Halloween test
Hello! My name is Wee-Be-Little Pumpkin. Meet my family The Pumpkins! 1. Aladdin Pumpkin is my mother’s father. Padana Pumpkin is my mother’s mother. Aladdin and Padana are my ….. 2. I am Jack-be-Quick’s and Sugar Loaf’s son. They are my….. 3. Lil Pumpkimon is my sister’s daughter. She is my…. 4. Butternut is my brother’s son. He is my…. Total___/6
What’s my Halloween mask if I have: 1. Mike 2. Hairdryer 3. Helmet 4. Test tube 5. Costume 6. Coat 7. Spikes 8. Eight hairy legs
9. Glass cage 10. Leaf 11. Shell 12. A hundred legs 13. Sharp beak and claws 14. A trunk 15. Wool Total__/15
What are the plurals of these words? 1. Witch 2. Web 3. Werewolf 4. Mummy 5. Broom 6. Elf 7. Vampire tooth
8. Bogeyman 9. Dead fish 10 Mouse 11. Rotten foot 12. Skull 13. Corpse 14. Cemetery Total___/14
Complete the sentences 1. What can ___ tell me about your elf? 2. My children like ghosts Genie is for ___ 3. She lives in a hunted house now with ____family. 4. We met Ogre and Warlock last night. This coffin is ____ 5. In our garden is a bat. The nest is ___ 6. Our goblin is a girl, Nox. ____ is two years old. 7. My brother Edledhron collects trolls. These trolls are for ____ 8. We want to see Jossete Blanchard and (she)___ family Halloween Total___/8
This is my new friend Lionwing. Can you describe her?