1 minute read
The FirsT Day of sChool
Alice Kendra
Chapter One
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sarah. It was her first day of school.
“I’m so nervous,” Sarah said.
Sarah went to school. Sarah was reading a book silently. Sarah walked home along with two sisters and one brother named Sarah, Charlotte, and Cruz. When they got home, they went to do their work. When they were done, they went to play with their friends at the park. When they went home, they ate some food, got in the shower, and went to bed.
Chapter Two
The next day, Sarah woke up and ate breakfast. Sarah and Charlotte woke up and also ate breakfast. They packed their backpacks and went to school. In school, Sarah, Sarah, Charlotte, and Cruz were doing math. Then, at recess, Sarah, Sarah, Charlotte, and Cruz were playing until three bullies came by.
“Ya’ll look ugly,” the first bully said.
The bullies’ names were Jane, Clara, and Zeena. They were hitting them. When the bullies were done, Sarah, Sarah, Charlotte, and Cruz were hurt. Then the bullies laughed at them. Then they left them on the ground. When they went home, they went to get bandages.
[Something exciting will happen in the middle of Chapter Two.]
To be continued . . .