CSR Report 2014 - Banking for Society

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Banking for Society

CSR Report

people society environment life

Banking for Society

Companies and institutions have placed increasing emphasis, over the past few years, on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and on taking into consideration the impact of their operational activities, by voluntarily contributing to a better society and a cleaner environment. The banking industry, by nature, drives social and economic progress and development, through providing financing that helps businesses and economies grow. As such, banks have been amongst the first to realize the importance of integrating social and environmental concerns in their business operations, having a defined CSR policy. Through well-devised and successful CSR strategies, banks can increase their profile in the community they serve, and enable societal development, whilst simultaneously strengthening their profitability. The Albanian banking industry has also followed this path for years now. Banks in Albania account for a total of combined assets of about 92 per cent of the Albanian GDP, and total loans to the economy of about 42 per cent of the GDP. By the end of 2014 they had employed around 6.800 people, which are being continuously trained. Beyond lending and workforce development, Albanian banks have shown their commitment to being good corporate citizens in the communities where they operate, by supporting nonprofit organizations, through employee volunteerism, donations, and expertise, to create a positive impact. AAB deems it important to highlight the extent to which Albanian banks have made CSR a full part of their business strategy, and convey the information on their achievements and contribution to sustainable and inclusive growth. The aim of this first report is to collect a non-exhaustive list of CSR initiatives launched by the Albanian banks in 2014 and their best practices of contribution to the community, hoping to inspire future CSR activities by illustrating how they have served society at large.

Endrita Xhaferaj

AAB Secretary General

â—? CSR REPORT â—?


Foreword..................................................................... 3 Introduction................................................................ 5 Activity by sector....................................................... 7 4

Health..........................................................................7 Social Support......................................................... 11 Education................................................................. 20 Environment............................................................ 24 Art, Culture and Sport............................................. 29 Special Awards........................................................ 37


Banks in Albania remain committed to the principles and values that have governed their operations since their establishment. It is a primary goal for each of them to ensure credibility, reliability and efficiency in banking services. Banks are also committed to ensure employee satisfaction through compensations and benefits, working conditions and equal opportunities for career development, while supporting the community through projects which cover health, social, education, environmental, cultural, and sportive issues in Albania. The main focus during 2014 has been the health sector, where the contribution of banks has been very significant. In this framework, four banks from the sector have sponsored reconstructions and have financed the purchase of medical equipments in 7 hospitals and in 8 medical regional centers in the country. Banks’ employees have become regular blood donators. The collaboration of banks with Red Cross Albania has been very productive. For many years now banks organize in their premises blood donation sessions and their employees always welcome these activities. Their Communication Departments have supported these initiatives lunching campaigns on social media and giving a strong message to all their clients. Different health awareness campaigns occurred throughout the year, and banks put all their efforts to enhance awareness even further. Two banks closely cooperated last year and lunched TV campaigns and sponsored the project “Marathon of Life” to raise the community awareness on breast cancer. Regarding social support, the report gives a list of the main contributions of the banking sector towards many children foundations in the country, involved in important causes, such as Down Syndrome, Autism, Thalassemia, integration of Roma, vulnerable children, and orphans, as well as other foundations supporting people with disabilities, lonely elders and terminal cancer patients. Down Syndrome Foundation Albania is a newly created foundation that was welcomed from four banks of the system and strongly supported in all their initiatives during year 2014. The testimonial of Mrs Emanuela Zaimi, founder of the foundation evidences the good partnership and the continuing support banks give to this community. In this section of the report there is also evidence of the support banks have given to many state institutions, and different municipalities all over the country.



Education is another sector that has received a considerable attention from banks. Five banks have sponsored very interesting initiatives of students and have organized promoting events in collaboration with Junior Achievement, Turgut Ozal College, Culinary Education Institute and Ministry of Welfare and Youth, to encourage students to use their theoretical knowledge in practical experiences. Banks will eventually hire the best students and always support them during their academic path in close collaboration with the Regional Education Directorates. Environmental sustainability is a key part of banks’ social responsibility efforts. Banks have established environmental policies, goals and practices that help guide their activities inside and out. Environmentally-oriented thinking is incorporated into a range of bank operations, lending, products and services and community activities.


Banks in Albania have become important supporters of the initiative “Cleaning Albania” as part of the global initiative “Let’s Do it! World Clean-up: Let’s Clean the World Together!” 6 banks and their employees, followed also by their clients, have been active in cleaning seaside areas as well as polluted areas in the cities. At the same time, banks have been involved in recycling as well as in ecologic and green energy initiatives. Banks have contributed significantly in culture and arts in different cities of the country, throughout the year, both by organizing events or supporting events organized by other state or private institutions, as well as by sponsoring artistic and cultural activities, at a national and international level. In addition, foreign banks continuously support the sharing of the Albanian culture and tradition with those of the countries they originate from. In the world of sport, it is hard to get away from banks. Banks have sponsored and made possible the challenges of Albanian Alpinists reaching Everest, Albanian teams participating in World Championships, as well as have continuously sponsored national teams and championships. On the other hand the community has recognized the commitment of banks: during 2014 only, 3 banks have been awarded at a national level for their CSR involvement and contribution to the society.



Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania Voluntary Blood Donors Group is regularly donating blood twice per year to help children with Thalassemia under the slogan: “Donate Blood to Save a Life!” in close cooperation with the Albanian Association of Voluntary Blood Donors. The initiatives are organized in the biggest branches of the bank: Tirana Head Offices & Rr. Barrikadave Branch, where the number of donors has increased significantly. A total of 166 working hours is the bank’s contribution as an institution to this humanitarian initiative.

Tirana Bank in cooperation with Red Cross Albania, in September, organized for the sixth consecutive year, voluntary blood donation by all its employees across the country. This act of humanity comes to assisting people in need, especially children who suffer from Thalassemia and leukemia. This initiative was joined by Tirana Bank clients but also by volunteers who responded to its call in the media.

Alpha Bank Albania, in collaboration with the Red Cross Albania, organized for the fourth consecutive year the Blood Donation Day. Nearly 300 persons who suffer from Thalassemia need blood every month. Many others need blood due to accidents, surgeries and other factors. In order to further sensitize the community about the importance of donating blood, Alpha Bank Albania launched a Facebook campaign named “I donate 5 minutes of my time! What about you?”

International Commercial Bank in collaboration with the Red Cross Albania has organized twice during the year in its bank premises blood donation sessions to help Thalassemic children.





Alpha Bank Albania has financed some projects in different hospital centres, such as the Hospital Centre in Kamëz where the bank fulfilled some needs this centre had such as for metal beds, blankets, sheets or other equipment necessary for the treatment of patients in the emergency rooms. Alpha Bank Albania donated also a Coagulometer, a device used to measure the ability of the blood to coagulate, for the Hospital Centre Nr. 6 in Kombinat, Tirana. Another donation was made to the Regional Hospital “Omer Nishani” in Gjirokastra, enabling deployment of signals indoor and outdoor the hospital, which facilitate the orientation of patients.

BKT sponsored the purchase of an ultrasound unit to improve the quality of gynecological examinations at Hospital Nëna Mbretëreshë.

Credins Bank financially supported the construction of clinical and biochemical laboratory of the Polyclinic and Durrës Regional Hospital. Throughout 2014 the laboratory will be available to perform all tests with modern equipment, thus contributing to enhancing the quality of hospital care to citizens. Under the slogan “Credins Bank supports health in Albania”, the bank supported the health sector, also in the Vlora Regional Hospital by providing modern hospital equipments for the blood analysis laboratory. The bank sponsored also the reconstruction of the main building of the Regional Hospital of Shkodra and the University Hospital Shefqet Ndroqi (the Sanatorium) by financially supporting the implementation of the project that aims to meet the standards of services accreditation within the hospital.

8 hospitals & 8 medical regional centers Raiffeisen Bank has sponsored the purchase of hospital material such as kits and reagents necessary for the diagnosis of patients for the oncology clinic of the University Hospital of Tirana Mother Tereza under the agreement with Ministry of Health at the amount of 30.000 Euros.


HEALTH SYSTEM BKT’s healthcare sponsorships and donations in 2014 are briefly summarized below.

Berat Public Health Directorate: Donations to improve service quality and to strengthen institutional relationships.

Rrëshen Health Care Centre: Donation of office equipment to improve service quality in a hospital that serves a community of more than 16,000 people. Delvinë Health Care Centre: Donation of office equipment to improve service quality in a hospital that serves a community of more than 12,000 people.

Elbasan Health Care Centre: Improvement of internal hospital signature system. The improved system makes it easier for the 300,000 inhabitants of Elbasan region to circulate and be served in this huge medical services centre. BKT also sponsored improvements in the Elbasan Psychiatric Hospital gardens, which are used patients in their free time.

Devoll Public Health Directorate: Donation of office equipment to improve service quality in a hospital that serves a community of more than 35,000 people.

Gjirokastër Public Health Directorate: BKT sponsored a conference on exploring ways in which to improve public health in the Gjirokastra region.

Thoma Rrudha Patos Fier Health Care Centre: BKT contributed to a program to improve public health; also donated blood analysis equipment so that local inhabitants no longer have to travel long distances for blood analyses.

Rrogozhinë Health Care Centre: Donation of office equipment to improve service quality in a hospital that serves a community of more than 15,000 people. Orosh Health Care Centre: Donation of office equipment to improve service quality in a medical centre that serves a community of people spread out over a huge and otherwise remote area.

Raiffeisen Bank supported the initiative of the Directory of the University Central Hospital “Mother Teresa”, in supporting financially the project for providing new uniforms for the employees of the Hospital. Raiffeisen Bank sponsored the reconstruction of the general entrance of Korça Regional Hospital. In the inauguration ceremony Mr John McNaughton promised on behalf of the bank a continuous support to the health sector.




Tirana Bank honored breast cancer survivors, to raise awareness about the steps that can be taken to reduce the incidence of this condition. The bank joined this initiative by supporting TV campaigns, as well as printing and distributing posters to promote awareness and encourage examinations, through its central office and all branches, to raise the awareness of its staff, clients and community.

Credins Bank supported the awareness initiatives aiming to raise community awareness on the importance of breast cancer prevention. In this context the bank sponsored the project “Marathon of Life”.


Crédit Agricole Albania collaborated for the second consecutive year with YWCA (Young Women’s Christian Association of Albania) and other supportive institutions for this important cause. This year, to the traditional walk against breast cancer October 31st, from Mother Theresa Square throuth the main Boulevard, were added minivans with health specialists, which offered free mammograms for women. The staff of the bank, as last year, joined this symbolic walk to support this important cause.


Social Support

First Investment Bank has supported the Down Syndrome Foundation Albania (DSA) which provides therapy for early development for over 25 children born with Down Syndrome and offers an unparalleled support for the children and their families. Fibank’s help and support for this foundation has been on-going and will continue for the years to come.

Alpha Bank Albania was one of the main sponsors on the conference “Health and Wellbeing - Access and Equality for all”, which was organized on the premises of the World Down Syndrome on March 21st, by Jonathan Center. The conference aimed raising awareness in the community about the Down Syndrome and to raise funds for the development and support of the individuals with Down Syndrome in Albania.

United Bank of Albania (UBA) has supported DSA and the Service Center and contributes for additional free therapies in benefit to children’s affected by Down Syndrome. Additionally, on 29th December, 2014, UBA sponsored and organized the end-year party for the children of DSA Foundation.


Raiffeisen Bank made possible the reconstruction of new facilities of DSA and its Service Centre for children, individuals with Down Syndrome and their families. This is the first center of this kind in Albania.


Social Support

Emanuela Zaimi

Founder and Chair of the Board Leader of Parent Support Group Down Syndrome Albania Foundation & Achievement and Support Center

The support of banks towards Down Syndrome Albania Foundation (DSA) dates back to September 2013, when DSA was newly established and organized a charity concert with the world-renowned Albanian tenor, Saimir Pirgu, Ambassador of the cause, in order to collect the first operational funds. Raiffeisen Bank was the first that embraced the initiative and today, more than a business sponsoring our activities it is a strategic partner, that supports the existence of the Achievements and Development Centre of DSA, where 30 children with Down Syndrome receive specialized therapeutic services for free and their parents receive appropriate information, psychological support and trainings. First Investment Bank also supported the charity concert organized in October - the month of awareness about Down Syndrome, buying a considerable number of tickets for its staff. From two years now Fibank contributes by purchasing DSA postcards for season’s greetings, bringing considerable income to DSA, that is used for the continuation of free therapy services.


In December 2013, Tirana Bank joined by donating funds to DSA and EndYear’s presents for children with Down Syndrome. In December 2014, United Bank of Albania bought postcards and organized a party with gifts for the New Year’s festivities for the children of the center The activities of March 21, for year 2014 were again sponsored by Raiffeisen Bank. The sponsorships of banks to DSA, and in particular that of Raiffeisen Bank, has contributed to the fulfillment of two goals: raising awareness, and capacity building. The total value of the monetary contribution of the banking sector in the country towards DSA is 33,250 Euro, and approximately 1,000 Euro is the contribution in kind and holiday gifts for the children of the center. The support of these large businesses has influenced also the image of DSA versus other donors from the business sector, as it reflects the seriousness of our work and its measurable results. The next challenge for DSA is that of establishing a social business, which will help the autonomy and financial stability of the foundation. DSA, supported for free by Deloitte Albania, is finalizing the planning for a social business – “DSA Flower and Gift Shop”, whose incomes would make possible the providing of free therapeutic services for children with Down Syndrome. On the other hand the second goal of this business will be that of employing young people with Down Syndrome, thus helping their inclusion in the society and giving them an economic independence. Taking this opportunity we appeal to the readers to support our mission. DSA hopes to inaugurate the opening of this business in October 2015 in the framework of the awareness month about Down Syndrome.


Social Support

Alpha Bank Albania welcomed the invitation of the Albanian Children Foundation that has supported children with autism and their families by providing them screening and diagnosis, to be part of this initiative by supporting the trainings and treatments of a child for 1 year. The bank has also donated money to the ‘’Mother and Child Foundation” which operates in the Maternity Hospital in Albania to assist young mothers with financial difficulties. The created fund was used to purchase an x-ray machine for the babies.

International Commercial Bank sponsored for the third year in a row and in collaboration with the Centre for Protection of Child Rights (CRCA) the organization “Human Right Home”. The amount of the donation was used to buy 100 boxes of clothing for the Roma children that are accommodated every day at the center premises Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania supported with a donation the Fundraising Charity Concert organized by Caritas Albania for the children and vulnerable groups. The revenues from the tickets of this concert went for supporting the Daily Care Center of people with mental disabilities in Fushë-Kruja. Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania donated medical supplies to the Organization for the Care of Children with Mental and Physical disabilities. The families of this disadvantaged group live in hard economic status and are in need of basic conditions.

BKT donated money to the “Domenick Scaglione” Children’s Foundation to help the foundation in its efforts to improve the quality of life of autistic children. The bank has financed also the reconstruction of the Velipoja Summer House for Orphans. In addition to its own donations, BKT also helped raise funds through social network platforms.

Credins Banks has financially supported the Albanian Children Foundation which cares about children in vulnerable conditions.

Credins Bank and International Commercial Bank supported for many years “SOS Village” by covering the cost of fours kids to assure them a safe home and a healthy life.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank employees, in occasion of the Orphans Day, donated money and food for the families with orphan kids in Gjirokastra, in its mission to help the communities in need in all the cities where the Bank operates.



Social Support Societe Generale Albania helped the orphans in need of “Baby House” and “People with disabilities” in Korca City. On December 2014, representatives of the Societe Generale Albania bank organized in Korca City events in both houses for the distribution of presents.


Societe Generale Albania in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry contributed for SOS Village by organizing an exhibition for children paintings of SOS village on 26th December 2014. The bank made possible the organization of this event and, together with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, bought several of the exposed paintings.

Raiffeisen Bank was the general sponsor of the activity “A day like all other children”, organized by the Association of Art Aerobic Gymnastics. The event was organized on the occasion of May 20, the International Day of Orphans. This massive event was attended by about 500 children aged 5-21 years who came from 9-year schools and high schools and orphanages in Tirana, Durrës, Shkodra, Vlora, Lushnja, Kosovo, Macedonia and Ulcinj, etc .

Credit Agricole Albania gave its support for one year for one autistic child, covering the therapeutic daily sessions necessary for him, provided by professionals in the Regional Center of Autism in Tirana. The center is created by the Foundation “Albanian Children”, a non-profit organization focused in diagnosis and contemporary treatment methods for autistic children. It gives support to 80 children coming from all regions of Albania.


Social Support

International Commercial Bank participated in the awareness campaign organized by the Albanian Red Cross on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (17 October 2014) where bank’s employees contributed voluntarily with monetary value as well as food or clothing to help very poor people.

Tirana Bank supported the lonely elders in the “International Day of the Eradication of Poverty” joining the initiative of the Albanian Red Cross: “Think of those who are not like you.” In this context at the offices of the Red Cross in Tirana, Tirana Bank for the third year distributed 100 food packages for elderly people living alone.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania made a donation to Red Cross aiding them to prepare food packages for the people in need, in all Albania, in memoriam of the World Hunger Day 2014.

Tirana Bank, for the second year dedicated to those in need the funds allocated for bank’s Year-End presents. The funds went for supporting children in need, particularly those suffering from Thalassemia and orphans, for whom the bank organized Year-End festivities.


Credit Agricole Albania staff, under the motto “People help people”, in collaboration with Red Cross Albania, voluntarily contributed with clothing, food and toys for people and children with fewer opportunities. In few days, considerable amount of donations were gathered. Staff donations were sent at the headquarters of the Red Cross Albania where volunteers prepared separated food-baskets and divided clothing according to the age-group categories that benefited from them.


Social Support

BKT sponsored “Silhouette of a dream”, a New Year’s Eve fund-raiser event for children in need.


Veneto Banka in collaboration with Lions Club Tirana made possible the sponsorship of two electric chairs for two paralytic children of the Rushani family of the Novosela Community in the city of Vlora.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania donated to the NGO ‘’Martyrs of State Police’’ a symbolic sum to make possible the organization of a cultural activity for the Summer Day celebrations with orphan children of the Police Martyrs, considering the support toward children, especially those with fewer ecosocial opportunities, more than just a social contribution - as a duty.

35% of the banks’ staff has made monthly donations from their salary to the accounts of two NGO’s: “Ryder Albania” and the Albanian Children Foundation “Fly for Life” Ryder Albania: To improve the “quality of life” for terminal cancer patients offering medical, psychological, and socio-economic support; supporting not only the patient but the family as well; to offer training and education program on Palliative Care; Lobby and advocacy to influence the policies on Palliative Care. Fly for Life: The mission of the Foundation is to help children in need, irrespective of ethnic or religion background with priority given to newborns and abandoned infants, handicapped and institutions which support and provide food, shelter and education to them. Their contribution is extended throughout Albania.

Tirana Bank supported the Social Project “Aiding children born with HIV/AIDS” with a fundraising call under the slogan “Tirana Bank Cares” to its entire Network, for five days. Both employees and the bank “Institutionally” made donations to this cause.


Alpha Bank Albania and Credit Agricole Albania supported the project “Giving voice to picture the world” that aims to use the technology solutions text-to-speech in order to improve the living conditions for approximately 20,000 visually impaired persons. The project provides possibility to read the computer’s literature via audio in Albanian language and opportunity to blinds to access independently to audio and print materials only in few seconds. Thanks to such computer application it will be enabled to elaborate, scan and read of all “received information” to a blind person. In addition, it will also benefit blind persons of different ages that use their mobile phones with similar screen readers.

Social Support

Tirana Bank supported Tirana Policy Directorate by financing its operational activities in providing phosphorus vests, communication radios, traffic signs and painting the police cars. In this way Tirana Bank contributes in restoring law and order in Tirana and helping the state police.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania sponsored the reconstruction of the “Agro Business Meeting Hall”, at Ministry of Agriculture premises. This area was transformed into a space of innovation and productiveness, being also a supporter through tailor-made products and services for the small and medium enterprises of this sector.

Veneto Banka supported financially the promotional information campaign conceived and designed by the National Tourism Agency.

Following its initiatives in helping businesses, the bank supported a key institution such as the National Registration Center (NRC) for “Service Digital Point & Waiting Hall Reconstruction”, to improve the conditions in the waiting area for individuals and businesses. It also made possible the “Touch Screen Kiosk”, where everyone can benefit from the digitalized core services offered through this electronic device.

Veneto Banka financed the establishment of a new modern Fountain, necessary for a contemporary infrastructure, for the community of Kombinat in Tirana, in a highly populated area.



Social Support Alpha Bank Albania supported the reconstruction of a fountain in Berat City, which is an important piece of art for the City and is located in the central square.

Raiffeisen Bank financed the total reconstruction of the first modern “Labour Office” in Tirana. This project was implemented in order to provide a standardized mediation employment service for local citizens and thereby increase employment. Raiffeisen Bank, in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Social Welfare and the National Service of Employment, has financed the reconstruction of the Employment Office in Gjirokastra.

BKT sponsored the establishment of a public health training center at Kashar Municipality and donated office equipment to improve service quality at Tirana Student Treatment.


First Investment Bank sponsored the project developed by the Municipality of Vlora, “Summer Camp 2014”. This activity is organized for children identified by the municipality as well as children of families that benefit from the social welfare scheme. The summer camp was held near the 9th grade school “Special PLM” and the number of participating children was about 60.


First Investment Bank sponsored for the third year in a row the project on Seasonal Student Employment organized by the Municipality of Korca. About 60 students involved in the project were awarded certificates by both institutions.

Social Support Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania supported the Social Center of Tirana Municipality “Our common House”, which supports around 100 people from vulnerable groups (people with disabilities, street children, orphans, violated women & abandoned elders) with socio-psychological services, physiotherapy and food. The bank offered them the opportunity for a cultural trip to Kruja and a visit to the Scanderbeg (the national hero) museum in memoriam of the Independence Day; supported the reconstruction of the library of the Center; organized the Halloween Party for the kids; and provided food packages for the families for the Year-End celebrations.

Raiffeisen Bank has continuously supported Kuçova Municipality in many projects the community has developed. The main street of the city was named “Raiffeisen Bank”, in the occasion of its 10 anniversary. The ceremony was organized with the participation of the Major of the city and Mr. McNaughton board member of the bank that promised the continuation of this support. Raiffeisen Bank has continued its contribution also this year for the Municipality of Saranda by supporting the project “ The re-qualification of the public pool and supporting facilities”.


Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania supported the Municipality of Korca in several initiatives during the year aiming to improve the city for its residents and visitors. The City Tour Map Publication and the Re-design of a wellstructured Website were the projects aiming enhancing the country’s infrastructure while being part of its economic development.



Alpha Bank Albania sponsored a very innovative initiative that was organized from the Junior Achievement Albania and aimed to inspire the students on creating business ideas. There were 22 businesses founded from the students which are part of the Junior Achievement network and that advertised their businesses and sold their products to the visitors of a shopping mall. The winner represented Albania in the European Competition which took place in Estonia in July.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania in cooperation with ISBD of Intesa Sanpaolo Group, continued to involve university students in competitive projects giving them opportunity to win internships and hands-on experience in today’s business environment. 12 students participated in the 3-month contest, presenting projects in the Customer Service field. The goal of this project is to give students the opportunity to use their theoretical knowledge in developing innovative ideas on specific topics, but also to test their capabilities under real business conditions, where they are soon going to work.


Tirana Bank hosted a student of the last year of high school chosen by the Junior Achievement organization to spend the whole day at the premises of Tirana Bank headquarters.

BKT sponsored a career fair of the students of Turgut Özal College that introduced the College’s students together with representatives from the business world.

Veneto Banka supported the students of the Culinary Institute of Tirana to open their own small businesses.

Junior Achievement is the largest organization in the world that educates and inspires young people to assess freedom of enterprise, business and economics. Societe Generale Albania supported “Tirana Startup Weekend”. The competition took place at the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth. More than 100 young entrepreneurs – mostly students from leading Albanian Universities – gathered, pitched their ideas and formed teams to compete. The objective: create a new business (start up) within the timeframe of a single weekend (54 hours), present the minimum viable product in front of a panel of judges, and win one of the top three places giving monetary prizes and ability to compete in the Global Start up Battle.



BKT sponsored the participation of three students in the International Math Olympiad, organized by the Regional Education Directorate in Durrës.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania, based on the agreement with the Labour Office - Regional Directory of Tirana, for collaboration in implementing the Professional Practice Project, as part of the stimulating employment program, trained 15 interns selected by the lists of the Labour Office and from the Job Fair. The graduates benefited financial support during the three months of the professional practice within the bank.

Credins Bank sponsored the event held on the occasion of the end of the academic year of high schools in Tirana. The event was organized by the Regional Education Directorate of Tirana, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Sports. In addition to the financial support for the organization of the event, Credins Bank awarded 150 excellent graduates with Prepaid Visa cards, each with a value of 2,000 ALL.


graduates of Tirana’s high schools participated at the event




BKT, in view of its mission to support education, contributed financially the reconstruction of the premises of Kamza Public Education Office – an important institution for the public schools coordination in Kamza. Korçë Regional Education Directorate: BKT paid for the transportation costs of a student who lives so far from the nearest school that it is impossible for him to attend.

Credit Agricole Albania and Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania made a donation to the “French School of Tirana” to help it in this time of crisis to buy equipment for its students, facilitating the learning process and making possible the cultural exchange between the two countries. Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania supported also the public elementary and secondary School “Jeronim De Rada” in Tirana to buy chairs and equipment for the school facilities and to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the important figure of Albanian literature (Jeronim De Rada) after whom the school is named.


Raiffeisen Bank donated 20 computers to “Zyber Hallulli” Children’s House, in Tirana, in the framework of Innovation Week, organised by Ministry of Public Administration and Innovation. Tirana Bank helped the Directorate of Education in Pogradec, in its new project: “The digitalization of teaching classes.” In this context, Tirana Bank sponsored the purchase of a digital interactive board (Smart Board), which will help in updating teaching methods.


Raiffeisen Bank provided on the occasion of the holiday season, a playground for children of “Luigj Gurakuqi” Special School in Tirana, which will entertain pupils of this special and unique institution in the country.


Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania supported the internationally wide-spread conferences of TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) talks with Albanian and foreign speakers - highly appreciated figures in the respective fields that have put extra efforts to obtain results and bring Innovation contributions to the society in different ways. The bank sponsored this activity to inspire the new generation and its professionals, to enhance their motivation and empathy toward society.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania participated in the Special Dinner organized by Vodafone Albania Foundation by donating for the cause of fundraising for the development of special software which will make possible the audio reading of all materials downloaded from PC. It will help all Albanian Blind people to integrate in the education system and working environment. The Dinner was organized at Rogner Hotel completely in the dark and blind persons accompanied the invitees to the tables.


Tirana Bank supported the production of a documentary for the oil discovery and development in Albania. This is the first documentary “Oil Drilling and Refinery in Albania: Documentary by Media Content” on this field and will be a cornerstone for its kind. The Albanian and foreign audience, will have a detailed historic on the development of this important industry.

Tirana Bank in cooperation with Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC in Albania made possible for its employees, mothers of children’s 0-6 years old, the training on “Good Parenting” by Professor Gëzim Tushi. He trained and discussed with the mothers of Tirana Bank on promoting and applying good and positive parenting principles and practices which in turn, help them become equilibrated and strong mothers who can raise happy children: the future generation of our society.

Tirana Bank supported a project for English language teaching to the SOS village children. This project aimed to teach, and in the same time entertain, two groups of children during the period of September – December 2014. The project will continue for the year 2015.



Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania contributed in these initiative by sponsoring in cash; supporting with volunteering employees of working time (120 working hours); and by giving in kind donations (plastic gloves and plastic trash bags).


Societe Generale Albania sponsored the Hudenisht Commune for its initiative to clean up the lake shore in Lin, on the occasion of the tourist season opening.

Raiffeisen Bank supported the Free Thought Forum in its initiatives for cleaning the Albanian sea shores, and bank’s employees joined forces with its members in spring to clean the beaches in Spille, Kavaja, Lalzi Bay, and Velipoja Bay.


BKT sponsored for the second year in a row this national campaign, which was very effective in cleaning up some of the most polluted areas of Albania’s seacoast and cities.

ProCredit Bank - More than 170 employees enthusiastically conducted a cleaning action in 5 touristic areas just before the opening of the tourism season: Adriatic Sea (Velipoje, Durres), Ionian sea (Vlora), Dajti mountain (Tirana), Ohrid Lake (Pogradec).

NBG Bank Albania organized an action in collaboration with the Municipality of Divjaka, where the volunteering bank’s employees cleaned up around 2 kilometers of the sandy beach of Divjaka, and were followed further by inhabitants of the area, that joined forces with the employees.


International Commercial Bank collaborated during the year with the recycling company ‘Green Recycling’ for recycling and handling wastes at its branches and premises, and by the end of the year it had contributed with the recycling of a total of 1,026 kg papers and 8 printing toners, with significant impact to the environment.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania joined the initiative “Albanian Cap Project”. It consists in collecting plastic caps, and the money earned from the recycling is used to buy wheel-chairs for the disabled people who cannot afford buying them, where 250kg of plastic caps = 1 wheelchair. During 2014 the bank collected approximately 1000 kg caps equal to buying 4 wheel chairs.


In 2014 GREEN RECYCLING has collected from ICB non-hazardous waste as indicated in Infographic below:

Paper &


Empty cartriges for printers and


copy machines

HQ - 652 kg Branches - 374 kg

HQ - 2 kg Branches - 3 kg

HQ - 0 Branches - 8




1026 kg

5 kg

8 units

Data refer to the period from 14/11/2013 until 31/12/2014


ENVOIRNMENTAL IMPACT Raiffeisen Bank supported the environmental initiative “ I Recycle” that aims to motivate the community for a clean environment. This project offers a genuine recycling program and ecological service for sharing the collection of waist in offices, businesses ,shopping centers and beyond. Throughout the successful collaboration with Raiffeisen Bank, is made possible the expansion of recycle bins in 32 places in Tirana.


Alpha Bank Albania’s employees, on the Volunteer Day added to more oxygen and colours in Albania by renewing the ‘’Selman Stermasi’’ park in Tirana, and a park in the city of Ballshi. The employees of the Bank with the assistance of the Municipalities of each city planted trees and flowers, placed benches and trash bins.

Raiffeisen Bank financed the plantation of 390 trees, in the area of the artificial lake in Tirana, in collaboration with the Municipality of Tirana.


BKT sponsored a municipal tree-planting project in Tirana in collaboration with other donors including members of the local business community and national and international organizations. The goal of this project is both to expand the city’s green areas and to improve its communal health.


Eco Volis ProCredit Bank supported the initiative called Ecovolis, a programme that promotes ecologically-friendly alternative means of transportation such as cycling. In June, staff and managers of ProCredit Bank Albania, in co-operation with the EcoVolis initiative, cycled to increase public awareness regarding the possibility of getting around without cars.

Raiffeisen Bank supported for the fourth consecutive year the Ecovolis project, by establishing bicycle stations in Tirana with the aim of promoting cycling. With the support of Raiffeisen Bank during 2014, the number of Ecovolis stations amounted from 7 to 10 with a total of 200 bicycles. Meanwhile, 2 kindergartens were equipped with small stations and 10 children's bicycles.

Veneto Banka also supported the initiative EcoVolis, especially on the campaign to Free Bike Lanes, as well as on raising awareness and inviting youngsters to use bikes.

Crédit Agricole Albania and Ecovolis continued their collaboration to promote clean environment through raising citizens’ awareness to use a bicycle as a form of pollution-free and healthy movement. This cooperation is realized through shared bicycle station near the “Skanderbeg” Square and the motto “Burn calories, not fuel”.




During 2014, ProCredit Bank organized several open meetings with agribusiness in Korca, Durres, Shkoder, Fier regions, with dairies, farmers, suppliers of agricultural inputs, to emphasize the importance of energy efficiency measures in business and agribusiness sector in order to increase productivity, optimize processes, increase production quality, reducing costs and contribute to a positive impact on the environment.

The bank has supported different green initiatives. One of them is “Green Ideas Fair”, organized by Regional Environmental Centre (REC) and GIZ – EDEP program. The aim of this project was to promote different student initiatives and business ideas towards a green economy through the efficient use of energy and other natural resources. ProCredit Bank Albania offered a 4-week internship in the Environmental Unit for the students of the three best projects.


Also, the bank supported the program of SHUKALB (The Water Supply and Sewerage Association of Albania), named “Children Water Education”. The program aimed to increase the awareness amongst elementary school children regarding water issues, at an early age, first by providing them with basic concepts regarding water resources and then by encouraging them to express what they have learned through different drawings. The drawings were collected and a nice calendar was published containing the 12 best drawings for the year 2015.

ProCredit Bank started in 2014 an internal Eco campaign named “It starts from me”, aiming to increase internally awareness and knowledge on the environmental issues, motivate staff by direct involvement and also to reduce the internal usage of energy and other resources. As a result of these internal measures, during 2014, the bank decreased in absolute consumption terms the electricity consumption by 18%, paper consumption by 34%, water consumption by 46%, fuel consumption for transport by 18%, compared to the previous year.


Having in mind the importance of renewable energy resources, in 2014, the bank supported Tirana Municipality project to replace 12 oil boilers with pellets boilers in 12 targeted public schools/ kindergartens of Tirana. Switching to biomass burners will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere improving the living conditions of the children in public schools and kindergartens by providing efficient heating. The bank supported also the initiative of the Environmental Education Centre (EDEN) to reconstruct the “Eco wood house”, placed in the Tirana Zoo. This house will serve as an environmental education centre to provide environmental education information for its visitors and also show a concrete example of renewable energy practices and possible ecological solutions in Tirana such as solar panels, LED bulbs, etc.


Union Bank supported the activities organized in Elbasan city on 14th march in the occasion of the “Summer Day” fest.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania sponsored financially and in kind (T-Shirts & Gadgets) the “Beer Fest in Korca”, a tradition of the Municipality of Korça organized for the 8th year in a row. Korça city is known for the first production of beer in Albania and for the factory of one of the most known Albanian beers in the market “Birra Korça”, both by local by and international tourists.


Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania supported financially the organization of “BunkArt Muze Expo”, which opened doors on November 2014 in memoriam of 70th anniversary of Liberation. BunkArt transformed the secret communist era anti-nuclear bunker into an open gallery for the public to be introduced to the true history of its past.

Alpha Bank Albania organized festive events in the city of Pogradec on Albania’s Independence and Liberation Days on 28th and 29th of November.

BKT sponsored the organization of the activities of SKAMPA Cultural Foundation on the occasion of “Summer Day” fest in Elbasan, which is a local celebration of summer that attracts thousands of people from all over Albania.

Tirana Bank supported the “Wines Party” - the most important event for the city of Pogradec. For 2 days in December the local wine manufacturers presented their products in front of a wide audience in an event combined with artistic performances.



BKT contributed to the festivities celebrating the Turkish national Children’s Day holiday at the Turkish embassy in Tirana.

Crédit Agricole Albania continued for the second consecutive year the successful cooperation with the French Alliance in Tirana concerning French Cine-Club. The activity aims to bring the Albanian public closer to the French art. Every week, the interested public had the opportunity to attend free movies selected from the rich French cinematic fund, showed on cinema Agimi screen.

30 In frame of the Francophone Spring, Crédit Agricole Albania and secondary school “Urani Rumbo” organized a “French Feast” in Gjirokastra, an activity open to francophone culture admirers. In the form of a variety show, students performed recitations and songs; the whole show conducted in French. The show was attended by a wide public and ended with the distribution of symbolic gifts.

Crédit Agricole Albania supported the printing of the photo album “Albania in the wars trench” that was promoted at the UNESCO Hall near the National Museum. The album is a collection of photos realized by author Valter Gjoni, as a chronologic presentation of a decade (19121922) in the history of Albania, seen through the eyes of French press correspondents who were present in Albanian territory during those years.


Societe Generale Albania supported the Francophone Spring in Tirana, sponsoring an art gallery exhibition at the Arts Gallery in Tirana, opened to the public from 26 March - 19 April 2014. The exhibition presented about 60 publicity materials (placards, ads published at French print media, labels of drinks and French cheese, etc.) which presented the history of France through a humoristic gallery of French heroes.

ARTS, CULTURE AND SPORT Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania sponsored the second edition of the gala Event “Gala Italia 2014, Sfilata di Moda&Musica” organized in Vlora by the Italian Consulate Valona, in July, to promote Italian culture through fashion and music.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania supported the Italian Embassy Event on the occasion of the Italian Republic Day held in the residence of the Italian Ambassador in Tirana, thus celebrating its own origins of culture and history, Italy. Like a bridge, the bank aims to tighten connections and contribute not only in the economic field but as well in the mutual cultural values exchange between our countries.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania supported the American Chamber of Commerce in their yearly picnic celebrating the American Independence Day (4th of July) in cooperation with the US Embassy and the American community working and living in Albania. Over 800 guests participated at this traditional American picnic, a family event with music, games, food, drinks and fire-works, bringing the American atmosphere in Tirana.


Veneto Banka sponsored the theatrical show “Promessi Sposi”, put on scene by the children of Shkodra, organized by the Italian Embassy in Albania, in the framework of the celebrations of the National Day of the Italian Republic, in 2 June.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania supported various Chambers of Commerce (Italian, French, and American) in their initiatives to organize events of common interest for the agriculture and other topics.



Credit Agricole Albania supported the first introduction in our country of “Music Festival”. Under the slogan “Make music!” it aimed to encourage amateur musicians to perform willingly in the streets and public areas. In was realised as a cooperation between the French Alliances in Albania, French Embassy and Municipality of Tirana, Korca and Elbasan. Musical parades were organized along the streets of Tirana with the arrival of a French company which presented a spectacle of music and circus that concluded with a concert in the Skanderbeg square.


Crédit Agricole Albania collaborated with the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet (TKOB) to support some of its projects; the two ballet shows of the well-known French choreographer with Albanian origins, Angelin Preljocaj, entitled “Le Royaume Uni” and “La Stravaganza”. The Bank supported also the premier of the opera “La Bohème”. This wonderful piece, composed by Giacomo Puccini, came at the TKOB stage under the direction of Andrea Demanincor and Daniela Candiotto, a Puccini expert, as an orchestra conductor.

Crédit Agricole Albania, in close collaboration with the National Theatre brought on stage the play of the brilliant and emblematic Rainer Werner Fassbinder, “Bremen Freedom”, played for the first time on the Albanian Theatre stage. The drama was one of the most important plays of the years Calendar and was largely applauded from the public. Veneto Banka sponsored an exposition project, entitled “Transformers”, of the well-known Albanian painter Gjergji Meta, in the National Historical Museum.


ARTS, CULTURE AND SPORT Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania sponsored the presentation of the Album of the classical children movie “Tomka & his Friends”, in various International Film Festivals, supporting the preservation of the Albanian heritage of filmography with International prestige.

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania supported the National Festival of Comedy &Theatre in Korça, organized for the first time in a National Level, sponsoring one of the Prizes. 12 national Theater groups with 15 actors participated in this Festival.

BKT and Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania sponsored “Presidential YearEnd Ball” hosted by the President of the Republic of Albania’s, and whose proceeds were donated to the Paediatric Hospital. The Ball gathered prominent community members, business representatives, opinion leaders, civil society, etc., and had a great concert of chorus and live orchestra, accompanied with Ballet, promoting Art and Culture of the Albanian artists.

Alpha Bank Albania sponsored a Piano Concert brought on stage by the Symphonic Orchestra of the Albanian Radio Television and the soloist pianist Silvana Skënderi under the direction of the Greek conductor Giorgos Chlitsios. Credins Bank sponsored the putting on scene of the theatrical show “The Graduation Ball” at the National Theatre of Opera and Ballet” . Credins Bank sponsored TRA.KU fest, a gathering of various activities, such as academic conferences, traditional festivities, organized visits, and concerts of the most popular bands in the region, extended during 3 days between 31 July and 2 August, in Gjirokastra.



ARTS, CULTURE AND SPORT Union Bank supported for the third consecutive year the organization of Children festival “Fest 2014” organized in Kukës on May 29, 2014.

34 BKT sponsored the Children’s Cultural Center in Fushë Krujë which organized the Children’s Folk Music Festival.

BKT also provided funding to the Albanian National Circus for a better and standardized performance of their shows, also supported the multicultural festival held in Berat that included 12 artistic activities aiming at promoting cultural legacy and values of the city


Raiffeisen Bank supported for the second consecutive year the initiative of a group of volunteers (women, girls, children and designers) who have organized a fashion "ecological" show entitled Eco-Fashion Show as part of the Environmental Film Festival supported also from the European Union Delegation in Albania. The message that transmits this show is: Reduce recycle - reuse – recreates.

ARTS, CULTURE AND SPORT Tirana Bank sponsored the Classical Concert “Ndërmendje” organized in the city of Shkodra, in December; it brings wonderful musical plays of classical foreign and local composers.

Societe Generale Albania supported the 14th edition of Operatic Festival “Marie Kraja” organized from October 31st - 1st of November, an annual occurrence that brings together international lyric opera singers, that bring in Albania various schools and professional experiences.

Societe Generale Albania sponsored the 10th edition of the “Kult Awards”, an event of large resonance with the public as well as all “stakeholders” of the areas of arts and culture that creates a dense artistic atmosphere. The “Kult” Academy organized the ceremony of annual cultural awards in at least 12 arts and culture areas. Tirana Bank sponsored the putting on stage of the masterpiece opera “Orpheus and Eurydice” for the Albanian audience.

Societe Generale Albania supported the 3rd edition of “Different Trains” Festival that was held from September 24th - 1st of October in Tirana. This festival gathers brilliant Albanian artists, famous worldwide and foreign artists and musicians that interpret in scenes all over the world, in a special musical event.




Raiffeisen Bank sponsored a new challenge of the Albanian Alpinists members of the Association of Mountainists and Alpinists of Tirana that climbed the highest mountain in the South America, Aconcagua 6962 m. The team of 5 alpinists coped to reach the top of this new spike, and planted the Albanian flag, adding it to their achievement on the 7 highest spikes in the world, such as Everest and Denali.

Credins Bank sponsored the National Weightlifting Team in its participation in the World Championship of Weightlifting in Kazakhstan for year 2014.

36 Veneto Banka was for the second year in a row the sponsor of the Vlora Team Flamurtari in Mini-Football, while it has continuously supported other teams such as “Himara” Teams of Volleyball and Football, Kavaja’s Besa Team of Football, etc. Veneto Banka sponsored the National Championship of Beach Volley, organized in 2014 by the National Federation of Volleyball in collaboration with the Municipalities of Himara and Saranda. Veneto Banka also sponsored the final match of the Albanian Super League in Football.


BKT sponsored the outdoor sports equipments that were installed in the commune’s public park at Kashar Commune. This was the first sports area freely accessible to the commune’s inhabitants. BKT sponsored the activities of Tirana Regional Education Directorate, in organizing sports matches between athletes and teams from different schools in Tirana.

Raiffeisen Bank was honored with the “Gold Bee” prize. The Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Entrepreneurship, under the patronage of the Prime Minister Edi Rama, organized at the Theatre of Opera and Ballet, the Gala event “Golden Bee 2014”, where were awarded the best 15 businesses of the year. The main scope of the activity was to promote the Albanian entrepreneurship activity and its work and contribution to the country economic development and employment.

Credins Bank was awarded with the price “Businesses with contribution at National Level” given from the Partners Albania Association, in the Gala ceremony organized by the Association on December 5, 2014 to award the winners of the yearly competition “Philanthropic Prize”. This nationwide event is organized to evaluate and express gratitude and thanks to individuals and businesses that contribute to the improvement of the life quality of our society. Credins Bank was evaluated as the best company for continuous support in the field of health, education, arts and culture, and in particular the considerable assistance given for the reconstruction of hospitals, construction of chemical laboratories and equipment with laboratory medical equipment in regional hospitals of Durrës, Shkodra, Vlora and the Central Military University Hospital.


ProCredit Bank won the Corporate Social Responsibility Award “Practices for Large Companies”. Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Entrepreneurship in collaboration with UNDP and the Albanian Network for Corporate Social Responsibility held the Multilateral Forum for Corporate Social Responsibility. Comprised of stakeholders, the Forum serves as a consultative platform for promoting CSR in Albania. During this forum the ambassador of Germany in Albania Mr Hellmut Hoffmann, announced for ProCredit Bank: the Corporate Social Responsibility Award.


This first CSR Report was conceived and developed by the AAB Secretariat, and was prepared by Mrs Junida Tafaj, AAB Operations Officer. It presents the material gathered from AAB member banks on their main initiatives and activities in CSR during 2014.

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“Ibrahim Rugova” Str. SKY TOWER, 9th Floor, AP. 3, Tirana Phone: +355 4 2280 371; Fax: +355 4 2280 359 E-mail: secretariat@aab-al.org; www.aab.al

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