謝佳威 CV

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Josh Hsieh


Let’s talk s A b o u

something t m e

Personal Information Name: Josh Hsieh Sex: Male Nationality: Taiwan Date of birth: 1993.9.30

E-mail: chiawei0815@gmail.com Skype: chiachia099 Phone: +886981902424

- Josh Hsieh -

Yes, I am ready for 1516 AIESEC THU VP ICX-GCDP.

AIESEC Experience 2014-Present iGCDP Team leader of temple project Team supporter in elementary school camp Project competition Host in transition night party Organizing Committee (OC) Marketing and Communication (MarCom) of High school international camp, the host in fun team & night party Newbie Conference team supporter Go exchange to Sri Lanka Education 2012- Current Tunghai University Taichung, Taiwan College student at the faculty of management, Majoring in international business Junior student Working Experience Datun Cable Television Company Has learned how to communicate with civilian and be patient Persuading skill. Let people believe that we are sincere to help them Socializing skill. Cooperate with boss and colleague

Personality Outgoing: I am not afraid to know more and more people Pe rs e ve re : I do n’ t like to g ive up Love children: Smile on their face is the biggest gift in the world Love to challenge: Every time I overcome the challenge. I feel amused and thrilled. This is why I do n’ t want to s tuc k in the c o mfo rt zo ne Cooperative: I can realize people more deeply by cooperate Language Chinese: native Taiwanese: basic English: good Spanish: basic Volunteer and Activities Experience University International business department of college student association AIESEC (International Association of Students in Economics and Management) High school Secretary department of senior high school student association Volunteer of children camp Volunteer of domestic sport competition Model United Nations (MUN)

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