Catalogue: Dubai Breeze Up Sale in association with Goffs

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Potential purchasers intending to bid, whether in person or online using the platform, are required to register with the Dubai Racing Club. See for more information.

Monday 13 June 2022 The Eve of Royal Ascot Kensington Palace Gardens Horses In Training including Royal Ascot entries & elite breeding stock



M E Y DA N R AC ECO U R S E , D U BA I BREEZE UP: Training track at 7.45am, Tuesday 22 March 2022 SALE: Parade Ring at 5pm

PSRA Licence No: 001833

‫‪WELCOME FROM‬‬ ‫‪DUBAI RACING CLUB‬‬ ‫يسعدني أن أرحب بالجميع في النسخة األولى من مزاد دبي "بريز أب"‪ ،‬المقام‬ ‫بالتعاون مع مجموعة جوفز‪.‬‬ ‫بفضل قيادة ورؤية صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد‬ ‫بن راشد آل مكتوم‪ ،‬نائب رئيس الدولة رئيس‬ ‫مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي‪ ،‬نهدف إلى أن نكون‬ ‫األفضل فيما نقوم به‪ ،‬وهذا يعني توفير جميع‬ ‫اإلمكانيات والدعم لجعل دبي واحدة من أفضل‬ ‫الوجهات للفرسان ومحبي السباقات وأصحاب‬ ‫الخيل مع ضمان استمرارنا في تعزيز الخبرات في‬ ‫محليا‬ ‫جميع الجوانب المتعلقة بسباقات الخيل‪،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ودوليا‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫هذا هو المزاد األول من نوعه في المنطقة‪،‬‬ ‫وسيوفر للمالك فرصة فريدة لشراء خيول من‬ ‫خصيصا للمنافسة‬ ‫عمر السنتين تم اختيارها‬ ‫ً‬ ‫في دبي وجميع أنحاء العالم‪ ،‬والجدير بالذكر‬ ‫أن العديد من الخيول المعروضة من نسل‬ ‫فحول رائدة في العالم وترتبط بالخيول التي‬ ‫ازدهرت في هذه المنطقة‪ ،‬لدينا مجموعة‬ ‫قوية من الخيول وسيتسنى لنا رؤية أدائها خالل‬ ‫استعراضهم "بريز أب" على أرضية مضمار ميدان‪.‬‬

‫جديدا خالل‬ ‫ُيعد مزاد دبي "بريز أب" حدثً ا‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أهم أسبوع للسباقات هنا في دبي ودولة‬ ‫اإلمارات العربية المتحدة‪ ،‬والذي سيختتم‬ ‫بالدورة الـ ‪ 26‬من كأس دبي العالمي يوم‬ ‫السبت ‪ 26‬مارس‪.‬‬ ‫أشكر جميع القائمين على عملهم الجاد‬ ‫ودعمهم لهذا المزاد وأتمنى لجميع محبي‬ ‫أسبوعا‬ ‫سباقات الخيل والقادمين إلى دبي‬ ‫ً‬ ‫آمنً ا وممتعاً خالل كأس دبي العالمي‪.‬‬

‫الشيخ راشد بن دلموك آل مكتوم‬

‫رئيس نادي دبي لسباق الخيل‬

I am delighted to welcome buyers, consignors, agents, and the horses themselves to the first edition of the Dubai Breeze Up Sale, held in association with Goffs. Thanks to the leadership and vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, we aim to be the best at what we do. This means providing all the necessary tools and support to the industry to make Dubai one of the greatest places for horsemen, racing fans and stakeholders of the sport while ensuring that we continue to enhance the experience in all aspects of the industry, both locally and internationally.

we will have the pleasure of seeing them in action during the Breeze Up, which will take place on our track at Meydan. The Dubai Breeze Up Sale is another exciting new event during our most important week for racing here in Dubai, which will culminate in the 26th running of the Dubai World Cup meeting on Saturday, March 26th. I thank everyone involved for their hard work and support of this sale and wish all our friends who have travelled here to Dubai a safe and successful Dubai World Cup week.

This is the first sale of its kind in the region, and we believe it offers potential buyers a unique opportunity to purchase young horses who have been specially selected to perform well in Dubai and throughout the world. We have a collection of outstandingly bred individuals; many of whom are by some of the world’s leading stallions and are related to horses who thrived in this region. They are a strong bunch of young horses and this week

Sheikh Rashid bin Dalmook Al Maktoum Chairman, Dubai Racing Club WELCOME | 3

‫‪WELCOME‬‬ ‫‪FROM GOFFS‬‬ ‫بالنيابة عن الفريق في جوفز‪ ،‬يسعدني أن أقدم لكم مزاد دبي "بريز أب"‬ ‫ً‬ ‫بداية ‪ ،‬نود أن نشكر الشيخ راشد بن دلموك آل‬ ‫مكتوم‪ ،‬والجميع في نادي دبي لسباق الخيل‬ ‫على الفرصة التي أتيحت لـ جوفز لتنظيم هذا‬ ‫المزاد بالتعاون معهم‪ .‬نحن فخورون بهذه‬ ‫الفرصة والثقة التي اتيحت لنا ونتطلع إلى‬ ‫تقديم أول مزاد من نوعه في المنطقة و ان‬ ‫عالميا في السنوات‬ ‫يكون هذا المزاد حدثاً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫المقبلة ‪ ،‬و ذو سمعة تليق بمصاحبة السباق‬ ‫األروع في العالم‪ ,‬كأس دبي العالمي‪.‬‬ ‫مألوفا لـجوفز حيث‬ ‫ً‬ ‫يعتبر مفهوم "بريز أب"‬ ‫كان بداية خدماتنا في المملكة المتحدة ‪ ،‬ثم‬ ‫توسعت نشاطاتنا باسم "دي بي اس" ‪ ،‬ومن‬ ‫خالله تم عرض المشروع في أوروبا عام ‪.1977‬‬ ‫و منذ ذلك الحين‪ ،‬تطورت جودة الخيول بأعمار‬ ‫السنتين والذين يتم بيعهم كل عام بشكل كبير‬ ‫منتظما ألعلى جودة من‬ ‫مصدرا‬ ‫وأصبحت اآلن‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫الخيول الكالسيكية و الفائزة بسباقات من الفئة‬ ‫األولى عالمياً‪ .‬نحن على ثقة تامة بأن مزاد دبي‬ ‫"بريز‪-‬أب" سيعزز تلك السمعة من حيث الجودة‬ ‫ألننا عملنا مع فريق محترف وذو خبرة عالية‬ ‫إلختيار أجود الخيول العالمية المنتقاة بعناية‬ ‫لهذا المزاد واألخذ باالعتبار لتلك المنافسات‬ ‫الكبيرة للسباقات في دبي وحول العالم‪.‬‬

‫يفخر فريق جوفز بالخدمة التي يقدمها‬ ‫ويسعدنا أن نوضح بأن كل خيل في هذا المزاد‬ ‫سيوفر فرص حقيقية لمالكه الجديد ونحن على‬ ‫ثقة بأن ال "بريز أب" سيكون فرصة لمساعدة‬ ‫المالك إلختيار الخيل المناسب لهم‪.‬‬ ‫نتطلع بعد ذلك إلى االستمتاع بمشاهدة تلك‬ ‫الخيول المعروضة في المزاد ورؤية نجاحاتها‬ ‫حول العالم؛ هذا ما نطمح إليه في جميع‬ ‫مزادات جوفز وسنسعى لتحقيقه بكل شغف‬ ‫خالل مزاد دبي "بريز أب"‬

‫هنري بيبي‬

‫الرئيس التنفيدي لمجموعة جوفز‬

On behalf of the team at Goffs I am delighted to introduce this new Dubai Breeze Up Sale to the market. In the first instance we want to thank Sheikh Rashid bin Dalmook, and everyone at the Dubai Racing Club for the opportunity afforded to Goffs to conduct this sale on their behalf. We are proud of the trust placed in our service and look forward to delivering a successful first event before growing the concept to be a world leader in future years, so ensuring it sits comfortably alongside the magnificent Dubai World Cup meeting. The Breeze Up concept is a familiar one to Goffs as it was our UK arm, then trading as DBS, which introduced the idea to Europe back in 1977. Since then the quality of the two year olds offered each year has developed and grown so that Breeze Ups are now a regular source of the highest quality headed by Classic winners and Group 1 performers on the global stage. We are supremely confident that this Dubai Breeze Up will only enhance that reputation for quality as we have worked with our highly professional and experienced

Breeze Up consignors to assemble a catalogue of world class quality, hand-picked for this sale and the challenges presented by the competitive programme of racing in Dubai and around the world. The Goffs team take great pride in the service we provide and are passionate about the horses we sell. We are therefore happy to recommend each entry in this sale as offering real potential and are confident that promise will be clear in the pre-sale breeze up work on the track. We then look forward to cheering Dubai Breeze Up graduates into the winners’ enclosures in the future; that is ultimately the goal of all Goffs sales and one we have no doubt will be delivered with the Dubai Breeze Up Sale.

Henry Beeby Group Chief Executive, Goffs WELCOME | 5

DUBAI RACING CLUB BREEZE UP TEAM H.E. Major General Mohammed Essa Al Adhab Board Member & General Manager T: +971 50 624 4362 mohammed.aladhab@

Khalifa Thani Bin Obood Al Falasi Board Member T: +971 50 640 5005 kbinobood@

Hamad Rahma Saeed Alshamsi Deputy General Manager T: +971 50 292 2333 hamad.alshamsi@

Michael Wanklin Racing Advisor T: +971 50 657 4398 michael.wanklin@

Dr. Azzam Al Wathaifi Acting Head of Quarantine azzam.alwathaifi

Ali Al Ali Director of Media T: +971 55 877 7794

Lauren Igielski Marketing Manager T: +971 50 189 1518 lauren.igielski@

Evita Correa Sponsorship Relations & Operations Manager T: +971 50 654 5750 evita.correa@

Ahmed Abdulrahman Al Marzouqi Finance Manager T: +971 50 677 1914 ahmed.almarzouqi@

Satish Nair Asst. Manager – Finance T: +971 50 7856936 satish.nair@

GOFFS TEAM IN DUBAI Henry Beeby Group Chief Executive & Auctioneer T: +353 86 835 7555

Eimear Mulhern Chairman

Nick Nugent Director of Sales & Auctioneer T: +353 86 243 8899

Tom Taaffe Dubai Sale Coordinator T: +353 86 256 8807

Tim Kent UK Managing Director T: +44 7866 063759

Bernard Condren UK Head of Sales T: +44 7772 112983 bernard.condren

Mary Kilduff Bloodstock Manager T: +353 87 781 8854

Michael Orton UK Marketing Director T: +44 7584 483884

Joan Tyner Bloodstock Executive T: +353 87 294 9133

Orla Donworth Digital Marketing Executive T: +353 85 730 6371

TEAM | 7


PAYMENT DETAILS The Conditions of Sale are printed in English and please contact the Dubai Racing Club if any Condition needs clarification. Please note that the following two Conditions are included: 9.1 9.6

All purchases are subject to 6% buyer’s commission as outlined in Condition 2.1.3. Subject to Condition 9.9, payment must be made in EMIRATI DIRHAM by the Purchaser for each Lot on the day of the Sale and the Lot must be removed by the Purchaser by 5.00 pm on the day following the sale. Prior to the Sale DRC may, at their discretion, agree to payment within seven days of the sale and may allow the Purchaser to remove the Lot before full payment has been received. In the event that payment is not received under the agreed terms, DRC will endeavour to collect the debt by whatever means are deemed appropriate.


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CONDITIONS OF SALE * This sale is held subject to the Conditions of Sale as set out below which have specifically drawn up for this sale and, in some cases, vary from the standard Goffs Conditions of Sale. All Vendors and Purchasers are advised to read these Conditions carefully as they are legally binding on all parties. 1 1.1



1.4 1.5

1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9

DEFINITIONS Auctioneer means Robert J. Goff & Co Plc and/or Goffs Bloodstock Sales Limited (Goffs), as appointed to conduct the auction by the Dubai Racing Club (DRC). Catalogue means the catalogue in which these terms and conditions are contained. The word Catalogue also includes any supplement to it issued by DRC and/ or Goffs. DRC means DUBAI RACING CLUB, whose registered office is at Meydan Glass Tower, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai. DRC have appointed Goffs to act on their behalf with regard to the management of the auction of the Sale. Goffs means Robert J. Goff & Co. plc and/or Goffs Bloodstock Sales Limited. Sale Premises means Meydan Racecourse, Dubai Racing Club Training Track and Dubai Racing Club Quarantine Yard (NOFA). Lot means the horse which is to be sold and which has a Lot number in the Catalogue. New Purchaser means the person to whom the Lot has been transferred after the Sale in accordance with 7.2 below. Owner means the person, partnership, syndicate or corporation named on the Entry Form as the owner of the Lot. Prohibited Substances means any anabolic steroid and/or bisphosphonate and/or any corticosteroid and/or clenbuterol and/or any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or their metabolites, including those listed



1.12 1.13

1.14 1.15 1.16

as prohibited by the Emirates Racing Association (see Appendix 2). Purchaser means the highest bidder to whom a Lot is knocked down by the Auctioneer or who purchases the Lot privately following the sale. Purchase Price (as regards the Purchaser) is the price in EMIRATI DIRHAM (AED) at which the Lot was knocked down by the Auctioneer in the ring or the price at which it is sold privately plus V.A.T. and commission. Sale means the sale by auction conducted by DRC, in association with Goffs. Sale Price (as regards the Vendor) means the price in EMIRATI DIRHAM at which the Lot was knocked down by the auctioneer or the price at which it is sold privately, subject to deductions for commission, entry fee and any other charges which may apply. Sales Office means the office used by the DRC and Goffs on Sale days. The Panel means one or more Veterinary Surgeons appointed by DRC. Vendor means the person, partnership or corporation named on the Entry Form as the Owner of the Lot, or, if no Owner is named on the Entry Form, the person who entered the Lot for sale. If the Vendor is not the Owner of the Lot or the legal owner(s) of the Lot, the Vendor shall be deemed at all times and for all purposes to be the servant or agent of the Owner and/or the legal owner(s).

1.17 In these Conditions:1.17.1 The singular includes the plural and vice versa; 1.17.2 References to persons include bodies corporate, unincorporated associations, governments, states, partnerships and trusts (in each case, whether or not having separate legal personality). 2 2.1 2.1.1

2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5


2.1.7 2.1.8


THE SALE COMMISSION AND FEES An entry fee of 6,200 AED is payable to DRC by the Vendor for each Lot entered and catalogued. The fee is non-refundable upon publication of the Catalogue. The Vendor will pay commission to DRC equal to 1.5% of the Sale Price. The Purchaser will pay commission to DRC equal to 6% of the Purchase Price. DRC reserve the right to charge full commission of 7.5% from the Vendor in respect of any cancelled sale. DRC reserve the right to charge full commission of 7.5% from the Vendor in respect of any Lot sold between the date of publication of the Catalogue and seven calendar days following the last day of the sale. When a Lot is bought in 100% by the Vendor 7.5% of the price of that Lot is payable by the Vendor unless DRC are notified by the conclusion of the sales session in which the Lot was offered and the Lot is published as a “Vendor” sale, in which case 2.5% of the Price is payable by the Vendor to DRC. When a Lot is unsold the Vendor will pay to DRC 2.5% of the reserve price if the reserve price exceeds 200,000 AED. A withdrawal fee of 5,000 AED is payable by the Vendor to DRC for any Lot which is catalogued and withdrawn prior to the Sale unless notification of withdrawal is accompanied by a veterinary certificate to the satisfaction of DRC. All fees and commissions are subject to VAT at the appropriate rate.

2.2 BIDDING 2.2.1 The auction shall be conducted in EMIRATI DIRHAM. Subject to the discretion of the auctioneer, no bid shall advance less than 1,000 AED up to €50,000 AED; 2,000 AED up to 100,000 AED; 5,000 AED up to 500,000 AED; 10,000 AED up to 1,000,000 AED; 50,000 AED thereafter. 2.2.2 Online bidders will be offered bid amounts that reflect those most commonly used in a live sale, which will generally, but not exclusively, be subject to the same minimum advances outlined in 2.2.1 above. 2.2.3 Should any dispute arise between two or more bidders, or between the Auctioneer and any bidder, the Auctioneer’s decision shall be binding on all parties. At the Auctioneer’s discretion the Lot in dispute may be put up again for auction and resold, subject to the reserve price in accordance with 3.1 below. 3. 3.1

VENDORS Vendors of Lots are subject to entry fees and commission as outlined in Condition 2.1. All Lots are subject to a reserve price which shall either be the minimum selling price set by the Auctioneer or any higher reserve price which the Auctioneer must have received in writing from the Owner, the Vendor or his agent prior to the Lot being offered for sale. Where no instruction is received in writing from the Owner, the Vendor or his agent, the Lot will be offered without reserve. 3.2 Each Vendor undertakes that a Lot entered in the Catalogue shall not be sold before the Sale. 3.3 The Auctioneer will endeavour to have all Catalogue information correctly stated, but the Vendor is responsible for the accuracy of its content and the correction of any error or omission. The Auctioneer shall not be liable for any statements made in the Catalogue or from the rostrum concerning a Lot. Catalogue descriptions, pedigrees or CONDITIONS OF SALE | 13




performances are prepared for them by Weatherbys Ltd. as a service to the Auctioneer who are acting in their capacity as agent for the Vendor, and the content or accuracy of any representation or statement are solely made by the Vendor in relation to any Lot. Neither Weatherbys Ltd. nor the Auctioneer accept any liability for any loss resulting from any errors or omissions contained in the catalogue detail. The Vendor undertakes: (a) To lodge in the Sales Office for each Lot, the Passport, vaccinations, health certificates in accordance with Appendix 1 of these Conditions and any veterinary certificate referred to in Condition 4.1, whichever apply, prior to the Sale. The Auctioneer will not offer any Lot for sale unless the Passport and any other relevant documentation have been lodged prior to the Sale in the Sales Office. (b) To ensure that all Lots are correctly micro-chipped. The Vendor undertakes to bear the cost of microchipping if any Lot is found not to be correctly microchipped by the conclusion of the Sale. (c) All Lots must have up to date vaccinations in accordance with the Vendors’ Sales Requirements (Appendix 1 of these Conditions). Where vaccinations are not up to date, a notice to that effect will be announced by the auctioneer, or the Lot must be withdrawn. All import/export paperwork must be in order prior to the Sale or the Lot may be withdrawn at the Auctioneer’s discretion. It will be the sole responsibility of the Vendor to ensure that any Lot’s paperwork is in order and the Vendor will bear the cost of any outstanding paperwork whilst DRC will not pay the sales proceeds to the Vendor until the appropriate documentation has been delivered to the Purchaser. A Vendor or any one person on his behalf may bid for any Lot owned by such Vendor. Where however a Lot is stated to be “the Property

of a Partnership” or “to Dissolve a Partnership” any partner, syndicate member, co-Owner or other person interested may bid on his own behalf either personally or through an agent. 3.7 In the case where any Lot has been knocked down to a bidder who has made no payment arrangements prior to bidding, DRC may impose one of the following measures in their absolute discretion: (a) The sale will be deemed to be cancelled and the Lot will immediately be reoffered on behalf of the Vendor; or (b) DRC will not make payment to the Vendor until the Lot has been paid for in full. 3.8 Upon receipt of a single written application from the Vendor, DRC will pay to the Vendor the Sale Price of each Lot sold not earlier than 35 days after the last day of Sale or on such date as specified in the Entry Form or as agreed, subject to 3.7 above, and 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, below. DRC are not under any obligation to place the sale proceeds on deposit prior to the Vendor’s Application for Payment. Unless otherwise instructed by the Vendor, DRC will issue payment to the Vendor by way of electronic transfer to the bank details specified by the Vendor on the Application for Payment. 3.9 In the case of any Lot where a dispute has arisen between the Vendor, the Owner , the Purchaser and/or any third party making any claim in relation to the Lot, or where there are competing claims for payment, DRC may refuse to make payment to the Vendor pending resolution of the dispute. In exercising this right, DRC will incur no liability to any party, and no interest shall be payable by DRC on any sale proceeds retained. 3.10 When the Owner of a Lot is a partnership or a syndicate and one or more member(s) of that partnership or syndicate is the Purchaser, DRC reserve the right to withhold payment on that Lot until the Purchase Price has been received in full from the Purchaser.



4. 4.1

The Vendor shall indemnify DRC in respect of any loss, or liability suffered or costs disbursements or expenses incurred bona fide by DRC by reason of bringing or defending any proceedings which arise directly or indirectly from any breach of these Conditions of Sale by the Vendor or in relation to the sale of the Lot. The Vendor is responsible for each Lot, up to and including the Sale. This includes any liability to DRC and/or their parties. Vendors are required to ensure they have carried out appropriate risk assessments, that each Lot is appropriately handled and remains under their control, and that they have appropriate public liability insurance in place, with a limit of indemnity no less than €6,500,000 for any one claim. DRC holds no liability to third parties as a result of injury from any Lot and this solely rests with the Vendor. BASIS OF SALE There is no term implied in any sale that any Lot is of merchantable quality or is fit for training or any particular purpose. Any term, condition or warranty that might be incorporated into or apply to these Conditions of Sale are excluded to the maximum extent permissible by applicable law. It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to ensure that he is satisfied with the condition of any Lot before bidding. Additionally a Purchaser must make his own enquiries and exercise his own judgement as to the value of a Lot. A Lot may be offered for sale in the following way: (a) As it stands (without Veterinary Certificate) subject always to paragraph 4.2 below.

4.2. RE- EXAMINATION PROCEDURE 4.2.1 Any Lot which is or has any of the following (a) A Whistler and/or a Roarer (being a horse which makes an abnormal inspiratory sound when actively lunged) and in addition has

Laryngeal Hemiplegia (Recurrent Laryngeal Neuropathy, which is any Lot not achieving a Grade 1 or Grade 2 score on endoscopic examination); or (b) Rostral displacement of the palatopharyngeal arch; or (c) Epiglottic entrapment; or (d) Chondroma or significant arytenoid chondritis; or (e) Subepiglottic cyst(s); or (f) Cleft palate and is not so described, is returnable, in accordance with Condition 4.2.3 4.2.3 Any Lot found to be suffering from any conditions described in Conditions 4.2.1 is returnable and the sale cancelled provided that: (i) It has not been removed from the Sale Premises; and (ii) by 5.00 pm on the day following the sale (a) The Purchaser's Veterinary Surgeon must lodge a certificate with the Auctioneer expressing his opinion that the Lot is or has any of the conditions set out in Condition 4.2.1 and (b) The Purchaser must present the Lot to The Panel as instructed by the Auctioneer Whether a Lot is or has any of the conditions set out in Condition 4.2.1 will be decided by The Panel whose decision shall be final and binding on the Vendor and Purchaser. 4.2.4 Additionally the Sale may be cancelled at the discretion of the Purchaser if the Lot, in the opinion of The Panel, is incapable of (i) being lunged in both directions to The Panel’s satisfaction or (ii) being scoped to The Panel’s satisfaction. 4.2.5 The Purchaser expressly acknowledges that there are other conditions other than those set out in Conditions 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 which may be revealed by endoscope which are not grounds for return to the Vendor.


4.2.6 The appropriate re-examination fee arising from any re-examination by The Panel shall be paid to DRC by the Purchaser. 4.2.7 DRC in no way accept responsibility for the findings of The Panel carrying out the re-examination. 5. 5.1.1





BLOOD SAMPLING FOR PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES This Condition stands alone and is separate and distinct from Condition 4 and applies to all Lots from yearlings (after 1st July) upwards with the exception of mares that have previously been covered by a stallion. Where Prohibited Substances are referred to in a certificate signed by an independent qualified veterinary surgeon and read out by the Auctioneer at the time of the Sale the Condition will apply but the Lot shall not be returnable to the Vendor unless Prohibited Substances other than those certified and read out are present. A blood sample will be taken by the Panel from the Lot following the Sale, which will be tested for Prohibited Substances where the Purchaser instructs Goffs to do so immediately after purchase of the Lot by signing to this effect on the Acknowledgement of Purchase Form The Purchaser shall be responsible for the costs and expenses of taking and testing the sample unless the said sample contains Prohibited Substances other than those certified and read out in which event the Vendor shall be responsible for such costs and expenses. Failure to request a drug test under this Condition will be an absolute bar to the Purchaser returning the Lot under this Condition. Following the Sale, the Vendor shall immediately deliver the Lot to a designated holding area where The Panel will take a sample from the said Lot. If the Vendor fails to comply with these instructions the sale may be cancelled at the discretion of the Purchaser. If a Lot shall be removed from the United Arab Emirates, the Purchaser shall be

liable for the costs of returning the Lot back to the Vendor in the event of a Purchaser electing to return the Lot in accordance with a right to do so under this Condition. 5.1.6 Where a blood sample is found to contain Prohibited Substances other than those certified and read out, the Purchaser may elect to return the Lot to the Vendor providing such election is made to the Auctioneer by 5pm on the seventh calendar day after the Purchaser was notified by the Auctioneer of the result. 5.1.7 If after one hour from the delivery of the Lot to the designated holding area a blood sample has not been taken from the said Lot (notwithstanding that The Panel have used such reasonable endeavours as are commensurate with the circumstances) the Sale may be cancelled at the Purchaser’s discretion. 5.1.8 (a) Where a Purchaser elects to return a Lot in accordance with this Condition the Auctioneer shall notify both parties that the Sale is cancelled and the Lot will be at the Vendor’s risk from such time that he is notified. The Vendor must arrange for the Lot to be collected, and pay for any such transport, and any other reasonable costs incurred by the Purchaser in connection with this Lot (b) Upon the Auctioneer having acknowledged receipt of the Purchaser’s notice in accordance with Condition 5.1.8(a) hereof the Auctioneer shall give notice to both Vendor and Purchaser that the Contract of the Sale in respect of the said Lot has been cancelled. (c) The Lot shall be at the Purchaser’s risk in all respects from the fall of the hammer until notice is given by the Auctioneer in accordance with Condition 5.1.8(b) hereof. For the avoidance of a doubt, in any case where the Auctioneer has been given such notice the Lot is thereafter at the risk of the Vendor.

5.2 FURTHER SAMPLING 5.2.1 Nobody may remove a sample of hair, blood or any other testable material from any Lot while on the Sale Premises, without specific permission from the Vendor. No sample of hair, blood, urine or other testable material from any Lot, other than as described in Conditions 5.1 to 5.4, shall be used as reason for the return of any Lot. 6. 6.1

7. 7.1


ENGAGEMENTS A Lot is sold with engagements as given in the Catalogue, or announced at the time of Sale. The Auctioneer however, accepts no responsibility for engagements given or omitted. It will be the sole responsibility of the Vendor to ensure that the relevant documentation is completed and lodged with the Authority in question, but of the Purchaser to cancel any race entry if a forfeit applies. A Declaration of Forfeit for UK engagements must be made to Weatherbys and for Irish engagements to Horse Racing Ireland. PRIVATE SALES Any sale concluded between a Purchaser and a Vendor within seven calendar days following the last day of the Sale at which the Lot was unsold or bought in by the Vendor shall be subject to the Conditions of Sale. Such transactions must be finalised in writing on a Private Sale Form signed by the Vendor, the Purchaser and an authorised representative of the Auctioneer. For the avoidance of doubt, this includes any sale conducted on line. The terms of Condition 9 below will apply to the Purchaser. Where the Auctioneer accepts the transfer of a Lot from the Purchaser to a third party (the New Purchaser), the appropriate Private Sale Form must be completed in the Sales Office. The terms of Condition 9 below will apply to the new Purchaser.

8. 8.1




9. 9.1 9.2


PASSING OF RISK AND TITLE The Lot will be at the Vendor's risk at all times until the fall of hammer (or time of sale if sold privately) when the risk shall pass to the Purchaser. If the Lot fails the post-sale examination as per Condition 4.2, risk will pass back to the Vendor when the Vendor is notified by the Auctioneer. Notwithstanding the passing of risk in this Condition or delivery of the Lot to the Purchaser, the Vendor shall retain title to the Lot until the full purchase price has been paid to DRC. Where DRC have paid out the Vendor in accordance with 3.8 above, title of the Lot will vest in DRC on the same terms as 8.3 above. PURCHASERS All purchases are subject to 6% buyer’s commission as outlined in Condition 2.1.3. DRC strongly recommend that Purchasers should attend the Sale in person and Purchasers are strongly advised to inspect each Lot prior to purchase. It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to ensure that he is satisfied with the condition of any Lot before bidding. Prospective purchasers may use a Veterinary Surgeon of their own choice to check or inspect the condition of any Lot prior to sale provided the consent of the Vendor is obtained in advance, that the Vendor expressly consents to the form of inspection to take place and it is understood by prospective purchasers that such consent is entirely at the Vendor's own discretion. All Lots are sold subject to these Conditions of Sale and are subject to any announcements that may be made by the Auctioneer. A Vendor may call upon the Auctioneer to amend the Catalogue description at the Sale and it is the Purchaser's responsibility to ensure he hears any such announcement made by the auctioneer as a consequence. The information on the Auctioneer notice board, website and announcement


boards in the Sales ring is for guidance only and the Auctioneer is not liable for any error or omission from such information. 9.4 All certificates referred to in the Catalogue will be available for inspection in the Sales Office prior to the Sale. 9.5 Immediately after the purchase of each Lot, the Purchaser must sign the Acknowledgement of Purchase Form confirming the sales details together with his name, address and other information as required by the Auctioneer. 9.6 Subject to Condition 9.12, payment must be made in EMIRATI DIRHAM by the Purchaser for each Lot on the day of the Sale. Prior to the Sale DRC may, at their discretion, agree to payment within seven days of the sale and may allow the Purchaser to remove the Lot before full payment has been received. In the event that payment is not received under the agreed terms, DRC will endeavour to collect the debt by whatever means are deemed appropriate. 9.7 Each potential Purchaser shall submit to DRC a deposit in the amount of AED 100,000 to register. Following the Sale, unsuccessful Purchasers shall be returned their Deposit. Successful Purchasers shall be returned their deposit upon payment of all amounts due. 9.8 Where any Purchaser fails to clear a due payment within 7 days, the Purchaser shall be charged a penalty of AED 10,000 per day until the amount is cleared. 9.9 In the event of a Purchaser cancelling a purchase without due cause, the deposit detailed in 9.7 above shall be retained by DRC in full as liquidated damages to cover the costs suffered by all the parties to the cancelled sale. 9.10 No Lot will be raced until it has been paid for in full.





Where a Purchaser bids or buys on behalf of another, the Purchaser must disclose the name and address of his principal when required by DRC and both the Purchaser and his principal shall be jointly and severally liable under these Conditions. Where the Purchaser notifies DRC after the Sale that a Lot has been bought on behalf of another and asks DRC to invoice that person (“the Nominee”), DRC (at its absolute discretion) may agree to do so, on the basis that the Purchaser and the Nominee will be jointly and severally liable to pay the Purchase Price. The Purchaser’s payment obligations in respect of the relevant Lot will only be discharged in the event that the Nominee has paid the whole of the Purchase Price. However, where the Nominee pays part of the sum due but the remainder is unpaid, DRC claim shall be limited to the unpaid sum. Where a Vendor and a Purchaser agree to terms not covered by the Conditions of Sale, a copy of that agreement must be lodged in writing in the Sales Office before the Sale, and approved by the Auctioneer. If no such copy of the agreement is lodged, and any dispute arises as a result of this agreement between the Vendor and the Purchaser, DRC will demand that the Purchase Price is paid in full in accordance with Condition 9.6 unless the Vendor has notified DRC in writing that the sale has been cancelled, in which case Condition 2.1.4 shall apply. Lots purchased to remain in the United Arab Emirates are required to complete 10 days of post import quarantine to obtain permanent status. For horses travelling to countries other than origin or United Arab Emirates, they will be required

to meet the relevant testing and residency requirements of the country of destination. DRC RIGHTS/ EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS 10.1 The Auctioneer, as Agents for the Vendor, reserve the following rights, viz: (a) To refuse the bidding of any person, without giving any reason. (b) To bid by themselves for any Lot. (c) To withdraw the Lot from sale at any time before it has been knocked down without disclosing the reserve price. (d) To fix a minimum price at any or all Sales. 10.2 DRC do not make any representation whatsoever express or implied as to the identity of the Owner or Owners of any Lot at the time of entry, time of sale or at any other time. In the event of any dispute the Purchaser's remedy, if any, shall be against the Vendor and the Vendor's remedy shall be against the Purchaser, and not against DRC who act as Agents between Vendor and Purchaser and shall not be liable as a Party in any action or dispute between them. 10.3 DRC will not release any Lot from the Sales Complex until a written release form in the form of a pass-out has been issued by DRC.




COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE The Complaints Procedure applies only in the circumstances set out in Condition 12 below. For the avoidance of doubt, the clinical examinations in Condition 4 above do not apply to this Condition 11 as those examinations must be dealt with on the day of (or the day following) the Sale by the Panel.





12 12.1

A Purchaser wishing to invoke this Condition must do so by informing DRC in writing (as per Condition 16) by 5.00 pm on the seventh calendar day after the Lot was purchased giving specific details of their complaint, supported by a certificate signed by an independent qualified veterinary surgeon. The complaint shall be dealt with by DRC, or their appointee, which may be a veterinary surgeon or professional rider, deemed appropriate by DRCs, at such time, at such place and in such manner as DRC deems appropriate. The decision of DRC on the complaint shall be final and binding on both the Vendor and the Purchaser. DRC may have the Lot examined by their appointee and where the opinion of their appointee does not agree with the opinion of the Purchaser’s appointee as expressed in his certificate furnished, then the opinion of DRC appointee shall prevail and shall be final and binding on the parties. All expenses and charges incurred by such adjudication, as well as the transport and keep costs of any Lot, shall be paid by the Party found to be in error. For the avoidance of doubt risk remains with the Purchaser throughout any complaint and only passes back to the Vendor when both parties are notified of DRC decision to cancel the sale (if appropriate). It will be the Purchaser’s responsibility to transport the lot at their cost within five days to a referee in Dubai as appointed by DRC. LOTS RETURNABLE The Complaints Procedure set out in Condition 11 above will only apply


12.1.1 12.1.2 12.1.3 12.2.

if the information in 12.1 below is not stated in the Catalogue or is not announced at the Sale or if the Conditions in 12.2 below are not declared in the Catalogue or are not announced without qualification at the Sale. In these cases, the Sale may be cancelled at the discretion of the Purchaser. The Lot is not registered with a Stud Book Authority approved by the International Stud Book Committee. The pedigree or description of the Lot does not correspond with the pedigree or description as stated in the Catalogue. The Lot is described as a Colt and does not at such time have both testes palpable. Any Lot which: (a) is a wind-sucker, (i.e. frequently swallows air whether in association with grasping fixed objects with incisor teeth or not; a crib-biter is not returnable unless the crib-biting is associated with wind-sucking, in which case the Lot is returnable as a wind-sucker); or (b) has been operated on for the correction of wind-sucking as defined above; or (c) is a weaver; ( i.e. frequently swings its head and neck to and fro and transfers weight from one forelimb to the other alternately) or (d) is a boxwalker (i.e. frequently walks either backwards and forwards or round and round the box repeatedly in an aimless manner) ); or (e) has been tubed or otherwise operated on for unsoundness in wind (Operations to treat the displacement of the soft palate, including the operations tie forward, cautery of the soft palate, trimming of the

soft palate and myectomy are not operations for the correction of unsoundness in wind within the meaning of this Condition); or (f) has impaired vision or injury to the eye; or (g) is a wobbler ; or (h) has been unnerved (subjected to a neurectomy) 13 13.1


14 14.1


DISPUTES Any dispute arising out of the sale of any Lot in accordance with these Conditions of Sale shall be a dispute between the Vendor and the Purchaser and in no circumstances shall DRC or the Auctioneer be liable to either party in connection with such dispute. Where DRC and/or the Auctioneer are brought in as a party to any dispute despite 13.1 above, DRC and/or the Auctioneer will be entitled to payment of their legal and other expenses on a full indemnity basis from the party who joins them in. SAFETY Every person on DRC premises before, during or after the Sale shall be deemed to be there at their own risk and shall have no claim against DRC in respect of any injury sustained or any loss or damage to property which may occur from any cause whatsoever save that nothing in this sub-clause shall be taken to exclude or restrict liability for death or personal injury arising from Goffs’ negligence. DRC accept no liability for any, disease, accident, loss or fatal or non-fatal injury caused to a Lot (including death, theft or injury) or caused by any Lot while it is being moved by DRC employees,

agents or subcontractors between yards and DRC Premises or at any time whilst it is on DRC Premises. Provided always, that nothing in this sub-Condition shall be taken to exclude or restrict DRC’s liability at law for death or personal injury to persons arising from DRC’s negligence. 14.3 All lots being exercised or being shown to prospective purchasers, must have a bit in their mouth at all times on the Sale Premises. 14.4 If any Lot is ridden at any time in conjunction with the Sale, the rider must wear an approved helmet and back protector, and it shall be the responsibility of the Vendor or Purchaser to ensure that they, their employees or agents, adhere to this Condition. 15 15.1 15.2



GENERAL DRC reserve the right to add, alter or otherwise modify these Conditions of Sale. These Conditions of Sale form the entirety of the agreement between DRC, the Owner, the Vendor and the Purchaser and no variation shall be valid or binding unless specifically authorised in writing by DRC or the Auctioneer. These Conditions of Sale shall be governed in all respects by the laws of Dubai. NOTICES When any certificate or notice is required to be given to the Auctioneer under these Conditions of Sale, it must be made in writing and sent by first class post or emailed to Any notice required to be given by the Auctioneer to the Vendor or the Purchaser


HORSES IN TRAINING/ BROKEN/ UNBROKEN (INC 2 YEAR OLDS) • Passport, Intra-Community Health Certificate (dated within 14 days of sale) • Up-to-date flu vaccinations in accordance with A.1.2


FLU VACCINATIONS: 2 primary injections to be given not less than 3 and not more than 13 weeks apart. If time permits a booster injection should be given not less than 5 and not more than 7 months apart. A further injection should be given every year. All vaccinations should be recorded on the Passport. During the 90 days immediately prior to export, but not within 14 days of export, the horse received; Either at least two primary vaccinations against Equine Influenza, given between 21 and 42 days apart Or it received a booster vaccination against equine influenza which was given within 12 months of a certified primary course, or within 12 months of a certified booster vaccination where it, and any other previous booster vaccinations, had been administered annually within a regular 12 month period since the primary course.

A.1.3 Vendors of Lots coming from overseas must apply to their Stud Book Authority for Export Certificates to be forwarded to Weatherbys.

shall be sent to the address given on the Entry Form or the Acknowledgement of Purchase Form. Such notice shall be deemed given on the date of delivery or the second day after posting or on the day of transmission depending whether the notice is sent by hand, post, or email.







antifibrinolytic agents


antihypertensive agents

anti-inflammatory agents


antineoplastic agents

antipsychotic agents


antirheumatoid agents

antispasmodic agents

antithrombotic agents

antitussive agents

blood coagulants


bronchspasm relaxants

buffering agents

central nervous system stimulants

cholinergic agents




erectile dysfunction agents

The following substances are declared as Prohibited Substances: (1) s ubstances capable at any time of causing either directly or indirectly an action or effect, or both an action and effect, within one or more of the following mammalian body systems: •

the nervous system

the cardiovascular system

the respiratory system

the digestive system

the musculo-skeletal system

the endocrine system

the urinary system

the reproductive system

the blood system

the immune system

(2) Substances falling within, but not limited to, the following categories: •

acidifying agents

adrenergic blocking agents

adrenergic stimulants

agents affecting calcium and bone metabolism


fibrinolytic agents

alkalanising agents

haematopoietic agents

anabolic agents

haemostatic agents

anaesthetic agents


antiangina agents

hormones (including trophic hormones) and their synthetic counterparts

antianxiety agents


antiarrhythmic agents

hypoglycaemic agents

anticholinergic agents

hypolipidaemic agents




masking agents

muscle relaxants

narcotic analgesics

neuromuscular agents

plasma volume expanders

respiratory stimulants



sympathomimetic amines



vasopressor agents

vitamins administered by injection

oxygen carriers

agents that directly or indirectly affect or manipulate gene expression

(3) Metabolites, artifacts and isomers of the Prohibited Substances prescribed by SubRules (1) and (2) of this Rule.

Boldenone - 0.015 micrograms free and conjugated boldenone per millilitre in urine from male Horses (other than geldings).

Dimethyl sulphoxide - 15 micrograms per millilitre in urine or 1 microgram per millilitre in plasma

Male Horses other than geldings, 5a-estrane-3b, 17a-diol in urine (including both the free substance and that liberated from its conjugates) at a mass concentration equal to or less than that of the mass of 5(10)-estrene3b, 17a-diol in urine (including both the free substance and that liberated from its conjugates).

Hydrocortisone - 1 microgram hydrocortisone per millilitre in urine

Methoxytyramine - 4 micrograms free and conjugated 3-methoxytyramine per millilitre in urine

Salicylic acid - 750 micrograms salicylic acid per millilitre in urine or 6.5 microgrammes per millilitre in plasma

Testosterone - 0.02 microgram free and conjugated Testosterone per millilitre in urine from geldings, or 0.055

A.2.2 The following substances are also deemed to be Prohibited Substances when present above these thresholds: •

0.01 microgram free prednisolone per millilitre in urine

Total carbon dioxide - 36 millimoles per litre in plasma

Arsenic - 0.3 microgram total arsenic per millilitre in urine

Cobalt at a mass concentration of 100 micrograms per litre in urine or 25 micrograms per litre in plasma

Cortisol - 1 microgram per millilitre of urine

microgram free and conjugated Testosterone per millilitre in urine from fillies and mares (unless in foal) Theobromine - 2 micrograms theobromine per millilitre in urine Only levels above the thresholds shall be taken as positive



Minimum Bid: 25,000 AED


Index To Consignors Lot Aguiar Bloodstock Ltd Ballycullen Stables Bansha House Stables Bastard Mr. Malcolm Brown Island Stables Church Farm

Horse Park Stud

Derryconnor Stud Diego Dias Bloodstock ddie Ahern Bloodstock vergreen Stud aybrook Lodge lending Stables lenmagoo Stables rangecoor Farm reenhills Farm rove Stud Hyde Park Stud ilminfoyle House Stud

nockanglass Stables Leamore Horses Longways Stables Lynn Lodge Stud Mark

rant Racing

MC Thoroughbreds Meadowview Stables


13 40 11 16 26 71 24 9 15 4 1 30 66 44 41 53 50 56 6 35 2 36 21 3 54 7 22 47 49 63 14 19 12 33 17 25 3 52 55 57 61 70 1 5 67 2 37 5 20 23 31 32 34 4 51

Box f c c c c c f f c c c c c c c c c c c f c c c c f c c f f c c c c f f c c c c c f c c c f c c c c c c c c c c f

ustify - Dothraki ueen............................................................... ingman - Raskutani............................................................... National Defense - Dancing D ueen............................................................... Night of Thunder - stournel............................................................... Smooth Daddy - Luminance............................................................... odiac - Arty Crafty............................................................... Dubawi - oyful Hope............................................................... odiac - Chastushka............................................................... More Than Ready - Durga Devi............................................................... Tapiture - Better Again............................................................... Mastery - Fast Tigress............................................................... Frankel - Noyelles............................................................... Invincible Spirit - ippy Rock............................................................... ustify - Sarrocchi............................................................... Showcasing - Rosinka............................................................... xceed And xcel - Stubbins............................................................... Bolt D oro - Sonja s Angel............................................................... Clodovil - Taaluf............................................................... Iffraaj - Althania............................................................... Sea The Moon - Planete Bleue............................................................... American Pharoah - Bansuri............................................................... American Pharoah - Polar River............................................................... xceed And xcel - hany............................................................... Hard Spun - Be eweled............................................................... Speightstown - Surprising Twist............................................................... Accelerate - Camielee............................................................... itten s oy - Hard Cloth............................................................... Muhaarar - Sharqeyih............................................................... Wootton Bassett - Sol Y Sombra............................................................... Mehmas - West of Saturn............................................................... xceed And xcel - Duquesa............................................................... Super Saver - Fingers Crossed............................................................... Churchill - Dorothy B............................................................... itten s oy - Pick Pocket............................................................... Night of Thunder - tive............................................................... Siyouni - Life On Mars............................................................... Cracksman - Princess Cammie............................................................... Pioneerof The Nile - Storm Hearted............................................................... American Pharoah - Sweater Weather............................................................... Dark Angel - Tarakala............................................................... Acclamation - Up At Last............................................................... xceed And xcel - Ariena............................................................... un Runner - Bank Audit............................................................... Raven s Pass - Bonding............................................................... Into Mischief - Ageless............................................................... Maclean s Music - Champagne Royale............................................................... Mendelssohn - Maybellene............................................................... Uncle Mo - Premura............................................................... leneagles - Teide Lady............................................................... Oasis Dream - Fleur............................................................... Lope de Vega - adhwah............................................................... Daiwa Major - Peeping Fawn............................................................... Tale of kati - Perfect Nodouble............................................................... The Factor - Pinata Cat............................................................... ingman - Snowy Winter............................................................... More Than Ready - Soul Title...............................................................


Index To Consignors

Lot Mocklershill Mount Coote Stud Oak Tree Farm Powerstown Stud

Seamus Fahey Racing Star Bloodstock Tally-Ho Stud The Bloodstock Connection Yeomanstown Stud

62 72 43 29 69 10 27 45 59 46 42 60 64 65 6 39

Box c c c c c c c c c f c c c c c c

Malibu Moon - Victory Square............................................................... Sioux Nation - Autumn Snow............................................................... Hawkbill - Samara Mara............................................................... Cloth of Stars - Mediteranea............................................................... Dark Angel - Apphia............................................................... Unified - Classicism............................................................... Showcasing - Magical Fire............................................................... Curlin - Saucy Dame............................................................... Mo Town - Tizza Trick............................................................... Iffraaj - Shaaqaaf............................................................... Accelerate - Rubytheheartstealr............................................................... Tale of Verve - Tuscan Chianti............................................................... Arrogate - Whirl............................................................... Iffraaj - Ya Hajar............................................................... Dark Angel - Bunditten............................................................... Showcasing - Puzzled Look...............................................................


Index To Sires By Accelerate (USA) c c

Lot No.

By Hard Spun (USA)

61 Up At Last (GB)....................................................................... c Be Jeweled (USA)................................................................. 3

By American Pharoah (USA) c c c

Lot No.

58 Teide Lady (GB)....................................................................

7 Camielee (USA)....................................................................... By Gun Runner (USA) 42 Rubytheheartstealr (USA)....................................................................... c Bank Audit (USA).................................................................. 1

By Acclamation (GB) f


By Hawkbill (USA)

2 Bansuri (USA)....................................................................... c Samara Mara (IRE)............................................................... 43 36 Polar River (USA)....................................................................... 55 Sweater Weather (CAN)....................................................................... By Iffraaj (GB)

By Arrogate (USA) c

c Althania (USA)...................................................................... 68 f 46 Shaaqaaf (IRE)..................................................................... 64 Whirl (USA)....................................................................... c Ya Hajar (GB)....................................................................... 65

By Bolt D'oro (USA) c

By Churchill (IRE) c

By Into Mischief (USA)

50 Sonja's Angel (USA)....................................................................... f 67 Ageless (USA)......................................................................

By Invincible Spirit (IRE)

12 Dorothy B (IRE)....................................................................... c Zippy Rock (IRE)................................................................... 66

By Clodovil (IRE)

By Justify (USA)

56 Taaluf (IRE)....................................................................... f 13 Dothraki Queen (USA).......................................................... c Sarrocchi (IRE)..................................................................... 44 By Cloth of Stars (IRE)


29 Mediteranea (FR)....................................................................... By Kingman (GB) c Raskutani (GB)..................................................................... 40 By Cracksman (GB) c Snowy Winter (USA)............................................................. 48 c Princess Cammie (IRE)....................................................................... 38 c

By Curlin (USA) c

By Kitten's Joy (USA)

c Hard Cloth (USA).................................................................. 22 45 Saucy Dame (USA)....................................................................... f 33 Pick Pocket (USA)................................................................

By Daiwa Major (JPN)

By Kodiac (GB)

31 Peeping Fawn (USA)....................................................................... c Arty Crafty (USA).................................................................. 71 f 9 Chastushka (IRE).................................................................. By Dark Angel (IRE)

c c c c

69 Apphia (IRE)....................................................................... By Lope de Vega (IRE) 6 Bunditten (IRE)....................................................................... c Jadhwah (GB)....................................................................... 23 57 Tarakala (IRE).......................................................................

By Dubawi (IRE) f

8 Champagne Royale (USA)................................................... 24 Joyful Hope (GB).......................................................................

By Exceed And Excel (AUS) c c c c

By Malibu Moon (USA)

c Victory Square (USA)............................................................ 62 70 Ariena (IRE)....................................................................... 14 Duquesa (IRE)....................................................................... By Mastery (USA) 21 Ghany (IRE)....................................................................... c Fast Tigress (USA)................................................................ 18 53 Stubbins (GB).......................................................................

By Frankel (GB) c

By Maclean's Music (USA)


By Mehmas (IRE)

c West of Saturn (USA)........................................................... 63 30 Noyelles (IRE).......................................................................

By Gleneagles (IRE)

By Mendelssohn (USA)


Index To Sires

Lot No.

Lot No.

28 Maybellene (USA)....................................................................... By Tale of Verve (USA) c 60 Tuscan Chianti (USA)........................................................... Mo Town (USA) By c

59 Tizza Trick (USA)....................................................................... By Tapiture (USA) c Better Again (USA)............................................................... 4 By More Than Ready (USA) c c f

15 Durga Devi (IRE)....................................................................... By The Factor (USA) 51 Soul Title (USA)....................................................................... c Pinata Cat (USA).................................................................. 34

By Muhaarar (GB) f

By National Defense (GB) c

By Unified (USA)

11 Dancing D Queen (IRE)....................................................................... c Classicism (USA)................................................................. 10

By Night of Thunder (IRE) c f

By Uncle Mo (USA)

47 Sharqeyih (GB)....................................................................... c Premura (USA)..................................................................... 37

By Wootton Bassett (GB)

16 Estournel (GB)....................................................................... f 49 Sol Y Sombra (GB)............................................................... 17 Etive (USA).......................................................................

By Oasis Dream (GB) c

20 Fleur (USA).......................................................................

By Pioneerof The Nile (USA) c

52 Storm Hearted (USA).......................................................................

By Raven's Pass (USA) c

5 Bonding (USA).......................................................................

By Sea The Moon (GER) f

35 Planete Bleue (IRE).......................................................................

By Showcasing (GB) c c c

27 Magical Fire (IRE)....................................................................... 39 Puzzled Look (GB)....................................................................... 41 Rosinka (IRE).......................................................................

By Sioux Nation (USA) c

72 Autumn Snow (GB).......................................................................

By Siyouni (FR) c

25 Life On Mars (GB).......................................................................

By Smooth Daddy (USA) c

26 Luminance (IRE).......................................................................

By Speightstown (USA) f

54 Surprising Twist (USA).......................................................................

By Super Saver (USA) c

19 Fingers Crossed (USA).......................................................................

By Tale of Ekati (USA) c

32 Perfect Nodouble (USA).......................................................................



Index To Dams Lot No.

Ageless (USA)...................................................... 67 Althania (USA)...................................................... 68 ............................................. Apphia (IRE)...................................................... 69 Ariena (IRE)...................................................... 70 Arty Crafty (USA)...................................................... 71 ........................................ Autumn Snow (GB)...................................................... 72 Bank Audit (USA)...................................................... 1

Bansuri (USA)...................................................... 2 ......................................

Be Jeweled (USA)...................................................... 3 Better Again (USA)...................................................... 4 Bonding (USA)...................................................... 5 ................................... Bunditten (IRE)...................................................... 6 Camielee (USA)...................................................... 7

Lot No.

Samara Mara (IRE)...................................................... 43 Sarrocchi (IRE)...................................................... 44 Saucy Dame (USA)...................................................... 45 Shaaqaaf (IRE)...................................................... 46 Sharqeyih (GB)...................................................... 47 Snowy Winter (USA)...................................................... 48 Sol Y Sombra (GB)...................................................... 49 Sonja's Angel (USA)...................................................... 50 Soul Title (USA)...................................................... 51 Storm Hearted (USA)...................................................... 52 Stubbins (GB)...................................................... 53 Surprising Twist (USA)...................................................... 54 Sweater Weather (CAN)...................................................... 55

...................................... Champagne Royale (USA)...................................................... 8 Taaluf (IRE)...................................................... 56 Chastushka (IRE)...................................................... 9 Classicism (USA)...................................................... 10


Dancing D Queen (IRE)...................................................... 11 Dorothy B (IRE)...................................................... 12 Dothraki Queen (USA)...................................................... 13 Duquesa (IRE)...................................................... 14 Durga Devi (IRE)...................................................... 15

Tarakala (IRE)...................................................... 57 Teide Lady (GB)...................................................... 58 Tizza Trick (USA)...................................................... 59 Tuscan Chianti (USA)...................................................... 60 Up At Last (GB)...................................................... 61 Victory Square (USA)...................................................... 62

Estournel (GB)...................................................... 16 Etive (USA)...................................................... 17

West of Saturn (USA)...................................................... 63 Whirl (USA)...................................................... 64

Fast Tigress (USA)...................................................... 18 Fingers Crossed (USA)...................................................... 19 Fleur (USA)...................................................... 20

Ya Hajar (GB)...................................................... 65

Ghany (IRE)...................................................... 21 Hard Cloth (USA)...................................................... 22 Jadhwah (GB)...................................................... 23 Joyful Hope (GB)...................................................... 24 Life On Mars (GB)...................................................... 25 Luminance (IRE)...................................................... 26 Magical Fire (IRE)...................................................... 27 Maybellene (USA)...................................................... 28 Mediteranea (FR)...................................................... 29 Noyelles (IRE)...................................................... 30 Peeping Fawn (USA)...................................................... 31 Perfect Nodouble (USA)...................................................... 32 Pick Pocket (USA)...................................................... 33 Pinata Cat (USA)...................................................... 34 Planete Bleue (IRE)...................................................... 35 Polar River (USA)...................................................... 36 Premura (USA)...................................................... 37 Princess Cammie (IRE)...................................................... 38 Puzzled Look (GB)...................................................... 39 Raskutani (GB)...................................................... 40 Rosinka (IRE)...................................................... 41 Rubytheheartstealr (USA)...................................................... 42

Zippy Rock (IRE)...................................................... 66


1 BAY COLT (USA) April 29th, 2020

Consigned by MC Thoroughbreds

Gun Runner (USA)

Candy Ride

Bank Audit (USA) (2001)

Wild Rush

Quiet Giant


1 Ride The Rails Candy Girl Giant's Causeway Quiet Dance Wild Again Rose Park Faraway Son Rabida

B.C. Nominated. 1st dam BANK AUDIT (USA): 10 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £303,752 inc. Genuine Risk H., Gr.2, Distaff Breeders' Cup H., Gr.2, Interborough H., L., House Party S., placed 12 times inc. 2nd Vagrancy H., Gr.2, Correction H., L. and 3rd Honorable Miss H., Gr.2, Garland of Roses H., L. and Flip's Pleasure S.; dam of 12 foals; 9 runners; 7 winners: Explainable (USA) (09 f. by Dynaformer (USA)): 2 wins in U.S.A. and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Robert G Dick Memorial S., L.; dam of a winner. Shakedown (USA) (15 c. by Candy Ride (ARG)): 4 wins in U.S.A. and £74,085. Hello Everybody (USA) (13 f. by Candy Ride (ARG)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. Candle Number One (USA) (10 f. by Pulpit (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A.; dam of a winner. Breaking The Bank (USA) (18 c. by Gemologist (USA)): winner at 3, 2021 in U.S.A. and £30,198 and placed twice. Banker's Candy (USA) (17 f. by Twirling Candy (USA)): winner at 2 in U.S.A. Financial Empire (USA) (08 c. by Empire Maker (USA)): winner at 2 in U.S.A. She also has a 3-y-o filly by Speightster (USA).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam MOSQUERA (USA): 7 wins in U.S.A. and £88,590 inc. Honeymoon H., R., placed 2nd Glassboro H., R., Castle Forbes S. and 3rd Rumson Breeders' Cup H.; dam of 9 foals; 9 runners; 7 winners inc.: BANK AUDIT (USA) (f. by Wild Rush (USA)): see above. Whistler Run (USA) (c. by Stop The Music (USA)): 9 wins in U.S.A. and £78,750 and placed 2nd Inlet Derby Trial H. Lake Shore View (USA): 6 wins in U.S.A. and £76,447; dam of winners inc.: BROTHER JOEY (USA): won B L's Sweep S., placed 2nd Ocala Breeders' Sales Sophomore S., L. Sea Lion (USA): 3 wins at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of a winner: LEFT LANE LORRAIN (USA): won Cincinnatian S., L.R., Tougaloo S., R. Pearls (USA): winner at 4 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Ring Knocker (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Camptown S., R. Pink Pearl (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Brookmeade S., R. and 3rd M Tyson Gilpin S., R.


3rd dam RABIDA (USA) (by Rollicking (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 4 in U.S.A.; Own sister to CAVALIER BOLD (USA) and Rocking Chair (USA); dam of 11 foals; 10 runners; 9 winners inc.: HAPPY IN SPACE (USA): 6 wins in U.S.A. and £195,094 inc. Sierra Madre H., Gr.3, placed 2nd Los Angeles H., Gr.3 and 3rd San Carlos H., Gr.2. MOSQUERA (USA): see above. THUNDRBFORTHESTORM (USA): 5 wins in U.S.A. inc. Restoration S. Floreana (USA): 2 wins at 4 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: D'ARTAGNANS'SPIRIT (USA): won Calder Turf Sprint H., L.

Consigned by Grangecoor Farm The Property of Wansdyke Farm Ltd. & Mr. J Burke

CHESNUT COLT (USA) February 15th, 2020 (First Produce)

American Pharoah (USA)

Pioneerof The Nile

Bansuri (USA) (2015)

Mizzen Mast




Empire Maker Star of Goshen Yankee Gentleman Exclusive Rosette Cozzene Kinema Seattle Slew Rougeur



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam BANSURI (USA): ran once in France at 2; Own sister to FILIMBI (USA); dam of 2 foals inc. a yearling filly by Candy Ride (ARG).

3rd dam ROUGEUR (USA) (by Blushing Groom (FR)): 2 wins at 3 in France and in U.S.A. inc. Gaily Gaily H., L., placed 2nd Orchid H., Gr.2 and 3rd Yerba Buena H., Gr.3; dam of 13 foals; 10 runners; 6 winners inc.: VELVET MORNING (USA): 3 wins in U.S.A. inc. Palisades S., L.; dam of winners; grandam of SILKWORM (USA) (won Freedom of the City S.). Reimpose (USA): winner at 2 and placed twice; dam of winners inc.: ART OF ALMOST (USA): won Ontario Matron S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Maple Leaf S., Gr.3, Belle Mahone S., L. and 3rd Dance Smartly S., Gr.2. Rouwaki (USA): placed at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: REROUTED (USA): won Somerville Tattersall S., Gr.3. CRITICAL MOMENT (USA): won Thoroughbred S., L. 4th dam Media Luna: winner at 3 and placed 2nd Oaks S., Gr.1; also placed 3rd Prix Maurice de Nieuil, Gr.2; dam of 7 foals; 6 runners; 6 winners inc.: EVA LUNA (USA): 4 wins inc. Park Hill S., Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: BRIAN BORU (GB): 4 wins and £735,808 inc. St Leger S., Gr.1, Racing Post Trophy, Gr.1, Alleged S., L., placed 2nd Irish St Leger, Gr.1; sire. Soviet Moon (IRE); dam of WORKFORCE (GB) (Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2010 (11-13f.), Champion 3yr old colt in England in 2010, 4 wins at 2 to 4 at home and in France and £3,207,423 inc. Derby S., Gr.1, Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Gr.1, Brigadier Gerard S., Gr.3; sire).


2nd dam FLUTE (USA): 4 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and £733,915 inc. Alabama S., Gr.1, Kentucky Oaks, Gr.1, placed 2nd Beldame S., Gr.1 and Santa Anita Oaks, Gr.1; dam of 14 foals; 14 runners; 6 winners inc.: FILIMBI (USA) (f. by Mizzen Mast (USA)): 7 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £415,617 inc. Goldikova S., Gr.2, placed 2nd Just A Game S., Gr.1, Jenny Wiley S., Gr.1, 3rd Matriarch S., Gr.1, First Lady S., Gr.1; dam of winners. Solo Piano (USA): 3 wins at 4 in U.S.A. and £93,859; dam of winners inc.: PURSER (USA): won King Charles II S., L., placed 3rd Autumn S., Gr.3. Entwine (USA): ran in U.S.A. at 3; dam of winners inc.: QABALA (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 and £105,015 inc. Nell Gwyn S., Gr.3, placed twice inc. 3rd 1000 Guineas, Gr.1. Crosswinds (USA): ran in U.S.A. at 2; dam of winners inc.: WEEP NO MORE (USA): won Central Bank Ashland S., Gr.1. CURRENT (USA): won Dixiana Bourbon S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Jersey Derby and 3rd Kitten's Joy Pan American S., Gr.2 and Dania Beach S., L.



3 BAY COLT (USA) February 5th, 2020 (First Produce)

Consigned by Grove Stud

Hard Spun (USA)


Be Jeweled (USA) (2015)


Turkish Tryst

Bagh of Jewelz

3 Northern Dancer Pas de Nom Turkoman Darbyvail Cee's Tizzy Cee's Song A P Indy Baghdaria

B.C. Nominated. 1st dam BE JEWELED (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A. and placed; dam of 2 foals inc. a yearling filly by Good Magic (USA). 2nd dam BAGH OF JEWELZ (USA): unraced; dam of 8 foals; 4 runners; 4 winners inc.: MOHS (USA) (c. by Hard Spun (USA)): 3 wins at 3, 2021 in U.S.A. and £126,676 inc. Hawthorne Derby. Grandaria (USA) (f. by Curlin (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £130,495 and placed 2nd Cathryn Sophia S. and 3rd Silverbulletday S., L. Cyclone Ranger (USA) 2-y-o colt by Hard Spun (USA): unraced to date. She also has a 3-y-o colt by Blame (USA).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

3rd dam BAGHDARIA (USA) (by Royal Academy (USA)): 6 wins in U.S.A. and £409,916 inc. Indiana Breeders' Cup Oaks, Gr.3, Iowa Oaks, Gr.3, Silverbulletday S., Gr.3, Sweetheart S., L., placed 3rd Louisville Breeders' Cup S., Gr.2 and Black-Eyed Susan S., Gr.2; dam of 11 foals; 6 runners; 6 winners inc.: Dancing Brave Bear (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 and £30,261 and placed 2nd Musidora S., Gr.3. Speightsford (USA): 5 wins to 2021 in U.S.A. and £126,375. Finnie Mac Cool (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: FINAL DANCE (TUR): won Tyay Ve Sah Der S., L., Tay Deneme S., L., placed 2nd Caldiran S., L. and 3rd Karayel S., L.


4th dam Oatsee (USA): 2 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and £65,870 and placed 3rd Supertrack Racing Series S. (f), L.; dam of 17 foals; 14 runners; 11 winners inc.: SHACKLEFORD (USA): 6 wins at 2 to 4 in U.S.A. and £1,984,561 inc. Clark H., Gr.1, Metropolitan H., Gr.1, Preakness S., Gr.1, Churchill Downs S., Gr.2, placed 2nd Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Gr.1, Haskell Invitational S., Gr.1, Florida Derby, Gr.1, Kelso H., Gr.2, Indiana Derby, Gr.2 and 3rd Carter H., Gr.1; sire. LADY JOANNE (USA): 6 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £516,299 inc. Alabama S., Gr.1, Golden Rod S., Gr.2, Dogwood S., Gr.3, Banshee Breeze S., L.R., placed 2nd Juddmonte Spinster S., Gr.1, Mother Goose S., Gr.1 and 3rd Pocahontas S., Gr.3; broodmare. AFLEETING LADY (USA): 7 wins in U.S.A. and £304,582 inc. Falls City H., Gr.2, Turnback The Alarm H., Gr.3, Lady's Secret S., L., 2nd Fleur de Lis H., Gr.2, Falls City H., Gr.2 and 3rd Mari Hulman George S., L.; dam of winners. BAGHDARIA (USA): see above. STEPHANOATSEE (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. inc. Barbaro S., L., placed 2nd Strub S., Gr.2, Count Fleet S., L. and 3rd Discovery H., Gr.3; sire. Grand Portege (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £56,441; dam of winners inc.: FLORIDA WON (USA): won Seagram Cup S., Gr.3, Ontario Derby, Gr.3.

Consigned by Church Farm & Horse Park Stud

CHESNUT COLT (USA) February 6th, 2020

Tapiture (USA) Better Again (USA) (2004)

Tapit Free Spin Thunder Gulch Scenic Point

4 Pulpit Tap Your Heels Olympio Spin N Win Gulch Line of Thunder Unbridled Bangkok



B.C. Nominated. 1st dam BETTER AGAIN (USA): 2 wins in U.S.A. and £58,123 and placed 6 times; Own sister to BETTER NOW (USA); dam of 6 foals; 3 runners; 1 winner: Lookin Better (USA) (14 f. by Lookin At Lucky (USA)): unraced; dam of a winner: MARKED (USA) (f. by Marking (USA)): won New Mexico TB Futurity, R. Promised Pleasure (USA) (11 f. by Bernstein (USA)): placed at 4 in U.S.A.; dam of a winner: Sassy Gal (USA) (f. by Marking (USA)): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd New Mexico Classic Cup Lassie Ch'ship, R. Kayleigh's Road (USA) (12 f. by Bellamy Road (USA)): winner at 4 in U.S.A. and placed 3 times. She also has a 3-y-o colt by Congrats (USA).

3rd dam BANGKOK (USA) (by Riverman (USA)): unraced; dam of 12 foals; 10 runners; 9 winners inc.: RIVER SQUALL (USA): 6 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £227,159 inc. Hawthorne Derby, Gr.3, Saranac S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Nat.Museum of Racing Hall of Fame S., Gr.2 and 3rd Rebel S., Gr.3; sire. EASTERN DUDE (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. inc. Transylvania S., L. SCENIC POINT (USA): see above. Peace River Lady (USA): 3 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Regret S., Gr.3 and 3rd Cordially S.; dam of winners inc.: HEAVENLY LANDING (USA): won Marshua's River S., Gr.3. Run of The River (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Dahlia S. Bangkok Lady (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Cardinal S., L., Miramar S. and 3rd Warrenville S., L.; dam of a winner. Tiger Woodman (USA): 5 wins in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Chester House S. Malayan Princess (USA); dam of: Juliet's Princess (USA): placed 2nd Darley Laelia S., L.; dam of FORBIDDEN LOVE (AUS) (won Surround S., Gr.1).


2nd dam SCENIC POINT (USA): 5 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £138,082 inc. Princess Rooney S., placed 2nd Pimlico Distaff H., Gr.3 and 3rd Long Island H., Gr.2; dam of 8 foals; 6 runners; 4 winners inc.: BETTER NOW (USA) (f. by Thunder Gulch (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £102,865 inc. Tempted S., Gr.3, placed 3rd Dynasty S., R. and Beru S.; dam of winners inc.: LA MEJOR FIESTA (USA): won Trapeze S., placed 2nd Tippett S. Crystal Cove (USA): placed at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: DARK COVE (USA): won Elkhorn S., Gr.2, Stars and Stripes S., Gr.3, Louisville H., Gr.3, placed 3rd Colonial Turf Cup S., L.; sire. Cardinal Cove (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Florida Sire Jewel Princess S., R.



5 BAY COLT (IRE) March 9th, 2020 (Second Produce)

Consigned by MC Thoroughbreds

Raven's Pass (USA) Bonding (USA) (2015)

Elusive Quality Ascutney Violence Easy Action

5 Gone West Touch of Greatness Lord At War Right Word Medaglia d'Oro Violent Beauty Crafty Prospector Tipsy Girl

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam BONDING (USA): unraced; dam of 3 foals; 1 runner: Shinyar (IRE) (19 f. by Pride of Dubai (AUS)): placed at 3, 2022 in U.A.E., from only 2 starts. She also has a yearling filly by Raven's Pass (USA).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam Easy Action (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £92,446 and placed 3rd Hoosier Debutante S., L.; Own sister to Subito (USA); dam of 12 foals; 9 runners; 8 winners inc.: MY DUE PROCESS (USA) (f. by Henny Hughes (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £119,880 inc. NATC Futurity (fillies), L.R., placed 3rd Ladies Turf Sprint S. and Madcap Escapade S.; dam of a winner: Maybe I Will (USA): winner to 2021 in U.S.A. Kong's Revenge (USA) (g. by Dixie Union (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 4 in U.S.A. and £44,035 and placed 3rd Futurity S., Gr.2. Bellissima Luna (USA) (g. by Malibu Moon (USA)): 10 wins in U.S.A. and £155,556 and placed 3rd Charles Town Juvenile S., L. No Better Terms (USA): winner at 2 in U.S.A.; dam of winners: STEALTHEDIAMONDS (USA): won Sunshine Millions Filly/Mare Turf Sprint, R., placed 2nd Sensational Star S., R. and 3rd Monrovia S., Gr.2 and Golden Gate Debutante S. KIMBERLEA K (USA): won Everett Nevin S., R., placed 2nd California TB Breeders' Assoc. S., R. Zuboshi (USA): winner to 2021 in U.S.A.


3rd dam TIPSY GIRL (USA) (by Raise A Cup (USA)): 8 wins in U.S.A. and £162,966 inc. Majorette S., L., Weekend Delight S., placed 2nd Honey Bee H., Gr.3, Heirloom S., Lewis Norris S. and 3rd Shirley Jones H., Gr.3, Brown & Williamson Kentucky J. C. S.; dam of 17 foals; 16 runners; 14 winners inc.: ITTY BITTY PRETTY (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. inc. Santa Ysabel S., Gr.3, placed 3rd Las Virgenes S., Gr.1 and Barretts Debutante S., L.R. GREELEY'S CONQUEST (USA): 7 wins in U.S.A. and £274,168 inc. Remington Park Spint Cup S., L., Prairie Meadows Sprint S., L., Temperence Hill S., Prairie Mile S., placed 2nd Forego H., Gr.1, Count Fleet Sprint H., Gr.3, Ack Ack H., Gr.3, Remington Park Sprint Championship H'cap, L. and 3rd Remington Park Spint Cup S., L. and Governor's Cup S., L.; sire. Canaan Land (USA): 6 wins in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Black Gold H., L. Easy Action (USA): see above. Subito (USA): winner at 2 in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Fashion S., L. Never Quicker (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Junior Champion S.; dam of winners.

BAY COLT (IRE) April 17th, 2020

Consigned by Yeomanstown Stud

Dark Angel (IRE)


Bunditten (IRE) (2002)

Soviet Star

Midnight Angel


6 Royal Applause Princess Athena Machiavellian Night At Sea Nureyev Veruschka Catrail Abergwrle



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. Own brother to Star Fire (GB)

2nd dam FELICITA (IRE): 3 wins at 2 in France and £43,658 inc. Crité rium de Vitesse, L., Crité rium du Bé quet, L., placed 6 times inc. 3rd Prix Eclipse, Gr.3; dam of 9 foals; 7 runners; 4 winners inc.: Bunditten (IRE) (f. by Soviet Star (USA)): see above. Facilita (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in France and placed; dam of winners inc.: Ficelle du Houley (FR): 5 wins in France and £181,926 and placed 16 times inc. 2nd Premio Verziere - Memorial Aldo Cirla, Gr.3 and 3rd Prix Solitude, L. 3rd dam ABERGWRLE (by Absalom): ran twice at 2; dam of 12 foals; 10 runners; 6 winners inc.: FELICITA (IRE): see above. Anemone Garden (IRE): 2 wins viz. winner at 2 and placed 2nd Brownstown Stud S., L.; also winner in U.S.A.; dam of winners; grandam of SUPER CASH (AUS) (won Schweppes Rubiton S., Gr.2 (twice), Keno Kwikpik Schillaci S., Gr.2, Goodwood Racecourse Trophy Moomba Plate, L., placed 2nd Ubet Stradbroke H., Gr.1, Cap d'Antibes S., L. and 3rd Racing Tattersall's Club Tiara, Gr.1, Kevin Heffernan S., Gr.3, Simpson Typhoon Tracy S., Gr.3 and Projection Graphics Redelva S., L.), Golden Tycoon (AUS) (winner in Australia and placed 3rd Smithfield RSL Club The Rosebud, L.). Erreur (IRE): winner at 3; dam of a winner: HILLBILLY BOY (IRE): 10 wins inc. Queensferry S., L.


1st dam Bunditten (IRE): winner at 2 and £20,130 and placed 3 times viz. 3rd National S., L. and 4th Queen Mary S., Gr.2 and Dragon S., L.; dam of 13 foals; 11 runners; 8 winners: RAJASINGHE (IRE) (15 c. by Choisir (AUS)): 2 wins at 2 and £100,789 inc. Coventry S., Gr.2, placed 3rd July S., Gr.2; sire. Kurland (IRE) (13 f. by Kheleyf (USA)): winner at 2 and placed twice viz. 3rd Roses S., L. and 4th Queen Mary S., Gr.2; broodmare. Bundestag (GB) (07 g. by Dansili (GB)): 4 wins in U.S.A. and £77,412 and placed 17 times. Star Fire (GB) (12 f. by Dark Angel (IRE)): 4 wins and placed; dam of a winner: Jenson Benson (IRE): 2 wins at 3, 2021 and placed 4 times. Dutugamunu (IRE) (17 g. by Ivawood (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 and 4, 2021 and placed. Star Breaker (GB) (10 g. by Teofilo (IRE)): 2 wins viz. winner at 2 and placed 4th Dragon S., L.; also winner at 4 in Italy and placed 5 times. Airborne Again (IRE) (09 g. by Acclamation (GB)): 2 wins viz. winner at 2 and placed twice; also winner in Italy and placed 3 times. Quinta Feira (IRE) (11 g. by Medicean (GB)): winner and placed.



7 CHESNUT COLT (USA) February 27th, 2020

Consigned by Hyde Park Stud

Accelerate (USA)

Lookin At Lucky

Camielee (USA) (2009)

Harlan's Holiday



7 Smart Strike Private Feeling Awesome Again Darlin Echo Harlan Christmas In Aiken Saint Ballado Ammy Hils

B.C. Nominated. 1st dam CAMIELEE (USA): unraced; dam of 7 foals; 5 runners; 5 winners: Buffalo Gal (USA) (13 f. by Cowboy Cal (USA)): winner in U.S.A. and placed No Lemon No Lime (USA) (15 c. by Discreet Cat (USA)): 5 wins at 2 to 4 in U.S.A. and £45,387 and placed 5 times. Ruby Y'All (USA) (17 f. by Gemologist (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 4, 2021 in U.S.A. and £33,323 and placed 4 times. One Glamorous Gal (USA) (18 f. by Macho Uno (USA)): 3 wins at 3, 2021 in U.S.A. and £48,725 and placed. VODKA N WATER (USA) (19 c. by Fed Biz (USA)): winner at 2, 2021 in U.S.A. and £87,329 viz. Kentucky Juvenile S., placed 2nd Bashford Manor S., Gr.3. She also has a yearling colt by Macho Uno (USA). 2nd dam WADENA (USA): 3 wins in U.S.A. and placed twice; dam of 10 foals; 7 runners; 5 winners inc.: BOBBY ABU DHABI (USA) (c. by Macho Uno (USA)): 4 wins at 2 to 4 in U.S.A. and £281,806 inc. Kona Gold S., Gr.2, placed 2nd Triple Bend S., Gr.1, San Pedro S., L. and 3rd True North S., Gr.2. Papa Turf (USA) (c. by Yes It's True (USA)): 10 wins in U.S.A. and placed inc. 2nd San Pedro S., L. Saint Henry (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. Coeur (USA): winner at 3, 2021 in U.S.A. and £23,234.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

3rd dam AMMY HILS (USA) (by Bounding Basque (USA)): 3 wins in U.S.A. and $163,800 inc. Busher Breeders' Cup H., Gr.3, placed 2nd Ocala Breeders Sales Champship. S. (f), L.; dam of 3 foals; 2 runners; 2 winners inc.: Aimee (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Lady Ballado (USA); dam of a winner: Sammarco (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Alfred G Vanderbilt H., Gr.2.


4th dam CHERIE'S HOPE (USA): unraced; dam of 10 foals; 10 runners; 9 winners inc.: SILVER WIZARD (USA): 8 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £309,928 inc. American H., Gr.2, Sirenia S., L., Rose Bowl S., L., Political Ambition H., L., placed 2nd San Marcos H., Gr.2, Norfolk S., Gr.3 and 3rd San Luis Rey S., Gr.1, Gimcrack S., Gr.2, Arcadia H., Gr.2, Citation H., Gr.2, San Gabriel H., Gr.3 and Grand Flotilla H., L.; sire. AMMY HILS (USA): see above. Cantkeepfromsingin (USA): 5 wins in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Everget S., L. Hitech (USA): 7 wins in U.S.A. and $239,695 and placed 2nd Holiday Cheer H.

MODEST MAC (USA) April 10th, 2020 Bay Colt

Consigned by Meadowview Stables

Maclean's Music (USA)

Distorted Humor

Champagne Royale (USA) (2001)

French Deputy

Forest Music

All Tanked Up

8 Forty Niner Danzig's Beauty Unbridled's Song Defer West Deputy Minister Mitterand Tank's Prospect All Week End



2nd dam ALL TANKED UP (USA): 7 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £60,793; dam of 7 foals; 4 runners; 3 winners: HE'S HAMMERED (USA) (g. by Rubiano (USA)): 5 wins in U.S.A. and £165,666 inc. Buck's Boy H., L.R., placed 2nd Jim Edgar Illinois Futurity, L.R. Technocat (USA) (g. by Saint Ballado (CAN)): 8 wins in U.S.A. and £165,055 and placed 3rd Cisk S. and Presidents S. Champagne Royale (USA) (f. by French Deputy (USA)): see above. 3rd dam ALL WEEK END (USA) (by Al Hattab (USA)): 4 wins at 2 to 4 in U.S.A.; dam of 11 foals; 10 runners; 10 winners inc.: ALL THEE POWER (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £109,376 inc. California Derby, Gr.2, placed 2nd Bradbury S., L.R.; sire. CLEVER ACT (USA): 8 wins in U.S.A. and £188,898 inc. Lady Mannequin S., placed 2nd Heather S., L. and 3rd Shirley Jones H., Gr.3; dam of winners. Continental Dancer (USA): 4 wins in U.S.A. and 3rd Palisades H.; sire.


B.C. Nominated. 1st dam Champagne Royale (USA): 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £34,043 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Lang Michener LLP Matriarch H.; dam of 15 foals; 7 runners; 7 winners: MAJESTIC HARBOR (USA) (08 c. by Rockport Harbor (USA)): 10 wins in U.S.A. and £826,996 inc. Gold Cup at Santa Anita S., Gr.1, Alysheba S., Gr.2, Mineshaft H., Gr.3, Tokyo City Cup S., Gr.3, placed inc. 2nd Marathon S., Gr.2, San Pasqual S., Gr.2, Greenwood Cup S., Gr.3 and 3rd Stephen Foster H., Gr.1, Hawthorne Gold Cup H., Gr.2, Californian S., Gr.2; sire. DANZA (USA) (11 c. by Street Boss (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £522,632 inc. Arkansas Derby, Gr.1, placed 3 times inc. 3rd Kentucky Derby, Gr.1 and Saratoga Special S., Gr.2; sire. Tickled Pink (USA) (14 f. by Shackleford (USA)): 2 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and £62,732 and placed twice inc. 3rd Caesar's Wish S. Totally Tucker (USA) (09 f. by Elusive Quality (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £60,458 and placed 4 times; dam of 3 winners inc.: TOTALLY BOSS (USA) (g. by Street Boss (USA)): won Runhappy Turf Sprint S., Gr.3, Kentucky Dwns.Preview Turf Sprint S., placed 2nd Shakertown S., Gr.2. SUPER STEED (USA) (c. by Super Saver (USA)): won Southwest S., Gr.3. Totally Jimbo (USA): winner in U.S.A. Consider Yourself (USA) (07 f. by Afleet Alex (USA)): 4 wins, £46,852 viz. 3 wins and placed twice; also winner at 3 in France and placed twice. A Shin Paraiso (USA) (12 c. by Zensational (USA)): 3 wins in Japan and placed. Orihime (USA) (13 f. by Majestic Warrior (USA)): 2 wins in Japan and placed. Bluegrass Royale (USA) (19 c. by Uncle Mo (USA)): unraced to date. Tap The Champagne (USA) (21 f. by Tapit (USA)): yearling.



9 BROWN FILLY (IRE) January 21st, 2020 (Second Produce)

Consigned by Brown Island Stables

Kodiac (GB) Chastushka (IRE) (2013)

Danehill Rafha Poet's Voice Sesmen

9 Danzig Razyana Kris Eljazzi Dubawi Bright Tiara Inchinor Poetry In Motion

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam CHASTUSHKA (IRE): winner at 2; dam of 2 foals; 1 runner; 1 winner: Livia The Empress (IRE) (18 f. by Holy Roman Emperor (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 and 3, 2021 and placed 9 times. 2nd dam SESMEN (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 and £55,332 inc. Prestige S., Gr.3, Fleur de Lys S., L., placed 2nd Dick Hern Fillies S., L.; dam of 12 foals; 9 runners; 6 winners inc.: Fifun (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Italy and in Mauritius and placed 5 times. Conqueress (IRE): winner at 2 and placed 6 times. Batrana (GB): winner at 3 and placed, from only 3 starts. Sezaam (IRE): winner at 2, 2021 and placed, from only 3 starts. She also has a 2-y-o colt by Elzaam (AUS) and a yearling filly by Shirocco (GER).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

3rd dam POETRY IN MOTION (IRE) (by Ballad Rock): winner at 4 and placed 4 times; dam of 8 foals; 6 runners; a winner: SESMEN (GB): see above. Iontas (IRE); dam of winners: Artisan de Paix (IRE): 2 wins at 3 in France and £22,819 and placed. Samrogue (IRE): winner at 3, 2021 and placed twice.


4th dam NASSEEM (FR): 3 wins at 2 and 3 and £33,854 inc. Cherry Hinton S., Gr.3, placed 3rd Coronation S., Gr.2, Queen Mary S., Gr.2 and 4th Cheveley Park S., Gr.1; dam of 13 foals; 7 runners; 6 winners inc.: NESHAD (USA): 5 wins at 2 to 4 at home, in U.S.A. and in West Germany and £111,695 inc. Oettingen-Rennen, Gr.3, Heron S., L., placed 2nd Escondido H., L.R., 3rd Hollywood Premiere H., Gr.3, El Rincon H., L. and 4th Inglewood H., Gr.2, Beeswing S., Gr.3 and Volante H., Gr.3; sire. Nishila (USA): winner at 3 and placed 7 times; dam of winners inc.: Imbuta Baby (IRE) (SAF): 3 wins in South Africa; dam of FIRST BABE (SAF) (won Durbanville Cup, L.). Nicea (IRE): winner at 2; dam of Prose (IRE) (7 wins, £93,295 viz. winner at 2; also 6 wins in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Kokopelli H.). Niyla (IRE); dam of Tiffany Diamond (IRE) (winner at 3 and £26,920 and placed 2nd Blue Wind S., Gr.3). Nememsha (USA); dam of winners inc.: A Real Work of Art (IRE): winner at 3 in Germany; dam of ART ATTACK (GER) (won Grosser MSD Bavaria-Preis, L., placed 3rd Valley Chapel Memorial, L.); grandam of Atila Sher Danon (GER) (winner in France and in Germany and placed 3rd Grosser Preis der Sparkasse Dortmund, L.).

Consigned by Powerstown Stud

Unified (USA) BAY COLT (USA) April 19th, 2020

Classicism (USA) (2002)

Candy Ride Union City A P Indy Colour Chart

10 Ride The Rails Candy Girl Dixie Union City Sister Seattle Slew Weekend Surprise Mr Prospector Rainbow Connection



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated.

2nd dam COLOUR CHART (USA): 4 wins at 2 to 4 in France inc. Prix de l'Opé ra, Gr.2, Prix du Muguet, Gr.3, Prix de la Nonette, Gr.3, placed 2nd Santa Maria H., Gr.1, Beverly D S., Gr.1, Prix de l'Opé ra, Gr.2 and 3rd Santa Margarita Invitational H., Gr.1; Own sister to ALWAYS A RAINBOW (CAN); dam of 12 foals; 11 runners; 7 winners inc.: TEMPERA (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)): Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 2001, 3 wins at 2 in U.S.A. and £515,483 inc. Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Gr.1, Sorrento S., Gr.2, placed 3rd Del Mar Debutante S., Gr.1. EQUERRY (USA) (c. by St Jovite (USA)): 5 wins in France and £176,359 inc. Prix du Prince d'Orange, Gr.3, Prix des Chê nes, Gr.3, La Coupe, Gr.3, Crité rium du Fonds Europé en de l'Elevage, L., placed 3rd Eclipse S., Gr.1; sire. ECOLE D'ART (USA) (g. by Theatrical): 5 wins, £76,564 inc. 3 wins at home and in France inc. Prix de Suresnes, L., placed 3rd Prix Le Fabuleux, L. Barbican (USA) (c. by A P Indy (USA)): 4 wins in U.S.A. and £65,717 and placed 3rd West Virginia Governors S., L.; sire. Kumait (USA) (g. by Danzig (USA)): 3 wins and placed 3rd City of York S., L. Joharra (USA): placed at 2 and 3 in U.A.E. and in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Royal Bengali (USA): winner in France and placed 2nd Prix Fré dé ric de Lagrange, L. Interior Design (USA): ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3; dam of winners inc.: CITY PLAN (USA): won Gold Rush S., placed 2nd El Camino Real Derby, L. MODERN (USA): won Pacific Columbia Cup Classic H. Shade Dance (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: CHHAYA DANCE (USA): won Mt Rainier H.; sire. Convocation (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Suburban H., Gr.2.


1st dam CLASSICISM (USA): ran once at 2; Own sister to TEMPERA (USA) and Barbican (USA); dam of 11 foals; 9 runners; 5 winners: Blackberry Wine (USA) (17 c. by Oxbow (USA)): 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2021 in U.S.A. and £167,125 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Louisiana S., Gr.3. Acting Class (USA) (09 f. by Distorted Humor (USA)): ran 3 times in U.S.A. at 3; dam of 2 winners inc.: Classy Act (USA) (f. by Into Mischief (USA)): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Rachel Alexandra S., Gr.2, Victory Ride S., Gr.3, Misty Bennett Pink Ribbon S. and Kentucky Dwn Preview Ladies Turf S. Magic in Motion Gp (USA) (15 f. by English Channel (USA)): 10 wins in U.S.A. Ancient Greece (GB) (07 g. by Pivotal (GB)): 10 wins, £30,550 viz. 5 wins and placed 7 times; also 5 wins in Jersey and in Switzerland. Neoclassic (USA) (11 g. by Street Cry (IRE)): 9 wins in U.S.A. and £243,951. Lola's Love (USA) (08 f. by Dubai Destination (USA)): 2 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and placed twice; dam of a winner.



11 BAY COLT (IRE) March 7th, 2020 (Second Produce)

Consigned by Ballycullen Stables

National Defense (GB)

Invincible Spirit

Dancing D Queen (IRE) (2015)


Angel Falls


11 Green Desert Rafha Kingmambo Anna Palariva Shamardal Wedding Gift Lahib Dance Ahead

E.B.F. Nominated. 1st dam DANCING D QUEEN (IRE): ran a few times at 2; dam of 3 foals; 1 runner: Ddqs Super Trouper (IRE) (19 c. by Dragon Pulse (IRE)): ran twice in Sweden at 2, 2021. She also has a yearling colt by Estidhkaar (IRE). 2nd dam ATAMANA (IRE): winner at 3 and placed twice; dam of 13 foals; 10 runners; 7 winners inc.: MULAQAT (GB) (c. by Singspiel (IRE)): 8 wins at home and in U.A.E. and £161,806 inc. Rose of Lancaster S., Gr.3, Newmarket S., L., Abu Dhabi Championship, L., placed 15 times. She also has a 2-y-o colt by Holy Roman Emperor (IRE). 3rd dam DANCE AHEAD (GB) (by Shareef Dancer (USA)): winner at 2; dam of 12 foals; 12 runners; 8 winners inc.: Dance Clear (IRE): 6 wins, £143,095 viz. 2 wins at 2 and 3 and placed 3rd Killavullan S., Gr.3 and Leopardstown 1000 Guineas Trial, L.; also 4 wins in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Cardinal S., Gr.3, My Charmer H., L. and 3rd Eatontown H., Gr.3 and Joe Namath S., Gr.3; dam of winners. Dancing Colors (IRE): 3 wins viz. winner at 2; also 2 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Denise Rhudy Memorial S., L.; dam of winners. Hasheema (IRE): winner at 3; dam of winners inc.: NAJJAAR (USA): won Sycamore S., L., placed 3rd Louisville H., Gr.3. ETIJAAH (USA): won Al Naboodah Sunwin Buses Curlin H., L. and Al Tayer Motors The Entisar S., L.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

4th dam SHOOT CLEAR: Champion 2yr old filly in England in 1983, 3 wins at 2 inc. Waterford Candelabra S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Fred Darling S., Gr.3, 3rd May Hill S., Gr.3 and 4th 1000 Guineas, Gr.1; dam of 15 foals; 12 runners; 7 winners inc.: Cut Clear (GB): placed; also 4 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: GLADYATOR (TUR): won Fikret Yuzatli, L.


The next dam UNSUSPECTED: 8 wins at 2 to 4 and placed 6 times; dam of 9 foals; 7 runners; 7 winners inc.: UNTOLD: 4 wins at 2 and 3 and £144,861 inc. Yorkshire Oaks, Gr.1, Fillies' Mile, Gr.3, placed 2nd Oaks S., Gr.1 and 3rd Irish Oaks, Gr.1 and St Leger S., Gr.1; dam of winners. SALLY BROWN: 3 wins at 3 inc. Yorkshire Oaks, Gr.1, Ribblesdale S., Gr.2, placed 4th Irish Oaks, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: Anne Bonny (GB): 2 wins at 3 and placed 3rd Princess Royal S., Gr.3.

Consigned by Leamore Horses The Property of Mr. Cormac Farrell

Churchill (IRE) BAY COLT (IRE) February 12th, 2020

Dorothy B (IRE) (2011)

Galileo Meow Fastnet Rock Slow Sand

12 Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Storm Cat Airwave Danehill Piccadilly Circus Dixieland Band Slow Down



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam Dorothy B (IRE): winner at 2 and placed 2nd Dick Poole S., L.; dam of 6 foals; 3 runners; 1 winner: War Eagle (IRE) (16 g. by Australia (GB)): winner at 2 and placed 4 times; also placed to 2022 in Germany. Fight For It (IRE) (18 g. by Camelot (GB)): placed at 3, 2021. She also has a yearling filly by Ten Sovereigns (IRE).

3rd dam SLOW DOWN (USA) (by Seattle Slew (USA)): 3 wins at 3 and 4 in France and in U.S.A. inc. Hillsborough H., L., placed 2nd Golden Poppy H., L. and 3rd Star Ball H., L.; dam of 12 foals; 9 runners; 7 winners inc.: SLOW PACE (USA): 6 wins in Australia and in France and £343,788 inc. La Coupe, Gr.3, Prix de Suresnes, L., Prix de la Porte de Madrid, L., Carlton Mid Wyong Gold Cup, L., placed 2nd Prix Guillaume d'Ornano, Gr.2. FUNNY DUCK (USA): 2 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and £174,504 inc. LG&E and Ku Pat Day Mile S., Gr.3. Segway (USA): 3 wins in U.S.A. and £116,831 and placed 2nd Charles Whittingham S., Gr.2 and 3rd Hollywood Turf Cup S., Gr.2. Without Delay (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Tarantino (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Holy Bull S., Gr.3, Zuma Beach S., L. and 3rd Santa Anita Mathis Mile S., Gr.2. Before You Know It (USA): winner in U.S.A. and 2nd Top Flight H., Gr.3. Instant Reflex (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd Senator Ken Maddy S., Gr.3. Jolie Chanson (FR); dam of a winner: Majestic Dawn (IRE): 4 wins to 2021 and £143,699 and placed 2nd James Seymour S., L. and 3rd Rose of Lancaster S., Gr.3.


2nd dam SLOW SAND (USA): ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3; dam of 10 foals; 8 runners; 6 winners inc.: KING GUILLERMO (USA) (c. by Uncle Mo (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £275,006 inc. Lambholm South Tampa Bay Derby, Gr.2, placed 2nd Arkansas Derby, Gr.1 and 3rd Pulpit S. Dorothy B (IRE) (f. by Fastnet Rock (AUS)): see above. Northern Star (IRE): winner at 3 and placed 3 times; dam of winners: STARMAN (GB): Champion older sprinter in Europe in 2021, 5 wins at 3 and 4, 2021 and £476,379 inc. July Cup, Gr.1, Duke of York S., Gr.2, Garrowby S., L., placed twice viz. 2nd Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Gr.1 and 3rd Prix Maurice de Gheest, Gr.1, from only 8 starts. Sunday Star (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 and £46,214 and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Boadicea S., L. and 3rd Oh So Sharp S., Gr.3, Summer S., Gr.3 and Edinburgh Gin's Maggie Dickson S., L.; also placed at 3 in France. She also has a 2-y-o colt by American Pharoah (USA).



13 CHESNUT FILLY (USA) April 22nd, 2020 (Third Produce)

Consigned by Aguiar Bloodstock Ltd.

Justify (USA) Dothraki Queen (USA) (2013)

Scat Daddy Stage Magic Pure Prize Sharaiji Blossom

13 Johannesburg Love Style Ghostzapper Magical Illusion Storm Cat Heavenly Prize Saint Ballado Lilac Garden

B.C. Nominated. 1st dam DOTHRAKI QUEEN (USA): 2 wins at 2 in U.S.A. and £299,320 inc. Pocahontas S., Gr.2, placed 3 times viz. 2nd Darley Alcibiades S., Gr.1 and 3rd 14Hands Winery Breeders' Cup Juv.Fillies, Gr.1 and Golden Rod S., Gr.2; dam of 4 foals; 2 runners; 1 winner: Pathetique (USA) (18 f. by Uncle Mo (USA)): winner at 3, 2021 in U.S.A. and £54,399 and placed. Poronui (USA) (19 f. by Pioneerof The Nile (USA)): placed 3 times at 2 and 3, 2022 in U.S.A. and £26,195. She also has a yearling filly by Quality Road (USA).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam SHARAIJI BLOSSOM (USA): winner at 2 and placed, all her starts; dam of 10 foals; 9 runners; 6 winners inc.: DOTHRAKI QUEEN (USA) (f. by Pure Prize (USA)): see above. She also has a yearling filly by Sir Prancealot (IRE).


3rd dam LILAC GARDEN (USA) (by Roberto (USA)): 3 wins at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of 15 foals; 8 runners; 5 winners inc.: BLUSHING K D (USA): 8 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £550,652 inc. Kentucky Oaks, Gr.1, Monmouth Breeders' Cup Oaks, Gr.2, Fantasy S., Gr.2, Fair Grounds Oaks, Gr.3, Davona Dale H., L., Fair Grounds Sales Derby and Princess Futurity. AMBITIOUS CAT (USA): 5 wins in Canada and in U.S.A. and £382,136 inc. Dance Smartly S., Gr.2, placed 2nd Nassau S., Gr.2 (twice), Bell Canadian H., Gr.2 and 3rd E P Taylor S., Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: Lunar Garden (CAN): winner in Canada and placed 3rd Belle Mahone S. Ambitious Moon (CAN): winner in Canada and 2nd Flaming Page S. Cool Faith (CAN): winner in Canada and in U.S.A., 2nd Cup and Saucer S., R.; dam of COOL SHADOWS (CAN) (won Princess Elizabeth S., R.). Ambitious Journey (CAN): placed in Canada; dam of JASPER PRINCE (USA) (won Enif S., L. (twice), placed 3rd Keiyo S., L.). ELECTRONIC UNICORN (USA): 11 wins in Hong Kong and £2,434,701 inc. Queen's Silver Jubilee Cup, L., Champions' Mile, L., The Chairman's Trophy, L., Stewards' Cup, L. (twice), placed 2nd Hong Kong Mile, Gr.1 (twice), The Sha Tin Futurity Trophy, L. (twice) and 3rd Chairman's Sprint Prize, L., Stewards' Cup, L. and Hong Kong Classic Trial, L. FEBRUARY STORM (USA): 4 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and £138,907 inc. Storm Cat S., L., placed 3rd Exceller H., L. and Woodlawn S., L.; sire. Flowers and Vines (USA); dam of winners inc.: Un Fino Vino (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Remsen S., Gr.2. Lilac Lane (USA); dam of winners: FIFTH PETAL (JPN): won Keisei Hai Autumn H., Gr.3, Kochi S., L., Hakodate Nisai S., L., placed 2nd Mile Championship, Gr.1, Final S., L.

BAY COLT (IRE) March 30th, 2020

Consigned by Knockanglass Stables

Exceed And Excel (AUS)


Duquesa (IRE) (2008)



Love of Silver

14 Danzig Razyana Lomond Gladiolus Red Ransom Crafty Example Arctic Tern Silver Clover



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam DUQUESA (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 and placed 8 times; dam of 7 foals; 5 runners; 3 winners: Born To Be (IRE) (14 g. by Born To Sea (IRE)): 5 wins, £50,471 viz. winner at 2 and placed 2nd Blenheim S., L.; also 4 wins to 2021 in Spain and placed. Duquesa Beach (IRE) (15 f. by Epaulette (AUS)): 2 wins to 2021 and placed. Birkdale (IRE) (13 g. by Elnadim (USA)): winner at 3 and placed twice. Nationwide (IRE) (18 c. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)): placed at 3, 2021, from only 2 starts.

3rd dam SILVER CLOVER (USA) (by Secretariat (USA)): 3 wins at 4 in U.S.A.; dam of 12 foals; 10 runners; 7 winners inc.: LOVE OF SILVER (USA): see above. CLOVER HUNTER (USA): 5 wins at 2 to 4 in U.S.A. and £174,416 inc. Golden Gate Derby, L., placed 3rd El Camino Real Derby S., Gr.3. Silverlado (USA); dam of winners inc.: AIKENITE (USA): won Churchill Downs S., Gr.2, Commonwealth S., Gr.2, placed 2nd Dixiana Breeders' Futurity, Gr.1 and 3rd Forego S., Gr.1 and Three Chimneys Hopeful S., Gr.1; sire. 4th dam CLOVER LANE (USA): 7 wins in U.S.A. inc. Arlington-Washington Lassie S., Mademoiselle S., Lassie Trial S.; dam of 10 foals; 8 runners; 7 winners inc.: Cricket Club (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: DR BOBBY A (USA): won Cherry Hill Mile S., Gr.3. FORLADIESONLY (USA): won New Castle S., L., Grassland H., L. BOYO (USA): won Derby Trial S., L. WORLDLY POSSESSION (USA): won West Long Branch H., R.; dam of COLLECT THE CASH (USA) (won Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S., Gr.1 and Rockingham Park Oaks).


2nd dam LOVE OF SILVER (USA): 2 wins at 2 inc. Prestige S., Gr.3, placed 3rd Prix Marcel Boussac, Gr.1; dam of 15 foals; 12 runners; 5 winners inc.: Silver Bracelet (GB) (f. by Machiavellian (USA)): winner at 3 and placed 7 times inc. 3rd Masaka S., L.; dam of winners. Silver Queen (GB): placed 3 times at 2 and 3; dam of winners inc.: KUAICOSS (IRE): 5 wins at 2 to 4 in Italy and £93,630 inc. Premio Tudini, Gr.3, placed inc. 2nd Premio Omenoni, Gr.3, Premio Ubaldo Pandolfi, L., Premio Cancelli, L. and 3rd Gran Premio Citta' di Napoli SIS, Gr.3. Silver Satire (GB): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Escala (IND): winner in India and placed 2nd The Threptin Fillies and Mares S., L.



15 CHESNUT COLT (USA) February 22nd, 2020 (Second Produce)

Consigned by Brown Island Stables

More Than Ready (USA)

Southern Halo

Durga Devi (IRE) (2015)


Woodman's Girl

Desert Classic

15 Halo Northern Sea Woodman Becky Be Good Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Green Desert High Standard

B.C. Nominated. 1st dam DURGA DEVI (IRE): placed at 2 in U.S.A.; dam of 2 foals; 1 runner; 1 winner: Downtown Leo (USA) (19 c. by Speightstown (USA)): 3 wins at 2, 2021 in Norway and £23,038, all his starts. 2nd dam DESERT CLASSIC (GB): placed twice at 3; dam of 8 foals; 7 runners; 4 winners inc.: WROTE (IRE) (c. by High Chaparral (IRE)): 3 wins at 2 at home and in U.S.A. and £522,694 inc. Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf (c&g), Gr.1, placed 4 times inc. 3rd Royal Lodge S., Gr.2, Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial, Gr.2 and The S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2; sire. 3rd dam HIGH STANDARD (GB) (by Kris): winner at 2 and placed twice; dam of 10 foals; 10 runners; 8 winners inc.: Al Moulatham (GB): 2 wins and placed 2nd Fairway S., L. Clever Clogs (GB): 2 wins at 3 and placed 6 times; dam of winners inc.: Suzi Spends (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 3 and placed 12 times; dam of SUZI'S CONNOISSEUR (GB) (8 wins at home and in Germany and £173,913 inc. Kronimus Rennen, L.).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

4th dam DURRAH (USA): winner in France; Own sister to NUMBER (USA) and BOUND (USA); dam of 10 foals; 7 runners; 7 winners inc.: Stolen Tear (FR): winner at 2 and placed; dam of winners; grandam of SHE'S HAPPY (ARG) (won G. P. Estrellas Sprint - Revista Palermo, Gr.1, placed 2nd GP Felix de Alzaga Unzue-Biogenesis Bago, Gr.1). Zephyr Lily (USA); dam of winners inc.: Easytalking (ARG): winner in Argentina and placed 2nd Clasico Polla de Potrancas, Gr.2 and 3rd Gran Premio Seleccion de Potrancas, Gr.1.


The next dam SPECIAL (USA): ran in U.S.A. at 3; Own sister to THATCH (USA) and LISADELL (USA); dam of 10 foals; 6 runners; 6 winners inc.: NUMBER (USA): 8 wins in U.S.A. inc. Hempstead H., Gr.2, Firenze H., Gr.2, First Flight H., Gr.3, placed 2nd Shuvee H., Gr.2; dam of winners inc.: JADE ROBBERY (USA): won Grand Crité rium, Gr.1; sire. Add (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Mademoiselle S.; grandam of CORINTHIAN (USA) (won Metropolitan H., Gr.1; sire). NUREYEV (USA): Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 1980, 2 wins in France viz. Prix Thomas Bryon, Gr.3 and Prix Djebel, L.; champion sire. BOUND (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. inc. Budweiser Churchill Downs Breeders Cup H, L., placed 3rd Acorn S., Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: ARCHIPENKO (USA): won Audemars Piguet Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Gr.1, Summer Mile, Gr.2, Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial, Gr.2; sire.

BAY COLT (GB) May 6th, 2020 (Third Produce)

Consigned by Bansha House Stables

Night of Thunder (IRE)


Estournel (GB) (2012)

Danehill Dancer

Forest Storm


16 Dubai Millennium Zomaradah Galileo Quiet Storm Danehill Mira Adonde Sadler's Wells Tarascon



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam ESTOURNEL (GB): ran at 2 and 3; dam of 3 foals; 2 runners: Fly Down (GB) (17 c. by Lethal Force (IRE)): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 in Italy. Marbuzet (GB) (19 g. by Farhh (GB)): ran a few times at 2, 2021.

3rd dam TARASCON (IRE) (by Tirol): Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Ireland in 1997, 3 wins at 2 and 3 and £170,572 inc. Moyglare Stud S., Gr.1, Irish 1000 Guineas, Gr.1, placed 3 times; dam of 11 foals; 9 runners; 7 winners inc.: HIGH AWARD (IRE): 8 wins at home and in Hong Kong and £290,491 inc. Woodcote S., L., placed 10 times. Mayano Sophia (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in France and £28,038 and placed twice inc. 2nd Prix Coronation, L.; dam of winners. Beucaire (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and placed 5 times; dam of winners inc.: Sikara (IRE): 3 wins, £54,693 viz. 2 wins at 3 and placed 4 times; also winner at 4 in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Robert G Dick Memorial S., Gr.3; dam of Ceduna (USA) (winner in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Animal Kingdom S.). Tara's Wells (IRE); dam of winners inc.: Alberone (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 in Denmark and £30,514 and placed 11 times inc. 3rd Firm Management Scandinavian Open C'ship, Gr.3. 4th dam BREYANI: 4 wins and placed 9 times; dam of 9 foals; 8 runners; 4 winners inc.: TARASCON (IRE): see above. MISTER MONET (IRE): 5 wins at 2 and 3 at home and in France and £118,735 inc. Prix Guillaume d'Ornano, Gr.2, Rose of Lancaster S., Gr.3. Mala Mala (IRE): winner at 3 and £34,640 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Cheveley Park S., Gr.1 and Moyglare Stud S., Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: THE LAST LION (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and £229,280 inc. Middle Park S., Gr.1, Sirenia S., Gr.3, 2nd Norfolk S., Gr.2, Flying Childers S., Gr.2; sire. CONTEST (IRE): 5 wins at home and in France and £128,400 inc. Cork S., L., Prix Servanne, L., placed 2nd Prix de Meautry, Gr.3; sire. RUSSIAN ROCK (IRE): 11 wins at home and in U.A.E. and £232,745 inc. Shadwell Jebel Ali Sprint, L. (twice). Horizon Sky (IRE): winner at 2; also placed 3rd Baffle S.


2nd dam ESTEPHE (IRE): winner at 3 and placed 7 times; dam of 9 foals; 7 runners; 4 winners: High On Light (GB): 5 wins and £31,478 and placed 12 times; broodmare. Medoc (JPN): 3 wins at 3 and 4 in Japan. Born Blaisine (JPN): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in Japan. Irish Heart (JPN): winner at 3 in Japan. She also has a yearling colt by Fine Needle (JPN).



17 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 21st, 2020

Consigned by Longways Stables

Night of Thunder (IRE)


Etive (USA) (2008)

Elusive Quality

Forest Storm

Firth of Lorne

17 Dubai Millennium Zomaradah Galileo Quiet Storm Gone West Touch of Greatness Danehill Kerrera

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam ETIVE (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France and in Germany and £78,755 inc. G. P. der Mehl-Mulhens Stiftung Traloppo, L., placed 2nd Prix des Sablonnets, L., Prix Aymeri de Maulé on, L., 3rd Prix de la Californie, L., 4th Prix Imprudence, Gr.3, Prix Ronde de Nuit, L.; dam of 8 foals; 4 runners; 2 winners: Betty Loch (GB) (14 f. by Pivotal (GB)): winner at 3 and placed 3 times. Scots Pine (GB) (17 c. by Shamardal (USA)): winner at 4, 2021 in U.A.E. Novantae (GB) (13 f. by Pivotal (GB)): placed 3 times at 2; dam of 2 winners: Shelly Banks (IRE): winner at 3, 2021 and £32,670 and placed 4 times. Wilderness Girl (IRE): winner at 2, 2021. She also has a yearling colt by Churchill (IRE).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam FIRTH OF LORNE (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 4 in France and in U.S.A. and £106,661 inc. Prix des Sablonnets, L., placed 4 times viz. 2nd Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, Gr.1 and 3rd San Gorgonio H., Gr.2, Prix de la Grotte, Gr.3 and Cardinal H., Gr.3; dam of 12 foals; 10 runners; 8 winners inc.: MASTER OF THE SEAS (IRE) (g. by Dubawi (IRE)): 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2021 and £172,560 inc. Superlative S., Gr.2, Craven S., Gr.3, placed 3 times viz. 2nd 2000 Guineas, Gr.1, Meydan Classic, L. and 3rd Joel S., Gr.2. FALLS OF LORA (IRE) (f. by Street Cry (IRE)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 at home and in U.A.E. and £149,164 inc. S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Oaks, Gr.3, Distaff S., L., placed inc. 3rd Cape Verdi S., Gr.2; dam of winners inc.: CASCADIAN (GB): 6 wins in Australia and in France and £1,954,060 inc. Doncaster Mile H., Gr.1, Doncaster Prelude Royal Parma S., Gr.3, placed 11 times inc. 2nd Prix Jean Prat, Gr.1, LKS Mackinnon S., Gr.1, Cantala S., Gr.1, Southern Cross F. Clissold S., Gr.3, Prix Franç ois Boutin, L. and 3rd Kennedy Cantala S., Gr.1 (twice), All Aged S., Gr.1, Hyland Ajax S., Gr.2. ALBAHR (GB): 4 wins at 2, 2021 at home and in Canada and £173,678 inc. Summer S., Gr.1, Stonehenge S., L., placed. LATHARNACH (USA) (g. by Iffraaj (GB)): 3 wins at 2 and 4 and £143,354 inc. Guisborough S., L., 2nd St James's Palace S., Gr.1, King Charles II S., L. ETIVE (USA) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)): see above. Tipstaff (GB) (c. by Street Cry (IRE)): winner and placed 3rd Navigation S., L. She also has a 2-y-o filly by Dark Angel (IRE).


3rd dam KERRERA (by Diesis): 3 wins at 2 and 3 inc. Cherry Hinton S., Gr.3, Sandy Lane S., L., placed 2nd 1000 Guineas, Gr.1, Flying Childers S., Gr.2 and Princess Margaret S., Gr.3; dam of 11 foals; 9 runners; 7 winners inc.: FIRTH OF LORNE (IRE): see above. Talah (GB): winner at 4 in France and placed 5 times; dam of winners inc.: CEREMONIAL JADE (UAE): won Lady Wulfruna S., L.

Consigned by Church Farm & Horse Park Stud

Mastery (USA) BAY COLT (USA) March 23rd, 2020

Fast Tigress (USA) (2006)

Candy Ride Steady Course Hold That Tiger Fleeting Fable

18 Ride The Rails Candy Girl Old Trieste Steady Cat Storm Cat Beware of The Cat Afleet No Fairytales



B.C. Nominated. 1st dam Fast Tigress (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £67,388 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Desert Vixen S. and 3rd Appalachian S., Gr.3; dam of 6 foals; 4 runners; 3 winners: Charge It Jenn (USA) (16 f. by Will Take Charge (USA)): 2 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and £41,340 and placed 7 times. Mama's Sugar (USA) (13 f. by Lookin At Lucky (USA)): winner at 2 in U.S.A. Panorama Sun (USA) (17 c. by Flatter (USA)): winner at 3 in Korea and placed. Montage (USA) (19 f. by Cairo Prince (USA)): unraced to date.

3rd dam NO FAIRYTALES (USA) (by Dixieland Band (USA)): 3 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £22,006; dam of 7 foals; 6 runners; 5 winners inc.: Fleeting Fable (USA): see above. Rhythmic Fable (USA): 2 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and £37,261. Shybynature (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A. and £46,771. Southern Pearl (USA): winner at 4 in U.S.A. and £21,906; dam of a winner: My Lovely Bride (USA): winner in U.S.A. Irene's Fairytale (USA): placed at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners: Rachels Diamonds (USA): winner in U.S.A. Kid Valentine (USA): winner in U.S.A. 4th dam JUNGLE DANCE (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of 14 foals; 10 runners; 10 winners inc.: MAJESTIC KAT (USA): 5 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £68,246 inc. Albany H., R., OTB Big Apple H., R., placed 2nd Damon Runyon S., R.; sire. Propitiate (USA): 8 wins in France and in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Bed O'Roses H., Gr.3, Beaugay H., 3rd Affectionately H., Gr.3, Next Move H., Gr.3 and 4th Shuvee H., Gr.2; dam of winners: Kountze (USA); grandam of SYMPHONY OF FIRE (IND) (won The Hindu Sprinters' Trophy, L., Sans Craintes Million, L., placed 2nd Bangalore Turf Club Trophy, L., Nanoli Stud Mysore Million, L., Nanoli Stud Bangalore Juvenile Million, L. and 3rd Jayachamaraja Wadiyar Cup, L., Bangalore Turf Club Trophy, L. and Karnataka Owners Asoc.Mysore 1000 Gns., L.).


2nd dam Fleeting Fable (USA): 4 wins at 4 in U.S.A. and £87,310 and placed 3rd Regret H.; dam of 5 foals; 5 runners; 3 winners: Anakim (USA) (c. by Giant's Causeway (USA)): winner at 2 in U.S.A. and £32,734 and placed 3rd Nashua S., Gr.3; sire. Fast Tigress (USA) (f. by Hold That Tiger (USA)): see above. Coexist (USA): 3 wins in U.S.A. and £58,377. Fleeting Feline (USA): placed at 4 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Slam the Cat (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Jersey Girl S., R.



19 BAY COLT (USA) May 8th, 2020 (Third Produce)

Consigned by Knockanglass Stables

Super Saver (USA)

Maria's Mon

Fingers Crossed (USA) (2011)

Elusive Quality


Ruth E

19 Wavering Monarch Carlotta Maria A P Indy Get Lucky Gone West Touch of Greatness A P Indy Ajina

B.C. Nominated. 1st dam FINGERS CROSSED (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £63,421 and placed 4 times; Own sister to RUTHLESS QUALITY (USA); dam of 4 foals; 2 runners; 2 winners: Hope I Can (USA) (17 f. by Alpha (USA)): 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2021 in U.S.A. and £26,756 and placed 6 times. La Familia (USA) (18 f. by Laoban (USA)): winner at 3, 2021 in U.S.A. and £22,700 and placed 3 times. She also has a yearling colt by Midshipman (USA). 2nd dam RUTH E (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A. and £41,594; Own sister to Jinni (USA); dam of 7 foals; 3 runners; 3 winners inc.: RUTHLESS QUALITY (USA) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)): 2 wins at 2 in U.S.A. and £122,192 inc. Kentucky Downs Juvenile Fillies S.; dam of a winner. Gervais (USA): 3 wins to 2021 in U.A.E. and £85,487.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

3rd dam AJINA (USA) (by Strawberry Road (AUS)): Champion 3yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1997, 7 wins at 2 to 4 in U.S.A. and £803,045 inc. Breeders' Cup Distaff, Gr.1, Coaching Club American Oaks, Gr.1, Mother Goose S., Gr.1, Demoiselle S., Gr.2, Pimlico Distaff H., Gr.3, Tempted S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Beldame S., Gr.1, Alabama S., Gr.1 and 3rd Acorn S., Gr.1 and Fantasy S., Gr.2; dam of 11 foals; 9 runners; 5 winners inc.: MANCHURIAN (USA): 3 wins in U.S.A. inc. Stymie H. Jinni (USA): 3 wins in U.S.A. and 3rd Calder Oaks, L.; dam of winners: NORTH SLOPE (USA): won Evening Attire S., L., Bowl Game S., placed 2nd Nat.Museum of Racing Hall of Fame S., Gr.3, Basket Weave S. Al Andaleeb (USA): placed at 2; also placed at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners: EMBOLDENED (USA): won Angel's Flight S., L., placed 2nd Las Flores S., Gr.3 and 3rd La Brea S., Gr.1.


4th dam WINGLET (USA): 2 wins at 3 in U.S.A. inc. Princess S., Gr.2, 2nd La Canada S., Gr.2 and 3rd Linda Vista H., Gr.3; dam of 5 foals; 4 runners; 2 winners: AJINA (USA): see above. ROB'S SPIRIT (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £153,305 inc. Saranac H., Gr.3, Lexington S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Hill Prince H., Gr.3; sire. Zori (USA): placed at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: ZULU ALPHA (USA): won Pegasus World Cup Turf Inv. S., Gr.1. BANK THE EIGHT (USA): won Federico Tesio S. Kobla (USA); dam of winners: QUALITY ROAD (USA): won Woodward S., Gr.1; sire.

BAY COLT (FR) April 8th, 2020 (First Produce)

Consigned by Mocklershill

Oasis Dream (GB)

Green Desert

Fleur (USA) (2015)




20 Danzig Foreign Courier Dancing Brave Bahamian Pivotal Sichilla Bernardini Flanders



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam FLEUR (USA): winner at 3 in France and placed 3 times, from only 5 starts; dam of 2 foals inc. a yearling filly by Cloth of Stars (IRE).

3rd dam FLANDERS (USA) (by Seeking The Gold (USA)): Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1994, 4 wins at 2 in U.S.A. and £543,919 inc. Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Gr.1, Frizette S., Gr.1 and Spinaway S., Gr.1; dam of 13 foals; 11 runners; 8 winners inc.: SURFSIDE (USA): Champion 3yr old filly in U.S.A. in 2000, 8 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £1,126,488 inc. Santa Anita Oaks, Gr.1, Las Virgenes S., Gr.1, Starlet S., Gr.1, Frizette S., Gr.1, Clark H., Gr.2 and Santa Ysabel S., Gr.3R.; dam of winners inc.: IRISH SURF (USA): won Cougar II H., Gr.3, placed 2nd Las Vegas Marathon S., Gr.2; sire. Shark (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Kentucky Cup Turf Dash S., L. and Delta Express S. High Surf (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of HIGH CELEBRITY (FR) (2 wins at 2 in France inc. Prix d'Arenberg, Gr.3, placed 3rd Cheveley Park S., Gr.1); grandam of Dream Memory (FR) (2 wins at 2 and 3 in France and placed 3rd Prix de Bagatelle, L.), Friendly Face (IRE) (winner at 3, 2021 in France and placed 2nd Prix Fré dé ric de Lagrange, L.). Zulaal (USA); dam of ZILLZAAL (SAF) (won C Gerber Summer Cup, Gr.1). BATTLE PLAN (USA): 4 wins in U.S.A. and £231,925 inc. New Orleans H., Gr.2, placed 2nd Stephen Foster H., Gr.1; sire. Flanders Fields (USA): 3 wins in U.S.A. and 2nd Woodchopper H.; sire. Sanibel Island (USA); dam of winners inc.: HOLY REINA (USA): won Princess Margaret S. Island Warrior (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Kentucky Cup Sprint S., Gr.3. Biscayne Bay (USA); dam of winners inc.: OPEN WATER (USA): won Marjorie L Everett H., Gr.2, placed 3rd Del Mar Oaks, Gr.1; dam of RAUCOUS (USA) (won Chelsey Flower S., L.). Bella Italia (ARG): winner in Argentina; dam of BOECIO (ARG) (won Clasico Raul y Raul E Chevalier, Gr.2).


2nd dam FIGARIE (USA): ran in France at 2; dam of 8 foals; 4 runners; 4 winners inc.: Burger And Fries (FR) (g. by Sageburg (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in France and £47,806 and placed 3rd Prix Franç ois Mathet, L. Feel Joy (FR) 2-y-o filly by Kitten's Joy (USA): unraced to date. She also has a 3-y-o colt by Quality Road (USA) and a 2-y-o filly by Kitten’s Joy (USA).



21 BAY COLT (IRE) March 8th, 2020 (Fourth Produce)

Consigned by Greenhills Farm

Exceed And Excel (AUS)


Ghany (IRE) (2011)



Broken Spectre

21 Danzig Razyana Lomond Gladiolus Invincible Spirit Laramie Rainbow Quest Armeria

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. Own brother to Indigo Desert (GB) 1st dam GHANY (IRE): placed 4 times at 3, from only 5 starts; Own sister to LAW ENFORCEMENT (IRE); dam of 5 foals; 3 runners; 1 winner: Indigo Desert (GB) (18 g. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)): winner at 3, 2021, from only 2 starts. Al Ghaith (IRE) (19 c. by Iffraaj (GB)): ran once in U.A.E. at 2, 2021. She also has a yearling colt by Exceed And Excel (AUS).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam BROKEN SPECTRE (GB): ran twice at 3; Own sister to ARMIGER (GB), Besiege (GB), Migration (GB) and Quota (GB); dam of 11 foals; 7 runners; 3 winners inc.: LAW ENFORCEMENT (IRE) (g. by Lawman (FR)): Champion 2yr old colt in Italy in 2012, 5 wins at 2 and 3 at home and in Italy and £141,660 inc. Premio Gran Criterium, Gr.1, placed. Lifespan (GB): 3 wins in Germany and placed 14 times.


3rd dam ARMERIA (USA) (by Northern Dancer): winner at 3 and placed; dam of 13 foals; 11 runners; 6 winners inc.: ARMIGER (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 and £234,162 inc. Racing Post Trophy, Gr.1, Chester Vase, Gr.3, 2nd St Leger S., Gr.1 and Prix Lupin, Gr.1; sire. Besiege (GB): 2 wins at 2 and placed 3rd Royal Lodge S., Gr.2. Migration (GB): 4 wins inc. 2 wins and placed 2nd Godolphin S., L. Quota (GB): winner at 3 and placed 2nd Newbury Fillies Trial, L.; dam of winners inc.: PROTECTRESS (GB): winner at 2 viz. Oh So Sharp S., L., placed 2nd Newbury Fillies Trial, L., all her starts. Market Forces (GB): 3 wins at 3 and placed 2nd River Eden S., L.; dam of DISTAIN (GB) (4 wins at home, in France and in Italy inc. Premio Verziere - Memorial Aldo Cirla, Gr.3, placed 2nd G. P. Jungheinrich Gabelstapler Neue Cup, L. and Premio EBF Terme di Merano, L.); grandam of Sesame Birah (IRE) (2 wins at 2 and placed 2nd Denford S., L.). Acquisition (GB): 4 wins at 3 and placed; dam of GAINING (GB) (3 wins in France inc. Prix Fille de l'Air, Gr.3, Prix Solitude, L., placed 2nd Bewitch S., Gr.3, Keertana Overnight S. and 3rd Robert G Dick Memorial S., Gr.3). 4th dam FRONTONIAN (USA): placed in France; dam of 4 foals; 4 runners; 3 winners inc.: I WANT TO BE (USA): Champion older mare in Ireland in 1986, 4 wins inc. Park Hill S., Gr.2, Meld S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Prix Royal-Oak, Gr.1, Nassau S., Gr.2, Silver Cup, L., 3rd Irish St Leger, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: DRACO (IRE): 3 wins in U.S.A. inc. Kobuk King S., L.

Consigned by Kilminfoyle House Stud (Agent)

CHESNUT COLT (USA) March 27th, 2020 (Third Produce)

Kitten's Joy (USA)

El Prado

Hard Cloth (USA) (2014)

Hard Spun

Kitten's First


22 Sadler's Wells Lady Capulet Lear Fan That's My Hon Danzig Turkish Tryst Giant's Causeway Serape



B.C. Nominated. 1st dam HARD CLOTH (USA): unraced; dam of 4 foals; 2 runners; 1 winner: Emmanuel (USA) (19 c. by More Than Ready (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3, 2022 in U.S.A. and £36,990, only starts to date. She also has a yearling filly by More Than Ready (USA).

3rd dam SERAPE (USA) (by Fappiano (USA)): 5 wins at 2 to 4 in U.S.A. and £123,224 inc. Ballerina S., Gr.1, Straight Deal H., L., placed 2nd Genuine Risk S., Gr.2, Vagrancy H., Gr.3 and 3rd Gay Matelda S., L.; dam of 10 foals; 7 runners; 5 winners inc.: BATIQUE (USA): 7 wins in U.S.A. and £260,077 inc. Honey Fox H., Gr.3, My Charmer H., Gr.3, Vinery Matchmaker S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Athenia H., Gr.3, New Castle H., L., Open Fire S., L. and 3rd Anne Arundel H., Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: Tejida (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd All Along S., Gr.3, Grey Goose Bewitch S., Gr.3, The Very One H., Gr.3 and 3rd Gallorette H., Gr.3. Miss Lamour (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Forever Together S. Media Madness (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of Union Blues (USA) (winner in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Maryland Coalition S.). Trensa (USA): see above. Paisley Fashion (USA): winner at 4 in U.S.A.; dam of winners: Etro (USA): placed in U.S.A.; dam of VIRAMUNDO (USA) (won Clasico Appucapa, L., placed 2nd Clasico Dia Internacional del Trabajador, L. and 3rd Donn H., Gr.1 and Clasico Laffit Pincay Jr, L.). Palapa (USA); dam of winners inc.: Alexander Castle (USA): winner at 2 and 2nd Champagne S., Gr.2.


2nd dam Trensa (USA): 3 wins in U.S.A. and £100,848 and placed 2nd Robert G Dick Memorial H., Gr.3 and 3rd John W Rooney Memorial S., L. and Revidere S.; dam of 9 foals; 6 runners; 5 winners inc.: HAWKBILL (USA) (c. by Kitten's Joy (USA)): 10 wins at home and in U.A.E. and £3,549,475 inc. Eclipse S., Gr.1, Longines Dubai Sheema Classic, Gr.1, Princess of Wales' S., Gr.2, SkyCargo Dubai City of Gold S., Gr.2, Aston Park S., Gr.3, Tercentenary S., Gr.3, Newmarket S., L., placed 2nd Northern Dancer Turf S., Gr.1, Longines Grosser Preis von Berlin, Gr.1 and 3rd Prince of Wales's S., Gr.1, Coronation Cup, Gr.1 and Pastorius Grosser Preis von Bayern, Gr.1; sire. FREE DROP BILLY (USA) (c. by Union Rags (USA)): 2 wins at 2 in U.S.A. and £521,651 inc. Claiborne Breeders' Futurity, Gr.1, placed 2nd Hopeful S., Gr.1, Holy Bull S., Gr.2, Sanford S., Gr.3 and 3rd Toyota Blue Grass S., Gr.2 and Gotham S., Gr.3; sire. She also has a 2-y-o filly by Union Rags (USA) and a yearling filly by American Pharoah (USA).



23 BAY COLT (GB) January 28th, 2020

Consigned by Mocklershill


Lope de Vega (IRE)


Jadhwah (GB) (2008)


Giant's Causeway Helsinki Vettori Lady Golconda Gulch Height of Fashion Green Desert Irish Valley

Lady Vettori


E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. Own brother to Alhammaam (IRE) 1st dam JADHWAH (GB): ran once at 2; dam of 7 foals; 5 runners; 5 winners: Quloob (GB) (14 g. by New Approach (IRE)): 4 wins, £35,496 viz. 3 wins at 3 and placed 6 times; also winner over hurdles and placed twice. Nomoathaj (IRE) (15 f. by Dubawi (IRE)): 4 wins, £31,212 viz. winner at 3 and placed twice; also 3 wins in New Zealand and placed 6 times. Alhammaam (IRE) (18 g. by Lope de Vega (IRE)): winner at 3, 2021 and placed. Mubajal (GB) (13 g. by Dubawi (IRE)): winner at 3 and placed 3 times. Good View (IRE) (17 f. by Dubawi (IRE)): winner at 3 and placed. She also has a yearling filly by New Approach (IRE). 2nd dam DHELAAL (GB): unraced; dam of 8 foals; 7 runners; 3 winners inc.: MAKFI (GB) (c. by Dubawi (IRE)): Jt Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2010, Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 2010, 4 wins at 2 and 3 at home and in France and £584,722 inc. 2000 Guineas, Gr.1, Prix Jacques Le Marois, Gr.1 and Prix Djebel, Gr.3; sire.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

3rd dam IRISH VALLEY (USA) (by Irish River (FR)): ran in France at 2 and 3; dam of 14 foals; 10 runners; 8 winners inc.: ALHAARTH (IRE): Champion 2yr old in Europe in 1995, 8 wins at 2 to 4 at home and in France and £374,467 inc. Dewhurst S., Gr.1, International S., Gr.2, Champagne S., Gr.2, Prix Dollar, Gr.2, Prix du Rond-Point, Gr.2, Solario S., Gr.3, placed 3rd Irish Champion S., Gr.1 and Sussex S., Gr.1; sire. GREEN POLA (USA): 2 wins at 2 in France inc. Prix du Calvados, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: CAPE LIZBURNE (JPN): won Tokyo City Keiba Jo O Hai, L. Dalayil (IRE); dam of winners inc.: AQALEEM (GB): 2 wins at home and in Australia and £209,096 inc. Lingfield Derby Trial, Gr.3, placed 3rd Derby S., Gr.1.


4th dam GREEN VALLEY (FR): unraced; dam of 15 foals; 14 runners; 13 winners inc.: GREEN DANCER (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 at home and in France and £148,303 inc. Observer Gold Cup, Gr.1, Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Gr.1, Prix Lupin, Gr.1, 2nd Prix Niel, Gr.3 and Prix des Chê nes, Gr.3; champion sire. VAL DANSEUR (USA): 9 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £319,053 inc. Golden Gate H., Gr.2, Rolling Green H., Gr.3, Santa Gertrudes H., L.; sire. ERCOLANO (USA): 3 wins in France inc. Prix du Lys, Gr.3; sire. SOVIET LAD (USA): 3 wins in France and in U.S.A. inc. Prix de Pontarmé , L., placed 2nd Bernard Baruch H., Gr.1, Knickerbocker H., Gr.3; sire. SIR RALEIGH (USA): 4 wins in France inc. Prix de la Chapelle, L.; sire.


Consigned by Malcolm Bastard

CHESNUT FILLY (GB) March 4th, 2020 (Third Produce)

Dubawi (IRE) Joyful Hope (GB) (2012)

Dubai Millennium Zomaradah Shamardal Claba di San Jore

Seeking The Gold Colorado Dancer Deploy Jawaher Giant's Causeway Helsinki Barathea Claw



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. GBB 100%

2nd dam CLABA DI SAN JORE (IRE): winner at 3 in Italy and placed twice; dam of 15 foals; 13 runners; 10 winners inc.: JAKKALBERRY (IRE) (c. by Storming Home (GB)): 12 wins at home, in Italy, in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. and £1,302,485 inc. Gran Premio di Milano, Gr.1, SkyCargo Dubai City of Gold S., Gr.2, Premio Carlo d'Alessio, Gr.3; sire. CRACKERJACK KING (IRE) (c. by Shamardal (USA)): Champion 3yr old colt in Italy in 2011, 7 wins at 2 to 4 in Italy and £508,617 inc. P.Presidente della Repubblica GBI Racing, Gr.1, Derby Italiano, Gr.2, Premio Campobello, L., placed 3rd Hyland Race Colours Underwood S., Gr.1; sire. AWELMARDUK (IRE) (c. by Almutawakel (GB)): 5 wins in Italy and £244,264 inc. Derby Italiano, Gr.1, Premio UNIRE, L., 3rd Premio Emanuele Filiberto, L. KIDNAPPING (IRE) (c. by Intikhab (USA)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Italy and £107,735 inc. Gran Premio d'Italia C Naz, L., Premio Merano, L., Premio Emanuele Filiberto, L., placed 4 times inc. 3rd Prix Niel, Gr.2; sire. JOYFUL HOPE (GB) (f. by Shamardal (USA)): see above. Freezy (IRE) (f. by Dalakhani (IRE)): 4 wins in Australia and in Italy and £76,725 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Premio Baggio, L.; dam of a winner. Bois Joli (IRE): 2 wins viz. winner at 3 and placed 3 times; also winner at 2 in Italy and placed twice; dam of winners inc.: CIRCUS COUTURE (IRE): 10 wins at home and in Italy and £399,353 inc. Premio Carlo Vittadini, Gr.3, Premio Del Giubileo, Gr.3, Premio Ambrosiano, Gr.3, Premio Mauro Sbarigia, L., placed 18 times inc. 2nd Premio Roma GBI Racing - Tris Straord, Gr.1, Gran Premio di Milano, Gr.2, P.Presidente della Repubblica GBI Racing, Gr.2, Premio Carlo Vittadini, Gr.2. CELTICUS (IRE): 9 wins in Italy and £135,466 inc. Premio Emanuele Filiberto, L., placed 16 times inc. 3rd Gran Premio di Milano, Gr.1. She also has a 2-y-o colt by Kingman (GB). 3rd dam Claw (IRE) (by Law Society (USA)): 7 wins in Italy and placed 2nd Premio Giovanni Falck, L.; dam of 12 foals; 12 runners; 10 winners inc.: CLASEM DI SAN JORE (IRE): 7 wins in Italy and £121,931 inc. Premio Merano, L., placed 2nd Premio Andred - Trofeo SGA, L. and 3rd Gran Premio d'Italia, L. and Premio del Circo Massimo, L.


1st dam JOYFUL HOPE (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in Italy and £69,311 inc. Premio Mario Incisa della Rocchetta, L., placed 2nd Oaks d'Italia, Gr.2; Own sister to CRACKERJACK KING (IRE); dam of 4 foals; 2 runners; 1 winner: Mister Allegro (GB) (18 g. by Bernardini (USA)): 3 wins viz. winner at 2 and placed; also 2 wins over hurdles at 3, 2021. Speranzoso (GB) (19 g. by Siyouni (FR)): placed at 2, 2021, from only 2 starts. She also has a yearling filly by Too Darn Hot (GB).



25 BAY COLT (FR) March 31st, 2020 (Second Produce)

Consigned by Longways Stables

Siyouni (FR) Life On Mars (GB) (2014)

Pivotal Sichilla Henrythenavigator Dilag

25 Polar Falcon Fearless Revival Danehill Slipstream Queen Kingmambo Sequoyah Almutawakel Terracotta Hut

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam LIFE ON MARS (GB): placed at 2; dam of 3 foals; 1 runner: Milano Sanremo (FR) (19 c. by Alhebayeb (IRE)): ran a few times in Italy at 2, 2021. She also has a yearling filly by Zarak (FR). 2nd dam DILAG (IRE): winner at 3 in France and £21,530 and placed 3 times; dam of 10 foals; 9 runners; 7 winners inc.: SOUVENIR DELONDRES (FR) (f. by Siyouni (FR)): 2 wins at 2 in France and £89,887 viz. Prix Eclipse, Gr.3, Prix de la Vallé e d'Auge, L., placed 4 times inc. 3rd Prix d'Arenberg, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: Dr Zempf (GB): winner at 2, 2021 and £57,571 and placed 2nd Phoenix S., Gr.1. I'm So Glad (GB) (f. by Clodovil (IRE)): 5 wins at 2 and 3 and £51,917 and placed 4 times inc. 3rd Land O'Burns Fillies' S., L.; dam of a winner.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

3rd dam TERRACOTTA HUT (by Habitat): ran once at 2; dam of 14 foals; 13 runners; 5 winners inc.: DISTINCT HABIT (USA): 3 wins at 2 in U.S.A. inc. Schuylerville S., Gr.2, Astoria Breeders' Cup S., Gr.3, 3rd Adirondack S., Gr.2; dam of winners inc.: MR ROUTINE (CAN): won Caesar Rodney S., L. and Grey Beret S. Winsome Dame (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of Take Heart (USA) (winner in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Mystic Lake Derby, L.). Facts of Winning (USA); dam of AWESOME I AM (USA) (won Get Lucky S., Restored Hope S., placed 3rd Gazelle S., Gr.1); grandam of PAIN AND MISERY (USA) (won Bosselman Gus Fonner S., Governor's Cup S., 2nd Pat Day Mile S., Gr.3, 3rd Prairie Meadows Cornhusker H., Gr.3). TERROIR (IRE): 6 wins in France and in Germany and £136,172 inc. Buchmacher Simon Springer Sprint-Preis, L., Bremer Sprint Cup, L., 2nd Prix de Seine-et-Oise, Gr.3, Grosser Buchmacher Springer Sprint Preis, Gr.3; sire. Golden Metalimo (IRE): 5 wins at 2 to 4 in Sweden and placed 3rd Svenskt Derby, L. and Sk. Faltrittklubbens Jubileumslopning, L. Mister Chocolate (IRE): placed in France inc. 2nd Prix du Bois, Gr.3.


4th dam AMIEL: winner at 4 in Italy; Own sister to NOALCOHOLIC (FR); dam of 10 foals; 10 runners; 6 winners inc.: AERTURAS (FR): 4 wins in U.S.A. inc. Spectacular H., L.R., placed 2nd Barbara Fritchie H., Gr.3 and 3rd Las Flores H., Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: MISS A BOMB (USA): won Inaugural S., L. and Gowell S.; dam of A LITTLE BIT SASSY (USA) (won Edgewood S., L., placed 2nd Lake George S., Gr.2).

BAY COLT (IRE) April 22nd, 2020

Consigned by Bansha House Stables

Smooth Daddy (USA)

Scat Daddy

Luminance (IRE) (2008)

Danehill Dancer

Prairie Maiden

Bright Bank

26 Johannesburg Love Style Badger Land Will Patricia Danehill Mira Adonde Sadler's Wells Pay The Bank



E.B.F. Nominated. 1st dam LUMINANCE (IRE): unraced; Own sister to THOMAS EDISON (IRE); dam of 7 foals; 5 runners; 2 winners: Felix (GB) (16 g. by Lope de Vega (IRE)): 6 wins to 2021 and £90,243 and placed 8 times inc. 2nd Winter Derby, Gr.3, Winter Derby Trial, L. and 3rd Quebec S., L. and Churchill S., L.; also placed to 2021 in U.A.E. and £293,227 viz. 3rd Dubai Turf, Gr.1. Lumen (GB) (15 g. by Rip Van Winkle (IRE)): winner at 3; also placed abroad. El Felicia (IRE) (19 f. by El Kabeir (USA)): placed at 2, 2021.

3rd dam PAY THE BANK (by High Top): winner at 2 and placed 3 times; dam of 13 foals; 10 runners; 8 winners inc.: MY BRANCH (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 and £132,304 inc. Sceptre S., L., Firth of Clyde S., L., placed 2nd Cheveley Park S., Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: TANTE ROSE (IRE): 5 wins and £225,546 inc. Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Gr.1, Summer S., Gr.3, Fred Darling S., Gr.3, Cecil Frail S., L.; dam of Rose Diamond (IRE) (2 wins viz. winner at 2 and placed 2nd Prestige S., Gr.3; also winner at 3 in U.S.A.); grandam of REAL SMART (USA) (won Robert G Dick Memorial S., Gr.3). BAY TREE (IRE): 2 wins inc. Sweet Solera S., L., 3rd Musidora S., Gr.3. Melodramatic (IRE): winner at 3 and placed 2nd Ballymacoll Stud S., L.; dam of Almodovar (IRE) (3 wins at 3 and 4 and placed 3rd Hardwicke S., Gr.2; also placed 2nd Prix d'Ispahan, Gr.1). Rosie's Posy (IRE): winner at 2 and placed; dam of DUBAWI HEIGHTS (GB) (5 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A., £601,046 inc. Yellow Ribbon S., Gr.1), MAKE BELIEVE (GB) (4 wins in France and £462,856 inc. Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Gr.1, Prix de la Forê t, Gr.1, 2nd Prix Djebel, Gr.3; sire); grandam of LIBERTY HEIGHTS (JPN) (won Hochi Hai Revue (fillies GnsTrial), Gr.2, Yukan Fuji Hai Opal S., L., placed 2nd Turquoise S., Gr.3). Banco Suivi (IRE): winner at 3 and placed 5 times; dam of winners inc.: Body Language (IRE): 3 wins and placed 3rd Jockey Club Rose Bowl, L. Banco Solo (GB); dam of winners inc.: GOLDEN DANETIME (IRE): 20 wins in Italy and £155,557 inc. Criterium Labronico, L., placed 2nd Criterium di Pisa, L.


2nd dam BRIGHT BANK (IRE): unraced; dam of 13 foals; 9 runners; 7 winners inc.: Devotion (IRE) (f. by Dylan Thomas (IRE)): winner at 2 and £39,601 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Gr.3 and 3rd Garnet S., L.; dam of winners inc.: DUBAI LOVE (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 at home and in U.A.E. and £209,815 inc. M Hamriya UAE 1000 Guineas, L., placed 5 times inc. 2nd Range Rover UAE Oaks, Gr.3 and 3rd Cape Verdi S., Gr.2 and Al Bastakiya, L.



27 BAY COLT (IRE) January 30th, 2020 (Second Produce)

Consigned by Powerstown Stud

Showcasing (GB)

Oasis Dream

Magical Fire (IRE) (2014)

Dragon Pulse


Bridal Dance

27 Green Desert Hope Zafonic Prophecy Kyllachy Poetical Danehill Dancer Feather Bride

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam Magical Fire (IRE): winner at 2 and £25,443 and placed 2nd Duchess of Cambridge S., Gr.2; dam of 3 foals; 1 runner; 1 winner: Hedwig (IRE) (18 g. by Dark Angel (IRE)): winner at 3, 2021 in France and placed twice; also placed at 2. She also has a yearling filly by Too Darn Hot (GB).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam BRIDAL DANCE (IRE): ran a few times at 3; dam of 10 foals; 8 runners; 4 winners: HAWKSMOOR (IRE) (f. by Azamour (IRE)): 6 wins at home, in Germany and in U.S.A. and £871,667 inc. NYRA Bets New York S., Gr.2, German 1000 Guineas, Gr.2, Prestige S., Gr.3, Beaugay S., Gr.3, Lambholm South Endeavour S., Gr.3, 2nd Matriarch S., Gr.1, First Lady S., Gr.1, Hillsborough S., Gr.2, Woodford Reserve Ballston Spa S., Gr.2, Noble Damsel S., Gr.3, Dahlia S. and 3rd Fillies' Mile, Gr.1, Prix Saint-Alary, Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S., Gr.1, Rockfel S., Gr.2 and Kilboy Estate S., Gr.2. ROYAL DORNOCH (IRE) (c. by Gleneagles (IRE)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 inc. Royal Lodge S., Gr.2, Desmond S., Gr.3, placed inc. 3rd Richmond S., Gr.2. Magical Fire (IRE) (f. by Dragon Pulse (IRE)): see above. Iowa (IRE): winner at 3, 2021 and £49,008 and placed. Qatar Princess (IRE): placed 6 times at 2 to 4; dam of a winner: FLAMING PRINCESS (IRE): 2 wins at 2 at home and in France inc. Prix de la Vallé e d'Auge, L., placed twice inc. 3rd Prix d'Arenberg, Gr.3. She also has a 2-y-o colt by No Nay Never (USA) and a yearling colt by Galileo (IRE).


3rd dam FEATHER BRIDE (IRE) (by Groom Dancer (USA)): winner at 3 in France and placed 5 times; dam of 14 foals; 10 runners; 5 winners inc.: MILLENNIUM DRAGON (GB): 6 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £297,073 inc. Appleton H., Gr.3, King Charles II S., L., placed 2nd Manhattan H., Gr.1, Kelso Breeders' Cup H., Gr.2, Aregent Dixie S., Gr.2, Poker H., Gr.3, Canadian Turf H., Gr.3, Tropical Turf H., Gr.3 and 3rd Knickerbocker H., Gr.2. Bless The Bride (IRE): winner at 3 and placed; dam of a winner: MEERISS (IRE): 5 wins at home and in U.A.E. and £139,820 inc. Stardom S., L., placed 2nd Newmarket S., L., Meydan Jebel Ali S., L. 4th dam Bubbling Danseuse (USA): winner at 3 in France and placed 2nd Prix de Sandringham, Gr.3; dam of 11 foals; 11 runners; 6 winners inc.: Bubbling Heights (FR): winner at 3 in France; dam of winners inc.: J'RAY (USA): won Canadian S., Gr.2, Taylor Made Matchmaker S., Gr.3; dam of GENERAL JACK (USA) (won Centaur S., L.).

BAY COLT (USA) February 10th, 2020 (Fourth Produce)

Consigned by Meadowview Stables

Mendelssohn (USA)

Scat Daddy

Maybellene (USA) (2012)

Lookin At Lucky

Leslie's Lady


28 Johannesburg Love Style Tricky Creek Crystal Lady Smart Strike Private Feeling Giant's Causeway Touch of Greatness



B.C. Nominated. 1st dam MAYBELLENE (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £171,366 inc. Sunland Park Oaks, L., placed 3 times inc. 2nd Desi Arnaz S., L. and 3rd Starlet S., Gr.1; dam of 4 foals; 3 runners; 1 winner: Purity (USA) (19 f. by Violence (USA)): winner at 2, 2021 in U.S.A. and £23,241 and placed twice. 2nd dam GREATHEARTED (USA): unraced; dam of 7 foals; 3 runners; 2 winners inc.: MAYBELLENE (USA) (f. by Lookin At Lucky (USA)): see above.

4th dam IVORY WAND (USA): 5 wins in U.S.A. inc. Test S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Spinster S., Gr.1 and 3rd Spinster S., Gr.1; dam of 7 foals; 5 runners; 5 winners inc.: GOLD AND IVORY (USA): Champion 3yr old in Germany and Italy in 1984, 6 wins at home, in Italy and in West Germany inc. Grosser Preis von Baden, Gr.1, Preis von Europa, Gr.1, G.P. del Jockey Club Coppa d'Oro, Gr.1, Royal Lodge S., Gr.2, placed 2nd Puma Preis Von Europa, Gr.1; sire. Land of Ivory (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 and placed 2nd Ben Marshall S., L. and 3rd Lupe S., L.; also 3rd Premio Allevamento, L.; dam of winners inc.: HEART OF DARKNESS (GB): won National S., Gr.1; sire. Ghana (IRE): winner at 3 in France; grandam of AKUA'DA (GER) (2 wins at 2 and 3 in Germany inc. German 1000 Guineas, Gr.2). British Columbia (GB); grandam of AMEN KITTEN (USA) (won Tropical Park Derby, 2nd Mac Diarmida S., Gr.2 and 3rd Hollywood Derby, Gr.1). Ivory Coast (FR); dam of IVORY LAND (FR) (9 wins in France and £321,134 inc. Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, Gr.2, Prix d'Hé douville, Gr.3; sire). Radiant (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: POOLESTA (IRE): won Affectionately H., Gr.3, Interborough Breeders' Cup H., Gr.3, placed 2nd Lowther S., Gr.2 and 3rd Moyglare Stud S., Gr.1. HOME OF THE FREE (USA): won Jaipur S., Gr.3, Laurel Dash S., Gr.3 and Knickerbocker H., Gr.3. DESERT FOX (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 at home and in Hong Kong and £253,357 inc. Sha Tin Trophy, L., placed 3rd Irish Derby, Gr.1; sire.


3rd dam TOUCH OF GREATNESS (USA) (by Hero's Honor (USA)): unraced; dam of 14 foals; 11 runners; 8 winners inc.: ROSSINI (USA): 3 wins at 2 at home and in France inc. Prix Robert Papin, Gr.2, Anglesey S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Champagne S., Gr.2; sire. ELUSIVE QUALITY (USA): 9 wins in U.S.A. and £255,795 inc. Poker S., Gr.3, Jaipur S., Gr.3, placed 2nd King's Bishop S., Gr.2; champion sire. Seeking Greatness (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and placed 3rd My Friend Russ S.; sire.



29 BAY COLT (FR) March 2nd, 2020 (Fourth Produce)

Consigned by Oak Tree Farm

Cloth of Stars (IRE)

Sea The Stars

Mediteranea (FR) (2011)

Smart Strike

Strawberry Fledge

Mare Nostrum

29 Cape Cross Urban Sea Kingmambo Lingerie Mr Prospector Classy 'n Smart Caerleon Salvora

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam MEDITERANEA (FR): ran 3 times in France at 3; also ran once over jumps in France at 3; dam of 5 foals; 3 runners; 1 winner: Mediterranea Blues (GB) (17 c. by Charm Spirit (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 in France and £25,063 and placed 3 times. Invincible Sea (FR) (19 f. by Shalaa (IRE)): placed at 2, 2021 in France. She also has a yearling filly by Zarak (FR).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam MARE NOSTRUM (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in France and £76,605 inc. Prix Vanteaux, Gr.3, placed 4 times inc. 2nd Prix Saint-Alary, Gr.1 and 3rd Prix Vermeille, Gr.1; dam of 15 foals; 12 runners; 6 winners inc.: ERUPT (IRE) (c. by Dubawi (IRE)): 5 wins at 3 and 4 in Canada and in France and £908,480 inc. Grand Prix de Paris, Gr.1, Pattison Canadian International S., Gr.1, Prix du Lys, Gr.3, Coupe des Trois Ans, L., placed 4 times inc. 2nd Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Gr.1; sire. MARIE DE MEDICI (USA) (f. by Medicean (GB)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 and £67,372 inc. Pretty Polly S., L., placed 7 times inc. 2nd Prix des Ré servoirs, Gr.3 and 3rd Feilden S., L. and Alice Keppel H., L.; dam of winners inc.: LOCAL TIME (GB): 7 wins at 2 and 3 at home, in Turkey and in U.A.E. and £363,463 inc. Oh So Sharp S., Gr.3, International Istanbul Trophy, Gr.3, S & M Al Naboodah UAE Oaks, Gr.3, IPIC Nova UAE 1000 Guineas, L., placed. Makiwara (USA): placed at 3 in France; dam of winners inc.: More Magic (SAF): winner in South Africa and placed 2nd Matchem S., Gr.3. Hespera (GB): placed at 3 in France; dam of winners inc.: LADY PENKO (FR): 3 wins at 3 and 4 in France and £67,093 inc. Prix Caravelle, L., placed twice inc. 3rd Prix Saint-Alary, Gr.1; dam of Golden Lips (IRE) (winner at 2 and placed inc. 2nd Lingfield Oaks Trial S., L.). Tabarin (IRE) 3-y-o colt by Frankel (GB): unraced to date.


3rd dam SALVORA (USA) (by Spectacular Bid (USA)): winner at 3 in France; dam of 16 foals; 15 runners; 8 winners inc.: AUBE INDIENNE (FR): 5 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £363,644 inc. Yellow Ribbon Invitational H., Gr.1, Las Palmas H., Gr.2, Prix de la Seine, L., placed 2nd Matriarch S., Gr.1 and 3rd Santa Ana H., Gr.1; dam of winners. MARE NOSTRUM (GB): see above. SPECIAL GALLERY (IRE): 6 wins at 2 and 3 at home and in Brazil inc. Classico Tiradentes, L., placed 3rd Grande Premio Cordeiro da Graca, Gr.2; dam of winners. RAISONNABLE (GB): 2 wins in France inc. Prix Ronde de Nuit, L., placed 2nd Prix de la Grotte, Gr.3, Prix des Ré servoirs, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: SENSIBLE (FR): 3 wins in France inc. Prix de Suresnes, L.; sire.

Consigned by Church Farm & Horse Park Stud

Frankel (GB) BAY COLT (GB) February 5th, 2020

Noyelles (IRE) (2004)

Galileo Kind Docksider Bellarida

30 Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Danehill Rainbow Lake Diesis Pump Bellypha Lerida



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated.

2nd dam BELLARIDA (FR): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in France inc. Prix de Royaumont, Gr.3 and Prix des Tuileries, L.; dam of 13 foals; 11 runners; 8 winners inc.: IN CLOVER (GB) (f. by Inchinor (GB)): 4 wins at 3 in France and £125,971 inc. Prix de Flore, Gr.3, 2nd Prix Fille de l'Air, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: WITH YOU (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France and £494,039 inc. Prix Rothschild, Gr.1, Prix des Ré servoirs, Gr.3, placed 5 times inc. 2nd Prix Rothschild, Gr.1, Prix Jean Romanet, Gr.1 and Prix Saint-Alary, Gr.1. CALL THE WIND (GB): 6 wins in France and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £1,755,210 inc. Prix du Cadran, Gr.1, Prix Kergorlay, Gr.2, Prix de Barbeville, Gr.3, placed 13 times inc. 2nd Prix Royal-Oak, Gr.1. WE ARE (IRE): 2 wins at 3 in France and £293,927 inc. Prix de l'Opé ra, Gr.1, placed inc. 3rd Prix de l'Opé ra, Gr.1 and Prix Jean Romanet, Gr.1. DREAM CLOVER (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in France and £107,541 inc. Prix de Saint-Cyr, L., Prix de la Cochè re, L., placed inc. 3rd Prix de Lieurey, Gr.3. BAYOURIDA (USA) (f. by Slew O' Gold (USA)): 2 wins in France inc. Prix Madame Jean Couturié , L., 2nd Prix de la Nonette, Gr.3; dam of winners. BELLONA (IRE) (f. by Bering): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in France inc. Prix Rose de Mai, L., placed inc. 3rd Prix Pé né lope, Gr.3; dam of winners; grandam of DOMINANT (IRE) (5 wins at home and in Hong Kong and £1,866,274 inc. Longines Hong Kong Vase, Gr.1, The Queen Mother Memorial Cup, L. (twice)), LISTEN IN (IRE) (4 wins in France inc. Prix du Conseil de Paris, Gr.2), ES QUE LOVE (IRE) (5 wins and £236,311 inc. Lennox S., Gr.2; sire). Belesta (GB): winner at 3 in France and placed 4 times; dam of winners inc.: ADJUSTED (IRE): 6 wins at home and in Australia and £341,596 inc. Herbert Power S., Gr.2, Daily Telegraph Neville Sellwood S., Gr.3. Forty Belles (USA): placed 6 times at 2 to 4 in France; dam of winners inc.: PARTY (IRE): 2 wins at 2 inc. Radley S., L., placed 5 times; dam of OBSERVATIONAL (GB) (won Le Pine Funerals Easter Cup, Gr.3).


1st dam NOYELLES (IRE): unraced; dam of 10 foals; 5 runners; 4 winners: LILY'S ANGEL (IRE) (09 f. by Dark Angel (IRE)): 10 wins at 2 to 4 at home and in U.A.E. and £321,142 inc. Chartwell Fillies S., Gr.3, Cooley S., L., Snowdrop S., L., Empress S., L., placed 10 times inc. 2nd Matron S., Gr.1, Sweet Solera S., Gr.3, Ballycorus S., Gr.3, 3rd Nell Gwyn S., Gr.3, Ridgewood Pearl S., Gr.3, Cooley S., L. and 4th Balanchine S., Gr.2; dam of 3 winners. ZURIGHA (IRE) (10 f. by Cape Cross (IRE)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 and £105,635 inc. Rosemary S., L., placed 5 times viz. 2nd Emirates Global Cape Verdi S., Gr.2, 3rd District One Balanchine S., Gr.2, Valiant S., L. and 4th Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, Gr.1 and Atalanta S., Gr.3; broodmare. Furious (GB) (16 f. by Oasis Dream (GB)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 and placed 3 times. Hidden Breeze (GB) (18 f. by Dark Angel (IRE)): winner at 3, 2021. She also has a yearling colt by Frankel (GB).



31 BAY COLT (IRE) April 3rd, 2020

Consigned by Mocklershill

Daiwa Major (JPN)

Sunday Silence

Peeping Fawn (USA) (2004)


Scarlet Bouquet


31 Halo Wishing Well Northern Taste Scarlet Ink Danzig Razyana Sadler's Wells Blush With Pride

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam PEEPING FAWN (USA): Champion 3yr old filly in England and Ireland in 2007, Jt Champion 3yr old filly in Europe in 2007, 5 wins at 3 and £689,626 inc. Irish Oaks, Gr.1, Yorkshire Oaks, Gr.1, Nassau S., Gr.1, Pretty Polly S., Gr.1, placed 5 times inc. 2nd Oaks S., Gr.1 and 3rd Irish 1000 Guineas, Gr.1, all her starts; dam of 11 foals; 7 runners; 5 winners: SEPTEMBER (IRE) (15 f. by Deep Impact (JPN)): 2 wins at 2 and £280,621 inc. Chesham S., L., placed viz. 2nd Fillies' Mile, Gr.1, 3rd Moyglare Stud S., Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf, Gr.1 and 4th Debutante S., Gr.2. WILLOW (IRE) (18 f. by American Pharoah (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3, 2021 inc. Naas Oaks Trial, L., 3rd Blue Wind S., Gr.3, also 4th Irish Oaks, Gr.1. Sir John Hawkins (USA) (11 c. by Henrythenavigator (USA)): winner at 2 and £31,407 and placed 3 times viz. 3rd Coventry S., Gr.2, Tyros S., Gr.3. Purely Priceless (IRE) (10 f. by Galileo (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 in France and £25,041 and placed 3 times, all her starts; dam of 3 winners: ALZIRE (FR) (f. by Shamardal (USA)): 5 wins in France and £87,997 inc. Prix Coronation, L., Prix du Point du Jour, L., placed twice viz. 3rd Prix de la Cochè re, L. and 4th Prix de Psyché , Gr.3, also 4th Prix du Pays d'Auge, L. Tasman Bay (FR) (c. by Le Havre (IRE)): winner at 3, 2021 and £61,390 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd King Edward VII S., Gr.2, Fairway S., L. and 3rd Thoroughbred S., Gr.3; also placed at 3, 2021 in France and £37,500 viz. 3rd Prix Guillaume d'Ornano, Gr.2, from only 7 starts. Palmyre (FR) (f. by Dansili (GB)): 2 wins at 3 in France and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Prix Charles Laffitte, L., 3rd Grand Prix de Clairefontaine, L. Wisconsin (JPN) (14 g. by Deep Impact (JPN)): winner at 3 and placed. Flagship (JPN) (19 c. by Caravaggio (USA)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling filly by Kingman (GB).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam Maryinsky (IRE): winner at 2 and £57,897 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Fillies' Mile, Gr.1; dam of 12 foals; 7 runners; 6 winners inc.: PEEPING FAWN (USA) (f. by Danehill (USA)): see above. THEWAYYOUARE (USA) (c. by Kingmambo (USA)): 4 wins at 2 in France and £167,511 inc. Crité rium International, Gr.1, Prix Thomas Bryon, Gr.3; sire. Pretty Milanova (USA) 3-y-o filly by American Pharoah (USA): unraced to date. She also has a yearling filly by Justify (USA).


3rd dam BLUSH WITH PRIDE (USA) (by Blushing Groom (FR)): 6 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £277,523 inc. Santa Susana S., Gr.1, Kentucky Oaks, Gr.1, Ashland S., Gr.2, Golden Harvest H., Gr.3, placed 2nd Spinster S., Gr.1 and 3rd Mother Goose S., Gr.1; dam of 15 foals; 11 runners; 9 winners inc.: BETTER THAN HONOUR (USA): won Demoiselle S., Gr.2, placed 2nd Acorn S., Gr.1 and 3rd Mother Goose S., Gr.1; dam of winners.

BAY COLT (USA) February 7th, 2020 (Fourth Produce)

Consigned by Mocklershill

Tale of Ekati (USA)

Tale of The Cat

Perfect Nodouble (USA) (2010)

Perfect Soul

Silence Beauty

Classic Slew

32 Storm Cat Yarn Sunday Silence Maplejinsky Sadler's Wells Ball Chairman Seattle Slew No Class



2nd dam CLASSIC SLEW (CAN): unraced; dam of 13 foals; 12 runners; 7 winners inc.: SURGING RIVER (CAN) (c. by Gone West (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £188,932 inc. With Approval S., L.R., placed 3rd King Edward Breeders' Cup H., Gr.2; sire. Ford Every Stream (CAN) (c. by Seeking The Gold (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £174,022 and placed 3rd Marine S., Gr.3; sire. Comet Kris (CAN) (c. by Kris S (USA)): 3 wins in U.S.A. and £80,028 and placed 3rd Breeders' S., L.R. Well Traveled (USA): placed 4 times at 3 and 4 in U.S.A.; dam of a winner: Don Samy (USA): winner in Republic of Panama and placed 3rd Clasico Ernesto Navarro Diaz Ramon, L. Classic Soul (USA): ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3; dam of a winner: SPEEDY SOUL (CAN): won Passing Mood S., R., Bison City S., R., Fury S., R., Ballycroy Training OLG Muskoka S., R., 2nd Ontario Colleen S., Gr.3. Go First Class (CAN): ran in U.S.A. at 3; dam of winners inc.: SILVER TICKET (CAN): won King Edward Breeders' Cup H., Gr.2 and Toronto Cup H., Gr.3. Meandering Stream (CAN): unraced; dam of winners inc.: SKYWIRE (CAN): won Autumn S., Gr.2, Eclipse S., Gr.2 and Wando S. 3rd dam No Class (CAN) (by Nodouble (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 4 in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Yearling Sales S. (fillies), L.R., 3rd Princess Elizabeth S., Gr.1R. and 4th My Dear S., Gr.3R.; dam of 8 foals; 7 runners; 7 winners inc.: SKY CLASSIC (CAN): Champion 2yr old colt in Canada in 1989, Champion older horse in Canada in 1991, 15 wins in U.S.A. and £1,782,914 inc. Turf Classic Invitational H., Gr.1, International S., Gr.1; sire. GREY CLASSIC (CAN): Champion 2yr old colt in Canada in 1985, 7 wins in U.S.A. and £434,883 inc. Cup and Saucer S., Gr.1R., Coronation Futurity S., Gr.1R., Summer S., Gr.2R., Laurel Turf Cup H., Gr.3. ALWAYS A CLASSIC (CAN): won Early Times Turf Classic S., Gr.1; sire.


B.C. Nominated. Own brother to AVALINA (USA), Sermononthemount (USA) and Mortal Storm (USA) 1st dam PERFECT NODOUBLE (USA): placed twice at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of 4 foals; 3 runners; 3 winners: AVALINA (USA) (16 f. by Tale of Ekati (USA)): 7 wins to 2022 in U.S.A. and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £265,619 inc. Parx Spring Oaks, placed 7 times. Sermononthemount (USA) (18 c. by Tale of Ekati (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2021 in U.S.A. and £122,438 and placed 3 times viz. 2nd Indiana Derby, Gr.3 and 3rd Ellis Park Derby, L. and Prairie Mile S. Mortal Storm (USA) (15 f. by Tale of Ekati (USA)): 4 wins in U.S.A. and £106,689 and placed 10 times.




Consigned by Leamore Horses The Property of Ms. Anna Calder

CHESNUT FILLY (IRE) February 27th, 2020 (Second Produce)

Kitten's Joy (USA)

El Prado

Pick Pocket (USA) (2013)


Kitten's First


33 Sadler's Wells Lady Capulet Lear Fan That's My Hon Smart Strike Sherriff's Deputy Wild Again Lady Madonna

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam PICK POCKET (USA): placed twice at 2 and 3 in U.S.A.; dam of 3 foals; 1 runner; 1 winner: Nabruzzi (USA) (18 f. by Stay Thirsty (USA)): winner at 3, 2021 in U.S.A. and placed 3 times. She also has a yearling filly by Phoenix of Spain (IRE).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam ITERATION (USA): placed in U.S.A.; dam of 14 foals; 10 runners; 4 winners inc.: CHARMING KITTEN (USA) (c. by Kitten's Joy (USA)): 8 wins in U.S.A. and £649,614 inc. W L McKnight H., Gr.3, Kitten's Joy S., L., H. Allen Jerkins S., Belmont Cup Invitational Cup, placed 2nd Dixiana Elkhorn S., Gr.2, Virginia Derby, Gr.2, Sycamore S., Gr.3, Hawthorne Derby, Gr.3, Palm Beach S., Gr.3, Dania Beach S., L., Lure S., R., Penn Mile S. and 3rd Toyota Blue Grass S., Gr.1, With Anticipation S., Gr.2 and Her Majesty's Plate, L. QUEEN'SPLATEKITTEN (CAN) (c. by Kitten's Joy (USA)): 4 wins at 2 to 4 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £244,058 inc. Marine S., L., placed 2nd Oceanport S., Gr.3, Saranac S., Gr.3, Palm Beach S., Gr.3 and 3rd Red Bank S., Gr.3. Portfolio Company (USA) (c. by Kitten's Joy (USA)): winner at 2, 2021 in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Pilgrim S., Gr.2 and With Anticipation S., Gr.3. She also has a 2-y-o colt by Malibu Moon (USA) and a yearling filly by Good Magic (USA).


3rd dam LADY MADONNA (USA) (by Chief's Crown (USA)): 2 wins at 3 in Germany; dam of 16 foals; 11 runners; 6 winners: Reckless Innocent (USA): placed 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of winners; grandam of SUB REST (URU) (won Clasico Produccion Nacional, Gr.3, Clasico Jose Serrato, L., Clasico Treinta Tres Orientales, L.). Daring Madonna (USA); dam of winners inc.: Royal Rocker (AUS): winner in South Africa and 2nd Christmas H., Gr.3. Mia Donna (USA); dam of winners inc.: Divine Dutchess (USA): winner in U.S.A. and 3rd Iowa Distaff S., L. Bound To (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of BOUNDTOBEBAD (USA) (won West Virginia Futurity, R. and WV Triple Crown Breeders' Classic, R.), BOUND TO WINDSOR (USA) (won Eleanor Casey Memorial S., R.), CASTLE BOUND (USA) (won West Virginia Breeders' Classic S., R.). 4th dam LAKE CHAMPLAIN: 6 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £162,226 inc. Taylor Made S., L., Cardinal S., L., placed 2nd Irish 1000 Guineas, Gr.1; Own sister to BEYOND THE LAKE; dam of 11 foals; 11 runners; 6 winners inc.: SARANAC LAKE (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 4 at home and in U.S.A. inc. Debutante S., Gr.3; dam of winners.

BAY OR BROWN COLT (USA) April 27th, 2020 (Third Produce)

Consigned by Mocklershill

The Factor (USA)

War Front

Pinata Cat (USA) (2012)



Cat Dancer

34 Danzig Starry Dreamer Miswaki Skatingonthinice Cee's Tizzy Cee's Song Storm Cat Foppy Dancer



B.C. Nominated. 1st dam PINATA CAT (USA): placed 4 times in U.S.A.; dam of 4 foals; 1 runner: Dancing Empress (USA) (18 f. by Bodemeister (USA)): placed at 3, 2021 in U.S.A. Silent Declaration (USA) (19 c. by Declaration of War (USA)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling filly by Unified (USA). 2nd dam CAT DANCER (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A. and £27,846; Own sister to MAGIC STORM (USA); dam of 13 foals; 8 runners; 7 winners inc.: DRILL (USA) (c. by Lawyer Ron (USA)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £354,010 inc. Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1, San Vicente S., Gr.2, Lazaro Barrera Memorial S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Norfolk S., Gr.1, Northern Spur S., L. and 3rd San Pasqual S., Gr.2, Big Bear S. and Governor's Cup H.; sire. She also has a 2-y-o filly by Ghostzapper (USA) and a yearling filly by Good Magic (USA).

4th dam WATER DANCE (USA): 6 wins at 3 and 4 at home and in U.S.A. inc. Twilight Tear H., placed 2nd Beaugay H. and 3rd Long Look H., Gr.2 and Hannah Dustin H.; dam of 9 foals; 8 runners; 4 winners inc.: Sutter's Prospect (USA): 4 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Equipoise Mile H., Gr.3; sire. Veritas (USA): 9 wins in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Festival S. The next dam LUIANA: unraced; dam of 16 foals; 14 runners; 7 winners inc.: LITTLE CURRENT (USA): Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 1974, 4 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £152,839 inc. Belmont S., Gr.1, Preakness S., Gr.1, Everglades S., Gr.2, placed 2nd Monmouth Invitational H., Gr.1; sire. PRAYERS'N PROMISES (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. inc. Matron S., Gr.1, Spinaway S., Gr.1, placed 3rd Frizette S., Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: NABEEL DANCER (USA): won Prix du Gros-Chê ne, Gr.2; sire.


3rd dam FOPPY DANCER (USA) (by Fappiano (USA)): winner at 2 in U.S.A.; dam of 11 foals; 9 runners; 7 winners inc.: MAGIC STORM (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £169,466 inc. Monmouth Breeders' Cup Oaks, Gr.2, placed 3rd Spinaway S., Gr.1 and Adirondack S., Gr.2; dam of winners inc.: LACHESIS (JPN): won Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Gr.1, Sankei Osaka Hai, Gr.2, placed 2nd Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Gr.1. SATONO ALADDIN (JPN): won Yasuda Kinen, Gr.1, Mainichi Broadcast Swan S., Gr.2 and Keio Hai Spring Cup, Gr.2; sire. Flawless Magic (JPN): winner in Japan and placed 2nd Fukushima Himba S., Gr.3, Artemis S., Gr.3 and 3rd Sankei Sports Sho Flora S., Gr.2 and Daily Hai Queen Cup, Gr.3.





Consigned by Glenmagoo Stables

BAY FILLY (GB) March 7th, 2020 (Fourth Produce)

Sea The Moon (GER)

Sea The Stars

Planete Bleue (IRE) (2010)




Cape Cross Urban Sea Monsun Sacarina Danehill Hasili Sadler's Wells Pawneese

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. GBB 100% 1st dam PLANETE BLEUE (IRE): winner at 3 in France and £20,732 and placed twice inc. 4th Prix de Royaumont, Gr.3; dam of 4 foals; 3 runners; 2 winners: Fragile Planet (GB) (18 f. by Iffraaj (GB)): 2 wins at 3, 2021 in Hungary. Heft (GB) (16 f. by Siyouni (FR)): winner at 3 in France and placed.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam POUGHKEEPSIE (IRE): winner at 3 in France and placed twice; dam of 15 foals; 10 runners; 9 winners inc.: PARISIENNE (IRE) (f. by Distant Relative): 2 wins at 2 in France inc. Grand Crité rium de Bordeaux, L., placed twice inc. 2nd Prix Roland de Chambure, L.; dam of winners; grandam of PROTECTIONIST (GER) (Champion older stayer in Europe and Australia in 2014, Champion older horse in Germany in 2016, won Grosser Preis von Berlin, Gr.1, Melbourne Cup, Gr.1, Prix Kergorlay, Gr.2, Grosser Hansa Preis, Gr.2 (twice), Preis SWB Derby Trial, L., 2nd G. P. der Badischen Unternehmer Rennen, Gr.2; sire). PRETTY TOUGH (IRE) (c. by Desert King (IRE)): won Prix La Moskowa, L. Pirate Bay (GB) (c. by Hawk Wing (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France and placed inc. 3rd Prix de Saint Patrick, L. and Japan Racing Association Plate, L. Private Life (FR) (f. by Bering): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in France and placed inc. 3rd Prix de Liancourt, L. and Prix de Thiberville, L.; dam of winners inc.: STR STRADIVARIUS (IRE): Champion older stayer in Europe in 2018, 2019 & 2020, 19 wins to 2021 and £3,198,428 inc. Goodwood Cup, Gr.1 (4 times), Ascot Gold Cup, Gr.1 (3 times), QIPCO Long Distance Cup, Gr.2, Lonsdale Cup, Gr.2 (3 times), Yorkshire Cup, Gr.2 (twice), Queen's Vase, Gr.2, Doncaster Cup, Gr.2 (twice), Sagaro S., Gr.3, placed 9 times inc. 2nd Prix du Cadran, Gr.1, Long Distance Cup, Gr.2, Prix Foy, Gr.2 and 3rd St Leger S., Gr.1, Coronation Cup, Gr.1 and Long Distance Cup, Gr.2 (twice). PERSIAN STORM (GER): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Germany and £61,515 inc. German Tote Bavarian Classic, Gr.3, Furstenberg-Rennen, Gr.3. Poincon de France (IRE) (c. by Peintre Celebre (USA)): 6 wins in France and £100,007 and placed inc. 3rd G.P. Conseil General des Alpes Maritimes, L. Parade Militaire (IRE): winner at 3 in France; dam of winners; grandam of Morton (FR) (3 wins at 3, 2021 in France and 2nd Prix de Saint Patrick, L.).


3rd dam PAWNEESE (by Carvin II): Champion 3-y-o filly in Europe in 1976, Champion 3-y-o stayer in England in 1976, 6 wins at home and in France viz. King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S., Gr.1, Oaks S., Gr.1, Prix de Diane, Gr.1, Prix Clé opâ tre, Gr.3; dam of 12 foals; 9 runners; 5 winners: Pawnee Dancer (IRE): placed in France; dam of winners inc.: Special Envoy (FR): winner in France and placed 2nd Grand Prix de Compiè gne, L. and 3rd Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Gr.3.

BAY COLT (IRE) April 7th, 2020 (Second Produce)

Consigned by Grangecoor Farm

American Pharoah (USA)

Pioneerof The Nile

Polar River (USA) (2013)



Bayou Tortuga

36 Empire Maker Star of Goshen Yankee Gentleman Exclusive Rosette A P Indy Praise Empire Maker Tortuga Band



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam POLAR RIVER (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in U.A.E. and £524,029 inc. Emirates UAE Oaks, Gr.3, Friday UAE 1000 Guineas, L., placed twice inc. 2nd The S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2; dam of 2 foals: Hockey Girl (USA) (19 f. by Uncle Mo (USA)): unraced to date.

3rd dam Tortuga Band (USA) (by Dixieland Band (USA)): 4 wins at 2 to 4 in U.S.A. and £42,273 and placed 2nd Jiffy Lube S. and 3rd La Senorita S., L. and Carris Memorial S.; dam of 6 foals; 6 runners; 6 winners inc.: TORTUGA STRAITS (USA): 14 wins in U.S.A. and £489,707 inc. Cajun S., L.R., Louisiana Premier Night Prince S., L.R., Louisiana Champions Day Juvenile S., L.R., Jean Lafitte S., L., Lafayette S., L., John Franks Memorial Sales S. (c&g), L.R., placed 2nd Louisiana Showcase Sprint S., L.R. TORTUGA FLATS (USA): 16 wins in U.S.A. and £311,488 inc. River Cities S., L., Louisiana Champions Day Lassie S., L.R., Laurel Lane S., L.R., Seven Stars S., R., Elge Rasberry S., R., Louisiana Futurity (fillies), R., placed 2nd Walmac Farm Matchmaker S., L.R., Fantasia S., R.; dam of winners. LIGHTSNATCHER (USA): 5 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. inc. Harold V Goodman Memorial S., R., placed 3rd Gold Nugget S., R. and Premiere S., R. 4th dam SUPER FAN (USA): 14 wins in U.S.A. and £272,285 inc. Round Table H., Gr.3, Appalachian S., L., Palisades S., L., placed 2nd Locust Grove S., L., Cardinal S., L., Regret S., L. and 3rd Secretariat S., Gr.1, Jenny Wiley S., L., Mint Julep H., L., Dowager S. and Miramar S.; dam of 10 foals; 9 runners; 9 winners inc.: ABOLINE (IND): 7 wins in India inc. Major P K Mehra Memorial Super Mile Cup, L.R., Casino Royale Goa Calcutta 2000 Guineas, L., Kingfisher Bangalore Derby, L., Heeroji Lad Juvenile Million, L., P D Pai & P S Pai Winter Million, L. HOTEL HALL (IRE): 7 wins in U.S.A. and £181,577 inc. Ralph M Hinds Pomona Invitational H.., L., placed 15 times.


2nd dam BAYOU TORTUGA (USA): winner at 2 in U.S.A. and £21,502; dam of 8 foals; 6 runners; 4 winners: POLAR RIVER (USA) (f. by Congrats (USA)): see above. DOWN ON DA BAYOU (USA) (f. by Super Saver (USA)): 4 wins to 2022 in U.A.E. and £222,553 inc. Range Rover UAE Oaks, Gr.3, placed 2nd M Hamriya UAE 1000 Guineas, L. Rare Form (USA) (c. by The Factor (USA)): 5 wins to 2021 in U.S.A. and £202,336 and placed 3rd Fred W Hooper S., Gr.3. Soap Bubble (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 4 in U.S.A. and £72,972. Luv Dragon (USA) 3-y-o filly by Gun Runner (USA): unraced to date. She also has a 2-y-o colt by Blame (USA).



37 BAY COLT (USA) April 23rd, 2020 (Fourth Produce)

Consigned by Meadowview Stables

Uncle Mo (USA) Premura (USA) (2011)

Indian Charlie Playa Maya Bernardini Preach It

37 In Excess Soviet Sojourn Arch Dixie Slippers A P Indy Cara Rafaela Saint Ballado Arrested Dreams

B.C. Nominated. 1st dam PREMURA (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A. and £31,523 and placed 3 times; dam of 4 foals; 1 runner; 1 winner: American Union (USA) (17 c. by Union Rags (USA)): 2 wins to 2021 in U.S.A. and £44,015 and placed 4 times. The Kindest Heart (USA) (19 f. by Gun Runner (USA)): unraced to date. 2nd dam Preach It (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £66,143 and placed 2nd Wayward Lass S. and 3rd Florida Breeders' Distaff S.; dam of 11 foals; 6 runners; 4 winners inc.: SPEECHIFY (USA) (c. by Harlan's Holiday (USA)): 5 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £131,844 inc. Mr Prospector S., Gr.3, Kenny Noe Jr. S., placed 3rd Gulfstream Park Sprint S., Gr.3. Lucky Street (CAN): 3 wins to 2021 in Canada and £43,996.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

3rd dam ARRESTED DREAMS (USA) (by Dehere (USA)): 8 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £194,089 inc. Pago Hop S., L., Thelma S., L., Pontalba S., L., Silver Spur H., L., placed 2nd Matron S., Gr.1; dam of 11 foals; 9 runners; 8 winners inc.: ORATORY (USA): 3 wins at 3 in U.S.A. inc. Peter Pan S., Gr.2; sire. Preach It (USA): see above. Ascended Dreams (USA); dam of winners inc.: EMPIRE DREAMS (USA): won Alex M Robb S., R., Empire Classic H., R., Commentator S., R., New York Derby, R., New York Stallion Series S. (2yoc&g), R., 2nd Alex M Robb S., R., Genesee Valley Breeders' S., R. Dynamax Prime (USA): winner to 2021 in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Alex M Robb S., R., Empire Classic H., R., Evan Shipman S., R. and Saginaw S., R. Court of Dreams (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 3rd May Night S.


4th dam MOMENT TO BUY (USA): 10 wins in U.S.A. and $423,345 inc. Hollywood Oaks, Gr.1, Palomar H., Gr.3, Camillo Urso H., California Oaks, Miss America H., Vallejo S., Sorority S., Bam's Penny S., R., placed 2nd Countess Fager H. and 3rd Chula Vista H., Gr.3R.; dam of 9 foals; 7 runners; 7 winners inc.: ARRESTED DREAMS (USA): see above. Acquisitive (USA): 4 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: ASK THE LORD (USA): won Slipton Fell H., L., Tejano Run S. Target Price (USA): 2 wins in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Aroarable (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Hoist Her Flag S.; dam of Emona (USA) (winner in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Iowa Oaks, Gr.3). Momentary Hope (USA); dam of winners inc.: RAVALO (USA): won Maryland Sprint H., Gr.3, Kennedy Road S., Gr.3, Six Bits H., L., Remington Park Sprint Cup S., L., Harvey Arneault Memorial S., L., Christmas S., L. (twice), Karl Boyes Mem. Northwestern Pa S., L.

Consigned by Longways Stables

Cracksman (GB) BAY COLT (GB) April 26th, 2020

Princess Cammie (IRE) (2010)

Frankel Rhadegunda Camacho Hawattef

38 Galileo Kind Pivotal St Radegund Danehill Arabesque Mujtahid Madary



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam PRINCESS CAMMIE (IRE): winner at 3 and placed 11 times; dam of 5 foals; 3 runners; 2 winners: Prince Charm (GB) (17 c. by Iffraaj (GB)): winner at 2 in Japan and £108,714 and placed 4 times. Cryptoqueen (GB) (19 f. by Ribchester (IRE)): winner at 2, 2021 in France. Ajrad (GB) (18 g. by New Approach (IRE)): placed 7 times at 2 and 3, 2021.

3rd dam MADARY (CAN) (by Green Desert (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and placed 3 times; dam of 6 foals; 3 runners; 2 winners: Minnie's Mystery (FR): 11 wins in Jersey; dam of winners inc.: Dream Walker (FR): 11 wins and £193,640 and placed 3rd Listowel S., L. Shaan Madary (FR): winner at 3 and placed twice; dam of winners inc.: S'Il Vous Plait (SAF): winner in South Africa and placed 3rd Caradoc Gold Cup, Gr.3 (twice) and Lonsdale Stirrup Cup, Gr.3. What A Player (SAF): winner in South Africa and placed 2nd East Cape Guineas, L. and 3rd Breeders Guineas, L. 4th dam High And Dry: winner at 2 and placed 3rd Waterford Candelabra S., Gr.3; dam of 12 foals; 7 runners; 7 winners inc.: Shining Creek (CAN): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in Italy; dam of winners inc.: COOL CREEK (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and £118,394 inc. Mill Reef S., Gr.2. Dievotchka (GB); dam of winners inc.: ESOTERIQUE (IRE): 6 wins at home and in France and £1,106,255 inc. Sun Chariot S., Gr.1, Prix Jacques Le Marois, Gr.1, Prix Rothschild, Gr.1. ARCHANGE D'OR (IRE): 4 wins in France inc. Prix Eugè ne Adam, Gr.2. RUSSIAN HOPE (IRE): 11 wins in France and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £223,251 inc. Grand Prix de Deauville, Gr.2, Prix Exbury, Gr.3. RUSSIAN CROSS (IRE): 4 wins in France and £163,636 inc. Prix Guillaume d'Ornano, Gr.2; sire.


2nd dam HAWATTEF (IRE): unraced; dam of 11 foals; 11 runners; 8 winners inc.: KODI BEAR (IRE) (c. by Kodiac (GB)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 and £258,682 viz. Celebration Mile, Gr.2, Sovereign S., Gr.3, Midsummer S., L., Winkfield S., L., placed 3 times inc. 2nd Dewhurst S., Gr.1; sire. Lady Susy (IRE): winner at 2 in Italy and placed 12 times; dam of winners inc.: RIVERTIME (ITY): 8 wins at 2 and 3 in Italy and £138,497 inc. Premio Divino Amore Trofeo SGA, L., Criterium Labronico, L., placed 15 times inc. 2nd Premio Alberto Giubilo, L. and 3rd Premio Gardone, L. STORM OF WIND (ITY): 5 wins at 2 to 4 in Italy and £76,702 inc. Criterium Varesino, L., placed 14 times.



39 BAY COLT (GB) April 17th, 2020 (Third Produce)

Consigned by Yeomanstown Stud

Showcasing (GB)

Oasis Dream

Puzzled Look (GB) (2013)

Sakhee's Secret


Funny Enough

39 Green Desert Hope Zafonic Prophecy Sakhee Palace Street Dansili Good Enough

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam PUZZLED LOOK (GB): winner at 2 and placed; also placed at 4 in U.S.A.; dam of 4 foals; 2 runners: Musical Mystery (GB) (19 g. by Showcasing (GB)): ran 3 times at 2, 2021. She also has a yearling colt by Havana Grey (GB). 2nd dam FUNNY ENOUGH (GB): ran 3 times; dam of 8 foals; 5 runners; 5 winners inc.: LAUGH A MINUTE (GB) (g. by Mayson (GB)): 4 wins to 2021 and £283,714 inc. Cork S., L., placed 14 times inc. 2nd Chipchase S., Gr.3, Prix de Meautry, Gr.3 and Belgrave S., L. Endless Joy (GB) (f. by Showcasing (GB)): winner at 2 and placed 4 times inc. 3rd Firth of Clyde S., Gr.3, all her starts. Enough Already (GB): 3 wins to 2021 and £24,129 and placed 5 times. Funny Story (GB) 2-y-o filly by Havana Grey (GB): unraced to date. She also has a yearling filly by Showcasing (GB). 3rd dam Good Enough (FR) (by Mukaddamah (USA)): winner at 3 in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Prix Finlande, L. and 3rd Prix Saint-Alary, Gr.1; dam of 11 foals; 10 runners; 7 winners inc.: SMART ENOUGH (GB): 6 wins at home and in Sweden and £113,953 inc. Swedish Open Mile, L., placed 2nd Superior Mile, L. and 3rd Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Gr.3. OASIS DANCER (GB): 11 wins at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £653,203 inc. Cleves S., L. Arcamist (GB): winner at 3 and placed 3 times; dam of a winner: Dragon Symbol (GB): 4 wins at 3, 2021 and £351,909 and placed 2nd July Cup, Gr.1, Commonwealth Cup, Gr.1, King George S., Gr.2, Sandy Lane S., Gr.2 and 3rd Nunthorpe S., Gr.1.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

4th dam VICEROY PRINCESS: winner at 2; dam of 12 foals; 11 runners; 6 winners inc.: CLASSIC RULER: 5 wins at home and in U.A.E. inc. Molecomb S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Curragh S., Gr.3, Norfolk S., Gr.3 and 4th Flying Childers S., Gr.2. Good Enough (FR): see above.


The next dam BLACK CROW: 2 wins at 3 and placed; dam of 13 foals; 11 runners; 8 winners inc.: BLACK COUNTRY: 3 wins at 2 inc. Marble Hill S., L., 3rd Marwell S., L. Ghaaer: 12 wins inc. 2 wins and 3rd Zetland S., L.; also 2 wins in Italy. Foolish Flight (IRE); dam of winners inc.: JARDINES LOOKOUT (IRE): 4 wins and £320,302 inc. Goodwood Cup, Gr.2, placed 2nd Goodwood Cup, Gr.2, Lonsdale S., Gr.3.

Consigned by Aguiar Bloodstock Ltd.

Kingman (GB) BAY COLT (GB) April 8th, 2020

Raskutani (GB) (2006)

Invincible Spirit Zenda Dansili Oshiponga

40 Green Desert Rafha Zamindar Hope Danehill Hasili Barathea Ingozi



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated.

2nd dam OSHIPONGA (GB): winner at 3; dam of 15 foals; 13 runners; 11 winners inc.: HATTA FORT (GB) (c. by Cape Cross (IRE)): 5 wins at 2 to 4 at home, in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. and £284,030 inc. Superlative S., Gr.2, Perryville S., Gr.3, placed 7 times inc. 2nd Meydan Horizons Al Quoz Sprint, Gr.3, Lafayette S., L. SPIRIT OF APPIN (GB) (f. by Champs Elysees (GB)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 and £112,324 inc. Princess Royal S., Gr.3, placed inc. 2nd Prix de Pomone, Gr.2. BLUE BAYOU (GB) (f. by Bahamian Bounty (GB)): 2 wins at 2 inc. Sweet Solera S., Gr.3, placed inc. 3rd Duchess of Cambridge S., Gr.2; broodmare. Teide Lady (GB): winner at 3 and placed 5 times; dam of winners inc.: AYAAR (IRE): 6 wins at home, in Australia and in Germany and £124,633 inc. Belmondo Zukunfts Rennen, Gr.3, placed 11 times. 3rd dam INGOZI (GB) (by Warning): 2 wins at 3 inc. Starlight Express Roller S., L.; dam of 12 foals; 11 runners; 9 winners inc.: MISS KELLER (IRE): 6 wins at home, in Canada and in U.S.A. inc. E P Taylor S., Gr.1, Canadian S., Gr.2, 2nd E P Taylor S., Gr.1; dam of winners. Kotsi (IRE): winner at 2 and placed 2nd May Hill S., Gr.2; dam of winners. Sir George Turner (GB): 2 wins at 2 and £234,735 and placed 2nd Select S., Gr.3 and Dee S., L.; also placed 3rd Furstenberg-Rennen, Gr.3. Abunai (GB): 3 wins at 2 and placed 5 times; dam of winners inc.: HARBOUR LAW (GB): Champion 3yr old stayer in Europe in 2016, 3 wins at 3 and £474,481 inc. St Leger S., Gr.1, placed 2nd Queen's Vase, L. and 3rd Ascot Gold Cup, Gr.1; sire.


1st dam RASKUTANI (GB): unraced; dam of 10 foals; 7 runners; 7 winners: AGENT MURPHY (GB) (11 c. by Cape Cross (IRE)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 and £197,029 inc. Geoffrey Freer S., Gr.3, Buckhounds S., L., placed 6 times inc. 2nd Irish St Leger, Gr.1, 3rd Grand Prix de Chantilly, Gr.2 and 4th Longines His Highness The Emir's Trophy, L. Global Heat (IRE) (16 g. by Toronado (IRE)): 2 wins, £82,509 viz. winner at 3 and placed 5 times; also winner to 2021 in U.A.E. and placed twice viz. 2nd Nad Al Sheba Trophy, Gr.3 and 3rd Meydan Cup, L. Kylach Me If U Can (GB) (12 g. by Kyllachy (GB)): 18 wins, £130,782 viz. winner at 2 and placed 9 times; also 17 wins in Italy and placed 22 times. Media Storm (GB) (17 c. by Night of Thunder (IRE)): 3 wins, £44,026 viz. winner at 3 and placed; also 2 wins at 4, 2021 in France and in Spain and placed twice, also 4th Prix Arcangues, L. The Last Emperor (GB) (15 g. by Azamour (IRE)): winner at 2 and placed. Mysterious Wonder (GB) (10 g. by Oasis Dream (GB)): winner at 3 and placed. Bringthehousedown (IRE) (14 g. by Royal Applause (GB)): winner and placed. She also has a 3-y-o colt by Sea The Stars (IRE).



41 BAY COLT (GB) April 5th, 2020

Consigned by Eddie Ahern Bloodstock

Showcasing (GB)

Oasis Dream

Rosinka (IRE) (2003)

Soviet Star


Last Drama

41 Green Desert Hope Zafonic Prophecy Nureyev Veruschka Last Tycoon Drama

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam ROSINKA (IRE): 7 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £343,413 inc. Glens Falls H., Gr.3, Robert G Dick Mem. Breeders' Cup S., L., John W Rooney Memorial S., L. (twice), placed 7 times inc. 2nd Flower Bowl Invitational S., Gr.1, Las Palmas H., Gr.2 and 3rd Juddmonte Spinster S., Gr.1 and Robert G Dick Memorial H., Gr.3; dam of 8 foals; 6 runners; 4 winners: MOVE UP (GB) (13 c. by Dubawi (IRE)): 5 wins at 2 and 3 at home and in Turkey and £222,743 inc. International Bosphorus Cup, Gr.2, Cumberland Lodge S., Gr.3, placed 3 times inc. 3rd Zetland S., L. and 4th Emirates Al Maktoum Challenge R3, Gr.1. Hesperis (GB) (18 f. by Dubawi (IRE)): 3 wins at 3, 2021 and placed twice. Moshe (IRE) (11 g. by Dansili (GB)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 and placed 10 times. Jam Jar (GB) (12 f. by Duke of Marmalade (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 and placed.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam Last Drama (IRE): 3 wins at 3 in France and £35,965 and placed 3rd Prix de Saint Cyr, L. and Prix Charles Laffitte, L.; Own sister to TYCOON'S DRAMA (IRE); dam of 11 foals; 8 runners; 7 winners inc.: KING'S DRAMA (IRE) (g. by King's Theatre (IRE)): 10 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £638,699 inc. Sword Dancer Invitational S., Gr.1, San Luis Rey H., Gr.2, San Gabriel H., Gr.2, Red Smith H., Gr.2, Prix de la Jonchè re, Gr.3. ROSINKA (IRE) (f. by Soviet Star (USA)): see above. SELF FEEDER (IRE) (c. by Lycius (USA)): 7 wins in U.S.A. and £283,473 inc. Steinlen S., L., placed 2nd Charles Whittingham H., Gr.1, Steinlen S., L.; sire.


3rd dam DRAMA (USA) (by Sir Ivor (USA)): winner at 3 viz. Greenlands S., Gr.3; dam of 8 foals; 6 runners; 5 winners inc.: TYCOON'S DRAMA (IRE): 3 wins at 2 in France and in U.S.A. and £132,165 inc. Selima S., Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: DESERT DRAMA (IRE): 3 wins in France inc. Prix Hampton, L.; dam of ENDLESS DRAMA (IRE) (5 wins at home, in Australia and in New Zealand and £433,523 inc. The Star Apollo S., Gr.2, Foxbridge Plate, Gr.2). TYCOON'S DOLCE (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France inc. Prix de Lieurey, L., placed 2nd Prix du Palais-Royal, Gr.3, Prix des Ré servoirs, Gr.3. TYCOON'S HILL (IRE): 5 wins in France and £179,988 inc. Prix Hampton, L., placed 3rd Prix de Ris-Orangis, Gr.3 and Prix de Saint Georges, Gr.3. SHARPEST IMAGE (IRE): 6 wins in France, in Italy and in U.S.A. and £150,623 inc. Premio Pisa, L., placed 2nd Prix Daphnis, Gr.3. Casting Couch: winner at 2 and placed twice; dam of winners; third dam of NIGHTIME (IRE) (2 wins inc. Irish 1000 Guineas, Gr.1); fourth dam of GHAIYYATH (IRE) (Champion older horse in Europe in 2020, 9 wins at home, France, Germany and U.A.E. inc. International S., Gr.1, Eclipse S., Gr.1, Coronation Cup, Gr.1 and Grosser Preis von Baden, Gr.1; sire).

CHESNUT COLT (USA) March 27th, 2020

Consigned by Star Bloodstock

Accelerate (USA) Rubytheheartstealr (USA) (2011)

Lookin At Lucky Issues Henny Hughes Polish Ruby

42 Smart Strike Private Feeling Awesome Again Darlin Echo Hennessy Meadow Flyer Polish Pro Ruby Wax



B.C. Nominated. 1st dam RUBYTHEHEARTSTEALR (USA): placed twice at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of 5 foals; 2 runners; 1 winner: Theheatofthenight (USA) (17 c. by Astrology (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 4, 2021 in U.S.A. and £38,537 and placed 9 times. Mandorla (USA) (19 f. by Practical Joke (USA)): ran 3 times in U.S.A. at 2 and 3, 2022.

3rd dam RUBY WAX (USA) (by Gallant Romeo (USA)): ran in U.S.A. at 2 and 3; dam of 17 foals; 15 runners; 13 winners inc.: RUBY HILL (USA): 8 wins in U.S.A. and £147,505 inc. Bertram F Bongard H., L.R., placed 2nd Sleepy Hollow S., L.; sire. RUBY FRIDAY (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £128,890 inc. New York Stallion Perfect Arc S., L.; dam of winners. Distinctive Ruby (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and placed 2nd New York Stallion S. (2yo fillies), L. and 3rd Bouwerie S., L.R. Ruby's Pro (USA): 8 wins in U.S.A. and £119,746 and placed 2nd New York Stallion Great White Way S., L.R. Our Resurgence (USA): 3 wins at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners: Six Spot (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Prairie Bayou S. True Resurgence (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Lord of the Night S. and Stymie H. Secret Ruby (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: RUBY'S ROCKET (USA): won Jack Betta Be Rite H., R. (twice); dam of MISS RUBYCUBES (USA) (won New York Oaks, R.). Eyepopnruby (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: MIDNIGHT SERENADE (USA): won Seacliff S., placed 2nd Ocala Breeders' Sales Sophomore S., L.R. Pirellone (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Buffalo Man S. Ruby On My Mind (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of MAKE IT BIG (USA) (won Remington Springboard Mile S., L. and Juvenile Sprint S., R.).


2nd dam POLISH RUBY (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £47,314; Own sister to Ruby's Pro (USA); dam of 9 foals; 8 runners; 6 winners inc.: GRAEME SIX (USA) (f. by Graeme Hall (USA)): 5 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £171,957 inc. Winning Colors S., Gr.3, Pan Zareta S., L., Carousel S., placed 2nd Prioress S., Gr.1 and 3rd Honorable Miss H., Gr.2; dam of winners inc.: CALI STAR (USA): won Rampart S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Hardacre Farm Princess Rooney S., Gr.2, Houston Ladies Classic S., Gr.3 and Pago Hop S. DELIGHTFUL JOY (USA): won Monmouth Oaks, Gr.3, placed 2nd Turnback The Alarm H., Gr.3. SEYMOURDINI (USA): won State Dinner S., R.



43 CHESNUT COLT (IRE) February 8th, 2020 (First Living Produce)

Consigned by Mount Coote Stud

Hawkbill (USA) Samara Mara (IRE) (2015)

Kitten's Joy Trensa Big Bad Bob Samara

43 El Prado Kitten's First Giant's Causeway Serape Bob Back Fantasy Girl Polish Patriot Smeralda

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam SAMARA MARA (IRE): unraced; dam of 1 living foal.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam SAMARA (IRE): 4 wins at 3 and 4 and £52,190 inc. Victress S., L., Ben Marshall S., L., placed 3rd Park S., Gr.3; dam of 14 foals; 10 runners; 6 winners inc.: SANTA SOPHIA (IRE) (f. by Linamix (FR)): 2 wins at 3 and £36,487 inc. Lingfield Oaks Trial, L., placed twice; dam of winners inc.: Testudo (IRE): 3 wins, £35,654 viz. winner at 3 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Godolphin S., L.; also 2 wins at 4 in Qatar and placed twice. Sibilance (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 and £23,329 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Michael Seely Memorial Fillies' S., L. See The Rock (IRE) (g. by Shirocco (GER)): 5 wins, £44,134 inc. 4 wins at 3 and 4 in Germany and placed 6 times inc. 3rd Preis SWB Derby Trial, L. Sley (FR): ran at 2 and 3; dam of winners inc.: Thewaytoyou (IRE): 4 wins in Sweden and £57,412 and placed 8 times inc. 2nd Mercedes-Benz Bilgruppen Svenskt Derby, L.


3rd dam SMERALDA (GER) (by Dschingis Khan): 3 wins at 2 to 4 in West Germany; Own sister to SEXTANT (GER); dam of 12 foals; 12 runners; 9 winners inc.: SOTO-GRANDE (GER): 5 wins inc. 4 wins in West Germany inc. HenckelRennen, Gr.2, placed 3rd Union-Rennen, Gr.2. SAPHIR (GER): 5 wins inc. 4 wins in West Germany inc. Cognac Hennessy Rennen, L., placed 3rd Grosser Preis von Dusseldorf, Gr.2; sire. LILLE HAMMER (GB): 3 wins at 2 to 4 inc. Harvest S., L., placed 2nd Princess Royal S., Gr.3, Park Hill S., Gr.3 and 3rd Prix de Royallieu, Gr.2; dam of winners inc.: OLIMPIC GIRL (IRE): 3 wins at 3 in France inc. Prix Urban Sea, L. L'Olympique (IRE): 4 wins at 3 and 4 in France and placed 2nd Prix Georges Trabaud, L. Hafjell (IRE): winner at 3 in France and placed 3rd Prix de la Seine, L. Revoltee (IRE): winner at 3 in France and placed; dam of LADY OF KILDARE (SAF) (won Sab Off to Stud S., L.). SMARAGD (GER): 7 wins in West Germany inc. Bayerischer Fliegerpreis, L., Spreti Memorial, L., Grosser Sprint Preis, L., Silberne Peitsche des Rheingau, L., placed 2nd American Express Sprinter Preis, Gr.3 and Otto Wolff Preis, L. SAMARA (IRE): see above. 4th dam SAX IFRAGA (GER): placed 3 times in West Germany; dam of 10 foals; 8 runners; 7 winners inc.: SLENDERELLA (GER): 5 wins in West Germany inc. Preis der Diana, Gr.2, ARAG Schwarzgold-Rennen (1000 Guineas), Gr.3; dam of a winner.

Consigned by Diego Dias Bloodstock

CHESNUT COLT (USA) February 25th, 2020 (First Produce)

Justify (USA) Sarrocchi (IRE) (2015)

Scat Daddy Stage Magic Galileo Thai Haku

44 Johannesburg Love Style Ghostzapper Magical Illusion Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Oasis Dream Coconut Show



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam SARROCCHI (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 and £43,572 inc. Garnet S., L., placed 4th Gallinule S., Gr.3; dam of 2 foals inc. a yearling colt by Justify (USA). 2nd dam THAI HAKU (IRE): 3 wins at 2 to 4 in France and in U.S.A. and £135,720 inc. Prix La Sorellina, L., South Beach S., placed 5 times inc. 2nd Bab al Shams Cape Verdi S., Gr.2, Prix André Baboin, Gr.3, Noble Damsel S., Gr.3 and Prix du Pont-Neuf, L.; Own sister to ALBARAAH (IRE); dam of 8 foals; 6 runners; 4 winners inc.: SARROCCHI (IRE) (f. by Galileo (IRE)): see above. Star Legend (IRE) 3-y-o colt by Galileo (IRE): unraced to date. She also has a yearling colt by Magna Grecia (IRE).

4th dam VINGT ET UNE (FR): winner in France; Own sister to JOHANN QUATZ (FR) and WALTER WILLY (IRE); dam of 11 foals; 10 runners; 8 winners inc.: Gaselee (USA): 3 wins and placed 9 times; dam of winners inc.: Land of Winter (FR): 5 wins to 2021 and placed 6 times. Gorgeous Blue (IRE): winner in France and placed 8 times; dam of a winner: Gorock of Saints (FR): 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2021 in France and placed twice. The next dam WHAKILYRIC (USA): 3 wins at 2 in France inc. Prix du Calvados, Gr.3, Prix de la Hé ziè re, L., placed 3rd Prix de la Forê t, Gr.1; dam of 15 foals; 13 runners; 10 winners inc.: HERNANDO (FR): Jt Champion older horse in France in 1994, Jt Champion older horse in Europe in 1994 (11-13.5f.), 7 wins in France and £1,317,125 inc. Prix du Jockey Club, Gr.1, Prix Lupin, Gr.1, Prix Niel, Gr.2, Prix Gontaut-Biron, Gr.3 (twice), Prix de Suresnes, L.; sire. JOHANN QUATZ (FR): 6 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £565,788 inc. Prix Lupin, Gr.1, Colonel F W Koester H., Gr.2, Prix de Suresnes, L.; sire.


3rd dam COCONUT SHOW (GB) (by Linamix (FR)): 3 wins at 3 in France and placed 3 times; dam of 5 foals; 5 runners; 3 winners: THAI HAKU (IRE): see above. ALBARAAH (IRE): 3 wins at 3 in France inc. Prix Le Fabuleux, L., placed 2nd Prix de Flore, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: ALRAHMA (GB): 2 wins at 2 in France inc. Prix de Cabourg, Gr.3. EFAADAH (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France inc. Prix de la Porte Maillot, Gr.3, Prix des Lilas, L., placed 3rd Prix de Sandringham, Gr.2. La Belliere (IRE): 2 wins at 2 in France and placed; dam of winners inc.: Boos (FR): winner in France and in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Crité rium de Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2 and Prix des Reves d'Or, L.



45 CHESNUT COLT (USA) January 24th, 2020 (First Produce)

Consigned by Powerstown Stud

Curlin (USA) Saucy Dame (USA) (2015)

Smart Strike Sherriff's Deputy Distorted Humor Storm Beauty

45 Mr Prospector Classy 'n Smart Deputy Minister Barbarika Forty Niner Danzig's Beauty Storm Cat Stick To Beauty

B.C. Nominated. 1st dam SAUCY DAME (USA): 2 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and £25,852 and placed twice; dam of 2 foals inc. a yearling filly by Into Mischief (USA).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam STORM BEAUTY (USA): 5 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £108,053 inc. Miss Preakness S., L. and Wilma C Kennedy S.; Own sister to Felix The Cat (USA); dam of 11 foals; 10 runners; 7 winners inc.: BUFFUM (USA) (c. by Bernardini (USA)): 4 wins at 2 to 4 in U.S.A. and £167,270 inc. Bold Ruler H., Gr.3; sire. STORMY WEST (USA) (f. by Gone West (USA)): 7 wins in U.S.A. and £192,739 inc. Marie G Krantz Memorial H., Furl Sail H., Blushing K D H., Caress S., 2nd Jenny Wiley S., Gr.2 and Wild Applause S., L.; dam of winners. Renaissance Lady (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)): winner at 2 in U.S.A. and £81,191 and placed 2nd Debutante S., Gr.3 and Kentucky Cup Juvenile Fillies S., L.; dam of winners inc.: OXY LADY (USA): won Tempted S., Gr.3. Elusive Schemes (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Mt Rainier H. and 3rd Portland Mile H. Value Stream (USA) (f. by A P Indy (USA)): 3 wins in U.S.A. and £105,643 and placed 3rd Swingtime S., R. and Redondo Beach S., R.; dam of winners; grandam of Tonito's (USA) (winner at 2, 2021 in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Desi Arnaz S., L. and 3rd Starlet S., Gr.1). Prima Beauty (USA): ran in U.S.A. at 4; dam of winners inc.: Time For Atonement (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Cavonnier Juvenile S.


3rd dam STICK TO BEAUTY (USA) (by Illustrious): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. inc. Busanda S., 2nd Rosetown S.; dam of 17 foals; 17 runners; 11 winners inc.: GOLD BEAUTY (USA): Champion 3yr old sprinter in U.S.A. in 1982, 8 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £140,227 inc. Fall Highweight H., Gr.2, Test S., Gr.2, True North H., Gr.3, 2nd Vosburgh S., Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: DAYJUR (USA): Champion 3yr old in Europe in 1990, won Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Gr.1, Nunthorpe S., Gr.1, Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, Gr.1, King's Stand S., Gr.2, placed 2nd Breeders' Cup Sprint, Gr.1; sire. MAPLEJINSKY (USA): won Alabama S., Gr.1, Monmouth Oaks, Gr.1; dam of SKY BEAUTY (USA) (Champion older mare in U.S.A. in 1994, won Hempstead H., Gr.1, Shuvee H., Gr.1); grandam of PLEASANT HOME (USA) (won Breeders' Cup Distaff, Gr.1), TALE OF EKATI (USA) (won Hill 'n' Dale Cigar Mile H., Gr.1; sire). THE PRIME MINISTER (USA): 5 wins in U.S.A. inc. Goodwood H., Gr.2. MAJESTIC VENTURE (USA): 8 wins at 2 to 4 in U.S.A. and £120,855 inc. Rise Jim H., 2nd Tallahassee H., Kendall S. and 3rd Bold Ruler S., Gr.2; sire. STORM BEAUTY (USA): see above.

MAWADA (IRE) January 27th, 2020 Brown Filly (Second Produce)

Consigned by Seamus Fahey Racing The Property of Mr. John Keogh

Iffraaj (GB) Shaaqaaf (IRE) (2014)

Zafonic Pastorale Sepoy Burke's Rock

46 Gone West Zaizafon Nureyev Park Appeal Elusive Quality Watchful Cape Cross Miss Lacey



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam SHAAQAAF (IRE): winner at 3 and placed 5 times, from only 7 starts; dam of 3 foals; 1 runner: Anhaar (GB) (19 f. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)): ran once in Qatar at 3, 2022. Mawada (IRE) (20 f. by Iffraaj (GB)): see above. She also has a yearling colt by Exceed And Excel (AUS). 2nd dam BURKE'S ROCK (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 and £45,134 inc. Conqueror S., L., placed 4 times inc. 2nd Fleur de Lys S., L.; dam of 6 foals; 4 runners; 3 winners: Oso Rapido (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 4, 2021 and £23,892 and placed 5 times. Nell Quickly (IRE): 4 wins at 3, 2021 and £54,380 and placed twice. Shaaqaaf (IRE): see above. She also has a 2-y-o colt by Caravaggio (USA) and a yearling filly by Gleneagles (IRE).

4th dam LAUNCH TIME (USA): placed twice at 2 in U.S.A.; dam of 13 foals; 13 runners; 9 winners inc.: HALICARNASSUS (IRE): 10 wins at home, in Turkey and in U.A.E. and £753,479 inc. Superlative S., Gr.2, Bosphorus Cup, Gr.2, Rose of Lancaster S., Gr.3, Dubai Duty Free Arc Trial, Gr.3, Cocked Hat S., L., placed 21 times inc. 2nd Strensall S., Gr.3, Tapster S., L., Festival S., L. and 3rd Glorious S., Gr.3 and Greenham S., Gr.3; sire. My Lucky Strike (USA): 9 wins in Canada and in U.S.A. and £363,090 and placed 2nd Labeeb S., L. and 3rd Kennedy Road S., L. Follow My Lead (GB): winner at 3 and placed twice; dam of winners inc.: GRAPHIC (IRE): 9 wins at home and in France and £198,082 inc. Prix Messidor, Gr.3, Doncaster Mile, L., placed 2nd Diomed S., Gr.3, Paradise S., L. and 3rd Hyde S., L. Uncanny Ability (USA); dam of winners inc.: LADY OLIVIA (USA): won Brookmeade S., R. Cryptogram (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 3rd John D Marsh S., R.


3rd dam MISS LACEY (IRE) (by Diktat (GB)): ran a few times at 2 and 3; dam of 10 foals; 8 runners; 4 winners: BURKE'S ROCK (GB): see above. Winning Hunter (GB): 6 wins, £20,327 viz. winner at 3 and placed 4 times; also 5 wins in Italy and placed 13 times. Cool Reflection (IRE): 2 wins, £30,348 viz. winner at 2 and placed 4 times; also winner to 2021 in France and placed 4 times. Khelac (GB): winner at 3 and placed 7 times.





Consigned by Kilminfoyle House Stud (Agent)

BROWN FILLY (GB) February 29th, 2020 (Third Produce)

Muhaarar (GB) Sharqeyih (GB) (2012)

Oasis Dream Tahrir Shamardal Shabiba

Green Desert Hope Linamix Miss Sacha Giant's Causeway Helsinki Seeking The Gold Misterah

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. GBB 100% 1st dam SHARQEYIH (GB): winner at 3 and placed 6 times, all her starts; dam of 4 foals; 1 runner; 1 winner: Minhaaj (IRE) (17 f. by Invincible Spirit (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 and placed. Gharbeyih (GB) (19 f. by Oasis Dream (GB)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling colt by Oasis Dream (GB).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam SHABIBA (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 and £47,634 inc. Atalanta S., L., placed 4 times inc. 3rd Oak Tree S., Gr.3 and Sandringham H., L.; dam of 6 foals; 6 runners; 6 winners inc.: ERTIJAAL (IRE) (g. by Oasis Dream (GB)): 11 wins at home and in U.A.E. and £897,241 inc. District One Meydan Sprint, Gr.2, Friday Meydan Sprint, Gr.3, Spring Cup, L., HH The President Cup, L., placed 6 times inc. 2nd Meydan Hotels/Hospitality Al Quoz Sprint, Gr.1 and 3rd Azizi Developments Al Quoz Sprint, Gr.1 and Queensferry S., L. Muzdawaj (GB) (g. by Dansili (GB)): 4 wins, £82,448 viz. 3 wins at 3 and placed 4 times; also winner in U.A.E. and placed 5 times inc. 3rd Abu Dhabi Championship, Gr.3. Odooj (IRE) (g. by Pivotal (GB)): 2 wins, £36,720 viz. winner at 2 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Rockingham S., L.; also winner in U.A.E. and placed twice. Naafer (GB): winner at 2 and placed twice; dam of a winner: Khanjar (IRE): winner at 2, 2021.


3rd dam MISTERAH (GB) (by Alhaarth (IRE)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 and £69,491 inc. Nell Gwyn S., Gr.3, Firth of Clyde S., L., placed 5 times inc. 3rd Rockfel S., Gr.2, all her starts; dam of 6 foals; 3 runners; 2 winners: SHABIBA (USA): see above. Darajaat (USA): winner at 2 and £21,694 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Flying Fillies' S., L. and 3rd Cornwallis S., Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: Buniann (IRE): 5 wins to 2021 and £36,874 and placed 11 times. Raatea (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 4, 2021 and £29,142 and placed 6 times. Ebtisama (USA); dam of winners inc.: Summer's Dream (GB): 3 wins to 2021 and £26,785 and placed 10 times. Ealaan (USA); dam of winners inc.: Mond Kaiser (GB): 5 wins to 2021 in Japan and £68,841 and placed 8 times. 4th dam JASARAH (IRE): placed 3 times at 3; dam of 7 foals; 5 runners; 5 winners inc.: MISTERAH (GB): see above. The next dam RAISE A MEMORY (USA): 3 wins in France inc. Prix Thomas Bryon, Gr.3, placed 3rd Prix du Rond-Point, Gr.3; dam of 1 foal; 1 runner.

Consigned by Mocklershill

Kingman (GB) BAY COLT (IRE) March 4th, 2020 (First Produce)

Snowy Winter (USA) (2014)

Invincible Spirit Zenda Elusive Quality Pamona Ball

48 Green Desert Rafha Zamindar Hope Gone West Touch of Greatness Pleasantly Perfect Fireman's Ball



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam SNOWY WINTER (USA): 6 wins at 3 and 4 and £134,495 inc. Hurry Harriet S., L., placed 12 times inc. 2nd Lyric S., L., Rothesay S., L., 3rd Premio Lydia Tesio Sisal Matchpoint, Gr.1, D.C. Lavarack & Lanwades Stud S., Gr.3, Magnolia S., L. and 4th Darley S., Gr.3 and Hoppings S., Gr.3; dam of 1 foal.

3rd dam FIREMAN'S BALL (USA) (by Hennessy (USA)): ran in U.S.A. at 4; dam of 8 foals; 7 runners; 6 winners inc.: PAMONA BALL (USA): see above. Station House (USA): 6 wins in U.S.A. and £55,228. Sahafh (USA): placed 4 times at 2 and 3; dam of a winner: Invincibella (GB): 4 wins, £88,613 viz. winner at 2 and placed 5 times; also 3 wins to 2021 in U.S.A. and placed 7 times. 4th dam Kristana: winner at 3 and placed 4th Pretty Polly S., Gr.2; also placed 4th Prix de Royaumont, Gr.3; dam of 10 foals; 8 runners; 6 winners inc.: OZONE FRIENDLY (USA): 2 wins at 2 at home and in France inc. Prix Robert Papin, Gr.2, placed 4th Prix Morny, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: OZONE LAYER (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 4 in France and in Jersey and £34,738 inc. Prix du Bois, Gr.3, placed 3rd Prix La Flè che, L. AMUSING TIME (IRE): 2 wins at 3 in France inc. Prix Mé lisande, L. Musalsal (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 and placed 2nd Festival S., L. STORM FLIGHT (USA): 3 wins at 2 in U.S.A. inc. Vanlandingham S., L., placed 2nd Primer Breeders' Cup S. and 3rd Bashford Manor S., Gr.3. Pocket Beauty (USA): winner at 4 in U.S.A. and £26,766; dam of winners inc.: TRIPPI'S STORM (USA): won Kelso H., Gr.2, placed 2nd Bowling Green H., Gr.2 and 3rd Sword Dancer Invitational S., Gr.1.


2nd dam PAMONA BALL (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 4 in U.S.A. and £105,752 inc. Sharp Cat S., L., placed 2nd Barbara Fritchie H., Gr.2 and 3rd Cat Chat S.; dam of 9 foals; 6 runners; 5 winners inc.: PAMINA (USA) (f. by Street Cry (IRE)): 4 wins in Canada and in U.S.A. and £150,707 inc. Ontario Matron S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Pucker Up S., Gr.3. SNOWY WINTER (USA) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)): see above. HIERONYMUS (USA) (c. by Girolamo (USA)): 5 wins at 2 to 4, 2021 in U.S.A. and £156,310 inc. Mystic Lake Mile S., Black Gold S., Randy P Romero Memorial Overnight S., placed 3rd Brooks Fields S. Tiger King (USA) 3-y-o colt by Smiling Tiger (USA): unraced to date. She also has a 2-y-o colt by Smiling Tiger (USA) and a yearling filly by Vino Rosso (USA).



49 BAY FILLY (FR) March 2nd, 2020 (Third Produce)

Consigned by Kilminfoyle House Stud (Agent)

Wootton Bassett (GB) Sol Y Sombra (GB) (2012)

Iffraaj Balladonia Hernando Soft Morning

49 Zafonic Pastorale Primo Dominie Susquehanna Days Niniski Whakilyric Pivotal Summer Night

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam SOL Y SOMBRA (GB): unraced; dam of 4 foals; 1 runner; 1 winner: Piscola (FR) (18 f. by Scissor Kick (AUS)): winner at 2 in France, from only 2 starts. She also has a yearling colt by Scissor Kick (AUS). 2nd dam SOFT MORNING (GB): 3 wins at 3 at home and in France and £58,967 inc. Prix Petite Etoile, L., placed inc. 2nd Lyric S., L. and 3rd D.C. Lavarack & Lanwades Stud S., Gr.3 and Prix Solitude, L.; dam of 7 foals; 6 runners; 5 winners inc.: So In Love (GB) (f. by Smart Strike (CAN)): winner at 2 in France and £54,686 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Prix Occitanie, L., Prix Saraca, L., Prix Six Perfections, L. and 3rd Prix de Bagatelle, L.; dam of a winner: Stagiaire (GB): winner at 3 and placed twice. Savanna La Mar (USA) (f. by Curlin (USA)): 3 wins, £40,669 viz. winner at 2 and placed 2nd Star S., L.; also 2 wins in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

3rd dam SUMMER NIGHT (GB) (by Nashwan (USA)): winner at 3, from only 2 starts; dam of 15 foals; 13 runners; 10 winners inc.: SONGERIE (GB): 2 wins at 2 at home and in France inc. Prix des Ré servoirs, Gr.3, placed 3rd Park Hill S., Gr.2; dam of winners inc.: Summer Moon (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 and £138,543 and placed 9 times. SOUVENANCE (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 4 at home and in Germany inc. IVG Euro Select Preis, L., placed 2nd Erik O Steens Memorial, L. and 3rd Oaks d'Italia, Gr.1, Schwarzgold Rennen, Gr.2, Prix des Ré servoirs, Gr.3 and Give Thanks S., L.; dam of a winner. SOFT MORNING (GB): see above. SOURIRE (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 at home and in Sweden inc. Margareta Wettermarks Minneslopning, L.; dam of winners.


4th dam Shimmering Sea (GB): 2 wins at 2 and placed 3rd Silken Glider S., Gr.3; dam of 11 foals; 10 runners; 8 winners inc.: STARLIT SANDS (GB): 3 wins at home and in France inc. Prix d'Arenberg, Gr.3, 2nd Queen Mary S., Gr.2; dam of winners; grandam of SANDRINE (GB) (3 wins at 2, 2021 and £155,433 inc. Duchess of Cambridge S., Gr.2, Albany S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Lowther S., Gr.2 and 3rd Cheveley Park S., Gr.1). SEA DANE (GB): Champion sprinter in Scandinavia in 1999, 11 wins at home, in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £106,737 inc. Chipchase S., L., IBM Taby Varsprint, L., Saloprint Klampenborg Store Sprint, L. (twice). Stormy Weather (GB); dam of winners inc.: CHIGUN (GB): 4 wins inc. Ridgewood Pearl S., Gr.3, Rosemary S., L.

Consigned by Gaybrook Lodge

Bolt D'oro (USA) BAY COLT (USA) March 27th, 2020

Sonja's Angel (USA) (2008)

Medaglia d'Oro Globe Trot Smoke Glacken Fly Away Angel

50 El Prado Cappucino Bay A P Indy Trip Two Punch Majesty's Crown Skip Away Copelan's Angel



1st dam Sonja's Angel (USA): 9 wins in U.S.A. and £153,614 and placed 13 times inc. 2nd Sixty Sails H., Gr.3; dam of 5 foals; 3 runners; 3 winners: Enchanted Warrior (USA) (16 c. by Shanghai Bobby (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in Puero Rico and placed 6 times. Lili's Song (USA) (17 f. by Liam's Map (USA)): winner in Canada and £50,695. Microbiome (USA) (19 f. by Twirling Candy (USA)): winner at 2, 2021 in U.S.A. and £53,285. 2nd dam FLY AWAY ANGEL (USA): 6 wins in U.S.A. and £143,184 inc. Sweetest Chant S., placed 2nd Ohio Valley H., L., Scarlet Carnation S. and 3rd Golden Sylvia H., L. and Scarlet Carnation S.; dam of 10 foals; 7 runners; 5 winners inc.: Sonja's Angel (USA) (f. by Smoke Glacken (USA)): see above. She also has a 2-y-o filly by Tiz a Minister (USA) and a yearling filly by Cat Burglar (USA). 3rd dam Copelan's Angel (USA) (by Copelan (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Florida Stallion S. (My Dear Girl), L. and 3rd Selima S., Gr.3; dam of 14 foals; 11 runners; 10 winners inc.: FLY AWAY ANGEL (USA): see above. In The Paint (USA): winner at 2 in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Rushaway S., L. and John Battaglia Memorial S., L.

The next dam Chelseanna (CAN): 8 wins in U.S.A. and placed 2nd La Prevoyante S., L.R.; dam of 14 foals; 13 runners; 10 winners inc.: LADY TAP (USA): 5 wins in U.S.A. and £140,950 inc. Alameda County Fillies & Mares H., placed 2nd Bay Meadows Dash H., L.; dam of winners inc.: LADY'S LAUGHTER (USA): won Likely Exchange S. Revered (USA); dam of BY YOUR SIDE (USA) (won Sanford S., Gr.3). Golden Spirit (CAN): winner at 2 in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Fanfreluche S., L. and 3rd Yearling Sales S. (fillies), L.R.; dam of winners. Chelsea Green (USA): 3 wins at 4 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: PURE FUN (USA): won Hollywood Starlet S., Gr.1 and Indiana Oaks, Gr.2. Lady Cheyne (USA): winner in U.S.A. and 3rd Plenty of Grace S., R. Fleet Chelseanna (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: ANDIOTIS (CAN): won Bosselman Gus Fonner H., L. and Westerner H. Chelsey Dancer (USA); dam of winners inc.: CHELSEY FLOWER (USA): won Flower Bowl Invitational H., Gr.1.


4th dam DANZIG ANGEL (CAN): 7 wins in U.S.A.; dam of 14 foals; 13 runners; 8 winners inc.: Copelan's Angel (USA): see above.



51 BAY FILLY (USA) February 11th, 2020 (Fourth Produce)

Consigned by Mocklershill

More Than Ready (USA)

Southern Halo

Soul Title (USA) (2011)

Perfect Soul

Woodman's Girl

Title Seeker

51 Halo Northern Sea Woodman Becky Be Good Sadler's Wells Ball Chairman Monarchos Personal Ensign

B.C. Nominated. Own sister to Morethansoultitle (CAN)

1st dam SOUL TITLE (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A. and £22,155 and placed twice; Own sister to Perfect Title (USA); dam of 5 foals; 3 runners; 2 winners: Macca Tree (USA) (16 c. by Jersey Town (USA)): 4 wins at 3 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £43,274 and placed. Morethansoultitle (CAN) (18 c. by More Than Ready (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 4, 2022 in U.S.A. and placed twice. She also has a yearling colt by More Than Ready (USA).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam TITLE SEEKER (USA): unraced; dam of 9 foals; 8 runners; 8 winners inc.: SEEKING THE TITLE (USA) (f. by Seeking The Gold (USA)): 2 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and £169,623 inc. Iowa Oaks, Gr.3, placed 2nd Monmouth Oaks, Gr.3 and 3rd Gazelle S., Gr.1 and Fair Grounds Oaks, Gr.2; dam of a winner: SEEKING THE SOUL (USA): won Norton Healthcare Clark H., Gr.1, Stephen Foster S., Gr.2, Ack Ack S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Pegasus World Cup Invitational S., Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Gr.1, 3rd Norton Clark H., Gr.1. TITLE READY (USA) (c. by More Than Ready (USA)): 5 wins to 2021 in U.S.A. and £494,676 inc. Louisiana S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Discovery S., Gr.3 and 3rd Fayette S., Gr.2 and Steve Sexton Mile S., Gr.3. Perfect Title (USA) (c. by Perfect Soul (IRE)): 5 wins in U.S.A. and £176,237 and placed 2nd Laurel Turf Cup S., L. and 3rd River City H., Gr.3.


3rd dam PERSONAL ENSIGN (USA) (by Private Account (USA)): Jt Champion 3yr old filly in U.S.A. in 1987, Champion older mare in U.S.A. in 1988, 13 wins at 2 to 4 in U.S.A. and £968,859 inc. Maskette S., Gr.1, Shuvee H., Gr.1, Whitney S., Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Distaff, Gr.1, Hempstead H., Gr.1, Beldame S., Gr.1 (twice) and Frizette S., Gr.1; Own sister to PERSONAL FLAG (USA); dam of 10 foals; 9 runners; 9 winners inc.: MY FLAG (USA): 6 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £1,001,541 inc. Coaching Club American Oaks, Gr.1, Ashland S., Gr.1, Gazelle H., Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies, Gr.1, Bonnie Miss S., Gr.2, 2nd Frizette S., Gr.1 and 3rd Belmont S., Gr.1, Alabama S., Gr.1, Matron S., Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: STORM FLAG FLYING (USA): Champion 2yr old filly in U.S.A. in 2002, won Personal Ensign H., Gr.1, Long John Silver's Breeders' Cup Juv.(f), Gr.1, Frizette S., Gr.1, Matron S., Gr.1, placed 2nd Nexte Breeders' Cup Distaff, Gr.1, Ogden Phipps H., Gr.1 and 3rd Beldame S., Gr.1; grandam of JOUSTER (USA) (won Appalachian S., Gr.2). WITH FLYING COLORS (USA): won Floral Park Heatherton S.; dam of TERESA Z (USA) (won Turnback The Alarm H., Gr.3). MINER'S MARK (USA): 6 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £638,255 inc. Jockey Club Gold Cup S., Gr.1, Jim Dandy S., Gr.2, Colin S., Gr.3; sire. TRADITIONALLY (USA): 5 wins in U.S.A. inc. Oaklawn H., Gr.1; sire.

BAY COLT (USA) February 10th, 2020

Consigned by Lynn Lodge Stud


Pioneerof The Nile (USA)

Empire Maker

Storm Hearted (USA) (2002)

Lion Hearted

Unbridled Toussaud Lord At War Castle Eight Storm Cat Cadillacing Proud Truth Temper The Wind

Star of Goshen




B.C. Nominated. 1st dam STORM HEARTED (USA): placed 3 times at 4 in U.S.A.; dam of 12 foals; 7 runners; 6 winners: WAKE UP NICK (USA) (12 c. by Cindago (USA)): 6 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £230,058 inc. Santa Anita Juvenile S., L., Barretts Juvenile S., R., I'm Smokin S., R., Graduation S., R., placed 2nd Golden State Juvenile S. (c&g). Be a Lady (USA) (13 f. by Cindago (USA)): 7 wins in U.S.A. and £133,703 and placed 6 times; broodmare. Secret Touch (USA) (14 g. by First Defence (USA)): 6 wins to 2021 in U.S.A. and £125,858 and placed 11 times. Demonica (USA) (11 f. by First Defence (USA)): 2 wins at 3 in U.S.A. Noble Hearted (USA) (17 f. by Noble Mission (GB)): winner at 3 in U.S.A. Ironwood (USA) (15 c. by Curlin (USA)): winner at 4 in U.S.A. and £22,264. She also has a yearling filly by Gun Runner (USA).

3rd dam TEMPER THE WIND (USA) (by Elocutionist (USA)): 3 wins at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of 14 foals; 11 runners; 10 winners inc.: STEM THE TIDE (USA): 13 wins in U.S.A. inc. Carousel H., Gr.3 (twice), Straight Deal H., L., Queen Isabella H., L., Union County S., placed 2nd Long Look H., Gr.2, Maryland Racing Writers H., L., Hilltop S., L.R., Cameo S. and 3rd Gallorette H., Gr.3 and Queen Isabella H., L.; dam of winners. PRIVATE GOLD (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £137,939 inc. Rushaway S., L., James C Ellis Juvenile S., L., placed 2nd Kentucky Cup Juvenile S., Gr.3 and 3rd Dave Feldman S., L. and Hoosier Juvenile S., L.; sire. PRIVATE JET (USA): 14 wins in U.S.A. and £152,413 inc. Au Revoir H., L., Truce Maker H., Jumping Hill S., Sacramento Derby, placed 2nd Point Reyes H., L., Joseph T Grace H., L., Monterey S., L. and Super Moment H., L. GOTTCHA LAST (USA): 5 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. inc. Thirty Eight Go Go S., L. and Moonlight Jig S.; dam of winners inc.: AMERICAN FREEDOM (USA): won Iowa Derby, Gr.3, LARC Sir Barton S., R., placed 2nd Travers S., Gr.1 and Haskell Invitational S., Gr.1; sire. GOTTCHA GOLD (USA): won Skip Away H., Gr.3, Philip H Iselin Breeders' Cup H., Gr.3, Salvator Mile H., Gr.3, Choice H., Coronado's Quest S., placed 2nd MarylandLottery Pimlico Special H., Gr.1, Spend a Buck H., Gr.3, Salvator Mile H., Gr.3, Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile S., L., Frisk Me Now S. and Majestic Prince S.; sire.


2nd dam SHALLAH (USA): 2 wins at 4 in U.S.A. and £44,554; Own sister to STEM THE TIDE (USA); dam of 9 foals; 6 runners; 3 winners inc.: Feelin' The Breeze (USA): 7 wins in U.S.A. and £115,727; dam of a winner. J J's Special (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £26,085.



53 BAY COLT (IRE) March 30th, 2020 (Third Produce)

Consigned by Evergreen Stud

Exceed And Excel (AUS)


Stubbins (GB) (2012)

Rip Van Winkle



53 Danzig Razyana Lomond Gladiolus Galileo Looking Back Mark of Esteem Sitara

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam STUBBINS (GB): winner at 3 and placed 3 times; also placed 3 times at 3 and 4 in France; dam of 4 foals; 2 runners; 1 winner: Stubbina (IRE) (17 f. by Charm Spirit (IRE)): winner at 3 in France and placed. She also has a yearling filly by Waldgeist (GB). 2nd dam SKIMMIA (GB): unraced; dam of 9 foals; 5 runners; 4 winners inc.: JULIE'S LOVE (GB) (f. by Ad Valorem (USA)): 5 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £273,926 inc. De La Rose S., L.R., Owsley S., placed 15 times inc. 2nd Dance Smartly S., Gr.2, Diana Trial, Gr.2, Cardinal H., Gr.3, Indian Maid H., L., Ilse und Heinz Ramm-Erinnerungsren, L. and 3rd Noble Damsel S., Gr.3, Maple Leaf S., Gr.3 and Dr James Penny Memorial H., L.; dam of winners. Julissima (GB) (f. by Beat Hollow (GB)): 2 wins at 3 in Germany and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Grosser Sparkassenpreis Dusseldorf, L. and 3rd Excelsior Hotel Ernst Kolner Stutenmeile, L.; dam of winners: JULIO (GER): won P. Mitglieder Hamburger Flieger Trophy, Gr.3, placed 3rd Prix Thomas Bryon, Gr.3 and Steinhoff Zukunftsrennen, Gr.3. Juanito (GER): 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2021 in Germany and £44,569 and placed 2nd Zukunfts Rennen, Gr.3.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

3rd dam SITARA (GB) (by Salse (USA)): winner at 3 and placed twice; dam of 12 foals; 8 runners; 6 winners inc.: REKINDLING (GB): Champion stayer in Australia in 2017-18, 4 wins at 2 and 3 at home and in Australia and £2,409,443 inc. Melbourne Cup, Gr.1, Curragh Cup, Gr.2, Ballysax S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Irish St Leger Trial, Gr.3. GOLDEN SWORD (GB): 4 wins at home and in U.A.E. and £515,323 inc. Chester Vase, Gr.3, placed 2nd Irish Derby, Gr.1 and 3rd Marju Dubai City of Gold S., Gr.2; sire. Sydney Opera House (GB): winner at 2 and placed 2nd Royal Lodge S., Gr.2; also placed 2nd Crité rium de Saint-Cloud, Gr.1. Bitooh (GB): winner at 3 in France and placed; dam of winners; grandam of TECHNICAL ANALYSIS (IRE) (4 wins at 2 and 3, 2021 in U.S.A. and £291,834 inc. Lake Placid S., Gr.2, Lake George S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S., Gr.1).


4th dam Souk (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 and placed 3rd Sceptre S., L.; dam of 16 foals; 13 runners; 11 winners inc.: PUCE (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 inc. Harvest S., L., placed 2nd Premio Giovanni Falck, L. and 3rd Park Hill S., Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: PONGEE (GB): 6 wins at 3 and 4 and £165,480 inc. Lancashire Oaks, Gr.2, Pinnacle S., L., placed 2nd Yorkshire Oaks, Gr.1.

CHESNUT FILLY (USA) March 22nd, 2020 (Second Produce)

Consigned by Grove Stud

Speightstown (USA)

Gone West

Surprising Twist (USA) (2015)

Union Rags

Silken Cat

Yolie's Choice

54 Mr Prospector Secrettame Storm Cat Silken Doll Dixie Union Tempo Silver Deputy Old Star



B.C. Nominated. 1st dam SURPRISING TWIST (USA): winner at 2 in U.S.A.; dam of 2 foals; 1 runner: Mr Important (USA) (19 c. by Exaggerator (USA)): ran twice in U.A.E. at 2 and 3, 2022. 2nd dam YOLIE'S CHOICE (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A. and £28,188; dam of 12 foals; 9 runners; 9 winners inc.: Southern Blessing (USA) (c. by Dixie Union (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £66,510 and placed 2nd Sanford S., Gr.2. Rise Against (USA): 4 wins in U.S.A. and £54,219. Bud White (USA): 3 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and £61,213. Likely Choice (USA): 2 wins at 3, 2021 in U.S.A. and £45,444. She also has a 2-y-o filly by Mucho Macho Man (USA) and a yearling colt by Solomini (USA).

4th dam Orobanca (ARG): 3 wins in Argentina and placed 2nd Premio Francia, Gr.3; dam of 15 foals; 10 runners; 10 winners inc.: OLD STAR (ARG): see above. OLD STYLE (ARG): won Clasico Irlanda, Gr.3, placed 3rd C.Asociacion Argentina de Fomento Equino, L. Olterra (ARG): winner in Argentina and placed 3rd Clasico Manuel F y Emilio Gnecco, Gr.3, Clasico Joaquin V Maqueda, Gr.3 and Clasico The Japan Racing Association, L.; dam of a winner. Orobena (ARG): winner in Argentina; dam of winners: ORIX (ARG): won Clasico Ecuador, Gr.2, Clasico Peru, Gr.2, 2nd G. P. Joaquin V Gonzalez-Int., Gr.1, Clasico Republica Federativa del Brasil, Gr.3. OFFSHORE (ARG): won Clasico 25 de Mayo de 1810, Gr.2, Clasico Hipodromo de la Plata, Gr.2, Clasico Polla de Potrillos, Gr.2, placed 3rd Clasico Hipodromo de La Plata, Gr.2, Clasico Benito Villaneuva, Gr.2. ORANGE JUICE (ARG): won Clasico Ayacucho, Gr.3, placed 2nd C. Municipalidad Ciudad de Buenos Aires, L., 3rd Clasico Haras Argentinos, L.


3rd dam OLD STAR (ARG) (by Southern Halo (USA)): 5 wins in Argentina and in U.S.A. inc. Clasico General Arenales, Gr.3, Clasico General Francisco B Bosch, Gr.3, placed 2nd G. P. Carrera de las Estrellas (3+ ), Gr.1; dam of 15 foals; 13 runners; 13 winners inc.: Upcoming Story (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Dogwood S., Gr.3 and La Troienne S., Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: THEOGONY (USA): won Rags to Riches Invitational S., Belle Mahone S., placed 2nd Falls City H., Gr.2, Allaire du Pont Distaff S., Gr.3, Pippin S., L. I Earned It Baby (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Barretts Juvenile S., R.



55 BAY COLT (USA) March 27th, 2020 (Second Produce)

Consigned by Lynn Lodge Stud

American Pharoah (USA)

Pioneerof The Nile

Sweater Weather (CAN) (2011)

Milwaukee Brew



55 Empire Maker Star of Goshen Yankee Gentleman Exclusive Rosette Wild Again Ask Anita Cape Canaveral Twochindordor

B.C. Nominated. 1st dam SWEATER WEATHER (CAN): 7 wins in Canada and £354,844 inc. La Lorgnette S., L., Adena Springs OLG Algoma S., R. (twice), Classy 'n Smart S., R., Eternal Search S., R., placed 9 times inc. 2nd Trillium S., Lady Angela S., R. and 3rd Victoriana S., R. and Algoma S., R.; dam of 3 foals inc. a 3-y-o filly by Mastery (USA) and a yearling filly by Arrogate (USA). 2nd dam Susur (CAN): 2 wins at 3 in Canada and £118,168 and placed 3rd Fanfreluche S., L.R.; dam of 9 foals; 7 runners; 5 winners: SWEATER WEATHER (CAN) (f. by Milwaukee Brew (USA)): see above. Cause of Action (CAN): 4 wins to 2021 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £89,788. You're Batman (CAN): 3 wins at 3 and 4 in Canada and £44,973. Lake Simcoe (CAN): 3 wins at 3 and 4 in Canada. Subtle Authority (CAN): winner at 3 in U.S.A. and £22,758. She also has a 2-y-o filly by Milwaukee Brew (USA).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

3rd dam TWOCHINDORDOR (CAN) (by Vice Regent (CAN)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £26,455; dam of 10 foals; 9 runners; 8 winners inc.: FEAR THE FACELIFT (USA): 8 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £197,726 inc. Jefferson Bank Cavada Classic S., R., placed 3rd My Sister Pearl S., R., Fancy Buckles S., R. and Its Binn Too Long S., R.; dam of winners: Flawless Face (USA): winner in U.S.A. Cosmetology (USA): winner in U.S.A. Facester (USA): winner to 2022 in U.S.A. CALLENDARS (CAN): 3 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and £66,061 inc. Center Stage Anne S., placed 2nd Golden Horseshoe S., R.; dam of winners: Callendar Boy (CAN): winner in Canada. Harrismith (USA): winner in U.S.A. Crane Bay (USA): winner in U.S.A. Susur (CAN): see above.


4th dam WONCHINDORDOR (USA): won HBPA H., L., Seaway S., L.R., Medusa S., Ontario Colleen S., R., placed 2nd Ontario Matron S., L.R.; dam of 10 foals; 9 runners; 6 winners inc.: Pleasant Bear (CAN): winner at 3 in Canada and placed 2nd Lilac H.; broodmare. The next dam Smooth Passage (USA): placed 4th Test S., Gr.2; dam of 3 foals; 1 runner; a winner: WONCHINDORDOR (USA): see above.

BAY COLT (IRE) February 27th, 2020 (Fourth Produce)


Consigned by Glending Stables, Ireland

Clodovil (IRE) Taaluf (IRE) (2011)

Danehill Clodora Nayef Walayef

Danzig Razyana Linamix Cloche d'Or Gulch Height of Fashion Danzig Sayedat Alhadh



E.B.F. Nominated. 1st dam TAALUF (IRE): placed 8 times at 3; dam of 4 foals; 3 runners: Gotta Feeling (IRE) (18 f. by Gutaifan (IRE)): placed at 2, from only 2 starts. 2nd dam WALAYEF (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 and £68,557 inc. Athasi S., Gr.3, Round Tower S., L., placed, from only 5 starts; Own sister to HAATEF (USA) and ULFAH (USA); dam of 12 foals; 12 runners; 8 winners inc.: Jamaayel (GB) (f. by Shamardal (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and £40,526 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Loughbrown S., L.; dam of winners inc.: Raaeq (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 and placed inc. 3rd Spring Trophy S., L. Rathaath (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 and £25,220 and placed 3rd Rous S., L. Reyaada (GB): winner at 2 and placed twice; dam of a winner: MOHAAYED (GB): 6 wins, £222,737 viz. 2 wins at 2 and 3 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial, L.; also 4 wins over hurdles inc. Betfair Exchange Trophy H. Hurdle, Gr.3, County H. Hurdle, Gr.3.

4th dam MUHBUBH (USA): 2 wins at 2 inc. Princess Margaret S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Lowther S., Gr.2 and 3rd Nell Gwyn S., Gr.3; dam of 11 foals; 10 runners; 7 winners inc.: KAYRAWAN (USA): 6 wins at home, in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. and £120,215 inc. Tom Fool S., Gr.2, 2nd Budweiser Maryland Breeders' Cup H.., Gr.3; sire. Amaniy (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3rd Firth of Clyde S., L.; dam of winners. Balaabel (USA): winner at 3 and placed 7 times; dam of winners inc.: SAYEDAH (IRE): winner at 2 viz. Rockfel S., Gr.2. Atyab (USA); dam of winners inc.: ATYEB (AUS): won Caradoc Gold Cup, Gr.3 and Aquanaut H., L. Ishraak (USA); dam of winners inc.: Motheeba (USA): 5 wins at 2 and 3 in Italy and placed 3rd Criterium Aretuseo, L.; dam of KEEPER OF TIME (IRE) (3 wins at 2 to 4, 2022 at home and in U.S.A. inc. Leopardstown 1000 Guineas Trial, Gr.3).


3rd dam SAYEDAT ALHADH (USA) (by Mr Prospector (USA)): winner at 3 in U.S.A.; Own sister to KAYRAWAN (USA); dam of 9 foals; 8 runners; 7 winners inc.: HAATEF (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 and £110,573 inc. Diadem S., Gr.2, Belgrave S., L., placed 3rd Desmond S., Gr.3; sire. WALAYEF (USA): see above. SHIMAH (USA): Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Ireland in 2008, 2 wins at 2 inc. Saoire S., L., 2nd Moyglare Stud S., Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: MUSHIR (GB): 6 wins at home and in U.A.E. inc. Rockingham S., L. ULFAH (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 and £106,938 inc. Sweet Mimosa S., L. and Belgrave S., L.; dam of winners.




Consigned by Mark Grant Racing

GREY COLT (IRE) April 28th, 2020

Dark Angel (IRE)


Tarakala (IRE) (2001)

Dr Fong

Midnight Angel


57 Royal Applause Princess Athena Machiavellian Night At Sea Kris S Spring Flight Shahrastani Tarafa

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam TARAKALA (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 3 and £89,201 inc. Galtres S., L., placed 7 times inc. 2nd Give Thanks S., L., Eyrefield S., L., 3rd Noblesse S., Gr.3, Finale S., L., Martin Molony S., L. and 4th Park Hill S., Gr.2, from only 12 starts; dam of 11 foals; 8 runners; 4 winners: TARANA (IRE) (10 f. by Cape Cross (IRE)): 3 wins at 2 and 4 and £88,109 inc. Oyster S., L., Martin Molony S., L., placed 6 times viz. 2nd Listowel S., L., Alleged S., L., Trigo S., L., 3rd Curragh Cup, Gr.3, Saval Beg S., L. and 4th Give Thanks S., Gr.3, from only 10 starts; dam of 2 winners: TARNAWA (IRE) (f. by Shamardal (USA)): Jt Champion older mare in Europe in 2020, Champion older mare in Europe in 2021, 9 wins to 2021 at home, in France and in U.S.A. and £3,413,594 inc. Prix Vermeille, Gr.1, Prix de l'Opé ra, Gr.1, Longines Breeders' Cup Turf, Gr.1, Blandford S., Gr.2, Blue Wind S., Gr.3, Give Thanks S., Gr.3 (twice), Ballyroan S., Gr.3, placed 6 times inc. 2nd Irish Champion S., Gr.1, Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Gr.1, Silken Glider S., L. and 3rd Salsabil S., L. Tazaral (IRE): winner at 3, 2021 and placed, also 4th Ruby S., L. Tarankali (IRE) (06 g. by Selkirk (USA)): 5 wins, £138,108 viz. 2 wins at 3 and placed; also 3 wins in Malaysia and in Singapore and placed 13 times. Tarazani (IRE) (13 g. by Dutch Art (GB)): 2 wins and £23,811 and placed. Tasalka (IRE) (17 f. by Lope de Vega (IRE)): winner at 3 and placed 4 times. Puntastic (IRE) (19 g. by Dark Angel (IRE)): ran 3 times at 2, 2021.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam Tarakana (USA): winner at 3 and placed inc. 2nd Oyster S., L. and 3rd Athasi S., L. and Ballycullen S., L.; dam of 13 foals; 13 runners; 9 winners inc.: TARAKALA (IRE) (f. by Dr Fong (USA)): see above. Tarkamara (IRE): winner at 4 and placed 8 times; dam of winners inc.: Lesrel (IND): winner in India and 2nd Calcutta Champions' Sprint Trophy, L. Tiger Stripes (GB): placed 3 times at 2 inc. 3rd Railway S., Gr.2; also 3 wins in Malaysia and £29,369 and placed 10 times. Tarabaya (IRE): winner at 3 and placed twice; dam of winners inc.: Askaud (IRE): 6 wins and £75,365 and placed 2nd King Richard III S., L. Taradiya (IRE): ran twice at 2; dam of a winner; grandam of In My Dream (IND) (winner in India and placed 2nd Poonawalla Breeders' Multi-Million, L.R., Kunigal Stud Breeders' Produce S., L. and 3rd F D Wadia Trophy, L.).


3rd dam TARAFA (by Akarad (FR)): 2 wins at 3 and placed 3 times; dam of 9 foals; 8 runners; 7 winners inc.: Tarakana (USA): see above. Tarafiya (USA): winner at 3 in France; dam of winners; grandam of Big Boots (IRE) (7 wins, £138,986 viz. winner at 2; also 6 wins at 2 and 3 in France and placed 3rd Casino Baden Baden Goldene Peitsche, Gr.2).

CHESNUT COLT (IRE) April 5th, 2020

Consigned by Meadowview Stables

Gleneagles (IRE)


Teide Lady (GB) (2003)




58 Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Storm Cat Mariah's Storm Blushing Groom Height of Fashion Barathea Ingozi



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated.

2nd dam OSHIPONGA (GB): winner at 3 and placed; dam of 15 foals; 13 runners; 11 winners inc.: HATTA FORT (GB) (c. by Cape Cross (IRE)): 5 wins at 2 to 4 at home, in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. and £284,030 inc. Superlative S., Gr.2, Perryville S., Gr.3, placed 7 times inc. 2nd Meydan Horizons Al Quoz Sprint, Gr.3, Lafayette S., L. SPIRIT OF APPIN (GB) (f. by Champs Elysees (GB)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 and £112,324 inc. Princess Royal S., Gr.3, placed 8 times inc. 2nd Prix de Pomone, Gr.2, Aphrodite S., L. and 3rd Galtres S., L. and Floodlit S., L. BLUE BAYOU (GB) (f. by Bahamian Bounty (GB)): 2 wins at 2 and £46,832 inc. Sweet Solera S., Gr.3, placed inc. 3rd Duchess of Cambridge S., Gr.2. Raskutani (GB): unraced; dam of winners inc.: AGENT MURPHY (GB): 4 wins inc. Geoffrey Freer S., Gr.3, Buckhounds S., L., placed 2nd Irish St Leger, Gr.1 and 3rd Grand Prix de Chantilly, Gr.2. Global Heat (IRE): 2 wins, £83,694 viz. winner at 3 and placed 5 times; also winner to 2021 in U.A.E. and placed twice viz. 2nd Nad Al Sheba Trophy, Gr.3 and 3rd Meydan Cup, L. 3rd dam INGOZI (GB) (by Warning): 2 wins at 3 inc. Starlight Express Roller S., L.; dam of 12 foals; 11 runners; 9 winners inc.: MISS KELLER (IRE): 6 wins at home, in Canada and in U.S.A. and £793,137 inc. E P Taylor S., Gr.1, Canadian S., Gr.2, De La Rose S., R., placed 2nd Fly Emirates E P Taylor S., Gr.1, Nassau S., Gr.2; dam of winners. Kotsi (IRE): winner at 2 and placed 2nd May Hill S., Gr.2; dam of winners. Sir George Turner (GB): 2 wins at 2 and £234,735 and 2nd Select S., Gr.3. Abunai (GB): 3 wins at 2 and placed 5 times; dam of winners inc.: HARBOUR LAW (GB): Champion 3yr old stayer in Europe in 2016, 3 wins and £474,481 inc. St Leger S., Gr.1, 3rd Ascot Gold Cup, Gr.1; sire. Moheet (IRE): winner at 2 and placed 3rd Craven S., Gr.3. Umlilo (GB): placed twice at 3 and 4; dam of winners inc.: FANTASTIC PICK (GB): won Oak Tree Derby, Gr.2.


1st dam TEIDE LADY (GB): winner at 3 and placed 5 times; dam of 11 foals; 7 runners; 6 winners inc.: AYAAR (IRE) (10 g. by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE)): 6 wins at home, in Australia and in Germany and £124,633 inc. Belmondo Zukunfts Rennen, Gr.3, placed 11 times inc. 4th Railway S., Gr.2 and European Free H., L. Albany Rose (IRE) (08 f. by Noverre (USA)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 and placed 6 times; dam of 3 winners inc.: Newyorkstateofmind (GB): 4 wins at 2 to 4, 2021 and £46,280 and placed. Dual Identity (IRE) (18 g. by Belardo (IRE)): winner at 3, 2021 and placed. She also has a yearling filly by Phoenix of Spain (IRE).




Consigned by Powerstown Stud

Mo Town (USA) BAY COLT (USA) January 31st, 2020

Tizza Trick (USA) (2008)

Uncle Mo Grazie Mille Tiznow Bright Magic

59 Indian Charlie Playa Maya Bernardini Molto Vita Cee's Tizzy Cee's Song Prized Magical Flash

B.C. Nominated. 1st dam TIZZA TRICK (USA): ran twice in U.S.A.; dam of 6 foals; 3 runners; 3 winners: Akor (USA) (17 f. by Munnings (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £25,795. Tricky Gal (USA) (15 f. by Papa Clem (USA)): winner at 3 in U.S.A. and placed. Alpha Crown (USA) (18 f. by Fed Biz (USA)): winner at 2 in Mexico and placed. She also has a yearling filly by Sharp Azteca (USA).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam BRIGHT MAGIC (USA): 4 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and £128,003 inc. C.T.B.A. Marian S., L., Fleet Treat S., L., placed 3rd Cat's Cradle H., L., Harold C Ramser Jr H., L. and Torrey Pines S., L.; Own sister to Oysters (USA); dam of 15 foals; 13 runners; 12 winners inc.: EXFACTOR (USA) (c. by Exchange Rate (USA)): 3 wins at 2 in U.S.A. and £101,709 inc. Bashford Manor S., Gr.3 and Sugar Bowl S. MARKET MAGIC (USA) (f. by After Market (USA)): 4 wins in U.S.A. and £104,321 inc. W.Virginia Senate President's Cup S.; dam of winners. Trump's Magic (USA) (c. by Lonhro (AUS)): 7 wins in Italy and £94,601 and placed 19 times inc. 3rd P. Marchese Ippolito Fassati di Balzola, L. Lamplighter Jack (USA): 5 wins at 2 and 3, 2021 in U.S.A. and £66,932. Magical Glow (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Zenidekka (USA): winner in Malaysia, in Singapore and in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Fleet Treat S., L.R.


3rd dam MAGICAL FLASH (USA) (by Miswaki (USA)): winner at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of 17 foals; 16 runners; 14 winners inc.: TAKE THE RIBBON (USA): 4 wins in U.S.A. and £202,518 inc. Churchill Distaff Turf Mile S., Gr.3, Heavenly Cause H., placed 2nd Garden City Breeders' Cup S., Gr.1 and 3rd Just A Game S., Gr.2; dam of winners inc.: Bookrunner (USA): winner in France and placed 2nd Premio Vittorio di Capua, Gr.1 and 3rd Prix Messidor, Gr.3. Take These Chains (IRE): 4 wins in U.S.A. and 2nd My Charmer S., L. Pretty Paper (IRE); dam of Love And Thunder (IRE) (2 wins, £115,102 viz. winner at 3; also winner at 4, 2021 in U.S.A. and 3rd Autumn Days S.). GLINDA THE GOOD (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £145,992 inc. Instant Racing S., L., Island Fashion S., placed 2nd Sunland Park Oaks, L., Blue Hen S., L. and 3rd Pocahontas S., Gr.2; dam of winners inc.: GOOD MAGIC (USA): Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2017, won Haskell Invitational S., Gr.1, Sentient Jet Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1, Toyota Blue Grass S., Gr.2, placed 2nd Kentucky Derby, Gr.1; sire. FLASH MASH (USA): 5 wins in U.S.A. and £147,896 inc. Giant's Causeway S., L., placed 2nd Tiffany Lass S. and 3rd Prix du Petit Couvert, Gr.3. BRIGHT MAGIC (USA): see above. HOT WAR (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £112,392 inc. Real Good Deal S., L.R., placed 2nd Zany Tactics S., L.R.; sire.

BAY COLT (USA) March 3rd, 2020

Consigned by Tally-Ho Stud


Tale of Verve (USA)

Tale of Ekati

Tuscan Chianti (USA) (2007)

Roman Ruler

Tale of The Cat Silence Beauty Unbridled Mrs Marcos Fusaichi Pegasus Silvery Swan Seattle Slew Affirmatively


Adored Slew



B.C. Nominated. 1st dam TUSCAN CHIANTI (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £24,655 and placed 4 times; dam of 8 foals; 6 runners; 5 winners inc.: Super Chianti (USA) (18 f. by Super Saver (USA)): winner at 2 in U.A.E. and £24,451 and placed 3rd UAE 1000 Guineas, L. This Round's Mine (CAN) (16 f. by Not Bourbon (CAN)): 3 wins to 2021 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £50,300 and placed 4 times. Ready for Chianti (USA) (13 f. by More Than Ready (USA)): 2 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and £70,945 and placed 3 times; broodmare. She also has a yearling filly by More Than Ready (USA).

3rd dam AFFIRMATIVELY (USA) (by Affirmed (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A.; dam of 13 foals; 13 runners; 12 winners inc.: MAIS OUI (USA): 2 wins in France inc. Prix de Bagatelle, L., placed 2nd Prix de Sandringham, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: IMPERFECT WORLD (USA): won Genuine Risk S., Gr.2, Prix du Bois, Gr.3, placed 2nd Prix de Saint Georges, Gr.3, 3rd Prix Robert Papin, Gr.2. MONSIEUR CAT (USA): won Awad S., L., 2nd American Derby, Gr.2; sire. AWESOME OF COURSE (USA): won Heckofaralph S.; sire. Freedom Reigns (USA); dam of KRYPTON (USA) (won Hill Prince S., Gr.3, 3rd Nat.Museum of Racing Hall of Fame S., Gr.2 and Virginia Derby, Gr.2). Adored Slew (USA): see above. Petiteness (USA): 3 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Tanya S., L. and Sweetest Chant S., L.; dam of winners inc.: SCORPION (USA): won Jim Dandy S., Gr.1, 2nd Saratoga Special S., Gr.2 and 3rd Futurity S., Gr.1, Sanford S., Gr.2 and Tremont S., Gr.3; sire. Crazy For You (USA): winner in Brazil; dam of winners inc.: AFRAAH (AUS): won Percy Marks Frank Packer Plate, Gr.3, placed 2nd Carbine Club S., L.


2nd dam Adored Slew (USA): 2 wins at 3 and 4 in France and in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Prix Minerve, Gr.3, Prix des Tuileries, L. and Prix Joubert, L.; dam of 9 foals; 8 runners; 6 winners inc.: DANGEROUS MIDGE (USA) (c. by Lion Heart (USA)): 6 wins at 3 and 4 at home and in U.S.A. and £1,109,762 inc. Emirates Airlines Breeders' Cup Turf, Gr.1 and Dubai Duty Free Arc Trial, Gr.3; sire. Silver Traffic (USA) (c. by Carson City (USA)): 5 wins at 3 and 4 in France and £84,181 and placed 2nd Santana Mile H., L. and Thunder Road H., L. Adorara (USA): winner at 3; also placed in France; dam of winners inc.: DEVIL'S CUT (AUS): won Sports Toto Supreme Challenge Trophy, L. Sauvegarde (AUS): winner to 2021/22 in Australia. Ever Adored (USA): placed twice at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Fetching Fury (USA): winner to 2021 in U.S.A.



61 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 11th, 2020

Consigned by Mark Grant Racing

Acclamation (GB)

Royal Applause

Up At Last (GB) (2007)

Cape Cross

Princess Athena


61 Waajib Flying Melody Ahonoora Shopping Wise Green Desert Park Appeal Main Reef Gay Charlotte

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

1st dam UP AT LAST (GB): winner at 3; Own sister to MUSICANNA (GB); dam of 6 foals; 3 runners; 1 winner: Final Rock (GB) (15 g. by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE)): 4 wins, £26,848 viz. 3 wins at 3 and placed 6 times; also winner to 2021 in U.A.E. and placed. She also has a yearling filly by Acclamation (GB).


2nd dam UPEND: 3 wins at 3 inc. St Simon S., Gr.3, Galtres S., L., placed 4 times inc. 2nd Princess Royal S., Gr.3; dam of 17 foals; 17 runners; 10 winners inc.: MUSICANNA (GB) (f. by Cape Cross (IRE)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 and £105,778 inc. Atalanta S., L., placed 5 times inc. 2nd Princess Elizabeth S., Gr.3 and 3rd Sun Chariot S., Gr.1 and Falmouth S., Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: ONE MAN BAND (IRE): 8 wins in U.A.E. and £622,937 inc. Meydan Sobha Godolphin Mile, Gr.2, placed 3 times. Shortfall (GB) (f. by Last Tycoon): 3 wins, £44,382 viz. 2 wins at 3 and placed 2nd Royal Yorkshire S., L.; also winner in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Overturned (GB): winner at 3 in France and placed; dam of winners inc.: ALLIGATOR ALLEY (GB): 2 wins at 2 and £83,479 inc. Roses S., L., placed 5 times inc. 2nd Molecomb S., Gr.3. CHINESE ART (GB): 4 wins in France and in Macau and £152,624 inc. Macau Winter Trophy, L., placed 10 times. Up And About (GB): winner at 3; dam of winners inc.: Take It To The Max (GB): 6 wins at 2 and 4 and £58,393 and placed 10 times inc. 3rd Glasgow S., L. Wake Up Call (GB): 4 wins and placed inc. 2nd Boadicea S., L.; dam of ZAMAN (GB) (4 wins to 2021 at home and in U.A.E. and £226,196 inc. Trans Gulf Mechanical Meydan Classic, L., placed inc. 2nd Vintage S., Gr.2). Tamarillo (GB): 2 wins, £123,403 viz. winner at 2 and placed twice; also winner at 3 in U.A.E. and placed; dam of SUMMER FETE (IRE) (3 wins at 2 and 3 and £75,892 inc. Oak Tree S., Gr.3, Radley S., L., placed 3 times), MOUNTAIN HUNTER (USA) (won Godolphin S., L., placed 3rd SkyCargo Dubai City of Gold S., Gr.2 and Al Rashidiya S., Gr.2); grandam of RAFFLE PRIZE (IRE) (Champion 2yr old filly in France in 2019, 3 wins at 2 and £255,888 inc. Queen Mary S., Gr.2, Duchess of Cambridge S., Gr.2, placed 3 times inc. 2nd Cheveley Park S., Gr.1 and Prix Morny, Gr.1). Up At Dawn (GB); dam of UP IN TIME (GB) (4 wins at 2 and 3 at home and in U.S.A. inc. San Clemente H., Gr.2, Harold C Ramser Sr S., Gr.3). Our Poppet (IRE): ran once at 2; dam of winners inc.: OVERDOSE (GB): Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 2008, Champion 3yr old in Italy in 2008, 16 wins in Austria, in Germany, in Hungary, in Italy and in Slovakia inc. Goldene Peitsche, Gr.2, Lotto Hamburg Trophy, Gr.3, Premio Carlo e Francesco Aloisi, Gr.3 (twice); sire. MAJESTIC MOUNT (GB): 4 wins in France inc. Prix Luthier, L.

BAY COLT (USA) February 19th, 2020 (Second Produce)

Consigned by Mocklershill

Malibu Moon (USA)

A P Indy

Victory Square (USA) (2012)




62 Seattle Slew Weekend Surprise Mr Prospector Maximova Cee's Tizzy Cee's Song Storm And A Half Fair Majesty



B.C. Nominated. 1st dam VICTORY SQUARE (USA): winner at 4 in U.S.A. and £27,555 and placed 6 times; dam of 3 foals; 1 runner: Ur Makin Me Blush (USA) (19 f. by Tapiture (USA)): placed at 2, 2021 in U.S.A. She also has a yearling colt by Audible (USA). 2nd dam DOWNTHEDUSTYROAD (USA): 4 wins at 3 in U.S.A. and £168,897 inc. La Brea S., Gr.1, placed 2nd Lady's Secret Breeders' Cup H., Gr.2, Adoration H., L.R., Pine Tree Lane S. and 3rd Hollywood Breeders' Cup Oaks, Gr.2 and Rainbow Miss S., R.; dam of 8 foals; 6 runners; 4 winners inc.: Idle Hour (USA) (f. by Malibu Moon (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. and £54,985 and placed 2nd Letellier Memorial S. Neferu (USA) 3-y-o filly by American Pharoah (USA): unraced to date. She also has a 2-y-o colt by American Pharoah (USA).

4th dam Pago's Market (USA): 4 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £27,348 and placed 3rd Linda S.; dam of 4 foals; 1 runner; a winner: First Alternate (USA): winner at 2 in U.S.A. The next dam JET TO MARKET (USA): 7 wins in U.S.A. and $53,732 inc. Fashion S., Debutante S., Bewitch S., placed 3rd Majorette S.; dam of 9 foals; 9 runners; 8 winners inc.: CHAMPION PILOT (USA): 7 wins in U.S.A. and £191,345 inc. El Monte S., R., Minnesota Breeders' S., placed 2nd All American H., Gr.3 and 4th San Bernardino H., Gr.2 and San Diego H., Gr.3; sire. JOAN'S BUTTON (USA): 8 wins in U.S.A. and £79,743 inc. Forsythia S., placed 3rd Nellie Morse H.; dam of winners inc.: Fly Me Dumplin' (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of FLY ME CRAZY (USA) (won Vivace S., Race Artist S., placed 2nd First Lady H., Gr.3, Regret S., L., U Can Do It H., L., Sober Jig H., Miss Gibson County H. and 3rd Princess Rooney H., Gr.2 and Goldarama S.). Pago's Market (USA): see above.


3rd dam FAIR MAJESTY (USA) (by Crafty Prospector (USA)): unraced; dam of 6 foals; 6 runners; 5 winners inc.: DOWNTHEDUSTYROAD (USA): see above. PRINCESS JEN (USA): 14 wins in U.S.A. and £174,815 inc. Lady's Secret S., Majorette H., placed 2nd Prairie Rose S. (twice), American Beauty S. and Suthern Accent S.; dam of winners inc.: JUMP AND GO (USA): won Oklahoma Classics Juvenile S., L.R. Lyphard's Majesty (USA): 4 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A.




Consigned by Kilminfoyle House Stud (Agent)

Mehmas (IRE) BAY COLT (IRE) March 10th, 2020

West of Saturn (USA) (2007)

Acclamation Lucina Gone West Amonita

63 Royal Applause Princess Athena Machiavellian Lunda Mr Prospector Secrettame Anabaa Spectacular Joke

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam

WEST OF SATURN (USA): ran in France; dam of 6 foals; 5 runners; 5 winners inc.:

Le Parrain (FR) (15 c. by Harbour Watch (IRE)): 8 wins to 2021 in France and £82,607 and placed 9 times. Bartavelle (GB) (12 f. by Makfi (GB)): 7 wins in France and in Morocco. Monteverdi (FR) (13 g. by Kyllachy (GB)): 4 wins, £61,103 viz. 2 wins at 2 and 4 and placed 4 times; also 2 wins in France and placed 8 times.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam AMONITA (GB): 6 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £218,599 inc. Prix Marcel Boussac, Gr.1, Suwannee River H., Gr.3, Prix du Pin, L., Snazzle Dazzle H., R., placed 6 times inc. 2nd Prix de la Grotte, Gr.3, Noble Damsel H., Gr.3 and Prix Yacowlef, L.; dam of 10 foals; 7 runners; 4 winners inc.: Les Antiques (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A. and £28,488. King Amon (USA): winner at 3 in France.


3rd dam SPECTACULAR JOKE (USA) (by Spectacular Bid (USA)): 4 wins in France inc. Prix Maurice de Gheest, Gr.2, Prix du Palais-Royal, Gr.3, placed 2nd Prix de la Porte Maillot, Gr.3, Prix de Bagatelle, L. and 3rd Miss America H., L.; dam of 16 foals; 13 runners; 10 winners inc.: AMONITA (GB): see above. COX ORANGE (USA): 10 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £355,702 inc. Prix du Calvados, Gr.3, Suwannee River H., Gr.3, Buckram Oak S., Gr.3, Beaugay H., Gr.3, Vineland H., Gr.3, Prix Casimir Delamarre, L., Hialeah Budweiser Breeders' Cup H., L., Budweiser Rockingham Park Breeders' Cup, L., placed 2nd My Charmer H., L., Eatontown H., L.; dam of winners inc.: VISTA BELLA (GB): 2 wins inc. Masaka S., L., 3rd 1000 Guineas, Gr.1. Orlena (USA): winner at 2 in France; dam of Hovering (IRE) (2 wins inc. winner at 3 and placed 3rd Kilboy Estate S., L.); grandam of Rijeka (IRE) (5 wins to 2021 in U.S.A. and £211,880 and placed 2nd Cecil B Demille S., Gr.3), El Manati (IRE) (winner at 2 and placed 3rd Cornwallis S., Gr.3); third dam of SECOND GENERATION (GB) (3 wins at 2 at home and in France inc. Prix des Reves d'Or, L.). Gallilei (FR): 2 wins in France and placed 2nd Prix Scaramouche, L. Spectatrice (USA): winner at 3 in France; dam of winners; grandam of SPECTACLE DU MARS (FR) (won Prix Hampton, L.). Chanterelle (FR); dam of winners inc.: ENBIHAAR (IRE): 7 wins and £506,840 inc. Lillie Langtry Fillies' S., Gr.2 (twice), Lonsdale Cup, Gr.2, Park Hill S., Gr.2, Lancashire Oaks, Gr.2, Daisy Warwick S., L., placed 2nd Al Basti Equiworld Bronte Cup S., Gr.3. King Bolete (IRE): 7 wins viz. 5 wins and placed 3rd August S., L.; also 2 wins in Bahrain. Silent Attack (GB): 4 wins; also 2nd International Topkapi Trophy, Gr.2.


Consigned by Tally-Ho Stud

BAY COLT (USA) March 18th, 2020 (Fourth Produce)

Arrogate (USA) Whirl (USA) (2012)

Unbridled's Song Bubbler Curlin Shag

Unbridled Trolley Song Distorted Humor Grechelle Smart Strike Sherriff's Deputy Dixieland Band Ismelda



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam WHIRL (USA): ran twice in U.S.A. at 2; Own sister to PACIFIC WIND (USA); dam of 4 foals; 3 runners; 3 winners: Lil Respect (USA) (16 f. by Morning Line (USA)): 2 wins to 2021 in U.S.A. and £28,908 and placed 5 times. Unbreakable (USA) (17 f. by Broken Vow (USA)): winner at 4, 2021 in U.S.A. and £42,190 and placed 8 times. Yolo Charlotte (USA) (18 f. by Liam's Map (USA)): winner at 4, 2022 in U.S.A.

3rd dam ISMELDA (USA) (by Wavering Monarch (USA)): 6 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £93,653 inc. Poquessing H., placed 3rd All Brandy H., L.R., Davona Dale S., L. and Alma North S. (twice); dam of 8 foals; 7 runners; 6 winners inc.: SHAG (USA): see above. Regina's Wish (USA): 10 wins in U.S.A. and £103,593. Tina's Goal (USA): 5 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: GRACER (USA): won Dearly Precious S., Marshua S., Blue Mountain Juvenile Fillies S., R., placed 3rd Matron S., Gr.2. Action Everyday (USA): winner in U.S.A. and 3rd Federico Tesio S. Rock Me Again (USA): winner in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Lyphard S., R. Poitrine (USA); dam of winners. Raise the Bridle (USA): placed twice in U.S.A. inc. 2nd Borderland Derby, L. 4th dam SCATHING (USA): unraced; dam of 9 foals; 6 runners; 5 winners inc.: ISMELDA (USA): see above.


2nd dam SHAG (USA): 9 wins in U.S.A. and £224,730 inc. Straight Deal S., L., Open Fire S., L., Our Mims S., L., Beautiful Day S., placed 2nd Quill S., Dowery S. and 3rd Obeah S., L. and Summer King H., L.; dam of 7 foals; 6 runners; 5 winners: STRIKE A DEAL (USA) (c. by Smart Strike (CAN)): 5 wins in U.S.A. and £566,951 inc. Dixie S., Gr.2, Red Smith H., Gr.2, Laurel Futurity, L., Straight Deal S., placed 2nd United Nations S., Gr.1, Virginia Derby, Gr.2, Nijinsky S., Gr.2, Knickerbocker H., Gr.3, Colonial Turf Cup S., Gr.3, Volponi S., L., Pilgrim S., L. and 3rd Kent Breeders' Cup S., Gr.3. PACIFIC WIND (USA) (f. by Curlin (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £407,727 inc. Ruffian S., Gr.2, placed 2nd Ruffian S., Gr.2 and 3rd Juddmonte Spinster S., Gr.1, Honeymoon S., Gr.2, Go for Wand H., Gr.3 and Senorita S., Gr.3. Bistro West (USA): 4 wins in U.S.A. Clear Out (USA): 3 wins in U.S.A. and £61,960. Secret Code (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A.; broodmare.




Consigned by The Bloodstock Connection

Iffraaj (GB) BAY COLT (GB) April 17th, 2020

Ya Hajar (GB) (1999)

Zafonic Pastorale Lycius Shy Lady

65 Gone West Zaizafon Nureyev Park Appeal Mr Prospector Lypatia Kaldoun Shy Danceuse

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. Own brother to PRINCE OF ALL (GB)

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

1st dam YA HAJAR (GB): 2 wins at 2 at home and in France and £30,251 inc. Prix du Calvados, Gr.3, placed; dam of 13 foals; 10 runners; 9 winners: PRINCE OF ALL (GB) (11 c. by Iffraaj (GB)): 2 wins at 3 inc. Patton S., L., placed 2nd Diamond S., Gr.3 and 4th Kilternan S., Gr.3 and Carlingford S., L. Sleek Gold (GB) (08 f. by Dansili (GB)): winner at 3 and placed twice; dam of 4 winners inc.: Simplicity (FR) (f. by Casamento (IRE)): winner in France and in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Prix de Bagatelle, L. and 4th Prix Volterra, L. and Prix des Lilas, L. Complication (FR) (f. by No Nay Never (USA)): winner at 3, 2021 in France and £30,633 and placed 4 times inc. 3rd Prix Volterra, L. Ouraika (FR): winner to 2021 in France. Faanan Aldaar (IRE) (09 f. by Authorized (IRE)): winner over hurdles and placed inc. 4th Juvenile Hurdle, Gr.3; dam of 2 winners inc.: SIR GERHARD (IRE) (g. by Jeremy (USA)): 4 wins, £63,840 viz. 3 wins in N.H. Flat Races to 2021 inc. Champion Bumper NH Flat Race, Gr.1, Future Champions Flat Race, L., placed 3rd Champion INH Flat Race, Gr.1; also winner over hurdles to 2021; also winner of a point-to-point at 4. Yaa Salaam (IRE) (14 g. by Helmet (AUS)): 5 wins at 3 and 4 in Germany and £37,694 and placed 3 times inc. 4th Grosser BWIN Sommerpreis, L. Laish Ya Hajar (IRE) (04 g. by Grand Lodge (USA)): 3 wins and placed 9 times. Noisy Night (GB) (19 g. by Night of Thunder (IRE)): 3 wins at 2, 2021. One Youmzain (IRE) (13 g. by Youmzain (IRE)): 2 wins in France and placed. English Deer (IRE) (10 g. by Shamardal (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and placed twice. Muhajaar (IRE) (05 g. by Cape Cross (IRE)): winner at 3 and placed twice.


2nd dam SHY LADY (FR): 2 wins at 2 in Germany inc. Oppenheim-Rennen, L.; dam of 13 foals; 12 runners; 10 winners inc.: ZAFEEN (FR) (c. by Zafonic (USA)): Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 2003, 3 wins at 2 and 3 and £342,967 inc. St James's Palace S., Gr.1, Mill Reef S., Gr.2, placed 2nd 2000 Guineas, Gr.1 and Prix Morny, Gr.1; sire. YA HAJAR (GB) (f. by Lycius (USA)): see above. ATLANTIC SPORT (USA) (c. by Machiavellian (USA)): 4 wins inc. Fortune S., L., placed 2nd Premio Bersaglio, L. and 3rd Thoroughbred S., L.; sire. AKEED CHAMPION (GB) (c. by Dubawi (IRE)): 5 wins at home and in U.A.E. and £89,354 inc. HH The President Cup, L., placed 5 times; sire. SHY ANGEL (GB) (f. by Zamindar (USA)): 2 wins at 3 in Germany and £20,685 inc. Berenberg Escada Cup, L., placed twice; broodmare. Akeed Wafi (IRE) (c. by Street Cry (IRE)): winner at 2 and placed 2nd Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial, Gr.3. Happy Today (USA) (c. by Gone West (USA)): 2 wins, £22,177 viz. winner at 2 and placed 2nd Feilden S., L.; also winner at 4 in Bahrain; sire.

BAY COLT (IRE) March 7th, 2020 (Third Produce)

Consigned by Derryconnor Stud

Invincible Spirit (IRE)

Green Desert

Zippy Rock (IRE) (2012)

Fastnet Rock



66 Danzig Foreign Courier Kris Eljazzi Danehill Piccadilly Circus Taufan Bonnie Banks



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam ZIPPY ROCK (IRE): unraced; dam of 4 foals; 2 runners; 2 winners: Pink Sunrise (IRE) (16 f. by Born To Sea (IRE)): winner at 2 in Italy and placed. Rock Academy (IRE) (17 g. by Lope de Vega (IRE)): 5 wins at 3 and 4, 2021 abroad and placed 3 times. She also has a yearling filly by Dandy Man (IRE).

3rd dam BONNIE BANKS (by Lomond (USA)): ran 3 times at 2 and 3; dam of 4 foals; 3 runners; 2 winners inc.: Lord Liberty (GB): 8 wins abroad. 4th dam LIGHT LINK: 2 wins at 2 and placed; dam of 8 foals; 8 runners; 6 winners inc.: HANU: 3 wins at 2 and 3 inc. Cornwallis S., Gr.3, 2nd Premio Omenoni, Gr.3. Leyali: 3 wins at 3 and placed 2nd Grand Metropolitan S., L.; dam of winners; grandam of LETITHAPPENCAPTAIN (USA) (won Sarah Lane's Oates H., L.); third dam of ULTIMATE EAGLE (USA) (won Hollywood Derby, Gr.1, Strub S., Gr.2, Oak Tree Derby, Gr.2, placed 2nd San Pasqual S., Gr.2; sire), BABAGANUSH (USA) (won Ocala Breeders Sales Sprint (fillies), R., placed 2nd Florida Stallion S. (My Dear Girl), L.R. and 3rd Harmony Lodge S.), WILDCAT HEIRESS (USA) (won Esplanade S.). No Reservations (IRE): 3 wins and 3rd Radley S., L.; dam of winners inc.: HOT TIN ROOF (IRE): 5 wins inc. Summer S., L., Kilvington S., L.


2nd dam ZIFFANY (GB): winner at 2 and placed 4 times; dam of 10 foals; 8 runners; 3 winners inc.: JESSICA'S DREAM (IRE) (f. by Desert Style (IRE)): 7 wins at 3 and 4 at home and in Italy and £133,116 inc. Ballyogan S., Gr.3, Premio Omenoni, Gr.3, placed 6 times inc. 3rd Flying Five S., Gr.2, King George S., Gr.3 and City Wall S., L.; dam of winners inc.: HAVANA GOLD (IRE): 5 wins at 2 and 3 at home and in France and £390,486 inc. Prix Jean Prat, Gr.1, Somerville Tattersall S., Gr.3, Ascendant S., L., placed 3 times inc. 2nd Craven S., Gr.3; sire. Solar Gold (IRE): winner at 3 and £62,986 and placed 11 times inc. 2nd Cecil Frail S., L. and 3rd Totepool Queen Charlotte S., L. and October S., L. Jessica Rocks (GB); dam of Neverland Rock (GB) (winner at 2 and placed 3rd Superlative S., Gr.2; also placed 4 times at 3 in U.S.A. and £75,383 inc. 2nd Mahony S. and 3rd Quick Call S., Gr.3). MAJORS CAST (IRE) (c. by Victory Note (USA)): 6 wins at home and in U.A.E. and £312,827 inc. Haydock Park Spring Trophy, L., placed 8 times inc. 2nd Lockinge S., Gr.1, Celebration Mile, Gr.2, Hungerford S., Gr.3 and 3rd Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, Gr.1 and Lennox S., Gr.2.



67 BAY FILLY (USA) January 18th, 2020 (Third Produce)

Consigned by MC Thoroughbreds

Into Mischief (USA)

Harlan's Holiday

Ageless (USA) (2009)

Successful Appeal

Leslie's Lady

Special One

67 Harlan Christmas In Aiken Tricky Creek Crystal Lady Valid Appeal Successful Dancer Point Given Fun Flight

B.C. Nominated. 1st dam AGELESS (USA): 11 wins in Canada and in U.S.A. and £465,173 inc. Royal North S., Gr.3 (twice), Buffalo Trace Franklin County S., L., Giant's Causeway S., L., The Very One S. (twice), placed 2nd Giant's Causeway S., L., Buffalo Trace Franklin County S., L., Go For Wand S., L. and 3rd Monrovia S., Gr.2, Presque Isle Downs Masters S., Gr.2, Jaipur Invitational S., Gr.3, Lightning City S., L. and Miss Preakness S., L.; dam of 4 foals; 1 runner; 1 winner: Sue Savy (USA) (18 f. by Ghostzapper (USA)): winner at 3, 2021 in U.S.A. She also has a yearling filly by Union Rags (USA).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam SPECIAL ONE (USA): placed 4 times at 2 and 3 in U.S.A.; dam of 10 foals; 7 runners; 7 winners inc.: AGELESS (USA) (f. by Successful Appeal (USA)): see above. SPECIAL WARRIOR (USA) (g. by Majestic Warrior (USA)): 5 wins in Puerto Rico inc. Clasico George Washington, L., placed 3rd Clasico Jose de Diego, L. War Beast (USA) (g. by Declaration of War (USA)): winner at 2 in U.S.A. and £51,790 and placed 2nd Zuma Beach S., L. Tirico (USA) 2-y-o colt by Twirling Candy (USA): unraced to date.


3rd dam FUN FLIGHT (USA) (by Full Pocket (USA)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. inc. Martha Washington H., L.; dam of 15 foals; 12 runners; 8 winners inc.: TOUR (USA): 5 wins in U.S.A. inc. Curious Clover H., L.R., placed 2nd Very Subtle S., L., Bold Jill H., L. and C.E.R.F. H., L.; dam of winners inc.: TRIP (USA): won Turfway Breeders' Cup S., Gr.3 (twice), Chicago Breeders' Cup H., Gr.3; dam of PASSPORT (USA) (won Cradle S., L.); grandam of BOLT D'ORO (USA) (won Frontrunner S., Gr.1, Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1; sire), GLOBAL CAMPAIGN (USA) (won Woodward H., Gr.1, Monmouth Cup S., Gr.3), RECRUITING READY (USA) (won Gulfstream Park Sprint S., Gr.3), SONIC MULE (USA) (won Mucho Macho Man S., L.). JOKE (USA): won Vallejo S., L. and Fairfield S.; dam of ZENSATIONAL (USA) (won Pat O'Brien S., Gr.1, Bing Crosby S., Gr.1 and Triple Bend H., Gr.1; sire); grandam of CUTTING HUMOR (USA) (won Sunland Park Derby, Gr.3), IRISH YOU WELL (USA) (won Long Branch S., L.). LAITY (USA): won John Battaglia Memorial S., L. and Cradle S., L. Guide (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of THE GREAT WAR (USA) (won Blenheim S., L., 96Rock S., placed 3rd Nearctic S., Gr.2). Leave (USA); dam of DEPARTING (USA) (won Firecracker S., Gr.2). PINK SHOES (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. inc. Martha Washington H., L., Gowell S., L., placed 2nd Dixie Belle S., L.; dam of winners inc.: PROM SHOES (USA): won Essex H., L., Fifth Season S., L.; sire. WILDCAT SHOES (USA): won Lost Code Breeders' Cup S., L.; sire. FLIGHT FORTY NINE (USA): 5 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A. inc. Bachelor S., L. and Bold Reason S.; sire.

CHESNUT COLT (IRE) March 14th, 2020 (Fourth Produce)

Consigned by Glending Stables, Ireland

Iffraaj (GB) Althania (USA) (2012)

Zafonic Pastorale Street Cry Gabriellina Giof

68 Gone West Zaizafon Nureyev Park Appeal Machiavellian Helen Street Ashkalani Paola Quatraro



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam ALTHANIA (USA): winner at 3 and placed 3 times; dam of 4 foals; 2 runners; 2 winners inc.: Capel At Dawn (IRE) (17 f. by Dawn Approach (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 and placed. Maksud (GB) (19 g. by Golden Horn (GB)): unraced to date.

3rd dam PAOLA QUATRARO (by Cure The Blues (USA)): 4 wins at 2 to 4 in Italy; dam of 15 foals; 14 runners; 12 winners inc.: GABRIELLINA GIOF (GB): see above. Gigetto Gervasi (IRE): 10 wins in Italy and placed 25 times. Chiara Gioffry (IRE): 6 wins in Italy and placed 20 times; dam of winners. Nicole Gioffry (IRE): winner at 2 in Italy and placed; dam of winners inc.: Vale Mauro (IRE): 7 wins in Italy and placed 2nd Premio Pisa SIS, L. 4th dam RETROUSSE (USA): 8 wins at 2 to 4 in France and in Italy inc. Gran Premio Citta di Napoli, Gr.3, placed 2nd Premio Archidamia, L., Premio Alberto Zanoletti di Rozzano, L., 3rd Premio Lydia Tesio, Gr.1, Gran Premio Citta di Napoli, Gr.3, Premio Guidonia, L.; dam of 9 foals; 7 runners; 3 winners inc.: Paola Quatraro: see above. The next dam CANTADORA (PER): 12 wins at 3 and 4 in Chile and in Peru; dam of 9 foals; 5 runners; 2 winners: RETROUSSE (USA): see above. Dora Dora (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: DORA'S LESTER (USA): won General Charles B Lyman H.


2nd dam GABRIELLINA GIOF (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Italy and in U.S.A. and £143,285 inc. Manhattan Beach S., L., Criterium Femminile, L., placed 6 times inc. 2nd San Clemente S., Gr.2, Harold C Ramser Sr H., L., Premio Repubbliche Marinare, L.; dam of 8 foals; 8 runners; 8 winners inc.: GABBY'S GOLDEN GAL (USA) (f. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 in U.S.A. and £334,129 inc. Santa Monica H., Gr.1, Acorn S., Gr.1 and Sunland Park Oaks, L.; dam of winners. ALWAYS A PRINCESS (USA) (f. by Leroidesanimaux (BRZ)): 5 wins at 2 to 4 in U.S.A. and £334,442 inc. La Canada S., Gr.2, El Encino S., Gr.2, Indiana Oaks, Gr.2, placed 2nd Oak Leaf S., Gr.1; dam of winners. Crossing The Tape (USA): winner at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: LIFE MISSION (USA): won Karl Boyes S., L., placed 2nd Pulpit S., Awad S. and Juvenile Turf Sprint S.




Consigned by Oak Tree Farm

BAY/GREY COLT (IRE) March 3rd, 2020 (Second Produce)

Dark Angel (IRE)


Apphia (IRE) (2014)

High Chaparral

Midnight Angel

Mixed Blessing

69 Royal Applause Princess Athena Machiavellian Night At Sea Sadler's Wells Kasora Lujain Marjorie's Memory

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam APPHIA (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and £49,179 inc. Princess Royal S., Gr.3, placed 3 times inc. 4th Chester S., L. and Aphrodite S., L.; dam of 3 foals; 1 runner: Hapap (IRE) (19 c. by Dark Angel (IRE)): placed at 2, 2021. She also has a yearling filly by Kingman (GB). 2nd dam MIXED BLESSING (GB): 2 wins at 2 and £41,584 inc. Princess Margaret S., Gr.3, placed 4 times inc. 3rd Prestige S., Gr.3 and Rose Bowl S., L.; dam of 6 foals; 4 runners; 3 winners: APPHIA (IRE) (f. by High Chaparral (IRE)): see above. CENTURY (IRE) (g. by Montjeu (IRE)): 6 wins at home and in Australia and £267,691 inc. Lord Mayor's Cup, L., Christmas Cup, L., placed 2nd Irresistible Pools/ Spas N E Manion Cup, Gr.3, Queen's Vase, L., ATC Frank Underwood Cup, L. and 3rd Jayco Bendigo Cup, Gr.3 and W J Mckell Cup, L. Privy Garden (IRE): 2 wins in France and placed; dam of winners inc.: Marnie James (GB): 5 wins at 2 and 3 and £115,147 and placed 12 times inc. 3rd Garrowby S., L.

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

3rd dam MARJORIE'S MEMORY (IRE) (by Fairy King (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 and placed 4 times; dam of 8 foals; 8 runners; 4 winners inc.: MIXED BLESSING (GB): see above. Keep The Silver (GB): 3 wins viz. winner at 2 and placed 3 times; also 2 wins in U.S.A. and placed 12 times.


4th dam BURNISHED GOLD: placed; also winner at 3 in France; dam of 15 foals; 14 runners; 5 winners inc.: Badrakhani (FR): placed 5 times in France; also 5 wins over hurdles and placed 2nd Lanzarote H. Hurdle, L. and 3rd Imperial Cup H. Hurdle, L. Bayazida: placed in France inc. 3rd Prix Belle de Nuit, L.; dam of winners inc.: PADDY'S RETURN (IRE): 8 wins, £234,027 viz. 5 wins over hurdles inc. Long Walk Hurdle, Gr.1, Tipperkevin Hurdle, Gr.1, Triumph Hurdle, Gr.1 and 2 wins over fences, 3rd Whitbread Gold Cup H. Chase, Gr.3; also winner over jumps in France viz. Grande Course de Haies de Cagnes Hurdle, L. Balawhar (IRE): 3 wins inc. winner and placed 3rd Blandford S., Gr.2. Bayariyka (IRE): 2 wins inc. winner at 3; dam of WHOOPS A DAISY (GB) (5 wins viz. winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4; also 4 wins over hurdles inc. Coolmore NH Sires Mares' Hurdle, L., placed 2nd Bet 365 Mares' Hurdle, L.). Bhaydana: 3 wins at 3 in France; dam of winners inc.: BELLAYANA (FR): won Prix General de Saint Didier Hurdle, L. Bhaylika (FR): winner in France and placed 3rd Prix Madame Jean Couturié , L.

BAY COLT (IRE) February 1st, 2020 (First Produce)

Consigned by Mark Grant Racing

Exceed And Excel (AUS)


Ariena (IRE) (2014)



X ena

70 Danzig Razyana Lomond Gladiolus Oasis Dream Tariysha Mull of Kintyre Trendy Indian



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam ARIENA (IRE): winner at 2 and placed 5 times; dam of 2 foals inc. a yearling filly by Soldier's Call (GB). 2nd dam X ENA (IRE): unraced; dam of 9 foals; 7 runners; 5 winners inc.: NEW PLANET (IRE) (g. by Majestic Missile (IRE)): 3 wins at 2 and 4 and £39,043 inc. Roses S., L., placed twice inc. 3rd Flying Childers S., Gr.2. Majestic Hero (IRE): 5 wins and £51,659 and placed 13 times. Hundredsnthousands (IRE): ran once at 2; dam of winners inc.: Spanish Fly (IRE): winner at 2 in France and £54,614 and placed 7 times inc. 3rd Prix Sigy, Gr.3; dam of Last Crusader (IRE) (winner at 2, 2021 and £38,727 and placed 2nd Redcar Two Year Old Trophy, L.). Omaha Beach (IRE): winner at 2 in France and £26,586 and placed twice inc. 3rd Prix Hé rod, L. She also has a 2-y-o filly and a yearling colt both by Buratino (IRE). 3rd dam TRENDY INDIAN (IRE) (by Indian Ridge): ran once at 3; dam of 7 foals; 1 runner; a winner: Redspin (IRE): 3 wins inc. 2 wins and placed 10 times.

The next dam MATCH BEND (USA): ran twice at 2; dam of 12 foals; 11 runners; 10 winners inc.: MY FRANKY: 5 wins in Italy inc. Premio Emanuele Filiberto, Gr.2, Premio Alzaia, L., placed 2nd Derby Italiano, Gr.1. ADDITIONAL RISK (IRE): 6 wins at 3 at home and in Hong Kong inc. Ballycorus S., L., Belgrave S., L., placed 3rd Waterford Testimonial S., L. COMFORT AND STYLE: 2 wins inc. Round Tower S., L.; dam of winners. STRONG DOLLAR: 7 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £214,464 inc. Q, placed 2nd Sierra Nevada H., Gr.3, Turf Paradise H., 3rd San Luis Obispo H., Gr.2, Santa Gertrudes H., Spotlight H. and 4th Queens County H., Gr.3; sire. Guillaume's Blend: 10 wins viz. winner at 2 and placed 2nd Curragh S., Gr.3; also 9 wins in U.S.A. Immediate Impact: winner at 3 and placed; dam of winners inc.: RIVER KEEN (IRE): 11 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £991,072 inc. Jockey Club Gold Cup S., Gr.1, Woodward S., Gr.1, Bel Air H., Gr.2, Californian S., Gr.2, placed 2nd Pacific Classic S., Gr.1, San Diego H., Gr.3, Skywalker H., L. and 3rd Bel Air H., Gr.2 and Native Diver H., Gr.3; sire.


4th dam MOVING TREND (IRE): unraced; Own sister to COMFORT AND STYLE; dam of 10 foals; 8 runners; a winner: Bold Cardowan (IRE): 3 wins inc. winner at 3 and placed 5 times.




Consigned by Bansha House Stables

Kodiac (GB) BAY COLT (IRE) April 23rd, 2020

Arty Crafty (USA) (2006)

Danehill Rafha Arch Princess Kris

71 Danzig Razyana Kris Eljazzi Kris S Aurora Kris As You Desire Me

E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. Own brother to Bodak (IRE) 1st dam ARTY CRAFTY (USA): 4 wins at 3 and placed; Own sister to PRINCE ARCH (USA); dam of 10 foals; 7 runners; 4 winners: PINCHECK (IRE) (14 g. by Invincible Spirit (IRE)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 and £138,068 inc. Desmond S., Gr.3, placed 10 times inc. 2nd Amethyst S., Gr.3, Platinum S., L., Navigation S., L., 3rd Solonaway S., Gr.2 (twice), Celebration S., L. and 4th Navigation S., L. VALERIA MESSALINA (IRE) (17 f. by Holy Roman Emperor (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 and £78,974 inc. Brownstown S., Gr.3, placed 3 times viz. 2nd Oh So Sharp S., Gr.3, Brownstown S., Gr.3 and Oak Tree S., Gr.3. Enraptured (IRE) (11 f. by Oasis Dream (GB)): winner at 2 and placed twice; dam of 3 winners inc.: MEU AMOR (FR) (f. by Siyouni (FR)): 2 wins at 2 and 3, 2021 and £50,764 inc. Eternal S., L., placed 3 times inc. 2nd Bosra Sham S., L. and 3rd Surrey S., L., also 4th Chartwell Fillies S., Gr.3. Lovely Mana (IRE): winner at 2, 2021 and placed 3 times. Bodak (IRE) (16 f. by Kodiac (GB)): winner at 3 and placed; broodmare. She also has a yearling filly by Holy Roman Emperor (IRE).

"‫مزاد دبي "بر يز أب‬

2nd dam PRINCESS KRIS (GB): winner at 3 and placed 4 times; dam of 12 foals; 8 runners; 4 winners inc.: PRINCE ARCH (USA) (c. by Arch (USA)): 6 wins at 2 to 4 in U.S.A. and £334,064 inc. Gulfstream Park Breeders' Cup H., Gr.1, Saranac H., Gr.3, Jefferson Cup S., Gr.3, Forerunner S., L., placed 2nd Crown Royal American Turf S., Gr.3, Palm Beach S., Gr.3 and 3rd Virginia Derby, Gr.3; sire. KINGSFORT (USA) (c. by War Chant (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 and £188,615 inc. National S., Gr.1 and Ben Marshall S., L.; sire. Archangel Gabriel (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: VILLE DE GRACE (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2021 and £92,867 inc. Pride S., Gr.3, John Musker S., L., placed twice.


3rd dam AS YOU DESIRE ME (by Kalamoun): 3 wins at 2 and 3 in France inc. Prix de Bagatelle, L., Prix Montenica, L., placed 2nd Prix de Royaumont, Gr.3 and 4th Prix d'Astarté , Gr.3; dam of 14 foals; 12 runners; 9 winners inc.: INTIMATE GUEST: 4 wins at 2 and 3 inc. May Hill S., Gr.3, placed 2nd Waterford Candelabra S., Gr.3 and 4th Ribblesdale S., Gr.2; dam of winners. Great Heights: winner at 3 and placed 3rd Lingfield Derby Trial, Gr.3. Streetcar (IRE): placed at 2; dam of winners inc.: LUAS LINE (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 3 at home and in U.S.A. and £286,364 inc. Garden City Breeders' Cup S., Gr.1, Denny Cordell Lavarack Memorial S., L., Platinum S., L., placed 3rd Irish 1000 Guineas, Gr.1.

Consigned by Mocklershill

BAY COLT (GB) February 28th, 2020 (Second Produce)

Sioux Nation (USA)

Scat Daddy

Autumn Snow (GB) (2015)

Invincible Spirit

Dream The Blues

Epic Similie

72 Johannesburg Love Style Oasis Dream Catch The Blues Green Desert Rafha Lomitas Epitome



E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. 1st dam AUTUMN SNOW (GB): ran once at 2; Own sister to Figure of Speech (IRE); dam of 3 foals: Looking Bere (FR) (21 c. by Le Brivido (FR)). She also has a 3-y-o filly by Highland Reel (IRE).

3rd dam EPITOME (IRE) (by Nashwan (USA)): placed twice at 3, from only 3 starts; dam of 16 foals; 13 runners; 10 winners inc.: ULTRA (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 4 in France and £221,150 inc. Prix Jean-Luc Lagardè re, Gr.1, Prix Jacques Laffitte, L., 2nd Prix Eugè ne Adam, Gr.2; sire. SYNOPSIS (IRE): 2 wins at 3 in France inc. Prix Minerve, Gr.3, placed 3rd Prix Fille de l'Air, Gr.3. Epic Similie (GB): see above. Panegyric (GB): placed at 3 in France, from only 2 starts; dam of winners inc.: Lackeen (GB): 3 wins to 2021/22 in Australia and in France and £153,490 and placed 2nd Prix Pellé as, L. Modern Ideals (GB); dam of winners inc.: MODERN GAMES (IRE): 4 wins at 2, 2021 at home and in U.S.A. and £434,633 inc. Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf, Gr.1 and Somerville Tattersall S., Gr.3. 4th dam PROSKONA (USA): Champion 3yr old filly in Italy in 1984, Champion 3yr old sprinter in Italy in 1984, 5 wins at 3 in France and in Italy inc. Premio Umbria, Gr.2, Prix de Seine-et-Oise, Gr.3, Prix de Boulogne, L., placed 2nd Prix du Petit Couvert, Gr.3; dam of 15 foals; 11 runners; 7 winners inc.: CALISTA (GB): 6 wins at 2 to 4 in France and in U.S.A. and £274,008 inc. Canadian H., Gr.2, Prix de la Cochè re, L., Prix d'Angerville, L., Spicy Living Sweepstakes H., L., placed 2nd Prix de Psyché , Gr.3; dam of winners. Earthrise (IRE): 6 wins in France and in U.S.A. and placed 3rd Ack Ack H., L. Noesis: 2 wins at 3 in France; dam of winners inc.: IBUKI PERCEIVE (JPN): won Daily Hai Queen Cup, L. Kapuchka (IRE); dam of winners inc.: KENTUCKY ROSE (FR): won Prix Joubert, L., placed 2nd Prix de Flore, Gr.3; dam of KEEGSQUAW (IRE) (4 wins in France inc. Prix Dahlia, L.).


2nd dam Epic Similie (GB): 2 wins at 3 in France and £33,786 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Derby de l'Ouest, L. and Prix Panacé e, L.; dam of 9 foals; 5 runners; 2 winners inc.: Figure of Speech (IRE) (g. by Invincible Spirit (IRE)): winner at 2 and £37,907 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd July S., Gr.2 and Sirenia S., Gr.3. She also has a 3-y-o filly by Churchill (IRE) and a yearling filly by Dandy Man (IRE).





ACCELERATE (USA) (Ch. by Lookin At Lucky (USA) - Issues (USA) by Awesome Again (CAN), 2013 - Stud 2019) Champion older horse in U.S.A. in 2018, 10 wins, $6,692,480, at 3 to 6, 8f.-10f. inc., Awesome Again S., Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Gold Cup at Santa Anita S., Gr.1, San Manuel Santa Anita H., Gr.1, TVG Pacific Classic S., Gr.1, Los Alamitos Derby, Gr.2, San Pasqual H., Gr.2, TVG San Diego H., Gr.2, Shared Belief S., L, 2nd Oaklawn H., Gr.2, San Antonio S., Gr.2, San Pasqual H., Gr.2, 3rd Las Vegas Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Gr.1, Pegasus World Cup Invitational S., Gr.1, TVG Pacific Classic S., Gr.1, San Antonio S., Gr.2, Precisionist S., Gr.3. First crop now 2-y-o. ACCLAMATION (GB) (Bay by Royal Applause (GB) - Princess Athena by Ahonoora, 1999 - Stud 2004), 6 wins, £361,754, at 2 to 4, 5f.-6f. inc., Millennium/Copthorne Hotel Diadem S., Gr.2, Starlit S., L, 2nd King's Stand S., Gr.2, ABN Amro Futures Ltd Dragon S., L, 3rd Victor Chandler Nunthorpe S., Gr.1, Brunswick Diadem S., Gr.2, Tripleprint Temple S., Gr.2, Bentinck S., L. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. EXPERT EYE (GB), ACLAIM (IRE), MARSHA (IRE), EQUIANO (FR), DARK ANGEL (IRE), ACCAKABA (IRE), VENTURA TORMENTA (IRE), MEHMAS (IRE), LIDARI (FR), SAAYERR (GB), HARBOUR WATCH (IRE), LILBOURNE LAD (IRE), ABBY HATCHER (IRE), GARRUS (IRE), MY SISTER NAT (FR), OH THIS IS US (IRE), PRETREVILLE (FR), PROJECTION (GB), ABSOLUTELY SO (IRE), ATTENDU (FR), DABAN (IRE), QUEEN CATRINE (IRE), JOHNNY BARNES (IRE), HITCHENS (IRE), ALSINDI (IRE), ANGELS WILL FALL (IRE), PONTY ACCLAIM (IRE), TALWAR (IRE), etc. AMERICAN PHAROAH (USA) (Bay by Pioneerof The Nile (USA) Littleprincessemma (USA) by Yankee Gentleman (USA), 2012 - Stud 2016) Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2014. Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2015, 9 wins, £5,531,104, at 2 and 3, 7f.-12f. viz., Arkansas Derby, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1, Draftkings Belmont S., Gr.1, Frontrunner S., Gr.1, Kentucky Derby, Gr.1, William Hill Haskell Invitational S., Gr.1, Preakness S., Gr.1, Rebel S., Gr.2, 2nd Travers S., Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. CAFE PHAROAH (USA), HARVEY'S LIL GOIL (USA), VAN GOGH (USA), FORBIDDEN KINGDOM (USA), MERNEITH (USA), AS TIME GOES BY (USA), PISTA (USA), FOUR WHEEL DRIVE (USA), SWEET MELANIA (USA), HEAD OF STATE (AUS), SKYGAZE (USA), TURNED ASIDE (USA), MAVEN (USA), DANON PHARAOH (JPN), KENTUCKY PHAROAH (USA), KING OF MIAMI (USA), WILLOW (IRE), OCEAN ATLANTIQUE (USA), etc. ARROGATE (USA) (Gr. or Ro. by Unbridled's Song (USA) - Bubbler (USA) by Distorted Humor (USA), 2013 - Stud 2018) Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2016, 7 wins, £13,597,912, at 3 and 4, 8.5f.-10f. inc., Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Emirates Airline Dubai World Cup, Gr.1, Pegasus World Cup Invitational S., Gr.1, Travers S., Gr.1, 2nd TVG Pacific Classic S., Gr.1. Sire of winners inc. ALITTLELOVEANDLUCK (USA), SECRET OATH (USA), Cute Villian (USA), Shailene (USA), Wing Haven (JPN), Adversity (USA), Affable Monarch (USA), Taking Names (USA), etc.


REFERENCE OF SIRES (Continued) BOLT D'ORO (USA) (Bay by Medaglia d'Oro (USA) - Globe Trot (USA) by A P Indy (USA), 2015 - Stud 2019), 4 wins, £794,219, at 2 and 3, 6.5f.-8.5f. inc., Del Mar Futurity, Gr.1, Frontrunner S., Gr.1, San Felipe S., Gr.2, 2nd Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1, 3rd Sentient Jet Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1. First crop now 2-y-o.

CHURCHILL (IRE) (Bay by Galileo (IRE) - Meow (IRE) by Storm Cat (USA), 2014 Stud 2018) Champion 2yr old colt in Europe in 2016. Champion 3yr old miler in Europe & Champion 3yr old in Ireland in 2017, 7 wins, £1,392,477, at 2 and 3, 7f.-8f. viz., Dubai Dewhurst S., Gr.1, Goffs Vincent O'Brien National S., Gr.1, Qipco 2000 Guineas S., Gr.1, Tattersalls Irish 2000 Guineas, Gr.1, Galileo EBF Futurity S., Gr.2, Japan Racing Association Tyros S., Gr.3, Chesham S., L, 2nd Juddmonte International S., Gr.1, 3rd Qipco Queen Elizabeth II S., Gr.1. Sire of winners inc. LADIES CHURCH (GB), SNAFFLES (IRE), VADENI (FR), Unconquerable (IRE), The Acropolis (IRE), La Estrellita (IRE), Conqueror (AUS), Gaidar (IRE), Grand Alliance (IRE), Il Grande Gatsby (IRE), Robusto (AUS), State Legend (IRE), True Icon (IRE), Zain Sarinda (IRE), Blenheim Boy (IRE), Bouchra (FR), Dancinginthestreet (FR), Encountered (IRE), Friday Night (IRE), Golden War (GB), etc.

CITYSCAPE (GB) (Ch. by Selkirk (USA) - Tantina (USA) by Distant View (USA), 2006 - Stud 2014) Top rated older miler in Ireland in 2011. Top rated older miler in U.A.E. in 2012, 6 wins, £3,003,962, at 2 to 6, 8f.-9f. inc., Dubai Duty Free S., Gr.1, Nayef Joel S., Gr.3, Prix Perth, Gr.3, Woodies DIY Solonaway S., Gr.3, Betfred Goals Galore Superior Mile, L, 2nd Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Mile, Gr.1, P. Fresnay le Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Gr.1, Premio Vittorio di Capua, Gr.1, Qipco Queen Elizabeth II S., Gr.1, Bet365 Mile, Gr.2, Royal Lodge S., Gr.2, Greenham S., Gr.3, Britain's Got Talent Paradise S., L, 3rd Queen Anne S., Gr.1, Ricoh Woodbine Mile S., Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. ZILLION STARS (ARG), ZODIACAL (ARG), TOP ONE CITY (ARG), TOP ONE SCAPE (ARG), HIPER HAPPY (ARG), LINDA ISABELLE (ARG), YUMARA CHICA (ARG), DON JILGUERO (ARG), URBAN ASPECT (GB), SIMBORA (ARG), DAN'S DREAM (GB), GIVE AND TAKE (GB), GIGAHERTZ (ARG), GIRL ON FIRE (ARG), GLORY SCAPE (ARG), URBAN ICON (GB), GRINGA UNICA (ARG), THE BROGHIE MAN (GB), etc.


CLOTH OF STARS (IRE) (Bay by Sea The Stars (IRE) - Strawberry Fledge (USA) by Kingmambo (USA), 2013 - Stud 2019) Champion older horse in Europe in 2017 (11-13f.). Champion older horse in France in 2017, 7 wins, £2,525,001, at 2 to 4, 8f.-10.5f. inc., Prix Ganay, Gr.1, Prix Greffulhe, Gr.2, Prix d'Harcourt, Gr.2, Prix Exbury, Gr.3, Prix La Force - Figaroscope, Gr.3, Prix des Chenes, Gr.3, 2nd Criterium de Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Qatar Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Gr.1, Qatar Prix Foy, Gr.2, 3rd Juddmonte Grand Prix de Paris, Gr.1, Longines Dubai Sheema Classic, Gr.1, P.Ganay L'Inauguration de Parislongchamp, Gr.1, Qatar Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Gr.1, Qatar Prix Foy, Gr.2, Prix de Conde, Gr.3. First crop now 2-y-o. CRACKSMAN (GB) (Bay by Frankel (GB) - Rhadegunda (GB) by Pivotal (GB), 2014 - Stud 2019) Champion 3yr old colt in Europe in 2017. Champion older horse in Europe in 2018, 8 wins, £2,793,063, at 2 to 4, 8f.-12f. inc., Investec Coronation Cup, Gr.1, P.Ganay L'Inauguration de Parislongchamp, Gr.1, Qipco Champion S., Gr.1 (twice), Betway Great Voltigeur S., Gr.2, Qatar Prix Niel, Gr.2, 2nd Dubai Duty Free Irish Derby, Gr.1, Prince of Wales's S., Gr.1, 3rd Investec Derby S., Gr.1. First crop now 2-y-o. CURLIN (USA) (Ch. by Smart Strike (CAN) - Sherriff's Deputy (USA) by Deputy Minister (CAN), 2004 - Stud 2009) Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2007. Champion older horse in U.S.A. in 2008, 11 wins, £5,319,895, at 3 and 4, 7f.-10f. inc., Emirates Airline Likely Fields World Cup, Gr.1, Jockey Club Gold Cup S., Gr.1, Jockey Club Gold Cup S., Gr.1, Powered by Dodge Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Preakness S., Gr.1, Stephen Foster H., Gr.1, Woodward S., Gr.1, Arkansas Derby, Gr.2, Rebel S., Gr.3, 2nd Belmont S., Gr.1, Man O'War S., Gr.1, 3rd Haskell Invitational S., Gr.1, Kentucky Derby, Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. CLAIRIERE (USA), GRACE ADLER (USA), IDOL (USA), KNOWN AGENDA (USA), MALATHAAT (USA), GLOBAL CAMPAIGN (USA), PARIS LIGHTS (USA), VINO ROSSO (USA), GOOD MAGIC (USA), STELLAR WIND (USA), CONNECT (USA), CURALINA (USA), EXAGGERATOR (USA), OFF THE TRACKS (USA), KEEN ICE (USA), PALACE MALICE (USA), OBLIGATORY (USA), MYLADY CURLIN (USA), POINT OF HONOR (USA), PACIFIC WIND (USA), TENFOLD (USA), CURLIN'S APPROVAL (USA), IRISH WAR CRY (USA), TEXAS RYANO (USA), DIVERSY HARBOR (USA), MOULIN DE MOUGIN (USA), etc. DAIWA MAJOR (JPN) (Ch. by Sunday Silence (USA) - Scarlet Bouquet (JPN) by Northern Taste (CAN), 2001 - Stud 2008) Champion sprinter and miler in Japan in 2006, 9 wins, £5,086,158, at 3 to 6, 8f.-10f. inc., Mile Championship, Gr.1, Mile Championship, Gr.1, Yasuda Kinen, Gr.1, Mainichi Okan, Gr.2, Yomiuri Milers Cup, Gr.2, Lord Derby Challenge Trophy, L, Satsuki Sho (2000 Guineas), L, Tenno Sho (Autumn Emperor's Cup), L, 2nd Mile Championship, Gr.1, Nakayama Kinen, L, Sekiya Kinen, L, 3rd Arima Kinen, Gr.1, Dubai Duty Free S., Gr.1, Mainichi Okan, Gr.2, Arima Kinen, L, Fuji-TV Sho Spring S. (Gns Trial), L. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. ADMIRE MARS (JPN), RESISTENCIA (JPN), REINE MINORU (JPN), MAJOR EMBLEM (JPN), COPANO RICHARD (JPN), CURREN BLACK HILL (JPN), SERIFOS (JPN), MONDREISE (JPN), MISS PANTHERE (JPN), SOLVEIG (JPN), BALL LIGHTNING (JPN), DAIWA MAGGIORE (JPN), EPICE AROME (JPN), MATENRO ORION (JPN), NAC VENUS (JPN), FRONTIER (JPN), LOGI CHALICE (JPN), EXCELLENTE CAVE (JPN), TOSEN BENIZAKURA (JPN), etc. REFERENCE OF SIRES | 105

REFERENCE OF SIRES (Continued) DARK ANGEL (IRE) (Gr. by Acclamation (GB) - Midnight Angel (GB) by Machiavellian (USA), 2005 - Stud 2008), 4 wins, £341,306, at 2, 5f.-6f. inc., Shadwell Stud Middle Park S., Gr.1, Dubai Duty Free Mill Reef S., Gr.2. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. ALTHIQA (GB), ANGEL BLEU (FR), RAGING BULL (FR), BATTAASH (IRE), HUNT (IRE), HARRY ANGEL (IRE), PERSUASIVE (IRE), MECCA'S ANGEL (IRE), LETHAL FORCE (IRE), GOLDEN GOAL (IRE), REAL WORLD (IRE), BERKSHIRE SHADOW (GB), INDIE ANGEL (IRE), WINGS OF WAR (IRE), HAPPY POWER (IRE), JULIET CAPULET (IRE), SOVEREIGN DEBT (IRE), ARDHOOMEY (IRE), BIRCHWOOD (IRE), GUTAIFAN (IRE), ESTIDHKAAR (IRE), ALHEBAYEB (IRE), etc. DUBAWI (IRE) (Bay by Dubai Millennium (GB) - Zomaradah (GB) by Deploy, 2002 Stud 2006) Top rated 3yr old miler in Ireland & France in 2005. JT Champion 2 & 3yr old in Ireland in 2004 and 2005, 5 wins, £751,001, at 2 and 3, 6f.-8f. inc., Boylesports Irish 2000 Guineas, Gr.1, Dunnes Stores National S., Gr.1, P. Fresnay le Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Gr.1, Weatherbys Superlative S., Gr.3, 2nd Barclays PLC Queen Elizabeth II S., Gr.1, 3rd Vodafone Derby S., Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. ALBAHR (GB), CREATIVE FORCE (IRE), LORD NORTH (IRE), MODERN GAMES (IRE), SPACE BLUES (IRE), YIBIR (GB), GHAIYYATH (IRE), THE REVENANT (GB), CORONET (GB), OLD PERSIAN (GB), TOO DARN HOT (GB), BENBATL (GB), KITESURF (GB), NORTH AMERICA (GB), QUORTO (IRE), WILD ILLUSION (GB), ALMANAAR (GB), BATEEL (IRE), MUBTAAHIJ (IRE), NEZWAAH (GB), SOBETSU (GB), WUHEIDA (GB), ZARAK (FR), ERUPT (IRE), JOURNEY (GB), LEFT HAND (GB), POSTPONED (IRE), AL KAZEEM (GB), ARABIAN QUEEN (IRE), HUNTER'S LIGHT (IRE), NEW BAY (GB), NIGHT OF THUNDER (IRE), PRINCE BISHOP (IRE), RED DUBAWI (IRE), SHAMAL WIND (AUS), SRIKANDI (AUS), LUCKY NINE (IRE), SHEIKHZAYEDROAD (GB), TIGER TEES (NZ), AKEED MOFEED (GB), WILLOW MAGIC (AUS), MONTEROSSO (GB), DUBAWI HEIGHTS (GB), HAPPY ARCHER (AUS), SECRET ADMIRER (AUS), WALDPARK (GER), MAKFI (GB), POET'S VOICE (GB), etc. EXCEED AND EXCEL (AUS) (Bay by Danehill (USA) - Patrona (USA) by Lomond (USA), 2000 - Stud 2004) Champion sprinter in Australia in 2003-04, 7 wins, £502,677, at 2 and 3, 5.5f.-7f. inc., Dubai Racing Club Invitation Cup, Gr.1, Newmarket H., Gr.1, Royal Sovereign S., Gr.2, Todman Slipper Trial, Gr.2, Up And Coming S., Gr.2, Roman Consul S., Gr.3, 2nd Black Opal S., Gr.3. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. QUEEN SUPREME (IRE), BIVOUAC (AUS), MR STUNNING (AUS), SEPTEMBER RUN (AUS), EXCEEDANCE (AUS), MICROPHONE (AUS), FLAMBERGE (AUS), AMBER SKY (AUS), EARTHQUAKE (AUS), GUELPH (AUS), OUTSTRIP (GB), OVERREACH (AUS), EXCELEBRATION (IRE), HELMET (AUS), MARGOT DID (IRE), REWARD FOR EFFORT (AUS), ATTIMO FUGGENTE (IRE), OXLEY ROAD (AUS), SACRED (GB), SECRET AMBITION (GB), SHROUDED IN MIST (AUS), STANDOUT (AUS), NAFAAYES (AUS), ROYAL INTERVENTION (IRE), HEAVY METAL (GB), CHAMPIONSHIP (IRE), JAMES GARFIELD (IRE), PRICELESS (GB), THREADING (IRE), CALLIOPE (AUS), SERENELY DISCREET (AUS), BURATINO (IRE), HEADWATER (AUS), JABALI (AUS), KINGLIKE (AUS), PEARLS (AUS), VASHKA (AUS), SIDESTEP (AUS), KUROSHIO (AUS), FULBRIGHT (GB), BEST TERMS (GB), MASAMAH (IRE), INFAMOUS ANGEL (GB), WILANDER (AUS), etc.

FRANKEL (GB) (Bay by Galileo (IRE) - Kind (IRE) by Danehill (USA), 2008 - Stud 2013) Champion 3yr old colt in Europe. Champion older horse in Europe in 2012, 14 wins, £2,998,302, at 2 to 4, 7f.-10.5f. inc., Dewhurst S., Gr.1, JLT Lockinge S., Gr.1, Juddmonte International S., Gr.1, 2000 Guineas S., Gr.1, Qipco Champion S., Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth II S., Gr.1, Sussex S., Gr.1 (twice), Queen Anne S., Gr.1, St James's Palace S., Gr.1, Royal Lodge S., Gr.2, Greenham S., Gr.3. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. ADAYAR (IRE), ALPINISTA (GB), CONVERGE (AUS), HUNGRY HEART (AUS), HURRICANE LANE (IRE), INSPIRAL (GB), SNOW LANTERN (GB), WILD BEAUTY (GB), GRENADIER GUARDS (JPN), MIRAGE DANCER (GB), MOZU ASCOT (USA), ANAPURNA (GB), DREAM CASTLE (GB), LOGICIAN (GB), CALL THE WIND (GB), QUADRILATERAL (GB), VERACIOUS (GB), SOUL STIRRING (JPN), CRACKSMAN (GB), WITHOUT PAROLE (GB), etc. GLENEAGLES (IRE) (Bay by Galileo (IRE) - You'resothrilling (USA) by Storm Cat (USA), 2012 - Stud 2016) Champion 2yr old colt in Ireland in 2014. Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 2015, 7 wins, £934,200, at 2 and 3, 7f.-8f. inc., Goffs Vincent O'Brien National S., Gr.1, Qipco 2000 Guineas S., Gr.1, St James's Palace S., Gr.1, Tattersalls Irish 2000 Guineas, Gr.1, Galileo EBF Futurity S., Gr.2, Tyros S., Gr.3 3rd Qatar Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere Gd.Crit, Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. LOVING DREAM (GB), BABY RIDER (FR), INSINUENDO (IRE), NOVEMBA (GER), VELOCIDAD (GB), ROYAL DORNOCH (IRE), ROYAL LYTHAM (FR), TABERA (GB), SHOCK ACTION (IRE), JUMBLY (GB), LAJOSCHA (GB), SEISAI (IRE), SOME RESPECT (IRE), TOO SOON TO PANIC (IRE), FREYJA (IRE), MEASURE OF TIME (IRE), SILENCE PLEASE (IRE), SOUTHERN HILLS (IRE), etc. GUN RUNNER (USA) (Ch. by Candy Ride (ARG) - Quiet Giant (USA) by Giant's Causeway (USA), 2013 - Stud 2018) Champion older horse in U.S.A. in 2017, 12 wins, £12,214,921, at 2 to 4, 8f.-10f. inc., Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Clark H., Gr.1, NYRA Bets Woodward S., Gr.1, Pegasus World Cup Invitational S., Gr.1, Stephen Foster H., Gr.1, Whitney S., Gr.1, Risen Star S., Gr.2, Louisiana Derby, Gr.2, Matt Winn S., Gr.3, Razorback H., Gr.3, 2nd Dubai World Cup, Gr.1, Las Vegas Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Gr.1, 3rd Kentucky Derby, Gr.1, Travers S., Gr.1. Sire of winners inc. ECHO ZULU (USA), GUNITE (USA), PAPPACAP (USA), WICKED HALO (USA), EARLY VOTING (USA), RED RUN (USA), SHOTGUN HOTTIE (USA), CONCEPT (USA), OPTIONALITY (USA), Radio Days (USA), McLaren Vale (USA), Costa Terra (USA), Mystique Saboteur (USA), etc. HARD SPUN (USA) (Bay by Danzig (USA) - Turkish Tryst (USA) by Turkoman (USA), 2004 - Stud 2008), 7 wins, £1,371,203, at 2 and 3, 5.5f.-9f. inc., King's Bishop S., Gr.1, Kentucky Cup Classic S., Gr.2, Lane's End S., Gr.2, Lecomte S., Gr.3, Pennsylvania Nursery S., Gr.3, Port Penn S., Gr.3, 2nd Haskell Invitational S., Gr.1, Kentucky Derby, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, 3rd Preakness S., Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. ALOHA WEST (USA), SILVER STATE (USA), GATTING (AUS), HARD NOT TO LOVE (CAN), OUT FOR A SPIN (USA), SPUN TO RUN (USA), LE ROMAIN (AUS), ERTIJAAL (AUS), HARD ACES (USA), HARD NOT TO LIKE (CAN), SMOOTH ROLLER (USA), HARDEST CORE (USA), WICKED STRONG (USA), QUESTING (GB), ZO IMPRESSIVE (USA), ROCKETRY (USA), GREEN LIGHT GO (USA), LUCULLAN (USA), PROMISING RUN (USA), FURSA (AUS), BIG JOHN B (USA), MOVIESTA (USA), RED DUKE (USA), etc. REFERENCE OF SIRES | 107

REFERENCE OF SIRES (Continued) HAWKBILL (USA) (Ch. by Kitten's Joy (USA) - Trensa (USA) by Giant's Causeway (USA), 2013 - Stud 2019) Top rated older horse in U.A.E. in 2018 (11-13f.), 10 wins, £3,549,475, at 2 to 5, 7f.-12f. inc., Coral Eclipse S., Gr.1, Longines Dubai Sheema Classic, Gr.1, Arqana Princess of Wales's S., Gr.2, SkyCargo Dubai City of Gold S., Gr.2, Al Rayyan Aston Park S., Gr.3, Tercentenary S., Gr.3, Havana Gold Newmarket S., L, 2nd Longines Grosser Preis von Berlin, Gr.1, Northern Dancer Turf S., Gr.1, 3rd Investec Coronation Cup, Gr.1, Pastorius Grosser Preis von Bayern, Gr.1, Prince of Wales's S., Gr.1. First crop now 2-y-o. IFFRAAJ (GB) (Bay by Zafonic (USA) - Pastorale (GB) by Nureyev (USA), 2001 Stud 2007), 7 wins, £375,547, at 2 to 5, 6f.-7f. inc., Betfair Cup Lennox S., Gr.2, Great North Eastern Railway Park S., Gr.2 (twice), 2nd Darley July Cup, Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. WESTERN EMPIRE (NZ), WYNDSPELLE (NZ), JUNGLE CAT (IRE), GINGERNUTS (NZ), JON SNOW (NZ), RIBCHESTER (IRE), TURN ME LOOSE (NZ), BENVENUE (IRE), RIZEENA (IRE), CHRISELLIAM (IRE), WOOTTON BASSETT (GB), LAND OF LEGENDS (IRE), BESHAAYIR (GB), MYTHICAL MAGIC (IRE), POWERFUL BREEZE (GB), IKERRIN ROAD (IRE), THE BLACK PRINCESS (FR), SERENA MISS (NZ), HOT STREAK (IRE), FIX (NZ), etc. INTO MISCHIEF (USA) (Bay by Harlan's Holiday (USA) - Leslie's Lady (USA) by Tricky Creek (USA), 2005 - Stud 2009), 3 wins, £303,493, at 2 and 3, 6.5f.-8.5f. inc., Cashcall Hollywood Futurity, Gr.1, Damascus S., L, 2nd Malibu S., Gr.1, San Vicente S., Gr.2, Hollywood Prevue S., Gr.3. Sire of winners inc. LIFE IS GOOD (USA), GAMINE (USA), MANDALOUN (USA), MISCHEVIOUS ALEX (USA), AUTHENTIC (USA), DAYOUTOFTHEOFFICE (USA), COVFEFE (USA), MIA MISCHIEF (USA), AUDIBLE (USA), PRACTICAL JOKE (USA), GOLDENCENTS (USA), AIN'T EASY (USA), CHESS CHIEF (USA), PRIVATE MISSION (USA), BEMMA'S BOY (USA), FRANK'S ROCKETTE (USA), LARGENT (USA), MUTASAABEQ (USA), ENGAGE (USA), GOLDEN MISCHIEF (USA), INSTAGRAND (USA), MAXIMUS MISCHIEF (USA), MISS SUNSET (USA), CONQUEST ENFORCER (CAN), VYJACK (USA), MISS MISCHIEF (USA), VICAR'S IN TROUBLE (USA), etc. INVINCIBLE SPIRIT (IRE) (Bay by Green Desert (USA) - Rafha by Kris, 1997 Stud 2003) JT top rated older sprinter in Ireland in 2001, 7 wins, £247,786, at 2 to 5, 6f. inc., Stanley Leisure Sprint Cup, Gr.1, Aon MacDonagh Boland S., Gr.3, Duke of York S., Gr.3, Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, L, Ruinart Champagne Hackwood S., L, 2nd Prix de Meautry Royal Barriere, Gr.3. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. DIGITAL AGE (IRE), NAZEEF (GB), MAGNA GRECIA (IRE), EQTIDAAR (IRE), ROYAL MEETING (IRE), NATIONAL DEFENSE (GB), PROFITABLE (IRE), SIGNS OF BLESSING (IRE), SHALAA (IRE), TERRITORIES (IRE), CHARM SPIRIT (IRE), KINGMAN (GB), MOONLIGHT CLOUD (GB), MAYSON (GB), ROSDHU QUEEN (IRE), YOSEI (AUS), HOORAY (GB), FLEETING SPIRIT (IRE), VALE OF YORK (IRE), LAWMAN (FR), etc. JUSTIFY (USA) (Ch. by Scat Daddy (USA) - Stage Magic (USA) by Ghostzapper (USA), 2015 - Stud 2019) Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2018, 6 wins, £2,813,333, at 3, 7f.-12f. inc., Belmont S., Gr.1, Preakness S., Gr.1, Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1, Woodford Reserve Kentucky Derby, Gr.1. First crop now 2-y-o.

KINGMAN (GB) (Bay by Invincible Spirit (IRE) - Zenda (GB) by Zamindar (USA), 2011 - Stud 2015) Jt Champion 3yr old colt in Europe in 2014. Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 2014, 7 wins, £970,834, at 2 and 3, 7f.-8f. inc., P. Fresnay le Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Gr.1, Qipco Sussex S., Gr.1, St James's Palace S., Gr.1, Tattersalls Irish 2000 Guineas, Gr.1, AON Greenham S., Gr.3, Betfred Mobile Solario S., Gr.3, 2nd Qipco 2000 Guineas S., Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. DOMESTIC SPENDING (GB), PALACE PIER (GB), SCHNELL MEISTER (GER), PERSIAN KING (IRE), ELIZABETH TOWER (GB), KINROSS (GB), PUBLIC SECTOR (GB), SERVE THE KING (GB), SUMMER ROMANCE (IRE), TECHNICAL ANALYSIS (IRE), FEARLESS KING (GB), HEADMAN (GB), CALYX (GB), MEGALLAN (GB), PARENT'S PRAYER (IRE), REINA MADRE (IRE), SINAWANN (IRE), WALDKONIG (GB), CHACHNAK (FR), CORMORANT (IRE), BOOMER (GB), NAUSHA (GB), SANGARIUS (GB), etc.

KITTEN'S JOY (USA) (Ch. by El Prado (IRE) - Kitten's First (USA) by Lear Fan (USA), 2001 - Stud 2006), 9 wins, £1,150,984, at 2 to 4, 8f.-12f. inc., Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Inv. S., Gr.1, Secretariat S., Gr.1, Firecracker Breeders' Cup H., Gr.2, Crown Royal American Turf S., Gr.3, Palm Beach S., Gr.3, Tropical Park Derby, Gr.3, Virginia Derby, Gr.3, 2nd Arlington Million S., Gr.1, John Deere Breeders' Cup Turf, Gr.1, Jefferson Cup S., Gr.3. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. TRIPOLI (USA), KAMEKO (USA), HENLEY'S JOY (USA), HAWKBILL (USA), OSCAR PERFORMANCE (USA), ROARING LION (USA), DIVISIDERO (USA), SADLER'S JOY (USA), BIG BLUE KITTEN (USA), CHIROPRACTOR (USA), STEPHANIE'S KITTEN (USA), BOBBY'S KITTEN (USA), REAL SOLUTION (USA), ADMIRAL KITTEN (USA), KITTEN'S DUMPLINGS (USA), FOCUS GROUP (USA), CATAPULT (USA), CHICAGO STYLE (USA), HAVE AT IT (USA), CONQUEST PANTHERA (USA), GENDARME (USA), KITTEN'S ROAR (USA), TAAREEF (USA), CAMELOT KITTEN (USA), DEEPLY UNDERVALUED (USA), PICK OF THE LITTER (USA), EMOTIONAL KITTEN (USA), BANNED (USA), HOLIDAY FOR KITTEN (USA), DEAN'S KITTEN (USA), etc.



REFERENCE OF SIRES (Continued) LOPE DE VEGA (IRE) (Ch. by Shamardal (USA) - Lady Vettori (GB) by Vettori (IRE), 2007 - Stud 2011) Top rated 3yr old in France in 2010 (9.5-10.5f.), 4 wins, £1,055,611, at 2 and 3, 7f.-10.5f. inc., Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Gr.1, Prix du Jockey Club, Gr.1 3rd Prix de Fontainebleau, Gr.3. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. VEGA ONE (AUS), AUNT PEARL (IRE), GYTRASH (AUS), LUCKY VEGA (IRE), NEWSPAPEROFRECORD (IRE), PHOENIX OF SPAIN (IRE), SANTA ANA LANE (AUS), ZABEEL PRINCE (IRE), CAPLA TEMPTRESS (IRE), THE RIGHT MAN (GB), VEGA MAGIC (AUS), BELARDO (IRE), JEMAYEL (IRE), DUHAIL (IRE), LA DRAGONTEA (GB), RODABALLO (GB), ANGEL POWER (GB), CADILLAC (IRE), KALIFORNIA QUEEN (GER), MANUELA DE VEGA (IRE), DUKE OF HAZZARD (FR), ENDLESS DRAMA (IRE), SPANISH WHISPER (AUS), SPANISH REEF (AUS), VERY SPECIAL (IRE), HERO LOOK (IRE), etc. MACLEAN'S MUSIC (USA) (Bay by Distorted Humor (USA) - Forest Music (USA) by Unbridled's Song (USA), 2008 - Stud 2013), winner, £20,769, at 3, 6f.. Sire of winners inc. DRAIN THE CLOCK (USA), JACKIE'S WARRIOR (USA), COMPLEXITY (USA), CLOUD COMPUTING (USA), ESTILO TALENTOSO (USA), CLASSIC ROCK (USA), FIRECROW (USA), MUSICAL HEART (USA), CALIFORNIA MUSIC (USA), SHARE THE UPSIDE (CAN), SWING AND SWAY (USA), TAMBORERA (CAN), MADE ME SHIVER (CAN), MYSTIC EYES (USA), LEAD GUITAR (USA), SHE LIKES TO PARTY (USA), ANGLE OF ATTACK (USA), DIRTY (USA), MISTER BANJOMAN (USA), MOVES LIKE MAGIC (USA), OLDIES BUT GOODIES (USA), SOCKS (USA), SPRING STEEN (USA), HONOLULU (USA), etc. MALIBU MOON (USA) (Bay by A P Indy (USA) - Macoumba (USA) by Mr Prospector (USA), 1997 - Stud 2000), winner, £20,386, at 2, 5f.. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. COME DANCING (USA), EMILIA'S MOON (USA), MAGNUM MOON (USA), RANSOM THE MOON (CAN), GORMLEY (USA), HEAVENLY LOVE (USA), MOONSHINE MEMORIES (USA), CARINA MIA (USA), ORB (USA), EDEN'S MOON (USA), ASK THE MOON (USA), DEVIL MAY CARE (USA), LIFE AT TEN (USA), MALIBU PRAYER (USA), FUNNY MOON (USA), MALIBU MINT (USA), DECLAN'S MOON (USA), etc. MASTERY (USA) (Bay or Br. by Candy Ride (ARG) - Steady Course (USA) by Old Trieste (USA), 2014 - Stud 2018), 4 wins, £379,612, at 2 and 3, 6f.-8.5f. inc., Los Alamitos Cash Call Futurity, Gr.1, San Felipe S., Gr.2, Bob Hope S., Gr.3. Sire of winners inc. Forced Ranking (USA), Shes Bout A Mover (USA), Down Cold (USA), Maestria (USA), Surprisingly (USA), Up Her Sleeve (USA), etc. MEHMAS (IRE) (Bay by Acclamation (GB) - Lucina (GB) by Machiavellian (USA), 2014 - Stud 2017), 4 wins, £305,953, at 2, 5f.-6f. inc., Arqana July S., Gr.2, Qatar Richmond S., Gr.2, 2nd Goffs Vincent O'Brien National S., Gr.1, Coventry S., Gr.2, BetVictor National S., L, 3rd Juddmonte Middle Park S., Gr.1. Sire of winners inc. GOING GLOBAL (IRE), SUPREMACY (IRE), CATURRA (IRE), LUSAIL (IRE), MALAVATH (IRE), MINZAAL (IRE), BEAUTY INSPIRE (IRE), FAYATHAAN (IRE), KEEPER OF TIME (IRE), LINE OF DEPARTURE (IRE), MAGNANIMOUS (IRE), MEHMENTO (IRE), POWER UNDER ME (IRE), ACKLAM EXPRESS (IRE), METHOD (IRE), QUATTROELLE (IRE), Hierarchy (IRE), etc.

MENDELSSOHN (USA) (Bay by Scat Daddy (USA) - Leslie's Lady (USA) by Tricky Creek (USA), 2015 - Stud 2019) Top rated 3yr old in U.A.E. in 2018 (9.511f.). Jt 4th top rated 3yr old colt in Ireland in 2018, 4 wins, £1,924,508, at 2 and 3, 8f.-9.5f. inc., Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf, Gr.1, The S & M Al Naboodah Group UAE Derby, Gr.2, 32Red Patton S., L, 2nd Darley Dewhurst S., Gr.1, NYRA Bets Travers S., Gr.1, 3rd Jockey Club Gold Cup S., Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.3. First crop now 2-y-o.

MO TOWN (USA) (Bay by Uncle Mo (USA) - Grazie Mille (USA) by Bernardini (USA), 2014 - Stud 2019), 4 wins, £389,381, at 2 and 3, 8f.-9f. inc., Hollywood Derby, Gr.1, Remsen S., Gr.2 3rd Danger's Hour S., Gr.2. First crop now 2-y-o.

MORE THAN READY (USA) (Bay by Southern Halo (USA) - Woodman's Girl (USA) by Woodman (USA), 1997 - Stud 2001), 7 wins, £623,470, at 2 and 3, 4.5f.7f. inc., King's Bishop S., Gr.1, Hutcheson S., Gr.2, Sanford S., Gr.2, Tremont S., Gr.3, Flash S., L, Whas-11 S., L, 2nd Toyota Blue Grass S., Gr.1, Vosburgh S., Gr.1, Dwyer S., Gr.2, Louisiana Derby, Gr.2, 3rd Futurity S., Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. HIT THE ROAD (USA), RUSHING FALL (USA), SAY THE WORD (CAN), UNI (GB), CATHOLIC BOY (USA), FUNTASTIC (USA), ROY H (USA), EAGLE WAY (AUS), PRIZED ICON (AUS), ENTISAAR (AUS), PERFECT REFLECTION (AUS), DAREDEVIL (USA), ROOM SERVICE (USA), MORE THAN SACRED (AUS), SAMAREADY (AUS), VERRAZANO (USA), GIMMETHEGREENLIGHT (AUS), MORE JOYOUS (NZ), BUSTER'S READY (USA), DREAMAWAY (AUS), REGALLY READY (USA), PHELAN READY (AUS), SEBRING (AUS), PERFECTLY READY (AUS), BENICIO (AUS), CARRY ON CUTIE (AUS), etc.

MUHAARAR (GB) (Bay by Oasis Dream (GB) - Tahrir (IRE) by Linamix (FR), 2012 Stud 2016) Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 2015. Jt 2nd top rated 3yr old colt in England in 2015, 7 wins, £1,212,402, at 2 and 3, 5.5f.7f. inc., Commonwealth Cup, Gr.1, Darley July Cup, Gr.1, LARC - Prix Maurice de Gheest, Gr.1, Qipco British Champions Sprint S., Gr.1, Irish TB Marketing Gimcrack S., Gr.2, AON Greenham S., Gr.3 3rd Middle Park S., Gr.1, Portland Place Properties July S., Gr.2, Titanic Belfast Winkfield S., L. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. ESHAADA (GB), MUJBAR (GB), PAIX (IRE), ALBAFLORA (GB), ATAARED (IRE), AURIA (GB), Oneforthegutter (GB), Unforgetable (IRE), Concessions (GB), Baradar (IRE), Bran (FR), Alba Rose (GB), Giuliana (GER), Star In The Making (GB), Orchid Gardens (IRE), etc.

NATIONAL DEFENSE (GB) (Bay by Invincible Spirit (IRE) - Angel Falls (GB) by Kingmambo (USA), 2014 - Stud 2018) Jt 2nd top rated 2yr old colt in Europe in 2016. Champion 2yr old colt in France in 2016, 2 wins, £178,741, at 2, 8f. inc., Qatar Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere Grand Crit, Gr.1, 2nd Prix Djebel, Gr.3, 3rd Prix des Chenes, Gr.3. Sire of winners inc. TWILIGHT GLEAMING (IRE), Red Smile (IRE), Boracay (IRE), Don Kasters (IRE), Filly of Malta (IRE) REFERENCE OF SIRES | 111

REFERENCE OF SIRES (Continued) NIGHT OF THUNDER (IRE) (Ch. by Dubawi (IRE) - Forest Storm (GB) by Galileo (IRE), 2011 - Stud 2016), 4 wins, £872,363, at 2 to 4, 6f.-8f. inc., Al Shaqab Lockinge S., Gr.1, Qipco 2000 Guineas S., Gr.1, Doncaster S., L, 2nd Qipco Queen Elizabeth II S., Gr.1, St James's Palace S., Gr.1, AON Greenham S., Gr.3, 3rd Qatar Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. KUKERACHA (NZ), THUNDERING NIGHTS (IRE), SOPRAN BASILEA (IRE), SUESA (IRE), AUYANTEPUI (GB), CHERRY TORTONI (AUS), THUNDEROUS (IRE), NIGHT COLOURS (IRE), POCKET SQUARE (GB), THUNDER KISS (IRE), A BEAUTIFUL NIGHT (AUS), MOLATHAM (GB), NO LIMIT CREDIT (GER), UNDER THE STARS (IRE), STORM DAMAGE (GB), GARDEN PARADISE (IRE), HELA (AUS), HIGHFIELD PRINCESS (FR), KEEP BUSY (IRE), NIGHT TORNADO (GB), RUMBLES OF THUNDER (IRE), DUBAI LOVE (GB), LADY PENELOPE (IRE), etc. OASIS DREAM (GB) (Bay by Green Desert (USA) - Hope (IRE) by Dancing Brave (USA), 2000 - Stud 2004) Champion 2yr old in Europe in 2002. Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 2003, 4 wins, £433,737, at 2 and 3, 5f.-6f. inc., Darley July Cup, Gr.1, Shadwell Stud Middle Park S., Gr.1, Victor Chandler Nunthorpe S., Gr.1, 2nd Stanley Leisure Sprint Cup, Gr.1, 3rd King's Stand S., Gr.2. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. NATIVE TRAIL (GB), POLYDREAM (IRE), PRETTY POLLYANNA (GB), MUARRAB (GB), GOLDREAM (GB), MUHAARAR (GB), CHARMING THOUGHT (GB), OPINION (IRE), JWALA (GB), POWER (GB), MIDDAY (GB), PROHIBIT (GB), LADY JANE DIGBY (GB), QUERARI (GER), TUSCAN EVENING (IRE), AQLAAM (GB), ARCANO (IRE), NAAQOOS (GB), etc. PIONEEROF THE NILE (USA) (Bay or Br. by Empire Maker (USA) - Star of Goshen (USA) by Lord At War (ARG), 2006 - Stud 2010), 5 wins, £1,030,411, at 2 and 3, 8.5f.-9f. inc., Cashcall Hollywood Futurity, Gr.1, Santa Anita Derby, Gr.1, Robert B Lewis S., Gr.2, San Felipe S., Gr.2, 2nd Kentucky Derby, Gr.1, 3rd Lane's End Breeders' Futurity, Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. CLASSIC EMPIRE (USA), MIDNIGHT STORM (USA), AMERICAN PHAROAH (USA), UNDER THE STARS (USA), NOLDE (USA), THOUSAND WORDS (USA), POSITIVE SPIRIT (USA), CAIRO PRINCE (USA), JOJO WARRIOR (USA), CANOODLING (USA), ARREST ME RED (USA), IRISH FREEDOM (USA), WEYBURN (CAN), BRAVE NATION (USA), INSTA ERMA (USA), CASH CONTROL (USA), DARK NILE (USA), LEVANTE LION (USA), etc. RAVEN'S PASS (USA) (Ch. by Elusive Quality (USA) - Ascutney (USA) by Lord At War (ARG), 2005 - Stud 2009) Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 2008. 6 wins, £1,847,662, at 2 and 3, 7f.-10f. inc., Breeders' Cup Classic, Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth II S., Gr.1, Celebration Mile, Gr.2, Solario S., Gr.3, Winkfield S., L, 2nd Prix Jean Prat, Gr.1, Sussex S., Gr.1, St James's Palace S., Gr.1, Craven S., Gr.3, 3rd Dewhurst S., Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. ROMANTIC PROPOSAL (IRE), MATTERHORN (IRE), TOWER OF LONDON (JPN), ROYAL MARINE (IRE), LEMISTA (IRE), RAVEN'S LADY (GB), SECRET NUMBER (GB), SWASHBUCKLING (IRE), RICHARD PANKHURST (GB), STEELER (IRE), RAVEN'S CORNER (IRE), VIA RAVENNA (IRE), GREG PASS (IRE), KATANIYA (IRE), MALABAR (GB), PISANELLO (IRE), GORGEOUS NOORA (IRE), IBN MALIK (IRE), LADY GALORE (IRE), LAKE VOLTA (IRE), NISREEN (IRE), RIVEN LIGHT (IRE), ATIAM (IRE), ELAS RUBY (GB), FUNDEGHE (IRE), TOCCO D'AMORE (IRE), VISCOUNT BARFIELD (GB), ZAYVA (FR), etc.

SEA THE MOON (GER) (Bay by Sea The Stars (IRE) - Sanwa (GER) by Monsun (GER), 2011 - Stud 2015) Champion 3yr old colt in Germany in 2014. Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2014 (11-13f.), 4 wins, £437,439, at 2 and 3, 8f.-12f. inc., IDEE Deutsches Derby, Gr.1, Oppenheim Union-Rennen, Gr.2, Fruhjahrs-Preis des Bankhauses Metzler, Gr.3, 2nd Longines Grosser Preis von Baden, Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. ALPINE STAR (IRE), PRETTY TIGER (IRE), QUEST THE MOON (GER), WONDERFUL MOON (GER), FAVORITE MOON (GER), SAGAMIYRA (FR), PRIVILEGIADO (GB), HAMARIYNA (IRE), NOBLE MOON (GER), MERCEDES (GER), MOON A LISA (GER), NOBLE MUSIC (GER), PADOVANA (FR), ALIGNAK (GB), PONDUS (GB), PRECIOSA (GER), TICKLE ME GREEN (GER), ENJOY THE MOON (IRE), etc. SHOWCASING (GB) (Bay by Oasis Dream (GB) - Arabesque (GB) by Zafonic (USA), 2007 - Stud 2011), 2 wins, £129,563, at 2, 6f. inc., Irish TB Marketing Gimcrack S., Gr.2, 2nd Duke of York Blue Square S., Gr.2, 3rd Shadwell Middle Park S., Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. MOHAATHER (GB), ADVERTISE (GB), QUIET REFLECTION (GB), ASYMMETRIC (IRE), SHOWOROSES (NZ), ALKUMAIT (GB), BODHICITTA (GB), TROPBEAU (GB), SOLDIER'S CALL (GB), PROJECTED (GB), TASLEET (GB), XPRESSION (NZ), PRIZE EXHIBIT (GB), SHOWBOY (NZ), TOOCOOLFORSCHOOL (IRE), MAGNETO (NZ), OPALESCENCE (NZ), PLAY THAT SONG (NZ), BIT LIPPY (NZ), DEVANT (FR), DICE ROLL (FR), CARNIVAL (NZ), CAORUNN (NZ), CONSELICE (GB), CYLINDER BEACH (NZ), CAPPELLA SANSEVERO (GB), etc. SIOUX NATION (USA) (Bay by Scat Daddy (USA) - Dream The Blues (IRE) by Oasis Dream (GB), 2015 - Stud 2019), 4 wins, £271,661, at 2 and 3, 5f.-6f. inc., Keeneland Phoenix S., Gr.1, Norfolk S., Gr.2, Goffs Lacken S., Gr.3 3rd Derrinstown Stud Flying Five S., Gr.1. First crop now 2-y-o. SIYOUNI (FR) (Bay by Pivotal (GB) - Sichilla (IRE) by Danehill (USA), 2007 - Stud 2011) Jt 4th top rated 2yr old in Europe in 2009, 4 wins, £447,798, at 2, 5f.-7f. inc., Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, Gr.1, Prix La Fleche, L, 2nd Prix Jean Prat, Gr.1, Prix Robert Papin, Gr.2, Prix La Rochette, Gr.3, Prix de Fontainebleau, Gr.3, 3rd Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. ST MARK'S BASILICA (FR), DREAM AND DO (IRE), ETOILE (FR), SOTTSASS (FR), LAURENS (FR), ERVEDYA (FR), SEACHANGE (FR), WALLY (IRE), AYLMERTON (AUS), FINSBURY SQUARE (IRE), VOLTA (FR), ACER ALLEY (GB), MISE EN SCENE (GB), POLICY OF TRUTH (FR), SACRED LIFE (FR), WHO KNOWS (FR), SIMONA (FR), AL RAYA (GB), CITY LIGHT (FR), DEVIL (IRE), BARKAA (FR), LA SIGNARE (FR), LE BRIVIDO (FR), SIYOUSHAKE (IRE), SPECTRE (FR), TRIXIA (FR), BOURREE (GER), SOUVENIR DELONDRES (FR), etc. SMOOTH DADDY (USA) (Bay by Scat Daddy (USA) - Prairie Maiden (USA) by Badger Land (USA), 2011 - Stud 2019), 4 wins, £326,790, at 3 to 6, 8.5f.-10f. inc., Fort Marcy S., Gr.3, 2nd Fort Marcy S., Gr.3, Saranac S., Gr.3, 3rd Hill Prince S., Gr.3, Tropical Park Derby, Gr.3. First crop now 2-y-o. REFERENCE OF SIRES | 113

REFERENCE OF SIRES (Continued) SPEIGHTSTOWN (USA) (Ch. by Gone West (USA) - Silken Cat (CAN) by Storm Cat (USA), 1998 - Stud 2005) Top rated sprinter in U.S.A. in 2004, 10 wins, £723,575, at 3 to 6, 6f.-7f. inc., Breeders' Cup Sprint, Gr.1, Alfred G Vanderbilt H., Gr.2, Churchill Downs H., Gr.2, True North Breeders' Cup H., Gr.2, Artax H., L, 2nd Amsterdam S., Gr.2, 3rd Vosburgh S., Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. FLAGSTAFF (USA), LEXITONIAN (USA), CHARLATAN (USA), ECHO TOWN (USA), LADY SPEIGHTSPEARE (USA), MOZU SUPERFLARE (USA), SHARING (USA), COMPETITIONOFIDEAS (USA), TAMARKUZ (USA), FORCE THE PASS (USA), ROCK FALL (USA), DANCE TO BRISTOL (USA), LIGHTHOUSE BAY (USA), REYNALDOTHEWIZARD (USA), SEEK AGAIN (USA), SHE'S HAPPY (ARG), GOLDEN TICKET (USA), POSEIDON'S WARRIOR (USA), HAYNESFIELD (USA), JERSEY TOWN (USA), MONA DE MOMMA (USA), LORD SHANAKILL (USA), etc. SUPER SAVER (USA) (Bay by Maria's Mon (USA) - Supercharger (USA) by A P Indy (USA), 2007 - Stud 2011), 3 wins, £1,179,734, at 2 and 3, 8f.-10f. inc., Kentucky Derby, Gr.1, Kentucky Jockey Club S., Gr.2, 2nd Arkansas Derby, Gr.1, 3rd Tampa Bay Derby, Gr.3. Sire of winners inc. LETRUSKA (USA), LINDALEVESOLTA (ARG), SUPER NAO (ARG), SUPER TURCO (ARG), HAPPY SAVER (USA), EMBELLISH THE LACE (USA), RUNHAPPY (USA), COMPETITIVE EDGE (USA), DANGEROUS BEAUTY (CHI), INSIDE STRAIGHT (USA), HIGH DOLLAR WOMAN (USA), I SPENT IT (USA), AZUL COAST (USA), BEATLE FRANCES (ARG), DOUBLE THUNDER (USA), DOWN ON DA BAYOU (USA), SUPER STEED (USA), SUPER MAJESTY (USA), etc. TALE OF EKATI (USA) (Bay by Tale of The Cat (USA) - Silence Beauty (JPN) by Sunday Silence (USA), 2005 - Stud 2011), 5 wins, £598,842, at 2 and 3, 5.5f.-9f. inc., Hill 'n' Dale Cigar Mile H., Gr.1, Wood Memorial S., Gr.1, Futurity S., Gr.2, Jerome H., Gr.2, 2nd Sanford S., Gr.2. Sire of winners inc. QUINTA NOTA (USA), GIRVIN (USA), EKATI'S PHAETON (USA), VERVE'S TALE (USA), TALE OF ANGEL (USA), PEPPER SPRAY (USA), TIVIS (USA), BUDRO TALKING (USA), THE BEAUTY'S TALE (USA), AVALINA (USA), TOTALLY OBSESSED (USA), BLAZINBEAUTY (USA), PERHAPS A PIE (USA), SAINT'S FAN (USA), TALE FOR RUBY (USA), Tale of Verve (USA), Blip N' Th Bye (USA), etc. TALE OF VERVE (USA) (Bay by Tale of Ekati (USA) - Verve (USA) by Unbridled (USA), 2012 - Stud 2019), 2 wins, £322,786, at 3 and 4, 9f.-9.5f., 2nd Preakness S., Gr.1. First crop now 2-y-o. TAPITURE (USA) (Ch. by Tapit (USA) - Free Spin (USA) by Olympio (USA), 2011 Stud 2016), 5 wins, £933,102, at 2 to 4, 8f.-9f. viz., Kentucky Jockey Club S., Gr.2, West Virginia Derby, Gr.2, Ack Ack H., Gr.3, Matt Winn S., Gr.3, Southwest S., Gr.3, 2nd Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile, Gr.1, Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.2, Rebel S., Gr.2, 3rd Oaklawn H., Gr.2, Iroquois S., Gr.3, Lone Star Park H., Gr.3. Sire of winners inc. HOPEFUL GROWTH (USA), ALWAY'S COMERIO (USA), VERTICAL THREAT (USA), BUY THE BEST (USA), FLASHFORDANI (CAN), LONGSHADOW (USA), CHICKS DIG SCARS (USA), PREMIER STAR (USA), STEPH'SFULLASUGAR (USA), VACHERIE GIRL (USA), SKY OF HOOK (USA), Jesus' Team (USA), Repo Rocks (USA), Sanad Libya (USA), Osbourne (USA), Specially (USA), Heated Argument (USA), etc.

THE FACTOR (USA) (Gr. or Ro. by War Front (USA) - Greyciousness (USA) by Miswaki (USA), 2008 - Stud 2013), 6 wins, £591,588, at 2 to 4, 6f.-8.5f. inc., Malibu S., Gr.1, Pat O'Brien S., Gr.1, Rebel S., Gr.2, San Carlos H., Gr.2, San Vicente S., Gr.2, 2nd Bing Crosby S., Gr.1, Triple Bend H., Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. CISTRON (USA), NOTED AND QUOTED (USA), BOUND FOR NOWHERE (USA), CHARMAINE'S MIA (USA), FACTOR THIS (USA), MI CHICA BONITA (USA), CHIEFDOM (USA), BANDUA (USA), FUN FACT (AUS), MULTIPLIER (USA), HOGANS HOLIDAY (USA), SEMPER SENTENTIAE (USA), VIVA VEGAS (USA), SARANYA (USA), NAUGHTY THOUGHTS (USA), REAL NEWS (USA), A LITTLE BIT ME (USA), COFACTOR (USA), EMBOLDEN (USA), HE'S THE REASON (USA), NOBRAG JUSTFACT (USA), SOLD IT (USA), SUPERCOMMITTEE (USA), A DIFFERENT STYLE (USA), FACTOROFWON (USA), KROY (USA), NINE ROUTE (USA), NORTHWEST FACTOR (USA), DELPHINIA (USA), YOUNGEST DAUGHTER (USA), FACT FINDING (USA), etc. UNCLE MO (USA) (Bay by Indian Charlie (USA) - Playa Maya (USA) by Arch (USA), 2008 - Stud 2012) Champion 2yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2010, 5 wins, £998,718, at 2 and 3, 6f.-8.5f. inc., Champagne S., Gr.1, Grey Goose Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Gr.1, Kelso H., Gr.2, Timely Writer S., L, 2nd Foxwoods King's Bishop S., Gr.1, 3rd Resorts World NY Casino Wood Memorial, Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. GOLDEN PAL (USA), YAUPON (USA), BAST (USA), MO FORZA (USA), UNBRIDLED MO (USA), DREAM TREE (USA), MO TOWN (USA), NYQUIST (USA), OUTWORK (USA), GOMO (USA), ENVOUTANTE (USA), MO DONEGAL (USA), ENOLA GAY (USA), HARVEST MOON (USA), KING GUILLERMO (USA), MODERNIST (USA), EPICAL (USA), MOON COLONY (USA), MOPOTISM (USA), MAN FROM UNCLE (AUS), LAOBAN (USA), MOKAT (USA), etc. UNIFIED (USA) (Bay by Candy Ride (ARG) - Union City (USA) by Dixie Union (USA), 2013 - Stud 2018), 4 wins, £344,103, at 3 and 4, 6f.-9f. inc., Peter Pan S., Gr.2, Bay Shore S., Gr.3, Gulfstream Park Sprint H., Gr.3, 2nd Carter H., Gr.1. Sire of winners inc. BEHAVE VIRGINIA (USA), ROGER MCQUEEN (USA), UNIFIED REPORT (USA), Underhill's Tab (USA), We All Agree (USA), Rod Two Rod (USA), Monshun (USA), Talkative Gal (USA), Veri Unified (USA), Reagan’s Decision (USA), Fromanothamutha (USA), etc. WOOTTON BASSETT (GB) (Bay by Iffraaj (GB) - Balladonia (GB) by Primo Dominie, 2008 - Stud 2012) Jt 3rd top rated 2yr old in Europe in 2010. Champion 2yr old colt in France in 2010, 5 wins, £541,704, at 2, 6f.-7f. inc., Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, Gr.1. Sire of winners under both Rules inc. INCARVILLE (FR), ZELLIE (FR), AUDARYA (FR), WOODED (IRE), ALMANZOR (FR), ATOMIC JONES (FR), ROYAL PATRONAGE (FR), CHINDIT (IRE), TAMAHERE (FR), ILARAAB (IRE), TOPGEAR (FR), WOOTTON ASSET (FR), GUILDSMAN (FR), THE SUMMIT (FR), THE BLACK ALBUM (FR), WOOTTON (FR), AMILCAR (IRE), ATTAGIRL (GB), SPEAK OF THE DEVIL (FR), TEXAS (FR), VICTORIA PLACA (FR), DREAM WORKS (FR), HELLENISTIQUE (FR), WALTHAM (FR), HELTER SKELTER (FR), WOOTTON'S COLT (FR), DO RE MI FA SOL (FR), etc.


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