4 minute read
Figure 31: Flow Chart For Labour License
be licensing officers for the purposes of this Chapter; and (b) define the limits, within which a licensing officer shall exercise the powers conferred on licensing officers by or under this Act. 12. Licensing of contractors.—
(1) With effect from such date as the appropriate Government may, by otification in the Official Gazette, appoint, no contractor to whom this Act applies, shall undertake or execute any work through contract labour except under and in accordance with a licence issued in that behalf by the licensing officer.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a licence under sub-section (1) may contain such conditions including, in particular, conditions as to hours of work, fixation of wages and other essential amenities in respect of contract labour as the appropriate Government may deem fit to impose in accordance with the rules, if any, made under section 35 and shall be issued on payment of such fees and on the deposit of such sum, if any, as security for the due performance of the conditions as may be prescribed.
13. Grant of licences.—(1) Every application for the grant of a licence under sub-section (1) of section 12 shall be made in the prescribed form and shall contain the particulars regarding the location of the establishment, the nature of process, operation or work for which contract labour is to be employed and such other particulars as may be prescribed.
(2) The licensing officer may make such investigation in respect of the application received under sub-section (1) and in making any such investigation the licensing officer shall follow such procedure as may be prescribed.
1 5 . 5 P R O C E D U R E F O R O N L I N E D I S P O S A L O F A P P L I C ATI O N F O R V A R I O U S S E RV I C E S U N D E R TH E L A B O U R L A W S E N F O R C E D B Y T H E O F F I C E O F TH E C O M M I S S I O N E R O F LA B O U R
License - Contract Labour -Any Contractor engaging 20 or more than 20 labour has to obtain License within 30 days.
1 5 . 5 . 1 I N T R O D U C TI O N
The office of the Commissioner of Labour carried out a detail business process re-engineering of the existing manual office procedure for disposing of the applications received for registration, renewal, amendment of registration certificate or license under the various labour laws. After B.P.R. the present process was redesigned and the multiple steps in the manual procedure were dispensed with. As per the present system the application are directed to the Concern Registering / Licensing Authority for scrutiny and after scrutiny he either approves or rejects the application with reason for rejection. If he approves the application, the same is Digitally Sign and delivered to the applicant via E-mail. If the application is either incomplete or proper
fees or documents are not uploaded the same is rejected with reasons of rejection and accordingly Email is sent to the applicant25
1 5 . 6 P R O C E D U R E F O R F I L L IN G A P P L I C A TI O N B Y THE U S E R :-
1. The user has to login on the website http//:www.lms.mahaonline.gov.in
2. The user has to create his user name and password.
3. After login a dashboard of 0 application is successfully submitted.
1 5 . 7 O F F I C E P R O C E D U R E :-
1. A user name and password has been created for all the licensing and registering authority and concern inspector of the department.
2. All this authority have been given a digital dongle to sign the registration certificate or license online.
3. The uploaded application is visible to the concern inspector / authority on his dashboard. 4. The authority has to undertake the following steps to disposed off the application online.
A) To download the application and scrutinise the same.
B) To view the payment receipt in order to verified the payments made by the users.
C) To download and view the documents uploaded along with the application.
D) He has to mention necessary remarks in the Remarks Tag.
E) If the application is approved, it by default goes for digital signature.
F) The authority has to attached his digital signature dongle and sign the document.
1 5 . 8 S C A N D O C U M E N TS R E Q U IR E D A L O N G W I TH A P P L I C A TI O N F O R C O N TR A C T L A BO U R L I C E N S E A N D R E N E W A L 26
Annexure A self declaration ( 75KB to 100KB) format given of left side of webpage Annexure B self declaration for attestation ( 75KB to 100KB) format given of left side of webpage Form V- certificate from Principal Employer( 75KB to 100KB) format given of left side of webpage Form IV-A form of undertaking ( 75KB to 100KB) format given of left side of webpage Photo (20KB to 30KB) Signature (9KB to 15KB)
https://mahakamgar.maharashtra.gov.in/writereaddata/Portal/Images/pdf/Online_application_flow_chart_fo r_Labour.pdf 26 https://mahakamgar.maharashtra.gov.in/writereaddata/Portal/Images/pdf/Document-Required-ContractLabour-Licence.pdf