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Product R&D: XS Injectors - Aussie company develops world-first technology
XS Injectors has developed a game-changing piece of new technology called EXACT MATCH
The Melbourne-based performance fuel injector business says this world-first technology provides performance vehicle tuners with tuning data that is exactly matched to each set of injectors, not based on data for generic flow rates. “Performance tuners know all too well that tuning modified engines after upgrades is a very precise business,” XS Injectors Managing Director, Simon Richards, said. “The smallest of margins can make a huge difference, especially when it comes to fuel delivery. “Even with the best technology, leading fuel injector companies might work with tolerances of up to nine percent between how their injectors perform against what the tuning data outlines in the files they provide to the tuners. “Well, that’s all about to change.” XS Injectors says the level of testing it has developed is like nothing before seen in the industry. Whilst the testing of fuel injectors is governed by International Standard J1832 and is tightly controlled, the allowable tolerances just don’t work for performance tuners who are looking for every horsepower, it says. XS Injectors explains that its injectors provide tolerances within one percent on flow rate and two percent on dead times and each injector has over 6,500 flow points recorded to create a flow profile. XS Injectors states that the result is the world’s most accurate performance fuel injector. Further, there is the added benefit of EXACT MATCHing each set of injectors, which is also part of the XS Injectors story. The key to an ultimate fuel injector, and therefore the fuel delivery tune, is having all fuel injectors working at not only exactly the same performance, but also adjusting the tune to match the flow rate. It is widely known that a set of 1000cc injectors generally never flow at exactly 1000cc; a set might all be tightly matched but could flow at 915cc or even 1001cc, explains XS Injectors. “As an example, say a set of eight injectors all flow at 943cc, the generic tuning data, that is provided from injector companies and used by tuners, is likely to be calculated right on or at 1000cc,” Simon said. “In this example case, the tune would be off by 5.7 percent. Whilst high end tuners would continue to adjust the tune to get it perfect, this can take hours. “In this XS Injectors example, if all eight injectors flowed at 943cc, then the completely individualised tuning data file would be for that dedicated set complete with a 943cc flow rate. “The end result is perfectly tuned injectors without any need for further tuning adjustments!” XS Injectors says that further to its revolutionary development of flow rate matching, the EXACT MATCH technology also provides the same enhancement for the deadtime performance of each injector. The XS Injector tuning files are also already adjusted to exactly match the deadtimes of each set. The EXACT MATCH tuning data files for all popular tuning software and ECUs are available for immediate download from the XS Injectors website: www.xsinjectors.com To access the files, simply type in the individual
Injector ID into the Data Download section of the website and the report and data files are instantaneously available. When asked why XS Injectors went to these lengths to develop this world-first technology, Simon explained: “Performance Tuners not only in Australia but around the world have consistently said they were looking for better and more tightly matched injector sets. “So, four years ago we decided to develop a system that surpassed anything on the market. “We employed a renowned engineer and a world class data analyst to develop this new technology from the ground up. The idea was to take performance injectors to a new level and create a new standard for testing and tuning data.” Simon also backs his claims of XS Injectors’ game changing technology by offering another world first when it comes to the product warranty. “We have full faith in our product in both the development and quality, so all XS Injectors are backed by an unconditional lifetime warranty which I believe is not offered by any other performance fuel injector,” Simon said. XS Injectors was founded by Simon Richards and his father Stewart, who can not only stake claim to being one of Australia’s first ever fuel injection specialists, but collectively have almost 80 years of experience in fuel delivery. According to those behind XS Injectors, this niche Melbourne company is about to take the world by storm and represents the ingenuity that is so globally respected from Australian performance businesses. Trade sales for XS Injectors are available through Injectors Online at www.injectorsonline.com
Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine Publisher, Cameron McLachlan, takes a look at the products driving the automotive aftermarket. cameron@aaaa.com.au