Commerce, Crime, and Human Rights: Closing the Prosecution Gaps Expert Meeting 10 and 11 June Amnesty International, International Secretariat 1 Easton Street, London, WC1 ODX Provisional Agenda, Subject to Change - Day 1 -
Tuesday, 10 June 10.00 – 10.30
10.30 – 11.00 11.00 – 11.30 11.30 – 13.00
13.00 – 14.00 14.00 – 14.30
14.30 – 16.00
16.00 – 16.30 16.30 – 17.30
17.30 – 18.00 18.00 – 20.00
Session: Welcome & Overview of Meeting Objectives - Day 1 and Day 2 Day Facilitator: Amol Mehra Participant and Project Team Introductions Coffee Break Session: Overview of Corporate Crimes Concept Note Objective: To discuss with participants the project, key objectives and targeted results. - Followed by Q&A Presenter: Amol Mehra Lunch Session: Considering the evidence and setting the scene Objectives: (1) To share Crib Sheet objectives, participant responses, and any visible trends; and, (2) discuss options for up-scaling formalising responses. Presenter: Seema Joshi Session: Roundtable discussion – specific cases Objective: Participants discuss personal experiences, successes and key challenges faced in pushing for case investigation and/or prosecution by state authorities. -Presentation of cases by participants (5 min each) followed by 5 min Q&A Session Facilitator: Mark Taylor Coffee Break Session: Roundtable discussion – Q&A relating to specific cases (continued) Objectives: (1) To clarify elements in relation to the cases presented; and (2) assess whether or not cross-border trends can be identified based on the cases presented. Session Facilitator: Mark Taylor Session: Closing summary, setting the stage for day 2 discussion Day Facilitator: Amol Mehra Reception (snacks and drinks) - Venue in Exmouth Market (TBC)
Commerce, Crime, and Human Rights: Closing the Prosecution Gaps Expert Meeting - Day 2 -
Wednesday, 11 June 9.30 – 10.00
10.00 – 11.00
11:00 – 11.15 11.15 – 12.15
12.15 – 13.00
13.00 – 14.00 14.00 – 15.30
15.30 – 16.00
16.00 – 17.00
Welcome and overview Recap Day 1 and any outstanding discussion points. Overview of Day 2. Day Facilitator: Seema Joshi Session: Overview of OHCHR paper on Gross Human Rights Abuses Objectives: (1) Give participants an overview of the project; (2) discuss findings made in relation to cases, state prosecutions and key obstacles; and, (3) discuss complimentary aspects to the Corporate Crimes Project. Presenter: Jennifer Zerk Facilitator: Amol Mehra Coffee Break Session: Considering the larger policy and legal context (2-5 years) Objectives: (1) To place meeting discussions and Project objectives within the national, regional and international context; and, (2) discuss synergies with existing projects. Facilitator: Seema Joshi Session: Moving from obstacles to proposals for state action Objective: By extrapolating from collective experiences, the current state of play, and obstacles to state investigations/prosecutions, generate recommendations to take forward at the international level. Facilitator: Mark Taylor Intervener: Anita Ramasastry Lunch Session: Moving from obstacles to proposals for state action continued … Objectives: (1) To determine whether or not consensus exists as to key ingredients for closing the prosecution gap; and, (2) determine if these can be taken forward at the inter-state level. Facilitator: Mark Taylor Intervener: Anita Ramasastry Closing the meeting Objective: Confirm next steps and thank participants Day Facilitator: Seema Joshi Project team de-brief