Lot. 8461
Starting Price: 150 €
CANTELLI DA VIGNOLA Giacomo, “La Bulgaria e la Romania con Parte di Macedonia”, 1689. Scarce map of the Balkans, with Macedonia and Aegean at South up to Danube at the north, published by Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi in 1689. Restoration of various tears and small holes, mainly along middle-fold.
Lot. 8462
Starting Price: 80 €
KAUPERT J. A., “ATHEN mit UMGEBUNG”, 1875. Folding map of Athens dim. 54x54cm, from Curtius E., & Kaupert J. A., “Karten von Attica”, 1895. Linen backed, folded in size 14x18cm in cloth boards, the front bearing map’s title and indication “London: Edward Stanford / Wholesale & retail Mapseller”.
Κρήτη / Crete
Lot. 8463
Starting Price: 180 €
Munster Seb., “Candia seu Creta Insula”, c.1580. Woodblock 16x7.5cm very early map of Crete on sheet (23x37cm), from a German edition of “Cosmographia” depicting on face a portrait of Strabo and a scene entitle “Epirus”, while on reverse a plan of the Labyrinth and a scene of vineyard. Modern handcolouring. Zacharakis 2446.
R A R E B O O K S , M A P S , P R I N T S , P H OTO G R A P H Y & D O C U M E N T S
Lot. 8464
Starting Price: 140 €
PTOLEMAEUS C., “CANDIA INSULA, OLIM CRETA”, 15961617. The map presents Crete in the Ptolemaic cartographic shape, with the ancient towns and the Labyrinth indicated in the center of the islands. Title cartouche and impressive scale cartouche. Latin text on verso. Light spotting. Zacharakis 2849.