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Executive Director’s Message
The Allied Arts Council celebrated two significant anniversaries in 2018; the 60 th anniversary of our organization and the 5 th anniversary of the opening of Lethbridge’s remarkable art centre, Casa. Even as we celebrated our past we looked to our future. Early in 2018 the AAC Board of Directors contemplated and developed their 2019- 2022 Strategic Plan and began the process of building a new four year budget that supported their new strategic direction. They also made a number of significant future focused decisions to safeguard our sustainability and support organizational growth.


The AAC has endured for 60 years because it is an organization that embraces change and responds to opportunities. The AAC Board demonstrated this responsiveness when they took the measured risk to add additional space to the 7 Street office when space immediately above our current location became available. The new space was renovated by an exceptional group of sixteen volunteers who contributed over 300 hours to the project. Additional assistance was provided by members of the Downtown Clean Sweep program who were hired to assist with a variety of tasks. Renovation materials as well as additional furniture and equipment were purchased in part with matching funds from a City of Lethbridge Community Capital Improvement Grant. The expansion not only provides much needed office space for AAC staff but also includes a board meeting room and a small office which will be made available to the community. An additional positive result of the expansion is the freeing up of main floor space which will converted to a small retail space for handmade artworks by Lethbridge and area artists.
The AAC renovation before and after.

The Allied Arts Council employees a skilled team of arts administrators, support staff and instructors who are responsible for developing and delivering programs and initiatives that support the Board’s strategic direction and vision. The team experienced some change in 2018 with the addition of Kelly Reay as Education Manager in June who came to us from Calgary with an extensive background in theatre supported with experience in educational programming. We were saddened but not surprised when Kelly left the AAC to take the position of General Manager of New West Theatre at the end of 2018. Long time Projects Manager, Muffy McKay, took an extended leave during the summer of 2018 and we were happy to have former Communications Coordinator, Ashley Markus, assist the 7 Street staff with Arts Days as well as helping to complete a successful grant application for a 60 th anniversary book project to update the AAC history.
Members of the staff promoted the arts through their management of events such as Arts Days, Christmas at Casa and Soar Emerging Artist Festival. We also provided comprehensive information about the arts and arts activities through a communication plan that encompasses print and social media strategies and builds strategic relationships with our local media. AAC members acted as active partners in sharing the arts story through their involvement with a number of member opportunities such as the Farmers' Market information table and the Downtown Public Library display case program.
Staff members participated in a number of advocacy initiatives and community outreach opportunities in 2018 including presenting the annual Mayor’s Luncheon for Business and the Arts, providing an arts perspective by serving on diverse community boards and committees and by ensuring an arts presence by attending numerous community events and information fairs.
We continued to effectively manage Casa, a facility that has had an enormous positive impact on the community during its five year existence. In addition to being a gathering spot for the community, Casa provides space for individuals to engage in creative pursuits and expression. A strong Education program provides learning opportunities for numerous individuals of all ages and abilities in 2018. Local and regional artists or artists with a tie to our community, working at all levels, enjoyed exhibition opportunities delivered by an equally robust Gallery program.

The citizens of Lethbridge are also the beneficiaries of a dynamic City of Lethbridge Public Art Program. The AAC Executive Director continued to serve as a member of the City of Lethbridge Art Committee and a number of AAC staff provide administrative and communications support for the program.

As we conclude our 60 th year I must acknowledge my admiration and appreciation for the AAC Board of Directors, the AAC staff, our volunteers, our members who continue to deliver extraordinary arts programs and support a vision of arts centered community. Lethbridge is a better place because of the combined efforts of these remarkable individuals.
Suzanne Lint Executive Director 2018 ALLIED ARTS COUNCIL STAFF 7 STREET
Executive Director Suzanne Lint
Assistant to the Executive Director Dawn Leite
Finance Pamela Vera
Communications Kelaine Devine
Projects | Membership Muffy McKay
Summer Admin Support Student Kirana Stocker
Additional Support Ashley Markus