Crew from Pacific Rally boats: Elina, Salsa & Bella Vita
Photo by Viki Moore
In this issue
November 2024

Lots of Awesome Boats for Sale
From the Helm
The latest update from Viki
Go East & Pacific Rally 2024
Lots of photos of our adventures
Upcoming Events
Boating Etiquette ask our Pirate panelist your curly questions

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From the Helm
October has been all about the weather, and getting the Pacific Rally 2024 yachts safely to their destination for the end of the tropical sailing season. We were lucky to have a dream 6.5 day passage on Bella Vita from Fiji to Opua last week.
Other rally boats have continued on the Go West Rally to Australia where they’ll be cruising the East Coast of Australia over summer, while others are staying up in the Islands or continuing further north to Indonesia, the Marshall Islands and we even have four boats cruising independently to Japan.
I’d like to say a huge thanks to my Bella Vita boat partners Richard & Libby who I’ve had so much fun and many adventures with with over the season, and also my crew John & Craig who came up to Fiji to help us sail home
I can’t wait to enjoy lots more sailing adventures on Bella Vita around the Hauraki Gulf and Northland area over summer and I look forward to catching up with all our members along the way
We are just in the process of putting together a mini-rally early in the New Year to do some exploring of some of the many great places in the Northern area of NZ and I’ll share more info about that in the members newsletter and the December edition of Cruise News.
I’d also like to say a huge thanks to all the locals and especially all our generous partners and other marine and hospitality businesses in the South West Pacific who have done an incredible job of supporting the rally this season.
They all put in heaps of work to keep all our boats running smoothly and entertaining our rally participants and other cruisers along the way.
A special thanks to Bob McDavitt for all his weather expertise, Peter Mott - for keeping his Passage Guardian watchful eye over the fleet, and Patricia & David from Gulf Harbour Radio for their fantastic daily evening sched for vessels with HF Radio.
I’d also like to thank the RCCNZ & the A JRCC who have a fabulous team on hand 24/7 to help sailors in distress
Also the Customs, Immigration & Biosecurity officials in the Islands and also NZ and Australia for all your support of the rally It is fantastic working closely with you all to ensure a smooth departure & arrival process for everyone along the way.

Thanks also to all the CrewSeekers who have been hopping on and off various vessels over the season, helping people with the ocean passages and gaining valuable bluewater experience along the way. I am always on the lookout for keen sailors for offshore passages, please check out our CrewSeeker service here.
And finally thank you so much to all the Pacific Rally 2024 cohort It is an incredible community of supportive and social sailors who are always happy to help each other out and share information & ideas. It has been such a pleasure getting to know everyone and support you throughout your adventures this season.
I look forward to doing it all again next season! We’ve already got 80 yachts registered for the Pacific Rally 2025 and a fun group about to set off for some adventures around the South Island this summer.
I am back in Christchurch for a week or so, and then heading over to Brisbane to attend the United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime Conference. I’ve been invited to speak about profiling sailors in the Pacific, and what a ‘normal’ cruising sailor & cruising behaviour looks like
I will of course be advocating on behalf of cruising sailors and I am hoping to learn more about what is going on in this space in the Pacific and will be speaking up for your rights too when it comes to being boarded and searched.
Thanks so much to all our members who have contributed some fantastic feedback from their experiences in this space I’ve had lots of great comments from people having had their boats boarded and thoroughly searched, to noticing suspicious things happening out there on the Ocean which I have added to my presentation.
I’ll be reporting back about the conference to our members in our weekly email update. If you aren’t already a member and would like to join our fantastic community of cruising yachties, it is just NZD$129 per annum to join - and comes with heaps of great benefits More info here.
I’ll also be at the 36 Degrees Beneteau & Lagoon owners rallies at Kawau Island - NZ later on this month, more details later in the newsletter, but if you are an owner of one of those brands, I encourage you to join us for some fun times! Hope to see you there.
Catch up again next month. Many thanks

Australian National Recreational Boating Survey
TheBIAtodayannouncedtherolloutofasurveydesignedtoimproveunderstandingofthesocialandeconomicbenefitsof recreationalboatingacrossAustralia.
TheBIAhasdesignedashortsurveytohelpgainabetterunderstandingoftheboatinghabitsofAustraliansandto demonstratethetypesofinsightsthatcanbegainedthroughimproveddatacollectionandresearch
BIAiscallingonmemberstocompleteandalsosharethesurveywiththeircustomersandotherdatabasesofboaters The surveycanbeaccessedatNationalRecreationalBoatingSurveyandshouldonlytakearound5minutestocomplete No identifiableinformationwillbecollected
BIACEOAndrewScottsaidthesurveywaspartofawiderprojecttodevelopamorecompletepictureoftheimpactandvalue ofboating.
“TheBIAreportedindustrynationalturnoverlastyearof$10.12billionwithmorethan35,000peopleemployedacrossthe nationinmostlyfamilybusinesses,employinglocalworkersandsupportinglocalcommunities,”Scottsaid.
“Researchshowsaround1in5Australiansparticipateinsomeformofrecreationalboatingactivityonatleastanannualbasis buttherearegapsinourunderstandingofpeoples’boatinghabits.”
“Whilebasicinformationisknownaboutthenumberofregisteredvesselsandthenumberofpeoplewhoholdaboator PersonalWatercraft(PWC)licence,thereisverylimitedknowledgeabouthowoftenpeoplegoboating,wheretheygo,who goeswiththemandwhattheyliketodowhileenjoyingtimeonthewater
“EvenlessinformationisknownabouttheboatinghabitsofthehundredsofthousandsofAustralianswhoheadoutonthe waterintherangeofdifferentformsofpaddleandsailcraftthatdon’tneedtoberegisteredanddon’tneedalicenceto operate”
BIAbelievesbuildingamorecompletepictureofthesocialandeconomicbenefitsofboatingwillhelppolicymakersand investorsmakebetterinformeddecisionsaboutanactivitythatmatterstomanyAustralians,andisproventodelivermental andphysicalhealthbenefits.AsthepeakindustrybodyinAustraliawithover650memberorganisationscoveringallState andTerritories,theBIAisastrongadvocateforallformsofboating.
“Wehavelong-standingrelationshipsacrossalllevelsofgovernmentandhaverecentlycommenceddevelopmentofthefirst everNationalRecreationalBoatingStatementwhichisdesignedtoincreaseawarenessofthefullrangeofboatingactivitiesin Australiaandofthesocialandeconomicbenefitsassociatedwiththeseactivities,”saidScott.
TheStatementwillalsohighlightthekeyissuesthatgovernmentsandindustryneedtobeworkingtogetheronoverthenext5 yearstosupportcontinuedgrowthinboatingparticipation

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Reluctantly for sale this 23.6 m Expedition vessel is ‘Expedition Ready’ for her next adventure. was built and launched in Tampa Florida in 1974. Restless M
Initially built as a mother ship to a commercial fishing fleet in the in the Bering Sea, she was converted to to deep sea salvage and was a very successful treasure hunter and features in the book Treasures of the Deep. The current custodians purchased the vessel around 2003 and undertook a complete refurbishment
The entire superstructure was removed and replaced with a Naval Architect designed alloy superstructure.
Restless M can circle the globe with three fuel stops and you don’t need to bring your IT Guru to operate this vessel! The asking price of $2.6 M AUD ($1.65 M USD approx.) is a fraction of the replacement price of this wellmaintained vessel
• Surveyor’s ‘Out of Water’ Report available
• Detailed Specification Report available
Vendors will look at trades of boats, property to lessor value as well as short term vendor finance to approved purchasers.
Claire’s book of their adventures and challenges can be purchased by scanning the QR code.
Claire’s book is titled Who’s in Charge, My Brain or Me? (Or My Wife ) The main goal of the book is to promote awareness of Parkinson’s Disease and to

Restless M
LOA:Beam: Draft:Air Draft: Displacement :Fuel:Water: MainEngine: Endurance:
raise funds for future research and to find a cure for this debilitating illness
PD is the fastest growing Neuro disorder in the world and is the reason that Errol & Claire can no longer safely navigate the vessel, so the regretful decision has been made to “Swallow the Anchor”
The vessel will be open for inspection at Hope Harbour Marina from May

Scan the QR code to view Restless M’s website listing

Scan the QR code to view a video walkthrough of Restless M

Welcome to Tauranga Bridge Marina
CruiseintoconvenienceandcomfortatTaurangaBridgeMarina,locatedinbetweenTaurangaandMount Maunganui-acoastalsunshineparadisewithplentyforeveryone.

•Full-ServiceBerths–yourvesselisincapablehandswithshorepowerandfreshwateravailable.Monoand multihullberthsavailable.
•FriendlyandExperiencedTeam–Ourstaffaren’tjustskilledprofessionals;they’repassionateboaters themselves.Whetheryouneedassistancedocking,localtipsforexploringtheBayofPlenty,orhelp coordinatingrepairs,ourteamisheretosupportyoueverystepoftheway.Withdecadesofcombined experience,weprideourselvesondeliveringexceptionalcustomerserviceandensuringthatyourvisitis smoothandstress-free.

• Modern Onshore Facilities – Access well-maintained amenities including showers and laundry.
• Exclusive Overseas Visitors Lounge – A relaxing space for you to unwind, work, and connect with fellow travellers offering complimentary WiFi.
• Hardstand and 35 Tonne Travelift with a 5.5m beam – Professional haulout service providing a hub for marine contractors to service all your vessel requirements. Boaties are welcome work on their own vessel and can stay onboard whilst on the hardstand.
• Café & Restaurant Onsite – Indulge in local cuisine and breathtaking waterfront views without leaving the marina or enjoy great coffee and delicious snacks from the café.
· World Class beach break – one of New Zealand's well-known surfing/foiling destinations. White sand beaches and easily accessible surf breaks line this beautiful coastline including a unique surf experience at Matakana Island. Raglan is an easy 2 ½ hour drive, situated on the West Coast - one of the most consistent places to surf or foil anywhere in the world.
• Close to Domestic Airport – Only a 5-minute drive to Tauranga Airport for international travel connections.
At Tauranga Bridge Marina, we don’t just offer a place to dock – we offer a home away from home. Our team is dedicated to making your stay a memorable one, with personalised service that meets your needs.
Dock with us and experience New Zealand’s friendliest marina!
Visit our website or contact us direct to book your berth today.

With 80 yachts now registered, our rally pre-departure content is underway! It is all available online for you to catch up any time.
Yacht Manual - A printed manual to help you record all the details of your vessel and safety equipment on board.
An invitation to join our Pacific Rally 2025 WhatsApp Group. You will also find subgroups inside the main community where you can chat about Tech Talk, connect with the other boats with children on board, boats starting in Australia & boats starting in NZ.
Module on Preparing the Vessel - in this update we talk through some of the common issues we've had on various boats in previous rallies, and things you can do to help avoid those issues on your boat.
Module on Preparing the Crew - in this update we talk about preparing a sailing CV which is useful for both your Insurance company and for NZ registered boats to show their Inspector. We also detail some great discounts you can get with our various suppliers on some extra training.
Module on Documentation & Administration - in this update we work through all the paperwork required for going offshore, passports, boat registration, filing systems, insurance, vessel details & crew list template and more.
Module on Communications - in this update we take a closer look at satellite & radio communications and ways of keeping in touch when you head offshore.
Check out all the other rally inclusions here

+ Special offers for Sail South Rally Participants!

Have you sailed to Australia from an international port recently?
On Wednesday 6th November, two staff from the Biofouling and In-water Cleaning Team from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry will be in Bundaberg and would like to meet with you to discuss how you manage biofouling on your vessel. This information will help inform Australia's biofouling requirements for non-commercial vessels to manage biosecurity risks from biofouling.
These discussions will be informal and last approximately 20 minutes. They will not form part of a biosecurity inspection We can meet you in person at your vessel in the Bundaberg Marina or nearby If you are interested in meeting with us, please send an email to marinepests@affgovau indicating what time(s) you will be available, your name, mobile, vessel name and location within the marina (if you'd like us to meet you at your vessel).
Biofouling and In-water Cleaning Team
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry marinepests@affgovau

Susui Village would like to thank the donors Island Cruising NZ and Sea Mercy for their wonderful contributions to the Susui Secondary students who travel by boat daily to Lomaloma. Thanks alot for the life jackets and their raincoats. We do as parents really appreciate your kindly support. Also a word of thanks to Officer Tuimasi Cataki for receiving n sending it over to Susui.Once again thank you all donors n Officer Tui

Despitehealthytoolboxprovisioning Thegalleygetlootedatminimum Nowheretostorefoods,theTupperwareallused tohousespareparts,nuts,boltsandscrews!
Breadboardsareendangeredspecies Stolenfornon-foodiepurposes Papertowelevaporate,dishclothsappropriated Despitelotsofragsfordirtyuses
Iwishmysharpkniveswouldstay Inthekitchendrawersafelyaway
Buttheytendtogetused,forotherpurposesabused, toparetimberandhackropesaffray!
Theclosequartersofthissailinglife canwhipupourwitsintostrife
PLEASE Don'ttouchthegoodscissors!

An Island to Oneself Tom Neale
with epilogue by Stella Neale
CHB | October 2024 | HarperCollins NZ | 9781775542667 | RRP $45
‘IchosetoliveinthePacificislandsbecauselifetheremovesatthesortofpacewhichyoufeelGodmusthave hadinmindwhenhemadethesuntokeepuswarmandprovidedthefruitsoftheearthforthetaking’
ASouthSeasclassicsince1966,thisisthestoryofoneNewZealanderbraveenoughtodowhatmanyofus havedreamedofdoing–livealoneonadesertisland.ThisOctober,thereisanewreleaseAnIslandtoOneself. Thisisaneweditionofthe1966classic,nowoutofprint.
TomNealewasaregularshopworker,borninWellington.ThePacificIslandshadlongcapturedhis imagination.Attheageof50,helefthisfamilyinPalmerstonIslandfortheremoteatollofSuvarov(now Suwarrow).Hespentover16yearsthere,livinginsolitude.Hisdailylifewasmodest,andatturns,challenging andidyllic.
InhisyouthTomNealewasanordinaryseamanandforyearsashopkeeperamongtheCookIslands,butinhis fiftiesheturnedhisbackonsocietytolivealoneontheSouthPacificatollofSuvarov(nowknownas Suwarrow).Hetooknothingbutacoupleofcats,somebric-a-bractotieandbolthismeagredwelling,andthe strengthofbodyandmindtosurvive.
Foroversixyearsoverthreeextendedstays,Nealebattledtheelements:thefurioushurricanethatengulfed thecoralislet;fivedesperatehoursinastormylagoonwithacripplinglystrainedback;evenareluctantbitof blood-lettingonwildpigsandamammothseaturtle.

Butalongwiththetoilsandperilswereyearsofpeaceandbeauty: buildingacanoewhichhechristenedtheRupturedDuckling;baking withbananaleaves;thedelightdrawnfromasipofbrandy;and tamingawildduck.Allofthesesimplepleasuresareareminderof whatwetakeforgrantedinourownlivestoday.
Those moments when I sat and watched my father as he rowed me, seemingly effortlessly, across Surrarrow’s lagoon, and when later we waved to each other as I sat on the aft deck of the Ravaki, are how I like to remember him’

You can now see the average wind, wave and weather conditions, month by month, for any location in the world, with our new Climate Data feature. View the rolling averages from the last 10 years of historic ECMWF weather data so you can confidently choose the best time of year for your next adventure.
View historical weather patterns.
Wind and wave roses display the rolling 10-year average for each month, alongside other weather parameters, giving you insights into how the conditions vary throughout the year.
Wind (Wind rose)
Wave (Wave rose)
Air temperature
Wave height
Sea surface temperature
Cloud coverage
Highest gusts
Thunderstorm probability

Owning a boat is not just about having fun and traveling to the most beautiful destinations in the world. While that is the main reason why people go into the boating life, there is also the same level of responsibility attached to it, as there is enjoyment.
As a boat owner or manager, you have to look after your vessel to ensure that it is in good shape and fully stocked to leave the dock and get you and your group to your next destination safe and sound. As such, you need to plan ahead and create a list of tasks to accomplish.
Use a task management software to help you navigate the maintenance system of a boat
The best boat management tool TheBoatApp, by Marine Data Cloud, is a boat management tool designed with task monitoring in mind What it does is provide you with all your boating life in one place Through the app you can have access to your marine life, fully cataloged and backed up so you never lose track of what is going on with your boat at any time of the day and year This information is accessible on any device, whether you have an active internet connection or not
Most importantly, this is a boat management software that allows you to plan, assign tasks to other members of your team such as skippers, marina personnel, or technicians, and place deadlines so you can be ahead of the game.
The advantages of TheBoatApp
The major advantage of using TheBoatApp is that you can always access information in real-time. So if a task has been completed you can just check on the app if it has been marked as such or if you need to assign someone else to help.
You can also register a task to be done on a certain date and get a notification when it is checked off the list If you are not the most organized person when it comes to remembering to do a task, just add a prealert to get notified ahead of time
Last but not least, share this information with whoever you believe needs to be in the loop and get your boat in good shape before a trip
Check out more features of TheBoatApp online and register for the free version to get a personal look at how the app may help you in task monitoring.

This is the new and most improved way of managing your tasks and helping you enjoy your boat as much as you can.

TheU.S.CoastGuardNavigationCenterannouncesupcomingchangestotheLocalNoticetoMariners(LNM)and theLightList,aspartofoureffortstomodernizeandimprovetheaccessibility,accuracy,andoveralluser experienceformarinersandotherstakeholders.
1.TransitionFromPaperCharts:InJanuary2025,NOAAwilldiscontinuetheproductionofallpapercharts.In alignmentwiththischange,theCoastGuardwilltransitionfromusingNOAAPaperChartNumbersandEditions/ DatesfordisseminatingMarineSafetyInformation(MSI)tousingOfficialWaterwayNames.
2.HowYouWillAccessLNMsandLightLists:TheLNMandLightListdatawillnowbeavailableinageospatial format,whichwillallowyoutovisualizeinformationinteractivelyonamap/chart.Youcanuseyourmousewheel orthe+/-buttonsintheupperleftportionofthescreentozoominoroutandnavigatetoyourdesiredareaonthe map/chart.Oncetheareaisdisplayed,youcangenerateaPDFoftheLNMorLightListforthatspecificarea,which youcanthensaveand/orprint.Alternatively,youcanuseafillableformonourwebsitetoselectyourwaterway bynamefromtheLightListandgeneratetheLNMorLightList.
3.LNMandLightListDataRefreshRate:LNMdatawillberefreshedeveryfifteenminutes.LightListdatawillbe refreshedevery24hours.Thiswillgiveyouamuchmoreup-to-dateoperatingpicture,designedtoenhanceyour efficiencyandimprovesafetyinyourareaoftransitorplannedroutes.
4.EliminationofWeeklyFiles:WeeklyLNMs,WeeklyLightListCorrectionFiles,DailyDiscrepancyFiles,andthe SummaryofLightListChangeswillnolongerbepublishedtofocusonprovidingthemostup-to-dateand accessibleformat.Inthenearfuture,wewillalsopublishanApplicationProgrammingInterface(API)for interestedpartiestoaccessthedataexternally.
ThemodernizationofMSIdeliveryisdesignedtoimprovetheU.S.CoastGuard’said-to-navigationdata managementanddisseminationcapabilities.Byprovidingfrequentupdates,geospatialvisualization,anddigital access,wehopetoachieveourgoalsof:
•ImprovingAccessibility:Theshifttogeospatialvisualizationmakesiteasierforallusers,fromcommercial marinerstorecreationalboaters,tostayinformed.
•IncreasingEfficiency:TheintegrationofLNMandLightListdataintoageospatialformattosimplifythe gatheringofsafetyinformationandfacilitateeasyrouteplanning.
ThetransitiontothemodernizedLNMandLightListplatform(theNavigationCenterwebsite)willbecompleted byMonday,October21st.
StartingOctober21st,2024,youwillbeabletoaccesstheupdatedLocalNoticetoMariners(LNM)andLightList throughtheNAVCENwebsite,withaUserGuideavailabletoassistyou.Whilelegacyversionsoftheseproducts willnolongerbeproducedorpostedafterOctober31st,previouslyavailableversionswillremainaccessiblefor downloadindefinitely.Additionally,userscannowgenerateupdatedLNMsinrealtime,withdata refreshedevery15minutes.
Foranyquestionsorassistance,pleasevisitourContactUspage,select'LNMsorLightLists'fromtheSubject dropdown,andsubmityourinquiry.
Thankyouforyourcontinuedsupportasweworktoenhancethesafetyandefficiencyofmaritimenavigation. U.S.CoastGuardNavigationCenter(www.navcen.uscg.gov)

Everyone,ofmygenerationatleast,isfamiliarwithDonMacLean’s1971classic,“ByebyeMissAmericanPie”.It’sa somberreferencetothedeathofthreefamousmusicians,BuddyHolly,RitchieValensandJ.P.RichardsonJr.who tragicallydiedinaplanecrash,immortalizedinthelyric,‘thedaythemusicdied.’ Ifoundoutthisontheinternetthathasjustbeenrestored.
Thesecoordinatesputus460milesnorthofNewZealandonourpassagefromFiji-homewardbound,withsome weathertocontendwithaswemakefirstlandfallhopefullyonSaturday. Asiscommonnowwecanwatch/study/predict/guesstheweatheranytimeofthedayornightthankstoastring ofsatellitesandaguywhosesurnamematchesaparticularanimal’smatingsecretions.
Enjoyingthe20knotaftofthebeambreezeonthisspectacularcatthisafternoonwefoundourselvessuddenly blindtotheweather,news,family,friendsandheavenforbid,allthesocialmediaplatformsloadedwithfriends we’venevermet.
InthemidstofputtinginareefanextralongloopofreefinglinemanagedtolassotheStarlinkdish,(moreofa whitebreadboardwhichadmittedlywasbeggingforitinsuchavulnerableposition)andbeforeyoucouldsay, ‘connected,’weweredisconnected.
Theskystillwasblue,thewindstillwasfillingoursails,thetwinwakesstillgurgledcontinuouslyoutthe transoms,theseawasstillontheoutside.
So,therewasnoimmediateproblemexcepttoletourmaincontactsbackhomeknowthatallwaswell;wewere notlostatsea,wehadn’tsailedintoamysteriousPacificTrianglenorbeenabductedbyaliens-andnottoworryif theydidn’thearfromus.
Ofcourse,theeaseofmakingfrequentcontactmeantthatevenadayofnomessagingmightraiseunnecessary alarm.
Recentlyayacht,TongaboundfromFijilostStarlinkafternotchangingplansandconcernedfamilyonshoreraised thealarminstigatinganextensiveandexpensivesearchpatroloutofTonga.Theywereallfoundsafeandsound, sansinternet.
Thisisamodernproblem,neverencounteredwhenthe‘nonewsisgoodnews’rulestillheldforoceanpassaging sailors.Afterall,weallusedtosaileverywherewithoutalltheseevolvingmodernconveniencesfromSSBtoSat Nav,toSatphones,toStarlink.Whatnext,‘BeammeupScotty’?(“Icanne’doitCap’n,we’relosingpowa.”)
AcknowledgingtheworsecasesituationofnocommsforthenextfewdaysweusedthegoodoldVHFradiotocall anearbyyachtwhokindlysentamessagetoourcontactstoputthematease.(Thefacttheyhadsatellitecomms seemedagiven.)
Thebrightsideofallthisbeing,maybeourlovedoneswouldmissusafterafewdaysofmessagingsilence-and whowantstoseethefishwecaughtanywayyetalonethemealthatwaspreparedatsunset. Cruisingyachtsareallaboutmakingrepairsinexoticplaces.
Fortunately,theStarlinkdishwasnotlostoverthesidesowiththedexterityofamicrosurgeonourskipperset aboutstitchingthecolourfulandminiscule8wiresbacktogetherlikenerveendingsonaseveredfinger.Onecould arguethevirtualentitlementofhavinginternetisindeedanextensionofourselves.
Ofcourse,havingawellpreparedshipwithanelectricaltoolboxrepletewithconnectorsandeverythingwe neededdowntogaffertape(neverunderestimatetheversatilityofgaffertape)meantwehadhighhopes.These werepromptlydashedbythe,‘Nodataconnection’messageasweallgapedexpectantlyatourphonesoncethelast separatedtinywireswerecojoinedasone.
Inan,‘ahha’moment,afterafewminutesofblankstares,theSkipperrememberedaYouTubevideoabouthow theinbuiltmotorisaprerequisitetolocatingsatellitesandifitisn’tgoingyoucan’tskiptostep2,dataconnection. (Muchlikeanautomaticcarwon’tstartingear–atooeasyfix.)
Theanswerissimplytodisengagethemotorbyunpluggingitanditgoesstraighttostep2,Dataconnection. Ourmicro-surgeonwasnowupforinvasivesurgeryatanexperimentallevelwithnothingtolose,usingaJeffrey Dharmatypeproceduretobypassthebrains,disablethemotorandseewhathappened.Itworked.
High5’sallround,tensecondslaterwe’reallstaringatourphoneswhileourlovedonesbackhomesuddenlydon’t gettohavetheblessedbreakfromourfishingandcookingexploitsforafewdays.
Suddenlyweallfeltasenseofreliefthatwewerereconnectedwiththeworld.Despitethebigshiftbacktoavirtual reality,nothingchanged-theskystillwasblue,thewindstillwasfillingoursails,thetwinwakesstillgurgled continuouslyoutthetransoms,theseawasstillontheoutside.Everythingwhatsailingisaboutcarriedon regardless.
2.Wewereallfinebutnooneknewthatwehadn’tbeenabductedbyaliensbecauseofasuddenlackofcontact. (Thoughthatstorysurebeatswhatwehadfordinner.)
So,PlanA,relayingamessagetoourfamilieswasourNumber1priorityincaseplanB,fixingit,didn’twork.The VHFwasouronlyoption.Weneededabetterbackupplan-redundancyinsystemsisessential
3.ImprovementslikeStarlink’snewflushmounteddishesmakesenseasdoesthenextgenerationmotorless sequencetoacquiringsatellitesanddataconnection.

TheislandsofFrenchPolynesiaareastunningandpopulararchipelagoforcruisingyachts.However,fromearly2025,thenumberofspots availableinsomeofthemorepopularanchorageswillbeseverelyrestrictedwiththeimplementationofanewbookingsystem. “BeforecomingtoTahiti,boatersmustmakesuretheyhaveaplacetoberth/anchor,becausemoreandmoreregulationswillbeapplied,”says Jean-PaulLeCailldirectorofthePortofPapeete“Intheory,itwillnotbepossibletocometotheportdistrictofTahitiwithoutaplaceina marinaorlegalanchorage”

Cruising Preparation Online Course Content
Our Comprehensive Offshore Cruising Preparation Course is available online for just NZD$129.00 and on demand.
The course content is broken down into easy to digest 1 hr sessions, View the course content as often as you wish.
View when it suits you.
Learn at your own pace.
Pause / Rewind at any time.
Contact the course presenters via email or telephone at any time with questions.
Preparing the Vessel
Ship Registration: Guide to ships registry
Category 1: What is ‘Cat 1’and how does it apply to you and your vessel
Safety Gear: Vessel specific – EPIRBS, MOB devices
Rigging: Tips for extended cruising & safety including deck layout, preventers and more.
Sails: Selection, balance, tuning, maintenance, furling systems.
Anchors & Anchoring: How many, types, warps, windlass
Water treatment: Filtration, purification, disinfectant, watermakers.
Vessel Systems: Plumbing, gas, fuel
Battery Systems: Capacity, measuring power consumption, troubleshooting, preventative maintenance and charging systems
Power generation: How much do you need to generate and the pros and cons of various options including wind, solar and mechanical
Electronics: Radios, charting, GPS, Radar, autopilot, AIS, etc.
Steering: Tiller, wheel, wind vanes, autopilots & emergency systems
Diesel Engines: Troubleshooting, spares
Fuel systems: Filters, injectors, avoiding ‘bugs & bad fuel’
Navigation: Basic equipment requirements
Charts: Tables, filing, requirements
Preparing the People
Sea Survival: Coastal and Offshore
Watchkeeping & safety protocols
Safety Gear: Personal EPIRBS and MOB devices, personal AIS
Seasickness: Remedies, management & avoidance
Log Keeping: How to keep a ship log and why plus basic record keeping
To Crew or not to crew: Pros and cons of having crew aboard, where to find crew and your responsibilities.
Sailing to a schedule: A recipe for disaster
Medical Kits and medicines
Money Matters: Credit cards, foreign currency, Power of Attorney
Insurance: Vessel & Travel
Staying Sane: Identifying roles, communicating aboard & sharing small spaces
Offshore Communications
Voice Communication options including Satellite, Radios – VHF/ SSB/ HAM & Radio Schedules
Electronic communications including email at sea: why is it important?
Vessel tracking and position reporting
Computer’s, Tablets, Phones and apps
Weather Forecasting: Coastal & Offshore
Weather information: Sources of weather info, how to interpret and use weather info.
Weather routing for Passage Planning & Passage Management
Personal Health
Preparing and maintaining the Mind & Body
Search and Rescue
How to Contact, Response times, authority & scope of SAR.
What to take, where to put it & what is available when you get where we are going.
Sourcing Products & Services
Where to get great discounts and deals on marine and cruising lifestyle products and services
Cruising Guides & Reference Books: Recommended, pilots, reference manuals, cruising guides

events 2024

Nalawan Festival Vanuatu
Friday 22 AugustSaturday 23 August 2025

New Zealand’s festival on the water is back in 2025

Dates have been released for the Auckland Boat Show in 2025. Bringing a festival on the water to the heart of central Auckland, it will showcase all things boating from 6-9 March.
The Auckland Boat Show, scheduled to run as part of Moana Auckland, New Zealand’s Ocean Festival, is timed to allow boating enthusiasts to enjoy a feast of March marine activities
Making the most of an Auckland summer on the water, the show gathers together 2025’s latest releases from boatbuilders and brokers across New Zealand and the world It’s a show which has become known throughout the region for the spectacular sight of the central city filling with hundreds of boats
The Auckland Boat Show is one of the key events of Moana Auckland and runs after the NZ Millennium Cup superyacht regatta in February to give visitors plenty to enjoy on the water.
A large marina display will spread through Jellicoe Harbour, filling the space outside the former America’s Cup bases with newly-released yachts, motoryachts, multihulls, superyachts, amphibious vessels and trailer boats. On-land exhibits will complement the on-water component of the show, taking up a Viaduct Events Centre spot in central Auckland’s buzzing Wynyard Quarter.
“There’s nothing like an Auckland summer on the water,” says show organiser, Stacey Cook.
“Which is why we stage the show in early March. It’s such a pleasure to showcase New Zealand’s marine industry where it’s at its best; on the water, enjoying the sun and lifestyle that boating brings ”
Uniquely in this part of the world, sea trials are a crucial component of the event With the Waitematā Harbour as the show’s neighbour, manufacturers and brokers are able to demonstrate vessels in their element to buyers, allowing them to bring performance, sea-kindliness and handling to the forefront
For 24 years the Auckland Boat Show has also provided an important stage for regional and international parts and services providers. With a large on-land component of the show, the event has become a launching point each year for annual releases of innovative products and new developments.

Boat expressions of interest for 2025 AWBF now open
Embark on a maritime odyssey unlike any other as the Australian Wooden Boat Festival (AWBF) announces the opening of expressions of interest for the prestigious showcase of vessels ashore and afloat at the AWBF 2025. Held 7 - 10 February 2025, this grand event, held in Tasmania, stands as the largest celebration of maritime culture in the Southern Hemisphere.
The AWBF, renowned for its magnitude and cultural significance, transforms the historical Hobart Waterfront into a bustling hub of maritime festivities over four captivating days. Notably, the 2023 edition of the festival witnessed an attendance of 60,000 patrons, while garnering expressions of interest from over 450 wooden boat owners.
The 2025 theme is 'New Zealand and the Pacific Ocean', and the AWBF 2025 aims to shine a spotlight on the rich maritime legacy spanning from Japan to the west coast of the USA, and across the vast expanse of Pacific Islands leading to Australia. Anticipating an international influx of vessel expressions of interest, the organisers have already begun fielding inquiries, with 49% of expressions in 2023 originating from beyond the borders of Tasmania.
Organisers extend an invitation to wooden boat owners of all classifications to submit their expressions of interest by September, as berthing opportunities are limited.
Once again, vessels ashore will be thoughtfully curated across the festival grounds, including within the stunning City Hall, which, following its successful integration in the 2023 program, offers a secure venue for the exhibition of dinghies, kayaks, and sailboats in all their rigging.
The AWBF 2025 promises to be an exceptional gathering of maritime heritage, culture and community. Organisers encourage enthusiasts to seize this opportunity to partake in the celebrations. For further details and registration of expressions of interest, please visit the official website.
The next Australian Wooden Boat Festival will be 7 – 10 February 2025.
For more information please visit the AWBF website – awbf.org.au

Advanced Sea Survival Course

Offshore Marine Medic

Two-dayOffshoreMedicalCoursecustomisedtoprovidestudentswiththebasicsrequiredfor OffshoreCruisingCoursealsocoversahandoveroftheOffshoreMedicalKit(CAT1)andhowto useit.

A Self Steering Windvane System:
A completely independent mechanical system (ie. non-electrical) that steers the boat on a wind-based course. Easiest to operate, with no lines in the cockpit, and excellent on all points of sail and in all conditions.
It is an Auxiliary Rudder type of windvane system – the Vane drives its own Rudder via a sophisticated Drive Unit linkage.
An Emergency Rudder/ Steering System
Inherently a second Rudder and Steering System for your boat.
It is the strongest Emergency Rudder and Steering System available today. Always in place, nothing to set-up – takes the fear out of losing your rudder or breaking your vessel’s steering mid passage or close to shore.

We are very proud to be a part of the South Pacific Sailing Network - a group of like minded businesses and countries around the South Pacific who are all committed to promoting sustainable yachting tourism and advocating on behalf of cruisers exploring the South Pacific.
Our Pacific rally is the pathway that connects the islands and sailors together
Read more about the aims of the SPSN here.

Provisioning Coaching

We love helping cruisers start the sustainable journey with our coaching sessions. We absolutely love to help you get the best out of your galley and already have some more coaching clients booked in this month. We are looking forward to helping them towards a more sustainable and plant-based galley.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with our coaching sessions, I thought it would be good to share here with you some of our FAQs to give you a better idea of what it entails.
How long will the coaching session last?
Your session will last approximately 1 hour.
How can I prepare for the session?
Once you have booked and paid for your session you will receive a Small Vegan Kitchen coaching information pack in pdf format.
What topics will be covered during the session?
This is totally up to you. I am here to guide you and help you navigate your way to your goals, they could be sustainable practices, plant-based onboard, provisioning for passage, feeding your family or crew in remote areas, etc.
Will I receive follow-up support after the session?
Of course! Help is at hand. Around 30 days after your session I will contact you and ask you how you are getting on, celebrate your success and help you overcome any challenges that arose along the way.
How much does it cost?
Our Coaching session is 60 euros which is approx 64 USD and 97 AUD.
How do I purchase a coaching session with you?
Please send us an email and, we will give you all the information you need.
Can I ask questions about specific sustainability practices or plant-based cooking techniques? Yes! Please do all your questions are very welcome.
Feel free to reach out if you would like to have a coaching session with us or have any other questions
We are here to support you every step of the way on your journey towards a more sustainable and healthconscious galley.

A Saviour For Mooring Owners and Sailors Alike
Mooringbnb is a new platform designed to allow mooring owners to maximise their earnings while making it easy for sailors to book a mooring from anywhere. It’s the ultimate win-win set to take off this summer.

Mooringbnb for mooring owners
Often,mooringssitunusedforextendedperiodsoftime. Mooringbnb.co.nzmakesiteasytohireyourmooring outwheneveryou’renotusingit.Itworksalongsimilar linestoAirBnB,allowingsailorstosearchforan availablemooring,bookitandpayforitonthespot.
Mooringbnbautomatesalltheadminwork,from marketingtotakingpaymentsandevennotifyingthe harbourmasterwhenthemooringisbeingused.It’sfully customisable,soyoucancontrolitsavailability,and chargewhateverrateyouwish.
Registeringyourmooringcostsnothing,andyouget paidtherateyouset.
It’savailableinNewZealandatthemoment,butissetto expandintoAustraliaandthePacificIslandsin2024.
Formooringowners,it’sauniqueopportunityto generateincomethatrequiresminimaleffort.Itmakes morelocationsavailabletosailors,includingwhenthe weatherturnsbadandtheyneedasafeplacetostayat shortnotice.
Thenumberofmooringsareincreasingmonthlyand sailorsarealreadymakingbookingsforthenextfew months.Withthesummersailingseasononthehorizon, it’stheperfecttimetolistamooringandgenerateextra incomewhileyousailoffelsewhereyourself.

Greg Luck has been a frequent contributor to the Down Under Rally Magazine He has released a new third edition of Cruising the Queensland Coast, his guide for yachts cruising from the Gold Coast to Lizard Island.
While cruising in 2023, Greg was struck by the number of cruisers who had adopted Starlink. The cheapest way to use it is on the Roam plan, designed to work over land. At sea, the very expensive Maritime plan must be used. Starlink “land” includes many islands and some reefs using a hexagonal tiling system. It can be hit and miss as to whether an anchorage or mooring is on “land” or sea for Starlink. New in the 3rd edition, each anchorage and mooring includes a Starlink icon to indicate land or sea.

Along with a print edition, the book comes as an eBook for tablets. However, the big players support a limited number of countries, and usually not the overseas territories of those countries such as Noumea or Tahiti. This has been a problem for some cruisers. The 3rd edition adds Rakuten Kobo, which supports 244 countries and overseas territories with excellent coverage for the Pacific.
The third edition is fully updated with:
•many new public moorings for the Townsville, Discovery and Cassowary coasts and the Whitsundays
•new anchorages, taking the total to 503 anchorages and moorings
•new public pontoons
•updates to the K’Gari Coast for the new Great Sandy Marine Park management plan
•Starlink land versus ocean status for each anchorage, mooring and marina along with the Telstra mobile reception
•digital TV reception strength for each anchorage
•latest marina changes including comprehensive information on super yacht berths and resultant marina berth layout changes
•S63 official Hydrographic chart references for each coast and how to use Australian
Hydrographic charts on apps and chart plotters along with other navigation data sources
•expanded coverage of the Gold Coast and Moreton Bay
•recalculated wave roses for recent Waverider buoy placements such as the Wide Bay Bar
•higher-resolution aerial images and photos in the print version
•numerous other changes and updates
Down Under Rally and Island Cruising members get a 10% discount on the print book and a 20% discount on the Google Play Books eBook. Contact Greg at book@curlewescape.com.au with your member number to get a discount.

TherearesomanyoptionsforInternationalCruiserswhenitcomestocruisingtheSouthPacific.Oftenwesee peoplewhozoomstraightthroughandmissoutonsomeofthebestbits!Ourrecommendation-don’trushand makethemostoftheprevailingwinds.Here’sasuggestedSouthWestPacificitineraryforboatsheadingfrom Panamainthisdirection-Watchthevideoanimationhere
Year 1
March CrossfromPanamatoFrenchPolynesia
April ArriveFrenchPolynesia(unlessyou’vegotalongstayvisaoranEUpassportyou’veonlygot 90daystoexplorethisincredibledestination).
July CookIslands
August SamoaandorNiue
September Vava’u-Tonga-checkouttheBlueWaterCruisersFestival
October Ha’apai,Tongatapu,Minerva,NewZealand
Stop in NZ to escape cyclone season - enjoy tax free repairs on your boat, Or Join the South Island Rally to sail south to explore incredible Fiordland or head home for Christmas.


Year 2
May JointhePacificRallytosailbacktoFijiorbacktoTonga
August Vanuatu-jointherallyeventsthroughoutVanuatu
September NewCaledonia
October BundabergAustraliaontheGoWestRally.
December SydneyHarbourtowatchthestartoftheSydneyHobartRaceandfireworksonNewYears Eve
Australia is another great place to stop for a while with great boat repairs and places to leave the boat while you explore ashore or head home and of course some excellent cruising grounds too!
Year 3
January Tasmania-JointheVDL-CCruise
February CruiseslowlybackuptheEastcoastofAustralia,enjoythestunningWhitsundaysandthen OnwardstoAsiaoralternativelycrosstheTasmanandheadbacktoNewZealandto enjoyexploringwiththeSouthIslandRally
May OrreturntothePacificontheGoEast-PacificRallytorevisittheplacesyoumissedor . enjoyedthefirsttimeround.
October BacktoNewZealandorAustralia-bothgreatplacestoendyourjourneyandsellyourboat. Or carry on doing circles in the Pacific or continuing on around the world!
Love great wine?
Say goodbye to heavy, breakable bottles onboard!
Greenskin Wine presents a premium wine experience in a convenient 750ml soft pouch, ideal for those who want to enjoy fine wine without the hassle of cruising with heavy, bulky, breakable bottles onboard.
With 8 varieties to choose from, they have a superb choice of whites and reds from the worldrenowned Margaret River and Great Southern wine regions of Western Australia. You can pre-order through their website and nominate to have your wine delivered anywhere within Australia for just $4.95 per 6-pack (3 or more cases FREE delivery).
Greenskin Wine pouches hold 750ml but are around half the size and weight of a standard bottle of wine, which will save on weight and loads of fridge and storage space onboard. They are also unbreakable, making them ideal when on the water. And once the joy is over, they fold flat, so you do not have to lug bulky empties with you!
Another fab bonus. If you just want a glass or two, simply squeeze all the air from the pouch and reseal, and your wine will stay fresh for up to 3 weeks, saving on wasted wine and money!

Sip Sustainably
Not only is the wine great quality, but Greenskin Wine pouches take 80% less energy to produce than a glass bottle, and due to their lightweight, compact nature, they take a lot less energy to transport.
The ultimate kicker is that the pouches are 100% recyclable. They even take care of the recycling. Every 6-pack comes with a postage-paid satchel, making it super easy to return your empties via AusPost for recycling.
SPECIAL OFFER - Enhance your sundowners with Greenskin WIne! Greenskin Wine generously offers our Island Cruising & Down Under Members 10% OFF all orders.
Simply visit: https://greenskinwine.com/
Use your member's discount code for use at the checkout to receive 10% OFF each, and every six-pack of Greenskin Wine ordered.

Dear Captain Jack,
Got a question? Ask a Pirate...
I’ve just arrived in New Zealand from the Islands, and I notice everyone is wearing a life jacket in their dinghy Whats up? I haven’t worn a life jacket in ages!
Yours Mr Hook
Ahoy there Mr Hook,
Welcome to stunning Aotearoa New Zealand - another of the wonderful cruising destinations in the South Pacific that you can’t miss on your sailing adventures!
Each region in New Zealand has different rules when it comes to life jackets, but in most regions, it is compulsory to wear a life jacket when you are on a vessel less than 6m in length, and if you aren’t wearing one you can get pulled up and fined!
While you’re at it, don’t be a dick Mr Hook, make sure you obey the 5knot rule - that is 5 knots within 50m of another vessel or 200m from the shore. Keep an eye out for the Alpha flag - as this is the NZ flag telling you that there are divers down - so stay well clear of them too.
Of course, you’ll ALWAYS want to wear the kill-cord on the engine to avoid chopping off your other leg if you happen to fall out. If you don’t wear the kill cord every time you go in the dinghy, click here to see a number of reasons why you always should!
And use an all round white light at night in your dinghy - or navigation lights if you have them, this will make it much easier for other boaties to see you and not run you over, which tends to leave lots of blood on the propeller and this can be really hard to get off and potentially stain their dinghy too and generally just make a real mess of your arm and stuff, and you can’t really afford to lose another hand can you...?
Happy sailing!

For Sailors
Thefreedomofbeingabletosailwhereveryou wantisoneofthegreatestthingsabout cruisingthissummer.Youcanfollowweather patternsorcoastlines,meanderyourwaytoa setdestinationorjustfollowyournoseandsee whereyouendup.
Justaslongasyoucanfindamooringora placetoanchor...
ForPeterKershaw,atriparoundtheBayof Islandspiecingtogetheravailablemooringson thefly,postingonFacebookpagesandasking localsforhelp,madehimthinktheremustbea betterway.
Peterdecidedtocreateanonlinebooking platformthattookcareofallthedetailsand madeiteasierforyachtiestoplansailingtrips.
WithMooringbnb,youcanseeavailable mooringsanywhereinNewZealand,andbook themwithoutneedingtogoonshore.It’sa much-neededupgradeofthetraditional bookingsystem,givingsailorscertainty, convenienceandcompliance.
There’snoneedtocheckmooringsizelimitsor notifytheharbourmaster-alltheconditions andlogisticsaretakencareofwithinthe bookingplatform.

With a friendly boating mad team always on hand to offer practical advice, tips, and make product recommendations, we’ve got the answer for you. Our chandlery will ensure you get back out on the water, faster!
For any boating problems, come see the team at All Marine.
Always on hand find that hard-to-find boat part you’ve been searching for – even if it’s not on our shelves – we’re sure to know where to find it. Priding ourselves on stocking our great product range and having fantastic service, shop online or come on down in store and have a yarn. Don’t see what you need? Give us a call, we’ll be happy to help. 09 438 4499 Check out our website here.

Panama Samoa

PacificandNZflagsusedbutstilluseable.OtherflagsnewNZD$50ono Contact-brumarg23@gmail.com
"Elvira" is a innovative deck saloon designed to sail far away with a short handed crew; twin engines, hydraulic centerboard lifting system, all lines coming back to the helm stations on electric winches. Her building construction, equipment and volumes, energy and water self sufficiency make "Elvira" an ultimate compromise between sailing ability and luxury liveaboard.

For Sale

This is a rare opportunity to own an award winning Outremer 51, available in the South Pacific. Enjoy cruising the islands with friends and family this season! This fully loaded 2014 model is extensively equipped and has been loved by families for years. Sail to the islands in comfort and safety gained from a light, fast catamaran, and do it in less than 6 days from NZ (well within most weather forecast ranges).
View online here
East of the Lizard
The Sundeer & Deerfoot designed boats from Steve Dashew are regarded as the best short handed cruising boats in the world, bar none. With a solidly built GRP / Kevlar hull, easily managed sail plan, shallow draft and moveable water ballast they make 200+ mile days easy for a crew of 2 or more in comfort and safety.It is very rare for one of these boats to come on the market.
She had a major refit in 2018 and another smaller one in 2022 and again in 2023-2024. The Owner can't help himselft to make her perfect.
The current owner has owned 'East of the Lizard' 3 times now over the last 10 years and sailed many miles around the Pacific. Right now in Fiji.
View online here

Island Packet 38

2008Leopard46CatamaranCountingStars isaverywellmaintainedOwnersversion Leopard46ftCat,thecurrentownershave spentalotoverthelast4yearsincatchingup ondeferredmaintenanceandupgrades.The ownershave2hauloutsandmaintenance periodseachyear.WithCat12023,2024the wintermonthshavebeenintheIslandsthe NZsummermonthsNZwaterscruising.

For sale - Hydrovane windvane selfsteering
New out of the UK 2016, been to the tropics and back to NZ 2018-2023 Was sitting unused over COVID period in Vanuatu from Nov 2019- Sept 2023 during which time it was covered, and the boat was on the hardstand The unit was mounted offset on a walk-through transom Beale 33
It is a very reluctant sale due to ill health and therefore no further offshore sailing for the boat This extra crew named ‘Albi’ on our 2 handed adventures was our best investment for open water passage making, so simple and totally reliable.
This unit has a ‘stubby’ windvane which suited the backstay set up. We also had the autohelm able to be attached to its tiller for motoring.
‘Albi’ comes complete with pictured brackets and unit cover plus new spare pins and the original red Hydrovane vane cover which we didn’t use Instead, I made one and kept this as a spare
www hydrovane com are super supportive and will give advice all the way You can also check out www hydrovane com/our-product/specifications/ for more details.
$5,500 ono, unit is in Waikawa Marina. This price is for pick up.
Contact: felicityloncar@gmail.com

SvAlizeIIisanAustralianregisteredLeopard46,designedforcomfortablecruisingorjust moseyingaroundtheislands.
Thesaloonisbrightandairyandhasoperableportsforwardtoletthefreshaircirculate. Thelargedinettewithwraparoundseatingandagalleywithafold-outcountertopthat extendsintothespacious,coveredcockpit.
Theraisedhelmstationislocatedinthehardtoproofwithopenaccesstothecockpit,and allcontrolsleadaftforexcellentvisibilityandeaseofmanoeuvre.
Theportandstarboardhullshavefourspaciousair-conditionedcabins,eachwithanen suitetoiletandseparateshower.
Alizewassetuptooperateasacrewedchartervessel,withextrasafetyequipmentand small personal touches added. Such as forward-looking sonar, AIS, automatic fire extinguisherforenginebays,doubleUSBpointsinallcabins,stand-uppaddleboards,and somuchmore.
Unfortunately, the owner was injured at work and has not been able to keep up her maintenance.Assuch,theengineisfine,butcouldwithsomeTLC,thegeneratorneedsan alternator,andthevesselcoulddowithagoodclean.
I have an Iridium 9500 Sat Phone. I'd like it to go to a new home. I'm now using Starlink and Iridium GO.
I think the target buyer might be somebody w/o a satellite system on their boat, or that has Starlink, but no Iridium GO, and they realize they aren't going to put their Starlink in their ditch bag :-)
For a voice call, you just use the 9500 it like a (very big) cell phone. In that regard, it's actually easier and less error prone than connecting your smartphone to an Iridium GO
For data, it's the old ancient way, and requires a serial port connection to a PC.
There is one for sale on eBay AU for AU $799. https://www.ebay.com/itm/166901735026 Lots of good photos there
There is an online PDF user manual here https://satellitephonestore.com/files/support/iridium support/9500 phone user guide.pdf
Here is my offer: I'll ship it to the buyer I last tested it a couple years back. It worked fine. The buyer can test it anew and make sure it works for them I'll support them in that process If they don't like it, for whatever reason, they can just send it back to me. If they do like it, the buyer can make a hopefully not ridiculous offer, which I will accept, and the deal is done
Their only risk is their time testing it, and return shipping if they don't like it The upside for me is that a perfectly good device doesn't end up in the dump, and perhaps it goes to a good use as well.
Contact: Glenn: glenn.andert@gmail.com

I have been based in New Zealand for the past 5 years after cruising on and off for 8 years, having sailed the East Coast of Africa, the West and East Coasts of Australia as well as Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. My wife and I live on our boat and are still fully involved in the cruising lifestyle. I am a Licensed Immigration Adviser for New Zealand and, as a yachtie, have a particular interest in helping yachties with their immigration issues. Island Cruising NZ Members get a 30% discount

Radix makes delicious meals, ideal for when it's rough or when you need to refuel on the go. Quick, easy, nutritious, delicious. Discounts for Island Cruising members
Click here to order - discount code SAILNZ10

Island Cruising & Down Under Rally members receive weekly emails with tips and suggestions on how to go about getting prepared for a long coastal or offshore voyage. There are webinars, videos, templates, downloads, and in person get togethers.
Suitable for boat owners or crew members, experienced sailors or beginners alike
You can start any time, and work through the topics at your own pace. Join in any time. Just NZD$129.00 per year and take advantage of our great sponsors deals too!
Workshop topics include:
Getting organised - a system for storing all the information for your Passage Plan, Safety
Manual, Maintenance log, Important
Documents, Boating Qualifications and more
Your vessel information - a template for collating all the specifications of your boat
The Cat 1 & 2 Regulations
Boat Registration
Reporting Incidents
Insuring your boat
Meteorology - Forecasts
Communication options at Sea
Rig - rules for Cat 1 & 2
Sails for offshore - the Cruising Wardrobe
Fire Safety
Your Maintenance Records
Your sailing resumé
Passage planning
Safety gear
Diesel engine basics
Fuel systems
Servicing winches
Checking your rig
Anchoring tips
Sailing at night

Man Over Board
Abandon Ship
Preparing a Grab Bag
Charging systems
Keeping healthy
Sail trim & new sails
Boat registration
Taking on crew
Dinghy tips
Fog signals
Coping in emergencies
Skipper responsibility
Log keeping
Search and Rescue
Heavy Weather Sailing AND MUCH MORE!

Island Cruising
Providing cruisers with support, education & connection
RunningyachtralliesaroundNewZealandandtheSouthPacific Organisingsocialevents,activitiesandsocialmedianetworks
· Promotingpositivesocialimpact,communityengagementand long-lastingconnectionswiththepeoplewemeet
· Advocatingforandassistingsailorsinneed
· Adviceonimmigrationclearances&formalities
· Yachttrackingandshorecrewsupport
· Assistingsailorstopreparethemselves,theirvessel andcrewforlongcoastaloroffshorevoyages
Beingarichpoolofknowledge,supportand resourcesforcruisers
· Formingstrongrelationshipswithyachtclubstopromotelongcoastalandoffshoreraces,ralliesandcruisingeventsandactivities
Runningasustainableandenvironmentally sensitiveorganisation
Supportinglocalandglobalenvironmental initiativestoprotecttheOceanandtheplaceswevisit

· PromotingSaferBoatingandgoodseamanshipalongside Coastguard,AMSA&MaritimeNewZealand

PartneringwiththeSouthPacificSailingNetworktopromote sustainableyachtingtourism
Encouragingsailorstobeeco-consciousand reducetheirimpactontheenvironment
PromotingCitizenScienceprojectsaimedat oceanhealth
Producingaregularnewslettertokeepcruisers informedonthelatestcruisenews,upcomingevents andpromotingpartnerproducts&businesses.
PromotingtheNewZealand&AustralianMarine industryandprovidingapositiveandmutually beneficialconnectiontotheirtargetmarket
Encouragingandwelcominginternationalsailors toNewZealand