6.3 Annex III: Workshop Report
Workshop Report Workshop “How to facilitate cross border dataflow in the digital single market?” Brussels, Brussels, Albert Borschette Conference Centre, 20 March 2017 Objective The objective of the workshop was to present the provisional results of the study commissioned by the European Commission on cross border dataflows, and facilitate a discussion on these results, providing an opportunity for stakeholders to contribute to the legal and policy discussion in the field. In particular stakeholder feedback was sought on the formulation of recommendations on how to scope the free flow of data, and how to implement those. This enabled the study team to better appreciate the needs of all stakeholders when finalising the study and providing recommendations for future policy action to the European Commission. The workshop was also part of a series of structured dialogues between the European Commission and the Member States and other stakeholders, as announced in the Communication on "Building a European Data Economy". Target audience The Workshop targeted representatives of public and private sector users (including SMEs), ICT service providers, and governmental authorities. Over 90 participants registered for the Workshop, of which and XXX were present on the day. Agenda
9h30- 10h00
10h00 - 10h15 Introduction by the EC
10h15 - 11h00 Presentation of the Study on Cross-border data flow in the digital single market: Study on data location restrictions Speakers: Patricia Ypma, Spark Legal Network, Paul Foley, Tech4i2, Hans Graux, time.lex
11h00 - 11h10 Findings of the Study on Facilitating cross border data flow in the Digital Single Market by London Economics Speaker: Moritz Godel, London Economics
11h10 – 11h20 Coffee break
11h20 – 13h00 Moderated debate on the findings of the study and perspectives / experiences of workshop participants
13h00 – 14h00 Lunch break (provided on-site)
14h00 – 15h00 Moderated Panel: insights on the needs and conditions for the free flow of data in the EU and its implementation options