Cook Up a New Kitchen
Quick and easy ways to give your kitchen a new look A

Let the outside in with an all-season room Creating
Simple landscaping strategies that can transform a home’s exterior
Quick and easy ways to give your kitchen a new look A
Let the outside in with an all-season room Creating
Simple landscaping strategies that can transform a home’s exterior
home inspectors and more.
The Association is a powerful advocate for its members in the ever-evolving business landscapes of the real estate industry, as well as being a professional development resource by coordinating the continuing education required for realtors to maintain their licenses. The Roswell Association of Realtors also promotes our local region, working to enhance its economic base, quality of life and citizen involvement.
Longmire’s primary goal from 2023 to 2024 is to increase the Association’s community involvement now that the restrictions imposed by the government due to COVID-19 are lifted.
The Roswell Association of Realtors continues to move forward with major restructuring according to the 2023 Board President Mindy Longmire, who is the owner and qualifying broker of Dynamic Properties of New Mexico.
Longmire has been a realtor since 2004 and started her career in Wasilla, Alaska. In 2009 she moved back to Roswell, her husband’s hometown, and started Dynamic Properties of New Mexico in 2014.
The Roswell Association of Realtors is one of 16 local Realtor Associations in New Mexico and one of 1600 Associations of Realtors in the nation. Our local Association’s members encompass a wide range of professionals, including brokers, team leaders, trainers, property managers, real estate appraisers,
“Our local Association has been through many changes already this year, the biggest is that we have voted to use the New Mexico Multiple Listing Service rather than try to maintain a local multiple listing service. The New Mexico Multiple Listing Service works to accumulate and disseminate important local real estate data to our buyers and sellers. We use this information in every real estate transaction to facilitate the sale and purchase of property,” Longmire said.
The Roswell Association of Realtors selects and honors a local individual for excellent service to our community by holding a “Citizen of the Year” award and luncheon in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce. It is open to the public and will be announced soon.
Longmire is encouraging the members to be more involved in community services in addition to the planned fundraisers scheduled that will raise money for the advocacy of private property rights in our state.
Everything past 19th was in the country. I’ve seen a lot of growth and a lot of changes, obviously, since.”
What’s changed in the real estate business since you started?
“Real estate to me, being a fairly new realtor, seems to ebb and flow, if you will, based on a season. First off, a wintersummer-type thing, then on what’s happening in the economy, whether people are moving in, moving out. Roswell to me, seems pretty stable. You see more steadiness to the market than you did before, although those seasons seem to change.”
By cLArke condé rosweLL dAiLy recordSam Pettit says that he has been abundantly blessed.
Pettit grew up in Roswell and remembers a time when 19th street was a dirt road. It is clear that he has a true love for this city and has found a natural fit selling real estate here.
Real estate was a second career for Pettit. After 30 years working in healthcare HR, Pettit became a realtor, then a broker and now, Realtor of the Year.
The Roswell Daily Record’s Clarke Condé sat down with Pettit in his Re/ Max office to find out a bit about his background, selling real estate and his tip for adding value to an existing home. The following is an edited version of that conversation.
How long have you been a realtor?
“Seven years.”
You’ve lived in Roswell your whole life. What has changed?
“As a resident? My memory, and that’s a long time ago, 19th street was actually a dirt road, kind of like the end of Roswell.
What does Roswell need more of as far as real estate?
“Right at this time, it seems to me that our housing inventory is extremely low. We need these builders in Roswell to produce houses for us.”
At what price point?
“The magic number? I can see the majority of sales that we get are right in that $180 to $230 thousand area, but I can tell you, we have buyers. I see those in all areas. On the low end, maybe for investors, and then at the high end for people coming in that can afford those higher-end houses.”
Family homes?
“Family homes.”
What can homeowners that are considering selling their home in a few years do to increase the value of their home?
“Everybody has a different perspective on what that means, but in real truth, the main thing is maintaining your home and keeping it updated. Keeping your exterior nice and interior nice. If anything needs to be remodeled or repaired, make sure to do it. It becomes a real challenge to do that right before you prepare the sale and gets very expensive, too.”
When did you become a realtor?
I started in December of 2021. My first year was super fun and exciting. I guess I learned a lot.
Are we in a buyer’s market or a seller’s market here in Roswell?
Definitely a seller’s market. There are not a lot of houses on the market right now. It’s hard for buyers to qualify for the loan that they could have qualified for six months ago.
What are buyers looking for here in Roswell?
They’re interested in school zones. They are interested in location.
What are some of the surprises that folks are finding in the process? Is it the low inventory?
By cLArke condé rosweLL dAiLy recordRoswell native Morgan Breedyk finished off her first year as a local relator on top. Being named the Roswell Association of Realtors Rookie of the Year is an honor only open to firstyear real estate agents, but it is not a designation awarded lightly. It comes with it a recognition of a year spent striving to engage in the local real estate market and the success that comes from that effort. Breedyk is quick to credit the network of people in her life for that success. The key, she says, is being involved in the community.
The Roswell Daily Record’s Clarke Condé sat down with Breedyk in her Re/ Max office to find out a bit about her first year selling real estate, where the market stands locally and what she and her clients find surprising about real estate in Roswell. The following is an edited version of that conversation.
Inventory is very low and that pushes the price higher. It’s almost impossible to find a three-bedroom for $150,000. How expensive everything is compared to what you’re really getting. That’s really shocking.
What can sellers do to reduce the time their house is on the market?
I think the price point is huge with selling the home. You need to price it to sell if you want to sell it quickly. It’s just not the same market as it was a couple of years ago.
What do we need for housing inventory in Roswell now?
The first-time homebuyer price point between $100,000 to $250,000, is really, really hard to find. Those houses sell quickly. More houses like that I think would be helpful for first-time homebuyers.
The global pandemic reignited people’s passions for home renovations, as they directed dollars that would normally have been spent elsewhere into the places where they were now spending the most time — their homes. According to the 10th annual Houzz & Home survey of more than 70,000 respondents in the United States, higher-budget projects cost around $85,000 or more in 2020, compared with $80,000 in the two years prior. Kitchen projects were the most popular among renovating homeowners.
Even though many COVID-19-related restrictions have lifted and life has largely returned to regular programming, renovations remain a popular investment. Homeowners embarking on home renovation projects understand that a certain measure of upheaval is to be
expected, but some may not fully anticipate the impact that renovations have on daily life. The following are some tips for making it through a lengthy renovation.
• Discuss the timeline with contractors. It may be easier to make a plan for how much life will be disrupted if you have an idea of how long the renovation will be (if everything goes according to plan). Sit down with contractors and have them spell out the minutiae of the project so you’ll be able to anticipate what’s going on day-to-day.
• Start at the right time. Some contractors may say they can fit your project into their schedules in between other jobs. While this may seem convenient and timely, your work may be put on hold if there are delays with the other job or jobs. Instead, it may be better to hold off until the contractors can devote the bulk of their attention to your renovation.
• Recreate commonly used spaces elsewhere. A kitchen or a bathroom remodel often requires giving up spaces that are used throughout a typical day. Unless
you have a spare full bathroom or kitchen, you’ll need to make due. Set a microwave, tabletop electric burner and a coffee pot on a folding table in the garage or utility room. Rent or purchase a small refrigerator where you can store a few necessities. Ask your contractor to set up a makeshift outdoor shower so you have a place to get clean when the bathroom is under construction.
• Pack up and cover. Remodeling one room may cause a trickle down effect on other areas. Dust from drywall sanding can infiltrate many rooms in the home. Pack and label boxes with items not immediately needed and store them in another area. Cover most things so a film of dust won’t form on them.
• Adjust your schedule. Sleeping in will be a thing of the past for the duration of the renovation, as may be working from a home office. Try to get out of the work zone as much as possible for new scenery and respites from the noises and smells.
• Ease up on cleaning standards. It’s challenging to keep a home clean during a renovation. Relax standards and expect a mess for some time. Explain to guests what they’ll find if they drop by.
Renovations can disrupt life, but often are well worth the sacrifices homeowners must make to see them through to completion.
Spring is a time of year when change is in the air. Trees are budding, plants are flowering, and homes laden with dark or heavy fabrics and clutter could use some lightening up.
Spring cleaning projects are popular this time of year as residents take inventory of their living spaces and aim to declutter, clean and increase efficiency. Some people find the prospect of getting organized overwhelming. Here are some tips that can help anyone master spring cleaning.
• Create a plan. Make a checklist and establish a cleaning plan of attack. Focus on areas that are not regularly cleaned, as they probably need a little attention.
• Assemble your cleaning kit. Spring cleaning can be slowed down considerably if you don’t have all of your equipment at the ready. Items to have on
hand include an all-purpose cleaner, concentrated cleaner, microfiber cloths, paper towels, mop, vacuum, dusters, and a squeegee. Adjust your equipment based on the task at hand.
• Curate your cleaning playlist. Create a playlist with songs that will get you moving and motivated to clean.
• Work from top to bottom. Work efficiently by cleaning shelves, ceiling fans and other elevated items first, as dust and debris will trickle down and need to be cleaned next.
• Purchase or rent a carpet cleaner. According to the experts at Clean That Up, carpets help filter indoor air by trapping debris and allergens. By deep cleaning carpets, homeowners can improve the indoor air quality of their homes. Use a carpet cleaner on a warm, dry day so that windows can be opened
and cross breezes will help dry the damp rug.
• Clean windows . Wash windows inside and out and utilize their screens to help brighten indoors spaces.
• Deep clean the kitchen. Clean out and disinfect the refrigerator by wiping it down with warm water and baking soda or a vinegar-and-water solution. While in the kitchen, set the oven to the self-clean function so it becomes cleaner as well.
Homeowners also can focus on cleaning curtains (including shower curtains), steam-cleaning upholstery, removing clutter from closets, cleaning out the dryer vent and duct tubing, wiping inside kitchen drawers, and vacuuming under beds and other furniture.
Spring cleaning can bring the revitalizing nature of this beloved time of year into your home.
The interior of a home may be where homeowners and their families spend the majority of their time, and there’s no denying that a well-planned interior goes a long way toward making a house a home. However, the exterior of a home, including its landscaping, can serve as a source of pride and catch the eye of prospective buyers when the home hits the market.
It’s easy to walk past a home with an eye-catching exterior and assume the homeowner has a green thumb or has spent lots of time and money working on the landscaping. Though that may be true, oftentimes it’s the simplest strategies that make all the difference. Homeowners can keep these strategies in mind as they look to transform the exterior of their homes.
• Dress up the walkway.
A longer walkway can give guests a strong first impression of a home and won’t break the bank. Create new planting beds and plant bright plants and flowers along each side of the walkway. If it’s necessary and within budget, lengthen the walkway to create the feel of a more grandiose entryway.
• Make things more symmetrical.
A messy landscape can give a poor first impression, even if the area features some beautiful plants. In such instances, a little effort to make things more symmetrical, with equal parts grass and vegetation, can create a cleaner, more inviting look.
• Mulch your flower and tree beds.
Mulch is a relatively inexpensive but effective way to add aesthetic appeal to a landscape. Freshly mulched beds beneath trees and flowers creates a clean and organized look, and the mulch also serves a practical purpose, as it reduces weed growth and helps the soil retain moisture
so plants stay healthy and look better throughout the warmer months when rainfall may not be steady or significant.
• Plant shade trees.
Shade trees can be especially useful when selling a home. The shade provided by trees can shield grass from blistering summer sun, potentially helping it stay green. A lush green lawn appeals to buyers and gives the impression the home has been well maintained. In addition, shade trees can be used to create the look of a backyard oasis. A well-placed bench beneath a large shade tree can entice buyers who want a relaxing spot to enjoy warm summer days outdoors without getting a sunburn.
• Consider maintenance.
The more exotic an exterior landscape is, the more maintenance it’s likely to require. Lawn and garden enthusiasts may not be turned off by landscape features that require steady maintenance, but homeowners who don’t have much time for such work should keep things simple. A poorly maintained landscape, even if it includes exotic plants and elaborate designs, will adversely affect curb appeal. Another feather in the cap of low-maintenance landscape features is they could prove more appealing to prospective buyers, who may view elaborate, exotic landscaping as a lot of extra work they won’t want to do.
Some simple landscaping strategies can help homeowners transform their home exteriors without requiring a significant investment of time or money.
Liberty Coating Solutions has only been operating for a short time, but these Roswell native’s business is booming, not only because of their unique product but because of their dedication to customer service.
The Roswell Daily Record’s Clarke Condé sat down with the owners of Liberty Coating Solutions, Justin and Ashley Owen, to find out a bit about how their coating works and what is involved with the process. The following is an edited version of that conversation.
When did you open Liberty Coating Solutions?
June of 2020.
Tell me about this product and what it does.
It is a polyurea with a polyaspartic topcoat. It’s good for any kind of concrete services — pool deck, patio, garage floor, shops, sidewalks, driveways — any kind of concrete, we can coat.
How does it differ from concrete?
We can add anything to the top coat portion of it. The polyurea grabs onto the concrete, dives down into the concrete and acts like a concrete stain. It can dive down as far as half an inch into
the concrete. So, that’s the base layer. Then we put on the flake, which is for aesthetics, just purely for color. We have 16 standard colors and then any kind of custom colors. You can get as fancy as you want — gold, silver, glitter, alien green — we just got a shipment of lime green.
Do you do the concrete installation?
No. So we don’t do concrete installs. We typically fix old concrete floors. Something that’s weathered like a patio that’s been painted a million times with regular paint. It just chips off.
You can do the patch and seal?
Justin: You can kind of see this floor right here [he says, pointing to a concrete floor]. This floor has been prepped. This used to have a stain with some kind of sealer on it. We remove all that, opened the pores of the concrete back up and then we fix the cracks.
Tell me about the warranty.
Penntek [the company that manufactures the product Liberty Coating Solutions uses] offers a 15-year warranty against chipping, peeling or delaminating off the concrete. So, any kind of just sloughing off the concrete, that’s covered in the warranty, although we’ve not seen it happen. That’s why we sought out this product. The UV stability is because we do a lot of outdoor work
for outdoor spaces, hard spaces, the pool decks, the patios. The UV stability is 100% UV stable. That’s also covered for the lifetime of the product, so it won’t yellow or fade, whereas epoxies, you have to be really careful using them outside. You need a very high-grade sealer and most folks don’t know that.
Even in full sun?
Yes sir.
15 years of full Roswell sun?
Yes sir.
How long a process is this?
The guys install typically 700 to 1000 square feet in one day, start to finish. You can walk on it six to eight hours later because of the drying time. The actual polyurea dries really quickly, almost instantaneous. It’s a three-step process. We prep the concrete and put down the base coat with the flake. We have 30
minutes to get that color in there. Then they come back from lunch and put that top coat on. Their top coat dries in six to eight hours at 70 degrees.
The next morning you’re good to go? The next morning you’re good to go.
When can you drive on it?
We recommend 24 to 48 hours before vehicles, but you’re walking on it the next morning. You can start moving your golf clubs back in, your ice chest and everything.
How far out are you scheduled?
We are in high demand. We are booking in July right now. We do pool decks in fall, winter and spring, trying to avoid downtime for folks that want to utilize their pool. Pools take a little bit longer, but the standard two-car garage, we’re in and out in one day.
Prior to financing home improvement projects, homeowners typically consider a host of variables, including how significant a return they’re likely to get on their investment. Though potential ROI is not the determining factor for most homeowners, the cost of home renovation projects is so significant that ROI certainly merits consideration. According to Remodeling magazine’s “2022 Cost vs. Value Report,” a garage door replacement recouped the highest percentage of homeowners’ initial investment in 2022. The average cost of such a project was $4,041 in 2022, and homeowners recouped roughly 93 percent of that investment at resale.
Many homeowners express interest in creating fewer barriers between the interior and exterior of their homes. Some may have backyards built for entertaining and want to facilitate the transition between the inside of the residence and the outside when guests arrive. In other instances, homes may back to a nature preserve that homeowners want to enjoy more readily. Whatever the reason for bringing the outside in, all-season rooms can serve as a welcoming bridge between indoor and outdoor spaces.
What is an all-season room?
Also known as a four-season room, all-season rooms are specially engineered spaces that provide a connection to the outdoors no matter the season. They are like sunrooms, but climate-controlled so that they will be comfortable throughout winter, spring, summer, and fall.
What is the difference between a three-season room and an all-season room?
The biggest difference between these two spaces is the level of usage and the capacity of the room to be heated and cooled. Individuals who reside in climates with moderate year-round temperatures may get by with a three-season room. However, those who experience all four seasons may need a more insulated space to make the room usable throughout the year.
Features of all-season rooms
One of the more notable features of an all-season room is an abundance of windows, which allow plenty of natural light to shine in. All-season rooms also can feature creature comforts like a reading nook, outdoor kitchen spaces and televisions. Retractable screens can be installed when privacy or shade is desired.
Maintaining a comfortable temperature
All-season rooms can be built with adequate thermal insulation and energy-saving features. Insulation will
be installed in the walls and roof, and homeowners may have a choice of window ratings for efficiency. Some allseason rooms are specially equipped with HVAC systems that may or may not be tied in to the home’s general heating and cooling system. Some people use portable heaters or air conditioners to control the temperature in all-season rooms. It’s best to speak with an all-season room contractor to identify heating and cooling needs.
How much does an all-season room cost?
Prices vary by region and are contingent on the features homeowners desire. According to the outdoor resource Garden Center Care, a three-season room can cost anywhere from $8,000 to $50,000 to build. A fourseason room can cost $20,000 to $80,000 to add. If there is an existing three-season room, it may be more affordable to upgrade the space into an all-season room, but an architect and contractor should inspect the space to determine the scope of the project.
All-season rooms can be an ideal addition to a property, providing extra space for entertaining or lounging and a connection to the outdoors.
Though plants might not seem like the first thing individuals think of when they ponder long-term investments, perennials can be just that. The home and garden experts at HGTV note that some perennials can live for a very long time. For example, according to HGTV, the colorful flowering plant peony, despite a blooming season that usually lasts just seven to 10 days, has been known to survive for 70 to 100 years. Hostas are another popular perennial because they require little maintenance, and that extra free time can add up over the course of the hosta’s life, which can exceed 15 years. Longliving perennials are not necessarily unusual, but gardeners should know that many perennials, and particularly those characterized as “short-lived,” tend to live around three years.
Certain heating and cooling problems can double operating cost without reducing comfort. Service technicians have the expertise to keep equipment running in the most efficient manner.
As much as 80% of all heating and cooling compressor failures could be eliminated if the problems leading to the failure were corrected in a timely manner.
A refrigerant under charge of only 10% can increase operating cost by almost 20%.
A dirty evaporator, condenser or blower can increase air conditioning or heat pump electrical usage by 50% or more.
Just 1/100 of an inch of dirt or film on an evaporator coil can reduce its efficiency by 5%.
Each year, gardening enthusiasts anxiously await the arrival of spring. Spring is a great season to plant new flowers, plants, grasses, and trees, making it a popular time of year to spend sunny days out in the yard.
Veteran gardeners may know their landscapes well and be able to pick the right plants on their own. Novices may need a little help as they look to give their landscapes a whole new look. The following are some helpful tips to help homeowners pick the right plants for their landscapes.
• Conduct a site evaluation. A colorful landscape featuring an array of plants and flowers can be eye-catching and add curb appeal to a property. However, where
plants will be planted is a significant variable that must be considered before homeowners choose what to plant. The Center for Agriculture, Food, and the Environment
at the University of Massachusetts Amherst notes that site evaluation is the first step when picking plants. A number of factors must be evaluated, including light availability;
water availability; exposure to the elements, including wind and extreme temperatures; and competition from existing vegetation, among other things. Document these variables prior to picking plants. For example, take note of the area you plan to plant to see if it is full sun or partial shade, and then pick plants whose growing conditions align with those you observe.
• Look at more than looks. Aesthetic appeal might be what homeowners most desire from their landscapes, but that appeal is only achieved when the right plants are chosen for a space. If the wrong plants are chosen, they’re unlikely to thrive or they could threaten existing vegetation, thus compromising the overall appeal of the property. Native plants can often handle local weather conditions, so prioritize natives over more exotic plants whose key attribute is aesthetic appeal. If jaw-dropping aesthetic appeal is your top priority, speak with a local landscaping professional about which natives can provide that without compromising surrounding vegetation.
• Consider maintenance prior to planting. Maintenance is another variable gardeners must consider. Newly planted trees may require substantial watering until they’ve fully established their roots, and some homeowners may not have time for that. In addition, certain plants may require a considerable amount of pruning in order to create
and maintain the look homeowners desire. Individuals must be willing to invest the time and effort necessary to maintain new plantings that require such diligence. If not, look for plants that don’t require much maintenance while keeping in mind that even low-maintenance plants still require some effort and attention.
• Consider local wildlife. If your lawn is routinely visited by local wildlife, then look for plants that won’t
look like a meal to these welcome, if uninvited, guests. For example, if you routinely see deer lounging around in your backyard, look for deer-resistant plants. This is a good way to protect your investment, of both time and money, and ensure minimal wildlife traffic through your newly landscaped yard.
Spring gardens are awe-inspiring, especially when homeowners embrace various strategies for successful planting.
The maintenance required to keep a plant healthy and looking good is a key consideration when designing a landscape.
rejuvenation, and perhaps nowhere is that rebirth more noticeable than in the yard. Each spring, grass begins to grow again as inviting landscapes beckon people outdoors. Extra sunlight and rising temperatures make spring a great time to plant flowers, grasses and trees. To ensure successful planting, homeowners must take steps to prepare the soil.
to take hold, helping plants establish themselves before potentially harsh summer conditions arrive. Preparing soil might seem like an extensive job, but a simple approach may be all that’s necessary to create conditions that promote plant growth this spring.
• Clean up the previous months’ mess. Whether homeowners live in regions
marked by year-round warmth or places where winter typically features heavy snowfall, it’s a good idea to clean up an area prior to spring planting. Fallen leaves, rocks, grass clippings, and other debris can contribute to compacted soil that makes it hard for plants to establish strong, healthy root systems. Clear away any debris prior to planting before taking the next step in your soil preparation routine.
• Loosen the soil. Once debris has been cleared away, loosen the soil. Depending on the size of the area where you’ll be planting, you may need to invest in tools like a shovel, spade, spading fork,
and/or a lawn edger. If you’re planting in a small area, such as a deck planter box that still has soil from last year’s planting inside it, you can either clean the box and replace the soil entirely or dig around with a handheld trowel, cultivator and/or weeder. It’s important to loosen all of the soil around where you will ultimately plant prior to planting to ensure water can reach the roots and help them establish themselves once planting is completed.
• Test and, if necessary, amend the soil. A simple pH test can help determine the acidity or alkalinity of the soil. This is an important step as soil that is too acidic or alkaline can decrease the availability
of nutrients the plants will need to thrive. In addition to conducting a pH test, which can be purchased at little cost at a local home improvement store, homeowners can contact their local Cooperative Extension Service to test their soil quality. These tests will reveal soil pH, but also can shed light on the texture of the soil and other components. Once the test is conducted, the local Coop Extension Service may recommend amendments to improve the nutritional quality of the soil so new plants can thrive.
Soil conditions go a long way toward determining if new plants will thrive. Preparing the soil prior to spring planting can ensure a successful season.
An inviting backyard can serve as a welcome retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life. After a long day at the office or an exhausting day spent transporting kids to and fro, it’s hard to resist the allure of a peaceful outdoor space in which to unwind.
Privacy is a key component of any backyard oasis. Some homes may be so remote that privacy isn’t an issue. But many suburban homeowners recognize they might need to tweak their landscapes if they hope to create a private oasis outside.
Most homeowners looking to create more privacy on their property will have to choose between fencing and planting. Fencing provides immediate privacy because, once it’s installed, no one can see into the yard. Fencing also doesn’t require watering or other immediate upkeep, which will be necessary when planting to ensure tree roots can establish themselves.
But planting has its benefits as well. Planting for privacy is essentially creating a living fence that can grow over time and provide even more privacy as trees reach maturity. Plants also tend to be less costly than fencing. The home renovation experts at estimate that fencing
projects typically cost between $1,667 and $4,075. However, fencing projects can cost considerably more than $4,000, especially for homeowners with large properties they want to enclose. Large, mature trees can be expensive, though it’s unlikely they will cost as much as fencing. In addition, fencing requires more maintenance and will potentially need to be replaced, while native trees won’t require much upkeep and can last for generations.
Homeowners who choose to plant for privacy will next have to decide which type of plants to add to their properties. Evergreens provide year-round privacy because they don’t shed their leaves, so these are the ones most often chosen when creating a living fence. A number of varieties of evergreen trees can do the job, but it’s important that homeowners consult with a landscape architect prior to choosing trees so they can ensure the trees will thrive when faced with the growing conditions on their properties. During such a consultation, homeowners may discuss the following popular privacy trees.
• Leyland Cypress: The Arbor Day Foundation® notes that the Leyland cypress is popular for hedges and
boundaries, likely because a typical tree reaches a mature height of 60’-70’ and can spread as wide as 25’. The Leyland cypress grows fast, which may appeal to homeowners who don’t want to wait to establish privacy.
• Green Giant Arborvitae: There are different varieties of the arborvitae, but the Green Giant tends to be the go-to option for privacy. The ADF notes that Green Giants will grow up to three feet per year until they reach maturity, providing a fastgrowing option for privacy planters. The Green Giant can spread as wide as 20 feet at maturity, which is another attribute that makes it so popular among homeowners desiring privacy.
• Eastern White Pine: The ADF notes that the eastern white pine, which can reach heights as high as 80 feet, is favored in spacious yards. That’s likely due to its height and its potential spread, which can reach 40 feet. Homeowners who choose the eastern white pine might like it for its resemblance to a Christmas tree, and in fact it is widely used for that purpose. The privacy provided by the eastern white pine is significant, but it might be best suited to especially large properties.
Whether it’s fencing or planting, homeowners have many options to consider as they seek to create more privacy on their properties.
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your room and see how certain items will fit in your spaces. In addition, be sure to measure the width of doors to ensure that it’s easy to get the furniture into the home when delivered.
and find pieces that fit homeowners’ lifestyles.
Buying furniture can be an exciting prospect. The opportunity to breathe new life into a home with the addition of different furnishings inspires many people. However, at the same time, searching for furniture can be a tad overwhelming, especially when homeowners do not know where to begin.
Statistics Canada reports that Canadians spend an average of $934 on furniture each year. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that, in 2017, Americans spent an average of $2,484 on furniture. While furniture may not be the most costly investment, it’s also not the cheapest, which is why getting it right is important.
Before taking the plunge, be sure to read reviews of items and retailers. While items may appear perfect, reviews can shed light on how pieces stand up to wear and tear. Shopping for furniture means taking steps to measure, match style, read reviews,
The first step in purchasing new furniture is to decide what is needed. Assess current furniture and think about what works for certain pieces and what doesn’t. Then you can gear purchases around desired features. For example, if you’ve determined chenille fabric holds on to too much pet fur, the next couch may be leather or microfiber.
Measure your room multiple times and create a mock floor plan. This will help when figuring out if certain pieces can fit into the space. Some retailers even offer floor plan software on their websites so that you can upload the dimensions of
Figure out which style best fits your personality and lifestyle. This may be traditional, transitional or modern. Incorporate pieces accordingly, or mix and match to create a look that is completely unique.
Consider your budget when choosing the construction materials for the furniture. Solid wood tends to be more expensive, but often more durable than engineered products. In addition, check to see how items are built. Pull out drawers and check hinges to ensure the quality is there.
Furniture can be expensive, but there is room for savings. Shop when retailers offer seasonal sales. Consider warehouse retailers, which often sell select items at a discount.
Rooms featuring neutral colors and minimal clutter tend to appear large and modern.
warm and keep the kitchen illuminated when meals aren’t being prepared and homeowners don’t want to have their overhead lights on but still want to be able to navigate the kitchen safely. During meal prep, under-cabinet lighting can illuminate counters so it’s easier to chop, peel and perform other prep tasks.
Kitchens are often described as the busiest rooms in a home. Kitchens are where meals are prepared and tend to be go-to gathering spots on holiday gettogethers and during other events when homeowners host family and friends. With so much time spent in the kitchen, it’s easy to see how homeowners might grow a little bored by these rooms. The cost of a kitchen remodel won’t be cheap, as the home improvement resource notes that the typical cost of such a project in the United States is between $13,000 and $38,000. estimates even indicate that a high-end remodel could cost homeowners as much as $61,000. That’s beyond many homeowners’ budgets. But the good news is that there are many quick and easy, not to mention less expensive, ways to give a kitchen a new look.
• Repaint and restyle the cabinets. Cabinet space is an undeniably precious
commodity in a kitchen, especially as more and more homeowners embrace their inner chef and cook more complicated meals at home. After all, the more expansive a home chef’s culinary repertoire, the more space that person needs to store all the tools of the cooking trade. A full cabinet replacement is unnecessary if the cabinets are still functional and not overcrowded, so repainting them can be a great way to give the kitchen a new look while keeping costs reasonable. During the painting project, homeowners can install new cabinet knobs and/or drawer pulls to freshen up the style of the cabinets even further.
• Install under-cabinet lighting. Another inexpensive way to give a kitchen a new look is to install under-cabinet lighting. Under-cabinet lighting serves both an aesthetic and practical purpose. From a purely aesthetic standpoint, under-cabinet lighting can make a kitchen feel more
• Replace existing backsplash. Replacing backsplash is another simple, inexpensive and effective way to give a kitchen a new feel. Homeowners can opt for something neutral that won’t upset their existing decor or go with a more bold backsplash that immediately draws the attention of anyone who enters the room. This simple job can be done by the average do-it-yourselfer and the cost of new backsplash won’t break the bank.
• Replace existing seating. Whether you have an island countertop with bar stools or a breakfast nook with cushioned
seats, replacing the seating is a budgetfriendly job that can create a new look when entering the room. Countertop bar stools come in many styles, so giving this area of the kitchen a new feel can be as simple as shifting from classic, high-back stools to more modern swivel stools with a chrome base. For the breakfast nook, replacing a light-colored bench cushion with a bolder alternative can instantly transform the look of the space.
Kitchen remodels can break the bank. But there’s a host of budget-friendly ways for cost-conscious homeowners to revitalize these popular spaces in their homes.
Home interiors can be spruced up in a number of ways. Ideas run the gamut from relatively inexpensive changes in paint color to more extensive (and expensive) remodels that may include demolition and reconstruction. Investing in new home decor is another way to breathe new life into spaces, and this approach that falls somewhere in the middle in regard to cost.
Material and product costs remain high across the board, so individuals interested in changing the furniture and other design elements in their homes might be seeking ways to do so in the most affordable way possible. In such instances, homeowners can try these budget-friendly ways to overhaul their home decor.
• Create the illusion of more space. Light, bright and white are key attributes to remember when selecting design elements for rooms where you want to create the illusion of more square footage. Painting the walls in very light colors, increasing natural and artificial light, including using well-placed mirrors to reflect light, and decorating with light-colored fabrics can help a space seem more roomy.
• Replace the accessories. Replacing curtains, area rugs, throw pillows, and chair cushions is an easy way to change a room without a big investment. Consider updating some wall art and tying color schemes together with all of the newly introduced elements.
• Splurge on statement pieces that will be used frequently. These may include chandeliers, unique
rugs or an eye-catching piece of furniture.
• Shop ‘discount’ stores for furniture and accents. Traditional design centers can be great places to find plenty of highquality merchandise. However, don’t overlook local discount or close-out centers that may have items at very reasonable costs. Stores like Home Goods, At Home and Big Lots routinely get new merchandise that changes with the season, helping homeowners to refresh their spaces without having to dig deep into their pockets. Shop the high-end stores for inspiration, then try to find “dupes” in the discount stores that will mimic the looks for less.
• Cut out the clutter. Modern homes are lean and clean. A home’s interior instantly looks more high-end and appealing when the clutter is removed. Consider keeping main living areas free from too many knickknacks and other accents. If you want to display a special collection, set aside a room specifically for such items. There are many budget-friendly ways to make interior spaces more inviting.
A grand entryway simply wouldn’t be complete without an impressive front door. A front door can dazzle guests and create a homeowner’s desired vibe before anyone even steps inside, which only underscores how important the choice of door style can be.
When shopping around for a new front door for their homes, homeowners can consider the many popular styles as they seek to choose one that fits an existing scheme or use a new front door as a springboard to a redesigned home interior.
• Farmhouse: Farmhouse doors are not all one and the same. Traditional farmhouse doors provide a rustic look that’s become popular in home decor over the last decade or so. Modern farmhouse doors are a little less rustic because they incorporate more contemporary elements into their design. Each option is ideal for homeowners who aspire to create a farmhouse vibe in their home interiors and exteriors.
• Modern: Modern front doors tend to boast a bold look and many are made up of large glass panels. Some homeowners prefer modern front doors because the glass in them allows lots of natural light into their home’s interior. The added light in the entryway appeals to homeowners who want to brighten up these spaces,
which tend to be dark in homes with more traditional doors.
• Traditional: Traditional front doors may be the most recognizable to today’s homeowners. Often solid wood but sometimes enhanced with glass, traditional doors may feature subtle, yet ornate designs. Traditional front doors might feel out of place in modern or rustic homes, so they’re generally best suited to homes with owners that prefer more traditional decor inside their homes.
• Custom: It’s important that homeowners recognize they need not pigeonhole themselves into a particular design style for their front doors. Custom front doors may be costly, but many door manufacturers or contractors customize front doors. Custom doors may suit homeowners’ with unique ideas about decor, and some can even mimic other popular styles while still featuring subtle differences. For example, homeowners can request an arched double door that, while unique, features many of the same qualities that characterize traditional doors, including ornate designs. A front door can greatly influence the first impression people get of a home. That makes it worth homeowners’ time and effort to explore the many different front door styles now available.
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There’s no place like home, especially when that home is a comfortable and safe haven. One of the ways residents find comfort in their homes is by maintaining the right indoor temperatures, which fluctuate along with the seasons. While there is much to be said about opening windows and doors to let Mother Nature do her thing, indoor comfort is often maintained with an HVAC system. HVAC stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. It can include heat
conditions be present, it is likely time to consult with an HVAC technician to see if repairs or replacement of the entire system is warranted.
1. Age
If the HVAC system is more than 10 years old, it could be time to begin budgeting for a new unit. Many modern, efficient systems may last 12 to 14 years with routine maintenance. But it’s good to keep an HVAC system’s age in mind so you can readily recognize when it might start to fail.
components need maintenance or replacement, they also could be symptoms of age and a system nearing failure.
4. Frequent repair visits
Knowing the HVAC company’s repair person by name is a sign that the system has required too much work in recent months. Repeated issues and repairs are probably signs that it’s time to consider a system replacement.
5. Higher bills
pumps, furnaces and air conditioning units. It is an automated system that works by adjusting a thermostat to regulate air temperature, and sometimes humidity, in the home. According to Enviguard, a commercial contracting provider, HVAC systems also may be used to improve indoor air quality through filtration and oxygen replacement.
As with any mechanical device, an HVAC system has a life span that must be considered. Should any of the following
2. Longer or constant running times
An efficient, properly working system will quickly heat or cool the home and then turn off. A system that is turning on repeatedly or having to run for awhile before the set temperature is reached could be nearing the end of its utility.
3. Strange noises
Groaning, banging or loud humming noises should be addressed. While these noises may indicate that certain
Sticker shock when receiving electricity or gas bills likely mean the HVAC system isn’t working efficiently and might need to be replaced.
6. Poor indoor air quality
If the home is dusty or humid or even if allergies seem to have cropped up out of nowhere, this could indicate a poorly functioning HVAC system.
HVAC systems are vital to keeping indoor environments comfortable and safe. Such systems may exhibit certain signs that indicate they need to be replaced.
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Consumers shopping around for home improvement projects may be leaning toward overhauls that can reduce energy consumption and save them money in the long run. This is a driving factor behind a growing number of homeowners
used in homes. Many people are familiar with photovoltaics (PV), which are the panels that absorb sunlight and create an electric field across their layers. Another solar technology, known as concentrating solar power, is primarily used in large power plants and is not appropriate for residential use, according to
According to the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, hundreds of thousands of solar panels have been put in use across the United States since 2008 .
and how many panels will be required to service the system. How much electricity can I expect?
The Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Advice says that the amount of power generated from a solar energy system depends on a few factors:
investigating solar energy for their residences.
Solar power harnesses the sun’s energy and converts it into electricity that can be
The upfront expense of solar panels is significant, costing anywhere from $10,000 to $14,000 for initial installation. However, comparatively speaking, homeowners can spend $1,500 or more per year on electricity, so solar panels will pay for themselves over time. Keep in mind that costs may vary depending on energy needs
Consumers can contact their utility companies to find out if they provide homeowners who produce solar power with “net metering.” This program pays the homeowner money or gives credit for excess power the system produces and returns to the electric grid. Individuals also may be eligible for energy tax credits or other benefits.
Homeowners may find it worthwhile to explore solar energy, particularly if they consume a high amount of electricity.