2022 Annual Update

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annual update 20 22

mission Building inclusive communities so that every person with a disability & their family can live a full life within relationships. mission + vision vision Changing the story of disability by proclaiming the worth & imagebearing beauty of each & every human being. Consider this your invitation We welcome you into a real and beautiful hope of how the story of disability is changing, how lives are being transformed and inclusion is actually happening through real life relationships. Throughout these pages you will find story after story displaying what we know at 99 Balloons as our theory of change: when people get to know each other, they start to care about each other & true change happens. So take hold of the invitation to come along, not only are we unable to do this alone, but we don't want to It is always better together an invitation for you

table of contents 04 06 07 08 10 11 12 14 16 18 Theory of Change A Family of 99B Fellows Relationships at rEcess Engage Labs Cohort All In Financial Update Programming Update Join Us YL Capernaum + bEfriend Hope Heals + 99B

The story of disability is changing & I am hopeful, honored & humbled to be stepping into the role of 99 Balloons Executive Director. Since the earliest days, Matt & I have always seen God out in front of 99 Balloons taking it places beyond our own imagination. The heartbeat & gifting of our incredible staff is a clear place where He has provided for 99 Balloons. I am new to the day to day but these are the ones who are in every detail, faithfully behind the scenes. They make 99 Balloons what it is today So I want you to hear their heart & voice & be encouraged ginny mooneyexecutive director

02 from the staff becca wall, programs director madeline huisjen, office + communications manager

While Covid has certainly continued to impact every part of our world, God’s heart to change the story of disability from one of isolation to community is still evident and moving I’ve seen first hand the way hearts and actions are shifting as people build relationships with one another rEcess and bEfriend are certainly highlights of my week! Thank you for choosing to step into the story of disability with us May these stories and these pages remind you of the impact relationships have on us

This August, I celebrated one year with 99 Balloons What a joy and privilege it has been As office manager, I spend most of my time in our Fayetteville office, working behind the scenes I’ve also had the opportunity to be involved in both a local rEcess and bEfriend group If you would have told me five years ago that interacting with disability would become a daily part of my life, I probably wouldn’t have believed you Fear of the unexpected and a lack of familiarity had kept me far away. However, as one interaction turned into another and then eventually into my full time job, I can’t imagine life without my friends experiencing disability. I often think back to my original hesitancy and fears. When talking with site directors about their need for more volunteers, or when thanking those who support 99 Balloons so generously, the common theme has remained the same: when we build relationships with people it changes us. Many times it prompts us to step into something we may have previously avoided.

What a big year for 99 Balloons! The seeds that were planted and sown during the extended season of Covid have begun to flourish & bloom over here in the 99 Balloons programming world As churches began to reopen and people began to seek to build inclusive communities, it has been an absolute joy to encourage & equip them to do just that We will double our bEfriend sites this fall and launch 10 new rEcess sites which is absolutely incredible, as that means hundreds of people will enter into the story of disability for the very first time From the past 15 years of experience, we know these gatherings & events will change the story of disability in profound & beautiful ways It is so encouraging to see so many people take the next step toward making this a reality in their local community In addition, I have had the privilege of connecting with three major organizations to help further our impact & establish partnerships that align with our mission of building inclusive communities so that every person with a disability & their family can live a full life within relationships. Our partnership with the Tim Tebow Foundation has deepened as they push our equipping materials & programming out to their broad network of churches around the world. Our partnership with Hope Heals has provided the tools needed to host local events as well as encourage their broader community to use 99 Balloons’ ministry models to build community in their local area. Our partnership with Young Life Capernaum seeks to bring community within the local church to individuals & families experiencing disability for the entirety of their life It is quite exciting as this partnership will further our impact & reach of bEfriend, our adult friendship ministry model As always, it is an absolute gift & privilege to partner with you to further change the story of disability, and I promise you it is happening in communities around the world!


When people without disability get to know people with disability, they start to care about each other. People start to think differently about disability.

our theory of change 04

people experiencing disability are in their communities Relationships grow. People invest in change, and inclusive communities are created. valued & included 05

"bEfriendhasn his life who willbe fthere or a very long time"



Upon Kole’s graduation from high school and YL Capernaum, Kole saw less people daily which significantly impacted his relationship building and social opportunities. He lost his go to group. The transition away from YL Capernaum was hard for Kole, but the knowledge that 99 Balloons bEfriend was available for Kole made the transition much easier

Kole Smith loves people and thrived in a high school where he was constantly surrounded by people each and every day Kole was an active participant in Young Life Capernaum in Fayetteville, Arkansas where he developed friendships with the leaders and peers in his group. YL Capernaum was a gift to Kole and his family as they knew he had a steady group of people in his life who were there to support and nurture him as he transitioned from his teenage years into early adulthood

This bEfriend community of adults from a local church committed to pursue a mutual and meaningful friendship with Kole for the rest of his adult life Because his bEfriend group is tethered to a local church, he is known by a consistent and Christ centered group of folks who will walk alongside Kole. His sister said, “He is such a social guy and having a group of people to cheer him on in life and support him has been the biggest blessing our family could ask for. He relies so heavily on others for support and encouragement so this is the perfect fit for him bEfriend has put people in his life who will be there for a VERY long time ” All of us desire to be known and welcomed into a community of peers so bEfriend is a perfect fit for those adults aging out of YL Capernaum.


Last fall, Concord Community Church's rEcess site director, Cheryl, approached Sophia's aunt about having her join rEcess. The following month Sophia hopped out of the car to be greeted by Cheryl’s husband, her rEcess buddy Sophia turned to Roger, asked him if he wanted to run with her, and the rest is history! They took off running around the church property and didn't stop for 3 miles! " She comes to rEcess every month and asks Roger if he's ready to run. Nick, a high school track and cross country runner, is an additional buddy for Sophia so that Roger and Sophia are not alone on their runs Sophia doesn't care if it's 32 degrees or 85 degrees. She knows that when she comes to rEcess, she, Roger, and Nick are going to run each and every time!

Sophia and her dad started running together to manage the stresses that arose during Covid. She's very social and loves school so the change in routine hit her pretty hard Now, Sophia is on the track team which allowed her to make new friends at school. Needless to say, she LOVES to run!

07 RELATIONSHIPS AT RECESS "She comesto rEcesseverymonth& asksRogerifhe'sreadyto run

What's even more special is that Sophia now comes to church on Sundays She stares a hole in the back of Roger's head during the service After service, she is beside Roger asking him if he is ready to run. And so off they go!

Hope Heals is a faith based nonprofit, started by Katherine & Jay Wolf, that began after Katherine miraculously survived a catastrophic stroke at age 26 in 2008. For individuals, like Katherine, as well as families of adult children with disabilities, their greatest need is a compassionate, accessible, and dignifying community that provides opportunities to know and be known outside of family and caregiver relationships Hope Heals found that 99 Balloons’ rEcess and bEfriend programs provided unparalleled offerings to equip and resource organizations seeking to offer respite care and community to friends affected by disability. Hope Heals collaborated with 99 Balloons to launch two rEcess sites called Hope Heals Local "The rEcess & bEfriend curriculum powerfully translated 99 Balloons’ disability experience into practical application that made our organization feel equipped and credible The team at 99 Balloons was so helpful and available as we prepared for our gathering, their assistance was encouraging, informative, and motivating."


Hope Heals Local launched its first events in Spring 2022 in the Atlanta & Birmingham area Between the two Hope Heals Local events, more than 370 volunteers & participants joined the gatherings At the Atlanta Hope Heals Local event, a father of a participating family recounted the life highlight of seeing his 5 year old boy attend the first party to which his son had ever been invited. He tearfully recalled his son happily walking through the welcome parade as his presence was greeted with shouts of welcome, acceptance, and cheer "hispresence wasgreetedwithshoutsofwelcome, acceptance,andcheer "




Engage Labs Cohort was a new initiative this year to provide in depth training to a small group of ministry and nonprofit leaders in the disability space In the fall, the cohort met for a retreat in Arizona to learn about cutting edge issues in disability. In the winter, Jo Saxton took the group through leadership development training. The cohort experience culminated in the spring with a final experience in Fayetteville, AR, where leaders were able to experience a rEcess event in person and learn about the latest in museum and program accessibility at Crystal Bridges. The most exciting part of the cohort was watching relationships develop between members and seeing their excitement to change the story of disability within their own ministry contexts. One cohort member, Natasha Cambe from Nevada, came away with the tools needed to begin a disability ministry and rEcess program at her church Others are looking to start rEcess and bEfriend sites in Arkansas and Alabama. the most excitingpart ofthe cohort was... seeingtheir excitementto changethe storyofdisability


Neighbors notice how much care both Mama Denise and the school staff take in dressing her smartly, transporting her to and from school each day and making sure she has everything she needs. The neighbors see how they value, honor, cherish, and prioritize Denise’s life because it has immense meaning and purpose

Although Denise’s life is far from easy and her mother has many challenges in caring for her, they both keep smiling and praising God for their lives. When asked what she would want other people to know about what it is like to have a child with disabilities, Mama Denise stated, “They should know that such a child is a blessing as it forces you closer to God!”

Through "All In", 99 Balloons partners with organizations in developing countries to bring care, education, and therapy services to children experiencing disability 9 out of 10 children in developing countries with disabilities are not included in school. Because of the support our partners receive from us, we are seeing stories like Denise’s time and again as children are being included in their local community. Due to the stigma surrounding disability in Uganda, Mama Denise admits to feeling very frightened and overwhelmed after giving birth to Denise and learning that her daughter had Cerebral Palsy. In Uganda, many people blame the parents for their child’s diagnosis and claim that the child is cursed which left Denise’s family with little to no support Denise has been a part of our partner’s school since 2014 where she first had the opportunity to go to school, receive medical care, and therapy while her mother received financial help as well as training in how to best care for her daughter. Today, Denise is a 15 year old girl who lives a life that challenges perceptions of disability, and it is incredible to see the response from their local community.

"neighbors see how they value, honor, cherish,andprioritize Denise’s life because iithas mmense meaning andpurpose"

Sarah Nelson Being involved in the 99 Balloons fellowship gave me opportunities to serve, meet like minded friends, and hear from some amazing speakers that shifted my perspective on disability Being a special education teacher in the DFW area, I still think about the conversations and equipping opportunities I had as a fellow, particularly hearing from local moms whose children experience disability. Mostly, I kept coming back to serve with 99 Balloons because of the amazing community of families The way these families love and care for one another shows me a glimpse of the Fatherly love that we receive in Christ.


Over the past four years, we have had three incredible sisters pass through our fellowship program as they all pursue an education, career, and life centered around the disability community. Be encouraged by their stories, their perspectives, and their growth in understanding God’s heart for our friends and families affected by disability But, most of all, celebrate with us the countless ways our 99 Balloons community has impacted them because of the authentic relationships and community found here

Each year, 99 Balloons hosts, equips, and mentors 8 college students through our internship and fellowship program. We invite them into our world at 99 Balloons, broaden their view of local and global disability, and give them an opportunity to serve and be served by our 99 Balloons community


Emily Nelson I cannot imagine my college without the 99 Balloons fellowship I’ve had so much time to reflect on my time with 99 Balloons, and the one word I have to describe my experience is rewarding Going into nursing, I am excited to share the wisdom gained to better serve and care for each patient, family, and coworker I may have! Beyond that, I believe the Lord has put me in this field to change the story of disability in a new way, in a new light, and with a new set of tools which were strengthened through my time at 99 Balloons

Ashley Nelson I keep coming back to 99 Balloons because I can never get enough! I leave feeling extremely joyful, thankful, blessed, and I’m just so amazed that I get to be a part of something so special My perspective has shifted after my experience with the 99 Balloons community, particularly the families and kids from rEcess. In the future, I know I will be surrounded by people with disabilities, and 99 Balloons has shown me how to better include, care for, and befriend those with differing abilities.


PROGRAMMING 14 rEcess sites 20 22 salem, oregon davis, california fullerton, california englewood, colorado lubbock, texas houston, texas dallas, texas (2) alvin, texas memphis, tennessee nashville, tennessee (2) canton, ohio st louis, missouri springfield, missouri bolivar, missouri pembroke, massachusetts baton rouge, louisiana oakville, ontario, canada etobicoke, ontario, canada willowdale, ontario, canada carlton, VIC, australia hurricane, west virginia little rock, arkansas rogers, arkansas bentonville, arkansas (2) fayetteville, arkansas (3) UPDATE bEfriend sites fayetteville, arkansas (4) rogers, arkansas

15 Every part of 99 Balloons is set up to build connections. We are reaching to change the story of disability through training, awareness, investment opportunities & of course programming, When you see these balloons on this map, know it is so much more than just a location, a rEcess or bEfriend site, but a place where authentic connection takes place....relationships are forming...inclusion is happening! NEW & LAUNCHING bEfriend sites fayetteville, arkansas tyro, kansas jefferson city, tennessee san antonio, texas dallas, texas rogers, arkansas NEW & LAUNCHING bentonville, arkansas prairie grove, arkansas birmingham, alabama atlanta, georgia bellevue, florida mckinney, texas dresher, pennsylvania little rock, arkansas tyro, kansas branson, missouri san antonio, texas (2) fort worth, texas pickins, south carolina green bay, wisconsin rEcess sites

FINANCIAL U P D A T E 79.7% 12.4% 7.9% 16 Admnistration Fundraising Programming INCOME: $284,000.43 EXPENSES: $279,358.85


Thank you. We are beyond grateful for your involvement in this beautiful story. Your donations create tangible, meaningful change The relationships & stories that these pages hold is the spark of change that is actually happening. This is not just a theory or idea. This is real connections and real impact on real lives Families & individuals are moving from isolation into community. The story of disability is changing & we are hopeful. But, the story of disability must continue to change and we need you. None of this happens without your ongoing support and generosity which connects us all to something so much bigger than ourselves. Join us! The best is yet to come!

PO Box 10934 Fayetteville, AR 72703 www.99balloons.org

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