January - February Newsletter of The South and West Cornwall MS Group

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South & West Cornwall MS Group Newsletter January – February 2018 Welcome! This is a couple of pages to update all our Members and Associates of the South and West Cornwall MS Group about what is happening and to keep you informed. Malcolm is currently “on sick leave”…..so Karen and Mike M. decided to “have a go” in putting together something like a newsletter. So here goes!

The Group Annual Meeting January 6th

The Annual Meeting at Beefeater, Carnon Inn, Saturday 6th January

Fifteen Members came along to the Beefeater at The Carnon Inn and enjoyed a lunch before having an hour or so talking and discussing some ideas. Unfortunately Malcolm was unable to attend due to sickness but Malcolm had sent an email to all Volunteers from his sick bed with some topics to discuss. Firstly, the list of Volunteers was discussed and everyone accepted their present roles. Some vacant roles were filled also:  Magazine / newsletter Editor / Volunteer – Karen & Mike M.  Membership Volunteer – Accepted by Janet Gelbert  Minutes / record keeping of meetings – Not a requirement, but useful, Accepted by Mike M.

Four Members present also volunteered to help with collections, Mr and Mrs Stribley and Mr and Mrs Long. If anyone else feel they could lend a hand, please call 01872 274 911 or email our group: southandwestcornwall@mssociety.org.uk Hilary our Finance Volunteer, will be preparing the year end of our financial reports and will give a report with Malcolm next month. A New Venture Malcolm emailed to us some thoughts on having transport for Members who may require to transport to events. Also the engagement of two paid for Carers / Assistants / Nurses to help and assist at our events. This is being researched and discussed at the Volunteer meeting in February. We finished the meeting after a super lunch provided by the Staff and Management of The Carnon Inn. We thanked them most sincerely.

Recent Events During December Christmas Lunch - The Membly Hotel December the 2nd we held one of our annual Christmas lunches at The Membly Hall Hotel, Falmouth. Over sixty Members and Guests attended and a good three course traditional Christmas lunch was had by all. We even had a visit from Santa on the day! He gave everyone a present in the form of a 2018 diary and then a chocolate selection box to the children. All views expressed in this publication are individual and not necessarily the view or policy of the charity and its supporters. Multiple Sclerosis Society Registered charity nos. 1139257 / SC041990 1

Christmas Lunch - Tregenna Castle Hotel Sunday 10th December was the setting for our annual Christmas lunch west in the idyllic setting above St Ives. Once again well attended and we had Santa to come and visit once more. The same presents of a 2018 diary to everyone and a chocolate selection box to all the children. A raffle was well subscribed which raised funds for our Group. Malcolm thanked the Staff who looked after us all so well.

The Monthly Lunch at Trickies, Tolgus Mount, Redruth

12th December was yet another Christmas lunch for the regulars who meet on usually the second Monday of the month, at Tricky's, Tolgus Mount, Redruth. Over twenty Members / Guests were booked and an excellent choice of food was provided.

Carers Annual Christmas Lunch at The Falmouth Hotel December the 18th was another date in the Group calendar when Carers met at The Falmouth Hotel for a traditional festive lunch. It was a chance to meet Carers past and present who enjoyed the festive atmosphere but one could be forgiven in thinking, it could be a Summer lunch. The sun was shining in the dining room and with the fantastic view out to sea, it felt more like June rather that December! Karen had once again financed the event for Carers with the help of a grant from CRCC (Cornwall Rural Community Charity).

Forthcoming Events in 2018 Laura has unfortunately been out of action recently due to medical issues. We sincerely wish her well and look forward to her return sometime in the future. However, Malcolm has been busy before his bout of illness recently. He informs us that he is hoping for...........A Carvery at Tregenna Castle sometime end of February - we will keep you informed. 2

Monthly Social “Lunch Club” Trickies, Tolgus Mount, Redruth Anyone and everyone is welcome to come to Trickies at Redruth. Lunches start from £6.99 and they are super value. Have a one, two or a three course lunch and finish with a drink. Everyone who comes always are satisfied. The event is usually on the second Monday of the month at 12.30 PM. it is a real “lunch club” so come and join! Everyone pay for their menu. No Group funds used. Twice Monthly Bingo at Carnon Downs Village Hall Richard and Amanda runs the twice monthly bingo sessions at Carnon Downs Village Hall on the first and third Saturday of the month, starts 2.00 PM till about 4ish. It is very popular with a raffle, also another game called “Oye or Oie” or something similar! To win you cover a card with small playing cards printed as they are called. The first person to win by covering all obviously shouts “Oy or Oi”. Anyhow, it is all great fun and cash prizes plus raising needed funds for our Group. The MS Cake Break 2018 This is an event that anyone can have at home or a suitable venue. Usually around March or April. More details can be found here: https://cakebreak.org.uk/

Some Useful Telephone Numbers and Contacts Group Co-ordinator / Team Leader: Malcolm Glister 01209 860754 Finance Volunteer: Hillary Merton 01872 863896 MS Support Volunteer: Martin Welton (contact details to follow) Group Membership Volunteer: Janet Gelbert 01209 717776 Admin and Secretarial Volunteer: Sharon Thomas 01209 822755 Collecting Volunteers South: Karen Moore 01872 274188 Collecting Volunteers West: Ann and David Jones 01736 757297 Communications, Web and I.T. Volunteer: Mike May 01872 272957 Health & Safety Volunteer: Nikki Jenkin 01736 787089 Bingo Organisers: Richard & Amanda Chapman : 01872 870061 The Merlin Centre: 01726 883350 MS Nurses at Treliske: 01872 253063 Kernow Carers Service: 0800 587 8191 MS Society Helpline: 0808 800 8000 Our Group telephone landline is available and will be answered by one of our Volunteers : 01872 274 911 or email : southandwestcornwall@mssociety.org.uk

Join our Group On Facebook By joining our Group on Facebook you will be part of a growing group of our Members who get information, latest news and share comments about our Group and add your own! You can see our Facebook pages without joining Facebook but to get the best from what Facebook can offer, become a Member of Facebook. If you have a laptop, tablet or smartphone you have the ability to join if you are not already a Member of Facebook. 3

If you are affected by MS to an extent that you find difficulty navigating computers, tablets and phones etc, I have a few ideas that may help. Could Family help you to join? If you are affected by MS to an extent that you find difficulty navigating computers, tablets and phones etc, I have a few ideas that may help. Please give me a call and I will gladly help! (Mike M, 01872 274 911). To find our Facebook page, just search online: ms south west cornwall then the page will have these results then just click ! ( Yahoo and Bing will display very much the same).

And This is it!! The South and West Cornwall MS Group Facebook Page! As you can see, Facebook is asking you to “log in” so that is OK if you already have a Facebook account. You can still access the page and see all our latest news, but to interact with the page, just create and have a simple account. All you need are details such as name, mobile or email address and create a password.

Well Karen and I (Mike M.) sincerely hope that you have enjoyed reading these couple of pages as much as we have had fun producing them. We thank you for your time and continued support to The South and West Cornwall MS Group. We hope Malcolm to be back soon and to continue being the “Leader of The Group” but in the meantime, please feel free to contact anyone of the team. Karen and I would appreciate any feedback or useful comments (or criticism!) of our attempt in producing this newsletter. Please feel free call 01872 274 911 or drop us a line. All views expressed in this publication are individual and not necessarily the view or policy of the charity and its supporters. Multiple Sclerosis Society Registered charity nos. 1139257 / SC041990 4

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