2 minute read
Baranowsk Family of Region VII
by Hannah Watts
Congratulations to the Baranowsk family, McCoy's Farm, and Ranch Family of the Month from Region 7. Jeff and Tina Baranowsk have two children Braxton (18), and Brooke (9). This ranch family is from Hallettsville, Texas.
Jeff Baranowsk runs a ranch in Hallettsville, Texas. On the side, Jeff breaks colts. Jeff was a bull rider, Braxton followed in his father's footsteps and started to ride calves. “Thank goodness we went to the other end of the arena and got away from bulls”, said Tina. Both Braxton and Brooke started rodeoing at a young age, and haven’t stopped since.
Tina Baranowsk has been an information technology officer at a bank for the past 19 years. She loves being able to watch Braxton and Brooke thrive in their ranch lifestyle.” That's my favorite part of going out to the ranch is watching all the new babies”, said Tina. Spring is Tina’s favorite time of year with all the colts and fillies hitting the ground along with the baby calves
Along with the love for rodeo Braxton took an interest in his father's work and broke his current calf when he was 15. “Braxton has great horsemanship. I mean, that's one of the things I admire about watching him,”said Tina.
Brooke started her rodeo career when she was only three years old. Now the nine-year-old runs barrels, poles, and she’s begun to work on breakaway. Brooke is a member of TYRA and YRA, and soon TJHSRA. When asked what she wants to do when she grows up, Brooke said a Pro Rodeo.
Braxton is an 18-year-old senior, who attends
Hallettsville High School and is a member of THSRA where he competes in Steer wrestling, calf roping, and team roping. After graduation, Braxton will attend Wharton County Junior College for the first two years of his college career. After two years Braxton plans to transfer to a 4-year university where he will study business.
Braxton received a rodeo scholarship from Wharton where he will continue his rodeo career. “I plan to continue my rodeo career after getting a business degree out of college," said Braxton.
When asked if Braxton had any advice for future generations his response was “I guess some advice I’d give is just to be respectful and be a gentleman to everybody. I feel like there's not enough respect or manners in the world anymore,” said Braxton.
Jeff and Tina share their love for the ranch and rodeo lifestyle with Braxton and Brooke. Both Braxton and Brooke started rodeoing at a young age, and haven’t stopped since. “Hard work pays off. You gotta work hard in order to get what,” said Tina.
When this ranch family is in need of supplies for ranching they run to their local McCoy’s Building Supply to get all they're looking for. The Baranowsk are incredibly honored to be selected as this Month’s McCoy's Farm, and Ranch Family.
KASHLEE SCHUMACHER – Performance Reporter