Part II Architectural Assistant
Design Studio - Thesis 01
Evolving from an initial design hypothesis supported by evidence, undergoing innovative design processes and detailed tests. The project showcases an understanding of cultural contexts, challenge professional standards, and address ethical and environmental considerations. Demonstrating potential viability and sustainability, especially in the context of the climate emergency.
Thesis Website
Click for more - https://www.virtual-lsa.uk/march/neurodiverse-domestic-design/
Design Studio B - Urban Proposition 07
An introduction to master planning and the exploration of formulating ideas on how to tackle such condition in relation to specific urban contexts, through complex and critically informed strategies and programs, and their spatial and material organization.
Design Studio C - Architectural Design 09
Combining the urban proposition to create a complex building capable of significantly transforming existing urban contexts. Informed by an explicit urban agenda, and a complex programmatic, structural, constructional, and environmental strategy.
Design Studio D - Detail Design 12
A chosen project from the course is carried out to create a developmental design in detailed, to highlight the challenges and viability of the project. Hosting a sustainable construction alternative.