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Κρήτη / Crete
Lot. 8461 Starting Price: 150 € CANTELLI DA VIGNOLA Giacomo, “La Bulgaria e la Romania con Parte di Macedonia”, 1689. Scarce map of the Balkans, with Macedonia and Aegean at South up to Danube at the north, published by Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi in 1689. Restoration of various tears and small holes, mainly along middle-fold. Lot. 8462 Starting Price: 80 € KAUPERT J. A., “ATHEN mit UMGEBUNG”, 1875. Folding map of Athens dim. 54x54cm, from Curtius E., & Kaupert J. A., “Karten von Attica”, 1895. Linen backed, folded in size 14x18cm in cloth boards, the front bearing map’s title and indication “London: Edward Stanford / Wholesale & retail Mapseller”.


Lot. 8463 Starting Price: 180 € Munster Seb., “Candia seu Creta Insula”, c.1580. Woodblock 16x7.5cm very early map of Crete on sheet (23x37cm), from a German edition of “Cosmographia” depicting on face a portrait of Strabo and a scene entitle “Epirus”, while on reverse a plan of the Labyrinth and a scene of vineyard. Modern handcolouring. Zacharakis 2446. Lot. 8464 Starting Price: 140 € PTOLEMAEUS C., “CANDIA INSULA, OLIM CRETA”, 15961617. e map presents Crete in the Ptolemaic cartographic shape, with the ancient towns and the Labyrinth indicated in the center of the islands. Title cartouche and impressive scale cartouche. Latin text on verso. Light spotting. Zacharakis 2849.

Lot. 8465 Starting Price: 120 € Mercator G., “Candia / Corfu / Zante / Milo / Niscia / Santorini / Scarpanto”, 1607-1621. From “Atlas Minor” edition in Latin. Copper engraved map of the island of Crete, with 6 small maps of Greek islands above, namely: Corfu / Κέρκυρα, Zante / Ζάκυνθος, Milo / Μήλος, Nicsia / Νάξος, Santorini / Σαντορίνη and Scarpanto / Κάρπαθος. e current map is comming from the “Atlas Minor”, where Mercators maps were re-engraved in smaller size making them available for a wider public. Map dim. 19 x 14.5 cm. Zacharakis 2226. Lot. 8466 Starting Price: 120 € Mercator G., “Candia / Corfu / Zante / Milo / Niscia / Santorini / Scarpanto”, 1607-1621. From “Atlas Minor” edition in Latin. Copper engraved map of the island of Crete, with 6 small maps of Greek islands above, namely: Corfu / Κέρκυρα, Zante / Ζάκυνθος, Milo / Μήλος, Nicsia / Νάξος, Santorini / Σαντορίνη and Scarpanto / Κάρπαθος. Outline hand-colouring. e current map is comming from the “Atlas Minor”, where Mercators maps were re-engraved in smaller size making them available for a wider public. Map dim. 20 x 14.5 cm. One hole professionally restored, otherwise very ne. Zacharakis 2242.

Lot. 8467 Starting Price: 110 € Mercator G., “Candia / Corfu / Zante / Milo / Niscia / Santorini / Scarpanto”, 1607-1621. From “Atlas Minor” edition in German. Copper engraved map of the island of Crete, with 6 small maps of Greek islands above, namely: Corfu / Κέρκυρα, Zante / Ζάκυνθος, Milo / Μήλος, Nicsia / Νάξος, Santorini / Σαντορίνη and Scarpanto / Κάρπαθος. e current map is comming from the “Atlas Minor”, where Mercators maps were re-engraved in smaller size making them available for a wider public. Map dim. 20 x 14.5 cm. Light overall toning. Zacharakis 2242.

Lot. 8468 Starting Price: 280 € BOSCHINI Marco, “Fortezza della Suda” copper engraved map from “Il Regno tutto di Candia...”, 1651. Birds-eye view of the Venetian fortress of Suda in Crete, with architectural details presented graphically. Wide margins. Few brown spots. Map size: 39.5x21.5cm.

Lot. 8469 Starting Price: 280 € BOSCHINI Marco, “Citta Di SETTIA” copper engraved map from “Il Regno tutto di Candia...”, 1651. Birds-eye view of the Venetian fortress of Setia (ΣΗΤΕΙΑ), with landscape features and architectural details presented graphically. Wide margins. Few brown spots. Map size: 39.5x21.5cm.

Lot. 8470 Starting Price: 280 € BOSCHINI Marco, “Citta Di Candia” copper engraved map from “Il Regno tutto di Candia...”, 1651. Stunning birds-eye view of the Venetian fortress of Heraklio (ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΟ). Landscape features and architectural details are presented graphically, providing an overview of topographical formation of the Venetian city of Candia. e main entrances to the city are indicated allong with the posrt. Wide margins. Ligh misfolding. Map size: 39.5x21.5cm.

Lot. 8471 Starting Price: 80 € [Ηράκλειο - Κρήτη] BOSCHINI Marco, “Ponta della Fraschia” from “Il Regno tutto di Candia...”, 1651. Cretan north coast, east of Heraklion, depicting the rivers “Geo ro”, “Xeropotamo”, “Gasi” & “Armiro” (Γιόφυρο, Ξεροπόταμος, Γαζανος, Αλμυρός). Also Paleicastro (Παλαιόκαστρο) is indicated. 16.5 x 21.5 cm. Zacharakis 608. Lot. 8472 Starting Price: 80 € [Καλοί Λιμένες - Κρήτη] BOSCHINI Marco, “Porto di Caluslimiones” from “Il Regno tutto di Candia...”, 1651. Birdeye view of the Kaloi Limenes port, south Crete. Few small holes, mainly marginal. Map dim.16.5 x 21.5 cm. Zacharakis 630. Lot. 8473 Starting Price: 80 € [Φραγκοκάστελλο - Κρήτη] BOSCHINI Marco, “Castel Franco” from “Il Regno tutto di Candia...”, 1651. Bird-eye view of the Frangokastello caste and area. Few small holes, mainly below and around map’s title. Map dim.16.5 x 21.5 cm.

Lot. 8474 Starting Price: 80 € [Μπαλί - Κρήτη] BOSCHINI Marco, “Porto di Atali” from “Il Regno tutto di Candia...”, 1651. Bird-eye view of the Bali coast. Map dim.16.5 x 21.5 cm. Zacharakis 606. Lot. 8475 Starting Price: 60 € VAL Pierre du, “CANDIE Par P. Du Val Geographe du Roy”, 1655-1712. Miniature map of Crete. Map dim. 13x10.5cm. No text on verso. Zacharakis 3549.

Lot. 8476 Starting Price: 160 € DAPPER O., “Vesting van Retimo”, 1688. Stunning bird-eye view of Rethymno (Ρέθυμνο) from Dapper’s “Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilanden in de Archipel…”, 1688. Plan dim. 36x27.5 on sheet with full margins. e plan presents details of the forti cations and city’s facilities and architecture, while signs of land-use can be identi ed on the background. A key of 5 places of interest are indicated on plan’s lower edge. Various sailing ships of graphically presented. Light sunning & soiling, marginal only tears along the upper and lower parts of middle-fold. Lot. 8477 Starting Price: 650 € Lasor A. Varea (or R. Savonarola), “L’Isola di Candia CRETA” from “Universis terrarium orbis...”, 1713. Copper engraved map of Crete originally engraved by Natale Bonifazio in the mid 16th century. Page number to upper le corner and monogram “NBF” to lower right corner. Elaborated wind rose, sailing ship and a magni cent scene of Poseidon riding his shell - sea chariot pulled by sea-horses. Extremely Fine condition. Dim. 21 x 15.5cm. Zacharakis 1853.