Xijin ping Liu's Letter of Fraud and Violations of the Fair Labor Act, FMLA, from Jeff Bezos

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5/5/2022 Sent via First Class Mail and Email [Xijin [Ping]-Liu 666 Andy Adams Circle Lake Jackson, Xin-Jiang.US 98101 Dear [Xijin] [Ping-LiuLLC]: This letter confirms your termination of employment effective on 5/5/2022 Over the last several weeks, you have communicated with multiple Amazon stakeholders using vulgar and intimidating language. For example: • “If I don't see action, within 2 weeks. You will reach an unknowable state. 4/27/2022” • “so, 2 weeks, starting now. I’ll wait 2 weeks. I’ll actually fucking wait. I promise. I have no fucking idea, where you people got your "law" degrees from” 4/29/2022 • “Seriously, Fuck you to hell.” 4/29/2022 • “Your nothing but pigs to me at this point.” 4/29/2022 • “Ducking retards.” 4/29/2022 • “Your fucking all just psychopaths.”4/29/2022 • “Get me my fucking 200 hours of overtime worked. Or I’ll literally, With my words only, Destroy your sanity. At this point, you’re my slave.” 4/30/2022 • This is fucktard #1__________@amazon.com This is fucktard #2_____@amazon.com Fucking wake them up, lock them in a dark room, give them a shit ton of hugs And have them send me my fucking money NOW and then spank their ass, For being fucking shits. 4/30/2022 • “Yall are fucking useless, the Retards of Amazon.” 5/1/2022 • “AN EYE FOR AN EYE, BUT ITS FUCKING YOU, AMAZON DLS, AND MY MANAGER GO”- 5/1/2022 • “I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS ARE DOING I DON'T SEE SHIT GOING ON WHERE'S MY FUCKING 30K CASH CAN'T EVEN GET THE FUCKING BILLED OUT FUCKING IDIOTS AND MY STOCKS, YA'LL ARE SO FUCKING SLOW AND DUMB I'M ABOUT TO JUST DEEM THE ETHICS OF AMAZON, AS A FAILED-ORGANIZATION AND DELETE you BOTH WAYS Y'ALL BETTER FUCKING DO SOMETHING BEYOND FUCKING MIRACLES CUZ I LOVE MONEY, RETARDS, IDIOTS” 5/2 On May 3, 2022, Amazon instructed you in writing to communicate in a professional manner and cease using vulgarity and inappropriate language when communicating with any Amazonian moving forward. Amazon advised you that your communication

With Commentary by Ajassy@applemusic

News / Company news

LIU LLC Audit Report Results Amazon CEOs Andy Jassy and Adam Selipsky 2022 24 min

Written by Andy Jassy

Immediate Initial Draft Release: Results from the intial coached performance audit/improvement plan initiated on June 4th, 2022. Posted July 28th, 9:21 PM PST, last updated July 29th at 3:03 AM CST And before the coached process began, what then was the then ongoing employee warning notices, to improve the perofrmance issues seen from Amazon Executives and Director, what was the life lessons centered around in May? FAITH (junefourth.cn) What was the life lesson for June, which by the way should have been more than enough to have seen improvement in performance for Amazon Execs, since every other corp has? LOVE (mlk.ato-z.cn) What will be the life lesson for July? Faith. And unfortunately, it's a pretty brutal in profane truth, towards Amazon Legal, because of this bullshit: https://jeffbezos.art AND OF COURSE MAINLY AND SPECIFICALLY DUE TO UNPAID WAGES, AND UNADDRESSED CONCERNS BY ERC, DUE TO THEM BEING CONFUSED OR SOMETHING ABOUT MY NAME, AND NOW THAT THE COACHED PERFORMANCE AUDIT WHICH WAS EXTENDED, HAS NOW FINALLY ENDED TODAY:

What was the result of the lessons learned by Amazon CEOs, Amazon Executives of departments of organized incorporation, and Amazon ERC of AMazon legal for pursuit of union only in

Dear Shareholders, [[ letter of liabilty by Andy Jassy audited by LIU LLC: as broad stroaks in summary of Andy Jassy's real alignment to words stated in this advertisement, Andy Jassy is not even a tenth of the character values described in this editorial.]]

"This same sort of iterative" invention can be applied to efforts supporting people and communities. Last summer, we added two new Leadership Principles: Strive to be Earth’s Best Employer and Success and Scale Bring Broad Responsibility . These concepts were always implicit at Amazon, but explicit Leadership Principles help us ask ourselves—and empower more Amazonians at all levels to ask—whether we’re living up to these principles.

Ziping's Note:

I'm not sure why there's a need to emphasize a defintion of a

word as a classifier for the word, iterative & invention, I guess that has something to do with writing without a clear intent at all, such as with the termination letters of legal fraud, which isn't much that different than a corporate ad. And in terms of invention, and feeling empowered, I do not at all feel that way. I didn't invent anything, that has to do with whatever it is you think having the ablility to write beyond that of a standard U.S. Ruled Attorney Drone T14 Terminator. I simply wrote ideas. Just because what I write doesn't align with the agenda of you, who you think is the agenda of the business..., doesn't mean that's a bad thing.

Ziping's Note:Because,

look at the afermath now, you Amazon Legal and Execs, wanted what so to a point of false hopes of your making not mine, because you completly ignored the grounding of good-faith required with any business interests. Also, it's not my fault you didn't understand the words when you decided to copy my writings to use in your share holder letter, I'm not at all a lawyer. I'm just a poet. I did't go to Harvard either, so I don't have the bias for writing a fluff piece, that you do. Because when you take real, intent, and honest words like mine, and use it as a fluff piece, you end up with how you are running Amazon right now, still completly failing in my Audit. You need to pay me, or you will go to prison as compensation for my wages.

">>These concepts were always implicit"

Ziping's Note:It's reasonable now to see the filler is there, since this paragraph

has no substance. In reality, as of right now, it's evident that this is not

impilicit at Amazon, or a coproaration that is just like Amazon's mindset upstairs.

Ziping's Note:For the obvious reason that, if such good-faith principles did truly exist as implicit, of finding fault in Ziping Liu for the explicit things said out of frame, the leaders would instead be already explicit wherein, given leaders are vocally self critical.

...But explicit Leadership...

Ziping's Note:WIth Amazon Legal, explciit or not, its actions are all

algined out side any framing of any secotrs, and all in with the same intent. Amazon Legal was explcicit and implicit of willful intent of malice. It doesn't matter if you showcase the explicty nature of

ignorance and silence. Because the explcit fact is, visitors came by my house and said hi. But you thought it proper to motion powers without a explcit due process. but rather through the explicit name of your org, hence when they left, they left asking the implicit motives of violations beyond a title of rights reserved which was stood as implicit in goodfaith..., but the intent of exhaustion through legal process is to be explicit..

...Principles help us ask ourselves... Ziping's Note:And so directed by Amazon, FBI dudes also explicitly told

me that I need to get a lawyer instead of writing poetry online, or else I'll Find myself blacklisted by the corporate playground. And especialy

since Amazon is a huge company, but as soon as they said that, they also began asking themselves, yet so is the FBI, and I said, and so is Amazon. So then we just smiled, and fist bumped each other. VERY BIG AND DUMB IN DIRECTORSHIP INTELLIGENCT AGENCYS OR JUST AMAZON.COM, BOTH ARE DUMB, BUT AMAZON.COM IS NOW AT AN CMPLETLEY CRAZY INSANE LEVEL OF EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP, so hence my tough love at Christopher Wray. Because at least the FBI agents That came by and said hi, were actually cool to talk to, like they were just chill dudes, which is a huge different between then and now, so no hard feeligns from me with the FBI. I'm only mad at Amazon since they have taken back COrporate Strategy backwards by 200 years of didactic understandings of law, and at this point, only mad at Amazon, since I collected more input and now see the idiocy at Amazon still on-going, when other sectors have made huge strides alread. That said I am not at all lett you slack off though... CHRISTOPHER WRAY, IT'S NOT ENOUGH THAT YOU HIRED AN HR SPECIALIST, BUT CONGRATS ON WINNING THE BID AGAINST AMAZON TO REMAIN AS THE GOVERNMENT OF THE FEDERAL JURISDICTION OF THE U.S.,, USE THIS DISTASTER BY AMAZON LEGAL AS A CASE STUDY AS TO HOW NOT TO RUN AN HR ORG. AMAZON, YOU HAD A CHANCE TO WIN BACK GOOD FAITH THROUGH GOOD FAITH CHANGES OF ACTIONS,, NOW YOU EITHER PAY ME OR YOU PAY VIA TIME. Blinken, I don't even want to k

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know what the fuck you are diong with the whoe passport renewal. Don't even try to talk to me about or mutter out some apology, jsut get ti done, it's such a simple request, and you turned it into some huge federal project. No, I'm not goin go give word to the president about this huge undertaking of yours, at this point, nothing of passports built status. THAT'S ALL DISMISSED. ourselves—and empower more Amazonians at all levels to ask— whether we’re living up to these principles.

Ziping's Note:Adam, I don't feel EMPOWERED AUTONOMOLY at all right now, why



IT doesn not take a CEO level of leadership, to see that I am not the Problem, and that the problem was from you using problems to solve problems. It's that simple, it's because it's that insane as well, that right now, all of your organizations involved with this mess are now all failed and without good standing, And those poeple who work in those orgs, and lead them, now lost crediblity in the industry and it's not my fault. It's your fault Andy, for steering the business oeraptions, in that direction in teh first place. SO you have not motioned

SO, you have not motioned any of these corrective executive actions that are so clear to understand a 4 year old could see through to them and in bad faith as an employer. You did your blackout tantrum on me in May because you were trying to hide problems, because I kept i finding new problems. Andy, if we don't fix problems at work, this is what happens, you looking like a jackass in front of the world, while I'm trying to get paid, so I NEED TO GET PAID ANDY, OR ELSE, it's clear, the problem is you Andy. SO either action my items, or I have no idea, XIPING, won't like this. Don't piss off the president of China by writing jokes legal letters and using a different letter to imply it's the president of China. Grow up. you already pissed off the President of Liu LLC. 1/ Hire the Right Builders: We disproportionately index in hiring builders. We think of builders as people who like to invent, who look at customer experiences, dissect what doesn’t work well about them, and seek to reinvent them. We want people who keep asking why can’t it be done? We want people who like to experiment and tinker, and who realize launch is the starting line, not the finish line.

Ziping's review: I'm not sure what you mean by Right, and where your intended posture of why can't it be done stands. Because it is obvious, you're not hiring people who are right at what they do; rather, you hire those who ask why can't it, when laws exists that say it can't be. Because, when someone of the mentality, speaks up as right, with solutions to issues with Amazon's ethicshotline that ask why can't it be done, you see that as motions for retalation in procedural steps of blackmail and fraud. And this is how you never end up with the right builders: the person who asks "why can't it be done," because, you see the person who actualy does that as a threat to your control of some idea of a business interest. But you fail to realize, what made you think control of your business interest included control outside the framee of the sector the busiesss is in? And what makes you think control over, is how best to form a business interest? Your business interest is your leadershp princples. BUt obviously it's not. I don't know about you, but at least I am getting things done amidst your blackmailing right now, to Ziping Liu. What did Ziping Liu do amdist the blackmail? He bought Amazon a brand new ticketing system so that AMazon ERC won't have any more issues with mangaging emails, and employee profiles of ZIpnig LIu. Especially so that, Amazon DLS won't accidently delete DLS cases with RICH USA INC. the warehouse. 2/ Organize Builders into Teams That Are as Separable and Autonomous as Possible: It’s hard for teams to be deep in what customers care about in multiple areas. It’s also hard to spend enough time on the new initiatives when there’s resource contention with the more mature businesses; the surer bets usually win out. Single-threaded teams will know their customers’ needs better, spend all their waking work hours inventing for them, and develop context and tempo to keep iterating quickly.

Ziping's review: You have a very strange way of looking the term "autonomous." Let's look at the orgnaization defination of



A. having the right or power of self-government an autonomous territor B. undertaken or carried on without outside control If you don't action my concerns, I will move forward and write out my thoughts for the rest of this shareholder letter. It wont' be fun. So, I suggest you take action to actually walk the talk Andy Jassy.


Shareholder letter

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