Project Social Neighborhood Center
Social neighborhood center what is the project: A project that serves the residents of the neighborhood and encourages social interaction between them by Provide different services in one place Including commercial, religious and social.
Where: In the middle of Sultana (C) neighborhood in Buraidah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. the project area is 29,000 square meters.
Why is the project important: One of the most important types of social relationships is the relationship between neighbors. The project aims to encourage neighborhood residents to interact with each other, in addition to reducing car use by providing different services in one place. What is the design idea: The idea is inspired by the Islamic decoration that is frequently used in mosques, and to achieve sustainability make a courtyard to the mosque for prayer in convenience weather, and addition courtyard in social section to move the air inside.
The land is located in the middle of the neighborhood
Project Location
Design concept development
Climatic solutions ▪ Courtyard to move the air inside
▪ Waterfall to reduce heat
▪ Courtyard for praying at certain times
▪ Sun breakers to reduce sunlight entering windows
The structural system of the mosque
Ground Floor Plan North
Men Prayer
Social men
Mutual by time
Western Elevation
Western Elevation 1
واجهة جنوبية
Western Elevation 2
Section B-B
Section A-A
Thanks for reading
Abdullah Alhujaylan Architect a-a-alhujaylan 00966 507 100 705