REMARKABLE: Four Square Curriculum 2022-2023

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FOUR SQUARE 2022-2023


I praise you because I am remarkably and wonderfully made. PSAL M 139:14

a note from 99 Balloons Four Square Coordinators, Our theme for rEcess and Four Square is “remarkable” which comes from a translation of Psalm 139:14 stating, “I praise you because I am remarkably and wonderfully made.” In the disability space, this verse is often used to remind people how God specifically and intentionally made our friends experiencing disability and how they are remarkable. At Four Square, we have the opportunity to remind our siblings that they are remarkable too! We know our siblings of children experiencing disability struggle with being overlooked, forgotten, and unseen as the needs of their siblings are sometimes significant and time-sensitive. This year, we will speak the word “remarkable” over our sibs! As I have conversations with older siblings, they all continue to say the same thing. They want people to be with them and with their sibling when things are really good and really hard. A lot of people find it easy to stick around when things are fun and simple, but they really see who their true community is when people show up when things are hard and complicated. That being said, what a gift the community of Four Square is to these siblings! Monthly, your siblings will be surrounded by a community of other siblings and volunteers who can dedicate the needed time and attention solely to these siblings.

While it may feel like it takes a bit for sibs to open up and share, be confident that Four Square is shifting the narrative for our siblings. Your consistency to show up, your ability to facilitate fun and memory-making activities, and your presence mean more than you will ever know. You are remarkable! May God work mightily during your Four Square time each and every month. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for investing in the lives of our rEcess siblings. Rebecca Wall Programs Director

table of contents Tips & Best Practices


September 2022 7 October 2022 11 November 2022 15 December 2022 19 January 2023 23 February 2023 27 March 2023 31 April 2023 35 May 2023 39 Bonus Birthday Month 43 Notes 47


Tips & Best Practices Four Square is a designated time for siblings to gather together to have fun, connect, and encourage one another. We have designed Four Square to be a small part of rEcess while still allowing sibs to participate in all that night has to offer. As you consider implementing Four Square, there are several things we have learned over the years that we would love to share with you!

Four Square Leaders We recommend having someone from your leadership team and/or a faithful volunteer committed to lead Four Square. We suggest having a consistent group of Four Square volunteers to help execute the activities. If possible, we think it is ideal to have a volunteer who is a sibling on this leadership team. If not, find a volunteer who excels at engaging with children in conversations and facilitating fun!

Time We suggest pulling your older siblings for 45-60 minutes during rEcess. We think a great time to do this is during the first hour of rEcess or during large group time.

Age We recommend that Four Square include siblings above the age of eight. We have experienced the most success with older siblings because of their maturity and ability to participate in the planned activities. However, this age limit is flexible and can be decided by the leadership team.

In order to serve siblings well, please use this curriculum as a guide. There is complete freedom with this program, but we have done our best to provide ideas and games for you as a starting point for Four Square. Each of the activities provided is purposeful and designed for siblings.

Pows & Wows We recommend starting your time together with Pows & Wows. It is a great way to have siblings share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Group Game We think games bring laughter, connection, and provide memories for our siblings. This is a specific time where they can let loose and enjoy being a kid!

Sibs Chat This is a specific and intentional time for sibs to chat about what it is like to be a sibling to their brother or sister experiencing disability. We have provided two questions for you to ask each sibling in order to start the conversation. As always, be flexible and allow for encouraging and organic conversations!

Intentional Activity We have suggested an intentional activity that will facilitate conversations and provide another outlet for siblings to express the highs and lows of being a sib.

Take Away & Scripture Please close your time together in prayer, meditating on Scripture, and offering to pray for one another. You can pray as a group, you can share requests, or you can take private prayer requests where siblings write them down and leave them with you.


September 2022


“Being a sibling is remarkable because of the ways that the Lord has used my experience of having a little brother with Down syndrome to impact my pursuit of others. It has given me the ability to empathize, embrace, recognize, and create a safe place where differences are invited and included at the table. I am constantly learning how to better celebrate the different ways the Lord has gifted us all with remarkable abilities.” CLAIRE AND CALEB

Activities Pows & Wows

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Group Game: Line ‘Em Up! Instructions 1. The goal of this game is for the sibs to line up oldest to youngest (birthdays included) without speaking. 2. Set a timer and tell them to start! They can use hand motions and signals, but they cannot mouth or speak any words. 3. Once they believe they have completed this task, stop the timer. 4. Have them all state their age and birthday in order to check their accuracy! Repeat this game with more challenges such as: + Pet name by the first letter + Favorite candy by the first letter + Favorite movie by the first letter + Middle name by the first letter

Sibs Chat

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below.

Intentional Activity: Roll & Share Materials Dice

Instructions 1. Have the sibs take turns rolling the die. 2. You will have 6 questions written down that correspond to each number on the cube. 3. Have the sib share their answer. 4. Continue the game until time is up.

Questions 1. Share a memory you made with your family this summer. 2. What are you grateful for today? 3. How do you help your family? 4. What is something good that has happened to you recently? 5. How has your sibling made you laugh recently? 6. What is something you admire about your sibling?

Take Away & Scripture

As believers, we need to encourage one another! Four Square is a place to remind one another of God’s truth as well as celebrate your lives as siblings. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Questions + How do your friends describe you? + What do you love about your family?


October 2022


“Being a sibling is remarkable because I have been privileged to grow up with a remarkable sister, and I understand how God can use all things to bring glory to His name. God has given me a deeper understanding of what it truly means to have joy in all circumstances through my sister!” CHARLEY AND KAYLA


Activities Pows & Wows

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Intentional Activity: Feelings Charades Instructions

Group Game: Spoons!

+ Bowl + Paper + Pens



+ Deck of cards + Spoons (one spoon per person)

1. Pre-make game cards and put them in a bowl or bag. 2. Have the first person draw a card and act out the word on the card without speaking or pointing. 3. The person who correctly guesses the word will share a time when they felt that emotion and draw the next card. Feel free to let others share before moving to the next person. 4. Continue until you run out of cards. 5. You can continue to play this game with their favorite Disney movies or animals.

Instructions 1. In the middle of the table, place one less number of spoons than the number of players. 2. Deal 4 cards to each person. Have the dealer keep the deck next to them. The dealer will begin drawing and passing cards to the person next to them. Players can take or pass on the card they receive from the player next to them. 3. Repeat this process until someone has 4 of a kind. That person will pick up a spoon. The slowest person who did not grab one of the spoons is out of the game. 4. Remove a spoon every time you remove a player from the game.

Sibs Chat

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below.

Questions + Because you have a sibling with different abilities, how does this impact who you are? + What character traits have developed because you are a sib?

Charades Ideas + + + + + + + +

Happy Embarrassed Angry Silly Worried Successful Jealous Sad

Take Away & Scripture

As believers, we need to encourage one another! Four Square is a place to remind one another of God’s truth as well as celebrate your lives as siblings. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 13 1 Thessalonians 5:11

November 2022


“My sibling is remarkable because she brings out the best in everyone around her, forgives without holding a grudge, appreciates all the little things, and brightens even the worst days. Teagan's gifts from the Lord include so many qualities we all wish we had. She is remarkably made.” TRISTAN AND TEAGAN

Activities Pows & Wows

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Group Game: Hot Seat Instructions 1. Sit in a circle. Choose one person to sit in the middle of the circle called the “hot seat.” 2. For the next 1-2 minutes, the group will shout out questions rapidly to the person in the “hot seat.” The person in the “hot seat” will answer as quickly as possible. 3. Rotate through each sibling and volunteer sitting in the “hot seat.”

Examples + + + + + + + +

Favorite Favorite Favorite Favorite Favorite Favorite Favorite Favorite

candy book TV show holiday animal snack vacation spot Disney movie

Sibs Chat

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below.


Intentional Activity: Thankful Web Materials Spool of Yarn

Instructions 1. Have all of the siblings sit or stand in a circle. 2. The leader will start by holding one end of the spool of string. The leader will share something that they are thankful for this season. 3. The leader will toss the spool to one of the siblings to catch. The child will share something they are thankful for this season. 4. Continue to toss the yarn until everyone has shared and the web is complete. 5. Take this as an opportunity to talk about how sibs are a unique community, everyone is needed and wanted, and how you have so much in common with one another. 6. Feel free to play again and share something they are thankful for in regards to their relationship with their sibling.

Take Away & Scripture

We can trust that God is working in the midst of our suffering. With His help, I can persevere during all trials. “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” Romans 5:3-5

+ Are there things you miss out on because you have a sibling experiencing disability? + What things do you gain by having a sibling experiencing disability? 17

December 2022


“My sibling is remarkable because she loves life so much! The little things in life bring her joy and remind me to be grateful for God’s little miracles.” JORDAN AND JASMINE

Activities Pows & Wows

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Group Game: Guess that Christmas Song! Instructions 1. Prepare a list of Christmas songs for one sib to hum for the group. 2. The sib that guesses the correct song is up next! 3. Play until all of the songs are hummed. You could also prepare to play the instrumental version of the song for everyone to guess if your group doesn't want to hum!

Examples + + + + + +

Oh, Holy Night Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer Frosty the Snowman Away in a Manger Jingle Bells The Twelve Days of Christmas

Sibs Chat

Intentional Activity: Christmas Cards Materials + Construction paper + Markers + Assortment of Christmas card decorations

Instructions 1. Each child will make a Christmas card for someone in the Four Square group. You can draw names or choose the person sitting on their left. 2. Encourage the sibs to write meaningful and encouraging notes to their friends. 3. Pass out the completed cards at the end of Four Square for them to take home.

Take Away & Scripture

Lift your eyes to God when you are in need of help. He is always with you. “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” Psalm 121: 1-4

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below.

Questions + Do you tend to pick friends who will get along with your sibling or treat them with respect? + What do you tell your friends about your sib’s disability? 21

January 2023


“My sibling is remarkable because his love for others is so remarkably authentic and strong. He will give you all his time without hesitation and laugh just to laugh. His wonder of the world is not based on what can be explored or achieved. It’s found in the people he shares life with as that's where his joy comes from.” HUDSON AND ELLIOT

Activities Pows & Wows

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Group Game: Toilet Paper Tell All Materials Roll of toilet paper

Instructions 1. Pass a roll of toilet paper around the circle and tell the kids to take as many squares as they think they may need. Do not give any further instruction. 2. Each person has to share special facts about themself based on the number of squares of toilet paper. If they took five squares, they will share five facts.

Sibs Chat

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below.

Questions + What was your best Christmas memory this year? + What did your family do to celebrate Christmas?

Intentional Activity: Graffiti Wall! Materials + Butcher paper or posterboard + Markers

Instructions 1. Hang several strips of butcher paper, large post-it notes, or poster board on the wall with different prompts for the sibs to answer. 2. Send them around with markers and encourage them to answer as many prompts as they can. They can write their name next to their response or leave it anonymous. 3. Once everyone has a chance to respond, choose a few of the prompts to share with the group. Allow the kids to respond, share, or chat about some of the answers.

Examples I wish my sibling…. I wish my parents knew... I am proud of myself because… Often, I help my sibling… I worry about…. I know that God…. I wish my friends understood…

Take Away & Scripture

God has great plans for you and your sibling. Know that you can always seek and pray to God. He will listen to you! “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11 25

February 2023


“God has used my sibling in remarkable ways to demonstrate God’s kindness, grace, and unconditional love. I have seen Kobe go through some unimaginable physical, emotional, and spiritual hardships, but God’s grace has always allowed him to be strong, faithful, and joyful through it all. I have seen times where friendships have been challenging for Kobe, but he has been persistent in pursuit of those he loves, no matter what. Kobe isn’t perfect, but he is still an incredible sibling who I can look up to and see God’s unending love.” JORDAN AND KOBE

Activities Pows & Wows

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Intentional Activity: Letter to My Sib Materials

Group Game: Balloon Feelings

+ Construction paper + Envelopes + Markers



+ Balloons + Sharpies

1. Have each sibling write a note and/or draw a picture for their sibling. Encourage them to remind their sibling why they love them, what they see in them, and share with them why they are special. 2. Put the completed letter in an envelope. If the sibling is able, have them address their envelope and stamp it. 3. Collect letters and mail the letter next week!

Instructions 1. Each sib gets to blow up a balloon and write a feeling they often experience being a sibling. Encourage them to be thoughtful and use words other than “happy” and “good.” 2. For an allotted amount of time, the sibs will try to keep all of the balloons up in the air. 3. When time runs out, the sib will keep the balloon they were currently using and share about a time when they felt that exact feeling. 4. Repeat this game as many times as you want in order to get conversations starting!

Sibs Chat

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below.

Take Away & Scripture

Fill your mind with the things of Christ: true, lovely, and praiseworthy things. “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

Questions + What do you hope life looks like for you in 10 years? + Do you ever think about what your sibling’s life will look like in 10 years?


March 2023


“God has used my siblings in remarkable ways to show so much of His character to me—his kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. He has used my siblings and others like them to show so many that He creates all things good and that His idea of that is so vastly different than ours.” CHLOE, JACIE, AND BRADY

Activities Pows & Wows

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Group Game: Caught Red-Handed! Materials

Intentional Activity: Feelings Wheel Materials + Posterboard + Markers + Spinner (paperclip and a pen)


1. One player stands in the middle of the circle with his or her eyes closed. 2. Everyone else passes around the marble (or small object) or pretends to pass around the object whether they have it or not. 3. When time is up, the player in the middle opens their eyes and has three guesses to find the person holding the marble. 4. The player “caught red-handed” or whoever has the marble after three unsuccessful guesses is the next person in the center of the circle.

1. Draw a large circle and divide it into eighths. 2. Label each section with a different emotion/ feeling. Options: Joy, Embarrassed, Stressed, Anxious, Angry, Loved, Jealousy, Ignored, Misunderstood, Surprised. 3. Each child will spin and tell a story about when they have felt that emotion. It can relate to having a sibling or it can be simply about them. 4. Continue to take turns playing until time is up! 5. Remind the children that feelings are always real, and everyone experiences every feeling. They change all of the time, and it is always good to talk about your feelings with someone you trust.

Sibs Chat

Take Away & Scripture



Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below.


Rejoice, pray, and give thanks. This is what God desires for each of us to do each and every day. “Rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances! For this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

+ Do you ever feel invisible or like you do not get attention at home? + When do you feel the happiest?


April 2023


“God has used my sibling in remarkable ways to reach those that might not have heard the gospel.” ELIZABETH AND CAROLINE


Activities Pows & Wows

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Intentional Activity: Easter Egg Convos Materials

Group Game: Bean Boozled

+ Easter eggs + Paper + Pens



Bean Boozled game (

1. Using the spinner provided with the game, have a sibling spin to find out which Jelly Bean they will have to try. They will either get a normal flavor or a gross flavor, but they have to try the Jelly Bean in order to find out! 2. Repeat until all have participated in the game.

1. Have each sib write two questions they want to ask their friends. It can be about their family, sibling, interests, or how they feel about certain situations. 2. They will put their questions into Easter eggs and place it in the basket. 3. Each sib will choose an egg, read the question aloud, and answer it. 4. Repeat until all of the eggs are gone.

Sibs Chat

Take Away & Scripture


“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10


Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below.

God created us uniquely and with a great purpose. He has prepared good works for each of us to do!

+ Has your sibling ever embarrassed you? + What is the weirdest question you’ve ever been asked about your sibling?


May 2023


“My sibling is remarkable because he is one of one. There is not another person on this Earth like him. He has a heart of gold. He's the most loyal person I have ever met. He loves so hard and is always so happy and positive. Everyone who meets him falls in love with him and his BIG personality!” JORDAN AND KOLE


Activities Pows & Wows

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.

Group Game: Uno! Materials Uno!

Instructions 1. Use the directions provided with this card game.

Sibs Chat

Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below.

Questions + What are you looking forward to this summer? + How has it been helpful to know other sibs?

Intentional Activity: Draw a Memory Materials + Paper + Markers

Instructions 1. Give each child a piece of blank paper and markers. 2. Ask them to think of any memory with their sibling experiencing disability and have them draw it. 3. Once everyone has completed their picture, have each person share their memory with the group.

Take Away & Scripture

You are not forgotten by your Creator. He loves you and remembers you. “Yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me.” Isaiah 49:16


Bonus Birthday Month


“My sibling is remarkable because she has the strength of empathy. She is less judgemental of people and their shortcomings and is always willing to forgive and move on. She doesn't hold grudges!” COURTNEY AND WHITNEY


Activities Pows & Wows

Sibs Chat

Group Game: Over the Mountain


Have the siblings sit in a circle. Go around the circle and have each person share their favorite and least favorite thing about their week.


Have the siblings sit in a circle. Ask each sibling to introduce themselves by stating their name and their sibling’s name. If they want to share a little bit about their sibling, give them time to share. Then, spend time answering the questions below.

+ What is your biggest fear? + What is your biggest accomplishment?


Instructions 1. Have everyone sit in a chair in a circle. Note:: As the leader, you will not have a chair and will stand in the center of the circle. 2. The person standing in the middle of the circle will say, “Over the mountain if….” and finish the sentence. 3. If the statement is true for the participants, they will get up and find a new chair. However, they cannot go to the chair directly next to them. 4. The last person to find a chair will be the person in the middle and will start the next round. 5. Repeat and have fun!

Examples + “Over the mountain if you had cereal this morning.” + “Over the mountain if your sibling with a disability is older than you.” + “Over the mountain if you have been to the beach.”

Intentional Activity: If I Could Tell… Materials “If I Could Tell” worksheet (found on Equip)

Instructions 1. Explain to the siblings how to complete the worksheet. 2. Once completed, allow each sib to stand up and read their answer. 3. Clap and cheer after each sib reads!

Take Away & Scripture

As believers, we need to encourage one another! Four Square is a place to remind one another of God’s truth as well as celebrate your lives as siblings. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11




47 99balloonsinc @99balloonsorg 48

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