Cruise News - September 2024

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Photo by Viki Moore

In this issue

September 2024

Lots of Awesome Boats for Sale

From the Helm

The latest update from Viki

Go East & Pacific Rally 2024

Lots of photos of our adventures

Orca In Gibralter

A scary encounter

Confessions of a Rigging Apprentice

Sailing Niue

Upcoming Events

Boating Etiquette ask our Pirate panelist your curly questions

From the helm

I’ve been back in New Zealand for a couple of weeks, catching up on everything here and heading back up to Fiji this week, just in time for the Musket Cove Regatta week! It’s the 40th Anniversary of this iconic event, and I can’t wait to catch up with all our rally participants up there for some fun times.

We now have over 150 yachts on the Pacific Rally, spread all the way from French Polynesia to Australia, all going in various different directions at the end of the season

Many will make the passage south to New Zealand to enjoy all the fabulous cruising in this stunning part of the world, others are Going West to Australia where they’ll also find some fantastic cruising and great marinas and yards

The international cruisers joining us for these last legs of the rally in to NZ or AU are given all the information they need to safely make the passage, including everything they need to know about our strict Biosecurity regulations, which visas to apply for, weather support, and advice on which marina or boat yard they can either leave their boat for a while or get some much needed maintenance and TLC done

Some of our rally participants are staying up in the tropics or heading to Indonesia, Japan and beyond.

` The rally itinerary is flexible so people can choose their dates and destinations as they wish, and they are all connected and kept informed of exactly what is going on in the Pacific Everything from upcoming events, to safety and security tips, tsunami warnings, weather advice and information about all the formalities throughout the Pacific. Along with all the fantastic discounts we get from all the marinas and rally partners in the Pacific too

We also have a Citizens of the Sea conference this month, we will be learning all about what information the scientists have learned from all the eDNA samples we collected on the passage up to the Islands Rally participants were invited to take part in this trial and they were given training and equipment to take the samples enroute. This is something that really interests me and I’m looking forward to connecting with the team and volunteer scientists to hear their feedback about how this exiting pilot program has worked for everyone.

In the Maritime NZ space - you may recall we’ve been providing some feedback on developing the new rules and process for the Cat 1 Safety inspections going forward. (Only required for NZ vessels going offshore). I’ve been sharing lots of information with our Island Cruising members and getting their feedback on how they’d like to see things working going forwards, and I am hopeful of getting a system that will work well for all parties Watch this space!

Our Pacific Rally for 2025 also launched last month, and we now have over 50 registrations. These people are all working their way through the preparation content, to help ensure that their vessel, their crew and themselves are well prepared for the adventures ahead. Thanks so much to all our partner businesses, the rally participants can get some excellent discounts and advice from a wide range of marine products and services

We’ve also launched our South Island Rally for the summer and you can watch the recent webinar here. As well as an information package for those planning on heading to Japan.

I look forward to catching up with many of you in Fiji over the next few weeks! I’ll be cruising with Richard & Libby on Bella Vita, so if you see us, please come say hi!



Our rally pre-departure content is just getting underway!

Yacht Manual - A printed manual to help you record all the details of your vessel and safety equipment on board.

An invitation to join our Pacific Rally 2025 WhatsApp Group. You will also find sub-groups inside the main community where you can chat about Tech Talk, connect with the other boats with children on board, boats starting in Australia & boats starting in NZ.

Module on Preparing the Vessel - in this update we talk through some of the common issues we've had on various boats in previous rallies, and things you can do to help avoid those issues on your boat.

Module on Preparing the Crew - in this update we talk about preparing a sailing CV which is useful for both your Insurance company and for NZ registered boats to show their Inspector. We also detail some great discounts you can get with our various suppliers on some extra training.

Module on Documentation & Administration - in this update we work through all the paperwork required for going offshore, passports, boat registration, filing systems, insurance, vessel details & crew list template and more.

Check out all the other rally inclusions here

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Sail South to New Zealand!

Join us to Sail South to New Zealand this summer!

Our Sail South Rally package contains all you need to know to make the passage to New Zealand, support with navigating all the immigration, customs & biosecurity formalities, passage planning, weather routing and great discounts and information to help you enjoy your stay in New Zealand.

Check out all the inclusions on our website. Or watch our information webinar here:

Sail to Japan

We have a number of our Pacific Rally 2024 participants who are heading towards Japan at the end of this season, so we have put together a special package for those going in that direction which includes:

The Japan rally guide book - updated with the extra content from what we learned last year (Postage at additional cost). 1

Access to our PredictWind Japan Rally tracker for the boats heading in that direction. 2. A WhatsApp group where you can connect together to share information and ideas. 3. A Document Library on our website where I will load all the paperwork for entering Japan and other destinations along the way and other useful information - which we can also add to at any time with any other things you learn or find that may be useful for others 4. North Pacific Ocean chart.


Please note that this is an independent rally, and Island Cruising will act as a hub for resources and to connect you all together and with the others who have sailed that way previously, so that ideas can be shared among the group

This is not a fully supported rally, so you will need to:

Arrange your own weather routing if you wish to use a router 1.

Have your boat well set up for a long offshore passage, along with all the equipment needed to potentially ride out a cyclone at sea, a very good handle on your water/fuel/power consumption - you will have long periods at sea, so you can't just turn the engine on when you run out of wind or are low on power (Our online learning resources can help with this) 2. I'll provide the paperwork that I have for Japan and the places along the way, but you will need to do your own due diligence on how and where to submit it and also all the places you are sailing via.


3. To support & share any content you find with others heading in the same direction - I can add any extra content into our Document library too so it is a useful resource for everyone to be able to access any useful content


The cost of the Japan Information Package is NZD$200.00 per vessel (plus membership of Island Cruising if not already a member - NZD$129 per person).


This is an independent rally, so you can sail at your own pace and via any destinations along the way. We will do our best to connect you to others heading in the same direction so you can connect and coordinate to sail together if you wish

How to enter?

We have an online entry form. Please enter online here

Optional Extra:

If you are thinking of heading off in future years and are not already up in the Pacific and would like all our pre-departure support and Pacific content that we offer to boats heading offshore for the first time, you could join the Pacific Rally 2025 for the first part of your trip

Other cool resources:

Sailing to the Heart of Japan - by Nicholas Coghlan I've just finished reading this book about their voyage to Japan. It is excellent, and there are some very useful resources in the back of the book about the ports they visited. Highly recommended You can purchase on Amazon here

Konpira Consulting

If you'd like some additional personal support from a local yacht agent based in Japan, Kirk Patterson is based in Japan and offers all kinds of services to support cruisers. There are two Japan Rallies in 2025 and his website has got lots of useful resources. Konpira Consulting website

+ Special offers for Sail South Rally Participants!

Safeguarding Rangitāhua, the Kermadec Islands

Rangitahua, Kermadec Islands, is an archipelago lying about 1000km northeast of New Zealand.Thisgroupofislandsisinternationallyrecognised,andholdsnatureandmarine reservestatus,ahighleveloflegalprotectioninNewZealand.Theislandsandwatersare hosttogloballysignificantandfragileecosystems,andbiotafoundnowhereelseonEarth. Thisplaceisoneofonlyfourpristinemarineecosystemsontheplanet.Suchistheneedfor thisplacetoberigorouslysafeguarded.

Alltheislandswithinthereserveareextremelydelicateandevenlownumbersofvisitors canresultinunintendedconsequenceswithinthefragileecosystem.Accesstotheislands andthewatersisstrictlycontrolled.Enteringthewatersorlandingontheislandsisonlyby permitwhich,currently,islimitedtoresearchexpeditionsonly.Wherepermitsaregranted, thevesselhullmustbecleanedandinspected,andtherequiredcertificationofinspection approvedinadvance.

Theislandsandsurroundingterritorialwatersareunderconstantsurveillanceandvessel trackingisundertaken.Anyunauthorisedapproachtotheislandscreatesasignificantrisk ofdestroyingtheverynatureofthisuniqueplace.

IfyouhaveavalidneedtoapproachtheIslands,pleaseensureyouhavetheappropriate permitsandinspectionscompletedbeforeyourdeparturebycontactingtheDepartmentof Conservation,K

Go West to Australia!

Join us to Go West to Australia this summer!

Our Go West package contains all you need to know to make the passage to Australia, support navigating all the formalities, tips on all the best places to cruise, and great discounts and support during your stay.

Check out all the inclusions on our website. Or watch our information webinar here:

Welcome to the Bundaberg Region to all Down Under Rally participants!

We are thrilled to host such a vibrant and adventurous group of sailors, explorers, and enthusiasts from around the world.

The Bundaberg Region is known for its rich history and its vast and varying landscapes.

As an access point to the Southern Great Barrier Reef we are well situated for a range of coastal pursuits whether that be at the Port of Bundaberg launching to nearby reefs or island or snorkelling right off the shoreline.

From the coastline to our rich hinterland and every community in between you will find agricultural enterprises from sugarcane to cattle farms which have earnt us our food bowl reputation.

Delicious food and drink coupled with warm and welcoming people is what we are proud to be known for.

From the iconic Bundaberg Rum Visitor Experience to the Mon Repos Turtle Centre, there is something here for everyone. I encourage you to immerse yourselves in all that the Bundaberg Region has to offer.

The Down Under Rally embodies the spirit of adventure and camaraderie, values that are at the heart of the Bundaberg community. While visiting you can learn about the history of our famous, intrepid explorer and pioneer aviator Bert Hinkler at the Hinkler Hall of Aviation, located within our lush Botanic Gardens.

On behalf of Bundaberg Regional Council and the entire Bundaberg community, I extend my heartfelt welcome to you all.

Thank you for choosing our region as a stop on your incredible journey. We wish you the best for all your adventures.

Bali 4.4 ‘Halyna’ – Life on Board

Syndicate shareholders Peter and Avril Bristow tell us what life is like on board. “The thing that gets us every time is when we anchor in a bay is the design of this yacht. She swings to the breeze, we open the front door and the huge now trademark ‘garage’ door at the back, and we have a breeze straight through the galley, and the saloon to the aft cockpit. We take a cold beer from the two-door fridge freezer and wander off to the second cockpit at the front of the boat or the sun pads up on the top deck We are usually three couples and instinctively when we are into the marina we walk up and down the docks looking at the other cats and reaffirm our preference for the Bali design. Halyna has ample storage above and below decks so gear for live aboard is not an issue.”

“We spend all our available time on board, sometimes a week and sometimes two at a time, and when we get to the boat it’s clean and prepared by the YSM team This year in Queensland we have been north to Magnetic Island and beyond to Orpheus, Dunk, Hinchinbrook, and Cairns We go where we want – when we want My cost at $225,000 a share and $1,450 a month is 1/8th of the capital cost and the monthly outgoings are a small fraction of the cost of running a whole boat.”

Halyna has just one remaining share and Yacht Share Mariner are offering this share at a $22,500 discount as 5 months of the 3-year contract have passed This coming summer Halyna will be based at the Gladesville Bridge Marina at the centre of Sydney Harbour with access to Pittwater, Lake Macquarie and Port Stephens


Phone Trevor Joyce 0412 295 656

While I was back in NZ I did a talk at the 36 Degrees Brokers office to their clients considering heading offshoretothePacificnextseason.

ThenIwenttoYachtingNZtositonthepilotcoursefor Coastal Personal Safety - a new course designed for sailorsdoingcoastalraces.Thiscoursewillberolledout toclubsaroundNZincomingmonths

Checkoutmysnazzynewmooringlinesfor BellaVita!

DidyouknowthatNautilusBraidscancustom makeyourowncolour&designattheirfactoryin Christchurchtomatchyourboatcolourscheme? They’llalsocut,splice&whipthemtosuityour ownrequirementsandwillalsoshipanywhereinNZ

Greatservice,fantasticproduct,awesomepeoplewhoknowallaboutyachtingandyourspecific lineneedsGreatChristmaspresentideaforyourboat!;)


Drugs in the Pacific

There has been plenty of media in the last few months about the issues with drugs being smuggled around the Pacific.

Officials believe that some of the drugs are being transported by yachts. A number of our rally boats have been thoroughly searched by Customs, and there are some terrible reports of internal corruption in the Policeforce, some devastating issues with children as young as 10 years old being treated for addiction and numerous people in Fiji contracting HIV.

You can help protect local communities by reporting suspicious activity that could indicate cross-border crime. As you are cruising around you can be alert to the signs of smuggling.

If you notice yachts or boats meeting at sea, or landing in an unusual area, or transferring objects between vessels, sailing without their AIS switched on, arriving in Islands before doing their customs clearance, you may have witnessed something illegal. People in unusual or isolated areas near the coast – especially activity that looks rushed, nervous or secretive – can also be a sign of crime. If it doesn’t seem right, report it.

The Fiji Revenue & Customs Service is urging the members of the public to report any sightings of suspicious activity in relation to offload from foreign vessels to local vessels at sea in the maritime domain and play a part in disrupting such activities. You can contact them on +679 324 300 or 1326 or email

In New Zealand you can call 0800 WE PROTECT to submit a 24 hour confidential phone report, or complete an online form here:

Australia also has a confidential reporting service here:

Owning a boat is not just about having fun and traveling to the most beautiful destinations in the world. While that is the main reason why people go into the boating life, there is also the same level of responsibility attached to it, as there is enjoyment.

As a boat owner or manager, you have to look after your vessel to ensure that it is in good shape and fully stocked to leave the dock and get you and your group to your next destination safe and sound. As such, you need to plan ahead and create a list of tasks to accomplish.

Use a task management software to help you navigate the maintenance system of a boat

The best boat management tool TheBoatApp, by Marine Data Cloud, is a boat management tool designed with task monitoring in mind What it does is provide you with all your boating life in one place Through the app you can have access to your marine life, fully cataloged and backed up so you never lose track of what is going on with your boat at any time of the day and year This information is accessible on any device, whether you have an active internet connection or not

Most importantly, this is a boat management software that allows you to plan, assign tasks to other members of your team such as skippers, marina personnel, or technicians, and place deadlines so you can be ahead of the game.

The advantages of TheBoatApp

The major advantage of using TheBoatApp is that you can always access information in real-time. So if a task has been completed you can just check on the app if it has been marked as such or if you need to assign someone else to help.

You can also register a task to be done on a certain date and get a notification when it is checked off the list If you are not the most organized person when it comes to remembering to do a task, just add a prealert to get notified ahead of time

Last but not least, share this information with whoever you believe needs to be in the loop and get your boat in good shape before a trip

Check out more features of TheBoatApp online and register for the free version to get a personal look at how the app may help you in task monitoring.

This is the new and most improved way of managing your tasks and helping you enjoy your boat as much as you can.

Sailing to Niue:

It’s true there really is nothing like Niue!

Embarking on our first ocean passage aboard our Tayana 42 yacht from French Polynesia to Niue was a dream come true, albeit a slightly terrifying one! Having visited Niue by plane on previous occasions and fallen in love with this small island nation, we were eager to experience "The Rock of the Pacific" from the perspective of sailors.

Niue, the world's largest coral atoll, emerges dramatically from the South Pacific Ocean with its 260km² limestone landmass perched atop 30-meter jagged cliffs. The island's unique geography creates an awe-inspiring sight, both above and below the waterline.

Each time we have visited, we have found the clarity of the surrounding waters unparalleled. It truly feels like swimming in a bottle of Bombay sapphire gin!

After a challenging 9-day passage from French Polynesia, Niue appeared on the horizon as a stout, lush, green sanctuary. Our relief upon arrival was magnified by the knowledge that a secure mooring awaited us. Managed by the Niue Yacht Club and maintained meticulously by local dive operator Niue Blue, these moorings are essential as there are no anchorages around the island. The Niue Yacht Club's efficient online booking system allowed us to secure our mooring well in advance, offering peace of mind amidst the unpredictability of ocean travel. Their flexibility in accommodating changes to bookings further eased our journey planning.

Niue Yacht Club, though more virtual than physical with no dedicated clubrooms or resident sailing community, now bases itself at Manuiz, a local restaurant and bar, which is a short walk from the Alofi wharf. Here, sailors are welcomed with genuine island hospitality, cold beverages, and tasty local cuisine. Wednesday nights are particularly special with the island buffet and is a must-attend event showcasing Niuean flavours and traditions.

Due to the absence of traditional beaches, the landing on Niue is unique and is often a topic of discussion among sailors. Access is facilitated via the wharf and boat hoist at Alofi. Depending on the swell conditions, landing can be "sporty”, and timing becomes crucial. However, with guidance from locals and fellow yachties, any uncertainties about landing logistics quickly dissolve into shared experiences and practical advice.While at the wharf, sailors will find that Niue Yacht Club also offers toilet and shower facilities, rubbish disposal and fresh water.

For those seeking adventure beneath the waves, dive operator Niue Blue are renowned for their professionalism and expertise. Whether you're a seasoned diver or a novice snorkeler, guided excursions promise unforgettable encounters with the marine wonders of the island. From July to September, Niue Blue also offer whale watching excursions. This seasonal activity allows enthusiasts to witness the majestic grace of whales as they migrate through these waters.

Above the water, Niue reveals a plethora of activities to complement its underwater wonders. It is worth hiring a car at the Niue Tourism Office and exploring the island. The island's compact size makes it easy to navigate, with well-maintained roads leading to all corners of the atoll. There are numerous sea tracks that lead to natural wonders that define the island's rugged charm. From hidden caves adorned with ancient stalactites to serene rock pools teeming with marine life, every corner of Niue promises a new discovery. Having a car also makes provisioning and fuel collection a lot easier as both are a considerable walk from the Alofi wharf.

For those seeking a break from the boat after a long passage or if the anchorage gets a little too uncomfortable due to swell rolling in, Niue offers plenty of accommodation options. Once securely moored, sailors can unwind in comfort and style, choosing from the beachfront resort which offers panoramic views of the ocean or cozy bungalows nestled amidst tropical gardens. Each accommodation option provides a retreat where you can relax, rejuvenate, and savour the tranquillity of island life.

Our time on Niue, once again exceeded all expectations, blending natural beauty with warm hospitality. We urge fellow sailors to consider Niue for their South Pacific itinerary. Whether drawn by the crystal-clear waters, the unique geological formations, or the vibrant local culture, Niue promises an unforgettable sailing destination – one where dreams meet reality!

Visit Niue on the Pacific Rally 2025!

Cruising Preparation Online Course Content

Our Comprehensive Offshore Cruising Preparation Course is available online for just NZD$129.00 and on demand.

The course content is broken down into easy to digest 1 hr sessions, View the course content as often as you wish.

View when it suits you.

Learn at your own pace.

Pause / Rewind at any time.

Contact the course presenters via email or telephone at any time with questions.

Preparing the Vessel

Ship Registration: Guide to ships registry

Category 1: What is ‘Cat 1’and how does it apply to you and your vessel

Safety Gear: Vessel specific – EPIRBS, MOB devices

Rigging: Tips for extended cruising & safety including deck layout, preventers and more.

Sails: Selection, balance, tuning, maintenance, furling systems.

Anchors & Anchoring: How many, types, warps, windlass

Water treatment: Filtration, purification, disinfectant, watermakers.

Vessel Systems: Plumbing, gas, fuel

Battery Systems: Capacity, measuring power consumption, troubleshooting, preventative maintenance and charging systems

Power generation: How much do you need to generate and the pros and cons of various options including wind, solar and mechanical

Electronics: Radios, charting, GPS, Radar, autopilot, AIS, etc.

Steering: Tiller, wheel, wind vanes, autopilots & emergency systems

Diesel Engines: Troubleshooting, spares

Fuel systems: Filters, injectors, avoiding ‘bugs & bad fuel’

Navigation: Basic equipment requirements

Charts: Tables, filing, requirements

Preparing the People

Sea Survival: Coastal and Offshore

Watchkeeping & safety protocols

Safety Gear: Personal EPIRBS and MOB devices, personal AIS

Seasickness: Remedies, management & avoidance

Log Keeping: How to keep a ship log and why plus basic record keeping

To Crew or not to crew: Pros and cons of having crew aboard, where to find crew and your responsibilities.

Sailing to a schedule: A recipe for disaster

Medical Kits and medicines

Money Matters: Credit cards, foreign currency, Power of Attorney

Insurance: Vessel & Travel

Staying Sane: Identifying roles, communicating aboard & sharing small spaces

Offshore Communications

Voice Communication options including Satellite, Radios – VHF/ SSB/ HAM & Radio Schedules

Electronic communications including email at sea: why is it important?

Vessel tracking and position reporting

Computer’s, Tablets, Phones and apps

Weather Forecasting: Coastal & Offshore

Weather information: Sources of weather info, how to interpret and use weather info.

Weather routing for Passage Planning & Passage Management

Personal Health

Preparing and maintaining the Mind & Body

Search and Rescue

How to Contact, Response times, authority & scope of SAR.


What to take, where to put it & what is available when you get where we are going.

Sourcing Products & Services

Where to get great discounts and deals on marine and cruising lifestyle products and services

Cruising Guides & Reference Books: Recommended, pilots, reference manuals, cruising guides

Viani Bay - Fiji are hosting a weekly POTLUCK with tasting of Fiji Sea Salt. All Cruisers welcome, bring a plate of food to share! Join us every Thursday from 5PM.

Our contribution

⚓. Fijian tasting menu from our kitchen

⚓. Fiji Sea Salt tasting

⚓. Full table set up

⚓. Fire place lit up for BBQ

⚓. Information about Viani Bay and the Rainbow Reef

⚓. Happy Hour Prices on Drinks from 5-9pm

⚓. Admission Fee 15 FJD per adult, children free of charge RSVP by 12pm






TheR.TuckerThompson,themuch-admiredtallshipandnot-for-profitcharitabletrust,taking Northland’syoungpeopleonlife-changing7-dayvoyages-willbeintheMarina

Openshipfrom11am,thenthehighlighteventat4pmwithTheSmallAdult(5–12-year-old)Treasure Hunt.At6pmTheOpuaCommunityGatheringallaboardthefamousR.TuckerThompson.Thisisa communityevent,however,ifthereisroomaboardCruisersarewelcome

Opua-Russell-Paihia-Opua:RoundtheBayHike/Walk/Stroll 4hours,or6hoursatyourleisure(newevent).



Thisisanincrediblejourneyforadayofcontrasts,fromboardwalksamongstmangroves,intopremium NewZealandbushforests,alongbeautifulbeaches,lookoutsacrosstheBayofIslands,andtothequaint touristtownsofRussellandferryridetoPaihia

Startingat9amfromtheOpuaGeneral Store(5minwalkfromtheMarina).

ThisisaperfectintroductiontoNew Zealandinadaythathasitallmoderatefitnessisrecommended.


New Zealand’s festival on the water is back in 2025

Dates have been released for the Auckland Boat Show in 2025. Bringing a festival on the water to the heart of central Auckland, it will showcase all things boating from 6-9 March.

The Auckland Boat Show, scheduled to run as part of Moana Auckland, New Zealand’s Ocean Festival, is timed to allow boating enthusiasts to enjoy a feast of March marine activities

Making the most of an Auckland summer on the water, the show gathers together 2025’s latest releases from boatbuilders and brokers across New Zealand and the world It’s a show which has become known throughout the region for the spectacular sight of the central city filling with hundreds of boats

The Auckland Boat Show is one of the key events of Moana Auckland and runs after the NZ Millennium Cup superyacht regatta in February to give visitors plenty to enjoy on the water.

A large marina display will spread through Jellicoe Harbour, filling the space outside the former America’s Cup bases with newly-released yachts, motoryachts, multihulls, superyachts, amphibious vessels and trailer boats. On-land exhibits will complement the on-water component of the show, taking up a Viaduct Events Centre spot in central Auckland’s buzzing Wynyard Quarter.

“There’s nothing like an Auckland summer on the water,” says show organiser, Stacey Cook.

“Which is why we stage the show in early March. It’s such a pleasure to showcase New Zealand’s marine industry where it’s at its best; on the water, enjoying the sun and lifestyle that boating brings ”

Uniquely in this part of the world, sea trials are a crucial component of the event With the Waitematā Harbour as the show’s neighbour, manufacturers and brokers are able to demonstrate vessels in their element to buyers, allowing them to bring performance, sea-kindliness and handling to the forefront

For 24 years the Auckland Boat Show has also provided an important stage for regional and international parts and services providers. With a large on-land component of the show, the event has become a launching point each year for annual releases of innovative products and new developments.

The Infamous Killer Whales of Gibraltar a boat delivery between Antigua and the South of France

The calm before the killer whale storm a couple hundred miles from Gibraltar.

I have been scared sailing in the past, but the source of fear is generally predictable: the wind, the waves, the weather Fears of an eight-metre swell, surfing down waves at 20 knots, waves crashing and the boat broaching. To me the most frightening is lightning crashing all around, striking the boat and causing all electronic systems to shut down. But to a great extent, weather related fears are controllable. You can reef the sails or pull in somewhere to ride out a storm. You always have the knowledge that boats are strong and that a person will be afraid much before the boat is even struggling. Never have I feared what’s beneath the water. The kraken is fiction.

We were on an 82 foot, delivering her from the Caribbean to the south of France and one night near Gibraltar, a horrible thud sent my heart racing, and I was shaking with fear. Sailors everywhere are talking about orcas attacking rudders and sinking boats within minutes. It had certainly been on our minds as we neared Spain and the Mediterranean. Reports of deterring them go from throwing sand, washing up liquid or diesel in the water, to firing a flare at them or banging a metal stick in the water.

The official advice is to avoid the area, hard to do when the only other way into the Mediterranean is through the Suez Canal. Coming into the Gibraltar straight an orca hit the hull twice, before it jumped a metre in the air beside the boat and disappeared. The loud thud that sent shudders through the boat followed by the shape of an enormously fat dolphin was enough to scare us all into complete silence.

You’ve sort of got to wonder why they do it. Why is this one particular pod around Portugal attacking sailing boats? Do they get any enjoyment from ramming head first into really quite a hard object? It must hurt and doesn’t seem like much fun to me. But if the goal is to scare people, they succeeded. I was trembling and got the whole crew on deck in lifejackets dreading the worst, abandoning the ship as the whales tore the rudder off and left a gaping hole in the hull.

But we got away with it, no water gushed into the boat nor did we lose steering after meticulously checking the bilges and moving the rudder Nothing, no damage Even a swim to check the hull the following day didn’t reveal an orca face print in our antifoul. But the six of us on deck in life jackets in the pitch black scanning the water for fins for 3 is something I never want to experience again. Standing on the deck of an eighty-footer, the fin rose just above my head and it was terrifyingly big.

I awoke from sleep the next morning after a fitful night and it felt as though it were all a dream. We motored on a glassy Mediterranean sea escorted in safety by dolphins and pilot whales They seemed to be apologising for their nasty brothers.

The countdown to the Go East & Pacific Rally is on and the Pacific Rally participants will be participating in the Sea Lovers Gin "Why Are You A Sea Lover? Competition"

A reminder that we’d also like to offer special goodies exclusively to crew taking part in the rally. If you use the code ‘PacificRally’ on our website it will be noted on our side that you are a crew member and you receive a free goodie!

1x bottle of gin = A stainless steel reusable straw pack. 3x bottles of gin = A special burgee flag to use during the rally.

The Sea Lovers Gin Burgee for crew members can be used at anchor - fly your burgee flag to show other rally members that you are open for socialising! i.e. when the burgee is flying, other crews are welcome to come aboard for a drink/sundowners Cheers to that!

How To Enter the "Why Are You A Sea Lover? Competition"

Whilst docked for the day, perhaps enjoying a glass of Sea Lovers Gin, we challenge the crew to simply take a snap of what's going on, tagging us @sealoversgin and answering the question "Why Are You A Sea Lover?". The photo or video can be of anything you like - from enjoying sea lovers gin, a snap of big smiles from your crew at the end of a big day or anything you think captures the wonder that is being out at open sea! We'll be keeping a firm eye out on socials we're tagged into on Instagram (entries are valid via Instagram story or Instagram post!), no limits on entries. Enter as many times as you like. The lucky winner will score their boat a branded chilly bin full of exclusive Sea Lovers Gin merch. RRP over $400 NZD. *T&Cs.


SLG branded chilly bin

Beach towels

East Imperial Tonic

SLG tote bags

SLG t-shirt

Stainless steel straw sets

Boat expressions of interest for 2025 AWBF now open

Embark on a maritime odyssey unlike any other as the Australian Wooden Boat Festival (AWBF) announces the opening of expressions of interest for the prestigious showcase of vessels ashore and afloat at the AWBF 2025. Held 7 - 10 February 2025, this grand event, held in Tasmania, stands as the largest celebration of maritime culture in the Southern Hemisphere.

The AWBF, renowned for its magnitude and cultural significance, transforms the historical Hobart Waterfront into a bustling hub of maritime festivities over four captivating days. Notably, the 2023 edition of the festival witnessed an attendance of 60,000 patrons, while garnering expressions of interest from over 450 wooden boat owners.

The 2025 theme is 'New Zealand and the Pacific Ocean', and the AWBF 2025 aims to shine a spotlight on the rich maritime legacy spanning from Japan to the west coast of the USA, and across the vast expanse of Pacific Islands leading to Australia. Anticipating an international influx of vessel expressions of interest, the organisers have already begun fielding inquiries, with 49% of expressions in 2023 originating from beyond the borders of Tasmania.

Organisers extend an invitation to wooden boat owners of all classifications to submit their expressions of interest by September, as berthing opportunities are limited.

Once again, vessels ashore will be thoughtfully curated across the festival grounds, including within the stunning City Hall, which, following its successful integration in the 2023 program, offers a secure venue for the exhibition of dinghies, kayaks, and sailboats in all their rigging.

The AWBF 2025 promises to be an exceptional gathering of maritime heritage, culture and community. Organisers encourage enthusiasts to seize this opportunity to partake in the celebrations. For further details and registration of expressions of interest, please visit the official website.

The next Australian Wooden Boat Festival will be 7 – 10 February 2025.

For more information please visit the AWBF website –

Pacific Rally boats enjoy Half price beer for the first drink when visiting Mounu. Have a night ashore! 3 Course fine dining experience dinner, accommodation in beach side fale and yummy breakfast - Special for Cruising yacht group only TOP$380 per person. Contact:

Can You Help? Life Jackets for Susui

Vanua Balavu - Lau - Fiji

My name is Ateca, I am writing from Susui in Vanuabalavu.

We, are a small island of less than 100 villagers, we have a primary school that has 21 students and our high school students travel across to the main land daily which takes about 20min to reach school. Our high school students used to stay with familys across on the mainland, just this year we have started taking across daily, so they can be in the safety of their home every evening away from all the influences of drug and all sorts of unwanted mischieves. But we are lacking safety gears for our students, I are humbly requsting for you help if you can provide or captain Jerry with 20 life jackets and rain coats to cater for the 12 stuudents and adults as well.

Your kind consideration is highly apreciated

Sea Survival Course


A Self Steering Windvane System:

A completely independent mechanical system (ie. non-electrical) that steers the boat on a wind-based course. Easiest to operate, with no lines in the cockpit, and excellent on all points of sail and in all conditions.

It is an Auxiliary Rudder type of windvane system – the Vane drives its own Rudder via a sophisticated Drive Unit linkage.

An Emergency Rudder/ Steering System

Inherently a second Rudder and Steering System for your boat.

It is the strongest Emergency Rudder and Steering System available today. Always in place, nothing to set-up – takes the fear out of losing your rudder or breaking your vessel’s steering mid passage or close to shore.

Living on a Boat in Nelson and Preparing to Re-Rig Mahana

It’s 2 degrees and the sun is just rising over the hills. The idea of getting into a dinghy to commute to work with wet feet and freezing hands is unattractive. I’m reminded to replace the bung so there’s less water sloshing around, and to cut up a milk bottle for a bailer.

I work as a rigger in Port Nelson and in July moved onto an Owen Woolley 32 foot timber sloop built in 1961, living between a mooring and a berth. Winter is the perfect time to move to life onboard as I believe it’ll only get better!

Mahana is my first boat and it’s overwhelming. I’m learning the hard way to do things more slowly, methodically. Take photos when I take stuff apart, place bolts into a container as I remove them, and attach taglines to tools when working over a deep bilge. She’s an old boat and stuff breaks. Some days I want to scream, but every weekend I wake up on the mooring or go for a sail, I forget all the hard work. I don’t regret it one bit and keep a photo is Fiji on the bulkhead to remind me that one day I’ll be out there!

I’m preparing to re-rig Mahana next month, in time for the summer northerlies and plenty of good sailing. I’ve spent weekends in a frenzy, planning the new rig and preparing the old mast to be removed. Before a crane can lift a mast, it must be entirely stripped of any wiring, chocks or blocks, lines in deck blocks, the boom, and sails. Also, to make sure stays of the same length can be fabricated, the existing lubricating turnbuckles should be marked before they are undone. There’s a lot to do, including stripping and paint the new mast already lying in the yard. But, I’m lucky to have all the resources and tools available to me, including amazing colleagues willing to help! I’m looking forward to this project, much more than having my hands deep in the engine not understanding what I’m looking at!

We are very proud to be a part of the South Pacific Sailing Network - a group of like minded businesses and countries around the South Pacific who are all committed to promoting sustainable yachting tourism and advocating on behalf of cruisers exploring the South Pacific.

Our Pacific rally is the pathway that connects the islands and sailors together

Read more about the aims of the SPSN here.

Provisioning Coaching

We love helping cruisers start the sustainable journey with our coaching sessions. We absolutely love to help you get the best out of your galley and already have some more coaching clients booked in this month. We are looking forward to helping them towards a more sustainable and plant-based galley.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with our coaching sessions, I thought it would be good to share here with you some of our FAQs to give you a better idea of what it entails.

How long will the coaching session last?

Your session will last approximately 1 hour.

How can I prepare for the session?

Once you have booked and paid for your session you will receive a Small Vegan Kitchen coaching information pack in pdf format.

What topics will be covered during the session?

This is totally up to you. I am here to guide you and help you navigate your way to your goals, they could be sustainable practices, plant-based onboard, provisioning for passage, feeding your family or crew in remote areas, etc.

Will I receive follow-up support after the session?

Of course! Help is at hand. Around 30 days after your session I will contact you and ask you how you are getting on, celebrate your success and help you overcome any challenges that arose along the way.

How much does it cost?

Our Coaching session is 60 euros which is approx 64 USD and 97 AUD.

How do I purchase a coaching session with you?

Please send us an email and, we will give you all the information you need.

Can I ask questions about specific sustainability practices or plant-based cooking techniques? Yes! Please do all your questions are very welcome.

Feel free to reach out if you would like to have a coaching session with us or have any other questions

We are here to support you every step of the way on your journey towards a more sustainable and healthconscious galley.

A Saviour For Mooring Owners and Sailors Alike

Mooringbnb is a new platform designed to allow mooring owners to maximise their earnings while making it easy for sailors to book a mooring from anywhere. It’s the ultimate win-win set to take off this summer.

Mooringbnb for mooring owners

Often,mooringssitunusedforextendedperiodsoftime. outwheneveryou’renotusingit.Itworksalongsimilar linestoAirBnB,allowingsailorstosearchforan availablemooring,bookitandpayforitonthespot.

Mooringbnbautomatesalltheadminwork,from marketingtotakingpaymentsandevennotifyingthe harbourmasterwhenthemooringisbeingused.It’sfully customisable,soyoucancontrolitsavailability,and chargewhateverrateyouwish.

Registeringyourmooringcostsnothing,andyouget paidtherateyouset.

It’savailableinNewZealandatthemoment,butissetto expandintoAustraliaandthePacificIslandsin2024.

Formooringowners,it’sauniqueopportunityto generateincomethatrequiresminimaleffort.Itmakes morelocationsavailabletosailors,includingwhenthe weatherturnsbadandtheyneedasafeplacetostayat shortnotice.

Thenumberofmooringsareincreasingmonthlyand sailorsarealreadymakingbookingsforthenextfew months.Withthesummersailingseasononthehorizon, it’stheperfecttimetolistamooringandgenerateextra incomewhileyousailoffelsewhereyourself.


Greg Luck has been a frequent contributor to the Down Under Rally Magazine He has released a new third edition of Cruising the Queensland Coast, his guide for yachts cruising from the Gold Coast to Lizard Island.

While cruising in 2023, Greg was struck by the number of cruisers who had adopted Starlink. The cheapest way to use it is on the Roam plan, designed to work over land. At sea, the very expensive Maritime plan must be used. Starlink “land” includes many islands and some reefs using a hexagonal tiling system. It can be hit and miss as to whether an anchorage or mooring is on “land” or sea for Starlink. New in the 3rd edition, each anchorage and mooring includes a Starlink icon to indicate land or sea.

Along with a print edition, the book comes as an eBook for tablets. However, the big players support a limited number of countries, and usually not the overseas territories of those countries such as Noumea or Tahiti. This has been a problem for some cruisers. The 3rd edition adds Rakuten Kobo, which supports 244 countries and overseas territories with excellent coverage for the Pacific.

The third edition is fully updated with:

•many new public moorings for the Townsville, Discovery and Cassowary coasts and the Whitsundays

•new anchorages, taking the total to 503 anchorages and moorings

•new public pontoons

•updates to the K’Gari Coast for the new Great Sandy Marine Park management plan

•Starlink land versus ocean status for each anchorage, mooring and marina along with the Telstra mobile reception

•digital TV reception strength for each anchorage

•latest marina changes including comprehensive information on super yacht berths and resultant marina berth layout changes

•S63 official Hydrographic chart references for each coast and how to use Australian

Hydrographic charts on apps and chart plotters along with other navigation data sources

•expanded coverage of the Gold Coast and Moreton Bay

•recalculated wave roses for recent Waverider buoy placements such as the Wide Bay Bar

•higher-resolution aerial images and photos in the print version

•numerous other changes and updates

Down Under Rally and Island Cruising members get a 10% discount on the print book and a 20% discount on the Google Play Books eBook. Contact Greg at with your member number to get a discount.

Offshore Marine Medic

Two-dayOffshoreMedicalCoursecustomisedtoprovidestudentswiththebasicsrequiredfor OffshoreCruisingCoursealsocoversahandoveroftheOffshoreMedicalKit(CAT1)andhowto useit.


TherearesomanyoptionsforInternationalCruiserswhenitcomestocruisingtheSouthPacific.Oftenwesee peoplewhozoomstraightthroughandmissoutonsomeofthebestbits!Ourrecommendation-don’trushand makethemostoftheprevailingwinds.Here’sasuggestedSouthWestPacificitineraryforboatsheadingfrom Panamainthisdirection-Watchthevideoanimationhere

Year 1

March CrossfromPanamatoFrenchPolynesia

April ArriveFrenchPolynesia(unlessyou’vegotalongstayvisaoranEUpassportyou’veonlygot 90daystoexplorethisincredibledestination).


July CookIslands

August SamoaandorNiue

September Vava’u-Tonga-checkouttheBlueWaterCruisersFestival

October Ha’apai,Tongatapu,Minerva,NewZealand

Stop in NZ to escape cyclone season - enjoy tax free repairs on your boat, Or Join the South Island Rally to sail south to explore incredible Fiordland or head home for Christmas.


Year 2

May JointhePacificRallytosailbacktoFijiorbacktoTonga

August Vanuatu-jointherallyeventsthroughoutVanuatu

September NewCaledonia

October BundabergAustraliaontheGoWestRally.

December SydneyHarbourtowatchthestartoftheSydneyHobartRaceandfireworksonNewYears Eve

Australia is another great place to stop for a while with great boat repairs and places to leave the boat while you explore ashore or head home and of course some excellent cruising grounds too!

Year 3

January Tasmania-JointheVDL-CCruise

February CruiseslowlybackuptheEastcoastofAustralia,enjoythestunningWhitsundaysandthen OnwardstoAsiaoralternativelycrosstheTasmanandheadbacktoNewZealandto enjoyexploringwiththeSouthIslandRally

May OrreturntothePacificontheGoEast-PacificRallytorevisittheplacesyoumissedor . enjoyedthefirsttimeround.

October BacktoNewZealandorAustralia-bothgreatplacestoendyourjourneyandsellyourboat. Or carry on doing circles in the Pacific or continuing on around the world!

Love great wine?

Say goodbye to heavy, breakable bottles onboard!

Greenskin Wine presents a premium wine experience in a convenient 750ml soft pouch, ideal for those who want to enjoy fine wine without the hassle of cruising with heavy, bulky, breakable bottles onboard.

With 8 varieties to choose from, they have a superb choice of whites and reds from the worldrenowned Margaret River and Great Southern wine regions of Western Australia. You can pre-order through their website and nominate to have your wine delivered anywhere within Australia for just $4.95 per 6-pack (3 or more cases FREE delivery).

Greenskin Wine pouches hold 750ml but are around half the size and weight of a standard bottle of wine, which will save on weight and loads of fridge and storage space onboard. They are also unbreakable, making them ideal when on the water. And once the joy is over, they fold flat, so you do not have to lug bulky empties with you!

Another fab bonus. If you just want a glass or two, simply squeeze all the air from the pouch and reseal, and your wine will stay fresh for up to 3 weeks, saving on wasted wine and money!

Sip Sustainably

Not only is the wine great quality, but Greenskin Wine pouches take 80% less energy to produce than a glass bottle, and due to their lightweight, compact nature, they take a lot less energy to transport.

The ultimate kicker is that the pouches are 100% recyclable. They even take care of the recycling. Every 6-pack comes with a postage-paid satchel, making it super easy to return your empties via AusPost for recycling.

SPECIAL OFFER - Enhance your sundowners with Greenskin WIne! Greenskin Wine generously offers our Island Cruising & Down Under Members 10% OFF all orders.

Simply visit:

Use your member's discount code for use at the checkout to receive 10% OFF each, and every six-pack of Greenskin Wine ordered.

Dear Captain Jack,


Got a question? Ask a Pirate...

I love all the wildlife in the tropics and those Manta Rays are wild! I love zooming around in my dinghy to look for them and then jumping in and trying to ride them like a glider, it is heaps of fun, wanna come join me and give it a go?

Yours Mr Hook

Ahoy there Mr Hook,

Manta Rays are incredible and special creatures and real pirates would never want to disturb them or scare them away from their favourite feeding, breeding and cleaning stations. So sailors need to take care when they are wanting to observe them in the water.

The Manta Ray Trust have put together a 10 step guide you can read to understand how to sustainably swim with these gentle giants. You can read them here or watch this short video. I agree that some of the resorts out there have a bit to learn about how they manage their guests in this space too

Lets all do our bit to help protect them and ensure they’ll still be around for our little deck hands to swim with in years to come.

Happy sailing!


For Sailors

Thefreedomofbeingabletosailwhereveryou wantisoneofthegreatestthingsabout cruisingthissummer.Youcanfollowweather patternsorcoastlines,meanderyourwaytoa setdestinationorjustfollowyournoseandsee whereyouendup.

Justaslongasyoucanfindamooringora placetoanchor...

ForPeterKershaw,atriparoundtheBayof Islandspiecingtogetheravailablemooringson thefly,postingonFacebookpagesandasking localsforhelp,madehimthinktheremustbea betterway.

Peterdecidedtocreateanonlinebooking platformthattookcareofallthedetailsand madeiteasierforyachtiestoplansailingtrips.

WithMooringbnb,youcanseeavailable mooringsanywhereinNewZealand,andbook themwithoutneedingtogoonshore.It’sa much-neededupgradeofthetraditional bookingsystem,givingsailorscertainty, convenienceandcompliance.

There’snoneedtocheckmooringsizelimitsor notifytheharbourmaster-alltheconditions andlogisticsaretakencareofwithinthe bookingplatform.

With a friendly boating mad team always on hand to offer practical advice, tips, and make product recommendations, we’ve got the answer for you. Our chandlery will ensure you get back out on the water, faster!

For any boating problems, come see the team at All Marine.

Always on hand find that hard-to-find boat part you’ve been searching for – even if it’s not on our shelves – we’re sure to know where to find it. Priding ourselves on stocking our great product range and having fantastic service, shop online or come on down in store and have a yarn. Don’t see what you need? Give us a call, we’ll be happy to help. 09 438 4499 Check out our website here.




With 8000 miles from Panama to Australia and thousands of unique islands and atolls to visit along the way, one season is simply not enough time to truly explore the South Pacific Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia are destinations in themselves and deserve much more than a fleeting visit.

We strongly advocate spending at least 2 seasons in the South Pacific to really experience all the variety that the region has to offer It’s a long way to come and for many a once in a lifetime opportunity


Irrespective of how fast or slow your pace, when November approaches most cruisers will be considering their options for the cyclone season. Some cruisers spend the summer in Pacific Islands, but they are playing with the odds as well as enduring the heat and humidity of the wet season.

Many more look forward to a break from the islands for a while, and New Zealand is the logical destination for a cyclone break, especially if you are returning to the Pacific Islands for a second season


As an island nation, New Zealand's maritime traditions are deep rooted - from the earliest Polynesian settlers who migrated across the mighty Pacific, and the Europeans who voyaged from the other side of the world

Dependent on the sea for trade and communications, New Zealanders were forced to build seaworthy, reliable boats and to develop a deep understanding of seamanship No part of New Zealand is far from the coast and, from its thousands of bays and coves, New Zealanders venture forth from an early age in all manner of boats.

Our largest city, Auckland, is known as the 'city of sails' and is the host city for the next America’s Cup Regatta The oftenquoted statistic is that there are more boats per capita in New Zealand than anywhere else in the world In 2014, Auckland had over 135,000 registered boats, or one boat for approximately every 11 of the 1.45 million people living there. Unlike other parts of the world, sailing in New Zealand has never been an elitist pursuit.

Many of New Zealand's top sailors began their careers in


that emerged from hours of devoted labour in garages and backyard sheds

The late Sir Peter Blake, for example, whose sailing successes included the America's Cup, Whitbread Race and Jules Verne trophy, tested his mother's patience and ruined her flower beds by building his first boats in the family garden Boat designer Bruce Farr, whose yachts have won most of the world's top yachting silverware, first produced lightning fast dinghies and skiffs in the family shed

“New Zealand is a wonderful country for sailors. The Bay of Islands Is a world-class cruising area, and many folks never get any further. Whangarei is also a large cruising center, and there are excellent haulout yards “

Jim Corneman – Letters from the South Pacific


Naturally the voyage from the Pacific Islands to New Zealand is always taken with a bit of trepidation, especially for firsttimers For most cruisers, it is the first time sailing out of the predictable trade winds for many months, these concerns can be exacerbated by a lot of the misinformation that tends to circulate in cruising circles.

A common one that is often heard being repeated is; “to get to New Zealand you have to face the notoriously dangerous Tasman Sea twice”

We would just like to take this opportunity to correct this misinformation by providing some navigational re-education to those that disseminate this

The Tasman Sea is in-fact a section of the southwestern Pacific Ocean, between the south-eastern coast of Australia and Tasmania to the west, and New Zealand on the east Most cruisers heading to the East coast of New Zealand from the Pacific Islands will not encounter the Tasman Sea.

With modern forecasting and a flexible timeframe, the trip from the Pacific Islands to New Zealand and return can be spectacular, with many yachts opting to stop at North Minerva Reef for an incredible mid ocean reef experience


Weather develops in two areas that will affect the passage this time of year One is from the south west; systems form to the east of Australia moving up and across the Tasman Sea The other is from the north west; in the Coral Sea off the north eastern Australian coast where tropical depressions form, possibly growing to cyclones.

Therefore, it is important like with all ocean crossings, to wait for a good weather window before departing on the 1200-mile journey.


New Zealand boasts some of the most creative and dynamic marine industry professionals in the world, our boatbuilders are world renowned and we pride ourselves on using quality products and providing exceptional service

It is a great place for major projects with sailing-oriented marine services of all descriptions available at an affordable price

As international cruisers Customs will be provided with a temporary import permit for your vessel which will also enable you to get many things GST free automatically saving you 15% You don’t have to request a GST refund on departure or prove that your projects were completed less than 60 days before you leave!


The northern part of the North Island is geographically subtropical and the southern part of the South Island is very close to the Southern Ocean and the sub-Antarctic islands. For this reason, New Zealand offers a unique cruising experience contained within only 1000 miles of coastline between the two islands

Coastal cruising is very easy with thousands of excellent sheltered anchorages within a short distance of one another and plenty of very affordable marinas throughout New Zealand

Take the opportunity to do short day hops between anchorages and explore some of our fantastic hiking, safe in the knowledge that our wildlife cannot harm you…… shoes optional!

Our sub-tropical waters also offer excellent swimming, snorkelling and diving with unique marine environments to experience and no need for stinger suits here!

For the New Zealand summer – November though to April –large high-pressure systems tend to dominate the country, giving settled weather with light north-easterlies


You don’t have to take our word for it, there is plenty of independent and unbiased information available online from fellow cruisers

Read the following report from cruising family who have recently completed the Tonga to New Zealand passage and had a fantastic stop in Minerva Reef with 11 other cruising yachts:

https://sailingmirabella com/2019/05/12/passage-to-new-zealand/

If we could do it again, how would we do it?

This is a great retrospective article from cruisers who spent 2 seasons in the Pacific:

https://outchasingstars com/2017/11/07/cruising-south-pacific/

North Minerva Reef – A once in a lifetime opportunity for a mid-ocean reef stop:

https://www facebook com/pages/MinervaReefs/139017926117334

For some great information on passage planning to New Zealand, see this informative article on Noonsite

https://www noonsite com/report/passage-planning-from-the-swpacific-to-nz/

Join our Sail South Rally or Pacific Rally in 2024 and enjoy all that New Zealand has to offer!

For Sale


This is a rare opportunity to own an award winning Outremer 51, available in the South Pacific. Enjoy cruising the islands with friends and family this season! This fully loaded 2014 model is extensively equipped and has been loved by families for years. Sail to the islands in comfort and safety gained from a light, fast catamaran, and do it in less than 6 days from NZ (well within most weather forecast ranges).

View online here

East of the Lizard

The Sundeer & Deerfoot designed boats from Steve Dashew are regarded as the best short handed cruising boats in the world, bar none. With a solidly built GRP / Kevlar hull, easily managed sail plan, shallow draft and moveable water ballast they make 200+ mile days easy for a crew of 2 or more in comfort and safety.It is very rare for one of these boats to come on the market.

She had a major refit in 2018 and another smaller one in 2022 and again in 2023-2024. The Owner can't help himselft to make her perfect.

The current owner has owned 'East of the Lizard' 3 times now over the last 10 years and sailed many miles around the Pacific. Right now in Fiji.

View online here

For Sale

Drawn by the legendary Bill Dixon, mastermind of such incredibly respected designs as the Moody, the Hylas, and such magnificent vessels as the 100' Antares III, or the 147' Heureka, the Taswell 56 is instantly recognisable as Dixon design, a serious offshore cruising vessel with the most beautiful lines. Built for strength, balance and sea kindliness, as well as easily delivering an excellent turn of speed, the Taswell 56 is in every way the perfect ocean voyager, capable of all latitudes sailing and to withstand difficult ocean condition with ease and safety for her passengers. Dash is a veritable head turner, always treated with the care and respect such a yacht inspires by her two consecutive owners. Handed to you after religious upkeep and regular upgrades, this beautiful yacht is presented to you ready to begin your journey. Her owners are on board and available to welcome you for your inspection, assist with sea trial and a detailed handover to ensure that you feel safe from the very beginning of your ownership.

V a r i o u s B o a t G e a r F o r S a l e

L a r g e , E M T / F i r s t r e s p o n d e r s b a g , a s n e w , w i t h O x y g e n

b o t t l e

S t o r m a n c h o r s , 6 0 l b H T D a n f o r t h , 6 0 l b & 4 5 l b , 3

p i e c e H e r s h o f f p a t t e r n f i s h e r m a n

6 m a n , V I K I N G O f f s h o r e R e s c y o u . A v e r y n i c e h i g h

q u a l i t y r a f t , n e e d s r e c e t , $ 1 5 0 0

V a r i o u s S a f e t y g e a r , n e w i n f l a t a b l e h a r n e s s ’ s e t c

T o h a t s u 2 0 2 3 6 h p 4 s t r o k e , l o n g s h a f t , o u t b o a r d

C o n t a c t J a q u e s o n B o a t s m i t h e @ g m a i l . c o m o r

0 2 2 - 6 3 4 - 8 8 7 8

For sale - Hydrovane windvane selfsteering

New out of the UK 2016, been to the tropics and back to NZ 2018-2023. Was sitting unused over COVID period in Vanuatu from Nov 2019- Sept 2023 during which time it was covered, and the boat was on the hardstand. The unit was mounted offset on a walk-through transom Beale 33.

It is a very reluctant sale due to ill health and therefore no further offshore sailing for the boat. This extra crew named ‘Albi’ on our 2 handed adventures was our best investment for open water passage making, so simple and totally reliable

This unit has a ‘stubby’ windvane which suited the backstay set up We also had the autohelm able to be attached to its tiller for motoring

‘Albi’ comes complete with pictured brackets and unit cover plus new spare pins and the original red Hydrovane vane cover which we didn’t use. Instead, I made one and kept this as a spare. are super supportive and will give advice all the way. You can also check out for more details.

$5,500 ono, unit is in Waikawa Marina This price is for pick up

Contact: felicityloncar@gmail com

Catana 431

Based on the innovative and highly successful Catana 471 model, the Catana 431 design features include asymmetrical hulls, tulip shaped bows, daggerboards for improved windward performance, and extremely high bridgedeck clearance. The 431 is small enough to be handled by a couple, easy to reef and dock, yet large enough to handle big seas and turn nice speeds in most conditions under both sail and power.


I have an Iridium 9500 Sat Phone. I'd like it to go to a new home. I'm now using Starlink and Iridium GO.

I think the target buyer might be somebody w/o a satellite system on their boat, or that has Starlink, but no Iridium GO, and they realize they aren't going to put their Starlink in their ditch bag :-)

For a voice call, you just use the 9500 it like a (very big) cell phone. In that regard, it's actually easier and less error prone than connecting your smartphone to an Iridium GO

For data, it's the old ancient way, and requires a serial port connection to a PC.

There is one for sale on eBay AU for AU $799. Lots of good photos there

There is an online PDF user manual here support/9500 phone user guide.pdf

Here is my offer: I'll ship it to the buyer I last tested it a couple years back. It worked fine. The buyer can test it anew and make sure it works for them I'll support them in that process If they don't like it, for whatever reason, they can just send it back to me. If they do like it, the buyer can make a hopefully not ridiculous offer, which I will accept, and the deal is done

Their only risk is their time testing it, and return shipping if they don't like it The upside for me is that a perfectly good device doesn't end up in the dump, and perhaps it goes to a good use as well.

Contact: Glenn:

Sv Alizé II is an Australian registered Leopard 46, designed for comfortable cruising or just moseying around the islands.

The saloon is bright and airy and has operable ports forward to let the fresh air circulate. The large dinette with wraparound seating and a galley with a fold-out counter top that extends into the spacious, covered cockpit.

The raised helm station is located in the hardtop roof with open access to the cockpit, and all controls lead aft for excellent visibility and ease of manoeuvre. The port and starboard hulls have four spacious air-conditioned cabins, each with an en suite toilet and separate shower.

Alizé was set up to operate as a crewed charter vessel, with extra safety equipment and small personal touches added. Such as forward-looking sonar, AIS, automatic fire extinguisher for engine bays, double USB points in all cabins, stand-up paddle boards, and so much more.

Alizé was painted, anti-fouled, and 2 new batteries installed in April 23.

Unfortunately, the owner was injured at work and has not been able to keep up her maintenance. As such, the engine is fine, but could with some TLC, the generator needs an alternator, and the vessel could do with a good clean.

The is moored in Vava’u, Tonga, and well below market value at $380k (AUD). Please email me more details and full inventory:

mainly 30cm x 60cm (1 ft x 2 ft)












Norfolk Island

NZ x 2 - one red back ground and one blue background

NZ large

Blue and white dive flag nz

Yellow small x 3

Yellow 43 x 30

Green small

Orange small

Green small Pacific and NZ flags used but still useable. Other flags new NZD$50 ono Contact -

I have been based in New Zealand for the past 5 years after cruising on and off for 8 years, having sailed the East Coast of Africa, the West and East Coasts of Australia as well as Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. My wife and I live on our boat and are still fully involved in the cruising lifestyle. I am a Licensed Immigration Adviser for New Zealand and, as a yachtie, have a particular interest in helping yachties with their immigration issues. Island Cruising NZ Members get a 30% discount

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Island Cruising & Down Under Rally members receive weekly emails with tips and suggestions on how to go about getting prepared for a long coastal or offshore voyage. There are webinars, videos, templates, downloads, and in person get togethers.

Suitable for boat owners or crew members, experienced sailors or beginners alike

You can start any time, and work through the topics at your own pace. Join in any time. Just NZD$129.00 per year and take advantage of our great sponsors deals too!

Workshop topics include:

Getting organised - a system for storing all the information for your Passage Plan, Safety

Manual, Maintenance log, Important

Documents, Boating Qualifications and more

Your vessel information - a template for collating all the specifications of your boat

The Cat 1 & 2 Regulations

Boat Registration

Reporting Incidents

Insuring your boat


Meteorology - Forecasts

Communication options at Sea

Rig - rules for Cat 1 & 2

Sails for offshore - the Cruising Wardrobe

Fire Safety


Your Maintenance Records



Your sailing resumé



Passage planning


Safety gear

Diesel engine basics

Fuel systems

Servicing winches

Checking your rig

Anchoring tips

Sailing at night




Man Over Board



Abandon Ship

Preparing a Grab Bag







Charging systems

Keeping healthy

Sail trim & new sails

Boat registration

Taking on crew

Dinghy tips

Fog signals



Coping in emergencies


Skipper responsibility

Log keeping

Search and Rescue


Heavy Weather Sailing AND MUCH MORE!

Island Cruising

Providing cruisers with support, education & connection





· Promotingpositivesocialimpact,communityengagementand long-lastingconnectionswiththepeoplewemeet


· Beinganinclusive,diverseandsupportivecommunity

· Advocatingforandassistingsailorsinneed

· Adviceonimmigrationclearances&formalities



· Assistingsailorstopreparethemselves,theirvessel andcrewforlongcoastaloroffshorevoyages


Beingarichpoolofknowledge,supportand resourcesforcruisers



· SupportingthestrategicdirectionofYachtingNewZealand

· Formingstrongrelationshipswithyachtclubstopromotelongcoastalandoffshoreraces,ralliesandcruisingeventsandactivities


Runningasustainableandenvironmentally sensitiveorganisation

Supportinglocalandglobalenvironmental initiativestoprotecttheOceanandtheplaceswevisit

· PromotingSaferBoatingandgoodseamanshipalongside CoastguardandMaritimeNewZealand PartneringwithDownUnderRallytopromotecruisinginthe SouthPacific

Encouragingsailorstobeeco-consciousand reducetheirimpactontheenvironment

PromotingCitizenScienceprojectsaimedat oceanhealth


Producingaregularnewslettertokeepcruisers informedonthelatestcruisenews,upcomingevents andpromotingpartnerproducts&businesses.

PromotingtheNewZealandMarineindustryand providingapositiveandmutuallybeneficial connectiontotheirtargetmarket

Encouragingandwelcominginternationalsailors toNewZealand

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