collecting and sharing the stories of people affected by MS since 1953. We already have some stories and at the start of next year we’ll begin to make them available so branches and support groups can use them. The types of stories we’re collecting include: • When I was diagnosed • When I first contacted the MS Society • How life has changed since MS diagnosis • How life has changed since 1953 • Memories of the MS Society • Or any other kind of story We’re also asking people affected by MS to look to the future and tell us about their hopes for MS and the MS Society. Download the MS stories form to share your story or to collect stories at your branch MS Society birthday packs In 2013 we’ll be adding some “anniversary sparkle” to our existing events across the organisation. MS Week, nation council meetings, national fundraising events and the MS Awards will all showcase the stories of people affected by MS. In the spring, branches and support groups will receive birthday packs full of materials to help add sparkle to your plans for 2013. 4
ESA benefits assessment still not working Professor Harrington, who is undertaking an independent review of the Work Capability Assessment on behalf of the Government, says some progress has been made to improve the failing system - but more needs to be done. In his third report, he claims that the speed of improvements is slower than he would have liked, and while the DWP has committed to change and improvement, Atos - the company that carries out the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) – have done less to improve their role in the system. The findings apply to people in England, Scotland and Wales who are being assessed for Employment Support Allowance. In the report Harrington recommends: • the Department for Work and Pensions monitors Atos more closely decision makers should actively consider the need to seek further evidence in every case – or be prepared to fully justify their decision Recommendations must go further The MS Society’s Director for Policy and Research, Nick Rijke, said: “We share many of the concerns raised in Prof Harrington’s review, but his recommendations do not go far enough. “Too many people with MS tell us horror stories of stressful experiences of Work Capability Assessments, from misleading assessor reports to inaccessible assessment centres. To make sure assessments improve, Atos should not just be monitored more closely, but should face financial penalties for poor performance.
“Snapshot face-to-face assessments often fail to recognise the impact of fluctuating conditions such as MS, so we support the call for more evidence to be sought in such cases – but it’s vital this evidence is collected as early as possible in the process and properly considered. “We also want future reviews to look at rates of reassessment, to prevent people with long-term conditions such as MS being subjected to multiple and onerous assessments when they are not necessary.” Volunteer survey coming soon
In January 2013 we ran a UK wide volunteer survey and we want to hear from you. The survey is your chance to share your experience of volunteering with us, and to make sure your views are heard. What you say will help us better support all our volunteers and make important decisions about how we develop volunteering at the MS Society. We first ran our volunteer survey in 2009, asking you about your opinions and experiences. In response to what you said we made some changes. For example, we: • developed a new committee handbook for branches and national support groups • appointed a Learning & Development Manager for volunteering • Launched a new volunteer news and resources website.
Have your say In 2013, we want to hear from as many of our volunteers as possible - it doesn’t matter how long you have volunteered with us or what your role is. Copies of the survey will be sent out to volunteers by post or email in January 2013. You will also be able to complete the survey on this website. Any questions? Contact the volunteering team on 020 8438 0944 or email volunteering@mssociety.org.uk
To mark our 60th anniversary, we have created a special logo to be used on our materials throughout 2013 – from 1 January to 31 December. The 60th logo contains the main MS Society logo within it, so you don’t need to use both the 60th logo and the main MS Society logo at the same time. We’ll only be using the 60th logo on materials and in places where we know it won’t last past the end of 2013. For example, we’ll use the 60th logo on a poster about an event in June 2013, because the poster will no longer be used in 2014. However, on a booklet about a branch or service we’ll use the main MS Society logo as it will be used past the end of 2013. Thank you to everyone who took part in choosing this logo. What we do We fund research, give grants, campaign for change, provide information and support, invest in MS specialists and lend a listening ear to those who need it.
MS research: £133 million invested in world -class MS research since 1956 Better treatments and services: Fighting for what you’re entitled to. Better MS care: Investing nearly £6 million in MS nurses since 1999 Financial help for people affected by MS: Giving 2,000 grants every year The best MS information: Online information and an award winning series of publications on all things MS Fantastic fundraising: A range of fundraising events and ideas to suit everyone, and full support for amazing MS Society fundraisers Local support: 350 branches all over the UK supporting people in their area Phone and email support: Award winning helpline and email support and information Resources and funding for professionals: Courses and resources for health and social care professionals MS events and courses: Free learning and information events to meet other people affected by MS and learn to manage your condition. Online support: Over 20,000 people affected by MS support each other in our online community. 6
Chiropodist vouchers
Common sense
We have two chiropodist’s who are willing to take our vouchers so give them a call: Stephen C Bloor DPodM, MChS, HPC Reg RunRight StepFree Clinic The Angel Centre Tyacke Road Helston TR13 8RR
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: ⇒ Knowing when to come in out of the rain; ⇒ Why the early bird gets the worm; ⇒ Life isn't always fair; ⇒ And maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.
House money boxes House money boxes Do you remember these money boxes? They have raised in excess of £800.00 and we thank all those that are still putting in their pennies, if you require more money boxes, just ask and we can provide. Thank you all again. It’s a great way to support your branch, keep up the good work!! Sponsored Walk Age UK : Staff, volunteers & families have held a sponsored walk in aid of the four MS branches in Cornwall & raised a grand total of £832.20. We are most grateful to them for our share of this amount which is £208.05. Peter Moon It is with regret that I report the death of Peter Moon. Peter died on the 22nd December, with his daughter having MS he was a great supporter of our branch and also a dear friend of Betty Oxley who was a previous newsletter editor. Peter was a South Cornwall treasurer some years ago, he died at the age of 87. Our condolences go to his family and 7 friends.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death, ⇒ by his parents, Truth and Trust, ⇒ by his wife, Discretion, ⇒ by his daughter, Responsibility, ⇒ and by his son, Reason. He is survived by his 5 stepbrothers; ⇒ I Know My Rights ⇒ I Want It Now ⇒ Someone Else Is To Blame ⇒ I'm A Victim ⇒ Pay me for Doing Nothing Not many attended his funeral because so few realised he was gone. Judy Reed 2013 Calendar We still have stocks of the 2013 Calendars and they are only £4.00 each. If you wish to purchase them please send a cheque for the correct amount, depending on how many you require. Please make cheques payable to: MSS South Cornwall. Send your cheque with your delivery address and quantity required to: Malcolm Glister Whispering Winds Crellow Hill Stithians Nr Truro TR3 7AQ
How the internet began part two And he then insisted that drums be made to work only with Brother Gates' drumsticks. And Dot did say, "Oh, Abraham, what we have started is being taken over by others." And Abraham looked out over the Bay of Ezekiel, or eBay as it came to be known. He said, "Therefore, we need a name that reflects what we are." And Dot replied, "how about Young Ambitious Hebrew Owner Operators." "YAHOO," said Abraham. And because it was Dot's idea, they named it YAHOO Dot Com. Abraham's cousin, Joshua, being the Gregarious Energetic Educated Kid (GEEK) that he was, soon started using Dot's drums to locate things around the then known world. It soon became known as God's Own Official Guide to Locating Everything (GOOGLE). And that is how it all began. And that's the Gospel truth. Amen.
February quiz
January Quiz answers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jive Talking How Deep Is Your Love I Started A Joke Stayin Alive Nights On Broadway To Love Somebody Massachusetts Words
Bingo numbers called in: January 10, 26, 43, & 61 February 52, 90, 76, & 85 March 5, 30, 46 & 67 April 13, 49, 23, & 73 May 79, 45, 16, & 28 June 65, 18, 41, & 87 July 57, 3, 8, & 69 August 83, 59, 71, & 20 September 38, 63, 75, &1 October 33, 77, 55, & 89 November 51, 86, 48, & 35 December 11, 32, 53, & 68 January 13 81, 31, 15, & 25 February 13 40, 22, 78, & 36
Thought of the Month "Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind."
Unscramble all the letters to reveal well known pairs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The best cure for sea sickness is to sit under a tree. ~ Spike Milligan
What’s this mystery object?
Target £2,000.00 Actual to date £849 Money Boxes 9 9
Happy birthday to: 21st Crystyn Day 21st Louvaine Chinn 26th Jamie Nankervis 27th Keith Shirley
Can you spot the 9 differences?
Which one of the following is the celebrity above: Ali Larter, Sharon Stone, Cameron Diaz or Diane Kruger? The old boyfriend
January mystery object
My wife and I were sitting at a table at her high school reunion, and she kept staring at a drunken man swigging his drink as he sat alone at a nearby table. I asked her, "Do you know him?" "Yes", she sighed, "He's my old boyfriend.... I understand he took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear he hasn't been sober since." "My God!" I said, "Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?" And then the fight started... Brain teaser
Poetry Corner When the cat lies in the sun in February She will creep behind the stove in March. Of all the months of the year Curse a fair February If it thunders in February, it will frost in April If February gives much snow A fine summer it doth foreshow
You have a string like fuse that burns in exactly one minute. The fuse is inhomogeneous and it may burn slowly at first, then quickly, then slowly and so on. You have a match, and no watch. How do you measure exactly 30 seconds If toast always lands butter-side down and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat? 10
Read-A-Thon news The list of schools taking part is growing all the time with schools booking in for this year. Others that have completed the Read-A-Thon said they would take part again. Schools Taking Part: Cape Cornwall, St Just (completed) Darite CP School, Liskeard (completed) Lanivery School, Bodmin (completed) Kehelland school, Camborne (completed) Devoran School, Devoran presentation on 21st Jan Gulval school, Penzance (completed) St Mary’s C of E start on 31st January St Mary’s Roman Catholic 17th January Family groups at: Lanivet and St Buryan There are school children who want to take part but their schools are not, in these cases we can supply the Read-A-Thon packs to parents who can and have in some cases formed reading groups outside of the school environment. If you would like to take part in this way please contact me and I will set you up with all the necessary resources. Malcolm Glister
Just for You Qualified PA’s at the ready. 10% off first visit.
Feeling down and miserable about not having someone to help you achieve the little things you used to do so easily?
My name is Sharon and will help you achieve those little things again and more, I will help you become happy again. As an introductory offer I can give a discount for you to see how we can to work together ! Working with a client to make some home made cakes
Telephone Mike: 01872 862031
South Cornwall Branch Events 2013 Dates for these events are to be advised: This programme is subject to support from branch members therefore dates will only be set after sufficient interest has been shown by returning the slip for each event. If sufficient interest is shown a venue and date can be published, we do not wish to book venues for non attendance. Event 1
Table Top sale at Mike Georges - 2nd February - To book a table please phone Mike (01208 862031) This is a table top sale not a craft fayre. Event 2 Annual meeting - 16th February 2.00pm at the Carnon Inn, Carnon downs Event 3 Seminar for potential committee volunteers: March Event 4 Get together’s April and October Event 5 Computer awareness and parts sale May Event 6 Bingo afternoon June Event 7 Auction July Event 8 Quiz and games night August Event 9 Magazine tombola Event 10 Wine and cheese party September Event 11 Carwinion open day September/October Notification of interest: I would be interested in attending the following events, (please tick boxes) Event Number/s Possible Numbers Attending 1 I would also like to see: 2 ………………………………………………… 3 ………………………………………………… 4 ………………………………………………… 5 ………………………………………………… 6 ………………………………………………… 7 ………………………………………………… 8 ………………………………………………… 9 In our annual programme 10 11 Please return this slip with your comments to: Your comments are important to us! Thank you.
Malcolm Glister Whispering Winds Crellow Hill Stithians Nr Truro TR3 7AQ
This letter and poem was sent in by Susan Creese Dear Malcolm/Monthly magazine Hi All Thank you for keeping me going over 2012 and into 2013. On December 1st 2012 the MS centre had another finance support day. I took my 3 grandchildren, and they had the most amazing day thanks to Holly and others, (Holly the inspiration for the poem). On Christmas day when I was in respite, (when I saw long term friends). The songs flowed, the Cornish donated pasties ate, the stalls, lucky dips - my grandson eleven, winning after shave cream and a bottle of booze Ha!, along with MS carers inspiring my seven year old grandson into giving a performance, helping him along to become the rock star life style he aspires too! Yours as ever x Sue Creese MS member Thanks Susan, great input to the magazine. Why not send in your poems, stories or comments? They all make the magazine a better issue
Poetic Justice (And not real you understand) Lesley and Paul play the strings, pulling a cord Holly and Banjo pluck in tune With Wind and the Willows Blowing along with a tuba Magical moments at Christmas time Sounds of British movement when all are tucked in bed How Santa fooled you all, into thinking he was dead Rock on Santa Clause, Rock on… Making merry by candle light when sparks will fly Burning misdemeanours Go Santa go, just hold on very tight It's going to be very bumpy ride under those cold Cameron lights The year to come will be a daunting task With poor little children dying everywhere Fat cats don't care - So why should `I` But I'm not fat nor a cat, becoming feral maybe? Tiger Lily blooming, booming out into another country The Red Sea looks good this time of year But I need to get past another port of call Or just sail in a boat, onto any other shore Where the seas take you anywhere, most hopefully My new year's resolution this time of year Is to be happy, naughty and maybe even a little sexy Stuff to being honest, stable and in a grotto mangier with Little baby Jesus' Drinking booze and smoking weed but not any skunk and Nancy Types, just playing along for the cameras' Don't you know? Joking and jiving to a jovial song How I wish this were true But I'm stuck in that mangier And so bloody honest, it's so untrue Can't smoke, it makes me sick That religious red wine extracts my mind And being on crutches, definitely is not sexy But sailing away onto the seven seas most definitely is! @ Susan Creese 25.12.12
Recipe’s How about sending me your recipe’s for publication in our magazine, there must be lots of you out there with some delicious ingredients for making sweets, cakes, sandwiches, quick meals and desserts. Send them in to me and I will publish them for all to try, we could even have a competition with a prize for the tastiest recipe. Don’t delay, get them off to me now!!
Your Message board Sadly your message board is empty I have just received the pictures from my new years eve party, we had a great time as you can see. Of course nothing but tea passed my lips.
Innocence is bliss!! A little three year old boy is sitting on the toilet. His mother thinks he has been in there too long, so she goes in to see what's up. The little boy is sitting on the toilet reading a book.. But about every 10 seconds or so he puts the book down, grips onto the toilet seat with his left hand and hits himself on top of the head with his right hand. His mother says: "Billy, are you all right? You’ve been in here for a while." Billy says: "I’m fine, mummy... I just haven't done it yet." Mother says: "OK, you can stay there a few more minutes. But, Billy, why are you hitting yourself on the head?" Billy says: "It works on the tomato sauce bottle!"
Oh Arthur, what atrocious behaviour! Yes dear, put Cedric to bet immediately while I go and see what’s going on.
Arthur joins the party
Megan The Reunion I walked through the big entrance doors I used to hate with a passion. It’s been 10 whole years since I had seen this place. A place where I spent 5 years of my life, learnt most of the things I know now, met the greatest friends anybody could ask for, and still couldn’t stand. I made my way to the main hall, I took a step in and all of the memories came flooding back to me, from the first day of year 7 to the very last day of my mainstream education. The laughs, the fights, the tears and the happiness everybody had shared here. Everyone turned to face me they had all changed so much, the nerds everyone had picked on now looked completely different without the big glasses, spots and braces, the cool kids had now turned into business women and lost all of their swag, the regulars well they hadn’t changed much they still looked well… regular, and best of all the idiots that are also known as my best friends all pulled stupid faces as I beamed at them from across the room. I made my way towards them and pulled each and every one of them into a long tight hug. After chatting for a while we decided to go and get a coffee and go to the same shops we used to go to when we were 14. We ALL had nicknames I was baby, my best friend was sporty, and the others were scary, posh and ginger. Yes we were massive fans of the spice girls I think it’s fair to say we were small fans…. Ok, ok big fans but who cares. After a few hours of shopping we all swapped numbers and went our separate ways…. God! I had missed these girls!
South Cornwall branch MS Youth Group West “Making Sense” Bodyshop Party The youth group held a bodyshop party on Friday 18th January 2013 at The Commercial Hotel in St Just by kind permission of Mr Paul Woolcock. Nikki was given a make over much to the amusement of those present. A total of £46 was raised on the night and we would not only like to say a big thank you to Paul for allowing us to use his premises free of charge but also to Karen for again doing the party for us, to Mrs Lindsey Harry for her kind raffle donations and a huge thank you must go to those who came out on a horrid night to support us. Thank you all!!!! Nikki Jenkin A poem from Lauren Snow is falling Noses are cold One single footprint in the snow Winding down the roads Merry laughter fills the air And Noisy children playing everywhere.
An evening with
Fire ‘n’ Ice
Open to all and free for people with MS, plus one carer and £5.00 for all others. Don’t miss this opportunity, you may not get another at this price The Details : Venue: To be held at the Membly Hall Hotel Cliff Road, Falmouth TR11 4NT on the 2nd March 2013 The Meal: Two course meal, Roast Chicken with dessert (Vegetarian option). Programme: 7.00pm for 7.30pm Meal Entertainment from 9.00pm till at least 11.00pm Entertainment: Fire ‘n’ Ice - popular Duo plus star guest Laura Raffle in aid of MS plus Lucky ticket draw. Total Price: Free for people with MS, plus one carer and £5.00 for all others. A special rate of £35.00 per adult and £15 per child under 11 bed & breakfast is available, quote Fire ‘n’ Ice when booking. (Hotel Tel No 01326 312869) If you wish to attend please complete the return slip below and send it with your remittance to:Malcolm Glister Whispering Winds, Crellow Hill, Stithians, Nr Truro, Cornwall TR3 7AQ Tel: 01209 860754 Email: malcolmglister@btinternet.com Please make cheques and orders payable to MSS South Cornwall (do not send cash). You will receive confirmation of purchase and the tickets will be held on the door for you on arrival unless you state otherwise. Your name and address (printed)
………………………………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………... ………………………………………………………………………………………………... I would like
tickets for the Fire ‘n’ Ice Cabaret on 2nd March 2013
No of people with MS No of carers Other
Please indicate number of wheel chair spaces required: - Number
Important Notice: There is only one month to go before the cabaret, If you are intending to come to the cabaret, please let me know as soon as possible. Remember this is Free to people with MS and one carer and only £5.00 to all others!!
South Cornwall Branch events 2013 Dates for these events to be advised: Table Top sale at Mike Georges, 2nd Feb Seminar for potential committee volunteers Get together’s Computer awareness and parts sale Bingo afternoon Auction Quiz and games night Magazine tombola
Carwinion open day Wine and cheese party The need to know message centre Your choice of activities Look out for the application slip on page 12 take the opportunity to give us feed back on your requirements.
South Cornwall Youth Group West activities February 2013: 2013 Valentine disco 4 -11 year olds, Preparation for Easter coffee morning, making cards and craft items. March 2013: 2013 Outing to Paradise Park Preparation for Easter coffee morning, making cards and craft items. April 2013: 2013 Easter coffee morning with cakes and goodies May 2013: Summer BBQ and Car boot sale
Events taking place at Merlin MS Centre February In February The Glendorgal Hotel at Newquay will be the setting for our Bond inspired night of glitz and glam! There will be fun casino tables, dinner and entertainment and of course the chance to dress up to the nines. Details to be confirmed. Bond Night in aid of the Merlin MS Centre The Hotel Victoria, Newquay will be hosting an evening of glitz and glam on Saturday March 2nd 6.30pm onwards. There will be a 3-course Dinner, bar, fun casino tables and live Jazz music. The night will also include a Millionaire's auction which will allow you to bid on the fantastic auction lots using the chips won during the night. Ticket price TBC Merlin MS Centre are looking for willing and friendly volunteers to help with their supermarket collection days throughout the year and throughout the county. If you think you can spare an hour or two to help then please get in touch with the centre on 01726 885530. In next months Lifeboat magazine: Members pages & Magazine Bingo Youth Group page MS News Megan’s page Branch events Read-A-Thon news
South Cornwall Branch Information
Branch contact details: Llawnroc, Mount Carbis Road, Redruth, Cornwall, TR15 2LD Tel: 01872 274911 www.mssociety.org.uk/southcornwall Satellite events 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month: Trelowarren Arms, Budock Water, Falmouth, between 11.00am and 2.00pm approx. Coffee and/or lunch. Open to all. Last Tuesday of each month: Helston & Lizard Group meeting: Wheal Dream Restaurant, Helston from 11.00am to approx 2.00pm. Lunch at discounted rate. Every Thursday: Yoga at the Well Being Centre, Nance Lane, Churchtown, Illogan. 11.00am to 12.15pm. with Carolyn Smith by appointment only. Every third Thursday Carers meeting at Mike George’s Useful contacts: MS National Centre: 02084 380 700 MS Helpline: 0808 800 8000 Care Direct: 0800 444 000 NHS Direct: 0845 4647 Editors Contact details: details To send in articles or comments. Malcolm Glister Whispering Winds, Crellow Hill, Stithians, Nr Truro, Cornwall, TR3 7AQ
Chairman: Mike George Telephone: 01872 862031 email: cornishmike@talktalk.net Treasurer: Malcolm Thorne Telephone: 01209 717237 email: malcolmt.southcornwallmssociety@live.co.uk Address Coomar, 3 Chenoweth Close, Camborne Cornwall TR14 7JR Voucher Admin Officer: Jackie Thorne Telephone: 01209 717237 email: malcolmt.southcornwallmssociety@live.co.uk Secretary: Christine Sargent Telephone: 01209 315386 email: christine.southcornwallmssociety@live.co.uk M S Support : Telephone: 01872 274911 Carer’s Officer: Neville Reed Telephone: 01637 875823 email: nevnjude.southcornwallmssociety@live.co.uk Branch Profile manager and Magazine Editor: Malcolm Glister Telephone: 01209 860754 email: malcolmglister@btinternet.com Branch Web manager: Mike May Telephone: 01872 272 957 email: mikem.southcornwallmssociety@live.co.uk Membership: Betty Alderton Telephone: 01872 270901 email: betty.southcornwallmssociety@live.co.uk Minute Secretary: Moe Fisher email: moefisher@hotmail.co.uk Branch Safety Officer and Youth Team: Nikki Jenkin Telephone: 01736 787089 email: nikkijenkin@googlemail.com Events CoCo-ordinator Carol Batchelor Telephone: 01326 373464 email: carol.southcornwallmssociety@live.co.uk Fund Raising Manager Vacant Need help or advice, call our support number 01872 274911
All views expressed in this publication are individual and not necessarily the view or policy of the charity and its supporters. Multiple Sclerosis Society Registered charity nos. 1139257 / SC041990 Registered as a limited company in England and Wales 07451571