The Paper Taiwan Issue

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為主。台灣人總有許多創意、聰明的運用方法,甚至是連設 計師都沒想到的解決辦法。所以社會中便誕生了許多有創意

的一次性產品。例如 : 將看過的報章雜誌、月曆等折成垃圾 桶。

六角竹 Hexagonal Bamboo 由竹片編織而成,堅固耐用,常見於台灣傳統市場。 常用於盛裝物品的籠子、椅子、搖籃

The shape is woven from bamboo. This structure is durable and stable. It’s quite common in Taiwan's traditional markets.

size: A3,A4 material: stone paper (TW), recyclable

月桂葉 Bay Leaves 生長自月桂樹,脫水後其香味會變得濃烈。常用於包 裹粽子和傳統臺灣美食 , 和製作精油。

Material Introduction: Growth from Laurel, dehydrated its flavor becomes strong. It could wrap for rice dumplings and traditional Taiwanese food. And the production of essential oils. size: A3,A4 material: stone paper (TW), recyclable

竹 Bamboo Batten 薄竹片手工編製,為台灣傳統工藝。運用在簸箕 Bamboo Batten which are handmade as Taiwan's traditional crafts.Making the dustpan, baskets, fences

size: A3,A4 material: stone paper (TW), recyclable

藺草 Rush 栽植於水田、濕沼澤地,材質質感較硬且具韌性。以 編織的方式製作成工藝品、草蓆。

Rush is planted in paddy fields, wet marshes. It owns hard texture and toughness possessed. Weaving manner made into handicrafts, mats.

size: A3,A4 material: stone paper (TW), recyclable

紅磚 Canton Tile 由黏土參合煤炭煅燒,又稱為黏土磚。常用於造房子、 鋪路、砌牆、園藝

Participation by the coal fired clay, also known as Clay. Use: Building houses, paving, masonry, gardening.

size: A3,A4 material: stone paper (TW), recyclable

海棠花玻璃 Low-iron Pattern Glass 採用壓延方法制造的一種平板玻璃,具有透光不透明 的特點。常用於裝飾隔間、傢俱桌面、玻璃門

A method of manufacturing flat glass using a calender, having an opaque light-transmitting characteristics. Decorated compartment, furniture desktop, glass door.

size: A3,A4 material: stone paper (TW), recyclable

紅白塑膠袋 Red and white striped plastic bags 由薄而具有可燃性的塑膠膜製造而成的包裝袋。因攜

帶方便,而在臺灣被大眾廣泛使用。例如 : 盛裝水果、 集結垃圾,保護貨品。

It made by a thin film also owns a great combustible made of plastic bags. Due to easy to carry, it always be utilized widely by people in Taiwan. For example: fruit carrying, gathered trash, protect the goods size: A3,A4 material: stone paper (TW), recyclable

鐵皮 Iron sheet 大多為白鐵片或馬口鐵板材組成,質量輕,為台灣常

見建材。常用於房屋搭建時的材料,方便建造及拆除。 Mostly composed of Galvanized iron or tinplate. Commonly used in building materials at home, it is easy to build and dismantle.

size: A3,A4 material: stone paper (TW), recyclable

浴室石 Bathroom stone 在水泥上混合彩色石子組成,色彩斑斕,是台灣傳統 房屋常用之地板材。通常使用在傳統的洗手台、浴缸 和地板上。

Composition of mixed colorful stones in the cement, It is typical floor type of Taiwan's traditional houses. Commonly used in the traditional washbasin, bathtub and floor

size: A3,A4 material: stone paper (TW), recyclable

絲瓜絡 Luffa cylindrica 將老化的絲瓜曬乾,去皮去籽之後,就是十分好用的

絲瓜絡。常用於洗澡、清潔用品,抑或是美容、保養 用品。

The aging of dried gourd, peeled and seeded after, that is very easy to use loofah. For bathing, cleaning supplies, also for beauty care products.

size: A3,A4 material: stone paper (TW), recyclable

紅磚窗花 Brick grilles 運用顏色反差呈現裝飾效果的窯後雕、窯前雕。常用 於大型建築、小型建築,和裝置藝術

Making good use of decorative effect of rendering color contrast kiln after carving, carved before kiln. Huge buildings and tiny buildings, also includes art decoration.

size: A3,A4 material: stone paper (TW), recyclable

交趾陶 Cochin 源自唐三彩,是一種低溫彩釉軟陶,主要都在民間默 默發展與延續。為傳統中式建築 ( 廟宇 ) 的裝飾。

It's a low-temperature burned and glazed pottery that is derived from Tang Sancai. decoration of Chinese temple

size: A3,A4 material: stone paper (TW), recyclable

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