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Project Leader’s Speech
Dear reader,
Despite the changes that are happening around us every day, ESTIEM has proved to be constant in one part: the ability to always aim higher. In the 59th issue that you are currently reading, we tried to capture some of the proudest moments of our network in the past six months.
In a year when we are celebrating 30 years of existing as an organization, I couldn’t be any more happier to, together with my team, welcome you to the journey that is the exploration of the achievements ESTIEMers were inspired to make. The ability to adapt and advance was much needed in these troubling times, and I believe we all managed to show strength, determination and the power of passion that led us into achieving more than we would have ever hoped. The inability to travel, to be surrounded by people with the same goals, made my team even more eager to lock a bit of the ESTIEM spirit and keep it a part of this issue forever. Tanja Gagić
I hope that after reading the articles you find in this issue, you will feel the need to explore more of the ESTIEM playground and challenge yourself to risk, improve, adapt and advance in all the areas that would make you happy. Thank you to all the authors that contributed to this issue, to all the readers that took time to appreciate what we have done, to the whole network for allowing ESTIEM Magazine to constantly grow and to my team for making the adventure of creating a magazine Much love,

issue unforgettable. ESTIEM Magazine Project Leader