Executive summary

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Executive Summary 95 Propuestas para un Chile mejor www.95Propuestas.cl

Our country has come a long way in the past few decades. These advances offer lessons and are, in many aspects, a justified cause for national pride. But none of that gives reason to numb the sense of urgency to go further. Achievements obtained in the past—but especially those areas that lag behind in Chile today—renew challenges and impose even greater requirements. Therefore, we Chileans must accelerate the pace and sharpen our senses to better understand the complexities of a society that, along with the improvements shown, is more demanding, expresses new aspirations and reveals lags, inequalities, contradictions, and reasons for perplexity. The purpose of Grupo Res Publica Chile is to enhance our country’s thinking process, identifying these gaps and weaknesses in the light of a technical and political diagnosis, especially presenting proposals for reform and change for a better Chile. Our aim is to enrich the public discussion needed to drive the reforms the country needs to develop more, to be more socially inclusive, more politically stable and representative, and with happier people and communities. This book is the result of our deliberation process and raises 95 proposals related to our political, economic and social reality. Political system, regions and the State In the first section, dealing with the political system, we propose a move towards a parliamentary system that reconciles better governance and representativeness with incentives to encourage the search for agreements, and accountability of political parties. Parties that are transformed thanks to the demands imposed by a new state funding of their regular activities, in exchange for good practices and standards

of transparency, internal governance, representativeness, regional presence and priority of programmatic reflection, and team building. Likewise, we propose an electoral system that optimizes the balance between greater proportionality and governance, and between legitimacy of representation and legitimacy resulting from efficacy. For this we have two alternatives: a plurality system where members of Parliament are elected by simple majority in uninominal (single-member) districts, and a mixed system in which a fraction, usually half, of the members of the Congress are elected in uninominal districts and the rest according to the result obtained (percentage) nationwide by each party or list. In this scenario, each voter would have two ballots. It is also proposed that Chile commit to effective decentralization, driven by the election of regional authorities. Without it, the commitment loses credibility and is reduced to a form of devolved management but still dependent on the central authorities, discarding the gains of greater regional economic development, efficient management and greater political legitimacy. The election of authorities (in 2016) would trigger this process, make it irreversible and demand administrative and fiscal reforms that would enable an autonomous and effective management in compliance with the popular mandate. The last proposal for the political system is to return to the State modernization agenda, giving priority to three key areas. First, we recommend the creation of an Agency for Public Policy Quality, autonomous from the Administration, that measures the impact of policies and programs promoted by the State, contrasting the objectives proposed with evidence of results, with an objective and rigorous methodology. Equally important is the modernization of labor relations in the Public


95 propuestas para un Chile mejor

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