Autumn 2012· Volume 3 Issue 1
“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” -Proverbs 29:18
the Bronzevillian News from the CEC
A Note from the Director
elcome to the third issue of the Bronzevillian, the African American and African Studies Community Extension Center’s newsletter. The purpose of this Judson L. Jeffries, PhD newsletter is to inform members of the Ohio State University community as well as the larger Columbus community not only about events that occur at the CEC, but issues that are of interest to local residents. I am approaching the beginning of my seventh year as director of the CEC and in this capacity I have been fortunate to oversee the creation and growth of a number of exciting and unique programs and activities. As a public land grant institution, OSU recognizes its legal and moral obligation to help improve the quality of life of Ohioans, and to address some of the most pressing issues confronting its citizens through teaching, research and service. With this purpose in mind, the primary mission of the CEC is to enhance community access to OSU’s resources and cultivate relationships between OSU and Columbus’s various Black communities. With the help of volunteers, board members, faculty, students and others the CEC has experienced a tremendous amount of success over the years; and I have every reason to believe that bigger things are on the horizon. Please join me and the CEC’s staff in helping empower the residents of this rich and historic neighborhood.
A A newsletter newsletter from from the the Department Department of of African African American American and and African African Studies Studies Community Community Extension Extension Center Center
The Annual Black Veterans Day Salute: Honoring Gulf War Veterans By: Sarah Twitty oday is a day of great celebration and pride, said Councilman Hearcel F. Craig, Sr. in his opening remarks at the sixth annual Black Veterans Day Salute at The Ohio State University’s AAAS Community Extension Center. This annual event recognizes African American servicemen and women whose contributions and sacrifices have enabled Americans to enjoy the rights, freedoms, and securities that are so often taken for granted. Black Veterans Day Salute honorees pose for photo. (Back Row) Jeffrey Phalo, The Tuskegee Airmen were honAlbert C. Edmondson, David Norman Holland, Leon McDougle, MD, Jerry A. ored in 2006, the Vietnam War veter- Perkins, Danny Thomas, and David Earl Harrison. (Front Row) Philip Nowlin, Melvin Jackson, Jr., Kevin J. Muhammad, Richard Lewis, Jr., Michael Holmes. ans in 2007, the Korean War veterans Not shown Monte Ingram, Posthumous. in 2008, African American women in “Like all military conflicts before the Gulf War, 2009, World War II veterans in 2010, and today we African American servicemen and women served the honor thirteen Gulf War era veterans, one posthucountry with honor and distinction,” said Dr. Robert mously. Valero, Associate Professor of Security Studies at the Quoting from Dr. Elijah Benjamin Mays, former University of Texas at El Paso, and Keynote Speaker president of Morehouse College and mentor to Dr. for the event. “In 1990-1991, African Americans Martin Luther King, Jr., Craig said “There ought to be were 12 percent of the U.S. population, but made up something in a person’s life greater than their materi20 percent of the total number of U.S. troops. Of the al possessions and wealth, higher than genius, more 48 percent of all army enlisted women, 40 percent enduring than fame. Here lies your greatest chalserved in the Gulf.” lenge and most compelling duty. Whoever uplifts civilization is rich though they die penniless. Future Continued on pages 10-11 generations will erect their monument.”
Department of African American and African Studies Community Extension Center 905 Mount Vernon Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43203-1413
Phone: (614) 292-3922 Fax: (614) 292-3892