Zambia Prayer Letter

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Hey everyone! Our God is an AWESOME God! It’s amazing that the last time I emailed all of you was in preparation for URBANA, talking about how I really felt called to use my current education for the growth of God’s kingdom, and how excited I was for God to show me a glimpse of what the life of an overseas evangelist would be like at URBANA. Well, by His grace and mercy I’ve been given the opportunity to do it first-hand! This September, I’ll be going with the organization SIM (Serving In Mission) to Zambia, to help out with some architectural planning and to get some first-hand experience overseas. The trip will last 4 months, and coincides with my current co-op studies program at the Univeristy of Waterloo. Hopefully the trip will also count as a work term, which means I’ll be getting to serve His kingdom for a University credit, which is an amazing blessing in itself! God truly does open doors in every way possible! Here’s a glimpse of the type of work that I’ll be doing while in Lusaka, Zambia for four months as described by Gilbert Nigh, SIM Zambia director:

Contact me! Curtis Jaron Lai

“ We are thinking [Curtis] would be based here in Lusaka. SIM Zambia has bought a piece of property in Lusaka and we are developing it. Right now we are servicing the site and finishing a duplex that was partly built. We need someone to develop a site plan for the future development we are considering. We would also want him to go out to Mukinge or Mongu to see buildings in progress to get an idea of how things are constructed here…[ ] I think he would be able to have some helpful input and it would be a stretching experience for him to try and do this kind of thing with his limited experience and training.” – Gilbert (SIM)

19 Gemini Crescent Richmond HIll, ON L4S 2K6 (h) 905 770 2207 (c) 647 294 8707 (e)

I want to thank all of you for partnering with me in the last couple of years so faithfully and for keeping me accountable during my spiritual growth. It’s truly been a blessing to be able to have such a great group of brothers and sisters in support =). I’m also letting you all know of my trip in hopes that you would all partner with me during this opportunity. I will need to raise support, both spiritually and financially, and it would be such a blessing to have you all join me during this journey. There will be a lot of spiritual training and preparation that I’ll need to take before the trip commences as well, so pray that God will keep me faithful to Him while still working and studying in Canada - there’s still a journey to go before the actual travel =)

SIM Serving in Mission

Thanks once again to all of you! I feel SO BLESSED to be able to share what God’s been doing in my life and convicting me of. It truly is by grace alone, and not by my own might. And so I give thanks everyday that it’s been such an amazing journey. Hopefully we can all catch up sometime when we have the chance; I’m looking forward to seeing what God’s been doing in all of your lives as well! God Bless & Praise The Lord! Where I’ll be headed!

Images (Left to Right): Lusaka, Lusaka International Airport, Streets of Lusaka

SIM Canada

Prayer Requests

10 Huntingdale Blvd. Scarborough, ON M1W 2S5 1 800 294 6918

- That I would see my current vocation through God’s eyes as a mission field, to prepare me for any field that He places me in the future

You can use the attached form or come find me directly if you’re interested in supporting me financially!

- To see the people around me through God’s eyes, and to have my heart break for those who still need to hear His gospel

You will receive a taxdeducitble receipt. For any questions, contact me or SIM Canada.

- To be bold with my witness, both in word and deed, out of a biblical and Godly understanding

Please make your cheques payable to: SIM Canada Re: Curtis Lai 034407

- To have a passion for the current study that God has blessed me with, and to be able to use it to further His kingdom

SIM Serving in Mission

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