The KOUZINA culinary feast KOUZINA is the premier culinary event of the year in Eastern Halkidiki, Greece!
In the shadow of the sacred Mount Athos, in the cove of the Athonian Bay, on the sandy Ammouliani Island, at the foot of the Aristotelian Mountain, in the Strymonikos and Akantios Bay, on the verges of Cholomontas Mountain, we invite you to smell and taste our organic products and flavours in a magnificent culinary feast, in which you participate as of this day!
On Ierissos beach, a few meters beyond the sea, close to the traditional shipyards, lovers of pizza, dough and good spaghetti will discover their paradise: it is Simos Pizza House, i.e. the "house of Simos", but also his mum Veta, who takes care of everything offered in the famous pizzeria.
Pizzas, calzones and penirli of all kinds – all made by local ingredients: Stathori yellow or goat cheese, homemade sauces, local greengrocers, quality cold meats and the famous Karavasili sausage, which is the main ingredient on Simos' signature pizza. It's the pizza / makes a splash in the whole area!
On special occasions you will order / find pizza with goat cheese and Halkidiki olives, as well as the famous wine lees pizza, the dough of which is made by the remains of grapes – i.e. the Agrovision Winery circular economy products. The variation of the Italian Bolognese is also extra delicious, the sauce of which is made with the above-mentioned local sausage and it is offered as a ragu Bolognese dish, served with bucatini!
The «soul» of Simos Pizza House is the owner Despina, who is inspired by the rich culinary tradition of Ierissos, experiments, composes, «tastes» and works from early in morning until early in the next morning.
The result? It justifies her!
Tonight, the Sicilian visiting chefs Lorenzo Muratore and Giroramo Ganci in cooperation with (the local) DESPOINA & SIMOS present the authentic Messina pasta in an authentic Italian evening!
Bon appetite!