As leaders in conservation and animal care, we create engaging experiences that empower guests to join us in conserving wildlife and wild places.

As leaders in conservation and animal care, we create engaging experiences that empower guests to join us in conserving wildlife and wild places.
Roger Williams Park Zoo is an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and is home to many endangered species. Our accreditation is assurance that visitors are supporting a facility dedicated to providing excellent care for animals, a great experience for guests, and a better future for all living things. This includes our participation in cooperative conservation and breeding programs to help ensure the future survival of many endangered species. Each time you visit the Roger Williams Park Zoo, make a contribution, purchase an item from us, or share your knowledge about wildlife and conservation, you help us take another step in achieving our mission.
Conservation and environmental stewardship are at the core of our mission. The Zoo actively participates in 55 AZA Species Survival Plans® which propagate endangered and threatened species in zoos.
Your support provides exceptional animal care while making a genuine impact through education and conservation programs. You are sharing your love of wildlife and wild places with Zoo visitors. Providing them the chance to experience an adventure that motivates them to care more deeply for this splendid world around us. Thank you!
Susan Dalton & Greg Spitzer
Abby Domenici & Kelly Clardy
Meg Ferguson
Michael & Stephanie Forte
Thomas & Leslie Gardner
John J. Gomez
Marie & Robert Iriye
Janis & George Kortyna
Jordan Frank Family
James F. Gendron
Christina & Chris Gianelloni
Rebecca & Michael Grieco
Jessica & Ryan Haemmerle
Norma H. & Warren M. Hagist
Christine & Robert Haskins
Natasha Hatalsky
Rand & Marcia Herron
Patron's Circle
Gerald Abbott
Rebecca Alberg
Brenda Alejo & Esther Picon
Lily Alessandro
Brian & Nancy Alexson
Hassan Ali & Fatima Uliya
Jeff & Susan Allen
Amy Amaral
Chris & Jenny Anderson
Patron's Circle (continued)
Deniece Angiolilli & Conrad Janssen
Anonymous (3)
Leslie & Christopher Apple
Tracy Arce
Priscilla Armstrong
Peter & Taylor Arpin
Ash & Danielle Atkins
Eilean & Ryan Attwood
Cassandra Aubin & Matthew LaMountain
Donna Austin & Russell Greenhalgh
Chris & Meggan Bailey
Layla & Wyatt Baker
Karen Baldyga & Mark Boudreau
Cynthia A. & Robert E. Ball, Jr.
Dorothy & Kerry Barber
Daniel & Christine Barlow
Josephine Barnds-Brown & Warren Brown
Diane & Chris Baxter
Benjamin Beaudoin
Lisa & William Beaudreau
Daniel & Samantha Becker
Michael Bellucci
Lisbet & Andrew Bent
Karen & Sarah Beraha
Jean & Joel Bernstein
Steve Biron & Rachel Biron
Natalie & Steven Blair
Michael & Mary Blanchet
Christopher Bloom & Shareen Holly
Scott Bogdon & Justin Peloquin
Corkie & Kyle Bolton
Beth & Eric Borden
Brooke & Kevin Brooks
Christopher & Brittany Brown
Alyssa Browning-Gray & Thomas Gray
Tamela Burbine & Elizabeth Baton
Andrew & Elizabeth Burchard
Lily & Hector Burns-Hernandez
Sharlene & Joseph Denommee
Mary & Michael Densley
Seth & Diana DeRobbio
Brieann Dio & Joshua Moniz
Lisa & Michael DiSalvia
The Doberstein Family
Cathy & Dana Donahue
Tammy Donecker & Jeffrey Medeiros
Timothy Dozois & Nelsie Gonzalez
Terry Ducharme
Susan Duffy & Paul Gordon
Nathan & Catherine Eckersley
Chris and Bridget Eisenhart
Natalie & Gustavo Escobar
Armanda Famiglietti
Anastasia & Alfred Faubert
Becky Ferreira & Devin Belisle
Nicholas & Antonina Fiasconaro
Robin W. & Budd Fisher
Theresa & Dennis Flanagan
Lynne & Peter Floyd
James & Amy Foley
Allison & Andy Friedman
Debra & Thomas Gauvin
Monica Gears & Ed Panciera
Vincent & Jillian Gebhart
Lisa & Jessie Gillis
Jessica Glass & Ariana Berryman
Alexandra & Paul Gottier
Barry & Linda Greene
Michael & Caitlin Greenhouse
Sara & John Greer
Dylan K. Gregory & Skylar M. Macedo
Valarie Gregory
Kathy & Alex Grise
Samantha Grisso
Gayle & Michael Guay
Joseph & Debbie Hancock
Kristin & Jonathan Hantler
Mark F. Harriman
Linmarie & Kevin Harrison
Desirae & Ashley Heys
John Higgins & Tammy Hickey
Heidi & Jeffrey Hill
Hope & David M Hirsch
Kevin & Teresa Hirsch
Christina & Lindsay Holmes
Jeffrey A & Barbara Horovitz Brown
Katherine & Jason Hovanec
Carolina & Lewis Howland
Karen Hughes & Caleb Messier
Anne Hutchins & James Kirschner
Julie & Elissa Izzo
Ben Jablonski & Holly Smith
Chad Jackman & Alexsandra Torres
Kristy & James Jeffrey
Amie & Hector Luna
Carol & John Lynch
Kathleen & Brian MacLean
Kathy S & Douglas Mancosh
Paul & Holly Marchand
Richard Masso & Kyle O'Keefe
Lori & Todd Matheny
Jessica & Casey Mathews
Alex & Lixannie Ortiz
Mark & Patricia Pagliarini
Linda Parham & Theodore Christal
Lorraine & Mark Parsons
Elizabeth Pashkovsky & Amanda Charpentier
Sally & David F Pasquantonio
Suzanne Paul & Thomas McKoan
Cheryl & James Smith
Maggie & Jack Skenyon
Marian Smith & Colin Sherer
Makayla & Barbara Soares
Lucy & Dominic Solari
Dianne L Stein & Bruce D Stein
Thomas & Nancy Steinmeyer
Julia Steiny
Patron's Circle (continued)
Carol & James Stewart
Eugene & Kim M. Stewart
Melissa & Patrick Sullivan
Keith & Cathy Swaby
Peggy & Donald Sweitzer
Elizabeth Swenson & Cheryl Gasco-Swenson
Mary & Rosalia Tarbox
Kevin Tarsagian & Ann Fiore
Anthony & Cheryl Ann Tedeschi
Ralph Thomas
John & Patricia Thompson
Mattie & Judy Tigges
King To
Matthew & Sonia Tonning
Steven G. Triedman & Elizabeth A. Isaacson
Heang Try & Justin O'Neil
Allison & Michael Uttley
Jason & Jennifer Valinski
Leslie & Bobbi Jo Van Alstine
Heather & Kenneth Velzis
Raymond & Patricia Vilnit
Thomas Walden
Mary Brooks Wall
Lindsay & Richard Warburton
Leanna Warren & Larry Berger
Carolyn & Josie Waters
Denise & Francis Wehner
Sebastien Weyn & Lauren Fairchild
Matthew Wilson & Pamela Harker
Denise & Ted Winston
Nancy & Michael Wood
Ina & David Woolman
Stacy & Eric Wright
Paula & Stephen Yole
Aziza Zaman & Purandar Dasgupta
John Zuercher & Frederick Ludden
A commemorative bench is a thoughtful and distinctive way to recognize your loved one. Your support celebrates a love for animals and the natural world.
In Honor of Karen, Bryan & Justin Cooper
In Memory of Sandra Sinioris
In Honor of Alannah Rae Plasse
Kathleen & Andre Plasse
In Memory of Sean J. Conley, Jr.
EMC Services
In Memory of Sharon Duquette
Karen, Bryan & Justin Cooper EMC Services
Donna Skinner
In Memory of D. Betsy Montanez
Nikita Viera
We would like to thank the following donors who have become part of the Zookeeper’s Circle, an exclusive group of friends dedicated to maintaining the Zoo as an important cultural and educational asset for Rhode Island. These endowment gifts are crucial to the longevity of Roger Williams Park Zoo by providing a dependable, consistent source of funds for new exhibits, enhancements to existing exhibits, and capital improvements.
Nancy J. Allen
B Street Foundation
Karen A. Baldyga & Mark D. Boudreau
Donna Carroll
Judith C Crowe
Sophie F Danforth *
Sarah H Denby
The Felicia Fund
Meg Ferguson
Peggy A. Gorman
Donald Hayden
Ms. Joyce A. HindleHoutsogiane
Melinda H. Knight
Lisa J. & Patrick Koelle
Janis & George Kortyna
Patrick LeBeau & Meghan Rawson
The Little Family Foundation
Richard & Nancy Losey
Estate of Helen L. Lyons
Frank & Liz Mauran
John & Elaine Mayer
Joseph L Migliori, MD
Elizabeth A Morin
Jane S Nelson
Jonathan M Nelson Family Foundation
Sachem Foundation
Mr. Rodney Weiss, Sr.
These companies matched gifts from our members and donors, essentially doubling the impact of their gift.
The Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation
Citizens Bank
Dell Technologies
Delta Dental of Rhode Island
FM Global
Hasbro, Inc.
John Hancock Financial
Johnson & Johnson
MasterCard International
MFS Investment Management
Nordson Corporation
Rhode Island Energy
The Stanley Works
UHG Cole
Voya Financial
Naudeep Ahuja
Erin & Kieran Ainscough
Alexis Allen
Susan & James Allen
Emily Ambrose
Claire P. Amiot
Heather & Justin Andrews
Tracy Andrews-Mellouise
Ann E Archambault
Patti Arkwright
Bridgett & Mark Arnold
Adrienne Aubin & Jonathan Davies
Jeannine R Audet
Mary Jane Badger
James Barrows
Sandra & Michael Bartlett
Lindsey Bass
Zoe Billinkoff Furman & Corinne Van Fechtmann
Stephanie & Jeremy Blais
Mary Blanchard
Mary Jane & Robert M. Bohlen
Mr. Robert Boss
Sallymae & Ronald Bouvier
Janice P. Brever
Patrice M. & Gary A. Brierty
Jeffrey & Addy Buffum
William J. Burdge
Kathleen & Robert Busch
Lorri Byrne
Susan Callori & Nancy Field
Lori Caputo
Carolann & Joseph F Carr
Sarah Carr
Donna L Carroll
Kathleen M & Joel W Cassola
Jessica Chace
Sharon Chase & John Macuga
Jennifer Chen & Simon Montlake
Robin Chorlton
Samantha Clarke-Medeiros
Kathryn Cooper
Mikayla Costa
Tanya Costa
John Crowley
Jennifer Cullivan
Barbara Emmons
Marianne Ferrara
Elizabeth & Paul Fitzgerald
Maria Franzen
Sue Fuhrman
Donald D & Sharon M Gainey
Jeanne Gecawich
Jane Gerhard & David J Stern
Susan & Sarah Gibbs
Tim Giguere
Liz Gilkenson
Merriel A Gillan
John J Gomez
Celeste & Paul Greco Kotudy
Andrea & Doyle Hallmark
Michael Harty
Kristen Hayes
Denice Hicks
Heather M. & Robert R. Hobbs
Victoria & Morgan Holland
Amanda Howard
Olga & Christian Huber
Shannon M. Hurley
Tabitha Jaycox & Angel Irizarry
Tammy A. & Robert Joyce
Patricia Kauffman & John Powell
Melissa & Tim Kearns
Judith Kennedy
Faith Kindle & Lynn Kindle
Karen & Eric Kraus
Ruth P & John F Kronenberg
Deborah Lallier
Elizabeth Lambert
Sally E Lapides & Arthur Solomon
Judy L'Etoile & Tamara Mathis
Mrs. Judy Lockard
Sandy Lukowicz
Joanne Lynch
Joanne McAfee
Julie McKenna Alavian & Michael Alavian
Mikayla & Thomas McKivergan
Amy Medeiros
Colleen Mollicone & Lillian Connor
Barbara Morgan
Amanda Moss
Deborah Muldoon
Heather Picerne
Carole A. Ponto
Alyson Powell & Daniel Riley
Allyson & Justin Quintanilla
Diane Rainone
Rico & Laura Razza
Matthew Record
Rae & William Renfrew
Carol & John Robinson
Melissa Rodas
Kristalyn Roodbeen
Megan & Justin Rozzero
Martha Ryan
Lisa Sampson & Nicholas Palermo
Quinn Sayles
Jonathan & Cyndie J. Seely
Judith A. Seplowin
Donna Skinner
Deborah J. Smith
Liana & Justin Smith
Mr. Dennis A. Smith
Suzanne & Richard Smith
Donna & Dennis Somerville
Stephanie Spardello-Pigeon & Jacob Pigeon
Tara Stanford
Stephanie Stanford Shaw
Lyndsy Tainsh
Laura S Tanner
Beth & Richard Tasca
Joan Tracey
Carolyn C Traxler
Anne Tremblay
Barbara J & George T Truver
Joanne Vaughan
Lisa Vega-Marenghi
Heather & Kenneth Velzis
Lynda Wagner
Claire Warren
Mattie & Michael Wells
Elizabeth Wessen
Christian Whittemore & Christopher Wallace
Howard Williams & Marianne Hadzima
Stephanie & Bryan Williams
Robin Wordsworth
Charles Zechel & Mari Snow
Individuals, foundations, trusts, and corporations that support ongoing development of new exhibits, animal care improvements and our education, research and conservation programming.
Alex and Ani
Association of Zoos & Aquariums
Bally's Twin River Lincoln
Bank Newport
Bank Rhode Island
Edward J and Gloria M Barlow Fund at the Rhode Island Foundation
The Howard Bayne Fund
Better Business Bureau East MA, ME, RI, & VT
Big Fish Promotions, LLC
BJ's Wholesale Club
Helen Burnham & George Jacobs Cargill
Convention Authority of the City of Providence
Sarah & Charles Denby
The Feinstein Foundation, Inc.
The Felicia Fund
Firearms Unlimited Shooting Experience
Carolyn A Goodrich
The Barbi N Gracie Fund at the Rhode Island Foundation
Angela G. & Marty C. Hausberger
Hope Valley Elementary School
Brian & Tricia Lamoureux
Laura J. Niles Foundation
Frank & Liz Mauran
John and Elaine Mayer Fund at the Rhode Island Foundation
Migliori-Cattabriga Fund at the Rhode Island Foundation
NEC Solar
Zoe Oemcke
Pepsi Bottling Company
R1 Indoor Karting
Renewal By Andersen
Rhode Island Army National Guard
Rhode Island Commerce Corporation
Rhode Island Foundation
Frances Waterhouse Richmond Fund at the Rhode Island Foundation
George M & Barbara H Sage Fund
The Samborsky Team of Keller
Williams & Movement Mortgage
Daniel L. Savoie
Susan B. Sikes & Robert K. Cole, Sr.
Stonewall Solutions
Tarbox Toyota
Target Textron
United Way of Rhode Island
U.S. Coast Guard
Verde Farms
Vigneron Memorial Fund
WaterRower Inc.
Whole Foods Market
A tribute gift is an excellent way to recognize someone special to you.
In Honor of Owen & Wes Allen
John & Sandra Gillooly
In Honor of Molly & Caroline Allen
Amy Holland
In Honor of Ronald Anderson
Judy Lockard
In Honor of Gail Aniserowicz
Lisa Palmer
In Honor of Joan Bagnera
Linda Bagnera
In Honor of Joe Barboza
Linda Bagnera
In Honor of Lauren Jett & Ian
Barnacle's wedding
Elizabeth Isaacson & Steven Triedman
In Honor of Stef Bernard
Jacques Marchand
In Honor of Luca Berube
Reese & Corrissa Doda
Marla & Ben Mellino
In Honor of Luke Berube
Lauren & Michael Quinn
In Honor of Elias & Nora Bianciardi
Elissa & Maria Emerson
In Honor of Tenzin Bilodeau
Emily & Sean Bilodeau
In Honor of Nancy Lee Bommer
Helen Bommer
In Honor of Ann Borden
Barbara-Ann Borden
In Honor of Henry Brennan
Sarah Chambers
In Honor of Ali, Warren, & Amanda Brewer
Peggy Warren
In Honor of Kai Broden
Stacie Broden
In Honor of Nancy Allen Broder
Beth & Michael Lappen
In Honor of Penelope & Russell Brodman
Marianne Brodman
In Honor of Ken Brown
Laura Brown
In Honor of Zachary & Julian Brownell
Winifred Brownell
In Honor of Gene Burgess
Allison Peterson
In Honor of Nolan Butterworth
Teal Butterworth
In Honor of Nancy Carpenter
Arlene Wagner
In Honor of Amy E. Carroccia
Frank Carroccia
In Honor of Leslie Cheverie
Betsy & John Munzer
In Honor of Colin & Kevin Christopher
Cheryl Wanless
In Honor of Giovanni & Gianna Cianci
Joanne & Joseph Donahue
In Honor of Ethan Clay
Rosemary Pierson
In Honor of Gramma & Papa Conti
Emma & Piper Kennedy
In Honor of Kara Cook
Andrew Studenski
In Honor of Mae Cooke
Michael Fritts
In Honor of Cooper, Damon, & Amelia Cortesi
Courtney Cortesi
In Honor of Patrick Crowley
Kim Halvorsen
In Honor of Rick Cunningham
Stacey Cunningham
In Honor of Clara Cunningham
Kaitlyn Spetka
In Honor of Lori Curry
Susan & Sarah Gibbs
In Honor of Adam, Illana, & Randy Cutler
Alex Cutler & May-Tal Cutler
In Honor of Dominic DaCruz
Christine Dinardi
In Honor of Susan Dailey
Brigid Desrochers
In Honor of Caroline Danish
Michele & Leon Danish
In Honor of Rebecca DeMaio
Debbie DeMaio
In Honor of Joanne Desrochers
Brigid Desrochers
In Honor of Luke Diez
Anita Hurley Drez
In Honor of Kathleen Dinardi
Peter Weyman
In Honor of Cameron & Justin Dion
Dennis & Diane Dion
In Honor of Beverly & Iris Diotte
Nancy Carreiro
In Honor of Marguerite DiPalma
John J Palumbo
In Honor of Patrick Dolan
Dina Dolan
In Honor of Claire P. Donlevy
Tracie Bourget
In Honor of Carter & Ella L. Dowd
Lindsay Dowd
In Honor of Ellen Dowling & Patrick Morrison
Denise & Harry Dowling
In Honor of Harper Ducharme
Marianne Vrooman
In Honor of Joseph & Kate Dudek
Kristi Dudek & Jeff Pepin
In Honor of Aaron Dunphy
Beth Dunphy
In Honor of Elliot Dureault, Jr.
Raysa De Leon
In Honor of George Dys
Diane M. Prete
In Honor of Circe & Rowan Earnest
Katherine & Gary Lietz
In Honor of Brenda Lee Ellis
Bryanna Ellis
In Honor of Jack Englert
Ruth Lamy
In Honor of Rory Ennis
Michelle Noyer & Cameron Ennis
In Honor of Scott Enos
Maribeth R. & Scott E. Enos
In Honor of Paul & Tish Ferrini
Erica & Paul Ferrini
In Honor of Henry Ferrini
Erica & Paul Ferrini
In Honor of Billy Fithian, Emily Wright & Chester
Candace Young Fithian
In Honor of Laurie Fontaine
Bill Fontaine
In Honor of Lily & Zoey Fraza
Janet Noke
In Honor of Penny Jane Galla-Biello
Finn Kelley
In Honor of Leo Gavin
Megan Gavin
In Honor of The Gilmore Children
Nadine Beirne
In Honor of Deborah Glazer
Bruce Glazer
In Honor of Adam Godfrey
Sandra Kaufman
In Honor of Ashlee Marie Gomez
Raysa De Leon
In Honor of Brandon Good
DJ Hill & Ben Prater
In Honor of Remle & Lewis Gordon
Remle & Lewis Gordon
In Honor of Lynette Goudreau
Thomas & Lynnette Goudreau
In Honor of Todd Gray
Leah Gray
In Honor of Helen Greamo
Gloria Peters
In Honor of John Gwinn
Melissa Gwinn
In Honor of Sadie Gwinn
Melissa Gwinn
In Honor of Marsha Habbel
Kristen Habbel
In Honor of Andrew, Shamus, & Grace Hayes
Tara Hayes
In Honor of Evelyn Hibbard
Margaret Reynolds
In Honor of Jerry & Debbie Hoch
Erica & Paul Ferrini
In Honor of Madison Iannacone
Jessica Iannacone
In Honor of Muna Idriss
Henry Cote
In Honor of Abigale Jansen-Quaglia
Troy Quaglia
In Honor of Jan Jones
Susan & Sarah Gibbs
In Honor of Eliana & Avery Joyce
Maurice Joyce
In Honor of Elle Kakela
Judy Maynard
In Honor of Adam James Kane
Raffaela Kane
In Honor of Jimmy Kane
Raffaela Kane
In Honor of Jonathan & Liam Kent
Lisa Gauvin
In Honor of Shareen Knowlton
George M. & Barbara H. Sage Fund
In Honor of Ian Kogler
Jeanette & James Kogler
In Honor of Alex Kohring
Sandra Kohring
In Honor of Lillian Kohring
Sandra Kohring
In Honor of Diane Kolnaski
Edward Kolnaski
In Honor of Chris Koschnitzky
Jenna Koschnitzky
In Honor of The Kramb-Moyer Family
Teri Ohs & Robert E. Binek
In Honor of The Repair Team at KVH Industries
Bill Fontaine
In Honor of Josephine & Gaetano Lambresa
Marsha Cordeiro & Rebecca Kenney
In Honor of Pamela Laramee
Jamie Shurtleff
In Honor of Ashley Larkin
Chelsea Anderson
In Honor of Mary Laronga
Jennifer & Richard Lapreste
In Honor of Mark Lewandowski
Nancy Lewandowski
In Honor of Eric & Angie Linden
Lynne Linden
In Honor of Hayes & Charlotte Long
Frank & Amy Carroccia
In Honor of Mary Alice Lurgio
Ronald Lurgio
In Honor of Quinn & Reese Mack
Charlotte Mack
In Honor of Elijah Magnone
Joie & Zach Magnone
In Honor of Vima & Josh Manfredo
The Busillo Adams Family
In Honor of Emily Markey
Charlotte Markey
In Honor of Barbara McGrath
Robin delaFuente
In Honor of Kaylene McKenney
Erin McKenney
In Honor of Evie Meara
Stephanie Meara
In Honor of April & Ethan Melton
Jill Ann Parrett & Jim Rizzo
In Honor of Nora & Margaret Miskinis
Mary Ellen & Brian F. Doyle
In Honor of Nora Miskinis' Birthday
Nicole Redmond
Jennifer Rourke
In Honor of Asha Misra
Karen & Tushar Misra
In Honor of Dennis Murray
Eileen Medeiros
In Honor of Isabella Orazia Nappi
Heather Lopes Troob & Marc Troob
In Honor of Gianna Marie Nappi
Heather Lopes Troob & Marc Troob
In Honor of Hudson O'Donnell
Scott Champagne
In Honor of Catherine Oemcke
Zoe Oemcke
In Honor of Behiye Oldro
Hakan & Elsie Seber
In Honor of Alejandra, Alberto & Alita Ortega
Andrea Ortega
In Honor of Leslie Peck
Christopher & Cheryl Sheehy
In Honor of Danny Pellegrini
Amanda Pellegrini
In Honor of Teddy Pensa
Leah Gray
In Honor of Lou Perrotti
Donna & Dennis Somerville
In Honor of Alice Peters
Gloria Peters
In Honor of AJ Petrone
Lisa & Gregg Madsen
In Honor of Leigh Picard
Marcia Picard
In Honor of Ava & Nick Picciano
Dan & Mimi Picciano
In Honor of Josh Pilalas
Joe Moses
In Honor of The Pohan Children
Nadine Beirne
In Honor of Samantha Polon
Janine Greenwood
In Honor of Ethan Pratt
Caitlin & Christopher Pratt
In Honor of Stephanie Principe
Terri & Bart Kelsea
In Honor of Patti Raboin
Christine Hollinsworth
In Honor of Kelly Rafferty Meara
Stephanie Meara
In Honor of Erin Rassmussen
Arlene Liscinsky
In Honor of Andrea Rhodes
Carol Rhodes
In Honor of The Ritter Family
Amy Ritter
In Honor of The Robitaille Family
Gabriella Calvino
In Honor of Emily & Michelle Roise
Tracy Telford
In Honor of Ben & Noam Rosenberg
Cynthia C & Daniel S Kaplan
In Honor of Jennifer & Joshua Roth
Alyce & William Croasdale
In Honor of Sandy Rutkauskas
Debbie Rutkauskas
In Honor of Clayton Salgado
Simon Salgado & Joanna MacLean
In Honor of Barbara & Philip Segal
Joan Gordon
In Honor of Tamara Sharp
Patricia M. & Thomas A. Scott
In Honor of Kelly Shea
Colleen Shea
In Honor of RJ Sicard
Merilyn & Ray Sicard
In Honor of James "Monkey" Silveria Sara & Jim Silveria
In Honor of Elisa M. Smith
Sharon E. & Richard J. Shalloo
In Honor of Ellen Snoeyenbos
Leslie Richardson-Weber
In Honor of Serena Spiro
Susan Spiro
In Honor of Lori Spremulli Confreda
Lucas Spremulli
In Honor of Jesse Staugaard
Carol Staugaard
In Honor of Richard Stevens
Carol Staugaard
In Honor of Zachary Stone-Tatro
Jane B. Stone-Tatro & Thomas Tatro
In Honor of Susan Sullivan
Dina & John Dolbec
In Honor of Dean Taylor
Susan Choquette
In Honor of Beverly Thomas
Deborah Lallier
In Honor of Loretta Thrasher
Ward Thrasher
In Honor of The Tree Kangaroo
keeper staff
Bridget Gillis
In Honor of Emery Violet Troob
Heather Lopes Troob & Marc Troob
In Honor of Simon Turner
Martha Sandoval
In Honor of Jovahnni Vallejo
Tiana Vallejo
In Honor of Kaden Reese Vargas
Maia Vargas
In Honor of Diana Vecchio
Shanna Vecchio-Schubert
In Honor of Cheryl Vieira
Shirley Wright
In Honor of Zach & Lillian Weinstein
Edith & Jerry Weinstein
In Honor of The Wemple Family
Michelle Denault & Mark Palmer
In Honor of Owen & Brooke Wessner, Jackson & Isabelle Crist, Maddie, Ada, Margot & Baby Wessner
Debra & Russell Wessner
In Honor of Enid Wetzner
Elana Wetzner
In Honor of John Wezowicz
Lisa Wezowicz
In Honor of Ric Willis
Kim Halvorsen
In Honor of Amy Wilson
Teresa A. Crean
In Honor of Kimberlee Wojick, DMV
Virginia Shugrue
Gifts made in someone’s memory allow you an opportunity to celebrate an animal loving friend or family member in a truly meaningful way.
In Memory of The original Alice, the elephant
Gail Drake
In Memory of Paul Anderson
Sharon Terrasi
In Memory of Joan Bagnera
Linda Bagnera
In Memory of Six Atkinson
M Damaris Atkinson
In Memory of Dorothy Barney
Michael S. Quigley
In Memory of Aunt Bertha
Ann B. Smith
In Memory of Gay Bertwell
Emily & Shawn Corbett
In Memory of Booka Boom, the dog
Natalie Fleischer
In Memory of Kevin J. Buchanan
Ann DeStefanis & Anthony Volpe
In Memory of Adeline Canalichio
Gregory J. & Karen Steinmetz
In Memory of Marilyn Charette
Michelle L. & William E. DeFeo, Jr.
In Memory of Dino Chiappinelli
Shelli Allen
David & Diane Chiappinelli
Nancy Patano
Patricia A Patano
Stacy Strouse
In Memory of Nana Jean L. Cicero
Courtney Moore & Troy Moore
In Memory of Charles Cofone
Jennifer Brown
Patti & John Busse
Stephen Cofone
Teresa A. Crean
Valerie Duarte
David & Dorothy Kellogg
Barbara & Richard Murray
Carl Olausen
Carol & Charles Pan
Janet Robinson
URI Theatre Classes 1991-2000
In Honor of Kara Zanni & Adoniram Sides
Nancy Sides
In Honor of Zoo Staff & Docents
Carole & Joseph Ponto
In Memory of Sean J. Conley, Jr.
Donna Skinner
In Memory of Sophie Danforth
B Street Foundation
In Memory of Emelia DeCesare
Ryan Taylor
In Memory of Thomas Dimeo
The Barbosa Family
John & Karen Cashman
Anthony & Lori Corsi
Delta Mechanical
Joan Skeffington
In Memory of Amber DiSanto
Amanda DiSanto & Alan Bagian
In Memory of Valentin Egorov
Katia Filikovs
In Memory of Rocco Fatone
Leandra Fatone
In Memory of Deborah Fahey
Susan Badger
David & Patricia Blezard
Nancy Carpenter
Emmy Gardener
Janet Noke
Louis J. Perrotti
Trish Riecke
Andrea Stein & Andrew McGurn
Michelle & Charles Tuffile
In Memory of Fanny, the elephant
Roberta Humble
In Memory of Joanne Ferguson
Joan Bello
Susan Sartini
In Memory of Peter Fleurant
Gloria G. & Charles F. Fleurant
In Memory of Erin Finn Chaleski
Martin Crean
In Memory of Alice Forsstrom
Barbara Emmons
In Memory of Jane Girouard
Lois A. Berghorn
In Memory of Nell Hallisey
Adam & Alexis Barrick
In Memory of Mary S. Hammond
Mr Jerry L Harrington
In Memory of James Harper
Mrs. Robin Harper
In Memory of Joseph & Patricia Hillstrom
Ann DeStefanis & Anthony Volpe
In Memory of Carl John Johnson
Chris Johnson
In Memory of Patricia M. Joyce
Delia Kendrick
In Memory of Dorothy Klein
Pearl K. & Brad Holloway
Donna Lico & Fintan McGowan
In Memory of Tim Kurkowski
Ms. Shirley Kurkowski
In Memory of My Loving Parents
Felicia Mahar
In Memory of Andrew F. Linden
Laurie & Fred Linden
In Memory of Nixie
Lisa Cacioli
In Memory of Martha Noble
Marie Noble
In Memory of Paul, the tree kangaroo
Zoe Oemcke
In Memory of Alannah Rae Plasse
Kathleen & Andre Plasse
In Memory of Our Fur Baby, Ranger
Julie & Anne Collins
In Memory of Skyrah & Carlene Refino
Tracie Bourget
In Memory of Sandy Sinioris
Deborah Duquette
In Memory of James Peter Spiver
Pamela Spiver
In Memory of Betty St. Vincent
S & Bethany Goldberg
In Memory of Valancy Stirling Baro
Erin Baro
In Memory of Sukari, the giraffe
Susan E Adams
In Memory of Stacey Tanner
Karen & Philip Tanner
In Memory of Kenneth Thomas, Sr.
Deborah Lallier
In Memory of Tufani, the giraffe
Ms Sherri S Holland
In Memory of Elizabeth Urbano
Joan Fogarty
Danielle Oliari
In Memory of Kevin Vilnit
Raymond & Patricia Vilnit
In Memory of Joseph Walkowski
Lori-Ann Gagne
Sue & Dan Ahearn
Nancy J. Allen
Jonathan Bell
William J. Burdge
Susan Callori & Nancy Field
Dr. Joseph A. Chazan
Greta L. Cohen & Mac Cunningham
Barbara Cottam & John J. Garrahy
Judith & Murray Danforth
Sandra Ellison
Victoria & Morgan Holland
Dr Robert J Howe
Jean & Brad Kopp
Ms Marie J Langlois
Frederick Mattis & Sandra Williams
Kristen Adamo
Patty & Melvin G. Alperin Fund
Mr. David Altshuler and Dr. Sharman Altshuler
Sandra & Frank Ansuini
Annette & Ronald Audet
Susan Badger
Sandra & Michael Bartlett
Carolyn & David Beal
Jean Betkowski
Doris Briggs & Jennifer Briggs
Donna Cameron-Gricus & Paul Gricus
Michael & Nancy Carufel
Linnea K Cedergren
Sharon Chase & John Macuga
Carl Clark
Nora Cleaves
Jennifer & David Cloutier
Janet D'Agostino & Kevin Guillory
Dinusha & John Dietrich
Heather Picerne
Daniel Pogoda
Carole & Joseph Ponto
Bishnu Rauth
Maria Restrepo & David Borton
Mark & Donna Ross
Rosalind Rustigian
Michele Ryan
Michele & Jonathan Sabia
Sharpe Family Foundation/Julie & Henry Sharpe III
Robert & Catherine Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Sloan
Donna & Dennis Somerville
Thomas & Nancy Steinmeyer
Brian Theyel & Elizabeth Sullivan
Leslie & Bobbi Jo Van Alstine
Lisa Vura-Weis & Josephine Imbriani
Joanne Wilcox
Deniece Angiolilli & Conrad Janssen
Ann E. Archambault
Melissa Arruda & Emily Ramirez
Jeannine R. Audet
Lindsey Bass
Loretta Bixby
Marissa Black
Patrice M & Gary A Brierty
Patricia Buckley
Kathleen & Robert Busch
Lori Caputo
Donna Carroll
Buell & Janet Carter
Kathleen M & Joel W Cassola
Dori & Mike Charnetski
Jennifer Chen & Simon Montlake
Robin Chorlton
Anne Condon & Nell Connelly
Ann-Marie Conklin
Thomas Cooney
Mr. Michael Corcoran
Alex Cutler & May-Tal Cutler
Michelle Denault & Mark Palmer
Richard Desmeule
Abby Domenici & Kelly Clardy
Melanie & James Fagan
Jeffrey E. Fear
Kathleen Ferreira
Jeanne Foisy
Ken Freed
Susan & Sarah Gibbs
Joseph Godlewski
Manny Gonzalez
Roberta & Luke Gosselin
Philip Gould & Athena Poppas
Barry & Linda Greene
Kathy Haronian
Jamie M Harrower
Michael Harty
Laura L Hawkins & Roy O Brady, Jr
John and Carol Howland Family Fund at the Rhode Island Foundation
Ronald & Linda Isaacson
Thomas & Teresa Jefferson
Jen & Joe Kelley
Judith Kennedy
Cheryl A. King & Bernard Zimmermann III
Karen & Brian Kortz
John & Rebecca Kosmark
Alissa & Ronald Labonte
Elizabeth Lambert
Judy L'Etoile & Tamara Mathis
Donald Levesque & Cynthia Barek-Levesque
Joanne Lynch
Sharon McCall-Braitsch & William Braitsch
Lindsay Neagle & Anne Pearson
Bert & Donna Neales
Birgit Neumann
Christopher Noelte
Stephen Oliveira
Lisa & Matthew Otto
Steven & Sheryl Parente
Sally & David F Pasquantonio
Rosemary Pierson
Cheryl Richardson
Martha Ryan
Lisa Sampson & Nicholas Palermo
Jackie C. & Thomas Scaramella
Catherine Sheehan & Hendrik Bogaars
Karen E. Silva, EdD, CHE & Michael Sabitoni
Jodie Sinclair
Sarah Sinclair & Peter B. Scoliard
Christine M. Skog
Cheryl & James Smith
Deborah J. Smith
Beth Tasca & Richard Tasca
Mary Brooks Wall
Lisa Weaver
Mattie & Michael Wells
Christian Whittemore & Christopher Wallace
Richard & Barbara Wong
Ina & David Woolman
Patrick T. LeBeau Chair
Nancy Allen Vice Chair
Sandra L. Coletta Vice Chair
Margaret Ferguson Secretary
Kristen Adamo Treasurer
Martha Bower
Douglas Caniglia
Barbara Cottam
Teresa A. Crean
Sarah Denby
Dana L. Goldberg
Marta Gomez-Chiarri
Elizabeth Rollins Mauran Dr. Jeffrey Mello
Howard Merten
John J. Palumbo
Steven M. Parente
Karen E. Silva EdD, CHE
Maribeth Q. Williamson
Roger Williams Park Zoo is one of over 200 zoos and aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA).
Roger Williams Park Zoo is supported and managed by the Rhode Island Zoological Society (a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization) and is owned by the City of Providence.