Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2018 Yixuan Liu
(870661) Xiao ran Huang + Studio 8
Week One
Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.
According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)
Compare to Signs and Symbols, diagrams are more comprehensive in some way. Diagrams show more details that out side of our thinking. Signs and Symbols just express a “dynamic object“ but diagrams can test with the physical aspects.
Week One
Precedent Analysis
Elevation view of Rhino Model
The potho of Bad Hair01
Front view of Rhino Model Top view of Rhino Model
AA Pavilion, Bad Hair Pavilion,Photo, 3
Week Two
Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture.
Herzberger discuss how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)
In my point of view, the Bad Hair is just a structure that used to divide separate spaces. People use this place to take rest and wait for a bus or something eles. in the actural uses, people sit on the end of each “beam“. it is perfectly providing single semi-private spaces. inside the structure, interlaced layers creats shadows as well.
Week Two Isometric
Bad Hair, Isometric (NE From Rhino)
In this Isometric, layers of this model are clearly distinguished by colors and line thickness. Each layer is component of some symmetrical bodies, therefore, when modelling this project, what I need to do is just Rotate or Mirror the key single part. In order to achieve the “Bending effect“, I use the command of “Solid Pt on“ and move each point on the solid. For details, joints of each body are obvious and shown by lines and squares. This helps me to understand the structure more properly and in detailed. In the original pavilion, the circulation is simpler than this model. There used only four entrances, but through changing the direction of layer 2 and 3, there are eight now. In my view, the bad hair is a structure which devides the space and creates relatively segmentally circulation. Thus, the idea of eight entrances expend the range of circulation and this is my way to develop this project.
Week Two
Structure, Primary Circulation Space, Circulation Paths
Solid, Timber made, Thresholds
Star is lable of entrance, lines end with two stars are circulation paths.
This structure is made of timber. Stars represent Thresholds.
Layer one
Appendix Process
Rotate the structure to correct directions. Draw the basic shapes through some anxiliary lines.
Rotate Extrude curves, loft surfaces, Solid pt on.
Appendix Process
Layer two
Draw some direction anxiliary lines
Draw the basic shapes through some anxiliary lines.
Extrude curves, loft surfaces, Solid pt on
Rotate, Mirror.
Layer three
Appendix Process
Layer 3 is the same as Layer2, just need to Rotate.
Layer four
Extrude curves, loft surfaces, Solid pt on Draw the basic shapes through some anxiliary lines.
Set View: NE Rotate, Mirror.
Make 2D, Export AI file