RhiannonJones 557484 Sketchbook

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Rhiannon Jones - 557484

Sketchbook: Week One. PART 1.

Step 1: Create curves.

Step 3: put curves into Grasshopper.

Step 5: use F10 to turn on control points and modify surface.

Step 4: loft them in Grasshopper.

Step 6: bake surface.

Step 2: loft curves in Rhino and see that when moving control points, the surface does not move with it.

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Sketchbook: Week One. PART 2.

Step 1: Delaynay Triangulation (random points).

Step 4: Using the Triangular Grid.

Step 2: Voronoi (random points).

Step 5: MateBall.

Step 3: Using the Hexagonal Grid.

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Step 6: 3D Voronoi and Bake out

Step 7: OcTree

Sketchbook: Week Two. 1. Vector Fundamentals. A vector defines magnitude and direction, a point defines position and a plane defines orientation.

2. Understanding Geometry Transformations and Intersections.

Step 3: dividing polyline into triangulated chunks.

Step 1: creating a mesh surface.

Step 1: setting the magnitude of a vector.

Step 2: meshing geometry. Step 2: setting an axis along which the vector lies and sets its magnitude.

Step 4: offsetting multiple curves and setting a plane so they all offset on the same side

I was unable to get this to work.

Step 3: create a plane with a chosen point as the origin.

3. Curve menu. Step 1: closing two curves.

Step 5: planar surface.

Step 4: adding vectors together. Step 2: points on polyline.

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Step 6: evaluate a curve, so that the end is 0 and the other end is 1.

Step 9: interpolate or fitting nurbs curves exactly through a list of points.

Step 10: poly line is straight line segments through the points.

Step 7: divide curve into segments. Step 11: geodesic; I don’t understand, doesn’t work for me.

Step 8: creating an arc between points, dividing arc into specific segments.

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Sketchbook: Week Three. 1. Creating a Gridshell Step 1: 3 point arc, lofting, close the loft.

2. Patterning Lists

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Sketchbook: Week Four. 1. Field fundamentals Megnetic fields pushing against each other, direction display used to add colour to the mesh.

2. Voussoir Cloud

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Sketchbook: Week Five. 1. Biothing Fields

2. Evaluating Fields

3. Graph Controllers

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4. Image Sampling

Radius of circles too big

Modifying radius of circles

Using a different image

Double layer of circles lofted at an angle to make cones. Page 9

5. Double Agent White

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Sketchbook: Weeks Six and Seven.

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Sketchbook: Part C. Prototyping

1:2 model of tubular solar panel

CNC router for bath visualization, card cutter for people - single pod was supposed to fit over the baths but we could not print it Page 16

Glow stick structure for nighttime visualization and central hub connection

3D printing (powder) of design

3D printing a single hub in plastic - structure failed as too thin, unable to remove supporting structure without breaking the model - too fragile

3D printing (powder) of individual pods placed of baths

Design evolution

modifying the form of the domes by adapting the graph and trimming the bottomwith a brep for the baths

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Single dome

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design evolution

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