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Acciones que transforman vidas Actions that transform lives

Apoyo con sentido social

El programa de becas que benefició a Elva es solo uno de varios implementados por las distintas carteras, entre ellas el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Mides), para mejorar la calidad de vida de los connacionales.


El Mides impulsa siete programas sociales destinados para que familias de escasos recursos adquieran alimentos de la canasta básica, tengan acceso a alimentación sana y para incentivar, por medio de transferencias monetarias condicionadas, la asistencia a servicios de salud y educación de niños de 0 a 15 años.

También becas de estudio para educación media y superior y actividades extracurriculares para generar capacidades, competencias y talentos entre los jóvenes.

Elva García, a resident of the village of Quebrada Seca in the department of Jutiapa, is a young woman of limited means she was able to fulfill her dream of continuing her higher education thanks to a scholarship granted by the Government of Guatemala. She is currently studying for a degree in Business Administration at the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC).

During the television show “En Consulta con el Dr. Giammattei” (Consulting with Dr. Giammattei), García said to President Alejandro Giammattei, “I have seen the benefits of programs such as the scholarship program. I know that there are many more that can help our citizens grow and fulfill their goals.”

On the brink of tears and visibly moved, she remarked: “I will not let you down. With your help and in the name of God, I will become a great professional.”

Assistance with a social purpose

The scholarship program that benefited Elva is only one of several programs to improve the quality of life of fellow citizens implemented by different portfolios, among them the Ministry of Social Development (MIDES). MIDES promotes seven social programs aimed at helping lowincome families to purchase food from the basic food basket, have access to healthy food, and encourage, through conditional cash transfers, the attendance to health and education services for children ages 0 to 15.

It also provides scholarships for middle and high school, higher education, and extracurricular activities to build skills, competencies, and talents among youth.

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